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"LAST KING OF ATLANTIS" War rages beneath the waves, from the lost cities of the Secret Seas to the fathomless depths where the Elder Whales reign. Seven kings, old and new, fight to rule the watery realm. But where is Namor, the once mighty Sub-Mariner? He's sitting behind bars on the surface, with no intention of ever setting foot in the seas again. So begins an oversized Atlantean event that will forever reshape the landscape of the undersea world while at last laying bare the dark history of Atlantis and its fiercest, most infamous defender.
bump if you're reading
bump lets see how this ship wreck goes
nobody likes namor
buy it at your lcs or sum if you liked it
This is extremely boring
I almost forgot Namor was previously being written by Jason Aaron. This is just a continuation of his Avengers plot for El Nino Sin Amor.
surprised Stingray even showed up considering Aaron had Namor try to kill him for no good reason beyond "Edgy" and Aaron mostly just ignores what other writers do
And here I thought DC hated Aquaman. Jesus.
did you not read Aaron's recent punisher run?
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variant covers
Namor #1 Alex Maleev Variant
Namor #1 Joshua Cassara Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Variant
Namor #1 Joshua Cassara Variant
Namor #1 1:25 Elizabeth Torque Variant
Namor #1 1:100 Alex Maleev Virgin Variant
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Namor #2
Main Cover
Namor #2 Lucas Werneck Stormbreakers Variant
Namor #2 P. Craig Russell Variant
THE WAR OF THE SEVEN KINGS RAGES! Barbarian hordes have gathered on the sunless plains of Attumacht Deep, 28,000 feet below the waves. They howl with bloodlust, ready to scour every inch of ocean to find the most hated traitor in all the seas. But that won’t be necessary now. Here comes Namor, the Sub-Mariner, fallen king of Atlantis… to swim the Crimson Swim.
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Namor #3
Namor #3 Fabrizio De Tommaso Variant
Seven Kings Battle to Rule the Seas! War has engulfed the undersea realms, from the ruins of Old Atlantis to the sunken forests of the Seaweed Men. While in the mysterious depths of the Secret Seas, Namor's vicious past comes back to haunt him.
that was better than I expected but still kind of weak Kurt Busiak did a better Namor mini a couple of years ago and that was an event tie-in to explain some random characters that have never appeared since and I somewhat doubt Aaron is going to use them
better than I expected, this is still just a continuation of Aaron's worst version of the arc jm dematteis did for Namor in the 80's
it's a bit weird that apparently a large point of this run is going to World Build for Namor but hasn't had a ton of series over the years just none recently.
>I am Namor the Submariner! King of the-ACK! Oh no a small child! Help Me Mr.Fantastic!
>They hate me because I am different
No Namor, people hate you because you are an asshole
He's an asshole because he's different, it was etablished in the 90's that his mood swings are partly the result of his hybrid biology, breathing air and water bringing varying level of oxygen in his brain.
who drew the art for the cover?
Nah I like namor I just vehemently hate jason Aaron. It’s nice they didn’t make him latinx to go with the movie.
>Seven Kings of the Sea

I wonder who it is other than Attuma
>World War Sea
The level to which Aaron can make me despair truly never disappoints.
How long until they replace him with a Latino?
That actor is canceled, I believe. We won't be seeing Namor outside of comics and video games from east Asia.
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>new loli
A new character for the baraag community!
Huh, didn't know that, thanks for the Namor lore anon. But the point still stands, but that is one of the things that makes him a fun character.
Probably a few OCs along with some other existing Namor characters and villains like Namora, Andromeda, Tiger Shark, or Krang. Maybe that Natlus guy from the recent Giant-Sized Fantastic Four.
what happened?
NTA, but he was accused of rape, and since he’s an ugly manlet nobody cared so “El Nino Sin Amor” didn’t become a hit, and he got shelved. At this point I think it’s more likely for them to wait a few years and do a PostSW proper Atlantean Namor who might be a Hapa for diversity points instead of breaking back the WetBack.
ok I'm not even sure why they wen t that way with Anmor in the MCU in the first place
This page encapsulates how modern comics make me feel in a nutshell and why I don't actually buy them anymore.
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>people hate you because you are an asshole
So you were fine with the piss bucket scene?
Gonna level with you - I totally didn't read this comic and just skimmed to the end. Splash page just happened to catch my attention. From what you're saying, I missed nothing.
So what is this a continuation of? Why is Namor in prison now?
>DC hated Aquaman
Not after Aquaman movie
Did anything ever come of the Defender of the Deep thing? I only remember Namor forming them and they had a little standoff in Avengers one time...and no one ever did anything. Avengers just sort of went home.

Only Namor ongoing I ever liked was that early 90s series. That one was okay and did not have too much Namor sperging out and going evil for a few issues like everything afterward had.
I'm guessing they already forgot about Namor stealing Hydro Man's powers by now huh?
Didn't Carnage steal Hydro-Man's powers too?

Poor guy
Someone needs to kill Jason Aaron. Zdarsky had fully fixed Namor before in his Invaders run, but this faggot turned him into full villain again for his shitty avengers run, then continued on to disregard continuity to continue from there on this run. How the fuck does this hack even keep getting these gigs, I'd have fired him ages ago. He'll probably turn him even worse this run. Jason Aaron is probably the worst writer in the past couple decades of marvel
Anon he said characters and villains
Because morons keep buying the trash he pumps out, it's fucking awful.
Honestly, that was pretty decent. I didn't even realize this was Aaron when I first read it. That said, I do agree with >>144552536, Aaron should have let go of Namor after the Invaders book straightened him out again. Instead he ignored the book and anything it established and went on with the retarded Phoenix plot.

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