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what an absolute SLUT woman
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no shit
In this board, we love Emma Sluts
How many abortions has Emm Frost had from instant-loss rapes
none, because she's never had an instant-loss rape
SlutWoman is a registered trademark of honestly I forget who, he lives in a duplex in studio city
What is that line going down her chest?
Warwolf suit line.
I doubt it. Look at her.
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you know you're doing something wrong when Jessica Jones thinks you're too slutty
None because she knows abortion is murder.
She knows the responsibilities of femininity.
>Had surgeries
>not actually British
>telepathically uses her powers to make herself appear more beautiful
>Used to be average looking

She's got it all.
And then Krakoa happened and she ressurected herself permanently as the Blonde Gigastacy bombshell we see in all natural state.
She and Stark deserves each other.
Really shit was sad, and well written for once seeing that the apocalypse comic has her revealing that she wanted her happy life with tony, until Editorial shitshow brought her back to mutant shitshow.
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does her getting mind-controlled into fucking Namor in public count?
Two things I want to say introducing Inhuman hunting Sentinels after the main conflict and source of fighting was over so there was nothing to be gained for mutants by murdering hundreds of Inhumans and second before that she was legally speaking of rapist. Because somehow she has a therapy license and see what's being Cyclops therapist and started sexual relations with him and any qualified therapist should know that they are not legally allowed to have a consensual sexual relationship with the with a client of theirs.Also is she still married to Tony Stark?
They really ripped off Beast Machines Megatron with this
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Alex Wesker?
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Is this actually real?
Has Marvel seriously put out a comic where Emma Frost quickly defeats a bunch of henchmen by instantly making them cum in their pants?
Holy shit what year was this comic
it's from Uncanny X-Men, back in 2012 I think
I know you're exaggerating for comedic effect, but she has literally done that, yes
Emma's eggs all got harvested to make the several however many thousand cuckoos that Marvel memoryholed so probably not many she doesn't have almost any eggs left, if she has any at all.
Post 2015 Marvel this would never be allowed
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emma has terrible hygiene
emma barely showers, never cleans her room. and just makes people believe she looks hot and wears the best clothes with her powers
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A beautiful plastic whore

A mythic bitch

Giga Hussy

Money well spent.
>she has a therapy license and see what's being Cyclops therapist and started sexual relations with him and any qualified therapist should know that they are not legally allowed to have a consensual sexual relationship with the with a client of theirs

this is a really good point

I assume she's not in fact a therapist despite her claims, just like the X-Men aren't really teachers just because they opened a "school"
>School shut over lack of actual teachers

I'd read that
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Emma being a slob is unironically one of the best things about her.
a jewel attached to her navel and neck
Who do you think they would actually use to try and enforce it hire a bunch of super villains and Mercenaries?
Who do you think they would actually use to try and enforce it hire a bunch of super villains and Mercenaries?
why didn't she just turn into diamond and beat them up
she paid good money for those tits, she may as well get use out of them
Alright rank them
>Any other X psychic girl
No no, it'd be a Damage Control-style book. One of those classic campy Marvel titles where some otherwise ordinary individual with no superpowers of any kind or gadgets simply does not take any shit from anybody.

The point of those stories is that they both show up the excesses and bad writing in a series by drawing attention to it - you've already imagined how the X-Men would respond to the state telling them that to operate a school they've got to be competent - and they also showcase the true character of the heroes, who would respond heroically but ultimately in a human way, by not simply branding the state comptroller or whoever a racist and sending their squad of trained underage killers to murder them.

The last time I recall it happening was the opening of... Wolverine and the X-Men? About a decade ago? Beast and Wolverine rebuilt the school again (with Krakoa in the lawn courtesy of their enemies) and when the state officials showed up, something something, mind control I think. At least initially.

If the book had been less dumb and all over the place it would have worked better.
Go on ?
She looks like she tears down forests to make wonderbread
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Telepaths are stupid, i wish they'd get rid of them.
Isn't that Emma's whole schtick? Acting all high and mighty while dressed like a literal hooker?
>slut shaming
Yeah, they should be ashamed, anyone indecently clothed as a matter of fact, especially men.
Also doesn't Emma work with teenagers?
I wish comics had actual progression, I liked when Emma went from femme fatale to tired professor, then again this page is essentially just Azumanga Daioh.
Based! That's pretty hot to turn the tables on a telepath and mind controlling her instead!. Definitely counts as an instant-loss moment and makes it even better how it didn't need that much effort too seeing she's that much of slut underneath anyway no matter how powerful.

Man, Scott can't catch a break though. Doomed to be a cuck no matter what lol
I mean that's it? Just some dude who has a job to do and is going to do it properly. You can't have the X-Men being their current villain selves if they want to be taken seriously, so you get this stand-in for the audience to say hey, did you know none of this is how any school ever actually worked? These kids aren't learning anything and "but they're hated and feared" isn't really a good enough reason for them not to be learning anything.

I just think that when you have that situation, where the school - which is a place for children to learn - is constantly attacked and blown up and moved and invaded for Important Story Beats to the point that it's come back from certain destruction more times than Jean Grey, it's pretty clear nobody's learning anything there. The teachers with the exception of Kitty Pryde who actually has quite a lot of qualifications and maybe Hank McCoy although he's an asshole now apparently, they don't have any training as teachers. It's all written off as "well who else is gonna do it" but there are no mutant teachers for real, just people who are barely older than these kids themselves. It's ridiculous to even call it a school but then it's ridiculous to have Orgy Island be like 70% underage teens and and 15% actual criminal supervillains and nobody commenting on what the fuck is going on in Hickman's head to just gloss over that. It's like if somebody wrote a Daredevil book where the Owl opened a school and nobody said hey, didn't the Owl groom and exploit minors sexually? Shit it's like if somebody wrote a Spidey book with the express aim of saying with great power comes no responsibility. The X-kids have these incredible powers and they're being taught to use them and nothing else, ever. I'm sure it's very important to the X-Men that kids learn Shi'Ar history so they know which birds are likely to kill them but it's not a skill that helps you find work, or further education after school. A philosophy degree is more useful.
Because the writer wanted to see some tits
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Had to check and read the comic to make sure. Yep, to those anyone doubting she did cuck Cyclops hard as the sex was happening through out offscreen during the fight. Funny he made him close his eyes coincidentally and I can just imagine hearing Emma and Namor go at it in the background moaning passionately like horny animals with their inhibitions and self constraints gone as Scott's disabled.

Also amusing is that Magneto and the others probably saw it as well and It's weird no one brought it up. Then again weirder shit has happened in their experiences and notably this scene would never be possible now let alone made nowadays.

>Note Emma putting her clothes back on after riding that frozen fish stick

Making Cyclops the cuck has to be tradition at this point Poor guy.
Emma doesn't get instant loss raped. Emma instant loss rapes you.

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