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>Usagi, Gen, and Stray Dog have discovered where the rival bounty hunter group — led by the ruthless Inuyoshi — is holding Yukichi hostage. The rescue attempt leads to a huge confrontation, but they receive news that may force the vicious enemies to form an uneasy alliance.
>bottom left panel
this kid got that ronin stare figured out
Pineapple spotted. Sort of.
oriber is taking this very well, for someone who just had his soul broken.
very cute Chizu.
and that's it. Jimmu's about to be history. I'm not sure if the next issue will be delayed because of the Power Rangers crossover especial.
also, did you read the 40th anniversary especial? pretty underwhelming I'd say.
was it storytimed?
I don't think so. it is only a collection of fan favorite stories with color, so I'm not sure it would be interesting.

I maintain that he isn't a kid but a midget people think is a kid.
Aww yeah
>Pages you can smell

Mothertrucka saw him coming with his blind eye!
>look up cost of a chizu cover issue
>$100 unsigned
>That hand in the third panel

That does not look good at all. Did Stan suddenly forget what pointing looks like?

You know, that is a massive pillar for such a small house.
wow. is that the work of speculation or by design?
"Smells like Starscream"
Check under Arita variant
Honestly it looks fine to me. Plus there`s been more egregious mistakes like mixing up Usagi and Yukichi`s face shapes.
I wonder if Stray Dog is gonna take him under his wing or have him live with the other orphans that he helps take care of.
>The conclusion of “The Crow” story arc features an all-out battle between the bounty hunters and the bandits! Though greatly outnumbered, Usagi and the bounty hunters are confident they can even the odds by taking the criminals by surprise. Their plans go awry, however, and the bandit chief, Jimmu, abandons his men to make his escape. One goes after him, but they’re surprised by an unexpected attack! Return of longtime Usagi fan-favorites Gen and Stray Dog! Series finale!

No surprise that there`s gonna be a big battle for the last part. Nothing too crazy happened here which probably won`t be an issue once all parts are together but right now I feel sort of meh about it. I do like that Inuyoshi still has some honor left in him, thought he was just turn into a generic antagonist.
Forgot to add that the last part is gonna to be on August 21.
>an unexpected attack
Bet it's the kid who wants to make it up to usagi for kidnapping oliver
I figure this is the best opportunity to ask anyone in this thread if they want to add any facts to a Usagi iceberg that some guy is trying make on reddit. It`s mostly just characters that are listed so if anyone`s got someone good suggestions feel free to comment.

Oh. You beat me to it, OP. I was gonna Story Time it when I got out of work. Thanks for sharing it!
Ah feudal Japan.... please change.
I feel like the switch to self contained minis rather than a numbered ongoing might be the culprit here.
I wasn't planning to do it, but I saw a thread that reminded me of usagi and just quickly went to check if there was something out. this has happened so many times it's somewhat scary.
Nah it's cool and appreciated. When I do it's it's often much because of the same reason. I'm very content to let someone beat me to it.
Stray Dog is the best

It's okay. I'm sure everything will be fixed when the Sengoku Jidai is over...

Oh wait...
Appreciate the story time!
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>check 'em
>and we're all on the same side now
This whole arc has been weird
>Series Finale

Wow I can't believe Usagi Yojimbo ends like this.
MINI series finale.
>pineapple spotted
Where the fu...
>hidden as a jizo statue
Clever girl
Reminds me of a quote about the modern adaptation of Shogun.
Everyone is breaking the rules and expecting other people not to.

There are 3 samurai (and Gen) there who probably share most of the same code of conduct about settling issues later.
And Gen, Stray Dog and the gang all share a code about getting paid first.
Everyone vibes.
Thanks for the storytime, I was just starting to worry I'd missed one
it's very weird, I thought usagi would confront the former samurai and both have a heated discussion about honor and bushido and all that good stuff. only then jimmy the bandit attacks or whatever
Yeah, a very sudden deescalation of events.
I don't see the mayumi alternate ending
>When someone asks if Feudal Japan ever gets any better
There are two alternate endings, well one's more of a branching ending
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There were 2 alternative endings for Mayumi. Pic related and then one where she's revealed to be an assassin working with Terminator-san after he gets killed by Usagi
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Found ending 3
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it's likely he can still see changes of light and shadow in his eye but any actual image is gone.

Maybe Yukichi will feel he can't let it go by the the end and demands a duel. That is if the old guy survives,
Ever since the 'pineapple' was hidden in one of the signs, I feel like they've gotten a bit cleverer at hiding them. Truth be told, this is the first pineapple I've been able to find unassisted this whole arc.

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