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Why doesn't Batman just cut off all of Jokers limbs?
if you cut off all of The Joker’s limbs then you are just as bad as he is
Why doesn't Batman just rape Joker?
That’s the most autistic, point-missing loophole ever. Batman doesn’t kill people because he believes life is precious, and so stealing one is unjustifiable. Permanently disabling someone to that extent is the same thing as stealing a life.
Joker would consent to it thus no longer making it rape
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If you cut off someone's limbs the number of limbs in the world stays the same.
Why Batman doesn't make a call to Oa ask for some GL to dump Joker into some life sustaning inhabited planet? Give him a shack, a small farm with a generator and leave him stranded there. Problem solved.
Justice Lord superman had the right idea, just make all the villains retarded with brain surgery
Because then Lex Luthor just gives him cybernetic limbs to test out some derivitive Metallo tech AND fuck around at the same time because Lex thinks that would be fuckin' hilarious.
That's ableist.
Joker not being dead isn't on Batman, but on the justice system. Granted, Batman is a vigilate, but no sane government would allow that guy to live. Batman is trying to remain lawful and killing people would break the fragile peace he has with the law.
ok but what about those many many many many many times other heroes or criminals or catholic holy demons/angels or dimension hopping aliens completely unrelated with Batman or this planet have tried to kill Joker and Batman defeated them and saved him
If you retard The Joker then the number of retards in the world stays the same.
>Batman doesn’t kill people because he believes life is precious
Batman is a satanic piece of shit pedo who believes in the elites status quo that's destroying humanity.
No he’s an atheist moralistic celibate who believes in a new status quo of ninja policemen
No, Batman is a satanic piece of shit pedo who believes in the elites status quo that's destroying humanity.
That literally makes more sense than the original holy shit
I disagree.
watch them pull some "limbs of Joker" shit where three of the limbs get grafted onto criminals who become Jokers and then the last just moves around killing people on its own
I thought Batman didn't kill people because he knows he'll enjoy it too much and get addicted
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Why doesn't a cop just dome him?
but he already does that when he makes goons eat through a straw for the rest of their lives
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>Batman cuts off all of Joker's limbs.
>"What do you call a clown with no arms or legs thrown into the ocean?"
>hurls him off the wharf
>yells "Bob!" as he's pulled away by the tides

joker will return with a suntan and arms and legs made out of coconuts and bamboo in a few months, but the joke would have been good enough that he gives batman a grace period of no shenanigans.
Because it's fucking gay and Batman isn't a faggot.
If he were determined do something like this, he would just kill him.
Just recently Batman built an AI program slash induced coma VR machine to keep Joker in a permanent dream wherein they fight eachother forever back and forth so Joker never wakes up and does it again irl and also took the trouble to design it like a crucifix
Before this he spent billions building a new prison in Gotham specifically for like 3 arkham inmates including Joker
Before this he built a hard-light and iron bar cell inside a dungeon deep in the batcave specifically to imprison Joker in
In an offshoot timeline of the Perpetua doorknob story from Tynion’s JL run he invented an immortality serum specifically so he could keep Joker alive forever as a disembodied head, then he built a new robot body for Joker so Joker could follow him around afterwards as his immortal sidekick
The Bluey thing had me laughing like an idiot for a full minute.
>Just recently Batman built an AI program slash induced coma VR machine to keep Joker in a permanent dream wherein they fight eachother forever back and forth so Joker never wakes up and does it again irl
Holy shit that's actually clever, just trap him in the matrix. Black mercy shit.
not really sure what Genesis has to do with this.
Would you rather he be cainist?
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>Batman isn't a faggot.
he's 100% a faggot.
Joker then creates his own homunculus like creatures to populate the planet, takes over the planet and names it Joker Planet then creates a S.O.S. signal so an alien with a spaceship shows up for him to kill and steal his ship to drag Joker Planet to the Solar System to invade it
Shove him in the phantom zone.
>Just recently
Modern Batman?
No thanks.
He’s been risking his life doing things like princess-carrying Joker across the antarctic tundra to save him since almost 50 years ago
Batman has been saving Joker since Joker first appeared.
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DC should do a big crossover event like that Dr Doom mini where every hero and every country in the world is trying to assassinate him at once, but it’s the entire world trying to assassinate Joker and only Batman is left to save him.
Call it DC: Kill The Joker!
Nigga, even the JDF or the Mossad wouldn't stoop this low.
DC Joker logic that would only make him more dangerous
The whole Why Doesn't Batman kill the Joker argument reminds of this one issue of Fantastic Four where Reed rescues Dr Doom from literal Hell because he knew he'd be running the joint inside of a week. So I want to see Batman, who has likewise seen enough of this shit just be all, "I won't kill Joker because I don't want him going to hell and getting recruited by Satan and then later have to deal with that. Is that what you want? Mega Satan Joker? Huh!? Is it?"
Batman always assaults criminals but why does he never apepper them?
Batman should troll the joker.
He should do the prank where you superglue a coin onto the cement. No wait, that's two-face.
This is how Batman wins, by pranking and trolling his arch enemies so much they kill themselves.
that's a comic called salvation's run
No he’s an catholic humanitarian vertebrate who believes in a new quo of furry crime fighters
Batman don't kill because he know if he kills his villains, he'd be out of the job. Can't be crime fighter if there no crime so just put bad guys in revolving door arkham to secure Batman's relevance.
Yeah my understanding is just that Batman realizing he is also massively mentally ill and crossing that line will be bad for him in the long term. Batman writers just handle it really poorly
why doesn't batman just weaponize sissy hypno agaisnt the joker? is he stupid?
Because then he wouldn't get to have fun playing cops and robbers with his clown boyfriend.
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Arkham tried that once before Bats could, ended in Joker going crazy and escaping and sprinting straight to the tv station to kill the tv hosts who were in the hypno
Cyber Joker
Ok but how would the JLA and the rest of the bat family react if he did just that.
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Batman commits suicide to upload a copy of his brain to the internet and stop him nonlethally again, just like the last time Joker did that
Why doesn't Batman just give Joker testicular torsion?
After a couple years the connection fizzles out and the TV is stuck playing static.
Why don’t you stand in the middle of the road?
He doesn't wanna stop the chicken from getting to the other side.

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