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>bruce dressing up as nightwing
That's actually a pretty interesting reversal. Also Barbara just watched him strip naked.
>jeezus bruce do you ever shave your ass?
Dick was the best Batman but Bruce was the best Nightwing
I hate Taylor's Nightwing but I don't see an issue with this. It's a tribute to how Dick has regularly had to take up the Batman mantle when shit goes down. Taylor has pushed the father and son dynamic between the two hard this run so it makes sense.
noone in bludhaven “needs” nightwing for shit. It’s just a pretend playground so dick can pretend like he’s relevant.
Heck if anything their hero is Superman for singlehandedly cleaning up the Chemo nuke, nightwing is just a fag who calls himself ‘the acrobat’
Bruce looks like a closeted gay dad trying on his daughter's clothes
>there isn't enough batman in this nightwing book, we need to make bruce nightwing right now!
soon bruce wayne is going to be every dc superhero.
You are kidding, right? It just look cringe and let's not pretend that nightwing is as important as batman. Dick needs to deal with his own mistakes and incompetentcy instead of having others help all the time.
Wouldn't make more sense for Jason to do this instead of Bruce? Not that I want him in this faggy costume.
So is Batman gonna plap Dicks girls too?
No he's gonna get molested by several in one night
It would be unless people in buldhaven are completely brain dead and can't tell the difference between an old man and young man. Though, I imagine that Jason wouldn't be willing to do so.
both costumes look weird with facial hair
Bruce isn't going to beat the ugly and cringe allegation tonight.
It doesn't matter if he is as important in the actual world. In his run he is important to Bludhaven even if Taylor has written it awfully. Again I hate Taylor's run but this is the most nothing complaint you can give it.
>Did anyone notice that Nightwing is less skinny, has a different chin, and didnt shave?
I guess, but I have been hating what Taylor has been doing with Batman so far. He just there to serve Dick with zero personality or impact.
Domino masks on superheroes are so retarded it's unreal
Bludhaven: some purse snatchers are gonna get cocky if they don’t see a zesty gayboi doing girly flips between buildings
Meanwhile in Gotham: Firefly burning down neighborhoods, Professor Pyg and Scarecrow going on orphanage kidnapping sprees, Joker switching babies in the nursing ward again
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>Shaving your ass

I know for a fact you aint done that shit, because if you had, you would know what a huge mistake that is.
>Bludhaven: some purse snatchers are gonna get cocky if they don’t see a zesty gayboi doing girly flips between buildings
I admit that I actually laughed.
Shave those dookie crumbs
He's depressed
I ship Bruce and Barbara
We know Timm
>let's not pretend that nightwing is as important as batman

People obsessed with character "importance" are the worst type of fan.
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The more i think about it the stupider it gets. Top 3 at the moment
How the fuck does that suit fit Bruce. Dick has always been smaller.
Won't someone notice that Nightwing sounds, looks, and fights different? I guess it doesn't matter but I thought Dick had his own team of cops and covilians who know him to go to.
Why would Bruce do this. Guy is just gonna switch between Batman and Nightwing or something?
Bludhaven already has a second Nite-Wing.
Call Jean Paul Valley or someone else. You're Batman not Nightwing.
So Dick fans?
what is this ugly traced 3d model art? looks like AI colored.
Kek, he walked himself into this one.
It stops being so bad after you've done it a few times.
>Won't someone notice that Nightwing sounds, looks, and fights different?

People noticed that DickBats was different. Didn't matter.
Batman is a symbol.
At one point there were 4 nightwings running around during the Ric Grayson bullshit and no one batted an eye.
When are they going to fire Tom Taylor?
>The Batman who ass
Is Bruce to prepared to suck the criminals' cocks until they submit like Nightwing does?
And Nightwing is a gay symbol.
Nightwing has always been a lame character that only nerds cared about.
Gay and cringe beyond belief
Nooo /co/. Its like a call back to when they had to fight Crazy Quilt and Batman had to wear a different colored costume each night
>inb4 its an homage to preBatman Inc when Dick posed as batman
Well that doesn't make a lick of sense because I would assume Bludhaven needed Nightwing then too.
....WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!
Lot of repressed homosexuals angry that batman states that bluudhaven is important and that he looks like shit in nightwings costume.

And the fuck is grandma gordon doing up there and just casually watching bruce wayne get nekkid?
Low key shipping the most hated ship in the batfamily since batwoman and jace fox.
Bruce is too hairy for that costume.
meanwhile criminals are wondering how Nightwing got such a chiseled jawline overnight

it doesn't work for a costume like that. at least there is some leeway with batman's costume, although jim has noted before that nightwing is clearly shorter

shipping is for girls and twinks. which are just girls with dicks.
This is a good tactic because while the criminals are busy laughing at the way he looks he can knock them out.
I thought this was an attempt at an MSPaint edit thread. That looks so fucking bad, holy shit.
>Was he always built like a linebacker
>Fucker didn't even throw the clubs or cracked any jokes this time just beat Jerry unconscious
Thee chemo bomb and the captain atom nuke are both only kind of in continuity. The city remembers.
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Didn't Dick only become Nightwing because he didn't want to be Batman? So now Batman is about to either
a.) destroy everything Dick built because he can't NOT be himself
b.) act completely out of character/closer to the 60's version of Batman so he can maintain that levity that Dick usually has
This is... beyond retarded. And the reply will be
>but no one complained when Steph became Robin
Tim was either fired or crippled at that time and Steph didn't have to completely change to act like Tim. She was Robin. Batman's bright sidekick. It only became egregious when she started dressing as Batgirl
You're seriously complaining that Bruce "preptime is my superpower" Wayne has a Nightwing suit ready? Seriously?
Batman probably has costumes designed to impersonate all of his partners, even the girls.
>It's roids. My cousin Dave started juicin' and added 50lbs of muscle. Then one day his wife forgot to pick up creatine and he slammed her head through the wall. Shit's no joke, pretty boy there is looking shrivelled balls and cancer if he don't stop.
>Guys, it's Batman squeezing himself into a onesie.
>Shut the fuck up, Orca.
I for one, am excited for BruceWing.
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>Bruce/Barbara becomes canon in the main DCU

Bruce Timm would wank off out of pure delight.
It's not like it's the first time she's seen his cock.
The current Nightwing run will always be funny to me.
>Obviously disconnected from what's going on in the Bat books
>Obviously disconnected from what's going on in the Titan books
>Obviously disconnected from what's going on in greater DC.
Yes. And I made the same complaint for the Batwoman show. And I find it funny that the only time it gets addressed is for Batgirl in schumacher's Batman .
>ahh barbara I thought you might want to be a Batgirl so i made a costume according to your measurements that I just have for some reason
Next Jason should fill in for Batman, then Dick returns to be Red Hood.
It would be funny if Bruce’s identity got revealed because he stripped booty ass naked on a public roof
This whole post is cringe
I’d wager it’d be one of those hands-free orgasms.
>Batman probably has costumes designed to impersonate all of his partners, even the girls.

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