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Who will it be?
It's been said it will be a group of Multiversal villains with a older Kang pulling the strings.
That’s be better honestly, who wants to see the same guy over and over
Maybe Beyonder AKA the actual villain in secret wars
Fine with me.
What Multiverse villains, though?
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He's coming...
Only one villain beside Kang could create a sticky enough situation to warrant everyone to come after them: Multiversal Paste Pot Pete.
The Wrecking Crew, cap this.
>well see we used to just be a regular wreckin' crew until one day I found this crowbar capable of getting in the cracks between the timelines and we all just kind of slid through, we've been trying to get home ever since!
Cassandra Nova.
They ain't got time to set up doom
the obvious one is Immortus

they don't need Majors to even come back for that - they can just have Immortus step out and reveal he was Kang all along

>well team we've beaten Thanos and the power of the Infinity Stones
>yeah but there's this angry Belarusian in a knockoff Iron Man suit and he's mad because people keep saying it's not a real country
>shit, guess we're fucked, see you in five movies for the stunning finale

>Premature Ejaculation Man
Or Doom. They are doing Fantastic Four, so they could tease him there
fantastic four is set in an alternate timeline tho
yeah that'll endear people to the X-Men, reveal right off the bat that one of them is an immortal genocidal ghost who got that way in the womb with her brother, the heroic mind-controlling leader of the X-Men who tried to kill her before they were even born, when they both had adult intelligence for some reason

why stop there, why not bring back Ego and do Maximum Security? it literally can't be any worse
I still think it's incredibly stupid that they axed him over what happened (in all its ambiguity) when you look at where the country and world are. He wasn't the reason Quantumania bombed.
>introduce x-men
>replace kang with mr sinister
Campaigning hard for Denzel?
>They're dropping Kang because he was in a movie that was poorly received and his actor got fired
>Let's replace him with a villain that's been done before in several poorly received movies
If you keep trying the same things you're going to keep getting the same results.
Superior Iron Man.
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>I still think it's incredibly stupid that they axed him over what happened (in all its ambiguity)

They learned their lesson from the James Gunn debacle and waited for the verdict, but once Majors was actually declared guilty there was no way they could've kept him.
Uh, of course they could have kept him. Our next president is a felon, shit is no longer a disqualifier.
This would be a great villain.
But you need to establish Reed as a hero in continuity first, so people know why he is so dangerous.
With that logic why even for a F4 movie at all?
>we wuz kangz...
Yeah, WUZ

he couldn't even get ratings on his con appearance this week, and his ear bandage is going to stay on until it gives him fuckin sepsis

your boy went crying for help to the only Kennedy who didn't get what he deserved ffs, he's absolutely fucked and he knows it
Did ANYONE ever like Kang, even in the comics?
He was always a less interesting Vandal Savage to me
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>once Majors was actually declared guilty
Domestic abuse charges and particularly bad ones where he was proven to be talking her out of going to the hospital after her beatings so he wouldn't get caught.
Once the investigation was on him he basically plead guilty because the case against him was way too solid to contest iirc
Apparently they were trying to contrast Thanos (a guy who spent most of the series sitting there menacingly before finally taking action towards the end) with Kang by having Kang be a guy the various heroes fight frequently, but that badly backfired because it just made Kang look like he sucked and lost to Antman on his major debut.

But it's not like it matters, unless they can get some actual A List heroes back again any further Avengers film will bomb like everything else they've been doing.
Kang was never gonna work on film, especially when he was introduced in a show most people don't watch.

It doesn't help that it was 4 years of jerking around about how big and mysterious and super powerful he is and when he showed up he was killed off twice. No, I don't care about the dumb "it wasn't the REAL Kang" nonsense, we saw him die, no one cares.
And Jonathan Major's weird and gay Shakespearean performance with that fucking weird ass accent he speaks in doesn't help, it's just weird and boring
Kang just isn't a character that works on film. An audience won't care about a person that has an infinite variant of himself out there. It destroys anything he could do because there's no consequence.
This misrepresents the situation pretty badly. The woman started the fight in the car, then chased Majors for several blocks. She played up injuries she incurred when he was defending himself from her assault. The jury basically split the issue, because he was clearly not guilty of anything heinous, but it's pretty much impossible to get the American mind to acquit when a white woman is accusing a black man of assault. If he'd actually done something serious, he'd have gotten jail time.


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