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>It's over, Freeze! I've got a big shield!
Imagine what kind of toylines Kenner could be making if they were still with us today.
Remember Shortpacked? Remember the jokes about Batman toys?
Everyone's just jealous these are the kind of toys I had as a child
You will never be a 90s kid
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>Lucius Fox, you've done it again!
>Be a no body robber.
>Mug some dude for his wallet.
>Hear a fucking tank rolling down the street.
>It's Batman shooting fire and shit coming right at you.
I still have every single one of my Kenner Batman toys. I probably have all of the ones released for the 1989 Tim Burton movie, including the vehicles. I was obsessed.
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>I WILL save Gotham!
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For me it's slalom racer
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>What's the matter Batsy? You and the Boy Blunder can't handle my brand new state-of-the-art Laughing Gas Spray Gun™?
unironically a cool design.
Kenner made some bangers.
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>Nice try Joker, but you didn't count on my Quick Escape Cable Wire™!
>clearly has heating coils across the shield and Batman's suit
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>This revolutionizing technology will ensure no criminals escape me!
>De onde você tirou esse batescudo heim Batman?
I own that toy.
So how are the axes on poles supposed to control disasters?
The final episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold sent up this kind of thing pretty well.
basically fireman axes. To wreck through things in damaged buildings.
Does it make you feel warm inside?
By chopping the Joker's head off.
Why all the weird colors? The toys themselves I don't have much of a problem with, but who decided to give them such oddly bright colors?
I still have this one, one of the few Batmen I still have from my childhood

probably to make it a little less obvious to parents that most of these Batman figures(especially for the BTAS lines) were the same basic mold just with new accessories
I think I had that one.
Threads like this always make me think that DC and Marvel should have been contractually obligated to make toy costumes like these actual comic canon and work them all into at least one storyline, more if they prove popular.
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Space Specter?

>Anti-Criminal Batman, with thief-catching backpack

>It's just a squeeze-claw thing that grabs another figure with a comically large robot-arm

>As a bonus, there's am over-sized dog-catcher's net on Batman's back that lowers over the criminal's head after the robot arm grabs him

>Batman is colored magenta and yellow for some reason.
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>Cable riding action
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I once threw my Batman toy in the toilet and pretended he was drowning. So I decided to create a "log" for Batman to grab onto to save himself. I didn't want to touch my toy after that so I just flushed my toy down the toilet with my turd. pic related was the batman toy I had.
You should treat your things better than that.
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>Oh, thank god! It's Antifreeze man!
That's a classic copypasta.
Rings a bell
Aaron Archer from Hasbro basically explained it as a way to get adults who wouldn't be as familiar with the IP to get toys as presents
>Well I know he has a blue one and a green one, but I don't think he has a red one
Fun fact, the reason these started was basically the other way around. Kenner got the license for the 89 Batman movie initially, and was contractually locked into only doing representations of Batman as represented by the IP. This was a bit of an issue since the first Batman 89 toyline was screwed by only having 3 characters- Batman, Joker, and Joker's henchman Bob.
Vicki, Alfred, Gordon and Knox were probably considered unmarketable.
Anyway, Kenner was stuck wondering how they could market a toyline with just 3, really 2, characters because Bob didn't sell. So, one guy at Kenner is looking through older comics, and finds this one from the Golden Age. He realizes that Batman has been depicted with different colored costumes- thus it's fair game to do Batman in different colors. DC licensing was fine with it and so Kenner began the wave of Batmen.
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joker fans got a plain joker with accessories while batman fans had to sift through shelves full of multicolored batmen just to hopefully find one in his normal costume
The drawings on the package are genuinely so good, wish I knew who drew those. Probably someone who worked on the show.
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>, wish I knew who drew those. Probably someone who worked on the show.
There were a few artists but IIRC some older DC artists handled them, Carmine Infantino(co-created Black Canary, Barry Allen Flash, barbara Gordon Batgirl, to name a few) for example.
This is pretty interesting to me because if you look at Infantino's style at DC it was nothing like this at all.
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Infantino's biggest claim to fame in terms of Batman being the artist to first draw the yellow oval and the "New Look" design that took over the Dick Sprang era.
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Mike Decarlo was another artist for them, he's best known as an inker for a lot of DC comics
Bright colors sell to kids.
Kids also for some reason love buying multiple versions of the hero.
The Kryptonian must die. Inshallah, brothers.
Time to leave them all behiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind!!!!!!!!

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