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Of all media this somehow is getting a full fledged hand drawn movie.
And they got a Japanese studio to animate it.
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Am I supposed to know what this is?
It's sad that people already forgot about Ryan. Makes you feel old.
What are you, 14? Or just a weird adult that watches toddler trash?
How many years has this kid aged?
I'm still befuddled as to how in the everloving fuck did this kid manage to get an anime.

Is Ryan like, popular with kids in Japan or something.
Who the fuck is Ryan?
Ryan is probably a fucking adult
I have no idea what the background story is involving this but I saw the trailer when I went to see Despicable Me 4 yesterday and this movie looks like it might be good .
Kill yourself.
At least give the name, you fag.
Ugly girls trio.

Ugly?It's supposed to be cute chibi not sexual. Also the one in the center in red is a boy.
So its a harem anime?... For toddlers?
Uhh, what is wrong with all crying sadness faces for a new movie?

Aww, poor emoji faces. Relax.
japanese are weird in that they are both cutting edge and also lagging behind. they still use fax there for example
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>oh and you can even meet Ryan himself!
>youtube channel from 2015
are you underage
why the fuck does this shit get so many dislikes?
This looks like some kinda Yokai Watch spinoff.

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