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Why haven't the women of the Aves family been able to outgrow the Riveras?
big macho dick energy
The Riveras have something that left they wanting more

Can Carmelita be considered a goth? I mean, I know she doesn't dress like a goth girl would or like her daughter does... But he wears very dark green clothes

Can it be considered gothic? O simply a "dark woman" or something like that
aren't they all cucks
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Zoe Aves is cute
Only his grandmother...
Gothic Mexican Girl, I liked
it's love and lust
Zoe should've fucked Frida to make Manny jealous...
That Rivera Riata too good man
Wasn't she argentinian or am I mistaking her with other character?
No, she's a Mexican girl
>Wasn't she argentinian or am I mistaking her with other character?
pretty sure the Argentinian ones are Chapuza and Che.
both hotdogging Manny's little amigo
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Also, Andra, look at her.
dont underestimate latino dick op
Post Voltura
Dr. Chipotle Jr. was my favorite character.

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