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I would think human Spongebob would be more jolly. Dorkishly so, but the point remains.
Why is Sandy bl*ck?
Why wouldn't/couldn't she be?
She's NUTS nigga
Why aren't you?
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Probably because she's black in the official Broadway musical. The afro being used to imitate the shape of her helmet is pretty creative, not gonna lie
She's from Texas.
Why so upset cracker?
Only one of those is human
I don't think spongeboob is really depicted as gross or ugly. I think he's just depicted as overly cheery NPC type, meaning he'd look like an exceptionally average person with a generic outfit.
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And it ain't the whitey
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I follow the artist that posted these. Her au takes place in some New Mexico town where the residents are suffering from some sort of radiation sickness which is why they're all grotesque looking
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>: > (
It's Maddox
Patrick is 100% supposed to be wearing sandals but the actor cant because the dances, right?
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I like the SpongeBob design of OP’s pic. It looks it came right out of Klasky Csupo cartoon.
human spinel
I think that's the case. His design would look way better with sandals
I always pictured human Soundwave as buff but that’s just me
Of course it's Sandy no human would be emitting that much radiation. It's vile racists like you who look at a drawing and only see race that are ruining this world.
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At least not as bad as the mutations in Rock Bottom.
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Clear visual metaphor to illustrate the difference between a land creature and a sea creature.
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So would this mean Spinel would be pushing her 30s since she grew up with Rose in this AU?
Oh fuck yes
I would fuck them

This is exactly what it would look like if you fused squidward and lincoln loud together
Fem Master Shake is the most appealing

Underrated joke.
penguins humanizations are great
Where's Rat King?
Also, Mort is one young-looking old man.
They should have made her high yellow then
say hag and I'll stab you in the kidneys
Brown Hair
White skin
/pol/ is retarded, more at 11
>not bald
>Being Black
>Highly proud of Texas
Is that a thing there?
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This is hetalia.
Here's another one.
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>"/co/ humanizations
> thread full of moeblobs and japshit
Yeah. Black people love Texas. I'm not black, but I know some black friends from Texas saying how much they miss it, and we live in Louisiana.
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I hate the moeshit too. I've got nothing against anime artists, but it's all so samey.
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patrician taste and patrician humanization

Kino post, anon

reminds me I gotta marathon ATHF
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Thank you, anon. I should marathon it too, it's been a while since I've seen the whole show
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She cute
I allow it.
>I'm a pretentious twat that sucks cock
That's actually not too far off from the actual lore
I never thought i'd see Cosmos as an anime girl
Ok e
What's this
NTA but Finding Nemo
It's true the musical kinda ship Spongebob and Sandy, because they look kinda cute here
Not from this artist, most AU make her about 1 or 2 years older than Steven, usually something like big sister figure that abandoned her
And Spongebob is wearing some fucking curbstomping paratrooper boots instead of dress shoes. What the fuck were they thinking?
at the very least some nerdy cropped pants to show his pulled up socks come on
I don't want to keep going with the racebait but this Sandy looks more like how I imagine her
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I just chose a bad photo. You can usually see his socks.
Why would that be a problem? She's a squirrel, she doesn't have a specific race.
Beyonce is from Texas and just released a country album about Texas, so yes it's a thing.
She's from Texas. You've ever been to Houston?
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>Sandy‘s hair represents her some
>Pearl’s hair represents her large head
>Mr Krabs’ boxing glove hands for his claws
>Plankton’s eyepatch
>Perch Perkins’ uniform is the TV color test bars
>Ms. Puff’s jacket shows her size
>Squidward actually has 4 fucking legs

The costumes went so fucking hard it’s not even funny
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Is this sex?
the penguins are pretty spot on, but King Julien and Maurice just seems kind of off. Maurice probably would be black, he's voiced by Cedric the Entertainer in the movie and Kevin Michael Richardson in the show. Not to mention, they're from Madagascar
they make them too attractive. Like Bojack is canonically a fat, old horse man.
humanization is more a japanese thing than a western thing, Not that the West didn't humanize stuff, but they tended to do it for more grand things like nations or ideologies, not non human characters, you'd just draw the character. so I am not shocked it's mostly anime.
>Female Frylock
Is this because of that gag in the Movie?
He was a famous actor, its not unreasonably that his human form is attractive.
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Nah, just a normal genderbend
>/co/ humanization thread
>the majority of the posts are just anons arguing with each other because they disagree with the race of a humanized character
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Anons would rather complain than contribute
he wasn't expected to be hot. he was a 90s sitcom dad character for a stand up comedian. he could've looked like Jerry Seinfeld or Bob Saget or Ray Romano back then.

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