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Honestly, any Ultra alien could be a good GL villain
frank booth could make for a good daredevil or punisher villain
Alien Mefilas was so fucking cool in this film, though I'm always a fanboy for the black bastard any time he shows since one of my fave seijin. Someone pointed out once he'd also make a great superman villain since he is also a powerful and intelligent alien force but one that wants to take advantage of humanity instead of help them
>"This looks like a job for Superman". One of my favorite sayings
This movie was better than any MCU or DCEU slop.
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you just know the banter would be top notch plus Alien Mefilas would genuinely find most of the associated phrases with Superman his favorite sayings and also because Alien Mefilas is very even in power to Ultraman so would probably be very even to Superman to it'd be less a match of strength and more wits/ideals. Lex Luthor would also be interesting to factor in since he'd be all for the Beta box technology but also super malding at Alien Mefilas both from being from space and rocking that 10k iq
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All the assholes who worked for Great Leader.
The original Mefilas episode would also make a good Silver Age plot
yeah, it's a very fun scheme of trying to decide the ownership/fate of the planet over the choice of a child, if he just waited for the kid from episode 33 of Return of Ultraman, guy woulda won and owned earth easy.
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Saul can be directly inserted into Batman and he'd be a top tier B-villain.
I feel like Kamen Rider Cronus from Ex-Aid or Ragyo from Kill La Kill would make for fun cape villains.

Yee! Go Shocker!
Seconding this, I'll throw in Valentine from SBR.
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Tell me this isn't a D-tier MCU villain.
Sutekh would make a great marvel/DC villain cause he can be both a cosmic threat and a supernatural threat
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If Calendar Man can be a Batman villain, so can he.

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