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One Page Thread
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That's a two page spread.
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are there any cases of the editorial fucking these up by adding an extra page with an ad or something?
god bless tim
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>editorial fucking these up by adding an extra page with an ad

What do you mean?
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Picked up.
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wish Elaine Lee wrote more comics
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i looked at some cerebus scans i downloaded a while ago and i found a bunch of narrative. cerebus is a comic, right?
Near the end of Cerebus, the writer/artist around 10 consecutive issues of the book to publish a pamphlet explaining his one-man version of islam, as he believed was explained to him in a "vision" that he experienced while in a literal asylum after using extreme quantities of LSD and developing literal schizophrenia. No, I'm not making a word of that up.

But aside from those 10 or so issues (out of 300), it's a regular comic.

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