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File: Wonder-Pony-main.jpg (64 KB, 1000x559)
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New TV show from France
>Wonder Pony follows the adventures of nine-year-old Louison, who, on her first day in summer camp, unwittingly frees a bunch of monsters that have been locked away for centuries in an ancient book guarded by … a magical little pink pony called Jean-Pierre! This is how Louison, a little girl who could have been quite ordinary, becomes Wonder Pony: a fun and completely offbeat superheroine!
>from France
stopped reading there
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What do you have against French TV shows?
Cute tails
Yeah, she is really pegasister.
Cute dork but how will she defeat these monsters?
M a g i c
Her legs seem disproportionally long.
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already sold, finally a good french comfy series.
Where did you find this?
This graphic novel is first making.
why do I find the pony's voice so sexy?
>The first monster of the show is a tentacle monster

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