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POV: you are an autistic showrunner and you are about to be publicly castigated for ruining an entire network with your "hateful fart cartoon"
That looks like a private space to me.
What cartoon?
sexo con the big lip asian
>phew, they still dont know about the discord kittens
But...you were the people that aproved of the show. I literally can't have bathroom breaks without you guys breatyhing over my neck. Every frame that is submitted is subject to review, notes and reworks.

If the show is bad then that makes you just as much to blame because the show LITERALLY wouldn't exist to begin with without you guys.
Hello everyone.
I have a gun, and I am also a person of color.
so THIS is where the white women at!
i have been in many meetings now, and they are never just with pen and papers anymore.
Hell, I don't even know if people bring pens at all. People make notes on Google Docs or some equivalent.
>Wow, I've never been on this end of things before. How much ESG money is left, btw? You can tell me.
the hateful fart cartoon was pretty good though
>Uhm, yes, where are the nachos?
Technically viewers voted for Billy and Mandy to become the next show but the short was approved. It was definitely the most strange of the cartoon cartoons which I guess pissed off the new people

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