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What's the most iconic original song from a cartoon series that isn't the theme song?
Probably one of the orchestral motifs from the Simpsons. I was originally going to suggest something from Spongebob but then remembered all of it was from pre-recorded music except for Loop de Loop which I don't really think is iconic.

Gitchiee Gitchiee Goo (Bow Chica Wow Wow) from Phineas & Ferb
People often forget that this was originally from a cartoon.

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it's the ripped pants song from spongebob, come on guys

There are no other answers. I would have said sweet victory but that wasn't specifically composed for spongebob.
Oh fuck, it's probably this. This was an actual massive hit that they kept playing on the radio for literally DECADES after this episode aired. I don't think anything else even comes close.
>17 million views
I'm gonna retract the post I made here >>144550589 since I just remembered that a "song" means it has lyrics. It's this hands-down.

As much as I love that song, I really don't think it compares to Sugar Sugar. That song actually reached the top of the charts in over a dozen countries.
Funnily enough I came here to post the OH MARCELINE WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN song but then I saw >>144550675 and yeah I agree with the others.
>>17 million views
what the fuck
Robot hell and if you disagree you're a faggot
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Happy Happy Joy Joy
Has to be this.
I feel like only diehard SpongeBob fans are into this episode. Casual fans will remember Sweet Victory and Ocean Man.
There's a few Adventure Time songs that could fit this, the fries song comes to mind.
Not bad, but not iconic.
Actually, adding to my other post, if you're talking about original songs Gary Come Home is more iconic.
Why did you choose that image for this thread?

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