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le edgy 20 year old ka el
waow he is just like me
Could be cool. Seems like it's a book meant off to piss off the redditors that think Superman should be some retarded wholesome manchild who believes in Santa and where's a homemade costume his mom made for him.
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If he's anything like this, then I'll give it a try.
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For every new event or initiative DC announces, fans will either cringe or cope.
we already have a manchild superman that's Superboy Prime
>could be cool
like all the other times
Superman is swell, not cool
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Prime grew up and became more mature mentally than Superman.
Of all the ill informed criticisms of Superman that I've come across, calling him a manchild is up there with the most retarded. Please elaborate on your point while citing examples.
Snyderverse isn't coming back btw
Whatever. I like the Snyderverse and the campy shit equally, so this being inspired by one or the other changes nothing for me beyond aesthetic taste. I'm just glad DC is finally committing to something that could rival Ultimate Marvel
What is that in his forearms? Heat? He is so edgy that they are giving Absolute Superman that gimmick where his solar radiation can fire through other parts of his body, not just the eyes, like N52 Superboy?
It's certainly coming back in spirit.
>I'm just glad DC is finally committing to something that could rival Ultimate Marvel
This has no chance of beating let alone rivaling Ultimate Marvel. No one is interested in this shit.
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>DC will beat Marvel by copying it
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I think it's time to create a kal emo el sound track list

Linkiln Park - Crawling in my skin
Evanescence - Bring me to life
Seven Dust - Prodigal Son
Marilyn Manson - Beautiful People

What else?
Snyder really wanted to lean into that whole roman thing didn't he?
Evil interpol
>finally do their version of Ultimate Marvel
>make it edgy as hell

Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes?
mo one knows what's like
to be the batman
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>"DC you got any peak?"
>"we got edgy dogshit"
Gunnverse isnt making a dollar btw. TSS flopped horribly and nobody likes the new piece of shit costumes
Nobody likes swell.
>make it edgy as hell
Just like Ultimate Marvel.
Anything above family friendly is edgy to you, ain't it?
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>not liking wholesome Clark
You are a colossal faggot, got it.
This is same as Clark from DC mech. He had longer hair and came to earth as a young adult. And then acted just like the typical shonen protagonist. Naruto and Ichigo rolled into one. And the final battle was him vs Darkseid. Lmao.
This. The comic with Billy Batson was a nice story too.
Wholesome is gay.
NTA, but alot of people on here say this but don’t like to be shit on by others in real life.
Man you people really are desperate to bitch about DC
FC (Faggot Comics) has been a sinking ship for years and this new rebrand has the attention of a few million already
Why must your kind always speak in ebonics. You're obviously not black. You're on /co/, on 4chan. Stop LARPing like you're from Atlanta and speak like a man.
Gotta be 18 or older to post here, kiddo.

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