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What do you guys think about Savannahxyz's work?
she actually has good enough shorts content so yes
Her avatar, at least the one you posted, was pretty cute. Other than that though I didn't really care for her stuff.
>so yes
wait that answer makes no sense her stuffs good
Cute and funny but the sluttier version of her avatar is kinda cringe.
I like that she provides fanservice
The version of her avatar that looks like a slut is kinda cringe!
You talking about the cartoon-shader one?
She hasn't posted as much lately. Probably because there haven't been as many funny memes to animate since Musk took over.
Okay, that should be enough filler discussion Now post lewd.
the Lethal Company video she did
Eh it’s decent but not really memorable.
I don't because I don't know who that is
For a little while, any time a meme got popular on Twitter, this artist wpuld animate the meme with her OC. She could also sing pretty well so she really took off if the meme involved music.
Eh she’s a youtuber that has her ok moments with her shorts mostly survives on meme culture.




The original avatar had a solid, iconic look to it. The new one is a bit overdesigned, really.
File deleted.
fucking kino
Yeah I liked the first one a lot more

I like her videos. They're very entertaining, and make me a little jealous that I can't animate in Blender.
Whatever you do don't look up irl pics of her. Crows feet, ugh
She's good. I'm not a 3d modeler (yet) so her sculpt videos are fun to watch to garner small insights but without a computer good enough for Blender, it's hard to attach those insights to actions. The fun animations are great though and she can sing fine. Some people just have it all I guess (not to dismiss that she needed to practice but my voice is ass with no range). The Halloween one is a great watch, planned it as a treat for when Spooktober when I'm done watching Ghoul School, Zombie Island and etc. I think it's great that she's a capable modeler/stop-motion animator who can also 'get' internet humor without being too obnoxious about it.
>for when Spooktober comes*
Aphasia hits hard.
Make that three. The original was the best and the new one was a downgrade.
That only seems like it would be a plus for some people, Hags are apparently in vogue right now
>actually funny shorts
>unique, cute animations
>released an official version of her model so people would make porn of it, (for free so she wouldn't have to do it herself), so that any 3d porn made of her would be on model

Fucking painfully based woman.

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