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I really don't get this one
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Boomers are a menace for any form of entertainment and I'm glad they're dying out.
But was it rape
she's got king kong in the trunk
you'll hear her before you see her
Gorillas have small penises, meaning depending on the version it was probably possible
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I do not understand the Boomer mind
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That's by Paul Coker from MAD I think
REMINDER: Gorillas have small penises. To scale, King Kong would likely only have a 12-incher. Thus making him the ideal lover for the woman he stole.
>I do not understand the Boomer mind

Malice. Greed. Selfishness. Smugness. Cowardice. Anti-human. Anti-child. Anti-future. Cold. Mocking. Bullying. Delusional. Suicidal. Poisonous.
I don’t think so, the way he draws faces is much more simpler, he has a much more scratchier line work than what ops image shows. I could be wrong.
The joke is that doctors are supposed to be professional, but this one is wearing quite the silly hat.
This one's funny though.
I'm so glad zoomers are going to suffer endlessly. Cope, seethe.
That's Greatest Generation, not Baby Boomer.
You're right but this really feels like a MAD artist, maybe Al Jaffee?
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Nope Jack Davis
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So would King Kongs cum have huge fish sized sperm swimming around in it? This is important.

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