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File: GMbahHyW4AAKlMQ.jpg (504 KB, 4096x2730)
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Blake Lively is playing Lady Deadpool.
Matthew McConaughey is playing Cowboypool.
Nathan Fillion is playing Headpool.
lmao are they gonna actually reference the MZ comics?
yeah. someone leaked that we're going to have a zombie wolverine too
y'know he has this weird tendency to pop-out in the weirdest of places like exiles and that weapon-xmen comic so i guess i shouldnt be surprised
A bit of a missed opportunity to make hX-Men Origins Barkapool headpool.
What is it with zombie wolverine especially? Earth 2149 has been basically buried and forgotten but they've brought him back multiple times. Most recently for another shitty mini where he was the funniest bit despite playing a small role. I'll say it again but they need to just go back to basics and use 2149 or something similar rather than rebooting it over and over like with the new groot marvel zombies bullshit later this year desu

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