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Anyone else notice that Peter's gotten less psychopathic in the later seasons and that role has kind of gone to Lois? I mean, Peter's still a maniac but nowhere near as much as he used to be in the middle of the series
yes and its an improvement, Lois drinking alcohol from the bush, or stalking the coffee shop employee, or becoming grinch are all great newer eps
This show's still going? Wtf
Yup. It’s like the Simpson and South Park.
it kinda makes sense if you think about it: making the sitcom dad the unstable parent who's the source of conflict made sense in the Simpsons and Family Guy because it was directly opposed to the sitcoms before it where the dad was the problem solver and responsible

>but given how much American society has changed, that role doesn't really work anymore because now the typical dads are closer to Bob Belcher or Bandit or Phil Dunphy where they're back to being responsible and levelheaded again, only a lot more emotionally mature (to whatever degree) by comparison

but people like the role of the psycho parent so it has gravitated towards the mother and it arguably makes sense: there's no one more nuts than your mama
She was a beautiful woman born in a rich family who chose to marry a fat loser. She has always been wrong in the head.
lois or francine
How much did the show change? I've been out of the loop with the show since like a few years ago.
Lois only because I'm a fatfag and by God she has one of the best weight gain episodes in Western animation.
there's also the fact that this comes out of backlash to the treatment of women in sitcoms and comedies as a whole: for the longest time, censorship and cultural norms frowned on women as the root of laughter
>can't have slapstick because violence against women makes people uncomfortable
>can't have women be goofy/stupid/pathetic/ignorant because feminists and white knights get mad
>can't have women look or do silly things because "that's not attractive"

Examples of this new sitcom mom include nu-Lois and Linda Belcher and Peggy Hill
I prefer it. It makes Lois more interesting as a character. One of my favorite recent episodes is the one with Alana. It's surprising when this show brings up Lois still being a music teacher.
this, making the sitcom mom the crazy one is something inevitable the minute the Simpsons existed
It's improved a decent margin. Don't go in expecting Pre-Cancellation quality, but I've been appreciating their effort to rely less on cutaways, and even have a heartwarming moment now and then. Meg surprisingly had plenty this recent season.
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I used to complain about the characters getting too "mean-spirited," but then I grew up and realized how much fun Family Guy can be when you view it as it's meant to be viewed: a cartoon purely driven by gags and by just how absurd they can get. It's fun seeing the Griffins get up to crazy shenanigans
i want more jokes about Meg and Chris having a sexual relationship
Lois and Meg suck. Every new episode has to have a plot or B plot that revolves around one of them. They just suck as characters.
It’s not about it being mean-spirited but that I find the gags tired and repetitive. They sort of hit bone in the aughts for how “shocking” or “mean” you could actually go and shocking or mean isn’t enough to be funny but is background noise for something else. I think South Park has mostly been more clever though that’s fallen off lately. Really it’s hard for anything to stay funny for 30 years.
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>Growing one carrot, taking up time, filling up the day with nonsense. Vodka in the bushes...hmm,hmm, hmm. making it better, making it bright, what a day, think i'll check the mail.
and it's currently the best of the three
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>this, making the sitcom mom the crazy one is something inevitable the minute the Simpsons existed
Season 1 Marge was getting shitfaced at the office picnic and humiliating Homer. They walked it back pretty quick but og Marge was great.
So what's the most unwatchable FG season?
It helps that Family Guy never had consistent quality to begin with, so it can still be funny if the jokes land.

I can't say the same for Simpsons.
Not sure if I can pinpoint one season, but I think the early 2010s seasons aged the worst.

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