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The adult flintstones reboot has been cancelled
Isn't this like the third tried and failed adult Flintstones reboot? Why do they keep trying, who above 65 cares about the Flintstones?
bro it if wasn't for the Flintstone animation his would be so different, no nickelodeon, you may have the fox animation stuff and more importantly Cartoon network would not exist... you need it to keep The Flinstones alive or history will be lost.
its yaba-daba-doover
Just because it was influential doesn't mean there needs to be an attempt at a reboot every other year you fag. Let shit die and be remembered for being good, not be remembered for refusing to die and getting exponentially worse each time it comes back.
so basic family guy and spongebob
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We already had an adult Flintstones piece of media and it was quite good. Unless some studio decides to adapt this 1:1 and put a little bit of money into the animation (I'm not asking for a lot, even just Venture Brothers movement tier would be enough), then I'm not interested.
Flintstones has no place in today's landscape. Why had enough of shitty adult cartoons that took its format and run it into the ground for so long. Just like its premise, the show is a relic of the past.
Good, fuck reboots. Come up with your own shit.
I like the Flintstones, the early seasons are still funny. I don't get why it's an age thing, reruns were on CN until the 2000's.
anon its a modern stone age family. just give them smart rocks and flat rock tvs and you are good
they already did that in the WWE movie they can't just do that again
why not
thank you. it sounded insufferable even for a reboot.
Just let these old-ass cartoon die already.

I'll never understand the USA's attachment to dated media that were only good for their time and standards.

It's literally the same as USA's attachment to lead chemicals and corn syrup.
Same, unless we get this as a 12 part miniseries I don't care
Zaslav the Destroyer
Literally tablets
People who are aging poorly typically claim only old people like something that they don't like, that's why
Tax write off?

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