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Putting aside the Club Penguin arrest, did he even think all this crap he drew was gonna work without substance?
Gotta give credit where credit is due, he kept shitting out pitch after pitch non stop until the network had no other option than greenlight him a show. I wish I had that level of resilience, as much as his stuff sucked.
The one that worked was also the only one with actual conflict in it.
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There was a time when the laziest Spongebob ripoff would get greenlit. When there's a show called Robot and Monster then you'd think anything could be made into a show. He just never realized that ship sailed over a decade ago. Times changed. Kyle did not. The only change is that now he's in jail.
Mighty Magiswords seems like it's at least a full tier of quality above all his other pitches, which is pretty odd if you ask me.
How much do we know about the original Dungeons and Dayjobs pitch? Does it even resemble the show that actually aired? Did Kyle really create Mighty Magiswords, or did he just design a few characters while someone with talent developed a concept around them?
It was clearly developed more through the initial pilots and shorts (still probably the closest any studio has gotten to breaking the short form formula) so it's probably that he pitched it, and since it was formed enough that people could get into it they helped him out.
>"joke is sex" the show
Pretty sure it only worked because it was perfect for the CN app with the collect a magisword game. Kyle should have shifted his ideas around to also function as a sales pitch for tie-ins.
He drew some teenage fan of his with one of those pandas perving on her in a commission, with it talking about how it wanted to massage her.
Is there a place to find all of his pitches?
Every pitch of his that I've seen seemed incredibly bland. Does he have the ability to come up with a story or characters that actually seem interesting? His work feels so soulless
That panda at the middle really looks like Kyle
Canon fursona
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Considering Kyle's inclinations, wouldn't have this been a more accurate pitch?
I kinda liked his oooold Frog Racoon Strawberry webcomic.
That could pass for a 13-year-old, and we know Kyle likes them younger than that.
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I don't know if I would even call his pitches actual pitches. He created 2-3 lolrandom characters, gave them puns for names, and just said they go on wacky adventures and stopped there.

It never worked. And most people would eventually come to see this plan is not working after the 20th failed pitch meeting. Something somewhere needed to change, and that does not mean make the main character an orange, a peanut, or a talking airplane. Change the formula from two people have wacky adventures. Make some kind of hook that will grab attention other than th4ey are wacky.

I imagine after a while executives got sick of Kyle's whole routine and were fully prepared to not pay attention and instantly decline. Having seen a half dozen pointless, non idea pitches that could not come up with a credible log line or describe a typical episode other than
>They have wacky cartoon adventures!
I'm sure he eventually buried any ability to actually sell a pitch after too many attempts of the exact same thing.
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“OK, I got it so get this, a wacky guy and a hot girl go on crazy adventures, IT’S GENIUS I TELL YOU”
he made an actual pilot for this and the villain and villain's assistant have far more personality than either of the leads
why didn't he make THEM the leads instead?
>Bitched about John K being a pedo
>Turned out to be a pedo himself
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Couldn’t the guy atleast be honest with himself and admit that he was better off as a character designer instead of a creator so he isn’t just creating baseless “cartoons”?
It's like he saw that Ren and Stimpy's main characters were a comedy duo and thought that doing the same thing for his pitches would immediately get his foot in the door.
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This is his best pitch
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He doesn’t even bother to create bios and tell us about the characters’ personality, backstory, motivations, ages, interests or whatever.

He thought all it took was to just draw a bunch of goofy looking characters and BOOM, tv show created.
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what a cunt
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Kyle's last pitch before his arrest
He's a legit narcissist. He thinks he's entitled to success.
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his eyes were on something, alright
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Who had this much free time to draw so ideas that ended up useless and a waste of space anyway?
>I'll just take some ideas from anime, no one will notice :^)
he might have gotten away with that in like, the 80s, definitely not now
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I do not like this character.
I think he could've combined all of the characters from these "pitches" into one anthology series and ended up with something more substantial
How many of these "pitches" did he make anyways? I often avoided the threads that pointed fun at them since it seemed like any other catty thread that bitched about industry animators, but I never realized just how many he churned out with little to no effort
Total Veendication.
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No one wants to watch an anthology series where every single episode is "a different pair of wacky characters, with personalities identical to those of every prior pair of wacky characters, goes out to lunch and gets harassed by a wacky villain."
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Anime inspiration is one thing but Kyle couldn’t even hide his blatant plagiarism, it’s just pathetic.
Not "pitches", anon...actual PITCHES
he did storyboards for some of these but some are lost now
Were these shows actually similar at all? I've never seen either one.
There's obvious inspiration (and then some) in the character designs but if that's all I don't think I'd call it plagiarism.
You'd need some kind of over-arching narrative or glue holding the different plotlines together, but kyle never thought that far ahead and the only glue kyle made was into tissues
I find funny that Youtube took down his second channel (but not the "fan" archive channel), but they didn't took down his TOPIC page with all his shitty music albums:
2 wacky characters meet 2 wacky characters
I think it's because his second channel was connected to the google account that he reuploaded the CP to in the first place. The archive and the topic page aren't connected to that.
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>my eyes are on the prize
The cute and funny prize.
It's not unusual for creators to have already made a lot of pitches. OK KO creator and Mao Mao creator both have 2 pitches that didn't get made. Only difference is Kyle posted everything he did while most creators keep their stuff under wraps just in case a studio might want it
I can forgive the plagiarism, nothing takes itself seriously after all. What's bad was he claiming it was 100% his original idea and he wasn't inspired by anything.
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>Kyle: Pigs who deliver le pizza, filled with le zany pig and pizza puns!

>Execs: Ok…and then what?

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It's crazy just how many pitches this guy gave out and only Mighty Magiswords was picked up and barely given time to breath before CN cancelled it. Then the feds found his "secret" google drive pizza stash and he's in jail for the rest of his days. Such is life.
>for the rest of his days
He won't be out that long, the charges are for either one year in county jail or five in state prison. It doesn't matter anyway, he won't be getting work when he gets out. He'll be resigned to churning out pitches without any of them being picked up for the rest of his life.
He'll probably have to move back in with his parents or something because no one will want a convicted pizza enjoyer to pitch a cartoon to them. His life is totally fucked from this point onward.
>Yomama Sostrong
>Fee Wings
... Really, nigga?
he could always move over to based france where people don't give a shit and become an animator there. Their industry isn't riddled with politics either and people actually get paid well
The sad part is that he's not wrong. Comics are notoriously unprofitable. There's literally no point in bothering.
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>Spongebob ripoff

You mean 'Ren & Stimpy' ripoffs. Spongebob itself is a Ren & Stimpy ripoff.

This looks like a parody cartoon you would find in a sitcom
So, I've been on the hunt for this since he disabled his dA but one of his many many ideas was literally just Love Hina. Like a full Love Hina clone. This would have been somewhere into the early to mid 2000's.
Hold on I kinda fuck with it
So we're just not going to acknowledge that the convicted pedophile draws conspicuously hot adult women? ... Okay.
This, his future is getting Polanski-pilled
What? Whatever his sentence is, I'm certain it will forbid him from leaving the country for a long time.
not all pdf files have an exclusive attraction.
>pdf files
After parole/supervision is over, you can pretty much leave the country without issue, it's just that other countries usually won't let you enter with a felony on record.
If he's got some Jewish ancestry he can bounce to Israel though.
>tfw can't refer to John K as "Kantpronounci" anymore on the account of Kyle turning out to be a far worse shitbag than Johnny
All he had to do was not jerk it off to children! How hard could it be?
What kind of pizza?
All he really needed to do was not upload his toxic pizza to Google Drive... what a dumbass
Why not follow the lead of Scott Ritter and move to Russia?
In hindsight, Mighty Magiswords really was the perfect fit for him.
The whole gimmick of the show was about shitting out as many "wacky and zany" sword ideas as possible, just like how he shat out endless pitches that all ultimately function the same.
No quality control, no dedication to building one strong idea and giving it legs to stand on, just quick simple little bursts of "silliness" made to be used and tossed away immediately.

Either he was aware of his own flawed nature as an artist and cleverly weaponized it when he pitched Magiswords, or someone in the office gave him the advice to do that.

I remember this, and I thought it was incredibly arrogant, entitled, and narcissistic. I knew Kyle's ego was out of control, but I didn't expect him to be an outright monster.
>barely given time to breath
It was awful. A literal shit show.
Vambre was hot
Well, now someone else will do the pitching and Kyle will do the catching.
I'm not saying it was good or not (like you say it was basically hyped up on pixie sticks constantly and didn't shut up) but like usual with newer CN shows the company barely gives new shows anything before just throwing them away.
Why is go-jama black? is kyle racist?
All of these pitches look like hastily thought up examples of what a pitch itself looks like, but not as examples of good pitches. Like what live action movies pretend are cartoons that kids laugh at, what >>144554545 said. These pitches are ends unto themselves, based on image alone you can't conceive of them really being made or being fleshed out beyond a simple title logo and character drawings.
They mostly all just seem like "two wacky characters go on adventures" which isn't enough fat to chew on for I'd say most cartoon channel executives.
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According to the original Pilot, basically goofy superpowered gang wars but the gangs are restaurants. But that's back when they were still people and there seemed to be an Anime/Tokusatsu bend.
Dat Piece of Shit tho
>he was better off as a character designer
But that would imply he was good as a character designer.
Actually acording to him, those where based in Chrono and Celes
She is. She has a fat ass.
That's called a lie.
He created the Mighty Magiswords characters in the 90s.
yeah, that's a common tactic for trying to cover up a lie. You confess to something lesser and deny the more egregious action so it makes your lie seem more believable. In murder investigations, someone might admit to doing drugs or stealing something while denying that they killed anyone because then it makes them seem truthful.
In Kyle's case, admitting to basing the characters off of other less similar characters is supposed to make it seem like he's less of a hack. His character designs *were* influenced by something, but it's not something that makes it look like he did a wholesale ripoff.

I don't buy it for a fucking second.
Somebody's spoken about how he had one of those red pandas lewding her underage cartoon self and wanting her to massage him, and that Kyle went into even more sexual details in a DM of what the red panda would do to her.
What's weird is 99% of his drawings and pitches feature fully developed voluptuous women. Other than his goofy appearance, there really was no indication he was a creep.
I think that's why this rippled through the animation world. Most people who work in the industry were at least casual acquaintances with him. Nobody really suspected a thing.
Those who did were made to shut up, or you have those like Anna F/pencilforge who act smug and act like everybody should've known he was el creepo.
Pig Latin! was a better cartoon idea than this.
>Those who did were made to shut up

I don't buy the people who are coming out of the woodwork now. Nico Colaleo did the same thing saying "I ALWAYS KNEW SOMETHING WAS CREEPY ABOUT THAT GUY", but he's a notorious ass kisser and would say anything in an effort to bolster his image.
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John K. once used his art in a blog post, using it as an example of unappealing cartoon art. John was right about him and his work. For the most part it's trying to be cartoony for the sake of it without any actual appeal.
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Even AIslop is better than Kyle's pitches. It works on a deeper level too, because pigs eat slop.
Yeah, he DESIGNED them in the 90's. What did their show look like when he initially pitched it though? Were magiswords even his idea?
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I know I might sound autistic for y'all but it is okay to watch mighty magiswords without not knowing the horrible truth about the creator?
Is that I always enjoyed this show back then, and I still enjoyed, and always used to see some fanarts of this show.....
and before you say anything, yes, I'm a newfag, and yes, this show has secret fetishes in it as well, but im just asking if its okay to enjoy the show or not, even when the creator is a massive douchebag!
you don't need permission to enjoy anything, ESL-kun
CN Japan even aired Magiswords and Slayers reruns together in an hour long block because the connection was so blatantly obvious to them.
>s okay to watch mighty magiswords without not knowing the horrible truth about the creator?
Of course it's okay. You have to be able to separate art from the artist or you'll drive yourself crazy. People still enjoy Roman Polanski movies despite him drugging and raping a little girl.
You will have to be able to come to terms with Pedo Man voicing one of the two main characters in every single episode of the cartoon when you watch it.
>im just asking if its okay to enjoy the show or not
How old are you? You do not have to ask permission to enjoy something even if the author/creator is an awful person. That's something between you and your conscience.
Separate art and artist, or you won't be able to enjoy 80% of any artistic medium
Kyle reminds me of those autistic kids you'd meet when you were younger who say they have great ideas for cartoons, but they clearly don't understand the process of getting a show on the air and think showing up at Cartoon Network HQ a couple characters and a premise will have the CEO greenlight the show for you, letting you do all the fun stuff while the studio handles the rest, which is funny because he's worked in the industry for decades.
At the end of the day, Kyle was just jealous that John K got his cartoon pitches made AND got to be a pedophile without going to prison
>Kyle had 4500 friends on Facebook just before the arrest was announced
>Almost 2000 have dropped him in the past week
I knew like 5 guys who liked this cartoon back in college. 2 of them become sex offenders. 1 got arrested for beating his girlfriend while drunk. the other 2 transitioned into women and are dating each other. Drop the show while you fucking can man.
...are they even worth collecting?
Plot twist: there was no cheese pizza, google and the feds just got tired of his awful pitches and counted every drawing as illegal material
do they even air anime on japanese CN?
May I see it?
yeah they do
That’s funny he even put Katie Rice as appealing art
>artist just wants money
so creating art is secondary
>You do not have to ask permission to enjoy something
We're on /co/, the place where people start entire threads to ask if they should watch something instead of, you know, just fucking watching an episode or two.
Or they'll start a thread saying "I just watched <insert show>, what did I think about it?"
It's not worth watching, but that being said I feel like it's pretty easy to separate the art from the artist in scenarios where the art and the crime don't really pertain to one another.
Maybe but the answer is usually more complicated than that.
>Kyle's mom had to delete her post celebrating his b-day
>His wife nuked social media or changed back to her maiden name
>Parents had to bail him out of jail on a 75k bond
This always gets confused by people who don't do this shit because terms like "artist" are used to describe people who make things for themselves as well as people who make things for a living.

Most people don't create Art for their job. If they work in the animation industry, they can use their artistic skills to aid in a production, but they're creating entertainment. They may have an artistic eye that they use to help make decisions, and they have technical skills related to being an artist that they can employ to get the job done, but it's a job. The job has a boss (or several), and decisions need to be run through execs who are bankrolling the production and expect to see a return on their investment. The stuff these people make for their job needs to sell. It can have artistic merit, but one cannot, for example, choose to do something purely for artistic reasons if it would mean that it would result in the financial collapse of the production. For the job, art is secondary.

Actual Art (capital A) is the stuff those people (as well as others who don't work in the industry) make at home after they're done with work. They can choose to do whatever is the most artistic and expressive without worrying about any boss telling them that it should be changed over financial concerns.

It's honestly fucking ridiculous to expect that shows on any sort of network are pure Art. It's entertainment which can have artistic merit, but the real Art is not a job.
He had a wife? That's more shocking than him being a pedo.
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>Parents had to bail him out of jail on a 75k bond
Unless Kyle's parents' names are "The Bail Boys", you're full of shit. Stop making things up.
Someone had to pay them, and someone's going to be on the hook for the full $75k if he skips town.
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MooBeard is still his best pitch, even if it falls into a lot of the same Carrozza trappings. Still a shame Nick never picked it up but it's whatever, there are tons of cartoonists with potential who aren't creeps like Kyle
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>Listen, your drawings are pretty good, but it doesn't make sense, OK?
>It's fucking stupid.
>What you need here is elevation.
>There has to be something that happens that's actually funny. What the fuck's happening here?
>Kyle tries to flee to France and pull a Polanski
that would imply france admires him in the first place to keep him lol
>At the end of the day, Kyle was just jealous that John K got his cartoon pitches made AND got to be a pedophile without going to prison
I think some of it was a personal beef with him too over John calling his cartoons weak, see >>144556035
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It feels like his entire education in pitch-making was seeing What A Cartoon! titlecards.
Reminder: this is by far the best show he's ever pitched.
jesus fuck the pacing is cocaine-induced stupor levels of fast
i know it's a mini episode but jesus, slow the fuck down
why does it feel like it's on 2x speed
imagine paying 75k just to have a few weeks of freedom before your hearing.

mans fucked beyond beliefe lmao.
I believe you only have to pay 10% unless you miss your court date.
oh okay that's way less egregious, horrible if he has to explain or talk to his folks if they really took on that deal.
That's not how bail bonds work. They more likely paid ~$7,500. (10%)
You usually either pay the full bail to the court and then get it back when you show up to your court date. If you miss it, the court keeps the cash. If you don't have the full amount, you can pay a bail bondsman usually 10%. They put up the cash to the court. If you end up going to court, they get their money back and they keep your 10%. If you miss your court date, they lose the cash, although that's usually when they get a Bounty Hunter (like Dog the Bounty Hunter) to hunt you down and force you to go to a hearing so they can recoup their money.
Can you really even call these pitches, they're just same rehashed idea with different characters without any kind of thought put into them.
This pissed me off because the orange gal is really close in design to an OC of mine. I'm a nobody so it doesn't matter, but it really rustled my jimmies. Glad this guy went down for totally unrelated reasons.
Shoji Kawamori was right. Hack creators really do love to rip off stuff from anime because they somehow think no one will notice. Some of it is just exceptionally blatant.
Do you not know what a Bail Bondsman is?
yeah, they paid the bail bondsman $7,500, not 75k.
I see, never mind.
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>Quad dubs of truth
This guys pitches are just so cringe. How did he ever get work?
The bad pitches used to be nothing more than "meh" but now that Kyle's a certified lolcow they're fucking hilarious lol.
he was more of a storyboard artist than an actual creator of something
the only real show he had to his name was mighty magiswords and even then, that show got fucked over by teen titans go being the favorite
It's perfectly fine, anon. Best of luck, newfag!
the show itself got fucked by feeling like watching cartoons on cocaine, jesus was that paced like shit.
If a literal who twitter account makes you seethe, that's on you
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Show that would be carried by one character.
Literally the only time he ever suceeded at life he was doing this.
ok you have my attention, I hope someone posts that in this thread.
That one actually looks like something that might be picked up. It still doesn't look good, but it looks like it could be on TV.
i do because nobody but women cares about trash like slayers, vambre looks fuck nothing like the main chick, but being a celes ripoff makes a shit tone more sense.
>kyle broke out of prison to post this
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>"There is no place in cartoons where the joke is being horny!"
Do tell.
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Kyle show pitches were like street litter. I'm annoyed that there's so many and not one of them has a solid foundation. Even Hanna-Barbera shows had more of a "core idea" than this slop.
If it's the only joke, then yeah, that's no good.
That's a good hoe design
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Probably because something very similar to it already was.
He even named the character Avery.
If Kyle was so "eyes on the prize" about money, you'd think he'd take his pitches more seriously by actually having an idea propping them up.
Everyone lives in the real world, man. Groceries and rent mean you have to have a craft that gets you paid.
The absolute ironing.
isn't that the entire plot of pepe le pew? He gets horny for another character and spends the entire episode chasing her around. Hijinks ensue.
just because someone wants something doesn't mean they're good at attaining it.
>The People of the State of California vs. Carozza, Kyle Adam
is that his newest cartoon pitch?
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>egoraptor voices Keith
>Carrozza voices the cube
Are all this actual pitches or just him fucking around? I mean, all thease are just drawings, where's the story and basic episodes?
At least Screwball got killed off.
All of them are genuine, but most of them are literally nothing except the one image.
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My God, it's awful. Porn of Citrus and Sluggo when?
Can you imagine Kyle getting like 1 pitch meeting a week, and all the network producers are just like
>awwww fuck it's that weird fat guy with the mutton chops AGAIN...what cartoon idea it today, Kyle?
>It's called Quickley Runsalot and Shoe! It's about an olympic-runner cheetah and his talking sneake-
>Please get the hell out of here Kyle
Unironically some plebian twitter OC tier shit, I really hat this
Even Hanna Barbera would cut in between gag cartoons to give us shit like The Herculoids or Birdman
Even their Scooby Doo rip-offs would occasionally attempt to revamp the characters just a bit like Josie and the Pussycats
Flintstones, Yogi Bear, Wacky Races, Space Ghost, all remembered very fondly and each had a different premise

Kyles stuff is just too nothing and same-y
Fund it
I wonder if Ricky Gervais would have sued.
Imagine naming your characters :Yomama Sostrong" and thinking you've got a home run.
Seriously what relevance does that even have except being a pun?
This one is just 'Ok Ko with animals'. Even the raccoon dressed up like Ko. Who wants to bet Cartoon Network rejected it?
He should've made a forced appeal to the bbw crowd with a Yomama Sofat
Jokes aside this reply just made me realize that "Yomama Sostrong" doesn't even work as a pun because it's not even a fucking insult. Nobody makes "yo mama so strong" jokes, wtf Kyle
Do you think his drive also contained secret fetish art he wouldn't want anyone else to see his horny ways about
>women so scared of kyle she thinks is behind every post
>I know I might sound autistic for y'all but it is okay to watch mighty magiswords without not knowing the horrible truth about the creator?

If we only consumed the works (books, comics, cartoons, etc.) of writers who lived the lives of saints, we would read or watch very little and be very bored.
Nah, Kyle's pitches would be right at home as the B-segments of garbage like Peter Potamus, Atom Ant and Squiddly Diddly.
For future generations to look back on and realize how much of a hack fraud this guy really was.
Even the bad stuff should be collected, used as an example of what not to do
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Not like he was trying to hide it either.
>is it okay to watch this
You really are autistic but I don't believe that you are a newfagbecayse this is decent bait.
He was too busy jacking off to literal torture porn.
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>Pic related tried to mimic everything about Kyle he could
>Even down to buying an expensive as shit accordion
Should we check pic related's drives? Just in case.
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John wins.
Ormal-nay ords-way, ut-bay a-yay orse-hay uy-gay!
Any industryfags know if most cartoon pitches are as bare bones as kyle's?
That was likely the inspiration. He wanted to make something that would have only worked as late as the early 80s at best.
That's Kyle "crazy for Daisy" Carrozza for you
The way it works is that you can either pay the full amount and by refunded when you make your hearing or pay 10% but not get a refund.
Most would at the very least:

>Have a fully written document.

>Have a brief summary of the character's personalities, their relationships and possible episode ideas.

>Would probably be trying to chase some recent trend so they might actually get picked up.
Drawing is nice
the pilot is a snorefest
>Is it okay to consume a piece of media
This is your brain on twitter
No way you're older than 20
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What is it about Mighty Magiswords that made it so good for making lewd edits? I guess it's the combination of a simple art style and how most of the characters actually do have tits and ass already.
Overwhelming majority of pitches are catered to the studio they are being pitched to so they will look somewhat similar to shows that have been on Disney or Nickelodeon.

Outside of that they tend to be a PDF that covers the characters, the setting, the general tone of the show, and a couple ideas of what some episodes will be like. About 15ish pages on average.
If you have to ask...
It was the only show where the women have both boobs and asses post 2011.
What a low bar to aim for.
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This Kyle scandal is going to set the industry back even further into more fearful anti-attractive cartoons, isn't it?
What art = artist goons forget is that plenty of innocent people worked on the show as well. Why punish the writers and animators and voice actors who have nothing to do with Kyle's crimes?
[as] had an online show called Development Meeting where they'd open the phone lines and take pitches from anyone. It looks like quite a few are still on their youtube. Quality aside, most of the pitches they received were more along the lines of what is really expected:
>art AND descriptions for every major character
>log line
>handful of episode synopses
>show bible if they were pitching the kind of thing that had "deep lore"
This one I remembered even had a trailer ready to go, but that's going above and beyond.

tl;dr he wasn't even trying
I remember one that was Chicken Nuggets that were high on weed
I think a lot of ideas were just "Ayy lmao weed"
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>Princess Zange
>Witchy Simone
>Penny Plasm
>Mysterious Hooded Woman
>Lady Hiss
>A few others
Absolutely untapped waifu goldmine, OK KO had them too but the art style was usually too simple or wacky to gain attraction from non-autists.
The good news is that there won't be much of an industry left to ruin.
All the good shit for attractive characters is indie, international, or just straight up anime.
it only takes one day to get on an airplane
Here is how to create your own Magisword straight from the horse's mouth
no he likes them full jailbait.
That's for his next pitch: Where in the World is Kyle Carrozza?
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You only say that because you want to fuck the bird
The Adventure Academy stuff was fun, was pretty neat that we did get to see a lot of Vambre and Prohyas' backstory
I've noticed that a lot of shows made by pedos conspicuously don't have anything that could be construed as pedo like in them. Magiswords, Ren & Stimpy, hell even Rurouni Kenshin isn't that bad compared to most other anime
Squirt-sized Squirt.
is this nigga obsessed with 60s cartoons? that's basically how pitches got made then.

i don't think there's been a cartoon pitch in the last 15 years that didn't come hand in hand with a pitch bible.
More fitting title:
>Crazy Pandas
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Mighty Magiswords didn't really have any major or even recurring child characters, I guess we have the adventure academy stuff but they're teens in that, there's some incidental/background ones and a couple flashbacks to kid Prohyas and Vambre
That's not her name
Perverts like kyle dont do as much damage as much as sociopathic suits.
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No, this is
the torture aspect of the equation was a rumor started by Nico Colaleo because he lacks reading comprehension. Don't spread a rumor started by such a wannabe dipshit.
It COULD have torture, but it's probably the regular kind.
>nintendo cease and desist
the lolicon artists always date vegas strippers and the safe cartoonists always are discord groomers
>Vambre's hatred of pants partially stems from her medical condition that gives her unnaturally warm legs
>Her accent isn't real, it's a voice she puts on due to her love of Veronica Victorious books as a kid
How did you pick up an accent from a novel though?
Because digital coloring and ink
The old lady that gave her the books had the English accent, the books themselves gave her the extended fancy vocabulary, it's also one of the only times we hear her natural voice since it was before she got the accent. In the Bark Attack minisode she put on a Midwest accent as a distraction.
Vambre's Brain specifically has a completely different voice from her, and could possibly have her natural voice.
I think it'd probably be a good idea to archive all of the minisodes and shorts before CN Nukes them from existence.
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Kyle has been pitching Magiswords to CN ever since the CN City era.
He created the characters in 1996.
And kept on revising and pitching to CN until they accepted it.
>Putting aside the Club Penguin arrest
Wait the arrest was for Club Penguin!?
i'm convinced they only accepted it and let the show keep going because CN weren't sure how ttg was gonna go
when they realise ttg was selling hotcakes, they spammed the fuck out of it
such an unnecessarily bitchy response to an innocuous comment
>The Bail boys
Looks like he sold a pitch
For someone who does art, he sure is avaricious.
The best artists were the ones were weren’t desperate for money.
Dude should be grateful his shit got greenlit.
The absolute minute you think of money when doing art that’s when your art becomes soulless.
Club Penguin, yes.
For a slice of Cheese Pizza, shall we say.
funny enough, i remember a club penguin private server got shut down because the main guy was engaging in cheese pizza and overall he was an unlikable power-hungry tyrant who wanted only HIS server to be the best Club Penguin server, kwab
It's too coherent. It's gotta have a wacky rAnDuMB element.
>The Bail Boys and Tennis Ball
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When even Tom Green (or his ghost writer) has a better understanding of what’s funny, you’re dead meat
>Kyle: I wish people talked about Magiswords again!
>monkey’s paw finger curls
>The People of the State of California vs. Carozza
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Bill and Bob are next
It makes me wonder if the sheer volume and frequency of his pitches despite having the exact same formula was from autism, desperation, or a pitiful combination of both
Pepperoni would be awkward
>Were these shows actually similar at all?
No, not at all. And frankly, the characters aren't that similar, either.
he's just an idea machine gun.
Spray and pray
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is this tvtropes?
That looks like a Johnny Test OC
Never trust a man who self-inserts as a raccoon girl wearing a frog suit.
Will Kyle get raped?
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Did this guy dick around with the arist who do this?
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>Club Penguin arrest
>It's real
Honestly expected this guy to be outed for something eventually
How long does Nico Colaleo have left before he gets outed for something as well?
Five years tops
Yeah, Dirk's mad over Kyle having insulted him even if it's not as bad as what he did to others.
2.5 years minimum.
If nothing else he's going to simp is way into bad graces, he's too much of a suck up to people who have actually made things that people actually give a shit about.
you are incredibly naive if you think france animation isn't political. Just because they allow offensive humor and lolicon doesn't mean they don't suck brown cock all day. More than half what they make now has black people on it
>lavalamp got mad at this for "minimizing the situation"
first time i seen the fella and he sounds like an insufferable self righteous cunt, redpill me on him
He's a guy I made up
By looking at the Wayback, I was able to find the name of this particular "pitch". It was called "Jay and the Ladies". This is the only picture I was able to find which is the main lady doing the not-Naru kick on Jay.
He has his eyes onto something else
As if it wasn't obvious she's a ripoff of Lina.
After a few times I'm sure they tuned him out since his newest pitch was not going to be anything they have not seen already.
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Least surprising pedo ever.
I can see what he meant by Celes being the inspiration, but that first version of her especially looks very close to Lina. Even has her earrings.
Schultz is now taking shots at Kyle?
...that was supposed to be Rae's big break too.
Would even inmates want to rape a fay ugly weird guy?
Funny how these two guys say absolutely nothing during Kyle's entire career, no criticism of his concepts or arrogance, until he's arrested for something heinous. Kyle deserves it but the sheer amount of people in the industry going "yeah actually I always hated him" just seems so tacky. Like we get it, you guys all secretly hate each other until it's okay to say so, this isn't very respectful to the victims involved.
so pissy mr lava, so pissy.
>Kyle deserves it but the sheer amount of people in the industry going "yeah actually I always hated him" just seems so tacky. Like we get it, you guys all secretly hate each other until it's okay to say so,
I named you after the two bravest people I know, Dan Olsen Colaleo
When did he say that? The latest I’ve heard about him was when he was sperging out over someone bringing Robotech merch at a recent con, but that’s about it.
Attacking someone who is healthy is hazardous to your health. Only kick a dog when its down.
Pedos go into protective custody, which in most prisons is the same as solitary confinement.
If he's lucky he'll be in a ward with snitches, ex-cops, and fellow nonces, where no one will misbehave for fear of being put in gen pop.

So, almost certainly not.
>Them Bail Boys
Industry people cannot say shit about each other if they want to maintain a career, this has been talked about a lot in at least 6-7 other threads already.
Nico especially is so full of shit. He rubs me the wrong way more than Kyle ever did. Not accusing him of doing the same kind of thing, but he strikes me as a guy who is a huge asshole, and all of his relationships are purely transactional ways to get him further in the industry.
Eh, I mean it's okay if you think that. Better to be pissy than to be a snake who keeps quiet about people until it's convenient for me to get good boy points for making fun of them.
I like to think he was drawing another one right as the cops kicked down the door.
yeah you're definitely him, thankfully i got friends over.

keep going. ;)
Katie learned from him. Praising her art is the same as praising his own art.
Doesn't Kyle have a court next?
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Making articles about animation people passing up my keen, penetrating insight into character because they wanted to work with bad artists like Kyle so bad.
That’s a unique form of completely ignorant about what John K actually did - there must be people proud of making you so wrong about his blog, which thousands of artists learned from
This is a good example of why I could never take John K seriously. He writes a whole article about Appeal as an iron law of cartooning, and then gives Shrek, Tarzan, and Finding Nemo as breakers of the rule. I'm sure he's right about everything, but if I was an aspiring cartoonist all it would show me is that Appeal doesn't actually matter at all. When people talk about Shrek today nobody brings up Donkey having bad character design or whatever the fuck.
Even when John K loses he wins
Apparently Kyle was an all around creep, not just a cheese pizza enjoyer.
Didn't Zach Hadel try to pitch a show on this program?
Does John K really do that list thing?
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He was spraying, all right.
Damn, I thought people were just joking about the arrest.
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Yes, they do, they even aired Slayers next to MagiSwords there and they have a nightime block where they aire more "mature" anime on top of spamming Keroro during the day
All we need now is for every showrunner to be convicted of a felony so everyone can be honest about how they really feel.
The population at large did not know he was a pedophile until less than a week ago, you grandstanding pinhead.

"Oh boo hoo hoo, why weren't they criticizing his work publicly prior to his fall from grace?!" Because he was just some fucking guy before that, and he held a relatively senior position in the industry, going on a public tirade about how stupid you think his cartoon ideas are isn't going to serve you very well if you want to get a job in it. The fact people had to keep their mouth shut for so long only explains why the backlash is so severe. There are a myriad of people coming out with stories about him, and they're varied and go quite far back. He's done a lot of rotten things to a lot of people over a very long period of time, and now there's the actual CP stuff on top of that.
Is it not a bad look to make light of such a horrid man by drawing funny caricatures of him? I mean if the stories going around are true, he was abusive and creepy towards a lot of industry people. Is it not insensitive to those victims to draw a bunch of funny art for clout points?
No one cares about you little bro
Arica Tuesday >>144563016 responded positively to both images. You don't get to police how people react to things, especially when they don't concern you. I doubt these were drawn for clout either, that's just some strange projection from you.
'Ground Keith' is such a terrible, terrible pun that it makes me fucking wince. And the fact that he thought it was good enough to base an entire character concept around is fucking insane.
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The highlight of his career is this panel lmao
The fact Kyle is a pedophile doesn't nullify John K. being as pedophile too. And you too, Anthony.
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Has any Western loli artist ever turned out to be a predator? Or has it been someone "nobody suspected" every single time?
Between this and Nefcy having cancer this hasn't been a great week for cartoon creators.
Yeah I would hate it if an artist drew someone who wronged me looking like a fat, retarded, asshole. That would make me so mad.
>looking like a fat, retarded, asshole
but anon, that's EXACTLY what Kyle looks like
...how did he miss Ground Chuck?
How hard is it not to be a coomer menace. I wonder if people like this and John K are pedos because their only interests are childish things and can't hold conversations about anything else with other adults. Can you imagine being Kyle and just going to a bar to talk to people? Like, what do you have to talk about? I hate to say it but it's not surprising at all if a toy collector turns out to be a pedo and I think both of them were. There's a million better things to spend your money on than toys, and not just utilitarian stuff, so spending all your money on that implies you haven't thought much about what other things you could try doing with your time. I don't know too much about these guys so maybe they're more well-rounded than I think, but at a surface level they seem like guys who only like cartoons, toys, and in Kyle's case video games. Maybe I'm conflicting Kyle with the Ollie and Scoops guy, one of them made an apartment tour that was just full of toys and memorabilia.
He learned at John K's feet and John also had no concept of story, conflict, or what funny meant beyond "kuh-RAZEE thing happens next"
In John's case it's severe autism, in Kyle's it's laziness
I supposed it rhymes with Beef. I would have gone with something like Biff, Brief, something with a B in it.
>a million better things to spend your money on
like what?
>all remembered very fondly and each had a different premise
Teenagers old enough to drive, in the four basic personality/body types and "Talking Thing That Shouldn't Talk"
There was even an entire episode of Mystery Inc where those characters all had a reunion and this gets brought up

Do you regularly attack coworkers and colleagues you dislike in a public forum? How has it affected your job prospects? Oh wait, you don't have colleagues because that implies having a career. My apologies.
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It’s not that Shrek or 90s Disney films were bad by themselves, it’s that they became a negative influence on major companies and film directors. Every kids film has been trying to ape Shrek’s deconstruction narrative for two decades now. That’s what John K hated about it. He liked Toy Story because it didn’t follow the traditional Disney pathos nor was it trying too hard to be self-aware.
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What's being referred to are the stand-out cartoons they made that keep getting referenced or attempted to be rebooted
>Teenagers old enough to drive
Has anybody found out why? I figured because it saved them money by reusing the same segment of the characters driving in every episode.
If you were smarter you would realize that these are people who've had a personal distaste for Kyle, and can finally express it in public. This is years of pent up rage coming out. It isn't clout.
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>Nefcy having cancer
Star is eating her from the inside out...
NTA but Kyle was already exposed a year ago, not related to being a pedo, but for being a bully. Which is also what these industry people are saying now, so why didn't they speak up then?
Tickets to events or places to meet people/spend time with those you know, classes on new subjects/skills you could learn, books, electronics, clothes, sports/strength training equipment, art supplies (which I'm sure he has), etc. Not that I'm some normalfag, I'm here, but buying toys or figures gives you an initial hit of dopamine and little else. I understand their aesthetic appeal but I can get that from a picture without having toys clutter up my space.
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Vambre cunny...
It's literally that. He looked at R&S, said to himself "this is retarded, I can do THAT" then spent a decade not paying attention to John himself failing to reproduce its success.
My old roommate/childhood friend is an artist who's trying to make it big. The issue is he's been doing this art thing for almost 20 years. His parents are worried about his future and would complain to me and my other friends about it. They would ask us to guide him into an actual career. The other guy we know who wants to be an artist has been working at the same Shoprite for 15 years, no skills his art hasn't even improved, argues that his art is perfect. There has to be a point where one has to go, maybe this isn't working out.
He's not even an ideas man
He's literally inferior to us, and we're scum whose best idea in 20 years was Chaptor

They did. Lots of people did. If you search his name on Twitter you'll see a bunch of posts from this week, and a bunch from nearly a year ago. Kyle's reputation was already going in the toilet, but like John K, there's a difference between, "This guy is a jerk and a creep. Avoid him." and "This guy is an actual criminal."

I was out of the loop, so I didn't know how much his star had already fallen until the news broke. I already had a distaste for the guy because of his egoism, but he never did anything to hurt me, so why would I have attacked him publicly. I also have a severe distaste for Andrew Dickman, but I have no personal vendetta against him, and I don't know enough about the accusations against him to say anything useful or relevant.
that's showbiz. tenacity is a huge part of it, but so is luck. i've done both blue collar and white collar work and i can say almost every single coworker, including myself, have artistic talents and dreams. i can't help but feel like your friend and people in the business had some kind of support that we didn't have. some kind of reason they could go "i'll spend 20 years chasing this thing and still manage to stay afloat somehow." i acknowledge sour grapes may be a part of it
Yeah funny thing, both Gail Simone and Jimmy Palmiotti both said today out of nowhere that they weren't going to diss fellow creators on social media
You gotta get inside the animals

In John K.'s case, he's a control freak, so I'd bet he gets off more on being able to control and manipulate another person, and feeling like the cool older guy, than on being an actual pedophile. As far as I know he always went after teenage and young adult women, probably because women his own age would fall for his crap.
1. Kids who drive their own cars are cool
2. The alternative is only going where they can walk or worse, take the bus
Biff Patty, just ditch ground it doesn't do anything for communicating the name.
I don't know the guy's situation, but if it's as dire as it sounds then maybe it's not a case of persistence and more a case of doing something wrong. Like is his friend putting his art out there? Is it getting any responses or feedback? Is he just an Andrew Dobson? Also how old is the guy? What career do they expect out of a guy who is 30 if not older?
>Nefcy having cancer
I may or may not have sent her a Sonichu medallion

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>Least surprising pedo ever.
Another anon said it before, but Kyle being so repulsive to look at was ironically his biggest shield and social crutch. He looks so stereotypically obvious as a nonce that it loops back around into pity for judging his looks in the first place, so you end up thinking that its unfortunate that he looks like a pedo despite being "nice", and don't think twice about him possessing illegal cheese pizza.
He's putting it out there, it's just stoner art. He refuses to think otherwise. The most feedback he gets is likes on instagram, but from other art friends. At one point he tried getting his name out there by buying stuff from some artist that apparently knows and worked with KRSone and Jayz for art, but only realized the dude was just coaxing him into buying from his store. I know at some point he tried doing an art group with other artists, invited me into the group. The group consisted of a lesbian who actually does art in philly and bunch of non-binary people and said nah. The group later disbanded cause of drama. I mostly do art as a hobby or shitposting. I know some of my art is floating around on the internet.
John K also liked Cat's Don't Dance, Cow & Chiken and Beavis & Butt-head and those are from the 90s too, he even said that Cow & Chicken was the best 90s cartoon, not Ren & Stimpy
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r8 my cartoon designs /co/
she's a redhead and everything
that's a bad bitch in that pitch, i like it. too bad he liked them a little too young.
I mean shit, he sounds like he's not being totally lazy about it, if he wants to do Album art has he tried hitting up smaller artists and shit? I've seen what some these Soundcloud rappers put out for art. If he's not afraid to put his shit out there, and is willing to network, then I'm hesitant to say just give up. Is his stuff atleast unique in terms of DUDE WEED art?
where did you learn that?
Many comic creators upheld John Byrne out of that rule of "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything", or acting shocked when others had their Bad Byrne stories.
Kinda cute. Slice of life? Or something more absurd?
Yes - the other girls were also very similar, nearly 1v1, of the other Love Hina girls. It's mildly frustrating that I can't find anything outside of that tiny picture.
I get that, but I just don't believe in hating someone because less talented people tried to copy them. And that pic you posted is another example of what I was trying to get at: John's just surprisingly naive about what appealing (heh) animation even looks like. He can hate the Disney formula as much as he wants, but he looks like an idiot if he acts like millions of people don't love it.
0/10 not wacky enough.
So was the Kaolla stand-in cute?
What kind of career can you even get at that point? Do they expect him to start going to med school in his 30's?
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What a greedy, bitter, insecure asshole. Rest in piss, Kyle. Make sure not to drop the soap in prison.
>no skills his art hasn't even improved, argues that his art is perfect
And that's why he is not working in any industry
Go back to jail, Kyle.
How was Kyle caught? Was he dumb enough to brag about having it in his possession?
Kenshin isn't the worst but the age-gap relationships really do make sense after that scandal.
That's hilarious. They should make that show right now.
The big theory was that his Google Drive got scraped and it triggered Google to lock and wipe his account, which he had tweeted about last September.
zero fucking resemblance you stupid nigger quit spamming this shitty theory
I mean, they're all 2004/05 Kyle designs so if you're into that you'll like it. He did, indeed, have stand ins Kaolla and Shinobu which now looks kind of bad.
It's pretty clear from the early concepts as shown here >>144560258 that he was clearly inspired by Slayers.
>Google Drive
What a dumbass. It reminds me of a somewhat recent incident when a dark web admin who tried to rugpull got caught.

Hello Kyle.
It makes you wonder what Kyle's been up to in this time since his bail-out, if they banned him from internet usage or had other conditions.
Don't quote me, but I'm fairly sure with charges like his that he wouldn't be allowed to be posting online. I'm not sure if he'd be allowed restricted access, or none at all. I remember back when Mad Thad was a thing, he was immediately re-arrested after posting on Twitter. Of course, he was also completeky etarded.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was lurking if he can use the internet.
A more sedate Antonucci. It works.
His trial is next week, the thing with narcissists like Kyle is they can be so fickle when faced with situations like these, luckily for him there's a swimming pool in his apartment he can drown himself in if he wants to go out quickly.
He's an asshole in terms of continuity but I don't recall him trying to fuck the women in the bullpen
His screen name "TV's Kyle" makes so much sense. He wanted to be Television's Kyle A. Carrozza, not Webomics' Kyle or anything else.
>won't settle for anything less than TV
>but has no theatrical ambitions
he set his sights high, but not too high
>born 1979
So, was it true that he worked on the OG Animaniacs? He would've still been in High School by the time the last episodes were in production.
Most chomos are technically not pedophiles, but sadists who simply see children as easy targets. Obviously a lot of CP collectors are pedos, but a significant number of them are sadists instead, and a small minority have no sexual interest in the material at all but collect it anyway because of mental illness.
Basically the answer is always mental illness
TV's kyle theme song: https://vocaroo.com/1c7ykLtgcyzn
I really dislike Kyle's style. I know "line of action" and all that shit is important but all his drawings look like taffy. His show was unpleasantly obnoxious and I'm glad he's gone from the internet.
Did you make this or just found it?
So, like, after serving time and everything what's gonna happen to him?
Where can people with a record earn their bread? Is he gonna rope eventually?
Assuming he doesnt instantly kill himself.
Probably either trucker or helping other felons find work assuming he doesnt fuck it up.
Either that or he goes full heel turn and becomes a political grifter of some kind.
Again. Assuming he doesnt just immediately try and kill himself at the idea of having to no longer being able to be "TV's Kyle."
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I found it.
>no longer being able to be "TV's Kyle."
He can still be if TV news covers part of his trial.
I can't imagine being me and just going to a bar to talk to people.
Yeah, I have much more respect for the people who are reacting with shock than dickheads who are pretending like they always suspected something was up.
They “kicked down the door” at 7:30 am. More likely they caught him making toast in his crusty tighty whiteys
>Is his stuff atleast unique in terms of DUDE WEED art?
Not really, no. I hope he does make it, but I rather him at least focus on his savings since he thought it would be a good idea to rack 10k on going to the bar and ignoring his demons.

They're immigrant Columbians, I got him a QC job at some place we both got fired eventually and had to work on his resume. He apparently got some QC dispensary job, so his parents is off our backs.

That's the other guy, I stopped talking to him when I heard he apparently told on himself about how he raped a chick but was saying it wasn't rape. I honestly stopped hanging out the art people, they're all fucking weird except my old roommate and two other people.
Ironically, Ren and Stimpy weren't even the main focus of John's original pitch, iirc. They were supposed to be bit characters for a variety show, but Nick's CEO singled them out for their own series.
>Then the feds found his "secret" google drive pizza stash
How? What exactly happened? How did he get caught?
He claims he worked on a Slappy Squirrel segment that was outsourced to Startoons, doing two days of clean-up on it. Jon McClenahan said his work likely never made it into the final episode, for why he wasn't credited.
Google Drive scrapes for illegal content and if it detects hashes identical to those of Club Penguin, it sends a report to the feds.
It could have also been a third party sending a tip, but some of Kyle's stans have a weird tinhat obsession on it being Vee that had to have done it when you know she would've been going on and on about it somewhere.
I cannot believe how bad this is.
>Keeping stuff like that on an online drive
Genuine how fucking retarded is this man?
There's a pitch with a clown girl, anyone have that one?
On a google drive of all things too, the least private cloud to store something on, especially something this heinous.
He may have gotten away with it if he knew how to encrypt it before uploading it, but he never looked like a smart man.
This was my thought as well. Keith just doesn’t make nearly as much sense.
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There's this guy
>why does it feel like it's on 2x speed
From what I've seen of the show, it has even worse pacing.
what's wrong with peter potamus?
did ya get that thing I sent ya?
Is FRS likely to get removed from Webtoons?
If so, how to make downloading it all not a pain in the ass?
Who knows what other places he might've been trying to stash more pizza
Jesus, this man was rubbing elbows with all the greats of old, if he was BFFs with BrainSister, or Doug Winger I'll lose my shit.
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>tfw Kyle's not even thinking of how his life will be awful in Jail
>tfw Kyle's worst nightmare is this thread
>tfw Kyle's probably thinking "Oh fuck, the internet is memeing on me right now!"
>tfw Kyle's worst feat is just being memed on and he can't even see it which is probably making it worse
This is the only Might Magiswords pic I have.
i want to fuck the female soap
AnnieMae's spoken out against him since 2021 up to now on the former bird site. The Love Hina copy's in a thread.
>"TVsKyle drama going on again, and just wanna RT screen shots of our interaction on DA. I would LOVE to dig up our AIM conversations back then.
I am not accusing him of any criminal act, simply that he builds up artists moral and will toss them aside once they act up."
>""Annie stop talking about TVsKyle already"
Just thinking how he made a point to say that ZDAR traumatized him, and I remember being equally angry ranting about ZDAR.
ZDAR is just funny to me now, and even then I explored the idea of the ship because it was gay. Gay is good."
>"TVsKyle was well liked because he was good at making someone feel good and wanted, but he has so many other behavioral red flags, it should be acceptable to have called him out on it."
>"There's the time he shit on someone criticizing Fanboy and ChumChum and he just had to "go off" in defense of that show.
Or the time I told him that his Harem Anime concept was over used and I just got the snootiest snap back possible. Like I stepped on his foot."
Modern SpongeBob maybe, classic SpongeBob is far closer to dialogue-focused 90s adult animation like The Simpsons or maybe even Duckman.
wait, nefcy has cancer?
>At one point he tried getting his name out there by buying stuff from some artist
How does that work? Like...he was hoping that by buying some other dude's stuff, senpai would notice him?
>Spongebob itself is a Ren & Stimpy ripoff
Most of its production team branched out from Rocko, including Stephen Hillenburg himself
>he can drown himself
The guy looks like an inflatable pool toy and yet only weighs 260. That means he is ALL fat and zero muscle mass. He's way too buoyant to drown unless he attached weights to himself, but then he'd have to carry them which you need muscle mass to do.
Maybe someone needs to give him a Skibidi Swirly
>Kyle goes to court
>prosecutor holds up one of his pitch drawings as evidence
The pool cleaners will have to work overtime to drag his ass out
Imagine having to clean that pool after Kyle dies and voids his bowels in it.
Annie Mae put it up on Twitter, but it's a low res version since the original is lost.
The red-haired girl is named "Yomama" (sense a pattern), and there's an Asian girl named "Doomimi" in there.
All the shit, piss, and overwhelming miasma of fail.
I would have that pool filled with concrete right after, any water in there is never ever getting clean.
your imagination is broken if you can look at something like SpongeBob and only see dialogue
>and only see dialogue
that's not what he said
he's saying early spongebob is effectively structured like a sitcom
can you post some of your art btw
That doesn’t save anything, unlike The Simpsons notable live action sitcoms have nuanced acting and it’s worth looking at the actors.
> can you post some of your art btw

You can’t just go where I’ve posted it?
It seems like it's fucking difficult. Kitchens will hire people who have done time, but that would require standing on your feet for like 12 hours, and moving quickly. I don't think Kyle could hack it. There are other jobs like trucking which would require licensing and Kyle seems like the type who wound need to take frequent naps.

His prospects aren't good. A lot of menial shit-jobs that might take whoever would be willing to actually do them are being automated so even stuff like remote data-entry isn't much of an option anymore.

Aside from having been a convicted felon, he'd also need to disclose that he's a registered sex offender which makes things even more difficult and comes with stipulations for where you can/can't work and live.

There's also the social aspect. His family and friends will never look at him the same way ever again. He's done one of the most morally corrupt things that even murderers despise. If he's convicted, his life will essentially be ruined forever.
>You can’t just go where I’ve posted it?
>If he's convicted, his life will essentially be ruined forever.
Being charged was more than enough already
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The surviving potato quality remnant of "Jay and The Ladies"
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for the record, the allegation that he kept his pizza on a google drive is pure speculation. Kyle tweeted about google having wiped his drive towards the end of last year and some anons believe that would line up with when authorities would have begun an investigation, but we don't know that for sure.

I'm not arguing against Kyle being dumb, but /co/ tends to slowly shift rumors and conjectures into mass-adopted fact and there need to be a few of us pedantic buttholes to set the record straight.
The dude probably wishes he was John K's friend, and never got on his bad side. The two sex pests can do something amazing I bet while being coddled by their loyal fans.
yeah, it was some young guy whose parents knew kyle that posted up the theory
If you're not afraid of using the terminal/command line, there are scripts made in python to do it. It would be a similar process to using yt-dlp.
this comment right here, feds.
>Being charged was more than enough already
I agree, but that can be overcome. Most people would still judge you, but you can move to an area where people don't know you and find work doing SOMETHING since you wouldn't have to check that little box that says you did time or be obligated to tell people you're a sex-pest. He might even be able to find a couple people in animation to quietly hire him to do remote work under a pseudonym if he can convince them it was all just a mixup.
Once he's actually convicted, all those doors slam shut.
It was a rhetorical remark, let's see if anything further comes out in court
One of the few redeeming qualities of Love Hina was the anime artstyle. Kyle's art ironically seems better suited to sexless 'wacky adventures' than a harem romcom. /co/ will disagree but people on /co/ have such low bugman standards that they'll goon for Cocomelon
oh, I misunderstood. I thought you were asking people for suggestions of other places he might have stashed stuff.
I agree it's important to be clear on the facts and the facts are that we don't know for sure if he put it on Drive.
However, I just think it's interesting that the timeline from his Drive being wiped to him being arrested is very similar to the timeline from when famous e-retard Daniel Larson threatened to bomb the White House to when he was arrested.
eh, Kyle's way of blending anime style and american cartoons was a pretty novel thing back then
sure. It's plausible, but it's important to reiterate that it's speculation whenever repeating the rumor.

Other incorrect /co/ "facts":
Alex Hirsch did not shit in garbage cans. The allegation is that he pissed in them.

Hirsch is not alleged to have slept with underage girls. He slept with a 19 year old student who was neither his intern nor someone who worked for him. She did not allege that he promised to hire her or help get her jobs.

Julia Vickerman was fired for being drunk at work and sexually harassing her coworkers. The creepy posts about underage boys were only discovered after she had already been let go from 12 Forever (and that was before the show aired).

The only source we have that Vee was "blacklisted" because Kyle told other people about her publicly posted pervy drawings comes form Vee herself (a known liar who has claimed to have committed suicide or died several times now and regularly grifts fans with sob stories to collect donations). We have actual concrete evidence that she just sucked at her job.

John K was not fired for being a pedo. He was fired because he was incapable of meeting deadlines and staying within budget. While his inappropriate relationships were something of an open secret in the studio, the actual accusations were only made decades after he had already been let go.

Roiland was not fired for the texts he allegedly sent to underage girls. He was fired around the time he was about to be involved in a highly public domestic violence case with his girlfriend (who was almost definitely not Abbie Maley since they had broken up long ago). He was also not found innocent. His case was dropped, which means he could still potentially be tried in the future.

Luke Weber did not threaten anyone with a knife. He had drawn art on a birthday card for Dana Terrace, and when he quit working on Gravity Falls, he cut the art out of the card and took it with him on his way out.
I just used Kea
>John K was not fired for being a pedo.
No one alleges this. We all know he became unemployable due to poor work ethic. But even so, he still had a personality cult among aspiring animators until the sex pest allegations came out.
The only way anyone can obtain the full arrest report is if they're a victim of his crime, and since all that Club Penguin material might have been stuff he collected from the dark web who knows how many anonymous unknowing victims there are.
Quick question....

What exactly did the find on his drive ?
Loli hentai, or the real deal ?
>No one alleges this.
Not true. It's commonly parroted in threads that he was fired for being a pedo. I know because I'm typically the pedantic loser who feels compelled to correct them.

what are you talking about? You're not wrong with any of this, but you're replying to me like you're correcting something. When I was talking about 'speculation', I specifically meant about people believing that he uploaded the materials to his G-drve. There's no way to know if he did or if that's how he was caught.
The charge is very specific and directly excludes illustrations. There is no room for doubt that he's being charged for the real deal.
Apparently it was like torture and shit like that.
We don't know that. That rumor was started by Nico Colaleo because he lacks reading comprehension and misunderstood the definition of the charge.
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This thread is almost at bump limit and has only posted like 1/3rd of Kyle's dull pitches.
Yeah it just "could" contain that, or a myriad of other extreme things, but might just be the standard fare. It's still real images at any rate.
Well first, the police haven't said IF it was his drive just so you avoid more actually-ing on you.
Second, the charges relate to real pizza, not drawings or fiction. Either 12 videos or 600 photos.
Gotta find 'em all!
This looks funnier and has more potential than any of his actual pitches
Having his entire google account vanish really can't be ignored.
I can just hear the Joe Swanson voice coming out of the tennis ball.
Thanks, good find! Wonder what other pictures are out there of that mess besides what's been dug up.
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nobody's ignoring anything, but it's not concrete evidence that it happened because of club penguin. People are speculating that 'Dude, you can tell...it's the ONLY reason', but that's bad rhetoric. Jumping to that conclusion and constantly stating it as fact is retarded.
these were great, i assume the pitch was as bare bones as his other thousand pitches but the girls were cute
I mean he was caught with CP either way.
Fund it
>20 years old

Jesus, his pitches are older than the women he's physically attracted to!
A drawing of a 2-3 characters with no information can barely be called a pitch
Yes. Nobody is disputing that. What we know is that he was charged with having at least 12 videos or 600 images. How he was caught, where he stored it, or precisely what acts those videos or images depicts (aside from being sexual in nature) is pure speculation.
Even in jurisdictions where it's technically illegal, people almost never get arrested for lolicon in the US. It's happened like three times total.
He's got some FurAffinity pitches with more characters, but they're about as non-indicative.
it's really not a creative idea just an orange on a human body even less so since he didn't bother giving her freckles
>I was always scared to give Kyle feedback desu lol. Everyone at Sickmutt was deathly afraid of him and we had to tread lightly when working with him in case you didn't praise his work enough
to be fair, we don't know that the images posted here are the full context of his pitch, and it would be reasonable to assume that anything he actually pitches has more materials. For example, that Ground Keith image that keeps popping up has a full animatic for an episode.
>nobody will notice if I switch their color schemes around
I'm pretty sure he and michael hosted it at one point. I remember someone shared their unfunny animal cartoon and it was just really awkward.
I'd like to see the actual comment that guy made. It's kinda sus that he cropped it out and then claims that it was harmless and Kyle was reading too much into it.
Fuck Kyle - he's an irredeemable pile of shit, but this scenario may not be what 'thesketchyartist' claims it is.
Ground Keith having a full animatic is out of the ordinary, and half of the show is him recycling the cube and the slug from his earlier work.
Reminder, this is the same show that Pan Pizza aka RebelTaxi pitched a show to Mike Lazzo and Genndy Tartakovsky where he told them to their faces that humans could fuck cartoons in his show and reproduce. When people we like 'wut?' he proceeded to ask them 'wouldn't you do it if you could? I would'.
I used to watch this, it was a good time seeing the pitches even if most of them were crap.
Also Skeleton Landlord was picked up from this because the guys pitching it just had an entire pilot ready to go. [as] edited the pilot for time and aired it at 4 AM, but I have no idea how the ratings were. It was being developed for a full series when all the people involved were fired by Turner, so I guess it's doomed to just be another weird [as] short they run at 4 AM to confuse stoners.
Right, but my point is that there could also be other materials like pitch bibles, episode synopsis, etc. The only thing that gets posted here are those images, but that doesn't mean there isn't more like pitch bibles, episode synopsis, character descriptions, etc.
watching stuff like this is a sobering reminder that most people have fucking horrible ideas. Anons like to complain about what makes it on to TV, but they don't see the mountains and mountains of utter bullshit that is pitched and weeded out.
Yeah, wasn't focusing on the sketchy OP but the dude in the comments. Have a feeling the OP's been one of those that have complained about Kyle's egotism before when Kyle was returning fire.
Kyle officiallly deleted his IG
>End up fumbling your cartoon pitch in front of your industry idols.
>Cry about funbling some Hot Topic girl at the mall while playing Toy Story on SNES not long after.
What a guy, that Pan Pizza. I still love his videos though
These pitches all just feel like fictional cartoon characters you'd see in advertisements in a video game. Like the FNAF Pizza Simulator ones
I have a hard time dealing with his autistic cadence. The way he holds consonanttttt-S at the ends of his sentencesssss-S makes me feel violennn-T.
>Reminder, this is the same show that Pan Pizza aka RebelTaxi pitched a show to Mike Lazzo and Genndy Tartakovsky where he told them to their faces that humans could fuck cartoons in his show and reproduce. When people we like 'wut?' he proceeded to ask them 'wouldn't you do it if you could? I would'.
is there an archive video of this
So he's active.
I would guess he's under court orders not to use the Internet.
However, he could plausibly have given the password to a friend or family member and had them delete it for him, so as long as there wasn't anything incriminating on there (which the feds can recover anyway) it's probably not a violation.
Nah I'm with you on that. Whenever something slightly wrong comes up and he goes "oooohhhhh, yyeeaahhh thatssss kinda a yiiikkkkkkeeesss." But that's something a lot of people do now. I mostly appreciate the production values and editing. I try not to delve too much into nostalgia stuff, but some of his videos really take me back like the Cartoon Cartoon Fridays one.
It's on youtube through the official AS channel.

This is specifically where he tells everyone that you can fuck his cartoons in his show. But the entire pitch is really cringe inducing. He initially shows up to the meeting wearing fucking cat-ear headphones which he has to take off because the tech isn't working. At one point Genndy asks him what his show is actually about, and Pan has no fucking idea what he means so he just starts repeating what happens in episodes. Genndy tries to spoon feed him an answer, and he still doesn't get it. It's...rough.
My sneaking suspicion is that he was just mass reported. There were hundreds of comments on his latest post shaming him and I'm sure a decent chunk of people probably reported his account.
I'd suggest watching his whole pitch. The boning cartoon thing is even better when you see the whole cringe-inducing build up.
It is truly amazing how accurate the cartoon pitch scene in Freddy Got Fingered is to a lot of these.
Thanks, I wasn't sure if they'd taken down the Development Meeting streams or not.

>I'd suggest watching his whole pitch.
Oh, I will. I love cringe shit like this. It's why I watch DeadwingDork streams.
even the less dramatic stuff...he has this weird habit of accentuating his T's when words end with it. I'm sure he's goT greaT contenT, but I don'T think I'll be able to waTch iT.
Fee is the Shinobu of the group.
Do you have any screenshots? Wayback machine didn't save anything of the page.
Skeena and Fee are the good ones.
Smart. Not a hard conclusion for the exec to come to either, since animal characters have more of a charm and childlike innocence. Especially with how John draws em.
>naming a character yomama
Even in 2004 that's just fucking dumb.
Could the skull talk?
OK KO was shit.
well, that and George Liquor and Jimmy the Idiot Boy are fucking awful characters with zero likeability. For some reason they're John's favorites but they suck - so much so that when Ren and Stimpy got picked up, John K. made sure to specify that he would retain ownership of George Liquor and they just gave it to him with no fight.
It does suck that we didn't get more Sodypop, though.
Your substacks don't show up for me anymore. The site has blocked it. Someone must have reported you for something.
Thank you both for this! I didn't even realize Annie Mae was in the screenshot I initially posted but it reminded me why I wanted to find this in first place. There was a big argument in the first picture, with the whole group line up, between Kyle and someone else about how it was a Love Hina rip off. Maybe it was Annie? I just remember his fans being super fucking obnoxious.

Yes! It's been so long. For some reason, I remember there being a Suu knock off but clearly my memory betrayed me. The fact that this persisted in my mind for damn near 20 years is insane.

See Fee hang off the MC is super telling now. Clearly, Kyle was/is a Shinobu fan.
Source: You.
Yeah, Annie was the one who told him it was a harem ripoff but claims she said it ripped off some English manga-inspired series Aoi House.
Yeah. John has pretty awful taste and it's clear he was steered into success. Lucky for him there were bits and pieces like Ren and Stimpy that were salvageable.
I like George Liquor a lot, but I'm weird I guess
every pot has a lid
Lindsay was still actively reblogging on her Tumblr up to the 13th of this month, guess trying to act natural until people found out.
I think George is funny in small doses as a side character. I love the dog show episode of Ren and Stimpy, but I cannot see him being endearing as the main character John wants him to be.
Jay looks like TT Robin
It wouldn't surprise me if the lack of character info in pitches stems from executives not caring in the initial vetting, and they're just looking for the next shiny meme
Skeena has to be the Suu ripoff for being wacky.

Not sure the other girls. I guess the nurse is Makoto but I could be wrong. Goth girl is agressive.
John laughs at the obvious caricature of his overbearing and abusive father is his form of therapy. What he doesn't realize is the reason he's laughing isn't because George Liquor is funny, but because it's a way of asserting control over this figure that imbued him with so much fear, dread, and self-loathing.

In other words, John thinks the character is funny because he needs to, but for those of us who didn't grow up with the exact same trauma, it's far less amusing.
Those bios/backstories/and other info may exist. Just because he doesn't publicly post it online doesn't mean he didn't create them for his actual pitch.

>executives not caring in the initial vetting
I mean, they didn't pick it up so maybe they DID care. That is assuming they don't exist.
This makes a lot of sense
"In 2013 (20 now) I asked for another commission with Ralph and Bichael (the red pandas) and he immediately offered to draw them interacting with my nudes, Roger Rabbit-style. Like okay cool I just wanted to see them engage in some witty banter or something but we're doing this"
>tfw this pitch art I got at auction for a never-made "Camp Far Out" filmation show has no character bios
who said this?
He's finally down, wiped out, only left it's his Twitter
Blonde girl looks cute.
Papermolot0v, an artist Kyle interacted with and spoke out about his creepy behavior
and he asked for her nudes when she was underage?
He acted sexually towards her at 17 but nothing mentioned about nudes there yet, but he did creep on her and tell her how he'd wanted his red pandas doing sexual things to her drawn persona he'd put in a commission.

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