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ITT: We are I.M.P. interns
Where all the imp women at?
He's not gonna actually pay us is he?
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one’s calling your name bud
Why is this mf so gay. You're telling me this idiot is in charge of the company?
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I got coffee for that southern chick the other day, I could swear her boyfriend was giving off massive swinger vibes. You might have an in, anon.
Hey, boss. We got you a dildo sword for your birthday. As well as a cock-shaped cake and phallus confetti and Mountain Dew Semen Tsunami since you won't shut the fuck up about how much you love gay sex and wanting to fuck Stolas. Btw he left a message for you.
who shat on the floor?
trust me.
Sorry about that. Orientation was running long and some dumb fuck clogged the toilet with lube and horse figurines.
>Shoulda taken that government job with Uncle Screwtape.
I've been stuck under the bosses desk for a week now pls send help
I know it's Hell but he keeps making sexual advances on everyone even though we've told him a hundred times to stop
Does this place have an HR department?
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Yeah but you'll never guess who runs it.
New short coming out today!
There isn't going to be any shorts ever again and that one we got is all we're going to get.
are you saying you wouldn’t?
Wasn't white spots meant to represent horrific scar tissue from the fire that Blitz and Fizz went through, not le quirky vitiligo skin condition.
That and freckles.
Got that rederence
I prefer the image of hell as a Soulless bureaucracy but that's no fun to draw I guess.
Who hired these two? What kind of imp paints their horns?
Oh shit, we better tell the boss. I think they're moles for that popstar ex he keeps bitching about.
... or we could keep them around for the view.
why is everyone only talking about having sex with owls? We haven't done any actual work in months
They file the paper work so I say keep em
>All the characters are generic red imps
>The plots are flatter than paper
>Too much of the time is spent on the writer's personal fetishes
>Boringly Predictable

This show and Hazbin only exist so Vivziepop could flick her bean to her own characters. It's self indulgence without anything fun if you aren't a faggot like her
Get off /co/, fatty.
Does eating out a woman count as cheating? Southern chick looks like she would make a nice face warmer with her crotch and is light enough to carry around on my shoulders
If it was fun and shameless depravity then I could be engaged. But it is constantly blue balling me with interesting things, only to pull the rug out from under me for her sad sack melodrama.
Plus, I've heard some funny noises whenever they think they're alone together. We should at least keep them around till I can figure out what it is (and make sure I record it for posterity)
Christ, the PSG vibe from the beach episode was one of the things that got me interested. Only now Verosika stopped being an alpha female rapist and is just sad over Blitzo breaking her heart. At least Stella is shamelessly evil and PSG S2 is coming out next year
Anon they started fingering each other while you said that.

I think the mystery is over.
Uh? Already confirmed one per month until ghostfuckers
Sadly, never does anything about him trying to ruin M&M's assholes despite how that is a prime example and main reason for me why I dislike him so much.
I am so fucking jealous of that Moxxie guy. His wife is so hot it's insane.
Reasonable, Viv keeps trying to hone in what to ream Blitzo over and it is like she can't seem to read the room at all as to what would people find actually scummy rather than some bullshit about heartbreaking
Viv continues to be tone deaf as hell, its no wonder season 2 suffered such decline.
So, is the Stolas summer of 2012 thing true?
Afraid so.
You get experience fuckface!

that and well...play your cards right and you get to suck THIS dick....huh?
Hey boss, I got those chocolate doughnuts like you asked but the receptionist kicked me in the nuts when I brought em in. We get health insurance, right? Pretty sure my left nut popped.
fuck cunt balls piss shit bastard cunt fucking fuckity shitballs flaming hoe bitch son of a donkey fuck gargle ball cunt
What's that, Loonie? Blitzo fell in the well?!
Even worse, he fell on a Detroit alleyway.
That's the third time this month!
Where was the one for June?
Health wha? Dont worry about it, we regenerate dumbass, your little nut will have its lover boy back in a few minutes or hours or fucking whatever.

Yeah uh, when I got my nuts kicked it spilled all over the guy in the suit so I'll have to go on another quick coffee run. Sorry boss.
Good. oh and check the client list on the way back, see if theres any updates.

Oh for fucks sake Moxie what are you doing coming to work dressed like a slob? Come on even I wouldnt come in with last night shit stains on my outfit, well...unless it was one of THOSe nights and I slept at the office.
I heard he shit himself at mcdonalds in 2017 but there's some dispute over whether its true. It would make sense though. You know. The injuries...
This job fucking sucks
Here I am, getting paid in booze cause the boss is a massive cheapskate. I constantly having to forge new musket balls cause the boss refuses to use an actual gun and uses that damn antique. And the receptionist doesn't do her damn job
>I constantly having to forge new musket balls cause the boss refuses to use an actual gun and uses that damn antique
You should've been there for the time he ND'd and blew Kevin's head off on the other side of the wall. Looked like a Jackson Pollock painting.
Could be worse
Once worked for some Mafiaso type down in greed who made me develop torture devices
I can't be the only one who hates the receptionist for being a nepo baby right?
We work our asses off around the clock to keep this place stable and going and all she does is sit on her phone and harass that Wrath girl's husband
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Does anyone have a receipt for the LuLu land job? The invoice just says "money" from "stohlas"
Btw did the wolfgirl receptionist lie to me? everything listed under assets is just horse figurines.
she’s a fucking hound spray her.
Dude have you seen how she fights
The moment I spray her she's gonna tear my throat out and turn me into her next meal
>Does anyone have a receipt for the LuLu land job?
Ohhh.... I think Kevin had it.
>can’t handle a literal bitch
not looking good.
No wonder he became so homosexual and flamboyant, it must be the trauma.
June was apology tour?
Bros the boss sucked a dick last night...
And I ate out the Hellhound receptionist, we all have our jobs around here.
What even happens in this show, all I know its about hell and these weird deviantart looking demons saying fuck and shit alot.
I say I definitely stopped caring now about this show... 5 years it took me. And it hurts me. It just became so... Boring. And stupid. I still write my own shit for it, but I have no Passion for the normal series itself. I reached my breaking point Man.
Where am I suppossed to plant the bomb in this place again?
Why would they need interns?
Who keeps stealing the toilet paper? (Me)
No where yet, did you arm it?
No idea.
Hey man, I just had some Helltaco and I'm stuck in the restroom. Give em back.
our boss fucking sucks, he's such a whiny bitch and he doesn't even do the work anymore, he's too focused on the bird
i only stay so i can fuck the receptionist when the boss isn't looking
>t. sinner demon
You know what would solve the overpopulation in the Pride Ring? Oh, i dunno...OPENING THE REST OF THE RINGS TO SINNER DEMONS?
Seriously. how is my internet able to connect to the other rings yet my own self can't go there? Lucifer's retarded.
Yesterday he made me sort his buttplug collection. Clean them, too.
So Im not the only one who jerks off to Ms.Millie right?
desu i haven't done any actual work since my first day and i'm starting to think the boss only keeps me around because i'm the only one here actually pulling my weight under his desk
lmao who wants to watch me ruin moxxie and millie's marriage
Nah, instead we will hold Moxxie down and make him watch while we take turns on his wife. I bet by the second or third orgasm, she's going to curl her tail around the waist or leg.
the dog shitted on the floor again
Nah that was me. Which dickhead's job was it to unclog the toilet?
That's only souls boss
Fuck fuck fuckety fuck!
Shit piss cuntety fuck!
Gay queer faggoty fuck!
We don't even have any jobs to do anymorety fuck!
Sad fag owly fuck! :'(
You could bargain for one of the old magazines blitzo never replaces
I want to RAPE the cute wolf girl.
>Arrives in hell
> Blitzo : Anon welcome to the club bud--
> shoot his faggot ass dead then proceed to stomp the shit out of his corpse
> Moxie : SIR WHAT WAS THA--
>BOOM , shoot him right betweeen the eyes then proceed to skin him
>put skin on face
> Before i go use the magic book shit to disguise myself as Moxie
>plant traps for furry wolf girl
> hide and wait
>she comes and smells me
>tries to attack and bite my dick off
>use my shottie and take her legs off, leaving her half dead
>" you are nothing but furry bait" use gasoline and burn her
>listen to her screams and get hard
> Go home and live happily with Mille while pretending the fag boss and furrybait bitch killed themselves
>save Millie from onions infested fag husband and vivzepop writting
> profit.exe
That's really gay
So, uh, the 'Hound girl... she single?
kill ALL cuckfags
Tbh anons, what hurts me the most that the idea behind the setting was really fkn solid . Both for HH and HB. An edgy parody of hell where all the shitty people go after they fuck up their chance at heaven, doomed to spend the rest of eternity in a overpopulated ( Inida vibes) shoithole doomed to look as the shit that killed them /their sin. Their only salvation death being a foreign concept as they die due to some of the sinners gaining some kind of anime tier powers that they use to rape, pillage and eat the others while waiting for their turn to be on the receving end of some more powerfull faggot.
> I was expecting serial killers, pedophiles, rapists, cough * jews, gang members, nazis
but instead of being cool and original, hell is now just LA but with even more faggot shit and cannibals

DAMN IT ALL... I WANT RO SEE HITLER DEMON VS Leo Max Frank DEMON FIGHT.. shit would be epic
you could've just said you wanted to cuck moxxie. simple as.
now what do you want for coffee, im going on a coffee run.
that goes for the rest of you interns, what you want?
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Got any tea?
lemme get a motherfuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
salted caramel cold brew
Is rape frowned down upon?
legal slave labor, duh
>not I.M.Pterns
you had one job OP
nobody actually gives a shit besides whats her fuck from the hotel so no it's not
unless you're into kids than yes it is
hell's weird like that
Verosika always had problems, you can see her x'ed out blitzo tat in her first appearance. Also stella is getting unalived.
Why are female sinners still physically weaker than male ones?
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Heh yeah, "torture" devices.
It's R for raped because the boss was raped in the summer of 2022 by Detroitians just like his boyfriend in the summer of 2012 and their friend Kevin R. Nash in the summer of 1992
Unironically based
Why is everyone here American?
Holy shit is this true?
Why are you irish?
That's not a short. That's an actual episode
I got some pocket lint and an expired coupon. Maybe we could put our funds together and buy a burger wrapper?

>wanting those human fuckups to shit up the rest of hell
forget it, pal. i'm not having a bunch of murderers and thieves living anywhere near my innocent succubus granny in Lust ring.
Succubus you say... which ring did you say she lived in?
What kind.
I hate you but fine.
Anyone else want something?
>What kind.
Steamed iced tea.
'fraid so.
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i bet some of you guys sniff her seat after work
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I'm gonna put a whoopee cushion on it tomorrow. Wish me luck bros
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Good news Loona invited us all to a Bee party.

We're all gonna get laid!
That said it is in lieu of pay.
Bout to bag me more cookies than the cookie monster.
You guys are getting paid?
I need sex with a hellhound
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If I could kill the moderators/janitors I would
>small tit
>big ass
My kinda woman, goddamn.
Why is it Viv's women look like they would be fun to eat out to the point when they violently climax?
Guys it's been a while since the boss actually like, went on a job right? I feel like he's fucking that big scary celestial owl dude
Fucking Kevin.
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Guys, tell me I'm not going crazy: the princess used to look different, right? Her hair was different, she was softer looking, she wore more pink and black instead of red. Then one day she changed and everyone's been acting like she's always been this way when she hasn't. Please tell me some of you guys remember?
You don't talk about when a major power of Hell has work done
Damn royals are always getting nosejobs. I wouldn't worry about it. I think Angel sounds a little different though. Not that uh, I would know.
CERN caused a timeline shift
what next you’re gonna say that alastor fuck has a slightly different suit.
There’s the Hellborn Resources down the street, but it’s a butcher’s shop.
I want to fuck that radio demon so badly. He could broadcast my screams anytime
If I have to look at one more paper copy of someone's butthole and balls I'm going FUCKING POSTAL
p.s. we need more printer paper
>ITT: We are I.M.P. interns
So you're fine looking like this then?
This is what you'd look like if you went to Vivzie hell.
where the fuck did you get this photo of me
We know, boss.
Shit, is that Kevin?
Because they're usually moody bitches who complain about being stressed and over worked. Lay Stella down and go to town between her legs with your tounge, and she'll be as docile as a Parakeet after.
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But she always seemed too pure to get any work done. No, this feels like she was killed and an imposter took her place.
And speaking of AD's voice, that Husk guy. When did his voice get so deep?

I could swear it had a black collar instead of white. I could swear, man.

Maybe I've been shifted into another universe or something...
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Nah, this is.
Oh, that Kevin. Real tragedy what happened in 1992...
Question, hypothetically, if a human were to have stumbled through an open portal and ended up in Hell. Where, and who would would they go to about finding a way to escape back to human world?
Who wants to watch the new guy get killed by Ms.Millie?
Probably the Hazbin Hotel. Just ask Charlie and she'd call up her dad to send you back if she can't do it herself.
Did they recon sinners not being able to travel outside of the Pride ring, or is that still a thing?
>Asking Lucifer's daughter for help.
>Asking LUCIFER to help a random human.

No offense, but a literal deal with the Devil and/or Antichrist seems like the worst possible option for keeping hold of one's soul. I've seen the commercial, and sure, she SEEMS nice, but there's no way she's actually helping people without some kind of angle, considering who her father is.
Sinners can't travel to other Rings. Living humans can. Allegedly. Not that I'd know. Though maybe that changes if the human dies or something.
sure also ask the guy for an apple why don’t cha.
Maybe actually watch season 1 of Hazbin Hotel or even some clips of it? Charlie is sweet and kind to the point of diabetes and Lucifer is a goofy dad going through a depressive episode. Neither of them are malevolent.
I wish there was more dark humor like this in the series.
Hellborn are supposed to be discriminated against, right? It's fucking Hell, have discrimination manifest as them being occasionally harvested for meat and leather by cannibal sinners, or getting used as pieces in ultraviolent chess. Something to sell to me that they're 'oppressed'
Okay so I need one of you to run down to the store for some acetone. SOMEBODY put glue on the phone and now I can't put it down.
Are you feeling okay? Your horn is drooping off to the right. Your... suspiciously papery mache-looking horn....
Hey man! Some of us have to make do with shitty healthcare and a shoe-string budget for circus accidents!

Unrelated, you know where I can afford more red paint? The last place I went to just ended up selling me galloons of blood, and that stuff reeks like hell and itches like crazy if you try to paint it over human skin.
In my fic I had them be used in theatres as props and characters to kill and had them as subjects of some "fun" games like "finding one's self" where Imps are Skinned and have their eyeballs removed and they will get them back if they find their skin. If not their eyes will be burned.
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Oh crumbs, I had no idea you were a burn victim! Sure, after I get the acetone I can write out a few places that sell body pain--wait, HUMAN skin..?
Ask Kevin, he gets free trips to hell and back for the rape support group he's got going on with the boss and his boyfriend.
Well yeah! Human furniture is the cheapest! Shoestring budget stuff! Fills out an apartment well enough, but the problem is making it look less tacky than it actually is. Hence the red paint.
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My Satan, that's disgusting. What kind of depraved monster goes with a plain red color scheme? At least mix in some purples and yellows.
We've pretty much had an episode dedicated to every members sexuality except Loona. When's the ep where she finally gets laid?
They know better.
That would be fire as fuck to work her lady lips and love button to the point of making her piss herself. Makes me feel like I releaved her sexual frustration and especially how Viv's chicks for the most part are made for that kind of lower lip work.
Man, I hate how fujos and fags are like this, they could be giving us nice stuff like you say mate but they can't give more than a crumb and have to be as whiningly gay as possible about the faggy shit. Not even Ralpha Bakshi kind of hilarious depravity or even JoJo homoeroticism where they are men that look like chicks but have a near boundless capacity for creative violence and cunning.
Song for the Quiet Bird is how it's called. I work on chapter 16 now... It's pretty long fic already. I recommend reading it on AO3.
That sounds very nice, hopefully has human form since while still hot af I kind of don't to choke on feathers. Hoping she would have some fruit so her peach tastes nicer.
i hate you people and i hate this fucking company.
The best part is hearing her tear the bed sheets from her tight grip right before squirting like a geyser.
>squirting like a geyser
Redpill me, why is this hot? Isn't that piss?
>doesn’t want to choke on her feathers
come on imagine the teasing.
Please don’t laugh, but I’m stuck in the fucking bathroom by the conference room. I’ve been yelling for like 20 minutes now and I KNOW one of you can hear me. That pizza we had for lunch went right through me and I had to hold on for dear life to make sure I didn’t blast off the toilet and fly up to earth AND NOW ALL OF THE TOILET PAPER IS GONE??!
Someone please help and bring me some paper, anyone, seriously

oh great the motion sensor light switched off and now I’m stuck on the fucking toilet in the dark
Wagie wagie in his stinky cagie
Wanted a yummy snack
Didn't notice my attack
Laxatives will set you right
Behold my power, my shitmancer might
This office is a shithole and I hope you both die.
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here u go bro
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Post the real IMP cartoon.
I raped Loona and she gave me herpes
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That day everyone was out on a job and we took turns railing the receptionist? Yeah I got some bad news for ya, anon... turns out she skipped work that day.
More or less, but depending on what she drank and ate can change a bit of the taste. It is more of an accomplishment to make a woman like that orgasm that hard, especially one who has been neglected that much.
I just can't get past it to put my mouth on that. Just seems instinctually nasty.
Hopefully can make her climax so hard she goes completely limp and screams like a banshee.
I've got last week's client sheet and a paperclip.
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I hope the wall caves in on me and finally kills me for good.
>We are I.M.P.terns
turning 360 degrees and walking away from this circus
Guys Blitzø asked me to come to his office alone so he could explain some things to me, should I be scared? That fucker is unpredictable and a psychopath.
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I might die but it was worth it man
If you guys ever get the chance make sure to hug Moxxie, it's one of the best feelings in the world! He's so innocent amd cute... for an assassin.
I was Hindu on Earth I do not know what any of this means pls help me sirs
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The wolf girl gave me a dollar to do this
If he tries anything funny, bring up Tyrone and the Summer of 2022, you'll leave him broken in more ways than one that way.
this guy is right, cutest imp around by far
What are you, gay?!
He's adorable yes.
Just hugged him. How long you think until he notices the kick me sign?
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Would you?
What is that, a succubus for ants?
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What about this one? would you?
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I wish I have a wife like Millie
Damn Moxxie's wife looks like THAT?
Why is he so cute? He’s like a little kitty cat…
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Babe I told you that you should to wait the corner over.
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You think if I were to throw her a tennis ball she'd like it?
>redneck Stella
Does she come with the accent?
Hey boss, I fucking quit this fucking job.
Yes but only because of the hypnosis
Suprised nobody makes work on Verosika doing that, given how much she is always drinking. Would have been nice if she gave Blitzo the ultimatum to drink her secondhand liqour or tell everyone he is there at the party.
I don't have an issue with the fetishes since could be fun but it is like Viv doesn't commit to the depravity since the colorfulness compliments it nicely.
I guess I thought Verosika was going to be more psychotic which given her charm would be fun to watch. I am fine Blitzo being in the wrong but it also misses the point of people watching it for the amusingly horrible yet horny cast. Drama needed to just be given only to Octavia and Moxxie and crumbs for others, ironic how I don't mind the cast being writen with indulgences but stop pushing the mood killing melodrama when it is a colorfully horny show like PSG.
After watching MAWS with at least a few shots of rum in hand, I am now far more appreciative of Viv works.
Dude, I saw this shit when I was little and yeah, I was way better!
You would be suprised when in the heat of passion and if the lady takes previsions such as having plenty of water first
Yes, still has that confident alpha female aura I love about her.
you tell me
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I diagnose you with sodomite.
ok, how u know?
Paid? I don't even get a fucking lunch break it's bullshit man
>You're telling me this idiot is in charge of the company?
He literally started it yeah, just because you're a flaming faggot that makes everyone hate you doesn't mean you can start a business.
Only if it's against a regular cast character.
I want to have sex with loona.
I just want to fuck Verosika and Stella, preferably eating them out first to get them to be putty in my hand.
Some douche in a cowboy hat paid me a hundred bucks to leave the back doors unlocked after close down.
Don't know why, don't care, just giving the rest of you a heads up.
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Some bird lady gave cash to kidnap this bird twink.
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what the fuck is happening with you?
I ‘‘accidentally’ pour bleach in the coffee pot. And if that doesn’t kill them, I sneak up behind them and strangle them to death with a cord.
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Very funny, now hurry up and get those tax forms. Last thing we need is an audit.
Can imps even die? I mean sinners already die but we technically were born here in hell.
I've been retrieving all the markers that are almost out of ink from the trash and swapping them with the new ones.
Hearing him scream during a presentation is the highlight of my day.
fucking kek
Rather hand out with the Super Devil. Least his place has Nazis.
I'm transferring to the Wrath Dept.
I'll help but you need to take over the fucking job of telling Loona we're out of shit for at least a week or two.

I get it "HAHA the sinner can't die so let him piss her off" and I'm willing to put up with it a bit here and there but she's taken to just shooting me the moment I bring pop in the room to her fucking coffee at this point. She doesn't even fucking use a gun normally she got that one specifically just to shoot me.
My poor left nut is still healing from when she kicked me, you're on your own bro
Uhhh why is Loona giving me a weird look everytime I walk past her? Should I be scared or aroused?
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Fucking secretary roastie keeps bullying me
Enjoy shitting yourself to death in darkness, then.

You probably either smell or look funky, personal experience says at least with violence you learn immediately and I can't image she's restrained romantically either.
lmao, all jeets are headed for Hell. Now git out of Imp City and fuck off to the Outskirts of Pride! The trash heaps where your kind belongs!
It reminds me of that one South Park scene where Randy gets an old fashion and immediately chills out.
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What are your honest opinions about the show? what are your suggestions to make the show better in the future?
The story is just noise at this point for the songs, and even then season 2 has had some really mid to low tier songs.
That's the face she made at me.
remember to water the bomb, it can’t grow otherwise
I'm scare-roused...
It’s awful but the animation is great
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>What are your honest opinions about the show?
Season 1 was good.
>what are your suggestions to make the show better in the future?
Reboot it from the pilot.
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how the fuck did the site not catch that this was already posted?
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its good
need more backstory on the sins
>need more backstory on the sins
As if Viv won't make them even more cringe.
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she just wants headpats
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Loona help! I need you to come sit on my cocks or else my balls will explo-
I love every second of it, I could take 3 more episodes of stolitzo.
I just wish there was more, idk what the production of something like this looks like.
The little one, pegs the other little red one
stolas' song was good
Cocks? Plural?
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Now we're crackshipping.
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IMP would actually get ton of free interns just because of loona
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>”I promise… I'll kill them, all of them! right down to the last one!!!!”
And Blitzo would shoot each one lmao
>To Loona: "Morning moonshine."
imagine destroying free stuff, couldn’t be me
i'd kill stolas for free
Jizoku is so based.
Is xe though?
>So how did you said anon broke every bone on his body again?
>Idk he was like that when i found him.
They're Succubi not Imps.
Seeing Moxxie and Millie happily pushing a baby carriage with Loona and Vortex and they're litter of Hell-Puppies on leashes while trying to control all of them, in the series/season finale.
it was fun until the yaoi drama took over
retcon season 2 and the last two episodes of season 1 and never focus on stolas ever again
Now all I can think of is... Really? This is the BIG plot everyone talks about? All that theorizing, all that investment into...
"Oh gosh, will Impy dicky say how much he loves the Biggy Owl Boi, but OH NO he kiss some tall succy boi and the meanie wifey makes him sad and now her brother there too is being meanie."
What the fuck? I ju... Fuh... If it was at least a good conflict that provided somethin unique, something of fucking substance that uses this goddamn setting. Does SOMETHING INVENTIVE! I WASTED 5 YEARS OF INVESTEMNT ON THIS!!! FUCK MY LIFE!!

Well... I guess that will be coming out every few days now... I am actually going insane. What is the point of this fucking show!? Who is this plot for!?
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I'm actually planning to get a Tattoo of Millie on my shoulder based on one of many Pins, which would also be my first real Tattoo but I'm not up with having it until I die and the possible pain of getting it done.
I think you're correct to doubt getting that tattoo.
I have other suggestions for my Millie Tattoo like the pin on the left.
why did i sign up for this job
I want to do devilish things with Millie.
Like chalking a pool cue.
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Heh! Guaranteed.
When can we have sex with Loona?
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There's no sex with Loona, is there?
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Human or Hellhound Loona?
disgusting and BALD
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Why is Loona crying?
she realized she's going to be at best a prop for yaoi drama for the rest of her life
Literally just this image: >>144610922
Season 1 was solid fun. Make the show actually revolve around it's own premise again and it could be great.
Man I dunno about you fags but I would fuck the shit out of Loona.
Side shave and outfit reminds me of Lord Dominator and hairstyle gives me Viking berserker vibes which I am down for, she isn't an artist so I am fine with it. Human Loona is easier to fuck, less fur to get in mouth when eating her out.
The question is,would loona want to be fucked by the likes of you?
Human, because you can request art of her in the /aco/ drawthreads.
I meant that It was way better!
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>hey guys we just got a call, apparently we're getting paid to track down some chink doctor
Would sending endless interns to die be enough to get blitzo killed or would he simply give so little of a shit it wouldn't actually consider him to be an enemy?
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wholesome blitzo moment
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So unfortunate what happened to him in the summer of 2012.
stay tuned for ghostfuckers
to keep fixing their wall
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loona toebeans
I can definitely see why Tyrone and his gang did what they did to him.
True. I hope Kevin Nash shows up in season 3, the two could bond over their shared trauma.
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>Boss didn't like that I just portaled to the targets location and shot him
Aren't we suppose to be killers?
>Aren't we suppose to be killers?
That Moxxie guy's been on that camp job for a week. What gives?
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No idea but you see the new girl?
F-fuck I'm gonna demolish that imp
How many interns does this company need? All we do is push paperwork and get coffee. No wonder this shitshow's barely in the black.
>How many interns does this company need? All we do is push paperwork and get coffee. No wonder this shitshow's barely in the black.
The amount of Hellish power Stolas is pouring into Blitz we need to make IMP look bigger than it actually is
You'd think with so many interns I could get some help FIXING THE FUCKING HOLE IN THE WALL
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Uhhh guys? I was sorting some files for the boss and I found this... it's literally me. But I don't even remember doing this or having a photo taken... what's going on? Was I drugged?
dude how do you not remember that night. It was the most crazy shit i've ever seen down here.
I dont know man I genuinely dont remember it but come to think of it does explain my hemhorroids
Im scared bros, was I Stolas R. Goetia'd?
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Would you?
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What will you do if you find these in your closet?
I want to bully her.
If they are in my closet im joining.
You think she got some work done? I recall her face being more... rounded?
Encourage them to have kids already
Chances are they're there to kill me and got sidetracked, so I'd turn and tear ass out of there.
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Nigga, they're the size of housecats. Just pull a 1-2-picrel.
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>runs into the wall repeatedly
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sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
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Anyone else wanna fuq Millies sister?
More IMP doing IMP stuff less romcom drama.
Wish they'd make more HMOFA
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Memes aside its gonna be once the sex robots come out in 10 years until then best we got are fleshlights and onaholes
Why even ask this? HELLHOUND FORM
Cause vivzie won't let her go on any IMP missions anymore. Blitz is being having romcom drama with his bf and millie and moxxie are MIA.
Disgusting taste
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Or perhaps....
either of these
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I need an I.M.P edit of picrel
So what happens when we die? Do we go to Double-Hell or something?
Make it more parodic comedy, remove the dramawhoring entirely.
Make the characters serious and overly competent. So far they're incredibly incompetent since the pilot.
No not like The Office you American shitstain with your Seinfeld bullcrap. Make it like The Penguins of Madagascar bits from thje Madagascar movies and the Christmas Caper special, not the stand-alone movie where the writer had some hateboner for the penguins and tried to push for his retarded OCs before the executives told him to quit the crap. Make it like Kids Next Door and Fillmore where the parody take itself seriously despite all the comedic shit and underlying ridiculousness.
What is this?
A dude
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Also having I.M.P being recognised by a group of people they killed (who have somehow wound up in Hell) and getting chased by them and then they lose the people they previously killed, but the people then think these 2 Imps (that appeared in the background of a Hazbin Hotel episode) as they look like Blitzo and Moxxie or some random Imps that also look like those 2 and start chasing them.

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