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Do you think they kept in touch? Since it's confirmed in other official side media the twins will keep visiting Oregon every Summer.
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When was that ever “confirmed”?
Their grunkle no longer lives there so they have noone to live with, we’ve never seen their next summer there

Also i’m 1000% certain Pacifica’s getting herself a chad boyfriend the second school starts while dipper gets bullied and beat up in california
My autistic continuation is that the Northwest move out, to california for newer greener pastures, and then Pacifica shows her massive teen titties to Dipper.
The journal 3
them saying they want to return is no guarantee that they will, or that their parents will allow
My canon continuation is that the Northwest move to Los Angeles to regrow business, and then Pacifica fucks a bunch of men who aren’t Dipper just like Wendy does
It would be hot if Pacifica showed his her boobs and her butt next summer, as a treat
Nah, she's getting a docked by a thing from Portland
It's disney. They will go back.

Wow, very self deprecating to pretend you want Dipper to be cucks like you.
hope you can draw.
they don’t gotta want, Dipper IS a cuck and girls in gravity falls would literally rather fuck Robbie than him
Paz gets to be super model and gets her fortune back by expidtions with Dipper, Dipper becomes a sporty adventurer into solving mysteries(combo of Stanley and stanford), they argue and fuck alot, the end. Oh and Mabel is there for some reason
Nice head canon.
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Robbie gets Pacifica pregnant then Dipper cries and begs Robbie not to beat him up again then Robbie beats Dipper up again anyway
I hate self-insert shit as much as the next guy, but Robbie was too much of a bitch to beat Dipper up. It was Rumble McThundercock who dished out that beating
Nope. Noodle arms
Nope. Ford (the ACTUAL adventurer and smart one) left him behind and there are no mysteries left in gravity falls
>fuck a lot
Nope. Pacifica is only horny for Ford and Robbie, just like Wendy was
Robbie is outside of Wendy's friend circle and dead to her, he's either dead or in prison getting ripped for being a loser emo while dipper the main hero is screwing all the girls he never got to second base with.
Dipper was cowering and begged rumble to save him. Then robbie picked dipper up by the shirt and dipper cringed in fear and couldn’t even fight back and started crying because robbie was gonna punch his teeth out
>self inserting as robbie
Doesn’t matter, Robbie already fucked Wendy and Wendy flat out rejected Dipper right in front of Mabel lmao
He pumped and dumped her, while dipper never had a single chance because she’s out of his league
Disney while make sure Dipper is a traditional legendary hero.
>self-inserting as a cuck beta wimp loser who simps and preps Wendy for Robbie
Lmao at dipper
Didn’t help him when Wendy told him he’s a loser beta and she’d rather fuck Robbie, didn’t help him when the same thing happened in the book with two different guys, won’t help him now
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Nice headcanon aspie.
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>Wendy told him he was cool and her hero and has said he might implie a chance with her in the future.

Nice try disney loves dipper as a hero confirmed in the books
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I love them, she should have told her parents to help the Pines stay and grow together into a family team of adventuerers with her wealth and their heroic problem solving skills they would be legends in the mystical mystery world like the pine brothers
If Robbie slapped Pacifica’s ass at a nightclub Dipper would hang his head and go “y-yeah, you deserve her more than i do. I’m just a loser little kid, she’s out of my league, I could never satisfy her. In fact it’s toxic of me to even think i deserve a chance with her, I’m the bad guy!”
>Wendy told him he was cool
Never happened and no source
>and her hero
Never happened and no source
>and has said he might implie a chance with her in the future
Also 100% never happened and 100% no source

In the books Dipper gets cucked by a medieval Robbie and a dudebro douchebag knight (who was also smarter than dipper) both fucking Wendy in front of him and turning him into their slaves
>Pic related
This is all that needs to be said, of course they are gonna grow together and get busy
because she signed her name on essentially a yearbook? lol not that anon but that’s a reach
Nothing like the drivel you spouted either, she's on dipper's team for life. And over robbie
Dipper remains kissless into his 30s while Wendy and Pacifica have had every male in gravity falls shoving their disgusting dirty tongues down their throats every winter autumn spring and summer
It's a cartoon, so this means the adventure continues even if the shows over more or less.
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>she's on dipper's team for life
Literally rejected him right there bro and told him he she is out of his league and he has no chance and he’s wrong for trying with someone like her (but she fucked and dated Robbie tho even though she knew Dipper loved her she fucked Robbie in front of him to show that Robbie is better than him LMAOOOOO)
Thanks anon
Confirmed kissless dipper’s one hug doesn’t even count while robbie dates the girls he likes lololol
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They are basically destined to get married more or less
After she gets pumped and dumped by robbie and decides to settle down with someone mid and safe
>Little boy doesn't date as much grown teenager

Your stretching anon
only two years older lol
but little dipstick is out of his league with them, he never had a single chance
Robbie is gonna die in the future before dipper and Pacifica even notice fucking ferociously. This is canon

Robbie barely touched her, she probably fucked other guys before Robbie. So Robbie the loser
Trying to discredit dipper. When dipper has got more ladies than Robbie, and Robbie just zero conquests and was made irrelevant at the end of the series.
>Anons never heard if "tsundere" tropes

Confirmed your retarded and a virgin
Also Dipper dumped the girls, and Dipper is still friends with his crush who left him hanging because he was too young, but implies it's not impossible when he gets older because he's the best boy she's ever met in her life.
I don't care about pacifica, but I do feel a pain at a series ending such as this show did. I don't know how to describe it, it feels so open and I want more, but know that more will only spoil it. It's like night in the woods' ending
I'd like a season 4 where Paz just becomes more involved with Dipper and Mabel while she gets more focus with adjusting to commoner life until she gets her fortune back.
This comic was cringe and was just pandering to autistic adults who ship small children together who have nothing in common because of headcanon reasons.
One where she shows her ass
Cry moar
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>Robbie is outside of Wendy's friend circle and dead to her
She got him to sign Dipper's card.
They phone sex every chance they get
Maybe robbie did it on his own because he recognized his sigma cred like all Pines do with others.
incels can’t help themselves
>You posted on here now just outting yourself.
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They do wholesome stuff too
If your first reaction to talking about a couple is the woman will cheat on you for a better guy there’s something going on with you. Call it incel or paranoid or whatever but you’re weird
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>hand on her ass
Yuhuh keep telling yourself that little bro. The same exact thing will happen with Pacifica and she’ll tell Dipper he’s out of his league just like with Wendy…
Dipper punched out Gideon/wax sherlock and learned self confidence in the end of the season, I don't see robbie lasting 2 minutes against end of series dipper
Yeah, like butt massages
>>hand on her ass
>I don't see it

Keep crying headcanons
>a couple is the woman will cheat on you for a better guy
>On cartoon series for kids

Please grow up
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dipper had a girly slapfight with gifeon where gideon was winning lmao dipshit can’t even beat a 4 year old midget smaller than a gnome
He didn’t learn any confidence either, he bent the knee to mabel, paraded himself as a loser for candy and got cucked by Wendy and said he’s toxic and wrong for even wanting her to give him a chance
I think we’re agreeing here
>simps for wendy like a fag then gets rejected
>still simps for her and says he is wrong for having feelings for her, compares himself to a toddler to excuse her bullshit
Nah Wendy gave robbie another blowjob so he would do a pity-sign
>dipper is weak in my head canon tdlr

Nah Wendy's team dipper now
Literally none of that happened. Wendy rejected Dipper flat out, she never said he has any chance in the future, she said he has no chance and the agegap existing at all makes him morally bad and less attractive than robbie
>anon thinks a girls ass is on her forearm
You can clearly see her arm bending where he’s grabbing her. You’re deranged
I enjoy bigdad
>she said he has no chance and the agegap existing at all makes him morally bad and less attractive than robbie

She never did said he didn't have a chance either, you're goal posting and talking bs.
No I remember that episode. She ripped out Dippers heart and said I guess you won’t be needing this before stepping on it
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>Says she'd an hero in the bottomless pit if he wasn't around this summer and trades hats with him at the end of the show

What show were you watching?
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dipcuck: “ummm ackshually i learnt that expecting Wendy to give my feelings a chance is the exact same thing as me molesting a 2 year old, so that makes me a weird creepy chud for putting cool based amazing Wendy through this horrible experience putting up with that from me when she’s out of my league. Thank you Wendy, for fucking Robbie to teach me this valuable lesson to never stray above my place or aspire for anything. Mediocrity, thy name is Dipper!”
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>literally posted the episode reel pics
>She never said she will never date him in the future and gave him her hate and made them soul mates as aimplication they will be into each other's lives more

That's basically a wait for marriage trope, and more than what she did for robbie
Yes she did. It was a flat out rejection. “You’re too young to have a chance with me and you should know that about yourself”
“I always knew you liked me but i don’t like you because you’re a little baby and below my league, UNLIKE robbie who i did date in front of you”
“i will only allow you to be my friend, but i don’t want you to be anything more and you are wrong if you want that from me”
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Read your cap again. She dated Robbie. She knew dipper liked her. She didn’t like dipper. He’s only allowed to ever be friends while robbie gets to fuck.
Then also see this:>>144584984 in addition
>You’re too young to have a chance with me
>And it was left on that, since Dipper would keep her long lasting friendship when he grew up making into a wait until he's ready love trope with the hats

Obvious bait
It really is weird how hard they felt to push the idea that a three year age gap was super weird. Like I get it too 16 year old girls don’t want to date a pre teen guy but it’s not like immoral for her to. Like this implies Wendy does like dipper and she’s hung up on something that no one ever cared about
>Read your cap again. She dated Robbie
>And immediately dumped him til she with Dippers help decided he was a creep who she really didn't find that interesting till she met dipper
Obviously what she said. Dipper literally the next ep himself says it was rejection and whines to Mabel how he needs to get over her. And in eps after compared it to raping a toddler and called himself a creeoy weirdo loser for putting her through that
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She started dating him again after she met dipper. She likes Robbie more and fugged him while dipper got blue balls and a rejection and told he has to move on
They'll hook up when Dippers gets taller and more mature, disney style.
>She started dating him again after she met dipper
>she dumped him faster when dipper came into her life, she said it was the fastest break up she's ever had and has never fucked him
In the creators’ eye Wendy doesn’t like Dipper because of that rule, because she is a good person who follows that rule
>but if the rule is forcing her not to then does that not imply the girl does like him but is restrained?
No, in the creators’ eye the girl has no autonomy. The rule exists, and good people do what the rule says, therefore the rule defines her existence.
Same thing as Ultimate Black Cat vomiting on hearing Ultimate Spiderman is 15. Does it make sense? No. Does the author wanna pretend US age of consent is something so sacred and biological it makes you vomit in disgust if you break it by 300 days because he’s a pussy? Yes.
Wendy mooning Dipper
>their heads immediately rocket to cuckholdry
>every fucking time
Gravy Fails
Three years is nothing when you're both adults, but I think you might be forgetting what it's like to be that age. Only the absolute scuzziest of weirdos dated middle schoolers when they were in high school themselves, and it was only ever-so-slightly less sketchy to date a freshman if you were a senior. Those three years make a big difference when you're a teenager.
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Pacifica gets her one of the Corduroy boys and Dipper has confidence talking to girls to get and spread herpes.
>Also i’m 1000% certain Pacifica’s getting herself a chad boyfriend the second school starts
Here's my fanfic

Pacifica mom, wanting to get tlin the inner rich circle lines up dates for Pacifica. Pacifica not really having her mom's attention goes for it, but all the dates are rich douche bags. Pacifica then gows on a date with a boy who seems bored, Pacifica actually upset by this tries flirting only to no avail. She blows up on him, the guy explain he does like her and think she's cute but he just got the new Apoca-Doom shooter game. Pacifica then unloads her gamer power level saying how much she loves that game. The two then scrap the actual date and retreat back to his place to play the game together.
Dippers gonna marry Paz, that's all there is to it. Even the creator confirms this.
More headcanon despite Pacifica never meeting Wendy's brothers.

Dipper is gonna return to play video games with Pacifica. Granted he let's her win because he's better at it than her.
I'm not against that. I just don't like The idea pf Dipper and Pacifica never dating anyone else their entire lives.
I'm just going by disney formulaic logic, a final girl stays with main boy till the end. You're treating this like is realistic.
Oh, come on!
They're crazy about each other!!
It's my autistic curse.
what about if you get your own life and stop with your self inserting bullshit? I wish one day actually talk about the show
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Does anyone know the source of either of these drawings I saw in a thread the other day? Image searches didn't help.
https://files.catbox.moe/w7hauf.png (not nsfw, just didn't want to post twice)
>despite Pacifica never meeting Wendy's brothers.
She might have, actually. It's not pointed out in the show, but the Corduroys live down the slope and a little off to the side from the Northwests. They may be each others' closest neighbors.
Again not relevant or possible. Dipper has her phone number and the focus of the her character having being her only important friend along with Mabel. Wendys family doesn't even interact with the Northwests
>only two years older
Dipper is 12, Robbie is 16.
>Those three years make a big difference when you're a teenager.
Especially when the gap is in that direction, since girls usually mature earlier than boys.
Dipper and Wendy 3 year age gap at most
Younger Wendy is like 6, so that's double the gap
played up like it's the same thing
>Dipper and Wendy 3 year age gap at most
It's 27 to 33 months.

>Younger Wendy is like 6
She's five at that time (in 2002). It's actually 3x the age gap.
27 to 35 months, rather. She might be close to 3 years older, but she's definitely less than an even 3.
Anyone here excited for the Book of Bill coming out in a few days?
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Dipper and Pacifica get together and eventually get married and have children.
And on one of their anniversaries they get Wendy to join them in a threesome, which gets Wendy pregnant.
Not that anon, but it's not *im*possible post-NMM citizens storming the mansion. Wendy (and Soos) are the closest physical social connection Paz has to the twins, so if she hangs out with Wendy she'll definitely get to know some of them.
I'm kind of surprised but not really about how Dipper never seemed to try to make friends with the Corduroy bros. On one hand, they look like they could be around his age, but on the other hand they're lumberjack nuts
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Retards aside, apparently this thing is out in the wild. Anyone see any spoilers?
The what now?
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>I'm kind of surprised but not really about how Dipper never seemed to try to make friends with the Corduroy bros.
The Corduroys live outside town to the South. The Mystery Shack is on the Northwest edge of the town. They wouldn't encounter each other without some business that would have them at the same place. Wendy probably schedules Dipper's movie visits for when the rest of her family is doing something else, so Dipper wouldn't have gotten to know them then either.

>they look like they could be around his age
I'm more surprised Manel didn't crush on one of them.
Oh they absolutely kept in touch. Mr and Mrs Pines were probably very surprised when they found she's Dipper's Girlfriend.
anymore dipper and paz gaming art?
its cute
God could you imagine Pacifica introducing herself to Dipper's parents
>Hi Mr. And Mrs. Dip- Pines? I am Pacifica from the Northwests, yes those Northwests. It may surprise you but your son has been on dates with me and we have been (what did Mabel call it?) a couple since. I hope you accept that we are together. Also I been told to bring food so here's something my butler made.
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I fuck your mom ONE time and now this is all you can ever think about.
That they are.

True, unless the new story is really good.
Good comparison anon.

Paz becoming more involved with Dipper and Mabel would be pretty interesting to see especially if it's mostly from her pov.

You tell em anon. The Comic was actually quite engaging and fun.

I love the idea of them attending Comic Con.

The Bridal Carry

Exactly Anon. 3 Years as a teen or pre-teen is a huge Gap. Especially since some teens can easily look much younger than actually are for numerous reasons and the aforementioned girls maturing earlier than boys.

Yes I am!

The latter is Plausible.

I have not nor do I really want to. Not outside of the first 20 pages anyway.
every summer AND Chanukkah
which is sometimes thanksgiving.
Kill yourself, Alex! You're a hasbeen.
That would be golden. Especially them stating out loud they thought he was making that up.
they also swapped hats.
when she says "friends" she means "lovers" and vice versa
to her a boyfriend is this annoying dork that humiliates himself and you laugh at him sometimes. and a friend is a guy you have over to your room to watch movies and kiss.
literally everyone did this until about 30 years ago. i wouldn't be here if they didn't. consider eating some shit.
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>no DP yet
come on guys
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she is the best
i think mi-dispiace edges her out slightly in terms of technique but overall DP is unbeatable
examples? never heard of this artist
oh i've seen those around. yes, the technique there is supoib.
i wish I could learn face angles like this

for anyone followin the ol' pinecest comics..
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This reminds me of a follow up strip someone did
Have they ever done any Andy/Leyley fanart in that style
first of all it's a she. you say he or she
secondly, I don't know that. is that that new game? with the.. people? kinda looks like Panty and Stocking style? and everyone says the brother and sister are fucking? DP kinda disappeared til recently and is still not doing nearly as much, so my guess is no. but maybe! worth checking out. Her other handle is Limey.
she retired from cestin like a decade before Andy/Leyley released
Didn't the book basically confirm Pacifica had a major crush on him?
That Mabel sweater is perfect
I hoped people would pick up on the sweater theming when I did two successive new year comics. this whole chunk here is just calendar porn, which I'm sure some people are into.
i dont get it
kinda looks like you read em in the wrong order
the joke is they fucked
>Types out AAAAAUUUUUGH in a text
She's a keeper
can you elaborate?
well, the penis goes into the vagina...

anon the gag is that they go into an elevator together, bickering all the while, and that at some point the passionate bickering turns into passion of a sex variety. because of the enclosed space. I can't believe I have to explain this. And then afterward, they are embarrassed by it because it was passion rather than a rational decision. get it?
i haven’t watched gravity falls in years and frankly i don’t even remember a damn thing from the show but i’ve been reading fanfic of these two because it’s hot as fuck
What about Mabifica?
Which would you prefer: Mabel being more Dipper-y or vice versa?
>you say he or she
Unless the person's sex is unknown. The singular they has been used for that purpose for six and a half centuries, since shortly after the word itself entered Middle English as a demonstrative pronoun. Incorrect linguistic prescriptivism is something up with which I will not put.

Double Pines had been referred to as "she" by that point in the thread, but there's precedent for anons being wrong about that sort of thing.
Mabelized Dipper. Imagine him and Mabel just hanging out
Good man.
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Mabel being more Dipper-y would've made the show a lot better
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alr lil bro
>cropped Sample
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What are they talking about?
you can't just say that and not provide examples
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Scrappy dorks and sparky Stacies are the ideal pairing
This is the truth the government is hiding from you
why is this thing 2 grand what the fuck
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The only cryptogram in the Amphibia-GF crossover episode was literally just shipping Dipper and Pacifica
Remind me of the Casagrande movie. Ronnie anne has playlist and one of the playlists is called Roncoln
Paci is more like Gwen than Black Cat
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I still want to know, so I might as well post the other image and bump the thread.
A phone?
instant boner!
A guy friend? How nice of her to let him take a photo of her.
Sexo with Wendy's red pubs
But she's rich and sassy like Felicia.
>The singular they has been used for that purpose for six and a half centuries, since shortly after the word itself entered Middle English as a demonstrative pronoun. Incorrect linguistic prescriptivism is something up with which I will not put.
bullshit. if that's true, why did we have to invent "he or she" after saying "he" for ages
wikipedia keeps repeating this, but the only example they can use is from a theoretical person. -only theoretical people use the singular they-
such as "someone" or "anyone"
it has nowt to do with sex, it's purely about numbers. because "someone" could be any number of people, including zero. so it gets 'they'
if this was so common, why does it sound so fucking weird when you do it now? why does it leap out to the ear of everyone who hears it? -why are people being trained to use it at their workplaces-
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That would be horrifying
I was wondering if you were still doing these.
What good would any clones be if you can't get them wet?
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>why did we have to invent "he or she" after saying "he" for ages
"We" didn't. And the people who lived over that time didn't have to. But they did (using existing words in an obviously-legitimate way) because the language use patterns happened to go that way. In particular, "he or she" is a backlash against a longstanding use of a male default in situations where people may encounter women, as in professional settings. But it's an awkward phrasing that doesn't get used much in spoken English.

>-only theoretical people use the singular they-
Rather, as I said before, its traditional use is for when a person's sex is unknown. This can be in cases where the number of people is unknown, but it does not have to be. This is from Romeo and Juliet:

(A knock at the door.)
Arise. One knocks. Good Romeo, hide thyself.
Not I, unless the breath of heartsick groans,
Mistlike, enfold me from the search of eyes.
Hark, how they knock!—Who’s there?—Romeo,
Thou wilt be taken.—Stay awhile.—Stand up.
Run to my study.—By and by.—God’s will,
What simpleness is this?—I come, I come.
Who knocks so hard? Whence come you? What’s
your will?

There's obviously a single physically-present person knocking on the door, but the person's sex is unknown, because the person can't be seen behind the door.

>why does it sound so fucking weird when you do it now?
This is a you problem.

>-why are people being trained to use it at their workplaces-
Because, in the past few years, it's become fashionable in certain subcultures to demand that others use pronouns of a person's choice when speaking about that person, including the use of singular they in situations where the person's sex is known. Workplaces don't like political shitstorms like those, so they train people to avoid that conflict. It's these very new practices that have led to a backlash against the singular they as an overcorrection.
can't stop now! Even if they are taking forever.
>What good would any clones be if you can't get them wet?
obviously you laminate them first
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>there is a longstanding use of a male default
>But this gender neutral thing has been around for centuries!!!
>the romeo and juliet example
precisely the one i knew you'd tart out. read it again. "the person knocking" is a theoretical person. anyone could be behind the door, it could be any number of people. it could even be zero, if they left. a knock at the door, or a call on the phone, or someone sending a letter (until you open it), is a theoretical person. we have always used "they" for those
we have NEVER used it for a person with a name, because you know it's ONE person. and that one person is male or female. the they shit is SOLELY pushed because they want to add more options than he or she.
>it's become fashionable in certain subcultures
holy shit you're from california aren't you
now there's one exception, and that requires you to really bend over in the language
if you said "Whoever DP really is, they might be..." THAT is valid. You do not say "hey that artist DP, what have they done" that is not something ANYONE has ever done in the history of television until 2016 or so.
>it could be any number of people. it could even be zero, if they left.
In that scene, there is a single person KNOCKING, who is continuing to knock (implying a continued physical presence).

>a theoretical person
Explain precisely what you mean by this.

>we have NEVER used it for a person with a name, because you know it's ONE person. and that one person is male or female.
Double Pines is an alias which does not indicate sex. The number of people involved is not in question, but the sex of the person is (or was, to that anon at the time). And speak for yourself. You're being sloppy with pronoun use.

>the they shit is SOLELY pushed because they want to add more options than he or she.
For people whose sex is known, yes. Singular they for situations of unknown sex but known number has been in use for centuries. These are different use cases with different histories.
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Nice doujin
irrelevant. grammar doesn't change whether there's one person behind the door or two or zero. it's grammar. every pronoun corresponds with a noun. and "they" corresponds to either a group, or a totally theoretical personage. words like "Someone" or "anyone" or "whoever" " or "suppose a person..."

>the number of people involved is not in question
which is why you don't use 'they'. you say "he or she"

prove it then, show me anywhere in history it's being used, that it's not "someone's at the door" or "whoever happens by..."
also explain why nobody on TV or movies has -ever- used it that way til recently.
they use it for phrases like "who was it (on the phone?)" "they didn't say!" because even though the person is known, the GRAMMAR of the person is "who's on the phone" and that corresponds with they. even when the person who answered talks about it.
this isn't hard, we all know how to do this just like we all know adjective order without consciously thinking about it. you are either a liar or incredibly brainwashed (And given some of what you said earlier...)
also, the people insisting on the use of it were explicitly making a change, telling you NOT to talk the way people have always talked. that was what they said out loud, and you and i and everyone else heard that statement.
until they realized it was more effective to retcon history and claim this was always, which they do all the time. it's easy when you control all the media, the textbooks, the encyclopediae, and any time there's a website that lets normal people post, you have those banned 'to protect children.'

next you'll say gay people never called it a choice in the pas, you'll insist they always claimed they were born that way.
Why are alleged adults so emotionally invested in the love lives of fictional children from a show made for kids under 10? Honest question.
really good, i need more
what if he just fucks both?
now this is great
And Pacifica gets brought back to life via happy ending kiss because she and Dipper are Disney characters that run on magical mcguffin plot armor energy like all disney classics with a male hero and his life interest
Probably if it was 40's to early 90's Disney.

Late 90's to 2010's Disney would probably have it so Dipper's the one who needs saving/reviving. Could work if they did a Rapunzel and Eugene setup.
>Dipper's the one who needs saving/reviving.
>but he stays dead so we can have more girlboss adventures until the franchise tanks
I meed an AU of Dipper as an adventurer told about a treasure. Only for the treasure to have been given to a baby that is now aged into Pacifica. That Pacifica this very mild key to everything girl who's annoyed with the situation as they go on the quest.
>I meed an AU
You need help
Seems like folks are keeping to themselves if they happened into an early copy. Most we have is from the social media feed and even then that just seems to be a brief glimpse at a more ominous form for Bill with weird ass teeth on one of the pages and a new cipher. But those could've been planted there beforehand too.
>s that run on magical mcguffin plot armor energy like all disney classics with a male hero and his life interest
how many times has this actually happened?

tangled doesnt really count, since healing is established as something the hair is able to do
off the top of my head, only beauty and the beast really does it

>snow white and sleeping beauty dont actually die and the cure is told early on
>cinderella, ariel, and jasmine all make it to the movie physically unharmed and conscious
Didn't we go through this with Starco and Jarco offspring
>how many times has this actually happened?

All disney films usually have a hero undergo a final plot device character moment(vis saving the day or like anon said a tender moment of love) where they use the power of saving their true love with the love interest as the main mcguffian, for Paz it's probably her hidden magic powers tied her her northwest bloodline and Dipper activates it via kiss of revival or rescuing her.
Nah fuck Mabel. Mabel could have died and that would be been nice
I like this guy's art, but I really wish he'd run his dialogue by someone who isn't an omega ESL.
If only he could clone himself
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give me your cutest
so many great foreign guy artists
and it's like, even when they get their english right, it's still not how people talk, and it really ruins what could have been amazing
do they not know i'll fix it for them for free?
Based except replace beat up with anal sex
It wasn't robbie, and really a grown as video game character seeing up a little boy is hardly impressive since not a single blow killed him.
Dipper trained with the Manotaurs, I’m sure his experience in Gravity Falls has toughened him up a bit.
Cuckoldry would imply Dipper was together with Pacifica
Just a delusion headcanon dipper haters use to rile fans.
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I hate the fact we can't actually talk about a character or the show since one retard who got abused in his childhood posts here. I remember the comfy pinecest threads and the nice threads we used to have.
Banjabu is based regardless of dialogue
>titty monster
i think pacifica would look better with a more modest bust
damn straight. he beat the multibear in fair combat. Even a regular bear is hard! and a regular bear isn't voiced by alfred molina.
See, that's all I needed to know
The episode was about dipper learning to stand up for himself instead of expecting other people to fight his battles. So it ends with him daring robbie to hit him.
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Top right is cute
Pinecest ruined me from all other incest stuff. It was just too good that nearly every other piece of incest has felt weak in comparison
see I feel the opposite, it gives me a gold standard and I see elements of it in other incest pairings now. There's something there always whispering 'hey this is a bit like pinecest innit' like that little whiff of pine zest.
it's all I can do to keep it out of my original work
Finale was shit
Many such cases. SAD!
Anyone know if Hirsche has ever dated anyone 3 years younger than him.
If so can someone follow him around for a few hours throwing peanuts at him and calling him a pedophile and a hypocrite.
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now this is mega cute
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I'm glad the artists I like don't see it your way.
On the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter since the VA got cancelled and you’ll never hear from this character ever again
That’s because Matt Braly shipped them even back then
Pacifica will fuck Dipper with her massive futa cock.
I wonder if the new Bill book will even mention Pacifica
It makes sense.
Everything else about her is fake, so why wouldn't she get breast implants?
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Gravity Falls is littered with magical items. If Pacifica found a bracelet that allowed her to adjust her age freely, what would happen?
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Almost all of Wendy's friend group signed it. Robbie probably just went along with it so he doesn't seem like a tool. Plus Robbie and Dipper are on pretty neutral terms after everything thing that happend. Funny enough Tambry is the only one who didn't sign it. What does she have against dipper?
maybe, there’s a section on embarrassing secrets for the pines
To me the pining (pun unintended) is what elevates it from just being another incest ship. Dipper's personality naturally makes it unstable, like he knows how bad the repercussions could be if the relationship is found out.
A lot of incest ships seem to be very liberal with how they're portrayed in comparison, as if they're not thinking about what's outside of their world. It's alright, but pinecest is more "realistic"
Hope she gets a cheeky mention there, though the manlet might ruin it
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Hope someone shares it in full here
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8-bit Dipper

Cute cute!
Fucking based
don't want to say anything concrete before it's out but that quote is... interesting.
>Bad end variants
Actually cool
Is it me or are most of Mabel's bad ends her turning evil while Dipper's are all some form of undeath?
Why is this book for adults?
Bill hangs dong
I don't know. Mysteries?
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Would Wendy good rival for Pacifica?
no, she would do a threesome with them
What's happening?
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makes me hope for a sequel series
Meh. The manlet keeps teasing stuff that never happens. Until we get confirmation of any new series, all this stuff is just false hype.
there were rumors he was in talks with disney, and he was working with cocreator michael rianda on something a few months back. I doubt we'd have to wait long with how many leaks disney has at the moment
Darkwing Ducks’s reboot got an official announcement and that’s on limbo. I’m not holding my breath.
So Cute.

Then they'll both exist.

Sure I could see that setup work.

I'm proud they are keeping it to themselves if there are indeed early copies out there.

Yes we did.

Oh you know it did.

Did that Anon even the episode?

That you won't unless he got recast.

Based Matt.

Or some non bill entries are included.

Would make for a good new TV series in the Gravity Falls universe.

Your comparing apples to oranges.
Why not both?
The same way the two twins play off each other so well, a little bit of Mabelishness would make Dipper a more well-rounded person and vice versa for Mabel.
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anon you're missing the point
it's BECAUSE he did that (like everyone) and he DOES get people doing that (just for being male and especially having a beard) that he has to scream so hard about it himself, to throw people off the scent. meanwhile he internalizes shame and hates himself for it.
it's a classic nervous guy and excited careless girl combo. bob and linda, star and marco, my parents....
>Mabel lost a potential boyfriend to her brother
pixel art is fun. that's way more than 8-bit though.
hopefully it dies in limbo. looks like hot garbage.
if he's recast, i'm not watching. that is a garbage thing to do. that goes for blendin, too. people used to have standards.. voice actors would talk about how they refuse to do any replacements of other actors because they are all friends.
is THAT what happened? it's a comic for ants so I can't read it
I cannot envision Dipper as a chad no matter what
Hes smart and has a aptitude for impressing anyone especially females with his personal drive to solve problems and win, he can learn through time and experience.
To bad
At least that's what I take from the hickey part
You know you can click on the comic and it will expand, right?
>Pic related Bigdad dipcifica: anime edition

Lucky Dipper is lucky
Blacklight version of Bill Cipher book when.
I thought the book already has a blacklight version?
I know there was a special edition, but not sure if it's a blacklight edition
The Barnes and Nobles exclusive version has a different cover and is signed by Alex Hirsch. No blacklight is mentioned.
Wish people did this more often for things they didn't like, it would make /co/ a happier place.
not enough. I mean 900 px wide SHOULD be enough, but i click on it and it does not embiggen that far.
i guess i can shift-scroll... no, it's still clearly super low res. i don't know why it SAYS 900 px, but that thing is small. that's a low-res image. is this a new glitch 4chin is putting on us?
literally what it's there for
i get people reeing at me now for blocking people on discord
like that is.. what you do. if you hate someone. we'd do it irl if we could. it keeps the peace.
>Shipping Dipper with the blonde brat he doesn't even like
>Not shipping Dipper with Wendy
Haven't you taken enough from me? The age gap isn't even that big.
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>doesnt even like
all that means is candy would ship them
and she would, the little normie.
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>Doesn't like
I see you didn't watch the show
>The age gap isn't even that big
Think about it this way: what would your father have said to you at 15 if you were dating a 12 year old?
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Post your favorite versions of aged-up Dipper and Pacifica that aren't just perpetually horny fuck buddies?
'con-fucking-gratulations son, you're just like me'
except it was a 4-year age gap for him
I actually remember seeing some cute girls a few years younger than me back then, I was hoping they'd show some interest.
Plus I have met some gigantic 12 year old girls, just saying. like they could play for the WNBA.
>My dad dated a 11 year old when he was 15
Weird flex but okay
I like Galaxyspealings version
I like this guy's take on the characters. Not a fan of Dipper's arm tattoos, though.
Matching Mabel outfits are cute
well no they were 14 and 18
and she was the far more mature one who was used to dating college guys. she stooped DOWN for him because he was less intellectual and more motorcycles and tall.
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>My dad dated a minor as an adult but it's okay because
Holy fucking cope
I can imagine post GF Dipper to be a little more bold and prone to impulse so I don't think tattoos are too out of character
My problem is when people give him fuckin bill cipher tattoos like that makes any kind of sense.
Post GF Dipper having Tattoos is plausible, but him having Bill Cipher tattoos make absolutely no sense
uh it's okay because it's always been okay? nobody looked at them weird. they were adults.
Do you seriously not know that's been true for so much of history that the time it's not true is barely a rounding error?
well it's not as if he's ~observant~ jewish or anything, but you know his bubbe would be sad if he got a tatt. He'd probably call it a dumb waste of money, why go through a lot of pain just to get a subpar image on your skin that you can't even move or resize
and then Mabel would be painting tattoos on him with a stencil, because that is way more fun and it washes off.
I could see him getting maybe a few small tattoos that are significant to him and his experiences, but probably not ink up both his arms entirely. Ford would probably talk him out of it if he ever considered it.
He became Jon Arbuckle in the last panel
Yeah dipper would not ink up his arms entirely. Honestly I don't think he'd even consider it.
>computers don't exist because they've only been around for a small part of mankind's existence
Elevated copium
Bumping just to save the thread for Book of Bill leaks
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Daily-dipcifica-doodles is really nice, even if they're not that much older
I find a lot of artists take one of two directions when aging them up: either they mellow out with age and just become a sitcom couple, or they are make them crazy love/hate fuckbuddies, and I wish more artists and writers could find a middle ground.
I like to imagine their natural banter just gets a little more flirtatious on Pacifica's end while Dipper tries to keep up a front of sarcasm
That's arm hair
oh this is some real nice art. this artist ever draw Mabel?
i'm pretty sure there's both in that picture. those swirls are not supposed to be hair.
I wanna hug Pacifica :(
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Sometimes although I don't think she updates anymore, or at least not as often
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Books out
Post a bloody rip cause I ain't wasting money on the hacklet shit
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I don’t have it, I found these on leddit
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cute and efficient art.
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Is there anything hotter than a girl who wants you to take her virginity?
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I hope someone dumps the book soon. I have it preordered but I won't be able to get my hands on it for like a long time
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Lewd Falls, an rpgmaker game taking place years after Gravity Falls ended.
Not much content as it started a few months ago.
Pacifica only has one scene and it's of her masturbating for Dipper.
tats sure, but not sketchbook tats. he's too smart for that, that's for mabel.
cuuute waddles
It'd be nice if the manlet stopped bitching and beating around the bush and just committed to a sequel series
Probably yeah, I imagine that they sort of subconsciously avoid any sort of serious relationships.
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realizing that's what she's trying to tell you right after she says it and not like a year later
Where can I find more of this artist? That name doesnt give me anything
That was your argument! Right here:>>144603165
>"the person knocking" is a theoretical person. anyone could be behind the door, it could be any number of people. it could even be zero
That's a wrong argument, of course, but it's not irrelevant to what you have been saying.

>grammar doesn't change whether there's one person behind the door or two or zero.
Because "they" can apply to both singular and plural antecedents, yes. Singular in that quote from Romeo and Juliet.

>a totally theoretical personage
You keep using that word, apparently in a nonstandard way. What, precisely, do you mean by it?

>which is why you don't use 'they'. you say "he or she"
You might not, or that may be the corporate guideline for boilerplate text, but most people do not use "he or she" in spoken English. Again, speak for yourself.

>show me anywhere in history it's being used, that it's not
Clarify precisely what you're asking for in unambiguous language. Shakespeare used it in other situations, but I'm guessing those aren't acceptable for some reason. Why would that be?

>explain why nobody on TV or movies has -ever- used it that way til recently.

>even though the person is known, the GRAMMAR of the person is "who's on the phone" and that corresponds with they.
"He didn't say" and "She didn't say" are obviously viable options. What are you on about here? At any rate, are you now claiming that the use of singular they is obligatory in some situations?
>If it must be so, then let a threesome be had!
Where’s the damn book leaks
The image is fine. Have you tried not phoneposting?
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Gnome Queen Mabel...
Book of Bill? More like Book of Bullshit
Some French chick, she hasn't done GF art in a while but there's more if you can find it
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Hey anons hace you noticed the big boom of korean artist drawing gf fanarts?
Koreans are always up to something
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So wanna see all the fanart i collected from koreans?
better that than the Hirsch cucktee
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Bits and pieces
Petite Ojou-Sama Pacifica does things to my brain
the facts of the scene are irrelevant to grammar. grammar is blind to reality, it's about words agreeing with other words.
>i'm just going to keep repeating bullshit
you will live to regret siding with this movement. everyone always does. just know that if I could, I would beat the absolute shit out of you.
"they" corresponds to "anyone." "Anyone" is a theoretical person. why are you having so much trouble with this?
it's NEVER obligatory, you can go your entire life without ever using it. "he or she" is always a valid substitute. but using the singular they for theoretical people, or general concepts of people, is something we inherited from french. they use the pronoun "on" to mean "people in general"
like "oh that couple is having sex? well, it happens. people have sex" you use 'on' there. and in english you would say "people (blah blah) they have sex" because 'people' again is generic. it could be zero, one, or plural people.
wouldn't phoneposting make a tiny image MORE readable on your tiny screen?
it's not readable at all dude.
So what "embarrassing secrets" are there concerning the Pines family in the Book of Bill, for those who have it?
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Dipper’s search history. Check the results at the bottom
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you think Dipper got pissed when they changed her heels?
>hot glue scented candle gift for sister
Dipper is Linkara?
What's that a reference to? And is the subliminal messages search related?
>just pandering to autistic adults who ship small children together who have nothing in common because of headcanon reasons.
Normal boy breaking through to rich girl is one of the defining romance tropes.
Boy hooking up with a girl four years older than him is not.
did he wear his vest without a shirt or something
it's just the cute idea that mabel would love the smell of glue guns so much that she'd want a scented candle of it.
uh those are both exactly as common. when Wendy appeared, she was instantly compared to a bunch of other characters.
I'm as annoyed as anyone about all of this new pronoun horseshit, and I don't think people, especially grown-ass adults, should be indulged in their desire to play 24/7 make believe that they're a dragon in human form, that they are a sentient cinnamon roll, some made up gender, or some other asinine shit.

On the other hand, the singular they has been around for AGES before I ever even heard of this goofy pronoun nonsense.

I get bent out of shape over people using "flaunt" when they mean "flout," or not knowing the difference between "no less" and "nonetheless," but people using the singular "they" to describe an unknown or theoretical person washes off of me like water off a duck's back. It's beyond old news, it's a common practice, and I couldn't care less when it's being used as a matter of grammatical convenience, to avoid cumbersome language/sentence structure.

Outside of that usage... well, people just need to learn to live in the real world.
google it
Hell, another Disney cartoon had an even bigger age gap.
Oh right! Hot glue originally meant something else before it meant to jack off into anime figurines.
>Wendy Corduroy Instagrab
>Pacifica Northwest pageant video
>Girls who like elaborate puzzle mazes
Someone needs to talk to this kid about the birds and the bees.
Personally, I wouldn't argue grammar with a guy who refuses to use any form of capital letter. Seems like you'd need to start with the very basics.
>Pacifica Northwest Pageant video
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There is wisdom in this post.
I feel like once again you are misunderstanding me. It IS meant to be used for a theoretical person. It's NOT meant to be used for a known, specified person. People have always said "if someone arrives, they will be here" nobody has ever said "I got a message from Cybercutie33, they say" until 2016ish.

And as a lazy grammar nazi myself, I now need to look up the difference between flaunt and flout, because I have to admit I don't know.
When I was a kid, the grammar books would have "find the problem with this sentence" and it would have "should of/could of" etc, and I was like "nobody really does that, do they?" and then over a decade later people started doing it a lot. I have never heard anyone mix up no less and nonetheless, hell nobody uses 'no less' at all anymore...
Let's see you use capitals properly when you're mad.
You just type sometimes, dude. It's the interbutts. Stream of consciousness matters more, and I don't have the time to go back and fix that shit. I do that enough for work.
Wendy cucked him with Robbie
Pacifica gonna cuck him with a highschool jock
Green M&M gonna cuck him with Red M&M
Who should he be with instead?
There is literally nothing going on between them, they can barely stand each other
The fucking coloring book isn't canon
This is just another example of shipperfags being mentally ill
Whichever boy Mabel wants to see him get bummed by
Mermando, the only thing Dipper will ever kiss that isn’t his pillow
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a bottle of lotion and his computer desktop
But Dipper's straight. Right?
That can be fixed
No it can't
This is why nobody likes fags
So what would be in Pacifica's seach history?
How to start Onlyfans account
Justin Timberlake Shirtless
School quarterback romance story
The singular they had never been used in the context queens have been using it since like before 2011
It was always used in the context of a subject who's existence was purely hypothetical, an imagined, nonexistent entity in an imaginary scenario, or in the event that you were talking about a person you didn't know the gender of.
Any individual who personally identified with the pronoun "they" before 2011 would have at best been called a self absorbed moron and at worst fucking insane
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I'm pretty sure that's all in line with what I said.
thank you, finally someone backs me u-
that early? Maybe in california. I didn't see it at all til 2016 at the earliest. but I believe you.
okay but you were arguing with me, and that's exactly what I said. This all started from someone calling DoublePines a they, and that doesn't work. "Whoever the artist of this drawing is" could be a they, but once it's grammatically a solid entity, that pronoun's no longer right. it doesn't matter if, in your head, you know "whoever" turned out to be DP. The grammar doesn't care about that.
I swear this is the same thing I saw in another thread when someone was like "if I draw an underage character pregnant but fully clothed, is it banned because it implies sex happened?" as if somehow the imaginary story behind something matters.
oh wait, VIDEOGAMES were using it in 2011, yeah. That got real fucking irritating. referring to player character as they when you had the option of two sexes. like guys, that is the PERFECT time for 'he or she' the 'or' is built right in to the character selection.

then we started getting "Type 1 and type 2" and I just want to die already.
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>okay but you were arguing with me
Ah, I sense a misunderstanding, here. >>144627518 was my first post in this thread.

>>144627817 and >>144628546 are also mine.
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He has someone canonically wanting to fuck him
Dipper getting hypnotized
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Seek help or kys, headcanon sister
>Seek help or kiss your sister
That is what Dipper would be doing.
kissing your sister is a tie game. just like if you die to cancer.
Wendy dumped Robbie faster than he actually scored

Pacifica wants and is canon wise wants Dipper to rail her.

Dipper doesn't eat candy.
See this>
Nah she’s gonna go to highschool the day after the season finale and get railed by jocks and actual men who aren’t wimpy beta midgets like Dipper
Same with Webdy and her billion boyfriends (who she found all of them more attractive than lil dipstick)
Dipcifica confirmed
That someone canonically lost all interest when she saw what a wimpy bitch he is and how even she’s more manly than him
>Tdlr headcanon
>New official dippaz source from new official gf source now posted
>Dipper haters shut down

You can log off now.
Canonically? Soos
Also Dipper’s such an incel he canonically has an account desperately trying to find love on forums e-messaging other men LMAO
Kill your self(kys) pincest kyn
the source that said Dipper is on an anonymous singles forum because he’s so pathetic from no girl wanting him? That one?
Ok lol
Dipper posts on r/incel
Well at least he ain't gay
lol that’s hilarious
just talk to some girls at school you pansy bitch, Wendy fucking Robbie turned Dipper into a desperate chatroullette simp
You know this is bill trolling dipper right.
You know it’s not, right? This isn’t a book dipper reads, it’s Bill talking to the reader irl and telling them secrets and showing them things he saw the pines family doing
Dipper gonna see all the Instagram pics of Wendy fucking Robbie or another boyfriend oh no no no no no
>Robbie fucked Wendy

No proof go to hell
Based and fearless.
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New book also says Dipper dreams and stalks the internet at night about Wendy but Wendy never thinks about him lmao
Seethe more, Wendy already got Dipper before Robbie got her
Wendy canonically isn’t interested in dipper tho…
(Even though she let every single male teen in gravity falls smash and has more ex boyfriends than she can count)
Pacifica gonna be like that too when she gets railed by every manly sporty chad in GF highschool while dipper’s getting bullied in california and gets a liberal arts degree
Before the thread dies, I still want to know who drew either of these.
Nah she's into Dipper for life. This passage proves dipper will eventually settle with her when he stops his Wendy simping
Wendy doesn't care about them, she cares about Dipper. This is still fact.
This is all taking place in Dippers Nightmare so Bill is involved somehow.

Confirmed here.

>she cares about Dipper
Like an older sister would care about a younger brother.
But she's not IN love with him.
That's more than any thing Robbie gave her, including speculative sex.
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So dipcifica is canon, since there's a passage were she is in described here
wut? This is Bill's book
Robbie was her boyfriend, he got sum
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she'll be giving a lotta "hugs" too to her jock boyfriends in highschool ehehehe...
>Robbie was her boyfriend, he got sum
>Barely touched him, said he was boring and felt uncomfortable around him, he didn't fuck her.
It's Paz as Bills Discription of her and talking about Dipper. Dipcifica still lives on.
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>see this
>dipcifica set in stone

Here's your you.
wait, where?
Top left
Anon...that's Soos.
Soos' entry? that's Melody
Honestly, this aggressive insistence that Dipper MUST be a cuck just makes me want to insist that it's the opposite: Pacifica is a compersive, consensual cuckquean who lets him have affairs to his heart's content. Hey, it has just as much basis in canon.
People in this thread don't know what cuck means anymore.
So the "Pacifica watches Dipper fuck Wendy on stream" comic, but it just keeps going.
nah in canon dipper is a weak-willed soiboy who got cucked and horrifically rejected by his crush Wendy and rolled over like a dog for it. He's canonically pathetic and simps for girls who fuck other guys and thinks he was wrong for wanting Wendy to give him a chance and thinks Wendy is out of his league and he's like a toddler compared to her
this. If Pacifica ever, EVER, even implies that she's out of his league like Wendy did then Dipshit will pussy out, bow his head, start whimpering and go "y-yeah Pacifica you're right, I'm just a loser who shouldn't even try with you, you deserve a real man not a loser like me..."
It's literally what his character is. If a girl says they're too good for him or he's wrong for thinking he deserves a chance he'll cuck out and say they're right then run away to go be a pathetic loser looking for e-dates online
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>Tdlr incel addicted brain rot shit posting

This is what the internet does to losers who watch a cartoon an judge fictional character based on their own lives as a form of self projection of insecurities. No where did the show implies Dipper is weak in fact, he ended the series being respected as a strong kid and confident boy who is admired by everyone. Pacifica loves him, Wendy looks up to him, Mabel depends on him. These posts won't detract from anything the show proven from your bias and incel rage about Dipper from your pov. JK Simmons says Dipper is a Wiser man than him, that confirms his chadness.
Dipper’s a factual soiboy cuck who simps for Wendy rejecting him.
Pacifica has a platonic interest in him same as Candy had before she rejected him too for being a wimp, Wendy sees him as an immature little kid not worthy of her interest, Mabel only needs him to enable her feelings when most of her free time she actually spends with her galpals while dipshit spends surfing the web stalking girls who fuck other guys.
I mean
he's -physically- weak, at least early on. he's a small guy who hasn't really developed yet, that's not a character fault.
he did take down the multi-bear, but it seems like that was mostly technique. not sure.
those had better be Rosebud frozen peas
Oh I'm sure Dipper already knows about those.

Some of the stuff that's in Dippers search history.

The Liama wants that Pinetree.

Love this
need a fic of dipper jerking off to pacifica’s pageant videos NOW
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She’s the town bike by her own admission.
Interesting, since one of the games says that Dipper almost died the day he was born by being strangled by his own umbilical cord.
>normal to have no friends?
Poor kid.
don’t pity him, it’s his own fault
i would have been his friend.
well if I was a kid back then. or if he didn't mind being friends with a 27 year old.
i would have been one of those kids that beats him up and gets the other kids to mock him for his poor social graces
>Pacifica has a platonic interest in him

>pacifica learns that dipper has been watching her old videos
>kabedons him and asks him pointblank if he has been tugging it to her
>dipper sweats and starts muttering nervous nonsense
>pacifica gives dipper a kiss and says he wont need those videos anymore now that he has the real thing
Well that’s depressing. No wonder he wanted to stay with Ford.
but he's short
you're supposed to do that to the tall strong kids who hit puberty first, that's how it worked for me. because they know it'll look bad if I fight back.
Somebody start writing this fanfic.
i think that's one of the issues, there's not a lot of youth community in gravity falls.. there's three girls around his age, and some cool teens.
oh, and Gideon. who hardly counts. also he can't be more than 10.
Dipper and Pacifica will totally have a heart to heart about their families and home life that will lead to their first kisses.
He doesn’t have friends like how Mabel has Candy and Grenda
>their first kisses
with wendy
at best he's got Soos
he had some decent bonding moments with Soos and fewer with Stan... that's not the same as friendship.
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Exactly. He doesn’t have anyone his age to hang out with enjoy common interests with.
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I think one of the reasons the Dipcifica ship skyrocketed was also because Dipper himself had no personal friends his age like Mabel. His friends were just his family and Soos, none of which could give him the same dynamic a kid like Pacifica could. So it's not just that Dipper gets a girlfriend and all that, it's that he actually bonds with someone outside of his closed circle. Everyone needs someone to hang out with outside of family.
i wonder when Shermie first saw Stan, whom he believed to be Ford.. and how that went. His parents had to be dead otherwise they'd recognize it was the wrong kid.. but since they had him at like 50, that wouldn't have taken long.
personally i'd love it if she just became like, his buddy.
but wendy's kinda already covering that. she is a fantastic bro.
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at least he's going outside to do some sports, maybe he's exaggerating it a bit
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Whenever Gravity Falls gets brought up on /co/ these days, its always the same coomer-lite thread about a single pairing probably being made by the same anon almost every time. 'Romance' can be a damn cancer for a fanbase over time when some people only care about who supposedly may have ended up together. Some things just never change.
Two of his embarassing moments being back to back with the girls he likes is a pretty neat touch
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I think Bill's a big liar.
Dipper wouldn't get stuck in a tree and he sure as fuck wouldn't need rescue from anyone but Wendy
and the sweater and glue thing sounds like something Mabel would do. Maybe Bill mixed the two up. we're all weird pink things to him.
it's literally the most important thing in life right after worship. It's a summer coming-of-age story. What do you expect, everyone obsesses over what car Dipper's gonna drive? We remember when we were masturbating furiously and longing to hold a girl's hand.
I'm reading The Book of Bill right now, it's great, I love it, fuck the haters.
yeah plus he's like what 12? While getting rejected by Wendy sucks its not like the kid is doomed. Even he managed to pull during the roatrip episode. He'll be fine
i certainly think so. Dipper's gonna have great romance ahead of him. and to me, it's fun discussing whom it might be with, and judging whether someone else's idea is plausible or not based on how well I feel I understand those characters.
>tension in household excessive glitter
>is moon alive serious
>attracted to green M&N unhealthy?
>is my sisters fnurby haunted
These are fucking hysterical
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reminded a bit of this old greentext bit
>then dipper has an autism freakout because that's unsanitary
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Honestly, all the fans who wanted to discuss the actual show probably left a long time ago. The golden age of Gravity Falls is over and all that's left is the shipping, like so many series in their post-finale downwards spiral. At least on /co/, which isn't the highest standard of serious or meaningful discussion even at the best of times.
i still wanna talk about the show sometimes!
but just as their adventures are over, the discussion is going to be less exciting and more cozy.
great thread, fellas.

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