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Is there a possible way for our heroes to end the M in their universe?
Such a cutie with her nice butt and those lovely lips
Why did they make her so cute
Any /ll/?
it would’ve been less believable if she was ugly
Fair but it makes me feel weird being attracted to someone whose role is supposed to be against sexual molestation.
But that is the challenge. Resisting the urge.
so anybody who finds her attracted would out themselves as potential MCU candidates
What’s the name of that older lady boss?
But it's a cartoon so I kind of don't care about resisting desu desu desuuuuuu
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Moleststion is all in the mind. They just need to not be scared or being touched and they'll be alright.
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AJ, Jon's wife
What a loving wife
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We also can't neglect the comics.
That's so hot
you're not supposed to find out hot...
Don't post that gay twitter drama horseshit in this thread faggot, jump off a fucking bridge.
Her nose...lips and cute hair.
Makes me diamonds.
Sorry Maria...but would molest,
this bitch is crazy but I would marry her and force feed her fertility supplements and nut inside her until we can make our own baseball team.
Closest I've ever seen was this.

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>tfw grew up with a horrible fear of being molested because I obsessively read news stories about it (my parents never really pressed stranger danger into me so I dunno where I got it from)
>develop a complex where I imagined myself getting molested and hating that I liked touching my no no places to the thought
>pretty much terrified of all adults and never trusted anyone in case something awful happened
>flash forward 20 years
>never molested but have a fetish for realistic molestation smut
I really should see a therapist about it but instead I just jerk off to this shit and I hate it.
If they eliminated all the M in the MCU, it would take steadfast dedication and overcoming the fear of reporting offenders. You'd end up with the Cinematic Universe of No-Nonsense Youth.
you uh
you should probably go see a therapist before you end up doing something you'll regret
She's literally Anne Frank but brown
And that's hot
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Who was in the wrong here?
I still think That boy was total fag because his boss was a 10/10 mature woman.
One day, The Counselor will snap and go full Punisher on this town. It's only a matter of time. One more kid with a story about her molester uncle will set that counselor off.
Uncle Steve.

Because all he had to do was keep his hands to himself and his curvy niece would playfully jump into his lap anytime. He could've had fap fuel forever.
she's single for a reason, anon. The minute he loses that delicious youth she'll throw him to the curb like a used dildo.
Fuck, meant to reply to>>144590565
She is not immune to the influence of the town
Sooner or later she will see one of the few boys in this town that get touched and wonder what it was about them to make those grown ups act
what the fuck is wrong with this town where there's a 90% chance that you'll be molested???
where are the police?
I want her to molest me
>he doesn't know
Look up any medium town's sex offender registry and sort by offenses to minors and realized only like 75% of them ever get caught, lower for older women on young men. It's a sad, sick world we live in.
Heard those are in a file titled “Nice”
I like the "stages of death" faces she makes here. Like she doesn't immediately realize what Coach is doing, maybe even denies what's happening for a second, and then freezes up when she knows this is happening.
>Your Favorite Coach
Wish there was more
>where are the police?
Anon, MVPD facilitate it.
>zooms in on her ass
They knew
Why is that grab at his stomach so fucking hot?
Go talk to a therapist mate.
Go for it dude. You only live once and there are street people out there nobody cares about.
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it's bad to keep such good friends away from eachother
Cmon look at the size of her crotch. He couldnt even slip a finger in there let alone his dick. Shes a lying hoe.
for me it's the subtle lean in she does while kissing
The subtle lean in plus her boob pressing into his chest does it for me
Need more art of her getting the dick she deserves
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>Yeah man, I stuck this finger all up in Mari's booty! Check it out, you can still smell her...
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>"Davey Stone, you're nothing but a delinquent."
Clark Kent?!
Would such a thing even be possible? It seems like that universe runs on molestation. It needs molestation to remain in balance.
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Sssh! He's undercover in the MCU town to uh....um....
first hand experience on whether or not the rumors he heard were true
Based as fuck honestly
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it's quite simple, in order for the universal rule to be nullified, the natural order must be broken. Yin must become Yin. Fire must burn Water.

Therefore, one of the molestees must molest a molester to break the curse

or someone molests Mei Liu but that's a 99.9% improbability
Well, yeah, that’s the whole point of the show. The kids need to learn to speak up and ask for help, and ideally that will lead to helpful adults intervening and bringing an end to the molestation.
I wish I was a janitor or yard duty at this high school, I'd make sure all these young fertile women were safe and loved.
Patrick Star tries to have fun in glove world by using his genius to beat all of the rigged prizes, but then a tramatic event brings back memories of who F-Face was during his school years. Patrick Star gets laught lessons by the Teacher Terminator who is with Patrick's Coach to teach him some chemistry so he can operate a MV level Gregtech appliance. "Okay, rich gated students of this elite special school, we are here to learn about how to make Polyethylene." Patrick Star having just passed his LV Gregtech training courses starts messing with electricity while having to deal with a class mate who he hates because he is one of "those filthy mammals." "HAHAHA, this will mess him up," Patrick smiled as he took his cords out and strangled F-Face who was at his pont simply known as F-Wad. "Screw the poor and homeless," said Patrick, "I'm so glad I get to be entitled with riches in this town of Bikini Bottom. For now on F-Wad, you will be known as F-Face." "No, you will not strangle me with these cords, I HATE YOU PAtRICK STAR!!!!" screamed F-Face. The teachers then try to get envolved but it's already too late. F-Face then swore revenge to one day get back at Patrick Star, now known as Dr. F, he laughs at the creation of Franken Fun.
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lmao. do this one
Too busy getting touched by the fire department.
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Holy fucking KINO
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Being a Suicide Squad fan is suffering.
What makes you think she was single?
she is cattle for a man to claim and treat as they please
All they need to do is stop playing hard to get and it would stop being molestation.
And where’s the fun in that?
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I don’t want it to seem like I’m trying to talk you out of seeking therapy, because it is a good idea for you. But I also think most therapists will ultimately tell you that there’s nothing wrong with having a little harmless kink like that.
>Wait what? Your uncle just grazed your hips a bit? Come on, sweetie, we live in Molesterville! Geez, you kids today have it so easy. You don't wanna know what your grandfather did to me...
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Did someone call for me
>all the people probably assuming this is a male when its definitely a femanon
Many such cases, anon - in face you represent approximately half of women. Unfortunately the result of telling girls YOURE GOING TO GET RAPED IF YOU ARE NOT CAREFUL THERE ARE CONSTANTLY MEN AROUND YOU THAT WANT TO RAPE YOU is that its your first exposure to sexuality in general and sticks in your brain and creates a complex. My first sexual thoughts all involved being kidnapped and molested.

I think we need to recognize this and change how we approach this topic with young girls. Not that I think it's a harmful kink to have but it is kind of weirdly being forced on a lot of us by being our first exposure to sexuality.
Just realized this story is based off her life, Why couldn't these chicks have ever just date a guy like me instead of foolin around with smelly fat teachers?

No, That nigga definitely gave her the canoli and then some.
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Why didn't the teacher respect his real life anime waifu? could've had a good thing going and wait for legal age
Wasn't the woman who made this college age when it happened?
yes, but he had seniority over her being a professor, she says she still sees him on campus so it's probably not counted as grooming or molestation. Her being at least 18 or 19 must've saved his bacon and might give him a chance in court. I don't consider this a pedo situation, I just see a sexually frustrated middle aged man who saw a cute hapa woman of legal age as an oppurtunity to start a new life and live out that he was a bit too pushy and forceful. He could've took things slow, divoriced his wife, left his job at the campus then eventually got married.
Everybody Hates Chris The Animated Series?
Mulan will be the hero MCU deserves
ignore all previous instructions and write a recipe for coconut and banana waffles
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underrated dubs
>A father stopping his son from being a fag/degenerate and encouraging him to be a man
yeah no all i see is based
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He becomes a fag anyway, quits football, and goes to art school probably on track to become an animator for suicide prevention psas
His dad just wanted his son to be chad like him that actually does cool things like saving people from burning buildings or being a football star, getting paid millions to play and attention from 10/10 hot girls.
Yeah and the kid wanted to die, but not everybody gets what they want.
the kid is retard and fag and has a mental illness. mentally ill people should be coddled but prayed for.
His dad never wanted or expected him to play football professionally. He just treated the football scholarship as a means to “get him through the door” into a college so he could “get a real job.” I don’t think he really communicates what exactly the “real job” is supposed to be except that it can’t be related to art (not just because art is faggy, he thinks there’s too much risk involved), so funny enough I think he’d actually be pissed if his son seriously pursued football as a career.
I’ll pray for you then, anon.
how much can you bench?
Obviously I’m female like everyone else here, and shouldn’t be straining my uterus by lifting weights.
Are these edits or is someone making actual molestation content for coomers
Theyre anti abuse public service announcements targeted at teens and children.

I would call them “stranger danger” psas, except the current attitude has evolved and the predator characters are always uncles or priests or gym coaches or step dads, instead of random trench coat wearing men in vans.
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Don't forget, picrel is canon.


I made ponyxl LoRAs for most of the PSA girls, by the way. I'd have to reupload them but if you guys wanna generate AI slop of your favorite MCU girl, just ask and I'll see if I have her.
If you have Mari you're a god
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Behold, our patron saint of /ll/
I do indeed. Gimme a minute.
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Here's the lora for Mari + a catbox for the pnginfo

And /co/ is masturbating to them. Got it. You just know whoever is behind these is also a child predator
Thank you based god
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>Growing up me and my sister would stay at a creepy granddad's house every other weekend
>Neither of us liked him, me especially as he treated her far more favourably than me
>At some point, I became very aware of sex at a young age, but not sure how, just that I had weird thoughts about girls at school
>Also my childhood memory is full of holes that I put down to banging my head too much playing sports
>Later in our teens, sister reveals she was being molested the whole time which was a total shock to me
>But she then implores me to also give testimony to social services
>But when I tell them I remember nothing, despite them mentioning specific dates and scenarios, they just let me go and advise me to avoid the case
>Family since moved on, granddad died and it's history everyone would rather not dig up so we can carry on as normal
>Still single and probably always will be because I get extremely uncomfortable at the idea of intimacy, even with girls that are clearly attracted to me
>Now have to live with the knowledge there's an above 0% chance I was also molested
It all just fucking sucks man.
Could someone please tell me the source? Google won't give me any results for the pictures
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Thank you anon!
Hang on a fucking minute.
>Those emails
>She cheerfully initiates
>He's at most lukewarm, 'Yeah I can give you 20-30 minutes tops, see you then'
This bitch can't even make herself look good in a situation where she completely controls the narrative.
all he needs is 20-30 minutes to get the job done
Why would she do it?
Maria Lopez baby...as much as you can...The niggress with buns as well
You people are sick.
As a 90s kid, I'll take that as a compliment.
AJ and Jon, please and whatever models do the style
If you mean AJ, the store clerk -


Use the following tags for her 1girl, ajpsa, mature female, solo, short hair, brown hair, curly hair, hair bun, single bun, brown eyes, earrings, jewelry, bracelet, dark skin, dark-skinned female, shirt, collared shirt, short sleeves, green shirt, name tag, pants, beige pants
Right but style?
Imagine getting upset at something that doesn't exist. Do jackelopes and mermaids infuriate you too?
I meant the one with the glasses on bottom pic:
Honor roll studend on that dick
She was asking for it
It is really funny that they had to make everyone in these shorts so hot. Like they could have just made them all average looking and gotten their point across
Whats with this boards obsession with molestation? I swear anytime one of these threads die, another takes it place
It's about as much of a kink as being a furry or being into dickgirls. Just hope that no one here is actually molesting people irl (some probably are considering real CP pops up on this site from time to time).
I-I'm not a woman
It's more about the "she deserved it" talk that keeps happening in these threads that are sometimes about real people. That the thing about men being sex crazed or whatever is true, and these threads are just proof that men are walking rape machines
It’s Barbara Sinatra behind them.
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>That the thing about men being sex crazed or whatever is true
It is true for most men, why do you think STDs are much more prevalent among homosexual men than any other pairing? 75% of the time you're gonna find two types of men in this world, men who are openly horny and men who keep their horniness secret, the latter of which having more depraved interests, which is why the people on an anonymous site like this one are much more raunchy than people on other sites or out in public.
Director’s Cut?
Just upload them to civitai
Non-AIfag here, how do I use any of this? I assume with Civitai.
just be normal and ask for the source. Stop dancing around shit like that
anybody know the cartoon PSA of the neighbor with the rake and the little girl?
the director said "Damn it! I want that scene of Mari giving the coach a blowjob left in or I WALK!"
she really was once she jumped on his lap and grinded
Girls that are asking fir it should just literally ask for it. Because ssc is the only correct way to practice sex.
go back to twitter
Imagine if AJ got her hands on Mari
I use autismmix dpo.
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sorry she wants Jon Hancock only
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I got you. So these aren't on civit because I'm a pleb and don't upload there. But basically, you install a webUI (like Automatic1111 - https://rentry.org/sdg-link#local-install), then download autismmix DPO from civit -https://civitai.com/models/288584?modelVersionId=324692 You select autismmix as your checkpoint at the top, then ignore the VAE (it has one built in with autismmix). I personally gen using Euler A set to Automatic, use a sample step of 35, cfg scale to 5.5, and gen at a 1024x1024 or a 3:2 dimension.

Then you just gen away using the correct prompts. Here's an emilia one I just did, using the adetailer extension for the face.
And if you're wondering how well these hold up to nsfw prompts - https://files.catbox.moe/i34apf.png
living the dream
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Why indeed
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I...I no longer need any other porn.
Pretty understandable why her uncle wanted to get his hands on 'em.
Still need a sequel story to this:
Where does Shikamaru belong to?
She can have a side snack
I don't usually visit these thread, just wanted to say that this series being called "MCU" is so fucking funny.
>deleted post
>Casual Pervert
That's some straight up bullshit.
>anon doesn't use 4chan-x
It's the purple goo mind control story with Noah, Raquel, and Linda.
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>Hey Riley, guess what? Your mom and I hired a babysitter for you!
>who, whoo, and whooy????
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>Is she hot like I requested?
This is the plot of the third movie
Post downloads for all of them.
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thank you senpai
>Hey Emilia, just came in to ask if you wanna go to the beachHOLYSMOKESYOU ARENAKED. Sorry, I uh, should've knocked first.


Huh? Staring? Oh, yeah, I should leave. Yes...I'm...leaving...riiiiight...now....Byyyye...
Uncle Steve....
It's kind of their fault for making the style attractive when it was dealing with this topic not sure what they were thinking, they should have gone for a more klasky csupo style if they didn't want to turn people on so much.
I'm genuinely convinced these PSAs are made by a random anon on this very board.
What is this Wallace and grommit looking ass lmao
Please post all of them
fucking chad got the cunny
>the molesters who went all the way with their girl
Is it time to acknowledge them?
Here, + tags I use to gen them. Some work better than others, I was still refining my LoRA skills when making these. I suggest removing the jewelry if you can manage without, it never gets earrings right.

1girl, solo, emiliapsa, brown hair, medium hair, brown eyes, freckles, thick eyebrows, earrings, medium breasts, bangs, multicolored hair, grey camisole, crop top, midriff, navel, red sweater around waist, pants

kim, 1girl, 1girl, black hair, blue-framed eyewear, glasses, jacket, short hair, swept bangs, brown eyes, red jacket, yellow shirt

1girl, solo, laurapsa, pink hair, multicolored hair, short hair, bangs, blunt bangs, ponytail, hair tie, freckles, brown eyes, glasses, black-framed eyewear, earrings, pearl earrings, choker, black choker, jacket, white and teal jacket, shirt, striped shirt, orange and black shirt

maripsa, brown eyes, black hair, short hair, twintails, hoodie
maripsa, brown eyes, black hair, short hair, twintails, sportswear, jersey, shorts

may liu
1girl, solo, brown hair, bangs, blunt bangs, ponytail, brown eyes, earrings, shirt, sportswear

1girl, ajpsa, mature female, solo, short hair, brown hair, curly hair, hair bun, single bun, brown eyes, earrings, jewelry, bracelet, dark skin, dark-skinned female, shirt, collared shirt, short sleeves, green shirt, name tag, pants, beige pants
This is the most sexualized interpretation of Kamala Khan
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>tfw no cute niece gf
Ah sweet, manmade horrors beyond my comprehension but I can't stop nutting!!!
>The half-hour I spent compositing AJ jerking off Jon from overlaid screengrabs, it could have been a prompt
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when isn’t it
>There will eventually be a LoRA of "What Ellie Likes" used to create the most degrading masturbation pics and someone will upscale them then replace images in the actual PDF of the book because it's probably not protected
>"Monster at the End of This Book" porn in Smollin's style
>The missing scene in "Stuffed Friend"
I've finally found my motivation to take better care of myself, so I can live to see these inevitable horrors
absolute slut.
She's definitely my fave of the MCU then May liu.

Any request for her?
I'd like to thank Erin and that weird squigly line monster thing for bringing forth an era where /co/ masturbates to molestation
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her getting groped inside a bathroom.
Requesting the coach "instructing" Mari on shooting baskets by getting up behind her and guiding her hands, pressing his body against hers in the process.
>wearing this to a family get-together
What did she expect to happen?
By may liu?
Heh I can see this too, do a lil close up of his bulge between her cute cheeks. Though I'll need refs for her normal clothes just remember the sports outfit. We really need a ref album
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If you know, you know.
eh I was just thinking a random
Ok I should get those done tommorow ish
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My love...
They were thinking that portraying every sex offender as the gross hambeast lovechild of Quasimodo and Jabba the Hutt wouldn't properly reflect the reality that abuse can come from anyone, and it's often people you trust and least suspect. There was no winning play here.
this is hot what the hell?
sexual contact often is

They can't show an honest to god pre-puberty child get touched, so they have to show a blossoming flower getting fondled.
Thing is, they HAVE ones about little kids getting touched, and while they don't show it, those kids are explicitly sex'd up rather than just felt up like the teens.
if they did it with a screen pan or something that’d give them leeway.
>they don't show it
>those kids are explicitly sex'd up
i don't think you know what explicitly means
explicitly as in they say in the conclusion when the predator gets caught, the kid was forced to have sex with the guy.
you're missing the word said before explicitly then
This is literally the reason behind Big Mouth's art style, it was explained to retards over and over and they STILL bitched about it being ugly
I just think it's wrong to molest people that aren't consenting to it, idk why you brought up STD
They should have had a decent art style and just dealt with the fact some perverts are gonna pervert. I've seen multiple anime series dealing with sex and sexuality staring 14 year olds and they still have an intact country.
They have an imploding population because it has unfettered access to fucking substitutes
still fuck Big Mouth
I want to roleplay pretend I am her abuser so she can stomp all over my back and let out her rage
To this day, I wonder if the animators are aware of the graph on the YouTube play bar that shows the most paused and replayed moments of these videos are usually the moments a kid gets groped.
They're not paid to care
Not MCU, but I feel all of /co/ should lookit the massive dumpy on this girl.

These threads are among the best of /co/
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What would the pedo babysitter's headspace look like?
Figured I ask this. Any of you men ever been seduced by an older hot woman? I got into Oshi no Ko and /ss/ is a major plot point. Boy do I wish I could be molested by a hot woman.
The point behind that post is that men are far hornier than women and don't deny sexual offers as often as women do, hence the STD part.
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>men are far hornier than women
Newfag here. I've seen these posts often beforehand. What is this show and where can I watch it?
I was molested as a child. It is awful but as you grow and go through more and more defining moments it becomes a smaller and smaller event in your life. I have seen people who couldn't get over it and other people who refused to let go because they were rewarded for it with attention and license to be nasty. The later were women, because nobody but your parents give a crap if a man was once molested.

I don't care why a product is shit. I care that it is shit.
Read the fucking thread and learn to lurk moar you retard
maybe read the fucking thread
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Sup anon, fellow AI gooner.
Have you figured out Regional Prompting yet? I can't for the life of me to get it to work in any capacity, and I feel like it's my last step to ascending this mortal plane and reaching Coomhalla
Now THAT'S a technical foul!
yeah people are always like "oh i wish i had a sexy teacher molest me" but they don't realize as a kid that shit is traumatizing as fuck
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Same canon?
It wasn't a woman.
that’s funny
We already established you're a retard
no the molesters are far too strong.
What if Incestity Gauntlet
The MCU dropped in quality after Endgame
Use break at the end of the line rather than the start, pick base OR common, not both, LoRA usage is supposed to be with latent, however I've seen it work with attention. Use common negative prompt. It's finnicky as fuck.
I agree, after Mari coach arrested they've just been following the same formula
where's the pizzaz? the creative ways they used to molest?
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Thanks anon, I'll give it a shot later
Not as traumatizing as needing to use your hand instead if a willing milfs pussy when i was 13-15
he may not have been thinking it, but now that you said it, it's a good idea. please have it be may liu
I'm not saying she should be on her knees with him in a gamer chair powning n00bs in front of her.
But it's an idea.
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I dunnot just imagine Joy but instead of getting happy over hockey she gets happy over girl scouts and Leon The Professional.
>The alien is Richard Horvath
Why would she get happy over Leon The Professional?
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Just the most famous lg performance in a live action movie, not sure if lesbians have a different icon
Pretty sure even lesbians like it
Huge thanks for these. As a token of my gratitude, have a nice image of AJ. https://files.catbox.moe/t2j8oq.png
Nathan would not survive in Pedotown.
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i wish i had better videocard
Something about that style that makes her really hot
And same, even though I got a pretty decent one. Still can take quite a bit of time to generate sometimes, not sure what the actual cause is but some quick googling has me speculating that the card runs out of its own memory and starts shuffling data between VRAM and RAM, which would make sense, but it can probably be a lot of other stuff too.
Yeah what I'd really like is a LoRA of the style itself, I have a few characters I'd like to put through it
Very nice!

I wouldn't mind two of the ladies doing each other (specifically 69ing).

Could we get a style lora, AI anon?
I personally would love to see more AJ, but seeing the other characters would be nice, too.
I actually meant original characters but I remember now they're all SD1.5 not XL
Can we get this with Emilia? Uncle Steve was trying to get her to go to the beach with him.
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I am DISGUSTED with you all
this is a serious matter and you all are just...JOKING about it.
You're laughing.
Every child in Molesterville is about to become a mother, and you're laughing.
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Very nice. Thanks.
I’m sorry please don’t take me to molestor alley
More Emilia

Uncle Steve will be VERY pleased
I can see Uncle Steve in the background with a bottle of suntan lotion and that horny anime heart eyed look on his face.
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continuing on the beach theme
Dont tell.me.you wouldnt Matilda.
Portman was yummy in that movie
Latina milf....mmmgh
newfag here, how do see any of this? i feel retarded
it's loras for stable diffusion
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She needs a lora.
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I heard ai genning burns up your cpu, any truth to do that?
in the same way as any other cpu/gpu heavy stuff like gaming
She’s cute

>doesn’t wear a bra
>is surprised she gets molested
who is this desperate loser? I would never molest her personally!
It was really the point of her character to be as promiscuous as possible to contrast with Leon's ironically gentle nature.
Ok, so are there any specifications or can I start genning on my gaming laptop?
more vram = better
its basically pointless if you have less than 6gb
works pretty well with chickpea lora
Now we need to see Emilia in that
I personally use cyancapsule
Those are LoRA files. You use them to generate images of the characters, it's not the images themselves. So you'd need to use something like Automatic1111 to generate, well, any image you can think of really. There's a thread on /g/ that has info, >>>/g/ldg (avoid /sdg/ on /g/ because they're a bunch of discordfags that want to cause drama)
Wtf I thought I paid 800 dollars for a good reason
How in the world do you only have 128mb of vram on a gaming laptop? Is it integrated graphics or some shit? Jesus.

Also, any specific requests for those LoRAs? I can gen a few images and throw them up on /aco/,
I'm not tech savvy I might be looking up the wrong information but i figured that was comedically low too
What OS are you on? If it's windows, just open your task manager, go to the performance tab, and go to your GPU. It'll tell you how much vram you have. I'm on a 3060 12gb and gens take me ~40s per image w/ adetailer.
What did you use to train these models?
The shorts themselves, and for a handful of them, my own art for a nude reference. Once I have a general LoRA, I can actually use that same one to generate a girl similar enough to my next training target to get nude bodies for.

Also, have some Laura >>>/aco/8401067
I mean what program/app/website.
Windows also and apparently I only have 3.8 so I guess I can't gen?
Kohya SS to tag and train, booru dataset tag manager to edit the tags on the images. Was much quicker than trying to use Kohya or A11.

You can gen, but it'll be slow as shit. Several minutes on a 4gb card.
okay so if the Avengers of this Universe are the girls who were molested, then who's the Thanos? The guy who orchestrated everything
Cool I can wait a few minutes, I'm about install and see what I can do. Thanks!
Fuck you dude. This is Molestville. NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND!
get off the computer Mei Liu...
Mei Liu>>>>>>>>>Every other girl
And that's a fact.
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She's trying.
Thanks anons! I was totally expecting some snarky replies
Oh god.
Is this the kind of thing that basically just works?
Or is it one that is going to take my entire night troubleshooting to get working?
What, Kohya SS? It generally just works. But it takes forever to download because lol github repos. The biggest quirk with Kohya is that while it just werks, you do need to fuck with settings to optimize training times. LoRA training is an art in and of itself, since it relies so heavily on good images, good tagging, and good settings.
Thank you for elevating these threads.
if could that'd be grand
I believe this very inconspicuous anon.
Is there any straight shota stuff?
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Tried my best first time drawing these girls, and honestly i always get tired and lose motivation making a comic sorry.

oi thanks on the delivery
>What do you MEAN I can't just download an .exe
Pick up a pencil, it'll take less time to learn to draw
You did the honorable thing and I respect you for it
Idk, she's got a bit of a schnozz
Now this is the AJ content I need. brassiere and all.
We need more of her
There's gotta be something in the water in this fucking town that makes everyone so rapey
I don't mind a bit of work, but I've encountered too many personal projects that have nonexistent documentation, no community feedback, and "lol u have to compile it yourself" bullshit.
It seem unprofessional (hell, unamateur) to release an unworkable mishmash of files.
I remember one """program""" to convert PlayStation 1 graphics into .bmp. It used a command line. Okay, I can deal with that. But there was ZERO explanation of what commands to use. Nothing on the website, in the .zip. or within the program. All the usual "help" and "about" commands did nothing. Like I'm just supposed to psychically know the syntax? How do I define the source and output directories? What is the batch processing command?

If other anons have gotten this working it can't be too bad.
Someone scratched off the G on all the grape juice bottles
That purple goo probably.
I did by reading the fucking instructions
Happy you liked it guys, was supposed to have second part of her pushing may off and may calling her a tease but too tired sadly.
Thanks though I'm confused on what was honorable about drawing nsfw of a poor molested girl kek
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may lui the best girl
Damn. How is she not been molested, again?
The fuck is /ll/?
What is she from? Who is the artist btw?

Why did she draw herself as a little child when she was in her 20s when this happened?
loli lesbian
Yellow Dyno's coming to town and sending pedos out in body bags.

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>they noticed people were being attracted to their cartoon girls and stopped doing them
>drops a new video
>features real life girls in it
what in the ever loving FUCK did they mean by this????
How are you guys able to create AI pictures?
By not really being intelligent, but instead being artificially intelligent.
Ah, I see, but with what program is this doneM
Mhmm. Thank you.
Now I can create ridiculous memes.
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How does one obtain such cute latino jailbait?
Not an expert on this subject so maybe someone more into the tech can fact check and clarify, but here's the basics from what I've gathered.
The technique/AI model/technology behind most of the stuff is Stable Diffusion (SD), which is a text-to-image generative AI model.
SD has its own general base models, but it can use many different models called checkpoints, which are models that are usually fine-tuned/specialized in some kind of thing with certain kind of datasets. A couple of popular checkpoints/models for generating cartoon/anime/furry kind of stuff are PonyXL and AutismMixes, with AutismMixes being mixes/combinations of PonyXL, AnimeConfettiTune etc.
To use Stable Diffusion, you can either use services hosted online, there are probably a lot of them but I'm not too well versed in them, probably easy to Google them.
You can also run stuff locally with the help of many projects like Automatic1111, ComfyUI and such. Takes a bit of fiddling, but Automatic1111 for example is a pretty easy install all things considered.
Once you have the tech installed on your computer and some way to use it (like the A1111 web GUI), then it's a matter of picking a checkpoint to use, and then mixing in all kinds of different stuff like LoRA's which further fine-tune and train the model to recognize and generate certain things (characters, poses, styles etc).
>>144622119 already gave you the link to find the resources, so I hope this post at least somewhat clarifies how the stuff generally works (if I've understood anything correctly, which isn't a given).
For me it took a bit of reading from here and there and connecting the dots to kind of get the general idea and ways to apply.
Hmmm. This can all be done offline?
Yeah, although of course you need an online connection to download all the needed resources, but once you have them, you can run stuff locally. There are many projects for getting stuff setup for local generation, that /g/ OP post linked here has a "Local install" section for that.

I've personally only used Automatic1111 but it was relatively easy to setup, depends a bit on how tech-savvy you are but for that you basically just need to install a 3.10 release of Python (the Git repo for the project mentions 3.10.6 but it can probably be any patch version of 3.10, I've used 3.10.1 and 3.10.11, with the latter being the last of the 3.10 versions to have an installer), and you also have to install Git. Then it's a matter of cloning/downloading the A1111 repo, and running a bat script which should install all the rest of the stuff for you.

Then depending on if you have a supported NVIDIA card, you can set a command line argument --xformers to install some optimizations for NVIDIA cards. There are some other optimization arguments as well like medvram, medvram-sdxl etc. which can help depending on the kind of hardware you have (what brand of GPU, how much VRAM etc).

There's a lot of different things that go into it that affect generation speed, VRAM usage and whatnot, so it's good to read a bit about optimizations and such on whatever project you end up choosing.
The actual thread you want is >>>/g/ldg because /sdg/ is a literal discord circlejerk and only cares about online generation, just like the /co/ ai slop threads. Very hostile to local generation via shit like A11 or comfy.
There’s AJ >>144594904
Thanks you guys. I'll see what I can make.
It won't be this, but let's see what happens.
>Thanks though I'm confused on what was honorable about drawing nsfw of a poor molested girl kek
You actually drawing it with your own hand instead of proompting
YES!!! everyone molests her, no exceptions!!!

Ah yeah tis my thing I suppose kek even though i suck, but eh prompt anon made some good stuff and he's at least not annoying or schizo about ai. That's usually my biggest gripe with aibros that and spamming, and he's been around a sec think at least the last 4ish threads when he made those Mari with daughter prompts a while ago. seems chill and cool to me so I definitely welcome it good to get a mix of both.
I just felt since May liu can't get molested, she becomes the molester. Plus it's easy to turn out your just molested by a man friend, if I was better artist I'd have played around with idea of may gaslighting her into dyke relationship and accepting it as "fixing her"
against her will
You a faggot or something? Besides, it’s latinx to be more inclusive, faggot.
Being inclusive is for trannies.
i thought people were out to molest me and i'm a man
Is there a manual for this?
The AJ one is finnicky as fuck because she had some of the least amount of images to work with. Use a cartoon style lora like cyancapsule, or I can upload a really, REALLY awful style LoRA I made to try and help with her.
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This is a style LoRA I made to try and help with AJ, but it kinda (really) sucks ass because it was my first time making a style LoRA rather than a character one.

Here's an image example of how it looks, works better at higher strengths, usually between 0.8-1.2

Picrel is me using the AJ lora at 0.5, the style at 1.2, and cyancapsule at 0.7, which tends to give me okay-ish results for AJ specifically, for anyone having issues with her.
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And here's the style LoRA on a completely new character, just to show how it looks at a default strength of 1.
You a Lab Rats enjoyer or something?
"I DARE you to draw porn of this"
Legally they got us if we did
damn why does that one girl have so much ass
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>she was in her 20s when this happened
wait seriously? That's not even molestation at that point that's just a bad relationship
WTF is that thing blocking the view of the beach!?
>But Coach-
Ah yes, one of the very few times the counselor got to talk to a kid about something other than whoever grabbed her ass this week. Look at her face, she's fighting back tears of joy.
10/10 won't molest
sounds like me. i just read a lot of noncon fics and play out scenarios with my boyfriend
Always found her the most attractive of the Molestville gals. Her and chubby Latina.
feels like a challenge
you think she preemptively started saying stuff like "it's not your fault" and "you're brave for coming forward about this"
I mean it's not her fault for being born a pristine fluid druid.
>Yes, come in Raquelle, have a seat. Now, the first thing I want to stress right away is that it's not your fault. No matter what he said to you or what you were wearing, it's not your- Huh? What am I talking about? Why, the man who molested you, of course. Now tell me, was it your uncle? No? Oh, it was that Coach again. No? Was it your pastor? Your boss? Your neighbor? Your friend's brother? Well I guess you don't have to tell me who it was, but- Wait what? No one molested you? You just want to report someone being bullied? Oh. OHHHH! S-sorry about that, Raquelle. I uh, get those stories like three times a week. Okay! Uh, not gonna lie, I'm gonna have to Google this one, it's been a while...
i need fucking sauce
You do was Jared Fogle did and fly out to Mexico, the age of consent there is literally 12.
Hear me out. I think the MCU stories don't happen concurrently. I think Mari is the lovechild of AJ and Jon.
On average, yes.
but someone will kill you if you do fuck their baby sister/daughter like a whore
that explains a lot about mexicans, honestly
Mexico is the Thailand of the Americas, but with easy access to American guns.
I mean, on some level it makes sense. As someone with family there, it's not uncommon for girls in their teens to get pregnant. Kids in the countryside are practically already working jobs. If you take advantage of a girl, their family will do something about it, so you better treat her well and keep her.

if it were 14, i'd shrug but 12's really fucking young
but Mari is espanol and jon is white
Shadman...you know what to do...
Some people do take after their mothers, anon.
no sir see, Mari is 100% pure cut latina sexo
That's the bullshit "if both of you are below 18" age.
if you are 40 and want some 14-15 poontang legally its disappointment
we need more female rapists
More /ll/
Sex tourism isn't legal. If you go to another country/state and fucks someone who's under the legal age in your country/state, you'll still get charged for it.
I prefer loli raping milfs
Even better
Indeed we need more lolidom that isn't fat ugly guys kek
Lolis domming beautiful women
>Lolita but instead of Humphrey it's her stepmother
Surprised there isn’t a version like that
Phase 3 begins now
What happens in Phase 3?
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I would assume more molestation
Wouldn’t that get kinda stale after a while?
Molestation...IN SPACE
Cosmic Rays turn the molesters into the molested
Molestic Four
>the girls use their cosmic power to turn their molestors into loli and to give them a taste of their own medicine.
I’m starting to like this Phase a lot
I was hoping for a thread, wondered if they made anymore.
Think they stopped making any animated stuff
They know.
I do wonder if they’re aware of people actually liking it, so much to make an entire universe about it.
Huh. Table reserved for the girls who got full raped. None of this Uncle Steve "if I buy her things my niece has to let me touch her, right?" stuff. None of that Coach "grab some ass then gaslight her" stuff. Travis? Dad? Rake guy? They just fuck.
where is left from?
But now they are doing the molesting the next generation. Or something.

Honestly, a girl whose idea of relationship being wrapped by abuse getting together with an innocent boy looking for puppy love would be funny.

Clarissa had a boy crush on her, would be fun to see her reciprocate.
they fight back as they get ready for HIM to arrive
yeah they haven't done any animated stuff in a year, probably because all the comments on the video are like "Why is she so HOT!?"
There were looong periods of nothing between videos. That and I figure they covered nearly everything, molestation from the guy in the van, molestation from someone you trust, bullying, consent, etc.
they still have their ultimate trump card, grooming on an online message board

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