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>You're... non-binary?
>You are ... The same thread again?
norm I edge to your 4chan thread
Why do some people endlessly repost the exact same theads? What's the point?
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Attention-whoring. They post one thread and don’t get enough replies. So they post it again. And again. And again. And again.
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What even os this?
absolutely would
Is this series making fun of right-wing boomers or is it aimed at them? I genuinely can't tell.
Who's the artist? This is a cute piece.
look at the twitter it's a parody of them.
NB pussy really hits differenty
it wouldn't be the first time progressive media that is satirical would be taken at face value at low IQ conservative minds
Its no more "conservative" than OG Simpsons but pedos like >>144587267 are obsessed with it
You're...faggot bait?
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yeah we know you would drink woke-a-cola faggot
no lies detected
>"""non-binary""" individual isn't the least bit androgynous
many such cases
Does this writer just not know what a plea deal is or am I missing something?
it always strikes me odd how chuddy faggots screech and moan like children when a female and male are still straight for each other but dont conform to gender norms in appearance
its like they have no mind of their own and parrot talking points from grandma's TV
It's called biology, woketards are too stupid to understand it so they let the media convince them that men are women
What? I watched a YTP, but doesn't the pink haired one have a man's voice?
On God you cannot pull They/Them pussy!
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Yes, the man has a male voice.
We're in an election year. This is outrage baiting to get people mad and to vote right.
Why is the non-binary character kind of hot
This show feels like it was written by AI
>It's called biology
lmao even
I'm seeing this reposted in so many threads wtf
What is this from? Looks familiar but I don't remember. Reverse image search didn't work.
Why did Norm and his black friend think it is woke for a person to reject drinking beer because they're not 21?
The New Norm. It's an animated sitcom for center-right Facebook boomers that for some reason is being bankrolled by Twitter.
Because the show is making fun of these people while pretending to be aimed at them.
It's also animated like a flash cartoon from 2003.
The fucking zoom in on their hands when he does the dap-up/handshake with the black guy, jesus christ kek
The non-binary guy from this >>144587189 reminds me of Jimmy from Ed n Eddy
hell yeah, new New Norm art
why is it so good, bros?
Or progressives misunderstood how repulsive they are and that a strawman they created to hate is actually appealing to many people (i.e. Archie Bunker)
You've seriously never heard of this show?
NBs tend to have a weird hot element to them, especially when they're thin
non-binaries will be like flappers with later generations wondering why people acted in such a silly way
real talk, would Jimmy from EEnE be nonbinary if the show came out in 2024?
The theme song was made by ai
no definitely autistic though

That's why I'm asking.
The new norm
Thin enby= flirting
Fat enby = harassment
>You're...a groyper?
What the fuck is that?
The way some people grew up was you drank when you got your hands on a beer and not when it was legal too
the name of the show.
First I heard. But yeah I apologize and thank you for letting me know what thos show is.
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chubby enby can still get it, depending on how it's distributed. obese enbies go straight to HR though.
nothing more American than underage drinking, especially if you live in a suburb or a Midwestern state.
Dammit I was gonna gaslight him into thinking it was a classic animated sitcom from the 2010s. Asshole.
damn should’ve been quicker
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I unironically love the theme song.
And people think this show isn't satire?
it's really weird just how desperate the show is to get musk's attention. It's hello neighbor matpat all over again
I think you just underestimate how stupid conservatives are
they're honestly barely human
>Archie Bunker

Easy way to spot a shill.
>Implying I need repeat threads
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Her design is really good and I'm disappointed it's in a show with little joy.
To be fair I'm seeing a fair amount of left-wingers that think this show is genuine as well.
He's supposed to be the villian while Rob Reiner's literal self-insert is the wise liberal hero...too bad audience agreed with Archie that he was a meathead.
Unsurprisingly retarded.
did this artist do any more art of them?
I said Nonpartisan

So yes
Why do so many people think Jenny is transgender
This looks exactly like the baby looking demon from demonwood
Because people are retarded.
it's the only reason I came to this faggy thread.
Hes not the "villain" hes the joke. A hateful, mean and dumb old man who walked so ricky in trailer park boys could won. The bit with archie was that he was usually wrong about a given situation and that he was highly emotional. Archie was used to denounce racism at several points. But he wasnt a villain he was part of the family, which was the point. "Oh grampa is mean and stupid but hes our grampa, oh look he said something human just now! Thats cute!"

He was definitely popular with irl emotional degenerates though. But thats an issue with satire in general. Archie's cartoonish traits were lovable and funny in media, but to someone whose already so emotionally deadened theyre in a far right cult its hard for them to see these traits as anything but normal and good.
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>emotional degenerates
Sorry. I meant "alpha males and fufilled women who only coincidentally display signs of severe arrested development"
Non-binary doesn't mean androgynous.
>You're... non-binary?
>"No i'm normal"
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I genuinely want to know the backstory for New Norm.
Birchum is just a former Drawn Together/radio prank show guy's 10 years out of date cartoon pitch that got picked up by TDW and at the end of the day, it's just another dime a dozen Family Guy clone you've seen before.

TNN on the other hand is made by what I assume is a complete nobody(ies?) and while Birchum is just boring, TNN is so awful in loops back around to being weirdly memorable in a way ("I come here to get away from woke." "You're...non binary?" THANK GOD FOR ELON MUSK AND HIS SHITPOST MEMES, etc.) and everything involving the creators/advertising make me assume that TNN is either an elaborate shitpost making fun of the low-quality indie neocon boomer media that TDW shits out or it's made by a boomer version of CWC that genuinely thinks he's created the next South Park and that by jerking off Elon and X, he can get Elon to fund the show, which might even be part of a money making scheme, etc.

Unlike Birchum, TNN has a weird air of mystique around it. It makes me oddly curious about the thought process involving its creation.
This is what happened with The Boys, the left were seething that fans loved Soldier Boy
Give it a rest.
Republicans don't really understand satire or sarcasm. Their brains are broken that way.
>emotional meltdown over a fictional character
>accusing xer epistemological enemy of emotional disregulation
Most self-aware shareblue tourist
Welcome to "the land of the free".
Under-legal-drinking-age underage. It gets kinda confusing or disingenuous when people try to cancel someone for offering alcohol to an under(drinking)age person or something similar.
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Everyone involved in the making of this show is a pussy.
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I'm convinced it's an elaborate shitpost making fun of everything surrounding culture wars and the current political climate. Norm is on house arrest for yelling at the school board about trannies and gets offended over gay beer, the non-binary character is a spy looking to infiltrate his house with "woke" propaganda, Norm's friend thinks not drinking while underage is woke, the theme song is AI-generated with insane lyrics, there is a laugh track that plays after every single line... it all points to just being a giant elaborate shitpost out to ruffle everyone's feathers. And it's clearly working.

If it really is a shitpost, it's brilliant.
This show is nowhere near as bad as Velma, so leftists are still far worse at comedy
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Because trannies and tranny-adjacents whole worldview revolves around their dick or lack of one. These types will try to find any excuse to make anything about their transness. It's how we end up with stuff like this trans Thomas Jefferson art.
I laughed at Archie, not relate to him. He is a grumpy old man. Archie is also a good man at heart. The difference is time, and society changes but the people who live in it stay the same.
WHY are they in a burlap sack looking suit? When was that a left thing?
>Scroll through xnewnorm's Twitter
>Find screenshot of interaction between Stephen King and JK Rowling
>Every instance of "fuck" is crossed out with a crudely drawn red X
>theme song says "x is the home for free speech"
>censors bad words on official twitter
This show is the gift that keeps on giving
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how old is this character?
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Why do you troons get so triggered by people supporting free speech?
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They were pointing out the irony, not shitting on free speech. Learn how to read.
I love conservative x liberal ships
This images remind of that one art of Biden with a femboy booty
There was no irony, you used a strawman to justify supporting censorship, which is "shitting on free speech"
It's the most common ship, most men are conservative and most women are liberal
>you used a strawman to justify supporting censorship
Pointing out hypocrisy is not equitable to supporting censorship.
It's morally justified to pirate any show with *** representation.
There is no strawman, read the post again and stop making up an enemy in your head.
There's no hypocrisy, tranny. You want there to be so it justifies you supporting censorship.
Yes there was here >>144602669, and you will never be a woman
>You want there to be so it justifies you supporting censorship.
You're retarded.
Projection is common on reddit, isn't it?
a lot of the VAs are NeoCons who I wouldn't expect to be self aware enough for it to be a shitpost
This, only transwomen can be self-aware enough to realise biology is for nazis
I don't think Redditors value free speech, anon.
>the show's theme song praises X/Twitter for allowing free speech
>the show's official X/Twitter account censors itself on the platform that they just praised for allowing free speech

This is refered to as irony or hypocrisy. At no point did I criticize X/Twitter for allowing free speech. You are simply addicted to being angry and took away a message not present in the original post that made you angry. Call me a tranny all you want, it just makes you look even more like an illiterate child.
There's nothing hypocritical about it, they covered up a swear word on a public forum used by children. That's not the same as government censorship.

I'm calling you a tranny because you got needlessly angry about a song on free speech and it's usually trannies that play this stupid game
>Oh I can't groom your kids? Guess you don't REALLY support free speech then
>there is nothing hypocritical about censoring when the show is anticensorship
nta this is pure retardation
I'm not going to argue with you anymore. Have a (You).
Stopping a tranny swearing in front of your kids isn't state censorship, you're coping because you want to believe everyone is as evil as you are
Yeah because you lost
If Andrew Tate can throw around nigger like it's nothing, then libsoftiktok and xnewnorm should able to cuss without the need to self-censor like a bunch of cucked leftoids walking on eggshells.
>without the need
Who said anything about need? You can choose to be classy anon.

Just because you say nigger in a rap song doesn't mean it needs to be every other word in pop music.
He lived in Gary, Indiana. He's earned the right.
She's still fuckable so I say that's a win
True, the e-sex I had with them as a teenager was mindblowing. I wish they weren't all insufferable though.
>they let the media
What media even? Trans characters barely exist, especially compared to gay ones
Yes, my brain is an analog carbon based chemical computer.
I mean I see people say stuff like that under every Musk tweet. Wouldnt be shocked if someone wanted to cash in on that. Those people were stupid enough to pay for twitter after all
they will release a nft with an ai picture of elon that looks nothing like him and is doing shit boomers think is badass

Fix her with a good dicking.
I've never seen anyone seethe because of that
To the people saying that conservatives understand irony: >>144603584
what about this is making fun of the left?
she's into dick, as long as it's somewhere between masculine and feminine
do you retards here finally admit this? the left was projecting about the media literacy thing
you lacking it?
>t. low iq retard
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did an actual episode come out or is it still just the pilot? I heard there will be jokes.
People don't do jokes anymore. Just quips and jabs at political enemies. Everything has to be a vessel to further political gain for everyone now. Comedy is dead. Long live political ""satire.""
It's not. It's an anti-political-correctness strawman that supposedly eliminates all identity and turns everyone into grey blobs.
We must fix that then, QUICK SOMEONE WITH A DAD BOD BREED HER!!!
a lot of it seems too ridiculous to be genuine, like elon musk barging in at the end for no reason while everyone cries WOOOO! ELON!
why are queers always depicted with pink hair when blue is clearly more common
The marketing for this show is so god awful lmao
i don’t get it
the thing is, there are people that absolutely are like this with Elon though. there wouldn't be so many AI photos trying to make him look cool or people who literally buy and say the cybertruck is a piece of shit while still saying it's the best purchase they ever made
>Conservatives make "the south park of X"
>It's just bringing up identity politics and not really saying anything beyond it's weird and not normal
Where's the dick cutting jokes? Where's the edge?
i need a groyper x liberal woman art
like this one, does anyone have more?
we need a Murdoch Murdoch adaptation NOW,
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>The most racist man alive

That's literally me.
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>the person I swore to be with and support in all things in front my friends, family and God on high is just a miserable liberal turd, guys
>I don't think this is gonna work
People who marry simply for the sake of it are ruining it for the rest of us. Being alone is infinitely more preferable to being legally trapped with someone you can barley tolerate, if that.
You want to have no soul?
>we need a blatant gay stereotype to shove a entitled liberal heiress up thier entire asshole STAT!
It didn't want to be edgy, it didn't want to be anything. It's like a very mild Simpsons.

If you want new South Park just watch Smiling Friends.

If you want this but leftist, watch Velma
Conservative Republicans are largely ineffective outside of rallies because places like the TPUSA rally can have a based running theme of "democrats are pedophiles and it's okay to kill pedophiles" for their dedicated audience who already bought into that framework going into, buying tickets for this, but to a larger population of people who don't gel with those memes on that level, you saying that and expecting applause makes you look weird. Trump on the other hand has been a media figure for decades and it isn't political memeing to call him an asshole or a sociopath, he already writes about his narcissism as a good thing and how he feels no remorse or regrets.
Leftists are largely ineffective outside of their hivemind too, it's why they ban people asking questions.
Why isn't there more fanart of her?
>You know, there'll be jokes!
I have no problem with gays. I have a problem with being told I have to use neopronouns for no reason.
I'm talking about the humor, the memes. Trump being a narcissist and an asshole, him being self serving isn't a product of left/right politics. He's positioned himself to be political by default, but in a vacuum he's the New York businessman "you're fired guy". It's not political to say that he stiffed Rudy and Rudy got sued into oblivion for insisting an out of context video was genuine proof of election fraud, targeting two innocent poll workers all in an effort to overturn and election. These are facts not opinions, they aren't political, and they're funny. There's humor there, it's just inconvenient for a certain campaign and side because they hitched everything to Trump, their politics and identity.

Want to make fun of Hunter Biden? Get in line. Want to make fun of Biden? Chances are everyone already heard it three times in the week on late night comedy.
Enforced speech is one of the most tyrannical things you see being pushed in the world, it's evil
also there are no real republican writters, they had writters until the 60's to 80's, but all they died and failed to create new writters, and now all the right hate intellectuals
john millius was the last good right wing director and he will literally die and not teach what he know to anyone, i really liked his movies.
So was I, the left literally can't meme and their humor is calling people racist over and over again.

Both sides are the same in this regard, stop getting offended that you pull the same shit. And late night comedy rarely mentions Biden, they've been seething about Trump since 2016
Intellectuals don't go into comedy anon, and most "liberal" writers are nepobabies. It's why there's so many remakes of what right wingers made decades ago
both are right, the left can't meme and the right can't writte, that's why it's imposssible create a good right wing show, only if you put stonetoss and murdoch murdoch to writte one togheter, but they are poison to marketing
they are nepobabies and ocupy all the spaces of power because right wing writters did not teach what they know to other writters, if i was a rich guy i would put millions of dollars to racist smart guys to writte something and do comics, it will take some money loss but will create a good right wing art scene in the long run.
I haven't seen any real controversy about neopronouns. In Canada, C-16 just treats intentional malicious misgendering while you're denying housing or employment to someone to be used as evidence of discrimination the same way someone may get in legal trouble for saying "get out of here, nigger" when they apply for housing. That's it.

There's more tyrannical shit happening beyond dudes in dresses asking to be called "her". You don't even have to do it. It's more tyrannical to make porn illegal or to ban lab grown meat.
The Skibidi Biden bit was about how out of touch and stupid Biden is.

>"foxford here are $100.000, writte a comic book now, you choose the theme"
>stopping troons people showing your kids porn is more tyrannical than government enforced speech
I'm starting to get why people hate you so much
But then the rightwing is shown to be actually racist, homocidally so. Once you're there, you make it clear non-white removal and white power is the real goal. That's one of the reasons why the real right is kept out of the mainstream.

Leftwing: Problematic people don't know better and can be educated.
Rightwing: Problematic people are incapable of knowing better and should be removed if not just subjugated.
Tolkien was right wing, George RR Martin is a leftist. Who's the better writer?
Showing kids porn is already illegal. Did you not know that?
But white genocide is the lefts real goal, that's not actually helping people is it?
Tolkien was very anti-nazi. Being that opposed to ethnic hierarchy isn't very rightwing.
And you were complaining about it, did you forget that?
What do you mean?
He hated socialists and communists, and the Irish for being protestants. He was a devout Catholic and right winger though.

Che was openly racist does that make him right wing?
yes,whe need to kick out coward that are afraid of being called "bigots" by CNN, we need comics about a space pirate killing orcs and kissing princesses(with really big breasts like jessica rabbit)
Are you talking about Canadian anti-loli laws? You need to find porn to access it, it existing isn't showing it to kids.
I can fix her.
>CNN runs stories about how cool comics with big boobs are for bigots
This doesn't happen though. Even the comicsgate tweeted at Marvel saying "stop calling us nazis!" and they responded with "when did we call anyone nazis" and there was no reply. These are made up problems.
that's not what i said, i said that rw boomers are afraid or being called bigots by the media, that's why i would pay for true right wingers to writte real right wing comics and books
>we need comics about a space pirate killing orcs and kissing princesses(with really big breasts like jessica rabbit)
That's not rightwing, it's barely leftwing for the sexual liberation and lack of modesty.
Leftists hate big breasts though, they only pretend to support sexual liberation when they think it's offensive to good people

See the entire comics and video game industries.
That's not leftist, that neutral marketing aesthetics. It's hardly feminism, it's mass appeal. Even middle eastern countries can appreciate the modesty. I can see how the mistake is made, but that's just a meme from left/right politics of GG, the issue is larger than that.
>Leftists hate big breasts
since when faggot
yes, it's, we should have a story about a post apocalypse warior that shoot bad guys and take his slaves, then he have a harem of the sexiest woman in the post apocalypt world
every new game or show with sexy woman journalist cry until it's censored
Oh I see. Subjugating people is rightwing. Unless he's freeing them and they choose to be his harem, that'd be cool. It's just weird out of context because you have a crowd of women who all choose to be a collective of house keepers, cooks, and servants.
If leftists and feminists support something I'll generally call it a leftist issue.
Hard to see how it's a marketing issue when go woke go broke is a thing
he is not subjugating them, he is killing the bad guys in the wasteland, so they choose to be with him, because only him can protect these woman

" go woke go broke" it's not real, every company with good ESG score will get money at very very small fees from banks
Small boobs or women wearing boring combat gear isn't going woke though. It's marketing because sexualized female designs really were made by men for men. Which is fine, but you can easily tone that down and tell a board of investors your working on appealing to a wider audience.

Oh I see. Yeah there's a way to do that without it being rightwing.

>every company with good ESG score will get money at very very small fees from banks
The ESG system is hardly quantified. It's been scrutinized for years and there is no "sales may be down but we don't need to layoff anyone because two wheelchair bound lesbians passed the Bechdel test. Projections look good for next year because one of them is going trans" to compare to studios failing for not being gay enough.
>erasing female bodies isn't woke though
>anyone can be a woman
And then the game flops
ESG is a scam, don't need to be real, it's just a way to progressive companies get more money, so the company and the banks look good and have good marketing "look how much liberal we are, the media love us"
as i said, these games don't need to sell, they just need to get marketing and good reviews by big companies
>Small boobs or women wearing boring combat gear isn't going woke though. It's marketing because sexualized female designs really were made by men for men. Which is fine, but you can easily tone that down and tell a board of investors your working on appealing to a wider audience.
It's not marketing because it appeals to no one other than bulldyke lesbians and drag queen preschool teachers. It's all DEI and social engineering
Doesn't really mean anything really.
It is a complete nonsense label.
>And late night comedy rarely mentions Biden
>t. doesn't watch late night comedy outside of what /pol/ outrages at
And there have been years of mass layoffs. ESG money doesn't make up for shit.

ESG does three things. Starting with what it's supposed to do: it's a method of self regulation, free market capitalists being "good" by creating their own system in which good is measured. Tying environmental factors with concepts like "equity" they create an "energy credit" system that is highly exploitable. It's like how Microsoft and Bill Gates are huge donors, now they use those donations not just as tax write offs, but as value added. It's money laundering.

Speaking of money laundering, it's image laundering. It creates positive news cycles that drown out the negative effects of corporate profit and an exponentially enriched finance industry class.

And then there's what you're doing here: When the concept of private equity firms are lost on most and they instead fixate on DEI social engineering, they've created a smokescreen to cover further for what these companies are doing and what ESG does. It's like how signalling vaguely about your hatred of the "elite" resonates with everyone across the spectrum because they all have a different image who these evil elite are and what they want. You get to appeal broadly while being non-specfic.
yes, this happens with all industries, nestle uses slave labor in africa, but hey, they put lgbt+ flags in the chocolate package, so nobody cares about them
I know that, I pointed out the claim that erasing female bodies from gaming isnt woke is wrong, and if you think that you're a lying faggot
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
>/pol called out
>he responds

Kek, never stop seething.
>woke now means not giving women big enough boobs
Gone are the days of "delicious flat chest". We used to be a nation.
but the flat chests today are not sexy as before, we can have nothing
you haven't explained how he was a right winger tho. Leftists being against communists is normal in most European countries. And do you think there are no catholic leftists?
Thats just not true. Feminists just hate when female characters are created as just eye candy. Why would they be in favor of prostitution and OF if they disliked sex?
Because he voted for and was a member of the right-wing Conservative party, was friends with Churchill and openly despised socialists/leftists

Again, Che was openly racist, does that make him right wing?
Where’s your liberal white woman gf then?
I'm not the guy you were replying to, just pointing out that you randomly dropped "he was right wing" without explaining how
no clue.
Every time someone says that no one could be that unaware of themselves and that they're just trolling, just remember, Corey Feldman thought this LOOKED and SOUNDED good enough to air on national TV.
Forgot the video:
Most of the New Norm interest happens here and on Twitter. Only one of those sites are really known for producing art and it's significantly less horny than /co/
>Where's the dick cutting jokes?
There's a joke in there about the enby dude being pro-dick removal but anti-underage drinking.
I really wanna make a cartoon about a liberal and a conservative both just being best friends. like there’s no shots taken on either side, just trying to have a good time. the joke being you constantly think some political bullshit is going to divide him when neither really care.
I don't know why everyone is mad at her saying that. She's supposed to be the quintessential teenage zoomer who gets her stupid ideologies off the internet, y'know just like braindead teen zoomer children do.
Are people mad at her or are they just making fun of the line?
Even with that she comes across as one of the more sane characters in the pilot
>gay marriage episode
>gay friends getting married
>liberal is supportive, conservative is happy for them but thinks it's an abomination and the fact that they're public with it is damaging to society
>everyone gets a long, liberal attends wedding, conservative prays for them and posts memes about how public gayness is grooming children and that democrats are pedophiles for being pro-gay and, "unrelated note", all pedophiles should be killed
>conservative meets with everyone after we the wedding and refuses to recognize the married couples hyphenated name change
Yeah, we just disagree on some things :D
>refuses to recognize the married couples hyphenated name change
At what point would this even come up in conversation. Like how would he rub their last names in their face or whatever. Think before you type you syphilitic queer
>meeting at a bar
>friends toast the newly weds
>"to the Doe-Smiths!"

>years later, they have a family
>conservative calls them by name individually, never as the family name

>won't call it the Doe-Smith's house
That's not a Republican thing to say you leftist we Republicans need to donate to Israel to trigger the libs.
I'm sorry but are you foreign? ESL? I've never heard people say
>let's go over to Andrew and Katie Holdstet-Ferguson's house
or some shit, just
>let's go to Andrew's.
Americans generally don't drop surnames like that in casual conversation.
100% unironic, there's history to this and conservative writers behind it, as well as a history of the account originally being some guys personal account he used to spam a prager u video in peoples replies.
If your friends with the family and their last name is Holdstet-Ferguson, you say "we're going to the Holdstet-Ferguson's". Are you really having a hard time with this?
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>even in conservative fantasy cartoons their kids are spoiled libtards
I feel bad for American conservatives. Pure loser mentality. They've already given up.
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That's the reason why they are against public schooling and pushing for the Bible and 10 commandments to be in school while references to slavery and gays should be out.
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Look, the reason there'll never be a good conservative cartoon is because there is no right, just a collection of different factions who all hate each other and have nothing in common other than that the left hates them. You have the MAGA boomers, the neo-nazis, the radtrads, the nietzschean vitalists, the tech bros, the racist femboys, the radfems, the Indian immigrants trying to be the new model minority, the black conservatives, the zionists, the oil magnate who just wants to destroy all environmental regulations on his business, etc. A cartoon that showed all those people and their foibles would at least be funny.
Any white man born in 1892 is likely right-wing by modern standards
>born 30 years after slavery ended in America
>black conservatives
they're not real. it's a myth created by boomers
>oil magnate
now even oil companies support the LGBT movement, just do a google search on "shell LGBT+"
That's pinkwashing though. Gay rights are libertarian; it takes government making things illegal or not recognizing two consenting adults choosing to be together to control marriage. If you want to transition at 18 and be public about being trans, do it, that's not "leftist" and it's not environmental or economic policy so they're happy to contribute to the issue that doesn't effect them.
>they're not real. it's a myth created by boomers
The Supreme Court justice liberals hate the most is a black guy.
Yeah, one Guy, but they Will vote 95% DEM forever
This is tragic. You guys would jerk-off to a women's restroom sign.
But the point is that they are real, and conservatives are desperate for their approval.
This is the stupidest post i've read in the last 10 minutes
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The right devours their own all the same way as the left does
Wait, can a person be binary?
Shell would feed 10 million Africans through an industrial meat-grinder if it increased profits by 0.1%, the idea that they actually care about trannies is beyond hilarious.
It's marketing my guy.
Boomer conservatives are worse at racist jokes than liberals. Nick Mullen is a socialist faggot but make horrendous racist and anti-gay jokes.
There was already basically a thread for that on /aco/
Why does the hair look like Majin Boo's shit?
The fuck does that even mean? It's a very vague statement. It's LGBT-related, and... that's it, basically. It tells us literally nothing about gender identity.
Yeah, you're either identifying as male or female if you're binary.
> You're like a little bunny
Halla, Bjorn.
Why can't the right and left meme?
I'm nontrenary.
She wears baggy tomboyish clothes so there’s that
Brainrotted from spite
I'm quantum state
Isn't it kinda funny that donald trump started his own social media and it's not as based epic win for the far right as twitter?
like what was the point?
Reminder that this series will end with Norm finally conforming to the new norm of the woke world, sending the message that the world we live in now is fully woke and resistance is futile.
>"we're going to the Holdstet-Ferguson's"
Do you really not know how retarded you sound right now?
>Gay rights are libertarian
No they aren't, it was the state that forced gay marriage which infringed on religious rights
You know there'll be jokes!
The saddest part of this cartoon is the failed attempts of getting elon to notice them
It was intended to be unironically "anti-woke" and then leftists started making fun of it.
In my hometown a shocking number of people get married in their early/mid-20s simply because "it's just what you do" and there's this weird social pressure from their peers and boomers to 'get hitched' and have kids if you've been dating someone for a little while, whether you're truly compatible or not. And surprise, a lot of them ended up as divorced single parents, oops
Is this supposed to take on the boomers or the zoomers? I don't get it anymore
So are we gonna even get an episode or is this another ripoff like Gen Zed?
Pew Pew
That never happened
They probably thought it was technically legal since it wasn't normal beer, but gay beer instead.
How dare people get married and have children when they can be depressed, lonely feminists
The New Norm was originally an obscure webcomic no one cared about that lasted from 2019 - 2020. I can't find it anymore and I'm digging through my history and internet archive.
the original site is long gone now
An ethnic hierarchy isn't a real hierarchy, that's just liberal worship of material race bullshit.
Non-binary girls are just tomboys
No, you're fucked.
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It's some pajeet sweatshop fodder like Family Gal, the AI gives it away
You fucking know it's made by third worlder animation studio like that Youtube Kids slop
holy ESL
He was a self described anarchist in fact, my dear secondary:

“My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy (philosophically understood, meaning the abolition of control not whiskered men with bombs) — or to ‘unconstitutional’ Monarchy. I would arrest anybody who uses the word State (in any sense other than the inaminate real of England and its inhabitants, a thing that has neither power, rights nor mind); and after a chance of recantation, execute them if they remained obstinate! If we could go back to personal names, it would do a lot of good.

Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so to refer to people … The most improper job of any many, even saints (who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on), is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity …

There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamating factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.”

– J.R.R. Tolkien, letter to his son, 1943 (from The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien).

If you wont read his letters, maybe read the book? Where an industrialist and authoritarian are thwarted by a diverse coalition of once divided peoples? Where the main protags are little little peasants who laudably "bow to no one"? Treebeard? The guy didnt do allegory but this is just straight up authors voice stuff leaking through.
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yes, what is the problem?
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>2 hours in
>No mod removal

The jannies are fucking dead
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u-uh, leebros...?
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No I'm the real deal.
It's called Distributism, Tolkien was a big fan of G.K. Chesterton who promoted its ideals.
It's a staunchly traditionalist "anarchism"
To explain further, Marxist groups promoted anarchism to establish a new world order, Distributism would do away with the concept of a "World Order" all petty Kingdoms and republican city-states.
Churches aren't forced to do same sex weddings. Marriage as recognized by the state being limited by religious tradition isn't libertarian. You could argue that the government recognizing any marriage isn't libertarian, but you can't force a church to marry anyone.
>You could argue that the government recognizing any marriage isn't libertarian
Secular marriages were a power grab by the state.
>Marxist groups promoted anarchism to establish a new world order,
Well thats made up lmfao. Anarchists and marxists were quite consistent rivals up until extremely recently. Marx and Bakunin's feud were legendary. Tolkein especially would be familiar with this. I also dont think anarchists would very effective at creating a tropey nwo style state because they oppose states; but i suppose given the absence of the marxist world order is actually a point to you lmfao

Anyway, tolkein could have name distributism. He did not. He liked chesterton and also had critiques of him. We dont see distributism represented in tolkeins story half so much as we see the aspects of anarchism it co opts (tolstoy being both an example of actual christian anarchism and the superior writer, political theorist and theologian) like a disdain for hierarchy, reckless industry, war, racial divides, etc. For sure these very human very decent qualities weave through christian in particular catholic thought but its not in contention that there are people who are christians and anarchists. Such as tolkein. Who provided no indication he had any love for anti semitism or fascists.
Marriage is already a secular affair practiced exclusively by no one religion and by the non religious. It is codified by the state and confers social advantages. Attempting to illegalize marriage equality would be a power grab by evangelical far right nut jobs.
And actually i really must say, marxists and anarchists are STILL at it lol. You're obviously familiar with the davids graeber and wengrow since youre this confidant speaking on anarchism. Im just curious how this alliance for the nwo youre proposing would square against the fact that their proposed historiography flies flatly and really quite peoudly against marxian historiography? I mean they took him to task for his stages of civilization theory and revelled in it.
As if having the 10 commandments at school changes anything.
Kids will just ignore it, like they ignore every damn thing on school
Its in fact a lazy way of teaching god law , basic conservatives washing their hands pretending they saved the day with zero effort.
Sure, but it's more libertarian to give consenting adults more options. And religious people more options. Gays can get married, seculars can marry, churches can refuse services.
Oh theyre not trying to give kids a robust religious education. Have you read the bible? The republicans would dissolve (well faster than usual) if they drilled kids on this stuff accurately. The real purpose is promoting McJesus, the friendly corporate mascot of the USA, getting kids comfortable with religious indoctrination from the state and harassing non christian families. Its disgusting to see as an american let alone as a deist.
It reinforces the notion that this is a Christian nation. That does a lot to future voters.
Mostly seems to make them donate a lot of money to kamala harris. But yes unquestionably the intention was to rewind the clock to prevent the dissolution the republican party's demographics. I think religious retention rates are like 75%? Its up from the old stat, but thats because theres been such a steep decline in organized religiosity overall. Theyre pretty desperate but that desperation has also apparantly pushed even more people even more left.
2000's called, they want their superficial reddit tier knowledge of religion back.
Is that Rucka but buff?
>It is codified by the state and confers social advantages
THERES your problem.
That was a really fresh joke my man. "The 2000s called", you got my goat there.

If anything i said is demonstrably wrong, demonstrate it :>

This was in fact just about always the case in one fashion or another. Like obviously thats a broad statement since marital rites vary through time and space, states as in modern states are new but governments are old, religious empires sometimes ajudicated the marital rites of other religions, etc. But basically if you have a state and you have marital rites, the state is involved. Id argue you cant really develop a rite without having some kind of discursive government model but some other people chaff at the idea of stateless governments especially in our ancestors.
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thats retarded considering the failed attempt against the angry orange and its 1/1000000 chance picture + biden quitting pretty much secured trump victory, whoever goes against him is gonna need a giant miracle.
It's uncharted territory. It's easy to leave it at pendulum theory amd rebellion, that slide from religion and church attendance is often due to the secular nature of public education. Since now we have Christianity as a founding doctrine of western civilization and America as specific educational programs couple with mandatory ten commandments, combined with lack of education regarding slavery and the civil war, gays non-existent in the library, and pragerU in the classroom, you have a rightwing indoctrination machine there wasn't before.
Then the debate should be either no state recognized marriage or a more secular state recognized marriage. The issue really is applying an anti-gay restrictions. It's also the easiest way to ensure no marriage is have advantages by the state so it's a win win.
Thats nonsense, im sorry. Youre working backwards from an assumption of equality between the right and the left. Since the modern era if not at the absolute latest the french revolution where the terms were coined (right anti democracy, pro hierarchy & left pro democracy, anti hierarchy) we havent seen much evidence of this pendulum theory in the big picture. Certainly we can find moments of reaction after massive liberatory gains like the KKK's rise following the abolition of slavery or moments of failed advancement like in the revs of 1848. What we dont see is a homeostasis of social relationships. We're not oscillating between lets say 3 general nodes on a spectrum of social organization, there is no consistent center we swing to or long lasting "rightward" motion. Actually we see the opposite; mass enfrachisement, global trade, women's lib, decolonization, secular states, humanity's achievements in this era are numerous. These are what stick, what no one as of yet has been able to undo. Since theyre the result of labor saving machinery and mass communication (oversimplifying but it is 4chan) there isnt any reason to believe you *could* undo them with our present material relationships.
Now thats the broader historical angle. Getting granular to the US and the right wing here, theres a similar dynamic. MSM has for decades now tried to present the left and the right as equally supported positions in america. This is good showmanship and very advertiser friendly. It isnt realistic. Republican presidents dont win by the popular vote. There is a right wing in the senate because of special rules allowing it in lieu of national democracy. The baby boomer generation helped prop up the illusion but theyre dying and going senile. Youve got at least 3 generations of pent up resentment against the extremist policies of the far right and the obstinance of boomers. Even *before* kamala was the nominee, its been presaged by internal operatives in the republican party since goldwater that conservatism is losing ground in the big picture. Hence the voter suppression. Now? A progressive woman of color is the one to take down trump? A white billionaire pedophile boomer trustfund brat? And all this after the supreme court put a huge "WE ARE THE BAD GUYS" sign up on their front door?

This is bad news for the right. Even if they throw a violent reactionary tantrum, all present technological innovation leads to this endpoint of human liberation. Modernity (and postmodern) technology is simply hostile to hierarchy. This will only continue.

They can possibly eke out a return to brutal patriarchal warlords flinging feces at each other if they manage to aggravate the planets ecology severly enough. Even thats a maybe though. Its entirely plausible that with mass communication, itd just (say it with me now) push even more people even more left. Otherwise the name of the game for the right globally and in our neck of the woods is regional dominance over uneducated impoverished labor forces by wealthy elites. Sort of like feudalism and what rhe nazis wanted to do to eastern europe.

oh sorry.... i just got banned from Elon Musk's X :(
You're right, but it's a big country with a trend of "states rights" issues that can make individual states breeding grounds for more rightwing ideology, not just as foothold as they were before, but real efforts to put a real stop on anything leftist. It's not the whole country that would ever go full brownshirt, it's a series of conditions met to make children more bubbled in from the information and people outside their homogeneous ideas and people.
Oh also i guess she could in theory lose. But in theory trump didnt order the assassination of former best friend jeffrey epstein who was in federal custody while trump was president.
I agree and i do think the republican strategy is to crank out as many traumatized and uneducated serfs as possible, have them be indoctrinated into their increasingly spiritualized ideology (Qanon, trump as messiah, flat earth, anti vax conspirituality) and use them in some fashion hold power then expand. Im just really skeptical about the expansion part. Their retention rates suck shit. Its going to be really hard to keep convincing their marks that jesus loves them so much he thinks schools shouldnt offer kids lunch when they have a cousin in a blue state where the kids get breakfast too. You could play for resentment, but that still accelerates your dissolution by highlighting your system's inadequacies.

Oh also big money on them shopping around for more celebs! Republicans will start looking for their next guy and throwing offers around. Probably someone younger with fewer rape accusations.
>he thinks trump has a chance
jesus people are really weak to propagandaa
>because trannies and tranny-adjacents whole worldview revolves around their dick or lack of one
And so are /pol/goloids
Hey, nice underwear brand.
I actually assumed that it was a joke. Nobody thinks that now do they? Even trump is openly scranbling. You dont need a polisci to degree to understand that running for prez on the basis of being slightly less senile than the other guy and having that guy replaced with a significantly younger woman is a sign. The felon shit and her being a prosecutor, him being a rapist and she's a woman, any "DEI" comments hurt their gains with poc, etc. No one gave a fuck someone tried to kill him. Now we're all doing coconut memes. This isnt where any candidate wants to be at this point in the game. He could tap out and put vance in i guess? Would that even help?
It's pretty popular in Germany, and Austria too.
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>the episode where non-binary takes over for Norm at the grilling competition, after he broke his arm due to non-binary, and beats the diversity hire grill club champion (who was also cheating)
Will this show go down in history?
.....ly unfunny.
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I'm the old norm, I want a normal dog!
>says the dog is non binary
>lifts tail to show
But the uneducated become more and more normal as public schooling becomes less funded. Since Reagan the elite have been trying to curb the "nightmare" that is an educated proletariat. It doesn't need to be a workforce issue, it's a distraction issue; if you can lead the population to believe that abortion, how the civil war is taught, and gay rights are the biggest issues, you never touch issues that more directly impact corporate profit. Keeping people too uneducated to ever have the chance to know about lobbyists and what they do, to ever form a coherent opinion about policy, and keeping voters from ever understand the changes in tax and donation policy that led us here, protects them.
Vance doesn’t even appeal to the people he’s trying to pander to
And who is he trying to pander to? He's a good pick to take right leaning centrists from Biden or at least getting them out to vote while remaining conservative and an exciting Trump loyalist (he even went from calling the Charlottesville attack a white nationalist attack to a hoax). There are many centrists who are smart enough to see he's a blatant financial industry plant, backed solely by Peter Thiel not just in donations but in all the work he got out of college. He's the most BlackRock politician to anyone who sees his work history with an added touch of "silicon valley fuedal lord".
>I was satirizing Islamophobia, the writing on the gun was a dead giveaway that I was in fact mocking the Right's obsession with ancient history, where's your media literacy?
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It's probably gonna be forgotten like Gen Zed
They could barely do that when the main obstacle to their brainwashing was *pamphleting*. Now you can just txt somebody a state over "how big is the jesus statue in your school and what kind of guns are you issued to take out school shooters?"

I just dont see anyway to export that.

Vance isnt there to appeal to anybody. Vance barely appeals to Vance and hes stuck with the fuck. The guy is there because hes a liason to the peter thiel and elon musk fascist wing of the capitalist class. The point was to further bankroll the campaign and give them a man inside who doesnt have rotten brains.
As a centrist JD Vance is unappealing and so fake.

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