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12x7 comics canon censored
NSFW: >>>/aco/8378457
and for animated works, NSFW: >>>/aco/8397081
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oh remember that Elon Musk stole our redhead race bending meme yesterday
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Redhead thread you say? Super!
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Vicky looking like she kills jews
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Who this cutie?
>meme gets posted on the internet just like every other meme to ever exist
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That's very suggestive, but I guess it's not porn?
No, I don't think she will. She's a child.
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If only fan artists still realized Kim is supposed to be petite.
She's from Carebears.
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I love her.
Now this one, this one I like.
You got a link to the rest of it? Looks like one in Jcm2 femdom series but I don't exactly remember him doing a Vicky like this.
they should kiss
I still say original Gwen was best, but the freckles on the right's are a fantastic addition to Gwen. If original Gwen had those she'd be unstoppable.
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Redhead thread.
NO preteena!
/co/, I am disappoint
Teena is cute.
She sure is.
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Cutest pirate https://youtu.be/qIM5uKF9THU
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What's with readheads being obsessed with shotas?
I recognize that image...
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There was a thread yesterday, not that it lasted long
How powerful is Lauren Faust that she inspired all three?
>Lauren Faust inspired all three
>he doesn't know
What's she seeing?
I get Frankie because she's the creator's wife/co-creator.
But why do you think she's the inspiration for Vicky and/or Wendy?
They don't even look or act that similar outside of being gingers who wear green.
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Not sure about Vicky but...
Cute guy, but he looks a bit gay.
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Cute Gwendolyn
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Nah, man, Stevie is a hetero stud. He totally was banging those weird twin girls until they moved away,
I wish this show would do an episode where Dipper uses his jew voodoo magic from his thoughts to make his fantasies real
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What's even the joke?
Too bad this never got a cartoon...
They misconstrued her excitement over the snow for excitement over wanting to go out and play in the snow.
Was there ever a chance of that happening?
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It would probably be a standard slice of life, like what about mimi
But extra cute, and since it would have Jeri, Teena and Stick, sexier too.
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No mention of her? *tsk,tsk*
Stick is a babe!
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Comic Will was probably my first proper waifu.
I was obsessed with this girl when I was 9.
Ok, here I kinda see it. Stickers still no Teena though.
i love gwen
I wish Teena Keene wore skirt more often. She has gorgeous long legs.
Man, if she was President, she'd be Baberaham Lincoln!!
Yes, the creator of PreTeena was given the chance of making the comic strip into an animated cartoon (posibly a series, probably a special), but the TV producers wanted to age-up the characters a bit so they could expand their potential relationships. The author refused because she said the point of having characters that are almost 11 is that they're growing out of childhood but still children, and the heart and creative drive of the comic was growing up, not being grown up, and being thinking about relationships and exploring those ideas and emotions but still not seeking romance.
And since she couldn't be talked into changing her mind, the project went nowhere. Ultimately I think she did the right thing, but it would have been nice if the producers changed their minds and made the cartoon with Teena being 10, as she should be.
TV producers often suggest these changes not so much because they think the changes make sense, but rather to see how much creative control they're given without protest. They're scum.
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Interesting. Then again, a lot of kids cartoons around that time with similarly aged characters had romances.
Teena had a "boyfriend"
They even kissed on the lips.
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Yes, but the comic was specific about them not being in love, not knowing was dating even is, and not even knowing of they were still going out. That's exactly how children do it.
It was a natural and cute arc. Teena is a normal 10-year-old and to age her up would mean to skip the development the author wanted to focus on.
They were "playing adult".
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Cute how this one particular strip inspired fanart.
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The OG Strawberry Shortcake and Rainbow Brite cereals were both pretty good.
Are they still being made? I never tried them.
Did I just miss out?
Stopped making them in the '80s.
Rainbow Brite was a fairly standard, fruit-flavored, corn-based cereal.

Strawberry Shortcake was like nothing I've had since. It was round puffs, like Kix or Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch, but they were soft, not hard or crispy. And, obviously, they were strawberry flavored. You'd think they'd be sickening sweet, but they were really good.
Keep it /co/ /v/aggot
Holy sovly. I would totally buy cereal if it still looked like this.
I hate AI... But...
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What's her canon age?
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>If only fan artists still realized Kim is supposed to be petite.

If only people like you learned to not give a shit.
I never liked this ship desu.
It looks so awesomely cute?
The frills on the skirt and socks.
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Why not?
Cecilia is a cute ginger, is she not?
She shouldn't be kissing boys, she should be kissing adult men and women and other LGs.
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>All this bread for a red head?
I'll never understand FFs...
The exploring of innocence is what makes Preteena so endearing.
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Why do redheads look good in red clothes but blondes look dumb in yellow clothes?
I love Teena so much you wouldn't believe it.
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>Jeri has raven hair
Not the thread for it, but now I want to see her as a goth slut.
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Pelen Purul by the same artist
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Damn! Is that ok to post, even?
Was this thread made as a sneaky way to have a Teena thread?
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No, I think there's just one or two guys who saw it as an excuse to post her.
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Best redhead right here.
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I met you
Before the fall of Rome...
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Who made this? I like it.
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You forgot the most important red head of them all....
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She's our girl.
Teena is VERY on topic AND wholesome for this thread.
And so is Mimi
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Kill yourself.
What's this, and why do I feel like I'll be on a list if I find out?
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Dennis the Menace Fashionable Menace.
Now don't go around sayin' I never did nuthin' fer you!
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Isn't there a direct to video thing where they made Margaret Wade black?
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Teena is Canadian?
IIRC, they live in New Hampshire.
But her dad Is Canadian, eh?
According to my research, yes.
So she is related to Mimi! They may be cousins!
Well, they DO look alike.
I bet they're related. Same age, could be twins, and both have Canadian family.
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Ticked I missed the era when this was popular here, would have liked to request art with them, they cute.
>control f
Damn I thought for sure they would be here,.
I always heard rumor of a 2nd season that was made and never aired...
There are still drawthreads.
name of this cutie?
Baby sitter from Tom and Jerry?
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>Tom and Jerry kids
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This new age MSB is some of the most souless shit I have ever seen.
I managed to snag a PepperAnn delivery a while back.
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An Anon complaining about the general drawthreads
Why would males count?
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Why wouldn't they?
I meant I wanted anon to post his pepper ann drawing
Because only gays find them hot.
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It was this one.
PepperAnn Pearson as Giulia Marcovaldo
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Teena is extremely cute and I love her.
I would have lived a life with thee, lassie...
This gurl srs needs more art.
>mfw Frankie would be in her 40s now
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Very nice, bout time someone posted some PA here.
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Don't know, got it from a Street Angel thread. Hate it when artists don't sign their work.
It's her 40th birthday tomorrow
Word? I hope someone makes a thread.
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What is Janine doing there?
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Lori, apparantly from a pilot. With sound: >>>/wsg/5628716
Only 21 seconds? Has the entire pilot ever bee posted?
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I clipped it from the DVD rip but the megas have long since been deleted. Looks like there are 720p and 1080p upscales on the torrents though. And incomplete episodes on vimeo and dailymotion.
picrel from the comics
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can't be beat
sadly, it's not just a meme ;(
the still silence of this pic is defeaning
looks fine. cute designs.
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She's so precious. I love cartoons that feature girls that you just want to see happy.
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1. It's a chart, not a meme.
2. I hate that several of the images are SERIOUS stretches. It would still be a long list if you took out the ones that look blatantly like reaching for something to bitch about.
Aeon Flux 1995 S03E01 Utopia or Deuteranopia
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That man picked up the phone
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The old versions have more life to them.
these kids look more like they're about to teach you first grade math in some windows 3.x pc edutainment software
>I think big tits are unattractive.

Oh shit, pedo alert.
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>be kid 10 years ago
>want a cute gf like her
>never got one
Super Anne is my jam. I wonder if Anne will really grow up to be stacked or if it's all wishful thinking that might make her consider getting implants in the future.
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The last episode is literally her at 27.
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This redhead goes unnoticed because the goth girl is a fan favorite and the absolute hottie of the show.
But I think the ginger should have her moment.
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Does she count as a redhead?
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That "guy" happens to be a woman with big tits that crossdresses as part of her secret identity.
Where do you think you are?
Happy Birthday Frankie
>40 years old
It must have became far easier for her to prey on little boys that come to Foster's for an imaginary friend once madam Foster passed on.
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Mac's like in his mid 20s by now.
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I can't tell if Tish is a dark readhead or has brown hair.
That means his kid is in her strike range.
You mean his and Goo's kid?
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>not really care about any of the PPGs that way
>that episode where she steals thos golf clubs for Prof.
>crush hard
Why are good girls going bad so sexy?
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Life is painful, huh.
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When I was growing up, as a black kid with nerdy interests, media contained enough ginger-nigga pairs for me to notice the pattern, even before people were mentioning it.
Fortunately I didn't fall for the propaganda. If I had, now I would be frustrated. I always knew I had no chance with a cute quirky redhead. Why would I?
And why would TV trick kids like me to think that's what they had coming to them?
A cruel trick, I didn't fall for it.

For me, this idea was fun in cartoons, but in the same way that dragons are fun.
The idea of having a cute quirky redhead girl or a goth girl was to me fun, but fantasy. As much as Lord of the Rings is fantasy.
Quirky redheads don't go out with ugly guys. That's just reality.
>as a black kid with nerdy interests
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Nah there's plenty in it to enjoy by yourself! I just thought posting that would be funny. Not that what I said wasn't genuine, I really did wanted a cute gf like Amethyst when I was a kid and never accomplishing that.

I didn't grow up on those shows and comics but that's and interesting connection. Good that your not too hung up on that (I think?)
Depends on how you see it.
they weren't trying to trick you. they're trying to demoralize white males and convince beautiful white females to ignore them and race mix instead. the jews don't want white people to exist anymore. the influx of immigration is more than enough proof.
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She should have had more screen time.

That's a cute outfit. How come there was never R34 of her in it?

It's not a race thing. It's that every politician wants the tax pie and the bureaucracy to grow, so he can have a bigger piece and a safer job, and the easiest way to do that is have more people to pay taxes and depend on you. The answer is a more transparent government and a voter who specifically aims to replace politicians as often as possible, so they can't let roots into the system. "Career politicians" should disappear as a class.
oh wolfwalkers, good taste
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god this shit is repulsive.
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>That's a cute outfit. How come there was never R34 of her in it?
I will make it happen one day.
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>media contained enough ginger-nigga pairs for me to notice the pattern
>posts two obscure characters
yeah sure, buddy fucking retard
As well as Angry from inside out?
this is so hot
they knew what they were doing
No way they didn't know.
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Oh... Jeri ruined them...
That's funny and sad.
i've whacked it to peppy's mom
And realistic.
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The redhead is hot, but that blonde in the domino mask is pretty cute as well.

Their mom was a bombshell, apparently. Someone should draw young mom with older Jeri. They look like they could have been slutty best friends.
Teena looks good with her hair like that. Longer and straighter than usual.
Red dress Teena from this line-up is pretty top tier.
Give her some cute peeptoes and we'll call in an ensemble.
Ah, "Stop Bullying" was quite the ride.
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Hey, they look pretty similar.

That settles it, they're related.
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A classic.
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That's the kind of goth girl I like.
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Why is it that redhead threads do well? Blonde threads do nothing.
Redheads tend to be very interesting and memorable characters. A huge swath of blond girls are just hot or nice characters, which look good, but don't have a lot of personality. I'm generalizing of course.
know what?
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Redhead frog milf.
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Atomic Puppet rookie police girl.
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Wonder if Wilma would have been big as a /co/ milf if internet existed then. It's hard to gauge R34 that was either never made, or is collecting dust in some attic.
Please, Anon.
I want some more.
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