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Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.


Past threads:
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>How does this work?

>It works like a community toy chest. In the /coc/ threads you are free to post whatever ideas/settings/characters you want, but you have to be OK with other people playing with them (tweaking them, putting them in stories, using them for things, etc.)
>There's no guarantee that what you post will catch on either.

>If the OC you are posting is YOURS for something you are personally doing, then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.
>If you just want feedback on an OC of yours, then it would go in the "donut steel" threads or drawthreads.

If the thread dies suddenly or you still want to discuss something when there's no thread:

Last time:

-Micro webcomic
-New character ideas
-New pics
-Blang story writing
-Dynamo League greentexts continue
-Other stuff I didn't mention
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Gonna be a really rough start it seems.
The Adventures Of Ninjoe
I wish I could draw.
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Living as all ninjas dream of doing.
As long as you keep on drawing you'll learn and improve your skills over time
Well, sink or swim for the thread.

What kind of faster than light tech do the space races use?
Do you mean the racers of the Blangs' story of the last thread or in general?
FTL seems unsuitable for a race, as it would just stop being a limit in the accelerometer.
Or maybe something like that sci-fi book where the spacecraft travels almost at the speed of light and the pilots must evade the missiles through complex mathematical calculations.
Inertial dampeners. Then they get their strongest superhero to throw the spaceship REALLY hard.
My reading comprehension is just awful these days.
Wormholes. Bridges through spacetime.
Then you add a bit of magic and say that they are a weak version of the portals that guy whose name I don't remember uses to deliver mails across the demonic planes.
Magic and science have an odd relationship.

That could be interesting. Some races become space faring way earlier because they can use psychic powers to toss the ship out of orbit.
I assume that’d be how the Facerenti did it.
Fortunately their interests were about fashion and not about conquering other planets. Though I suppose they weren't the first civilization to reach space.
There were old space empires, right?
That's who I was thinking of.

Good old south galaxy boys? There's a thought.
If they ever did have an empire, their uniform must've been fabulous. Their empire collapsed when the uniform went out of style and the economic strain to make and supply a whole new uniform was too much.
Did they had uniforms with solid gold parts and then somebody decided that platinum was the next big thing?
Or maybe at some point they started producing weapons and vehicles that were fashionable but completely ineffective. Something like what happens with the modern western tech vs the cheap drones of the east and middle east.
But honestly Idk enough about politics to know if this is really something bad, nor I'd want to summon /pol/.
You're thinking about it too deeply. Imagine having to supply the uniforms for an entire army. Imagine having to redesign, mass produce, and distribute a new uniform every season. Just how much would that cost? How many resources would that drain?
>You're thinking about it too deeply.
Probably yes, only irl empires don't really care about economy. Economy is something for the colonies.
They only care about the economy when the ruling class is effected.
But they would care in this case because there'd be no materials to make new clothes with, so everyone is stuck wearing last season's fashion or, the horror, the season before last season's fashion. The drab ages of economic recession.
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Here's the Dumbstruck fanart I promised from my friend

Basic synopsis, random anon gave me idea for name seems to have caught on

>Bitchy rich girl who's father is the owner of one of the world's biggest conglomerates
>She's quite tomboy and mannish, most wouldn't even know she's a girl, she's raised with high expectations.
>She is skilled in most things as at a random point in time her father started to raise her more like a son than a daughter.
>She is quite driven and tends to be the best at everything she tries but she is also a over worker and grew to be arrogant
>All these things plus her innate wealth make her a quite princely girl, many of the girls around her swoon for her and the boys envy her.
>She is quite aloof and distance even to her fanclub of girls in her rich private school.
>She honestly has no friends and is known for being cruel and overwhelming to other kids

>One day she randomly got powers (still work shopping which and how lol)
>And they make her into a heroine, but sadly the draw back is it makes her into a bimbo
>She's quite powerful one of the strongest heroes around, but it's quite embarrassing for a girl like her
>Being a hero in her world isn't super common but their are a few, her father has his hand in the superhero business as well as many others.
>She'd have loved to make him proud by telling him her identity but with how she acts and looks during her saves she could never

I really like their dumbstruck design but they did two different hair styles for alter ego(that still has no name) which do you guys think looks better. I think slick back looks more boyish and princely but other is nice too. Idk why maybe their art style but she reminds me a lot of mandy now.
Okay, the question on my mind is- why would she ever voluntarily transform? It doesn't sound like she wants to be a hero, or has a particularly civic-minded disposition. If she hates the bimbo form and is afraid of her dad finding out, surely the simplest thing to do would just be not to use it. Especially since she seemingly has very little control over her behavior when transformed, so she can't even rely on "Dumbstruck" not just telling her dad, her classmates and everyone else about her alter ego.
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Like with the cat green >>144354117

it's both voluntary and somewhat not. Basically idea I had is the dumbstruck is a part of herself she hides desire to be feminine and loving like her mom. she was a good person kind of a play on the ole she can be housewife and feminine but happy vibes. So maybe her secret desire is to be a housewife But she was raised as a son by a father that was a widower and then kept marrying random bimbos.

But also Dumbstruck likes being a hero, and like a persona her job is to protect the owner and they are of one mind on some things. But yeah like the green I mentioned, she more comes out on her own if she needs too but it's a mix of them both at times. Also she can be forced to transform as if she uses the powers a bit like ofa full cowling, ex: if she's hit with something a normal person can't survive she'd either die or active her powers to block it(obviously not in dumbstruck form she can't stop high tier stuff) but yeah that forces her to partially transform and as someone brought up usually leads to brain drain so her but more bimbo mind or maybe increased proportionally.

Also she is a good girl at heart more hidden by her ego and need to be perfect. She can't help but want to help when she's forced too >>144342266. She still bitchy but she wishes she could be soft like dumbstruck and that's why the two are at odds to a degree.

Also what you think of this alt hair?
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Damn sorry meant to reply to you here>>144605871

But eh doing the final design as well

But yeah nice stuff made by some friendos got a lot of dumbstuck stuff I might post. The boy ended up nice but cringe and I don't blame them but myself kek.
Fluffy. You should try some princess curls, not that they go with the tomboy concept but /coc/ loves princess curls.

If it's an automatic transformation like the Hulk if she gets hit too hard that makes sense.
Heh she has a secret 3rd form, turns into a bratty princess.

I say mix of both, like if she had to stop some thug being cool. She uses some of her strength but it causes her butt to get bigger or her to lose a few IQ points based on how much she uses. An if she was hit with a attack in her normal form that wasn't strong enough to just outright kill her she'd transform based on how much power it took. So something like a car hitting her probably would make her turn into dumbstruck or mostly transform into her.

Just some ideas though always welcome to more, and most of the best ideas came from other anons like the name and cat idea.
I like the first image you posted more. >>144605908
You could bring back Bluestockings from the Drawpile if the Boy Rival didn't pan out the way you wanted him to.
Blue stocking? Also I'll probably just fix him up like her got good refs to use for later on.

Also really idk I like both so I can't decide but the down hair gives me more Mandy vibes. She really looks like Mandy the more I see this version kek
Can't wait for more draw pile on her.
Which reminds me I got to get my art ready for the next one.
Goodnight everyone.
Nice hope she gets more art, I said I'll probably do more Mary sue gets a clue myself. Since we'll probably be doing another thread next week
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So i have questions for the creative people on this thread:

1-Do you prefer your superhero (or protagonist) to have one mortal enemy or a rogue gallery?

2-how does your MC view killing criminals, do they have a no-killing rule?
1- Depends on the parallels and contrasting characteristics I can think of. If I can't fit them all into one nemesis, I'll share them among several. At the same time if I have several characters in the cast, I don't really want them to be ciphers so I have to think of dynamics they'll have with other people, and that may make them less or more effective in running contrast/parallel to the MC
2- Errs on the side of corporal punishment (deal unto those what they may deal unto others), but with no experience themselves in critically/fatally injuring others. Has a short temper, which dissolves into frustration at his own ineptitude and a rationalisation of said grievance, even if it's inflicted upon himself or people he cares for
If a superhero is doing their job right, then just one mortal enemy is silly. There'd be a whole slew of people seeking to take them down with the most dangerous being the one who can unite all the others in their shared hatred.

As for the no-kill rule, it depends on the tone and setting of the story. Superhero comics are, unfortunately, deeply and heavily shaped by sales. They (usually) don't kill their wacky enemies because then they can't be used in later stories or because they boost sales. If they do, then the publisher makes too big a deal of, acting like it's a permanent thing while the audience is too jaded by seeing this before to really care since another reboot is clearly coming that will terminate the current story line.
Compare to something more modern like Adventure Time - it's still silly and can be campy, but the setting is a lawless land where the heroes often don't hesitate to kill their one-off enemies and the setting is so loose that even killed characters can come back if needed without too much contrivance. Killings aren't done for shock value (typically).
>Killings aren't done for shock value (typically).
Never forget the original fate of Tree Trunks.
I said typically. The example isn't without its flaws, it's just an example for contrast.
The Adventures of Ninjoe - Dog walking
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1) Arthur has his mini-gallery, it's on his wiki page. Granted, they've been kind of abandoned for a while, but I'm planning to touch up on them in the future. The reason why it says that Playwright is the "closest thing to a nemesis" Crackdown has is because Arthur doesn't consider him one. Acknowledgment as his "Moriarty" is pretty much what he'd want anyway.

2) Crackdown doesn't kill. The reason behind why should be pretty obvious, but that isn't all there is to it. Arthur knows the steep moral cost of taking a life and without a VERY good reason, he isn't willing to pay the price. In his mind, it'd be the state's obligation to get their hands dirty when it comes to the people he faces, not his.
That being said, he has surprisingly little natural aversion to killing. For the most part, he doesn't kill because he *believes* it to be wrong, not because he *feels* it's wrong. Despite what I've described above, he has the strength to end a life at least in theory.
The Adventures Of Ninjoe - Dealing with some mold!

>"Bah who needs to hire a cleaner? I can get rid of that pesky mold myself!"
Ant then he found out about the cockroaches in the kitchen.

The Adventures Of Ninjoe - Sunny Afternoon

>Ninjoe and his friend Billserker spend the afternoon sipping on their favorite beverage
>O' Malley Brand Beer!
It's the snapperchap!

Suicide King energy

'mirin the knife arm.

While Ladybug might call Diego her "nemesis," she's intended to face off against a wide variety of foes.

Marley's no-kill rule is very important to her, since her dad was a redeemed henchman. She's very clever at finding alternate solutions to problems, but if she was placed in a scenario where she really couldn't find an alternative to lethal force in order to save the day she would probably not do well.

The Adventures Of Ninjoe - Family

>You heard that right folks, it turns our our old friend Ninjoe is the eldest of a group of siblings!

>the second eldest, his younger brother Ninjet is one of the generation of ninjas that make use of really flashy weapons and techniques!

>"Ugh dad, it's not dumb, this giant sword is important for my fighting style!"

>The youngest of the siblings Ninjane is of the generation that places far more interested in fashion and aesthetic than any actual tactical advantage.

>"Does this charm go well with my fan knife?"

>Ninjoe's father Ninjack is a no nonsense classic style ninja who can hear the drop of a needle in the middle of a forest and make poison using stuff from his backyard.

>"You lookin at me punk?"

>Ninjoe himself is somewhat estranged from the rest of his family because he lives in the city to be closer to his now defunct job!
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Villain boy concept

>He's a kid that was able to skirt his way into her rich private school because of his exceptional grades
>Unlike her, contrary to how he appears he's well liked by all, though not popular with the girls as he does keep to himself mostly
>In his everyday life he portrays as nerdy somewhat snarky boy, mostly with mc girl who considers herself his rival as he always is the top scorer in the school.
>He's fairly kind and soft spoken for the most part but he does seem to have a dislike for the rich and powerful.
>Mc girl especially because of her attitude and calling out of him being a scholarship kid and impoverished compared to her

>As a villain, he is quite the opposite of his usual self.
>He's still reserved and smart, but he tends to show a bit of a temper and sadism.
>His goals and desires are unknown but he is a decent level threat of a villain who is rarely captured.
>He mostly does hired work or quick cunning schemes to make cash and cause a bit of mayhem.
>The current bane of his existence is a new heroine, she's obsessed with him literally
>She's always making deals with him to convince him to stop doing crimes or to be good
>He finds her both annoying and endearing but that's only because she's surprisingly powerful for how foolish and malleable she is.
>As long as he benefits from her naive lovestruck he'll cope he supposes.

Ideas some anons gave me were
>Was leaning more into him having super intellect
>Also maybe he has a inverse of her powers, so instead of alt personality he loses emotions as he uses his powers making him a bit cold calculating villain
>I also liked one idea of him having telekinesis so could do some interesting stuff with that

Both need a bit more fleshing out I have another anon idea for villain and hero but I'll save those for later on. Maybe todays pile
Forgot to mention, I feel this variation feels a bit too mature. Me and my art bro did agree something about villain form seemed a bit retarded but idk find it a bit endearing kek

The Adventures Of Ninjoe - Smoke Break

>Sometimes a man's gotta let loose.

>Forgot pic
Looks like a great inspiration from MGS and Resident Evil.
Here's a bump.
>1-Do you prefer your superhero (or protagonist) to have one mortal enemy or a rogue gallery?

Corruption is an enemy.

>2-how does your MC view killing criminals, do they have a no-killing rule?

Hes not entirely against getting his hands dirty but I've grown an interest in law and economics. Probably completely different from what I pictured Newman when i was younger, but he primarily has to deal with financial scandals. A lot of big investigations technically involve moving money around illegally anyway.

I wanna say he'll have a superpower because he'll deal with /co/'s superheroes eventually, but his normal life is already exciting in of itself. Despite how he carries himself, he's a thinking man. He likes the challenge of having to deal with regular people and investigating their motives. While Conrad sticks to investigating superheroes, Newman sticks to investigating regular people with whom the heroes cannot touch.

Both of them do investigate murders tho. They just argue whether or not its a murder committed by a normal person or someone with powers.
Having him fight ants.

Does he get tweaked out in drugs?
We got a drawpile for monday, this time around. instructions in the pic

url: drawpile://friendly-drawing.crabdance.com/01j3eavtwa5axx9pxfkpd06q9d
I'm reading the Inva Chronicles.
I'm totally hooked.
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Willow Bump!
Yeah same, though I prefer to play MGS over RE
Done. Is it me or the writer changed starting from the chapter "Legacy"? There were some errors and the flow was less smooth, but it was a nice reading nonetheless.
I suppose the Inva Chronicles and the Pineapple Cake's logs are the only written stories about /coc/'s space setting, right? Is there something about the Blangs except for the mini comic?
No drugs, though I can see that kek
Pretty much, yeah. The Blangs have some short snippets of writing here and there, but nothing huge.
So what does he do to Dumbstruck?
Good night.
He's her main villain, mostly just outsmarts her and just wants to make money and that involves a lot of illegal stuff. He's not the type to be the big Machiavellian type but he does help plan a lot of crimes around her but I see most not listening to him because he young so then boom their plans fall through.
Sleep tight.
I'm also off to bed now.
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This week's drawpile.
That's awesome!
Nice! I like the sequence with Marley and Omeggis. And the action is great in the whole pile.
Is the bunny girl from IKAG? And is the Solifuge an augmented version of the Recluse?

The Adventures Of Ninjoe - Lair Of The Antmazons

>"The ants got into my food again!"
>"that does it!"
>Ninjoe grabs a can of insecticide!
>"This time, those little bugs shall pay!"
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now to answer my own question kek

>Do you prefer your superhero (or protagonist) to have one mortal enemy or a rogue gallery?
well I'm planning to give almost every member of the Dynamo League a nemesis yes even She-Beaver(Willow]

>how does your MC view killing criminals, do they have a no-killing rule?
well since I asked this to get some points for Marmot-man i will answer this with him.
so far Marmot-man has a no-killing rule because as i showed in the last greentext he wants to be a good example for his daughter Willow BUT also because Marmot-Man’s no-killing rule is deeply rooted in his ideology of appreciating every life on Earth, no matter how big or small. This belief stems from his profound connection with nature, which has instilled in him a deep respect for all living beings. For Joe, this appreciation isn't just about being a good example for his daughter Willow, although that is a significant part of it. It's about recognizing the intrinsic value of every creature, and understanding that every life contributes to the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

Joe believes that this respect for life makes him, and others, more human. It’s about empathy, compassion, and the acknowledgment that humanity is not just about dominance or survival but about coexistence and harmony with nature. This philosophy guides his actions as Marmot-Man, where he strives to protect rather than harm, to save rather than destroy. By embodying these values, Joe hopes to inspire others to see the world through the same compassionate lens, fostering a deeper connection with the natural world and a greater appreciation for the sanctity of all life.
Forgot the pic
Maybe his father who can hear the drop of a needle in the middle of a forest picked up the vibrations in the ground and went to the rescue with the rest of the family.
Or I get the feeling that Ninjoe is gonna die by Snu-Snu.
That's an interesting take on Captain Stocking Arms lore.

I bet he set a time spay poison bomb before they got him.
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Newman and random doggo

The Adventures Of Ninjoe - An Old Enemy!

>On his morning jog Ninjoe spots his neighbour Piercekeeper!

>"Hey Joe!"

>"How's it going Pierce!"

>Indeed these men who would have gladly called each other an enemy just a few years ago, now humbly call each other neighbour!
>Is the bunny girl from IKAG?
Rococo Feathersworth, heroine of Magi’s own setting. She sometimes crosses over with the “Ultimate /co/verse”
>And is the Solifuge an augmented version of the Recluse?
A mocking effigy, using both Recluse and Mantis’ aesthetics.
WHO THE FUCK TURNS ON MY SKETCH LAYER EVERYTIME!!! I swear you guys are fucking with me at this point. also who drew the ladybugs on the side they look really great.
Gob drew those.
I’ll be honest, I don’t think I’ve actually seen you turn the layer off once. Maybe it’s a permissions thing.

The punching Ladybugs were all Shortsteel/Gob.
coulda swore I turned 'em off. then again I'm not the last on eine the session.

maybe I oughta just delete the layer.
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Nice stuff, really wait who's gob?
Damn probably is that sucks, I know I turned it off yesterday as I remember turning it off then chatting for a sec before I left.

Ah yeah need to practice to get on steels level, I love me some dynamic and comic tier stuff. I assume he also one that does the comic?
Yeah maybe it's a permission thing as other anon said.

I suppose not like I go back into the file afterwards lol.
Gob/Shortsteel is the artist for The Lovely Ladybug and the various associated minicomics.
Ah wait but who made the oc? Bug or Gob? I always assumed bug was ladybug creator but now I'm learning shortsteel draws everything kek
Bug is the writer, and does the simple colorful doodles. Shortsteel is the actual artist. The intial concept was created by Bug and the design refined by another artist named Dibale, who worked on the original issue 1 and issue 2 of the comic.
>Blang story writing
The next part (if nobody is already writing it) can be from Cookie's POV. It opens with the Pineapple Crew on Crocus, Cookie and Philly are checking the rules (what a Teuthoid does best I guess). They meet the Blangs, who are trying to sign up for the tournament. This sets the single faction rule issue and Cookie and Philly as contestants for the Teuthoid faction.
Idk on which character put the camera on, if leaving it on Cookie until the Blangs steal the U-speeder or changing it on Quaslan asap (she's the one left behind by Tennoc when he steals the U-speeder). But about continuity, I've read the P-Cake Logs again and checked the Cosmic Cliffnotes. I understand that the future Logs would have the following events in this order:

>The P-Cake gets to the main bureucratic hub of the Teuthoids.
>They can't wait anymore and jump the formalities to get to the Teuthoid President's office.
>They would be sentenced for this, but the Teuthoid President wants to abolish much of the bureucracy so they get out scott free. Also spice trade.
>The PKs are ambushing them on the moon spice facility (the same where they had a tour in the early logs?), but the Pineapple Crew is escorted by a Teuthoid ship and the PKs back off.
>Until the stealth ship crashes into the moon spice facility, making the spice reach criticality and making a mess that gets resolved without other story hooks.
>PinaPlus gets beefed up, Dr. Springtime turns the Cruixor Queen into a monstergirl, Lizard aliens (Ssura?). Yeah, I can't make anything out of these things.

I'd make the Saffron tournament happen after the mess with the moon spice facility. Philly is still with the Crew. The Ssura aren't yet in the picture, but one of them being the original pilot of the U-speeder is a nice foreshadowing. Maybe.
Then there's a possible dialogue between Inva and Randor, just before the Blangs steal the speeder.
Huh interesting, makes me feel a bit better about dumbstruck and other oc stuff. But yeah respectable they all went so far together
What happens with the cruixors happens on Mars and plays out like DOOM.
Then it's off to parts unknown again.
So are there any major plot points established after the cruixors business or is it just a self contained adventure?
Should Inva learn anything about the Azalfi Empire on Crocus? If the answer is no, then a scene with her would probably be unnecessary.
I didn't have any in mind, my next note after them was for an encounter with the Blangs.
Actually, since cruixors are a creation of the uplifter species, maybe the whole Mars disaster makes Springtime send the crew off to find more information on them, leading The Pineapple Cake into the more "lawless" sections of space (which are now technically Blang space with official laws and stuff). Gives them a reason to be there since the rumors about uplifter tech are swirling, then Cookie drops everything because rare new exotic space ingredient.
Ok, so there's an established point in time where the story takes place. And a reason for every faction to be present.
Now I just have to picture in my mind the scenes and maybe I will be able to write something.
It would be nice to have the palest idea about the procedures to join the race...
>put this tag on your speeder?
...and the sequence of the events...
>Cookie and Blithip reading the rules (from a book? A tablet?)
>The Blangs arrive at the scene (From where? Do they ignore C&B? Talk to them?)
>They should go to a hangar or something to get to the U-speeder (a personal hangar of the Ssura pilot? Do they follow or find the PKs there?)
...but I'll get there.

That said, I'm a fan of your work. I find this space setting very cool.
If you want to shift the perspective to Cookie then...

A short time later, at the landing grounds on Crocus where the annual Saffron festival is already in full swing with banners waving and street vendors edging out space even in the skyways with hoover carts a colorful collection of odd ships from the far reaches of space have made their landing. Amoung them are the personal crafts of Tennoc and Quaslan, parked side-by-side.
Having disembarked they continue to elbow and needle each other all the way down to the registration where they're forced to wait behind another group currently registering. Quaslan, crossing her arms and tapping her foot impatiently and Tennoc taking this moment to adjust his hair and reposition his sparkles.

The clerk addresses the group ahead of them "Well captain...?"
"Yes, Captain Cookie. The rules of the official race clearly state that there may be only one entry from an officially recognized organization. Unfortunately, the human species, if I am pronouncing that correctly."
"You are."
"Thank you. Yes, the human species is not currently on the list. It's an old traditional race and new species need to register in advance. I can have you entered for next cycle's race, if it pleases you."

That sort of thing. Then the twins over hear this, do a mini-panic, decide to steal and impersonate other factions. Cut back to Cookie who uses Philly to get registered this year anyway.
There's a planet out there that smells like rotten eggs and rains glass and a gas giant that looks like a big tufts of cotton candy because it's mostly made of helium.
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Goodnight everyone.
>shift the perspective to Cookie
I just need a POV character who stays on the scene long enough to see the important parts of the action (from what little I know about writing, I'm supposed to do this. I think).
Going with what you wrote, the camera is on one of the Blangs' shoulder. It works flawlessly. And of course, a description of what Crocus is like would be in order, silly me.
Thank you very much, I'll try to write something asap.
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Doodle of Newman and conrad figuring out if murders are perpetrated by people with powers or just regular people.
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Seems like someone's messing with /a/-tan's page again.
Does he really know someone with telekinesis or is he just bullshitting?

Now I've assigned indefinite protections to the page.
Speaking of board-tans: didn't /co/nrad use to have a GL ring back in the day?
I'm actually not sure if that was ever a thing or not.
Skathi and GF been watching magical girl shows.

Plausible. The old wiki mentions the setting included both Marvel and DC in their entirety.
The World Of Ninjoe - Billserker

>Have you ever wondered who Billserker was?
>Well today is your lucky day as today we uncover the secret origins of Billserker!
>Believe it or not Billserker is actually an immigrant from a far off country!
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>Our story begins in the far off region of Fantabalkania
>War breaks out between the countries of Goldlandia and Darklandia!
>Armies clash, blood is spilled, and in the middle of it all, just another grunt was Billserker!

>Why the war started? No one knows.. however the prevailing theory is that uranium deposits on one of Goldlandia's border regions as well as the Darkland regime's need to maintain power over - it's not important!

>The armies of The Kingdom Of Goldlandia led by prince Goldennis along with his trusty companions and champions!
>Brave folk such as Duke HeadsmashHerman, also known as "The Hoplite"
>and his secret bastard daughter Warriorina!
>As well as their brave legions of Goldlandian warriors!

>On the side of the Democratic Republic Of Darklandia, supreme leader, president for life Balthawizard Draklord and his daughter Tammie!
>and his endless horde of minions

>But what's this? It seems the young Tammie has taken a liking to one on the side of Goldlandia

>"Egads, my most hated enemy and yet the apple of mine eye!"
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>The war ends with Darklandian defeat!

>logistics are hampered and resources run dry

>President For Life no more as Balthawizard Draklord is impeached and the conflicts of the many raced and minority group nations of Darklanida leads to it getting Fantabalkanized!

>And what's this? It seems young Tammie decided to marry... The Hoplite?!

>"egads, i am an old man and yet she is a young woman of 23 , i haven't had a flame like this since i met Warriorina's mother!"

>Due to his powerful geneaology, as well as a treaty signing by Darklandia's former president and senate before the collapse of the government Goldlandia annexes vast swathes of unstable regions the Darklandians were willing to give!

>Duke HeadsmashHerman and his wife have more heads to smash and a bunch of territory to rule over! As rebellion festers in their newly aquired regions

>"i guess our job isn't over yet!"

>Another win for Goldlandia's feudalist government!
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>But you may ask.. Where is Billserker?!

>Billserker is here, formally reading his discharge papers as provided by the Darklandian government!

>He's earned it!

>in the aftermath of war, the economy is in shambles, people are in need of jobs and ethnic violence brews in Darklandia

>"Damn Kobolds, alwaya starting things!"

>Fearing for his family's safety, and in need of a new job Billserker decides to emigrate to the land of dreams and plenty!

>Luckily, Billserker was able to keep all his loot and plunder from the all the villages he raided during the war!

>While inflation and economic collapse renders Darklandian Dollars useless, he manages to pawn off multiple weapons resources and food to the state in order to hitch a ride on a ferry!

>"Land of opportunity here we come!"
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>Billserker, his family and others manage to emigrate all the way to GoGo city where most of the adventures of Ninjoe take place!


>Billserker and his family now live happy quiet lives in GoGo city! Bill is an IT guy for a small insurance firm!

>He likes to hang out with his buddy Ninjoe and drink O' Malley beer

>The End
Oops tusks are in the wrong place my bad
>the old wiki mentions the setting included both Marvel and DC in their entirety
I'm rummaging through the archives and all old pics I could find and I can't find a single mention of that.
It's actually frustrating that I can't even definitively confirm whether or not this is a false memory of some sort.
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He used to wear a hoodie with the GL symbol on it.
Here ya go, top of the page

Is that fella barfing gold coins?

I see he upgraded his hand blade later.

>twin towers
>here ya go, top of the page
I meant the ring specifically.
Yep IT job really helps get hand upgrades
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You know, I've been meaning to bring up what's depiced at the bottom half of this pic in relation to Crackdown at some point, since I'm a sucker for incorporating visual metaphors and such, but I couldn't find proper words to bring it up. The "discharge pattern" looks like a decent way of putting it. Like if speed force's visual representation is commonly a yellow lightning then we can use that for whatever Arthur has going on.
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Also this.
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Slow day huh?
It's what happens when I'm working a new job with new hours.
Which Anon are you, writer, artist casual visiter or all?
Conrad knows and has all information pertaining to superheroes and villains.
It was popular to draw people as Lanterns at the time, I imagine he's probably got fanart as a GL somewhere. There's a doodle of Ladybug as a Blue.
Writer. Not that I've had time lately. I've just been prodding that other anon along with the Blang story lately.
Bump for tomorrow!
>I've just been prodding that other anon along with the Blang story lately
I'm that writefag you mentioned and, trust me, you are a big help. Don't feel pressured to be a motivator, but I want to thank you for what you have done.
Speaking of this, he does have some power that I am still up in the air about. Like how I wanted Newman to have powers but then changed my mind because Newman is very much for the average citizen, and its why he has so many supporters.

Ww2 in my timeline started when the average citizens in Germany rose up against supervigilants. They were defeated but it left an impression on people that they can fight back against those with unlimited and unnatural powers. Newman's armband is distasteful for superheroes but unless he does something that warrants him going to jail, they can't touch him.

Also the holocaust never happened.
You've mentioned a magic dagger in the past, I think. This could be the source of his power, and tie in to Nazi occultism. Lets him channel Vril energy, or something.
Is it one of those evil insurance firms?
The bump club!
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>having here
Well we know the honse is a pyromancer, now.
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Forgot to add "fun"
The fire is just a cartoon gag for "burning anger"
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Horsie does need a name
He just looks like a -bert to me
Bump for breakfast!
>You've mentioned a magic dagger in the past, I think.

The whole thing was a metaphor for suicidal ideation/tendencies and I left that story behind. Newman needs to be a news reporter/investigator and not a conduit of my problems. Plus I'm doing good now and I want Newman to communicate with people more.

He's pretty free to mention his criticism for jews and admiration of hitler but he's not really into occultism stuff. I want him to be more grounded than Conrad. Conrad will probably be more into supernatural stuff and Newman will go along with anything that can make the front page.
Well, I'm not sure how to make a superpower more grounded than no superpowers. Maybe if it's super-racism. Glad to hear you're doing better in your personal life though.
Clob like clop?
>Well, I'm not sure how to make a superpower more grounded than no superpowers.

He's pretty good with people, but sometimes his armband affiliation makes people go crazy and they forget their gender and cut off their tits.

I guess it might be something for /co/ characters with big titties to worry about Iol
This isn't a power btw. It's more like people overreacting to Newman's existence. He doesn't shy from criticism and brings out the best and worst in people, which is why he's just very good at his job.
Conrad's an optimist despite having to deal with the same investigations as Newman. There are some things that Newman can see that Conrad can't and vice versa.

Newman moves through underground networks by looking the part for years. You don't become part of an underground network without sacrificing years of hard word and dedication to certain causes. Which is another thing about Newman that people don't know, aside from being a great reporter. Where do you think he gets all his information? It's much more expansive than Conrad can understand (although Newman doesn't deal with superheroes, that's knowledge that Conrad gets with his own network).
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Newman can't talk about the special operations or cases that he's been involved in. He doesn't even talk about his married partner that no one can find proof of (it wasn't a legal marriage so no official documents). He definitely doesn't talk about his past except his church (positive experience honestly) and some passing comment on living with his uncle when he was younger.

The only thing Conrad knows for certain is that Newman had a job, got fired, and is now living with him until he gets his act together.
I suppose a bump is in order.
There’s a twist. Most bumps are in chaos.
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They’ve come to an agreement when living together.
Reminds me of when Hunter S. Thompson went undercover with the Hell's Angels for a year.
Not much, but it'll bump the thread.
Quaslan squinted her eyes and stared beyond the large glass shield, which framed the rocky planet Crocus like the screen of a movie theater. On the front seats, two members of her crew were busy at the controls, asking clearance for landing and piloting the spacecraft between the many others that were similarly headed to the tournament. Higher up behind them, Quaslan leaned to the side of her seat, supporting her head on the tips of her curled fingers and tapping on the armrest as if she wanted to drill a hole in it.
As the spacecraft penetrated the thin clouds, the violet of the Space Saffron fields appeared along the subtropical ring of the planet. The other spacecrafts converged on an island, coming down from the sky in a spiral of fire and metal.
Two projectors lit up and Tennoc's face appeared on a portion of the glass shield. "Impressive, dear Quaslan!" he said as his spacecraft flew in front of his sister's and blocked the view. "For once, you arrived on time! I thought about weaving a garland of space saffron flowers while I waited for you to figure out the head from the tail of your spaceship!"
Another bump.
Quaslan sprang up from her seat and yelled "Get your fat behind out of my way! You can go pick flowers in the mud while I win the race, for all I care!"
But Tennoc chuckled. "We know who's the fastest pilot between the two of us, sister!" he said. "Shall we do a little warm-up race to the surface? It begins right now!"
Tennoc's projection disappeared and his spacecraft blasted off, leaving a trail of smoke as black as Quaslan's mood.
"I'm taking the helm from here!" Quaslan roared. The crew members on the front seats snapped around to look at her and one of them said nervously "Y-You are going to pilot the–"
"Silence!" she screamed, her teeth bare, "or you'll walk the rest of the way down!"
"Y-Yes your most supreme queenlyness!"
Quaslan's ship dove after Tennoc, and the two vessels spun into a thight downward spiral in the center of the larger one formed by all the other spacecrafts.
I don't have anything to show off, but bump regardless.
The World Of Ninjoe - Ninjoe's Origin!

>Hello again dear reader!

>Have you ever wondered who exactly our beloved Ninjoe really was? And why he lives in GoGo city about 5 hours away from his family in the countryside?

>Well never fear, for today we shall be looking at Ninjoe's origin story!
It's Fuurinkazan time!
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>Before we begin, we must first discuss the 5 now 6 Ninja clans!

>Though not too important to Ninjoe's story, it does give insight into the expertise of the Ninja!

>now here they are numbered in an orderly fashion!

>The Three Arms Clan!

>Most clans these days are more like schools of learning! But the Three Arms Clan continue to be bound by blood and possibly inbred!

>They are physically the strongest of the clans and are said to be the best martial artists of them all!

>Theya re distinguished by their three large fingers and three arms!

>The Ghost Clan

>Not many people hire this clan, they don't know why!

>For while this clan have the most fragile members of the ninja clans, they are also the swiftest and speediest!

>They can dodge rain drops in a typhoon!

>They can seem to appear and dissapear at will simply by dodging your eyesight!

>They are the greatest spies of the clans!

>But only rednecks and old farmers like to hire them for some reason.

>The Hashashin Clan!

>The Hashashin Clan are the wizards of the ninja clan!

>Employing occult killing techniques to kill their enemies, even when they are not in the same room.

>They convene and commune with all manner of devil and djinn and a strange and mysterious bunch

>yet you will spot many of these ninjas in places such as the wastes of Darklandia and the magic labs of the Legion!

>The Gunslinger Clan!

>The greatest marksmen od all the clans

>Also the only ones with a good fashion sense, never wearing the same uniform twice!

>They are experts in all manner of ranged weapon, bow or gun!

>The Speculatores Clan!

>The youngest of the clans!

>These are the all rounders!

>Decent at everything, experts at nothing!

>but they make up for it with their great numbers!

>created by The Legion after hiring a bunch of ninja mastera to train the most elite of theur soldiers!

>The Shadow Blade Clan!

>This is Ninjoe's clan

>Continued next comment
>The Shadow Blades Clan are second only to the ghost and three arms clan in terms of speed and strength!

>they are said to have the greatest reflexes of all the clans!

>They are great at martial arts and formidable in every weapon!

>but ehat they have most is shock and awe, they are the ambush bersekers of thr clans!
>Now, the story of Ninjoe's arrival begins with the dastardly organization called..

>The Legion!

>they want to conquer the world!
>In need of more troops in their war against the Peace Enforcement Action Korps

>The Legion spend a bunch of money hiring ninjas from the various Ninja clans

>including Ninjoe!
>Thus Ninjoe and many of his fellow ninja decide to take the 8 hour trip to GoGo city to earn glory and fortune!
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>Ninjoe is inducted into the Legion's Battle Ninja Squad!

>Mostly foregoing stealth operations, these battle ninjas are unleashed during times of chaos or in ambush to wreak havoc among their foes!

>Look at em run!
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>Alas, while Ninjoe made a bunch fo money and formally settled into Gogo city his fortunes would not last!

>In fact the fortunes of every ninja would not last as the Legion would ultimately be defeated by their hated enemy and every ninja formally was then formally discharged
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>And so we have Ninjoe's current conundrum!

>Without a war for him to kill in, Ninjoe has resorted to taking odd jobs in order to support himself!

>At the moment he is a cosntruction worker.

>He loces drinking O' Malley beer with his friend Billserker

>The end!
Really cool Ninjoe stuff. It's fire!
>>He loces drinking O' Malley beer with his friend Billserker
Good friends :)
Agreed, it's something different.
I like it. Keep at it when you can.
Afternoon bump!
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L'eXtreme Bump has entered his 90s phase! This ain't your daddy's Le Bump!
>captcha: AWSM
Technically I have more already, but it isn't anything newer than the suggestion that (I suppose) Bullion-anon made here >>144630059. So I'll try to make some real progress to post in the next couple of hours, but those little posts you replied to took something like 8 hours iirc, so don't get your hopes up.
It gets easier the more you write. Try to play the scene out in your head like a play or a show of some sort. That can help, but it's not for everyone.
Everyone you're replying to is me and I am in fact that anon who wrote the Bullion scripts.
>Everyone you're replying to is me and I am in fact that anon who wrote the Bullion scripts.
Honestly, I had a feeling (deja vù, we had this exchange already). I'm always baffled at how you managed so many projects.
>Try to play the scene out in your head like a play or a show of some sort.
I try to do exactly this. Unfortunately, it doesn't help every time. Like, I kinda know the rest of the scene until they steal the U-speeder. But figuring out the little details and the right words slow me down immensely. I hope you are right and that everything will become easier in time. Thank you for your encouragement. I'll try to write some more.
It isn't so much that I manged so many projects, but that I finished with one and moved onto another. I've been doing this for a while now I guess. The Pineapple Cake ship logs were some of my earlier attempts at writing, but not many anons were interested in them at the time so I worked on something else and then something else again until I started getting feedback. Back then it was just one of many things happening in the threads.
>I finished with one and moved onto another.
This is probably what I should do too. But I never was particularly wise.
>but not many anons were interested in them at the time
Sorry, I was probably on /a/ at the time you wrote them. I don't regret it, but in hindsight I would have liked this place so much.
Now I might check again the Logs to see how Bli*thip* talks...
I'll do my best.
I never really nailed him down. His species was one that someone brought to the threads that had already had some work done one it elsewhere.

I never really nailed down Inva either. The anon who wrote her chronicles had their thing, but we never fully welded everything together.
>I never really nailed down Inva either. The anon who wrote her chronicles had their thing, but we never fully welded everything together.
Oh, yeah. She seems different in the Logs and in the Chronicles. She changes three times in my opinion, first she's a curious and rebellious girl, then later in the Chronicles she becomes a bit more insufferable.
In the Logs, she's a bit crazy in the head.
I think I'll take a break after the scene with Inva and Randor (If I ever get to it), so I'll see what I can do with her.
About Bli*thip*, Idk, but I get glimpses of Kiff from Futurama and someone starring in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. He's not gonna have a good time in this story, that's for sure.
Marvin the clinically depressed robot may have been one of the sources I was pulling from with him. Kiff might be better take though.
They are both depressed, but Kiff is a bit emasculated and that goes nicely with Teuthoids. If I was a better sociologist, I'd pick a civilization on Earth and use some of its characteristics for him. Teuthoids society strikes me as something from Asia, but Idk.
Anyway, my time is over. I hope I can spare a bit more tomorrow, but meanwhile have a little more of the story. That it isn't that good, save for the good chunk of it that you wrote, but I guess it's something.
Quaslan walked down the ship's gangway, followed by a girl of her crew who took a couple of staggering steps, then collapsed on the handrail and vomited over it. She scanned the area, filled with street vendors edging out space even in the skyways with hoover carts, with banners and long hanging decorations waving in the sea breeze. Her brother's sparkles shone at a short distance, mocking her as, behind her in the parking lot full of colorful ships, her own spacecraft sank on its belly with a thundering clangor.
She hurried toward him, but Tennoc walked as fast as her down the main road. Then, a group of alien girls with many limbs and tentacles pointed at Tennoc and giggled in excitement. Tennoc stopped and ran a hand through his hair, striking a pose at the girls, but as Quaslan surpassed him he catched up to her and they resumed elbowing each other.
"You never know when to give up," said Tennoc, "do you think you have a chance if you can't even win in a simple warm-up?"
"Drop dead!" replied Quaslan, stomping the ground as she walked.
Tennoc made a tight-lipped smile at his sister and pointed at the girls from before with his thumb. "In the end, I even caught some flowers while you destroyed your spaceship!"
"Those flowers never saw a walking pile of manure, that's why they noticed you! Now bury yourself under the dirt with them!"
Their bickering continued as the road signs led them into a crowded building, where they were supposed to register for the tournament. They marched down the line delimited by red curbs, and in front of the designated post they found only another group of people dealing with a clerk.
The latter addressed the group ahead of them "Well captain...?"
"Cookie" said a young man with a small black hat.
So like a Japanese salary man who has to bow himself into a broken back.
Good night.
>"Cookie" said a young man with a small black hat.
I never knew Cookie was Jewish. Does he get that from /co/nrad, Be/ck/y or both? I guess probably /co/nrad considering all the jews in comics.
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Different type of hat.
Just a joke
I like to think that Cookie and Kay-2 tried out zero-gravity sex for the novelty of it and were disappointed.

Well, goodnight.
Too bad neither of them was a native gravity manipulator like in the Jack/Marley case.
Morning bump!
Great to know we made it to Friday.
You think it'll make to Saturday?
I thought that Cookie would be one of the few people who doesn't care about Kay-2's perfect butt. It's tough to travel in space with relationship problems.
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It's not that he doesn't care, he cared long before the perfect butt developed.
And he's already tapping that.

You've heard of the golden ratio and how people have applied it to faces to mathematically calculate how handsome someone is? Well, Springtime probably developed a version of it that mathematically proved Kay-2's butt was 100.2% perfect with a 0.2% margin for error.
I wonder what's happening between CSA, General Freedom and Nyxiontus. Seems like a volleyball match.
> Dynamo League Smalls: Cool Summer Games!

>It's a bright summer day, and the sun shines down on the bustling charity event known as the "Cool Summer Games."
>Marmot-Man and She-Beaver arrive at the event, excited for a day of father-daughter bonding and friendly competition.
>"You ready for this, Kiddo?" Marmot-Man asks with a grin, adjusting his mask.
>She-Beaver beams, her beaver tail swishing with excitement, "Ready as ever, Dad! Let's show them what we can do!"
>The event is packed with small superhero teams, all here to compete and raise money for various charities.
>Marmot-Man and She-Beaver sign up for multiple games, eager to prove themselves and have a blast.
>The first game is a three-legged race, and Marmot-Man and She-Beaver laugh as they fumble and stumble, but ultimately come in third place.
>Next, they participate in a water balloon toss, successfully catching every balloon and advancing to the finals.
>"We're doing great, Dad!" She-Beaver exclaims, her face glowing with happiness.
>Marmot-Man ruffles her hair, "That's my girl. Let's keep it up!"
>They move on to a sack race, bounding across the field with determination and coming in second place.
>As the day progresses, they compete in various games like tug-of-war and an obstacle course, always supporting each other and having fun.
> Finally, they reach the finals: a relay race against Private Adam and his six-foot-tall anthro labrador dog, Gloria the Glory Hound.
>Anons make /Co/lette as a mix of their favorite fetishes.
>They make her reproduce in some way, and Kay-2's father remains unknown to this day, hinting that a genetic experiment might have taken place.
>/Co/lette's offspring has mathematically perfect proportions.
The anons were the Uplifters all along.
>They knew each other and they competed against each other for years that which became a sort of of tradition.
>"Marmot-man! and She-Beaver!" Privet Adam called, "How's my favorite rivals doing?"
>"Privet Adam!" Marmot-man shouted with a smile, "Come here you show off!"
>They shake hands, Happy to compete again like they do almost every year, with She-Beaver waving Gloria and her waving back.
>"i hope your gal is ready," Privet Adam said playfully," I have been training with Gloria for the past six months, we sure will win this year"
>"Oh don't worry, my little girl is ready to win again" replied Marmot-man with a playful elbow nudge.
>"Okay then, let the best team win," Privet said with a smile.
>Marmot-Man and She-Beaver size up their competition, noting Gloria's impressive speed and agility.
>"We can do this," Marmot-Man reassures She-Beaver, "Just remember to have fun."
>The relay race begins, and Marmot-Man and Private Adam are neck and neck, their movements synchronized and intense.
>The crowd cheers as the two heroes race towards the handoff point, the competition fierce and thrilling.
>Marmot-Man and Private Adam pass the baton to their teammates, and She-Beaver and Gloria take off in a blur of motion.
>Gloria pulls ahead initially, her powerful legs propelling her forward with incredible speed.
>"COME ON!! YOU CAN DO IT!!" Shouted Marmot-man.
>She-Beaver grits her teeth and pushes herself harder, gaining on Gloria with every stride.
>The crowd roars as the two competitors approach the finish line, the tension palpable.
>In the final moments, She-Beaver surges forward, her determination evident, but Gloria crosses the finish line just an inch ahead.
>She-Beaver slows to a stop, breathing heavily and feeling a mix of disappointment and pride.
>" That was intense..." said She-Beaver while trying to catch her breath.
>"Great job!" said Privet Adam said while clapping.
>Private Adam and Gloria approach her, offering congratulations and praise for her incredible effort.
>"You did really well!" Privet Adam said with a smile, "Even Gloria is impressed by your performance."
>Gloria nodded and started clapping while her tail waved.
>Marmot-Man joins them, placing a reassuring hand on She-Beaver's shoulder, "You did amazing, sweetheart."
>She-Beaver looks up at her dad, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, "I wanted to win, but... I had so much fun. I loved the rush of competing."
>Marmot-Man smiles warmly, pulling her into a hug, "That's the spirit, kiddo. Winning isn't everything. It's about giving it your all and enjoying the journey."
>She-Beaver hugs her dad tightly, feeling a renewed sense of happiness and fulfillment, "Thanks, Dad. I couldn't have done it without you."
>Later that day, Marmot-Man and She-Beaver went to a nearby ice cream stand, treating themselves to well-deserved scoops of their favorite flavors.
>As they enjoy their ice cream, they laugh and reminisce about the day's events, grateful for the memories they've made together.
>"You know," Marmot-Man says between bites of ice cream, "We make a pretty great team."
>She-Beaver smiles, her eyes shining with affection, "The best team, Dad."
I still say it's the same father as Deelette, she just inherited more from her mom this time around.

Throw in Wonder-Coyote and the competition would become more than intense.
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The idea was some friendly sparring in space, with Nyxiontus as a voyeuristic observer.
I hope it do. I still got stuff to type.
>Throw in Wonder-Coyote and the competition would become more than intense.
Wonder-Coyote doesn't know "friendly" competition
she takes it seriously kek

also fun fact: Gloria the Glory Hound was a character from a pitch i did last year
she made a comeback!
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I don't want to talk about powerlevels, but then I suppose that a genetic experiment of a civilization-effort tier (CSA and GF) matches Old Norse God strenght (Skathi) and genius-tier technological enhancement (MM). Then Nyxiontus is stronger than that, but not as much as some /co/smic ones like Skull King. So the Justice Coalition top members would be "Top Superhumans", but never "Beyond Super", right?
On another completely unrelated note, should the link to the booru be changed in the main page of the wiki? The people of the drawthread have another booru now.
>on another completely unrelated note, should the link to the booru be changed in the main page of the wiki? The people of the drawthread have another booru now
Probably, but when was the last time anyone uploaded something from /coc/ there anyway?
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I have to admit I don't have a good understanding of how the power chart there works. I operate on a "world of cardboard" approach, where GF isn't sure of his max output because every time they've tried to test it they've risked disaster. Definitionally that be "immeasurable" by in-world agents, but I assume the chart there is thinking in terms of objective metafictional analysis, reserved for abstract concepts and things.
Can't wait to read.
Nice, power grids are back.
>Probably, but when was the last time anyone uploaded something from /coc/ there anyway?
It would be great to have people with IT skills and the resources to have a /coc/ booru.
Fair enough. That's why I didn't really wanted to talk about powerlevels, the charts are more like a guide than a rule set.
>Nice, power grids are back.
I have an inkscape-svg template that would make them criminally easy to fill, but then I've already posted it and nobody used it. Organization is one of those things that, for many reasons, very few people are up to do. If you want something done, usually you have to do it yourself, without waiting for anyone.
Not that I'm one to talk, considering that I left CSA's power grid half done.
The link is updated now.
Interesting. Omeggis' power is Psychic while Nyxiontus is Mental. Is there an actual distinction or is this just another case of lack of standardization?
Thank you, anon.
>The first picture is Hope Corgi, followed by Golden Girl and Comet.
Somehow my day is slightly better.
Probably standardization, but while Omeggis' powers are the result of selective breeding (iirc), Nyxiontus literally keeps his own shape by raw willpower. You can say that's mental.
Anyway, I'd give CSA top superhuman Stamina, Durability and Endurance (He's called the Undeterred, right?), then Beyond Super Perception (he's a Facerenti and, according to >>144620317, all lifeforms on the planet possess psionic capabilities. He's the top lifeform, so...). I'm not sure about intelligence and adaptability. His mind is ablaze with psychic power, but he does only odd jobs on /Co/ve.
The rest Idk.
Other than that, what do you think if we called his powers "Psionic Flair"? So that I have something to put in the chart. Flair sounds like Flare, but means Style among the other things.
>Other than that, what do you think if we called his powers "Psionic Flair"? So that I have something to put in the chart. Flair sounds like Flare, but means Style among the other things.
I approve of the pun, but the one issue I see is that, at least by the standards of his race, he explicitly LACKS flair.
>he explicitly LACKS flair
He's a misunderstood artist. And the general populace has always shit taste.
He's literally colorblind.
Well, I don't have a counter argument to that. At the same time, I don't have another clever pun for the name of his powers, but it's ok, it won't be psionic flair (it's already on the chart, so if I ever forget and post it, remember me to change it).
Damn he overpowered af!
Now that's outroversal to omnipotent, practically Marvel's Toaa tier.
Has there ever been a depiction of this guy in combat?
For that matter, is there even anyone else who could reasonably ENGAGE him in combat, even one-sided? The /co/smic Ones don't seem very fighty in general. Except Balacktus I guess, but that's less "fight" and more "struggle snuggle."
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Well it's Saturday where I live so I think this is the perfect time to announce this


yes i started writing the Dynamo League greentexts on 08/27/2023 after many weeks of pitching ideas in the /coc/ threads.

and I'm planning something big for that day, i will create a wiki page for the Dynamo League and Marmot-Man and She-Beaver.Also I'm in contact with some artists to draw both of them before the anniversary so I can put them on their wiki pages. which can explain why i wasn't to write greentexts this week kek
let's just hope that I will get them before the anniversary kek

and thanks to all the people who were interested in my story and characters!
Location: Unknown
Affiliation: None
Gender: Unknown
True name: LE BUMP
Power: Reality Bumping
Source: Innate
Type: Interdimensional
Short Description:
>LE BUMP has the power to bring forth adventure, both for himself/herself and others. The limit of his/her power is unknown, but until the "bump limit" is reached, his presence always gives a chance for something to happen, no matter how absurd.
>The fact that he/she is French and very loud is important because screaming "LE BUMP" is intrinsically more effective than just saying "bump".
>Strength: Above Average
>Stamina: Gifted Human
>Speed: Above Average
>Agility: Above Average
>Precision: Human Average
>Perception: Immeasurable
>Intelligence: Above Average
>Adaptability: Immeasurable
>Technique: Human Average
>Protection: Human Average
>Durability: Above Average
>Endurance: Gifted Human
General Info:
>Sometimes male, sometimes female, but always French and full of charm, Le Bump will shout his/her own name in a dramatic fashion, often in a sentence mysteriously related or unrelated to the current events, to create action and rise the stakes, no matter how little. If he/she do this many times, then the possibility of something big happening increases. It's unknown if this effect lingers after the theoretical "bump limit".
>His/her power unlocks new adventures, generates new ideas and summons people from anywhere. How does this work is unclear: maybe he/she controls the collapse of the quantum wave functions, maybe he/she just know the Narrative and goes where the action awaits him/her, or maybe every time he/she shouts his/her name there's an earthquake in the Archivist's dimension, that makes her books fall and open at random.
>He/she cannot be defeated, and will always live to go on another adventure.
Cool. It'll be interesting to see what you had in mind for what they're supposed to look like.
Congratulation! I look forward to the anniversary. Good luck for the wiki page, especially if it's your first time making an article. It took me some time when I started.
Fingers crossed for the drawings!
You mean Belvraik?
>is there even anyone else who could reasonably ENGAGE him in combat, even one-sided?
He would probably humor anyone that wished to challenge him.

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