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/co/ will never admit it but Wonder Woman is a fucking damned to obscurity and to failure character that should have stopped existing after the 40s along with the others golden age sexual power fantasy superheroes.

Her only value for modern DC is reminding them she is the first female superhero.
She is basically Uncle Sam who exists only to remind you he is the first patriotic superhero.
Where you know he exists but don't care to see a comic where he fights with people you don't give a shit about.

You can use all the excuses you want.
>You should read her own adventures because her team ups have her ooc
I did, they're shit. She doesn't have good comics because no one knows what to give her that's not a ripoff of better heroes.

Don't believe me? You think she could be salvaged? That she could be fixed? That your super original coomer fantasy idea will make people actually buy Wonder Woman comics?
How? How could she be fixed in a way that hasn't been tried already?

>Make her just greek myths based
Already happened, Perez and Wein's run.
Which only existed to give Superman a new love interest because they felt WW only value was to complete a better character.
>Make her return to the femdom bondage roots
Already done, Morrison's Earth One which failed to be a realistic approach on a matriarch superhero and ended up turning in a feminist lecture.
>What about turning her into Xena? People love Xena!
Already happened, New52 by Johns and Azzarello and made her unlikeable, poisoned her side characters and turned Diana into a killer that breaks or fixes her way into the Trinity based on opinions.
>Return to scifi amazons
Rucka and Orlando did it already, failed.
>Make her sexy
Tom King is currently doing that and guess what? Failure.

Wonder Woman is a literal C lister superhero who is TREATED as being an A list one while no, she is not and will never be. Shazam deserves to be in the trinity more, if not Aquaman, Green lantern or Flash, who actually have good comics.
Her nor any other DC characters with a movie got people killed like Batfaggot, the satanic gay pedo who rapes little boys.
What about focusing more on her Rogues' Gallery?
have her raped

>character exists for 80 years and is extremely well known and liked even outside of their medium
>damned to obscurity and failure
She has the personality of white bread.
>all this effort and it's still obvious bait
still the top selling female in terms of comic sales
Wonder Woman was fetish fodder and feminist propaganda. She was never reworked in a way that actually worked for a modern audience, at least outside of the Linda Carter show and that also was too tied to the time it was made.
Drop your Wonder Woman reading list.
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tell us how you really feel
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>comic sales
Atleast she didn’t get shot in the head like Batcuck and died falling out window.
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>>character exists for 80 years and is extremely well known and liked even outside of their medium
Uncle Sam and Santa Claus too, but we don't want to see a shitty b movie with them in it like those shitty Christmas horror movies.
>>damned to obscurity and failure
Those shitty Christmas horror movies fails too, Anon.
>still the top selling female in terms of comic sales
That's not Harley Quinn current book
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Santa Claus has had more successful movies than Superman
Harley Quinn is flopping without the Joker. Her movie bombed, her show is already forgotten, and her comic isn’t selling either.
The Lynda Carter Wonder Woman show worked by stealing Mary Marvel's powers and plots
Brains blown out like a motherfucker LOL
>Her movie bombed,
WW one too
>her show is already forgotten,
Lol she has a show at least
>and her comic isn’t selling either.
And it's still more than WW is doing
>is extremely well known and liked even outside of their medium
what a dumb post
>Shazam (The Captain) should be in the trinity
>Mary Marvel is the WW of the show
So this is just a billyfag falsefagging
current Wonder Woman is definitely selling more than Harley Quinn, even though I hate to admit it because it's Shit King
NTA but comics sales don’t matter. Harley gets more content because her merch is selling. WB doesn’t give a shit about DC’s comics overall flopping sales.
>Source: trust my hate for an actual good female character
>The Lynda Carter Wonder Woman show worked by stealing Mary Marvel's powers and plot
Superman and Supergirl also did the same thing. A lot of classic Superman was copied from Captain Marvel.
bleeding cool best selling lists actually (the only source available now that nobody knows how much DC sells)
harley quinn is not cracking any top 10 lists while wonder woman is
She is cute in the Suicide Squad anime, although that show has other problems.

They tried to turn her into Tank Girl but she is now just the chick of the Suicide Squad.
Shazam really deserves to be in the trinity
>Batman, Superman and Dumber Superman
Post sources, and even if those sources were true, it's just because current HQ book is a poison ivy one
>In the trinity
Nice joke.
The real trinity is Superman, Shazam, Green Lantern.
>it's just because current HQ book is a poison ivy one
What are you talking about? They both have their own books and Harley stopped selling a long time ago. She's nothing but fad that already fade away.
>She's nothing but fad that already fade away.
That's your mind on not recognizing Harley Queenz supremacy over WonderWhore.
Harley's book is selling more but since Tom King is on CIA they hide the real numbers.
(They told me this)
How many goddamn anti-DC threads is OP going to make?
>Shazam fan saying Wonder Woman is damned to obscurity
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kneel before the real wonder woman.
Reminder that WW will never get a show.
>Phoenix is selling more
X-Men chads will never stop winning
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Shazam second movie made more money than Wonder Woman second movie
neither one made money but at least wonder woman had an excuse
The trinity doesn't exist outside of /co/.
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Which one satan?
That WW one was in the pandemic and that Gal Gadot had to go back at killing children?
Seethe, Shazam 2 is too good for excuses.
>people unironically think comic sales matter
The prophecy came true.
The problem with Harley is that once she became mega-popular and mainstream the first thing that happened is people started criticizing her relationship with Joker for being toxic and abusive. While most media depicts the relationship as harmful to make a fucking point, merchandise depicted the two as the HotTopic trendy his and hers lovebird villains which confused the grass eating masses. That was when they started to separate and isolate the characters. Though you still see Joker/Harley merchandised together from time to time its rare media puts them together. Harley is ALWAYS aware and distant from Joker.

Of course this is fucking boring. Joker and Harley before this were really varied in their interactions. You can tell meaningful stories like Mad Love, you could tell stories like BTAS' Joker's Millions where Harley can come out on top, you could tell comedic stories. There was a lot you could do with the two. Now you can only tell stories about how Harley is over him. But that's what happens when you do everything with a socially conscious mindset.
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it does exist
Batman Caped crusader is making her a female joker too
Cheetah is canon hotter straight and would with only a few changes be a better heroine

Circe is a league level villain and great evil magician arch for Fate Constantine Zatana and would be a great addition to the normie circle of known villains

Giganta is just goofy and hot enough to be a great reoccurring villain in any book.

All three hotter then ww all three straight all three have far more potential when not associated with her.
The rest are fucking losers no one cares about.
Wonder Woman is internationally recognizable. No one except comic nerds would recognize Shazam.
Zachary Levi made it globally popular for the little sheeps that didn't know it already.
And so the second movie with Rachel Zegler
Those are all lame villains.
Penguin being gender swapped is already a red flag.
Feninists, Depopulation agenda and queers wanted them broken up gay and Harley being a retarded man hating bulldyke
That's around the same time DC comics died a final death.
>No mention of First Born, Sovereign, Genocide and Psycho
WWfans don't know WW as well
The main red flag is having Black people in government posts in the fucking 30s as if Jim Crow never happened.
nobody should mention Sovereign, fuck of Tom King
I must be getting old because I remember how ignoring that Jim Crow existed was racist, weird we changed our minds on it
He's right. They all suck.
That's probably a fake leak. Penguin's on the recent poster and even though he's in shadows the silhouette is different from the leaked female Penguin. And that leak doesn't look like it matches the style of the show or the penguin silhouette from the trailer.
It's both woke and racist.
NTA, but I watched a single episode at a private screening. Penguin is a woman and the animation looks like total shit. She calls herself "mama." It's really fucking weird. The artstyle doesn't match what they were trying to convey. It's like all the budget went into the opening.
how exactally is she a failure? Name the successful comic book characters from Marvel and DC
Spider-Man, Batman Jackie Chan.
we can see the animation sucks from the trailer
That must be shills and botted comments praising it, because it looks so bad and is even worse when watching a single episode.
There's also the fact that she shits on the Greek myths she steals, she doesn't deserve respect.
she and kratos are the same character.
>WW hater is a secret Shazam fan
>samefagging for hours and making the same points and thread over again

WW does need work on appealing to people, selling, and her rouges gallery but nothing here is genuine and is just some autistic form of hatred I only see for DC characters and stuff. First it’s hate threads about Superman, then it’s about their sells, which is shit but still nothing genuine, and now it’s WW I guess? Fuck sake breh
This comic is cancer, thanks to this the SJW ruined the industry.
DC fandom are full of miserable shitty insecure people who are worth nothing in real life.
this woman's fans are morons
Batman fans are worst than any fan of Wonder Woman.
I genuinely think Diana not getting the facelife/updating to the "younger generations" Batman and Superman got through their animated shows has completely fucked her in the long term, like a ton of her villains are still borderline monster of week weirdos that never got the updates needed to not come off shit in current year, like it might not fix her but at least we wouldn't be stuck in the endless loop of Cheetah, Circe, and Ares
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It's insane, she's existed for nearly a century and has nothing to really show for it beyond two mediocre movies, like at the risk of sounding like an asshole, Wonder Woman feels like one of the highest profile "Nothing Characters" in mainstream capeshit, she's everywhere touted as this big deal of a character simply because she's the "First Lady" yet she has no major stories of note AFAICT, where's her "For The Man That Has Everything/For All Seasons /All Star/vs The Elite/Long Halloween/Year One/Dark Knight Returns" she's always placed on the same pedestal as Batman and Superman but doesn't seem like she has anywhere near the stories they've gotten over the years she just seems like the awkward red-headed stepdaughter of the group
Actually a based post
Is this character a Jewish construct?
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>Cheetah is supposed to be on the same level as The Joker and Lex Luthor
Worse she was made by a horny schizo with a Bondage and Submission kink
Nah he was based
So is that a yes or no?
The underlying point is that modern comics sucks and alienate all readers.
It was more than the animated shows. The WW comic itself was insanely weird during the silver age. Meanwhile both Superman and Batman got multiple serials, animated series and movies. Their comics got updated and reconned several times to moderate success. The only time someone tried to rework Diana they took all her powers and everyone hated it, and they never really tried after that.
Heh. Yup. Agreed. This is exactly why her game will flop and why she's still struggling to get an animated series and shit outside the comics. They've already tried everything they could with her and none of that stupid shit works. She'll always be far below Bats and Supes in popularity. There's only a big two in the DCU.

Like, hell, female characters in DC and outside of it are way better than WW. Like Zatanna or Sailor Moon for example.

Only reason her movie did...well...was because of the surge of rabid woke feminist retards at the time.

She works way better as Batman's love interest though and I do enjoy her in the DCAU...but even that's still a problem because she needs other superior characters to be good.

But goddamn, she's still a shitty character with some of the driest rogues and supporting cast in comics.

Just cum in her, or on her and call it a day.
>should have stopped existing after the 40s
If this were true she would have. Back then they didn't keep unpopular characters in publication just to make a point like they do now.
The character has been paid feminist and lesbian propoganda to push destructive attitudes onto american women since inception.

Also that pervert did one thing right. If they ever stop publishing WW comics they'll revert back to the marstons. So that is what is keeping that garbage heap afloat.
More successful and popular than any of Marvel's superheroines.
>He says that when Captain Marvel (Carol) movie made 1 billion and Disney even bought their own tickets to make it mainstream
>X-Men don't exist
Sailor Moon even shares some obvious similarities. The main director for the anime was also a sex pervert who was into bdsm.
If Wonder Woman was in the public domain the character would turn into Kekko Kamen within a week.
bring back gail simon
Aaasshhhhhhh how can I get a prime L Carter waifu???
No, the golem origin is both outdated and more greek myth based (prometheus) than jewish.
And they're still trying to shill the Zeus daughter one so the clay is gone.
>"For The Man That Has Everything/For All Seasons /All Star/vs The Elite/Long Halloween/Year One/Dark Knight Returns"
Yeah.....every new WW story wants to be that, her Greatest Story of hers.
Like Dead Earth, Dark Metal and Tom King's.
That's the problem, every writer wants to reinvent her to give her the greatest story ever.
It's like Aquaman but less successful
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And that's bad? How? That would finally sky rocket her popularity
Fanservice anime about a nudist fighter
schizo thread
I'll do you one better: all female superheroes are trash
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Her problem is she's like trying to build a skyscraper with zero foundation, everyone is so gung-ho over making the "definitive" Wonder Woman story that she basically gets reset every other creative team so she has nothing to build off of, like it's insane she's existed as long as she has and we're STILL arguing over what exactly her origin is supposed to be like Batman and Superman don't have this problem
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It's hilarious too seeing that thread on Twitter a while back saying she deserves to be on the "Mount Rushmore of Superheroes" over Wolverine and I don't even really like Wolverine but he absolutely has better stories than her like are you guys high...and that's not even mentioning people thinking her game is going to fix her problems
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The real black pill is there's a genuine argument to be made that Harley Quinn is unironically more deserving of her spot in the "A list" than Wonder Woman is.
all of these stories were made after Batman and Superman were already A-listers
> Even if you leave women alone their nature is so shitty it will rot and decay society around us given enough time
That’s because God made the world patriarchal. This is hard to hear for modern women, but men are the head of the women and when they start listening to their wives (in a destructive way not a natural way) society will fall just like the world fell when Adam listened to Eve. Women are equal but they are DIFFERENT.
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oh yeah? where is her For The Man That Has Everything/For All Seasons /All Star/vs The Elite/Long Halloween/Year One/Dark Knight Returns?
Wonder Woman isn’t popular because normal well adjusted women don’t care about girlbosses. That’s why they don’t support. They rather follow strong male characters and females with a different kind if strength they can actually relate too. There’s a reason why Shoujos, while with a feminine glaze, still make the male characters either cold/cool, aggressive, or a gary stu, because that’s what women like.
Harley isn’t popular with women either without the Joker attachment.
That’s why her stuff bombs and they don’t support. They only like her costume at a party or a phone keychain.
I disagree as well. They’re equal and were created for a reason like man. Male and female both made in the image of God. Men = authority of God, Women = nurturing of God. Men hold life that is the seed of a human but women can cultivate it and bring it onto earth. Why? because God creates life and brings it onto the earth. What you’re experiencing is a fallen world that rotting in decay because of the first sin on earth that is passed through Adam. Evil wicked rulers that are men also collapse nations. Look at the fall of Egypt in the bible days.
>The synagogue of Satan
Jews don’t rule the world. That’s another lie. They care about Satan not God.
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>Green Lantern
fad that didn't transcend the medium
>Harley Quinn
fashion fad and not a hero
which one to begin with?
only had one popular thing ever
fad 80 years ago

face it, Wonder Woman is eternal even with DC not giving a fuck about her/actively trying to ruin her
The trinity represents 3 facets of DC better than if anyone else was in Wonder Woman's place
Aquaman could represent fantasy but he's not even popular enough to have a comic book right now
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>Make her sexy
>Tom King is currently doing that and guess what? Failure.
this I don't get in what way is Kings WW sexy? wonder woman haven't been sexy in a while maybe since the 90.
OP is an idiot, if that wasn't evident
Women rarely care about female characters in general and especially modern female characters who exists just for propaganda or as a fetish.
No it's just one cunt editor blocking Aquaman's use to try and make anyone who wants the title write the black gay version. And nobody cares to write him so they're not biting.
Peak goon art. I need to do the artist so I can commission my Capt Marvel x Iron Man smut and cute romance art
>Death of Superman
>Batman Knightfall
Why didn't Wonder Woman get an equivalent? Are women not allowed to be severely beaten or something?
because you don't read comics
The one Wonder Woman comic I like is Wonder Woman/Conan by Gail Simone. Check it out.
Wonder Woman isn't important enough to get something like that.
The problem with WW is that she doesn't have many good comics. Her "best" run is George Perez's run, but Superman and Batman have several more comics which are even better than her best.
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So you're confirming what others have already stated with is Wonder Woman isn't A list, I mean Christ sakes Green Lantern and Flash are bigger A listers if we're comparing the stories and runs they've had to what Wondy has
>, like it's insane she's existed as long as she has and we're STILL arguing over what exactly her origin is supposed to be like Batman and Superman don't
Like Aquaman. Writers still argue if he is half royal wizard or half royal queen or half royal by father side.
Wonder Woman is an Aquaman that was forced in the trinity.
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it's called The Feminum Mystique
Cept Elektra and Susan Storm
Aquaman was so popular and his book making so much money more than WW that the WW writer at the time had Diana kill Shaggy Man after he became a Doomsday level weapon in Aquaman rjn
The Artemis years and Dead Earth were those
>fad that didn't transcend the medium
More cartoons than her
>fashion fad and not a hero
More cartoons than her
>which one to begin with?
Wally and more tv series than her
>only had one popular thing ever
More succesful movies and a cartoon than her
>fad 80 years ago
Shazam is so cool WW had to steal his powers when she became Wonder Shazam powered and stole it in the 80s when she was powered by a bunch of greek gods.
>face it, Wonder Woman is eternal even with DC not giving a fuck about her/actively trying to ruin her
Mogged by Harley Quinn
Wonder Woman gets pushed so corporate can get feminist brownie points (and going in hand with that to sell some stuff to women with Wonder Woman branding), and perhaps above all keep prevalence for coomer reasons. The character is lucky that the Lynda Carter TV series did as well as it did, since so much of Wonder Woman has just coasted off that.
Aquaman outselling WW at the beginning of rebirth isn't a surprise
proves that having cartoons doesn't mean much
adapt Superman vs. Wonder Woman into an animated movie
watch the box office explode
>One movie from years ago
Ignores that the last one was a huge flop next to Cat Woman: Hunted and Green Lantern.
It’s always this one phoneposting fag who always defends Wonderwench.
I don't trust nu DC animation to do anything, they would either make both of them black or Superman black and Wonder a white woman, or Clark white and Diana a black girlboss
The old DC department and writers are gone. I’ll be mostly James Gunn shit.
She really needs an animated series that can do her greatests hits. Wondie has a ton of fans, but those who aren't fans always get caught up in "making her popular" without actually delving into any of her stories.
>image with a name and not a string of numbers and letters
Stay mad!
At yes, Cat Woman, am iconic DC character like Super Man and Bat Man.
>Look at me! I'm so shocking and edgy.
Shut up faggot.
>coping this hard
Looks like this thread pissed the fags and trannies off.
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Reminder that Batbitch gets humiliated by WB and goes wah wah wah when they punch his teeth out for being a fag lol
>I’ll be mostly James Gunn shit.
Seems like she needs a thematic retool, truth just isn't working out for her.
so did batshit and supershit, back when dc animation was popular, wonder woman did as well as them
>So the phoneposter was some bitchy Wonderfag.
They'll give her a cartoon next year for the 50th anniversary
Oh yeah like the amazons show that was supposed to happen in 2019 starring Lynda Carter
She's stuck in feminism hell. Can't make the story too interesting and can't get canned.
WW was really boring in the DCAU and it populated the idea among casual she's a Batman love interest
Yeah she should be Aquaman's one, so you connect greek myths
Honestly I'm amazed they haven't adapted the one with Batman
And the game that we've seen almost nothing of
uppity fucking whore needs a raping
He does, but the thread has nothing to do with Joker.
shut the fuck up
it's not funny
She does.
Bound with her own rope and fucked into total orgasmic submission while I ask her the most depraved things
Her being completely bound by every metric and unable to resist she'll answer every single question and give herself without any form of resistance or self restraint.

She'll eventually be freed by some do-gooder and she'll take her revenge.
But we'll both know that I broke her. That I made her feel things she's never felt and that she'll always want more.
>/co/ will never admit it
We have this thread everyday.
Dr Psycho posts on /co/......
The pitch for the new Wonder Woman book sounds nice. Wonder Woman as a worldly adventurer locating lost magical artifacts. Too bad they'll probably have some subpar woman to write it.

They could also try to expand her rogues gallery, getting out of the Greek/Roman pantheon of gods and having her fight other pantheons, such as Norse, Egyptian, Chinese, and Japanese. There are some interesting characters in each of these legends that could be easily adapted.

It feels like putting King on the book was their attempt to take her seriously, but only people reading it are King fans.
They may as well not, for all the pop-cultural impact the characters who aren't Wolverine or Deadpool have made.
>The pitch for the new Wonder Woman book sounds nice. Wonder Woman as a worldly adventurer locating lost magical artifacts.
Thor Donald Blake ripoff lol.
Wonder woman aus aren't original either.
Iceman is gay
>such as Norse, Egyptian, Chinese, and Japanese
She did had Osira and Gundra as egypt and norse women warriors. In a run Valkyries were also grandmothers of nazi Paula
So she's basically taking Cheetah's thing.

Why not just make Cheetah into an anti-hero who WW helped and turned into a good woman, and have her and WW come to blows occasionally.

In the comics that no one will ever reference and are in effect ignoring completely.
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Definitely need a world finest style book for Diana and Zatanna. Might and Magic perhaps
>She works way better as Batman's love interest

No she fucking doesn't, they have no chemistry whatsoever, In fact WW doesn't have any chemistry with any character. DC is so obsessed with making her a "feminist icon" that she can't be feminine.
everything these threads always complain about have already been addressed and attempted in her comics
it's always just guesswork
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>Too bad they'll probably have some subpar woman to write it
Kelly Thompson in fact!!!
It gets worse outside of the DCAU, she has zero chemstry with Bruce. It's more awkward and cold. Wonder Woman doesn't even give a shit about Batman 90% of the time.
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We had a big thread last week about how stupid Wonder Woman's basic elements are and how it is almost impossible for most writers to tell a good story with her.
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Damn, sounds like it would've been a decent thread to study, sucks I missed it
You mean the fix ww one?
what will cheetah think of her rival using tigers?
Wonder Woman as a concept is older than your grandma and will still be around long after you’re dead.
She’s too engrained in Americana and the zeitgeist to ever go away.
She’s pop culture plain and simple.

Get the fucking proverbial chip off your motherfucking shoulder.
>Wonder Woman as a concept is older than your grandma and will still be around long after you’re dead.
>She’s too engrained in Americana and the zeitgeist to ever go away.
>She’s pop culture plain and simple.
But if you make a shitty comic about Uncle Sam is still a shitty comic about a character that only lives as a concept
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Already done.
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but she's the main character in one of the greatest superhero comics of all time
>shitty comic
That's not a shitty comic.
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Now this could fix her comics
What is it about Wonder Woman that has kept her a part of the trinity?
Prevents Superman and Batman from being too gay.
>We had a big thread last week about how stupid Wonder Woman's basic elements
History. Her, Batman and Superman are the only DC characters that had comics from the Golden Age to the Modern Age. It is not based on popularity.
>top selling female lead
>posts Demon Slayer
is Tanjiro a woman now?
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Why is she so bad lol
The trinity is a marketing thing. It allows DC to pretend a mostly unmarketable long unfunny joke of a character that happens to be female is on par with batman and superman because of history.

What they don't tell anyone is that the Marston has it written in a contract that they will produce a WW comic in perpetuity or the WW character will go back to them. That and the US government was helping push their feminist ideologue to help break apart the family and push women into being spinster debtslaves or nigh incompetent wives and mothers.

Which is fucking stupid if you ask me. If I knew that shit and I was in DCs boots I would have turned her evil then used her less and if the character couldn't sell I would get rid of her.
OK how do we improve WW?
Stop catering to people that use her as a prop for their ideals.
You don't, let her die
nta but found the thread. I think.
Wonder Woman is the most famous superhero that nobody actually understands.
I don't read superhero comics, but I have heard of WW, everyone has.

I have the gist of what both Batman and Superman are about, what their personalities are generally, what makes them special, what their powers are.
I don't know any of that for Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman, she has a lasso which makes people tell the truth, and may still have an invisible airplane, outside of that, what's her deal?
Could some comic nerd inform me of some key questions about who Wonder Woman actually is?
>Why is she a super hero?
>What are her powers?
>What is her personality?
Because I don't know any of that.
>and her comic isn’t selling either.
Well are there any superhero comic books which still sell well?

I don't think the whole concept of the comic serial superhero works anymore, it's clear by sales that people want stories with beginnings and endings and don't just drag on forever.
That's why manga is so much larger than the US comic industry, and why graphic novels for young adults sell way more than any superhero serial.
Isn't Harley without the Joker just a more quirky/edgy Catwoman
Ideology is the only way comic characters stay popular.
They are an ideal, an idol, you can accurately state that they are in essence the false idols that people would pray to before battle or to help with things.

That's reality
This is who and what WW is and you can't make the essentially hated inorganic and entirely contrived ideal behind this character sell.

The trinity exists to keep the ideals this character represent on the same level as the ideals that superman and batman represent.
And because it's not liked or mirrored in reality, there's a massive schism that causes internal rejection that can't be open rejection because of...well...((you know who)).

There is no new thing about her that will get you to like her.
You're not arguing for some story that will make her sell.
You're trying to look for something that will make what she represents palatable.
>Only reason her movie did...well...was because of the surge of rabid woke feminist retards at the time.
I don't think that's it.
Wonder Woman is famous enough as a character, and she has enough legacy and prestige that people who don't read her comics will see a movie about her.
It's that simple.

Movie goers saw that there was a Wonder Woman movie out, the superhero movie phenomena wasn't oversaturated yet, and so it did well.
Huh, I never thought about it, but Marvel doesn't really have any big women heroes, do they?
There's captain Marvel, but she's lame.
Most people don't know her, and the fact that she's named after the comic company would make her feel tacky to the lay consumer.
One of the fantastic 4 is a woman.

I really can't think of anyone else.
Rogue and Storm
Jean Grey/Phoenix to a lesser extent.
Black widow and Wanda became huge

But wanda is an attractive heteronormative woman who wants to be a married housewife with 2.5 kids. So the sisterhood, lezbos, and we hate women depopulation brigade wanted her ass gone and or replaced with a masculine dumpy and or old woman or an obvious lesbian someone was totally slapping clams with immediately.
She's the most popular woman hero in DC's catalog, and they wanted a balance and not just have three men for their trinity.
Honestly, if it was by popularity the third place in the trinity should probably be The Flash
She needs a show which makes a concrete version for her personality, powers, and backstory, even if it means reworking quite a lot.
After that new villains should be made to thematically match WW and also be more modern and compelling.

Once that's set she'd be good for continued serialized stories and be more consistent moving forward
Oh Black Widow, yes I've heard of her.
She's a Romanov and an archer right?
Yeah she counts
>Huh, I never thought about it, but Marvel doesn't really have any big women heroes, do they?
Marvel for the longest time has been more about teams than individual heroes and because of that many of the female heroes personalities are just "the girl on the team"

If it was based on popularity it would be Robin because the World's Finest is the real DC Trinity. Superman, Batman and Robin.
>He doesn't want me to write about my sexy WW ideology

The whole concept of "trinity" is just some bullshit invented to artificially inflate WW. In reality Batman, Superman and WW are not anywhere close to equal in importance or popularity. Batman sells like 5-6 times what Superman sells, who in turn sells 8-10 times what WW sells. Harley Quinn outsells Wonder Woman, Catwoman might outsell WW too.

Remove the manhating bullshit from her.
Misandrist femdom bondage lesbian who indoctrinates and rapes women and drags them into the "sisterhood" and hates breaks men sexually and dominates them as a mistress.

men sure want that shit and women think that's awesome.

But they can't make her soft core porn and subservient to men sexually. That's sexism or something.
And to be honest the CN version of Teen Titans are more well known and watched then all three.
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I would be surprised if Diana was more popular than Batgirl or Supergirl.
>Wonder Woman is famous enough as a character, and she has enough legacy and prestige that people who don't read her comics will see a movie about her.
>It's that simple.
Wonder Woman 1984 failed
>Movie goers saw that there was a Wonder Woman movie out, the superhero movie phenomena wasn't oversaturated yet, and so it did well.
It was after 2016, where the DCEU and the cinematic universe meme was still alive
>Misandrist femdom bondage lesbian who indoctrinates and rapes women and drags them into the "sisterhood" and hates breaks men sexually and dominates them as a mistress.
You know what I mean!
>men sure want that shit and women think that's awesome.
Ahhhh I get it now, you're AGAINST this. I was under the impression me and you were talking about the same fetish.
That Garth Ennis comic about the amazon island made me in love with sexual misandrism
>But they can't make her soft core porn and subservient to men sexually. That's sexism or something.
Yeah we need to change it with my plan to fix WW, but I also remember Psycho milking her and Liam Strong WW was about his self insert going with Diana.
Baby steps.
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This. Harley Quinn's own series is just diet Deadpool bullshit, her only rememberable stories are when she's a henchwoman for Joker.
>If it was based on popularity it would be Robin
Yeah but Robin is the sidekick, he's already covered by Batman in a sense.
Batgirl and Supergirl aren't that popular because they're rehashes, the general audience is smart enough to understand such blanket pandering.
Wonder Woman, for being original, has a boost.
WW 1984 was 2016?
Huh, it doesn't feel that old.

While the original WW movie got traction from brand recognition, it wasn't great enough to inspire people to see the sequel.
If Batman Begins wasn't very good, people wouldn't has flocked to the Dark Knight.
Plus WW 1984 I remember being a bad movie. Which obviously hurts ticket sales.
It's not diet deadpool
It's a tone deaf unfun ripoff of both the venture brothers and 90's marvel newyork with how the supervillains interact.
And yet Supergirl got a movie AND popular TV show starring a woman that's hotter then Linda Carter. Yeah I said it.
And Batgirl was on tv before wonder woman, was in more popular and influential cartoons then ww AND was in movies before WW.

Face it.
WW is popular for being THE FEMINIST ICON and some perverts creepy child indoctrination fetish. That's it. She works best as an empty female empowerment suit women can pour whatever they want into.

Giving her a concrete origin is stupid. Hell WW would work best as a canon role that the long dead civilization of Themiscera gives the best and most beloved and noble of women

Just uh....some new WW finds a woman that might be worthy and hands her the tiara rope and gauntlets and invisible chariot and she becomes the new WW.

Have it so that every age there was a WW.
I'm not saying WW isn't mainly there just because of feminism.
I just think you are underselling her massive name recognition and even her popularity.

If you asked people on the street here in America, many people wouldn't know there was a Supergirl or even a Batgirl.
But everyone would know of Wonder Woman.
>Oooo it’s in tight!
only change Wonder Woman Really ever needed was a Doctor Doom and Latveria villain to replace the Nazis to take og origin out of ww2
But if you go into a con or out on holloween. You won't see a single WW that isn't a creep karen or queer or a sad little girl who was forced to dress up like her.

You'll find a harley quinn, raven, starfire, batgirl, supergirl, catwoman, and even a Jynx.
No WW.
You'll find more tarted up "ironic" barbies then ww at a con or adult holloween party.

Anon, it's time to face facts.
Her name recognition is informed and forced.
>While the original WW movie got traction from brand recognition, it wasn't great enough to inspire people to see the sequel.
>If Batman Begins wasn't very good, people wouldn't has flocked to the Dark Knight.
>Plus WW 1984 I remember being a bad movie. Which obviously hurts ticket sales.
Spider-Man no way home was bad but had so much name recognition to make a billion
anon...they used the movies to launder money
Wonder Woman's popularity is solely derived from being recognizable and iconic.
It isn't from any qualities of her stories.

This is why I don't know Wonder Woman's main personality traits.
I can generally list the dispositions of characters like Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Wolverine, the Hulk, and Iron Man, but not Wonder Woman.

What is her personality anyway?
Can anyone fill me in with some of the basics of Wonder Woman?
What even are her super powers anyway?
Does she still have that invisible airplane.
Well Spiderman is probably 5 or 10 times larger of an IP than Wonder Woman.
I mean Spiderman is one of the most profitable and recognizable IPs in existence. Up there with Mario, Pokémon, and Hello Kitty

And Spiderman No Way Home was built off of many good Spiderman films which came out previously.
It's not comparable to Wonder Woman 1984
if WW was so recognized then she would have.
She is just like like Superman, the public perception beats what people go to see
'Would have' what?
made one billion dollars
All they have to do is give her a good show, animated or live action, or give her some good movies. Good being the key word here. Cast an attractive woman who isn't a rat faced stick and have her engage in heroics and diplomacy. Just fucking remake some of the old episodes if you have to.

1.Comes from or is related to paradise island, a land of lesbians who are into bondage battle and hate men and kill any man who steps foot there even if it's a newborn infant.

2.Has magical tiara bracelets and rope of truth. The tiara can cut the shit out of anything when trown, the bracelets are indestructable, the magic lasso makes people "tell the truth"

3.Her physical powerset ranges from being a slightly stronger captain america/batman type to being superman with martial arts skills.

4.She's either a clay golem given life by greek godesses or love child of hippolyta and zeus or ares.

Her costume goes from star spangled panties, to star spangled skirt, to ugly gold armor, to full body costume.
She tends to use a sword and shield to look more serious but the sword and shield are always for show and never have any real narrative weight. It's as empty as her icon status.

5.She's always found by steve trevor who lands on the island, or just leaves the island because she's "The only bi amazooon on themysceraaaaa".

6.Her supporting cast are..the violently misandrist bondage lesbians/enlightened eternal victims and super advanced only slightly violently misandrist bondage lesbians of paradise island/themiscera(sp?)
Candy Etna, the typical fat shit talking friend all hot girls have. Who was obviously either Marstons female tyler durden, or the woman he shared with his wife/mistress.
And that's it.

So that's WW in a nutshell. A god awful origin an unstable power set and terrible ideal given form.

Really, you not knowing anything about her outside of her name and costume is a clear boon to WW as an "icon".
The only real step in making WW work is to make it a thing that is gifted to the best women and not just a thing that is tied to one woman.
>But if you go into a con or out on holloween. You won't see a single WW that isn't a creep karen or queer or a sad little girl who was forced to dress up like her.
the 2017 movie did made WW Diana armor suit an halloween costume, because the movie was vaguely queer and feminist enough to not hurt libs and conservatives.
>What is her personality anyway?
peaceful mother in solo, mother that would kill in teams
>Can anyone fill me in with some of the basics of Wonder Woman?
princess from all female island chooses to be in men's world
>What even are her super powers anyway?
super strenght in most cases
>Does she still have that invisible airplane.
She had it for a while in 2017 reboot after ditching it, now it's a fully invisible both inside and outside jet
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>only change Wonder Woman Really ever needed was a Doctor Doom and Latveria villain to replace the Nazis to take og origin out of ww2
Doctor Cyber exists
Also modern Paula Von Gunther is a nazi heir that wants to rebuild the valkyries.
If that's what you mean with "dr doom" as a foreign character that plays with geopolitical schemes
>Marston has it written in a contract that they will produce a WW comic in perpetuity or the WW character will go back to them.

This. Only real reason WW has a comic at all is holding onto the copyright. Once WW becomes public domain in 2037, I predict DC will completely drop her and never publish anything with her ever again (assuming, of course, that DC itself isn't gone by then).
I can kinda see why she's not more popular, none of these individual traits are that narratively compelling.

Batman is the story of an orphan who fights crime so that no one will ever go through what he went through. He is brooding and dark because of his back story and over the course of any given Batman run, he chills out by adopting a bat-family.

Superman is basically Jesus, he is a god-like alien who wants the best for the world because he grew up with honest, sincere, American values.
He wants to prove to the world that those with power can be good so that one day he can just go back to being Clark Kent.
He is generally nice, and somewhat hokey.

What is Wonder Woman when you get down to the core desires of the character?
Some girl?
Does she want love? Is that why she left her island?
If her main personality trait is just being maternalistic, then why isn't she just a mother?

I think for Wonder Woman to become a character popular on her own merits, and not just propped up because she's the most recognizable female superhero, then she needs to be reworked to be compelling on her own.
She needs better theming, a personality which is more than being a girl, and a purpose for why she adventures and fights crime.
When I say Dr Doom-like I don't mean 'Magic man in the iron mask, pre-say more the ruler of a rogue nation for Steve Trevor to be investigating before his plane is shot down.
Doctor Cyber runs a global criminal network. She is pretty much a Bond villain
she could work but looking at her she's has a bit too much Dr Doom going on, Von Gunther would be the better choice I think and she's already one of the slightly more famous wondy villains.
>Von Gunther would be the better choice I think and she's already one of the slightly more famous wondy villains.
Yes but she is a Nazi and I thought you wanted someone to replace the Nazis
((They)) will want to keep the Nazi menace as le eternal evil for the eternal victims fresh in the minds of people.

But with nazi's being the foot soldiers of a jew in the Ukraine...I really don't know how this will shake down in the public consciousness.
so where a majority of Golden age villains no reason to still make her one in a modern day retelling, that's not to say you can't keep the aesthetic for her and her minions
>((They)) will want to keep the Nazi menace as le eternal evil for the eternal victims fresh in the minds of people.
Really depends by what blacks will think about it, you missed it but during Trump presidency in 2016 all black liberals sites where
>"saying you will punch a nazi doesn't make you anti racist if you don't spend your life for blacks"
And also now that there is the idea the allies were as bad as nazis
Their mostly ran by israelites.
Nothing against jews but we all know what's going on.
>And also now that there is the idea the allies were as bad as nazis
To be fair, there is some truth in that.
Kek no, black libs call jews white to insult them because they consider them white. We're used to jews wanting to be white to subvert nations but in woke circles they HATE to be called white.
The "Gal Gadot is a white jew" controversy was started by blacks that hated jews and whites in the same way. Trust me we saw youtubers like Kat Black , who were black, doing that. Simply, jews can't call themselves oppressed if blacks have something to say about it.
House negros and obvious racebait rage farmers aren't the average person anon.

Wake up.
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>House negros and obvious racebait rage farmers aren't the average person anon.
Oh yeah it's not the people doing blogs and youtubes and posts on facebook and on reddit but is....the ones that don't despite following these?
>Wake up.
Wake up you lol, ghost in the shell and prince of persia got accused by whitewashing because despite being jews because blacks fucking hate light skinned people.
Hell, the term light skin was made up when blacks started to get pissy at mulattos and light latinos as well.
Why would I need to sleep when trannies like Kat hate on gay men as much as they seethe on jews? Lol you seem like you weren't there during the kiwifarms age. Or when they accused Gal Gadot of whitewashing Cleopatra JFC! Like in our context we call it jewashing but they? They fucking call it WHITEWASHING because they don't see jews as different than white people, they're just another tribe of nazis for them.
Are you fucking retarded.
You'd have to be to believe half of that bullshit and obvious fake articles.
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God, that whole arc was creepy as fuck. Simone clearly hated WW and the Amazons that it was surprising that editorial, for either WW or Simone's own for Secret Six, allowed Diana to get told off and dumpstered by Simone's OC Banshee and everything that happened afterward.

Secret Six never really recovered from that arc since it is difficult to be lovable anti-heroes when they become mercenaries in the pay of a literal slave state.
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the amazons all being put on an island to be raped and turned into sex slaves is one of the best ideas of all time
I believe what I saw, and I saw that they were trannies, black trannies and also the the wound where there was a penis before. If they were fake trannies (if) then they must have pulled some serious troll that end up with a broken dick, how it is that we know blacks larp as ancient egyptians but the moment where we say that they may don't like jews it's the moment where everything is fake because no one can hate a jew and not be a fed?
Point is, we saw that mutilated dick.
I've only been buying books for myself since the end of 2017 and i only have a small stack of random books i got in the early 90's that i picked based off raw cover appeal and id flip through them with zero context of the broader story.

but as for Wonder Woman, they were really pushing her hard a few years ago and since i really like Swamp Thing and the "dark and gritty" bullshit, so i got Justice League Dark and her Witching Hour books, especially some of the variants they just looked so good. although thats not any guarantee that the issues were good reads. and this was back before i think DC really took a turn for the worst. not that they're completely dead right now, im sure theres people out there still happily subscribed to a number of books but im far more picky these days and.. i just dont have any room or money for WW.

but honestly what you described is true in my opinion. and this doesn't just apply to WW.. its only more obvious. the same applies to ALL the legacy characters. what i think we are all struggling to accept applies to life in general.. time keeps on slipping.. things get old and worn out.. they lose their appeal. times change. and they are really digging at telling more stories about these characters.. and i suppose i dont know the limits of the imagination. they could tell stories about her forever.. and whoever owns the rights to her will happily do so as long as they can turn a profit. and theres an every growing people of in line to be hired as writers and artists. and they'll fake it until they make it and we will keep getting more half baked stories.

yeah, i said it.. Batman is awesome.. love him. but just like with Spider-Man.. be mindful of the fatigue. sometimes less is more. best to keep people a little hungry for more than put them off and never come back again.
and who needs WW for gooner material when they are pushing Catwoman they way they do? have you seen the covers for Nine Lives? its funny to think how many people are buying those issues for the horny covers alone. are they competing with Vampirella or something? its basically softcore porn. i mean dont get me wrong im not one of the woke types that hates sexuality in comics, quite the opposite. but its funny because of how obvious it is that its a gimmick to try and sell more books because hardly anyone wants to read stories about these characters. and they really pulled out all the stops it seems on the current Catwoman story. so what next??? they sent her to space, to the bottom of the ocean etc. same goes for all the characters. how many more crimes must Batman solve? how many more assholes does Superman gotta punch before he can retire? how convenient that time doesnt really apply to fictional characters and worlds. you can explore their futures, alternative realities, have never ending stories set in a world that remains in the same age forever.

keep that cash cow on life support.
Since we talk about nazis.
They should make Genocide into a real anti-WW character like Zod is for Superman.
And her origin is literally made for being edgy reverse WW shit. She was made from ground of concentration camps.
post them
Don't bring Santa into this, i bet you don't even know the guy. and i got a Santa story outlined that could probably be the best of all time.

theres probably a simpler answer. has anyone bothered to check who owns HQ? im assuming its not the same person/estate that owns the Joker. safe to assume both estates dont always want to work together. they dont want or need both characters to only be seen together. Joker definitely needs some time away from her, and its not out of the question to have her in her own stories or in the mix with others.

to be fair HQ probably should've never got as popular as she did. then again a lot of side characters end up getting their own main stories. and simply because publishers are constantly digging for more ideas and books to sell.

and should be obvious when it comes to comics that sex sells, it was probably her main draw. slim, latex outfit, an acrobat, crazy/freak.. as if thats what she was created to represent. thats what she was inspired by. the hood bitch that loves to have fun and put out, and has a screw loose from all the meth so she might stab you.

>are you guys high
high on the idea of pretending like being woke makes them more socially acceptable. its just feminist virtue signaling. and they probably singled out Logan because his T is high as fuck and he embodies "toxic masculinity". but, pretty sure they all know deep down inside that Wolverine may not be as "classic" as she is in the grand scope of things, but hes got some better stories and sells more books these days. his future is far more promising. i mean talk about 'deserves'.. you get exactly what you deserve. WW books dont sell? who do you blame? men? wolverine? how about blame the writers or the character for their limited appeal. at this point she just seems like a mascot for social media feminists who dont even care to read or collect comics.

fuck it. im going to try and come up with a WW story for practice.
yeah but she sucks
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>Supergirl movie
simply trying to cash in on Superman, and one of the biggest flops ever
>popular TV show
iCW in its dying years, nobody watched that shit
an attempt to boost the failing ratings of the Batman show with a gimmick (didn't work because that was when they cancelled it)
I think dini timm owns HQ.

Also tell us of your idea

The fact this is more engaging more than any Wonder Woman vs Cheetah fight is just sad.
>CW in its dying years, nobody watched that shit
In fact, it was cancelled in its first season when it was in a real network
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you could go INSIDE Wonder Woman?
WW peaked with this image
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simply a remake
with my penis?
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when will a villain use wonder woman and the amazons as breeding sows?
Because Cheetah is fighting a normal human, not a super-strong Amazon warrior.
Say that again?
>breeding in the mouth

oh germany, no wonder you can't be normal
pretending to be retarded is unbecoming of you, anon
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yo homie
ain't loading
hiro probably broke something
anyway, it sounds like the gooner who wrote that fanfic was watching this episode
he's literally coming in her mouth anon

the guy who invaded russia in winter with summer gear while already fighting a war on multiple other fronts

we can't assume he knows even very basic things
4chan just doesn't like that webm
give me a timestamp and i'll watch the scene on a streamin site
always has been
anon, he's using her for sexual pleasure
he plans on having her breed super soldiers in a camp with the other amazons
thank you
i found the scene
based nazis

When was the last time we saw a nice heroine bondage scene like this in a DC comic? It feels like ages.
god, it really has been a long time
Read poison ivy
Normal human vs super strong beast is more interesting than super strong beast vs stronger beast-killing warrior. It also helps that this is done by an anime studio.
>Isn't Harley without the Joker just a more quirky/edgy Catwoman
Nah a female lesbian deadpool
Supergirl got a movie. WW got a movie that no one really liked but was used to launder money.

WW didn't even get as many eps as Supergirl and Carter is less hot then Benoist

Batgirl was on the air before WW and had more of an impact then her.
fuck no
>Carter is less hot then Benoist
True that’s why Cheetah will thrive being a Catwoman villian than a Wonder Woman one. WW fucks up cheetah’s potential because she’s so damn boring.
Cheetah was a Flash villain for one comic
>History. Her, Batman and Superman are the only DC characters that had comics from the Golden Age to the Modern Age. It is not based on popularity.
Then why isn't Aquaman part of the trinity? His comic started in the GA as well and got little if not nothing of a change during the silver age, like WW.
Yes, Carter looks fine in face but she is literally skinnier than Gadot

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