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Seems like people are changing their tune about their opinion of Jax after that last episode. I mean sure, he's snarky, but he was going along with the adventure and playing it as if it was a game, what's the big deal? Are people just mad that he isn't the "jerk with a heart of gold" yet?
Jax is the creator of Caine and the Digital Circus
he requires correction
People expected him to be a generic nice guy type jerk. Now that they're seeing he's mostly irredeemable they're starting to seethe.
I've heard that before! But I think that sentence that Jax says to Pomni might prove that wrong

>"how do I take this headset off?"
>"Just keep grabbing at it, that worked for all of us!"
implying that he got stuck in the game too
>Are people just mad that he isn't the "jerk with a heart of gold" yet?
Honestly I hope he stays an irremediable asshole through out the series, there is a glaring lack of straight up bastards in media these days and I know people love to fantasize that deep down he is just a jerk with a heart of gold or anything to justify some sort of redemption for him but people need to realize he can be an ass and still feel sympathy for the situation he and everyone else is regardless of their past and present actions they cling to do in order to cope

On the other hand I also want him to stay a bastard so I dont feel bad once the inevitable rabbit destruction event happens
It was already stated by Goose that Jax was trapped inside the Circus along with everyone else, but he actually deserves to be there.
Jax needs rape correction. I need to rape Jax so he’ll behave.
What could be the worst thing that he could possibly do that justifies his stay in the circus and possibly seal the deal on how much of a cunt he truly is? Some threads ago there was the idea that he had access to the only real exit that he could use whenever to the point he only stayed in clown hell to fulfill his sociopathic tendencies and fuck around without irl consequences and that once everyone else figured that out they would do everything to escape and leabe him there stuck for real
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>there is a glaring lack of straight up bastards in media these days
Agreed. I'm also a sucker for Alastor in Hazbin, and part of me hopes that he stays as an irredeemable asshole but I keep seeing fanfics of him as an uwu heart of gold blorbo
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His existence is just to fuck around and find out and also bully Caine and the others but Caine is too much of an idiot that he doesn't even realize that and everyone else either just ignore him or pummels him. His only true victim is Gangle
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Pomni is a dirty slut
>he's snarky, but he was going along with the adventure and playing it as if it was a game, what's the big deal?
Not exactly, they completed the mission sure but he went out of his way to fuck everything and everyone up for the sake of ultra violence through out the day and even then he still complained that there wasn't much of a bloodbath in the end.
Nobody likes an obnoxious genocide router, it's funny the first couple of times but if they have been doing these games/adventures for years (presumably) its bound to get tiresome me thinks
He didn't even do anything crazy, I feel like this is some elaborate joke people are playing
Tbh I forgot about that and how he let the Fudge monster into the Candy Kingdom right as they were leaving
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He needs to be aged down and cared for by Ragatha. He needs to be spanked and put into time out for being a little shit, maybe he'll behave himself if he knows there are consequences for his actions...
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jax seems like a sissy
really hes well written-- more of a sorted chracter who knows what he wants
a slacker with a certain and specific direction
I remember Gooseworx saying something to the effect that Jax isn't redeemable and he's going to do something that's going to piss off the fanbase
I want them to aggressively grind nulls together, desperate for some semblance of relief.
They will give him a sad backstory and mommy issues.
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People dislike it because people want their scrimblos to be highly sympathetic and victimized. This is such an old trope it was discussed on 90s fan forums; it happened in the Star Trek fan clubs in the fucking 60s. It has a TV tropes page named after Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. It is a CONSTANT.

Reminder that in the first episode, which was basically all we had for four months, Jax had all of five minutes of screen time. Of course people took that and totally reinvented the character in their own minds and their own works - when we got a reality check with episode 2, they got pissed off that Goose stepped on the sandcastle they spent all day building.

Which is a shame, because Jax actually COULD be a sympathetic character considering he's in Digital Hell and you could expand on him being an asshole as a way to cope with his bad situation. But that takes a bit too much effort.
Why do people watch this shit
It's fun and interdasting
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It's pretty, it's funny, it's got entertaining characters, it's got a cool premise, it's got a crazy fanbase. This sort of flash-in-the-pan autism doesn't last forever, so ride it while it lasts.
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Mother doll
I just think the doll is cute
I love this image so much
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I want to manipulate Caine into making crazy AI drugs.
>Hey Caine, I have a super fun idea!
>Could you make some uh.. Candy that makes you feel super happy and energetic?
>It'll be so much fun! Everyone will love you for it!
Since he's a stupid AI he just might. Imagine how crazy AI drugs could be. Not to mention all the upsides without the withdrawals or the sick feeling after doing too much. If you're gonna spend eternity in digital hell it's worth a shot.
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>Michael Kovacs is voicing a tall, skinny, lanky animal person whose main purpose in the plot is to be an asshole and snark at all of the other characters
>pic unrelated
I just cant get myself to fap to this thing. its just so disgusting
Funny, that's probably what women say about you.
Go home, angel
>be jax
>be perma furry fag coded
>make a game where your victims are a loli clown and a literal doll.
>you are permanently stuck in this game you created.
>you are enjoying it alittle too much

Perfectly checks out. I would be afraid to know this guy irl fr.
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Post Jax abusing digital circus females.
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You mean a handful of seething retards that already hated him to begin with because they were bullied as kids.
I can assure you, tumblrites loved Jax - or at least the Jax they'd made up in their minds.
It proves nobody is watching this for the actual writing. Fans made up what they wanted this to be and are upset it's not what they insisted on.
The king chess piece make me laugh
Not one group of people.
We knew he was a bully, but a bunch of people didn't see him being a whiny bitch on top of it coming.
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To be fair it did take almost half a year to know him a little bit more and promo material/shorts don't tend to display much of the character either. By episode 4 we will be fully acquainted with his true personality possibly but it's gonna take a while
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Despite everything and shit personality aside I doubt he will be that bad of a guy.He is gonna have his moments to shine even if accidentally helping someone out thru one of his antics (kinda like I'm the pilot)

in fact I suspect Pomni is gonna be the one that will really fuck it all up for everybody else in the long run instead of him
*Kinda like in the pilot,
no that's bubble
Nah, Jax is too much of an asshole for that. His moment to shine accidentally already happened in the second episode where he convinced the Chocolate Goop Monster to free them and he still came out an asshole for it because he intentionally left the Castle gates open for the Goop Monster to come in and kill everyone inside
Jax is too much of a proactive asshole to not do something that hurts everyone in the long run
Pomni if she fighting game character
> Runs around the arena confused and scared out of her mind
> The other circus members are summoned to fight for her
> Jax hits enemies with a variety of melee weapons
> Ragatha throws a mincer and other projectiles over a long range
> Kinger has a shotgun
> Zooble throws spare arms that attach to enemies to slow them down or inflict damage over time (depending on the type of arm)
> Gangle "takes" a hit for Pomni and breaks her happy mask (cooldown after use)
> Ultimate: Caine snaps every nearby enemy out of reality
Pomni would definitely play as a mix between Peach and Mr. game and watch
>Jax acts like a douchebag in episode 1
>"I can fix him" fags think he'll improve in later episodes
>Jax acts like a douchebag in episode 2, to the point of causing hundreds of off screen deaths
>ICFM fags loose their collective shit because he doesn't act like their headcanons
That's the gist of it. Also I'm pretty sure gooseworx has a women suffering fetish, because all three of the female characters are in constant suffering, usually caused by Jax.
Either would be hilarious. But my sides would be in orbit if Kinger did everything.
>Also I'm pretty sure gooseworx has a women suffering fetish, because all three of the female characters are in constant suffering, usually caused by Jax.
Goose is on the record saying Jax is partially based on himself.
>Also I'm pretty sure gooseworx has a ... suffering fetish
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Which smash characters would the digital circus cast main?
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Not even fucking will keep him from being an asshole, both might as well destroy each other
What if he deserved to get trapped BECAUSE he's the one who built it?
>Goose is on the record saying Jax is partially based on [...]self.
Should we take this as a self-report, or...?
I dislike that you have a word for it
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Every author puts a bit of themselves into their work. When I write evil characters, I take my negative traits and amplify them, because they're the traits I know best. Everyone has a bad side, the difference between good and bad people is that good people control them.

The bad parts Goose is talking about is probably related to Jax's ego.
How effed up would that be if it turned out that time flew differently in the circus? Say that, after being trapped for what felt like centuries, a freshly freed Pomni was told she had only worn the headset for a minute at most?
>effed up
Please understand I can only say the word once a day. It's a promise I made to my mom.
oh no why is this hot
People saw the trailer from episode 2 pissed their pants thinking he'd have a sadboi moment but it turns out it was a 2-second clip where he was annoyed that he didn't get to see a bloodbath. kek
Fair enough, make it count
kek what if Kinger is behind it all and nobody knows because his brain is fried because he's been here too long
it is so funny to me that Goose said "he's a jerk."; certain types of fangirls immediately interpreted that as, "he's just hurting inside, you can be the one to fix him." and were thereby completely blindsided by what they were told upfront.
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I'm Jax and I'm ready to ____
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You're an exhibitionist fetishist
Goose said that time in Clown Hell is 1:1 with time in meatspace.
i wish i were ragitha
thats tragic for everybody else then (and maybe Pomni in the long run if there is a time limit to find the exit), but how can they keep track of time in the circus anyway? so far we havent seen a "night time", both sun and moon are out at the same time and the atmospheric light inside the tent can be seen as day

what if it's just a really long day that hasnt been over yet?
There's different types of jerk tho
>how can they keep track of time in the circus anyway?
They can't.
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Will he go rogue on their asses or will he remain silly thru it all?

(Also the fact that he might have back problems to the point of actually needing his cane to walk if he ever were to is funny)
If he does go off his script to any meaningful degree, it will be over his inability to keep the humans trapped with him from going Hollow. First episode and the little promo short showed Caine is a perfectionist about his work, everyone sent to him eventually becoming an insane monster no matter what he does is the only thing I can imagine getting to him.
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>Caine is a perfectionist about his work,
Is he though? He can barely (or in the worst case scenario, refuses to) understand what makes for a sane ambient for the human mind to live in. He can't tamper with their minds but he should at least make the effort to ask what they might need and what he can fulfill for them through out his own limitations

Then again his work could be making his performers actually perform in the circus act, he is ringmaster after all. Which he also sucks at anyways because none of the others want to do that because of the precious reason
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Should've been female, what a wasted opportunity
there should have been two Jaxes, one male and one female, and they're both completely identical in personality.
who voices her?
Michael Kovach after being kicked in the balls
Christina Tomar
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Ragatha's pussy smells like a fresh lox bagel.
G-rated Angel Dust
Ii wanna kick him in the balls so hard they retract into his body then force him at gunpoint to voice lines for female Jax.
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Why is gmod Ragatha so cute?
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He is just standing there, menacingly
I like the little twitch of his hand in the video
He should get with bubble, both would be even worse together but at least they would be fun
Ganglefags on suicide watch
Is the artist of this a troon using Gangle as a self-insert, by any chance?
Whaddya know, indeed it is! I was wondering why Gangle was 6ft instead of 5'10 like in the show and how she has abysmal hygiene and is fat for zero reason. I do like the mask idea but the rest.. augh. Don't butcher my girl like that, troon.
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Troon looks at a miserable husk who unconvincingly pretends to be happy and thirsts over a woman she personally knows behind her back and who no one gives any sign they care whether she lives or dies and thinks "Waow, she's literally me". Only thing less surprising than a troon self-inserting as a petulant creep who gets off on hurting women.
I wanna spray her with my garden hose.
ew, fucking kill it
>Pear shaped and fat
>She's literally an inverted triangle and rail thin
Weird headcanon.
The joke is that it's the opposite of that.
Is it really a joke though? I think I know what it is...
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Reminder that he has one(1) canon swear-pass according to goose so he might have his own little breakdown
I wonder what canon Ragatha's reaction to little Pomnomnom would be
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Presumably like Uzi's reaction to the Oogis.
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I'm just fine with him being an asshole as long as the other characters continue to acknowledge that he's an asshole.
>Seems like people are changing their tune
Anon the second episode came out two months ago
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>two months ago
Cheezus time goes fast
Jax's paws...
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hey, stop pretending to be me
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>TADC isn't intended for young childr- ACK
they make the bluey toys it seems
im fine with it myself
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I want nothing more than to care for her and help raise Jax's bastards.
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She's a good mommy.. Unfortunately anything Jax's DNA touches is destined to be a psychopath.
>le sarcastic cynic character for redditors to go "hes literally me!"
Dogshit character, one of the top reasons this show sucks, I want to rape and torture him to death slowly
Based. I want to raise his little bunny bastards with Ragatha and kill him afterwards. He served his purpose and would be a drain on people's patience and resources therefore deserves to die. Rabbit stew!
this makes me legitimately sad
rabbit bashing
>he's literally me
I have seen almost no one in the fandom say Jax is a lot like them. Please stop inventing people to be angry at; there's real people you could be angry at.
I hope Jax outlives everyone in the circus and abstracts completely alone!
Women projected their fucked up daddy complex and bad boy fetishes onto him like they always do and got mad that he was too mean to their self insert (Pomni).
I thought a new episode had dropped but you're still discussing the one that aired over two months ago
Same, I don't like seeing her get tormented by her lil' guy
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Shhh... Let them cope with the knowledge that if Jax existed irl they'd end up like
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Jax wouldn't be a thug, he'd be the autistic loser that bullies the lonely weeb girl because she's the only one that won't fight back/has no friends to fight back for her. Also the teacher because she's not legally allowed to hit a child even though she totally would if it was legal to beat your students.
And then gangle copes with this by growing up to be a con slut with dozens of orbiters and jax gets angry because he missed his chance to fuck her so he donates to her twitch streams and patreon, becoming a simp in the hopes that maybe he'll get to fuck her eventually.
This is perfect. Not too off-model, barbie anatomy, wholesome Ragatha. This is everything I want in fan art
anyone remember lil jax?
True, but he's definitely pump and dump if given the chance.
>non sexual
Why can't more nude fanart be like this?
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I wonder where Shota Jax drawfriend has been. Anyone got thay pic where Goose stares at Shota Jax?
>these people don't exist because I personally have not seen them
I pegged Jax as being straight up evil from episode one. For me this isn't a problem, since evil characters have a place in fiction.
The problem comes from the fact that ADC is a nihilistic story: of human characters stuck in a meaningless world. And if so, does that not also make the good and evil of humanity meaningless too?

People don't like evil for the sake of evil, it needs to have purpose. And for Jax to have purpose in a more traditional villain role, the series first needs to break the shackles of its setting.
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I'm sure they exist
They're just a minority of the people who enjoy the character.
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TADC is nihilistic in the sense that life has no inherent meaning, but it is optimistic in the sense that meaning can be made, or at least, that people can help each other through life. That's the entire point of the latter half of episode 2; that people facing existential threats can find solace in other people. Good and evil aren't meaningless because good still helps people, and evil still harms people.

In that case, Jax is meant to be an antagonistic force because he's the only one who tears people apart rather than helping to keep them together. He goes out of his way to harm others, while - at worst - the rest of the characters just don't help one another.
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Any pretty decent OCs or Circusonas out there? Call me autistic, but I find it funny to imagine myself entering the Circus as a wooden soldier - who doesn't make it through one month. I've also had this concept of a Magic 8 Ball with noodle arms and legs + cartoony gloves and shoes who is only able to communicate through its die. Dude wouldn't last long either, partly due to being unable to scream at his existential dread.
Jax is an asshole and Gooseworx stated multiple times that he is always going to be one. Anyone who thought he was ever intended to be a misunderstood bad boy with a heart of gold are delusional.
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I love Jax even more, i do hope he makes people of the fandom infight eachother.
There's different kinds of assholes tho
i have no mouth and i must ASK AGAIN LATER
Personally I liked him more after the latest episode. It’s just dumb Tumblr/Twitter whores upset that their shitty headcanons were destroyed.
>an actual brazillian knockoff for digital circus

Feels like human Gangle would be some anorexic introverted wreck of a human. Much closer to Tomoko from Watamote than that obese creature.
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I don't hate the concept. The self-inserting is cringe though.
If there's a SOMA situation going on here and everyone's just engrams C&A made of employees in the Nineties before it went under, I feel like Human Gangle either killed herself, has been popping in and out of psych wards, or is a born again Christian.
*I feel like like in the years since, Human Gangle
> The Circus members gather for today's new adventure.
> Caine announces that he has decided to try something different.
> The members are rearranged in pairs by an invisible force: Pomni/Ragatha, Jax/Zooble, and Kinger/Gangle.
> A weird stork flies in with three cloth bundles hanging from its beak. In each bundle is a baby that looks like a cross of a certain pair.
> Each "couple" tries to keep up as their child grows from infant to teenager over the course of one day
> While initially weirded out by having a baby handed to her (let alone one that looks a cross between her and Ragatha) and clueless on how to raise one, Pomni comes to connect with the kid and see a bit of her in them - just like she did with Gummigoo. In trying to do things right as a mother, Ragatha gets so overbearing and overprotective that tensions begin to spark between her and Pomni, who already knows how annoyingly dotting she can be. The family slowly tears itself apart.
> Zooble couldn't care less about raising some brat but quickly has to step up as Jax is influencing the kid into becoming a mini version of himself. It's not so much that they want the kid to be raised right but because dealing with one Jax is already enough.
> Surprisingly, Kinger and Gangle's kid turns out relatively all right, partly due to having to deal with no family drama.
> As the day comes to an end and tensions have finally cooled down, Caine pops in, congratulates everyone on being such models of parenthood and snaps the three kids from existence.
> He instantly realizes his mistake as he notices the looks of shock and horror on some faces
> "Oh right, I forgot you might get attached to them..."
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I wonder what Goose has planned for him. I know that he's supposed to be an iredeemable asshole, but I wonder if they will back track on that.
I'd love to see some TADC toys that aren't plushes, Jax would be perfect as a vinyl art figure
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yeah, it was pretty fun
10/10 would hold a rail thin watamote-like human gangle. You couldn't pay me enough to touch whatever... That... Is
I think her plan, based purely on vague twitter posting, is to explain but not justify his behavior.
The fact that Jax is an charming yet unredeemable asshole makes him all the more fun to watch. He obviously has something going on with him but the fact he's so willing to do something completely fucked because it's funny is just charming. Modern media needs more irredeemable assholes like him.
He's just incompetent at being a perfectionist

Clearly his coding didn't account for everyone being a grown adult stuck in Clown Hell untill they abstract. The situation is unique but all Caine can do is keep the show running even if it's inappropriate given the context
Master Shake is charming. Jax is just a bitch.
I'll admit, after seeing the hype around this show I didn't want to like it but god damn it, here I am. It sucked me in.
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I can't believe I really do feel bad for him, he is really trying against a shitty situation as well as the others. Hopefully he gets to say fuck at last once
What drew you in anon?
I was in the same boat for a while after disregarding the pilot but the characterization and designs really brought me to check it out again soon before ep2 released and I have been lurking since
kek why did this make me laugh so hard
He’s an ai. He doesn’t understand how humans work. You wouldn’t expect an animal to understand human morality.
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Of course I don't expect him to understand jackshit about humanity the same way I don't expect Jax to be redeemed but I can allow myself to still feel bad for that tragedy in his character
For a moment I thought this was based on a certain vtuber
That pic is great, thanks for the smile
I heard that people were going nuts over this show, and I think I expected it to be "lolrandom" in a more...idk, childish way I guess? And then I saw the weirdass thumbnail for the pilot and wondered what was going on with this dentures-head-ringmaster-dude with eyes, and decided to give it a shot. I immediately liked the animation style and character designs and the glitchy-horror concept and felt a little embarrassed for liking it for some reason. And then finally at the part when they're talking to the monster in the hole underground:

>Jax: This is dumb and weird.
>Monster: Yet you're still watching it!

I lost my shit laughing. They totally called out the audience (me), still sitting here watching this. I was hooked.
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What’s in the image anons?
A sexually explicit tapestry of the Minions.
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What’s this show about?

We all don’t know. Gooseworx is too shitty of a writer for us to tell.
He will die, and it will be very funny.
Can you post a picture of your ass with a timestamp? Thanks.

I don’t want to get banned, fag.
Toon TF, vore, and mind break
Anon, I’m not asking anymore. Post your fat juicy ass right this instant (with a timestamp)
One of the most vile and depraved images known to man
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a screenshot of cannibal holocaust
Which scene?
I swear this is one of the only scenes where we actually see Jax running. His legs are so fucking LONG
Episode 3 release date
What if Jax were a shy girl in real life? How does this change his character?
Changes fuck all, he might remember part of his past life but it's meaningless in his current situation he would earn no empathy whatsoever just because he might or might not have been a qt shy girl irl
>change his character
The same but now it makes me hard
I love lemgthy bois
I'm half-expecting that's what it'll turn out to be. It'll be that he's actually some shy uwu girl and "being Jax" as her avatar gives her some semblance of control that she never had IRL or something
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Honestly if it was up to Jax he easily could have created AM instead of baby's first edutainment host

>captcha 4WARV
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>tfw Jax fails to get under your skin
>pew pew
It's about a bunch of people coping with being trapped forever in a digital cartoon world, where the nonstop wacky hijinks are slowly driving them all insane.

The guy in the OP pic is one of the trapped people, and his coping mechanism is to boss everyone else around. Usually these types of characters turn out to just be troubled and nice deep down, but while this guy does seem troubled, he's also shaping up to be a legit horrible person. This caught a lot of the "I can fix him" crowd off guard, even after the creator openly admitted to liking irredeemable characters who have depth.
ep3 link?
It will be posted when there is one.
Next month, possibly
Comments from our local depraved Ragathafag
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jesus christ that model is so cute I'm going insane
So if
>Jax's mysterious room is hiding a way for him to come and go as he pleases and he loves Clown Hell because no one can escape him
>everyone else can't leave because their bodies died while their consciousnesses were trapped, leaving behind the dried out corpses Goose said would show up in the future
both turn out to be true, meaning Jax has been tormenting various coworkers' ghosts for over twenty years... 40something year old meatspace Jax has to be the most terminally online freak imaginable. Like, even more terminally online than Elon somehow.
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>Camera does a 180 flipping to Gangle
Aww was she hyping up our favorite little ribbon?!
The HUD-like things in the bottom right and top left make me think it's a screenshot of some game
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This one?
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>Jax is...le bad?
Did this seriously need a slowpoke thread?
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Think when Caine sees baby Pomni, would he sing her a lullaby to make her fall asleep and cradle her like this?
Neither - that fetus is going on an ADVENTURE
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>chibi Ragatha
>Ragatha being nice to the audience POV
>the implication that she was trying to cheer up Gangle at the end
This short is too fucking sweet.
Anyway could be anything. I like to think it is an early 2000's shock image.
Will bubble be allowed to recite each and every slur via song?
Bubble has access to the Digital Circus word filter list.
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If it's possible to go below the map and see the character models do you think it's possible to glitch through the walls into the place that keeps the family friendly filter in place?
It might be possible but unless one knew the necessary coding to break it out it would be meaningless I suppose
And yet consciously decides to do nothing with it
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Why is she so perfect?
She's cuddly, cute, and kind
She's a sweet, genuine and comforting character
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god i want to be the mother of alastor's babies so badly
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They have an eternity to learn, I wonder if the digital circus could teach users about its own code.
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She's everything you could want in a friend and mother!
No wonder why Gangle likes her.
She's so cute my heart is at its limit
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The last episode of TADC is bubble changing the filter so that every word filters to a clip of him screaming "NIGGER".
This is a real leak i've seen it
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Poor Ragatha
> Goose considered at one point making Pomni male and Jax female
What a waste. Imagine twink!Pomni x mom Ragatha.
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Dodged a bullet, I would've been the most autistic jaxfag on /co/.
Tell me your most autistic desire
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honestly just standard femdom stuff with a few extreme things mixed in
C'mon, get graphic. Who would ever know it's you? Can't be any worse than my faggotry.
I hope these mini shorts become more common. These long ass breaks between episodes with nothing in between will kill the hype so so fast without something in the middle.
if im in the mood i gravitate towards stuff like guro. i want lady jax to fucking kill me god that'd be so hot
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They will marry in spring
Fucking whore should've been me
god that's based, I feel this too much
I can't wait until they end in a messy divorce due to Jax tormenting her any way he can because he likes to see women suffer
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She kind of reminds me of Ragatha.
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You might be onto something.
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>Redhead with similar length hair
>Purple eyeshadow and red lips
>Same eye shape
>Sweet motherly personality
>Close in age
Oh god poor Deb put on the VR headset!
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It all connects
You guys might actually be unto something here
If this headcanon were true it'd literally be her.
with dirty brown water.
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>Pomni cums while screaming Caine's name, ft. fat italian man
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I want to PUNISH Jax
Nooo! Don't de-ball the sexy bun-bun!
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I'm so glad I was born without the wrinkle in my brain that makes some people get sexual pleasure out of fucking tickle torture
He was already de-balled since he arrived to the circus, maybe he became like that because of it
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Can't get into TADC r34. Reminds me too much of weird content farm shit.
kek I love the little :ↄ face
I can tolerate the r34 if it’s super off model, but I don’t want to see on-model Rag’s vag.
I enjoy it mostly due to being a Jaxfag.
Especially the one Jax x Gangle comic that Kakhao drew.
I just like the ones like
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What the hell is the context behind the Peeled Jax image? Was this actually in something or just the animators fucking around?

Spoilered for cursed image
Sometimes the character rigs don’t work right
Imagine Ragatha sitting on your face
Pls keep your groomer show in its thread
Alastor is named after Aleister Crowley who ate pizza like Epstein.
Post Jax, I just saw loli pomni and I need an eye cleanse.
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Ohh stylish
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A Gooseworx classic
post the pomni
cute art style. Can anyone explain to an idiot how they make it look so "soft" like that
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No, here’s Gangle instead
It could be the less saturated colors and the grain effect
So after Lyle, who's gonna be the next Funny Boy to make a cameo?
If you squint your eyes it looks like slices of garlic bread
Why are all the girls so cute
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Figure secret's out of the bag (maybe)
I can totally see that, thank you!
oh yeah... i ended up basically finishing the bath fic but i never wrote the last few sentences or did the final passover because everyone, including me, forgot about it
>after that last episode
There was another episode?
nope, it was 2 months ago but I was a slowpoke
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t. Master Shake
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maybe i'm just autistic but it feels cursed (no pun intended) for artists draw them swearing and being too obscene without one of these
We need better figures, playsets and life size plushies
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Careful use of low saturation colors, thin lines with heavy ambient occulsion, and a low level of detail
It may seem like there's a lot going on in this art, and it is very carefully constructed to make it seem that way, but if you look it's mostly gradients with a few details drawn on top. Look at the grass on the left, for example; it's almost entirely a green-to-greenishyellow brush, with a few darker brush strokes to present the illusion of shadow, and a few bright white or orange brush strokes to present the illusion of light catching on a blade of grass
Basically, if he ever gets a change of heart it would require screentime. So far there was, what, less than an hour of the entire series aired?
AO3 morons are mad that he does not have the character development he -should have- after living rent free in their heads for months.
What's the point if it's not on model? You might as well just fap to a random anime girl in a red wig.
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>tfw the bun is fem
anons are so easy to pussywhip
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They're autstic
I'm not joking, it's the actual reason
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The adventure today is: ESCAPE FROM THE CYLINDER!
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If even an ounce of that turns out to be true it would absolutely be reason enough to keep him trapped in the circus, imagine being an indirect reason why so many people have committed (what can be considered) suicide and not only that but revelling in the fact that you might have caused them to be stuck in there and denying the closest thing to freedom to them yet still being an asshole to keep you entertained
Don't be so sanctimonious, Anon. We're both the sort of person who'd leap at the opportunity to bully our coworkers' ghosts. We wouldn't be on 4chan if we weren't.
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As Jax's popularity sinks, Ragatha's rises.
>post single iffy Ragatha sketch
>get tons of attention
>post iffy Jax sketches
>little response
It’s in the numbers
maybe but that won't impede me from judging the morality of the actions of a fictional character on 4chan of all places
Poor bun-bun.
i read a fanfiction that had alastor as a complete bastard and i didn't realise how much i liked it until then
Glitch is announcing something's tomorrow. Pomni's model looks like the one from the Glitch Inn "Animiniz" shorts, but they also say it's not a new show.
it's merch
An official announcement of the Moose Toys thing, probably.
>can't even fap to a rag doll
Anon they are fucking human shaped. How vanilla are you?
Fragile Means to Fragile Ends. i think the author's gearing up to abandon it though.
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IIRC, even Dr. Seuss once compared the Grinch to himself on his bad days.
Bebe Newirth
autism, basic bitch existentialism and childlike enjoyment of bright colors
>another episode where the digital circus characters are exactly the same in real life as they are in the game
truly the game isn't even that bad. ungrateful little creaetures
It is just an all around decent cartoon with a nice visual style and some likable characters. I really don't know what there is to piss people off other than a blanket rejection of anything popular.
I think it would be really funny if Pomni gets knocked out and basically does nothing for the entirety of Episode 3
the creators are viral marketing indians that shilled the shit out of this and everyone actually watching it should be embarrassed.
when's episode 3?
It’s a mystery
This show so far kind of has an SU situation going on where I don't really like the main character and would much rather follow the rest of the cast so I would enjoy it.
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Never, it's cancelled forever.
It will come out a couple of weeks after Deltarune chapter 3 but before the next Game of Thrones book.
I found a new type of autism that I have never seen before while digging for art. This guy's whole fucking page is just girls in weirdly shaped denim shorts underwater with blue pikmin.
How do these Deviantart niggas even get these fetishes man?
I want to hug and love doll
I recognized Bleedman artstyle any where
How does someone even develop something so fucking specific
It's funnier to know he's a complete shitter who goes around trolling people. It's the best part of the show because he doesn't give a fuck.
It's a fetish.
Thank you so much for this explanation! <3
She’s literally me
>How do these Deviantart niggas even get these fetishes man?
MK Ultra mind control malfunctioning and going haywire
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Pomni is supposed to be a perspective character who - at least for now - is relatively easy to self insert into and relate to. She's the one reacting reasonably to the situation she's in, which makes her less fun to have on screen than the others, at least for now. For what it's worth, none of the episodes have really been ABOUT Pomni; in the first episode she barely gets any more screen time than the other characters, since they're all being introduced at once, and in the second episode most of her screentime is shared with Gummigoo.
Wasn't it stated by goose that the reason why caine and bubbles do anything was for the sole reason of it being funny?
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Holy mother of all things kek, WHAT
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>get molested while playing pikmin and wearing jorts
>have to deal with having this fucking fetish for the rest of your life
Literally the definition of an ultra turbo normie. Unless it looks like an anime girl or a basic bitch realistic ""sexy"" girl he simply can't wrap his walnut brain around how it could be appealing. It's just so childish and WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lmao SpongeBob fetish
After seeing jester fetishes and prison jumpsuit fetishes? Cartoons. That's it.
His behavior in retrospect makes a lot more sense after Caine deleted Gummigoo. Clearly him and the rest of the group are in no real danger during these adventures, and also the NPCs are totally at the whim of whatever Caine cooks up. Jax may have seem something like this before, where an NPC gains self awareness just to get obliterated or reset.
i had an idea for a sona that was a juggalo/mime with a zipper mouth to resemble teeth
>just to get obliterated or reset
Or if they're especially unlucky, be sent back to live with the knowledge that God is not who they thought He was.
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You have impregnated Pomni and Ragatha. Will you take responsibility?
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>fanbase suddenly start shipping the doll and the bugs bunny
what happened?
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“No thanks, I’m trying to quit” got one of the biggest laughs from me in Ep. 2
This, we need more Master Shakes
>I'm an irredeemable cunt so everyone else is too
You're more of a loud minority, we're mostly just here fucking around.
That makes it worse.
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You know anon, No complete hate but I'm glad the person who made that theory isn't writing the show. I can't understand how they even thought it up and called it a theory when its the second episode and nothing backs up that statement
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Why do I love seeing her get hurt so much?
Because you're mean
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I wanna hold her afterwards though...
You're still a total meanie.
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I can't help it! She's just so cute when she cries... It makes me nutty with affection!
You should seek a professionals aid.
I don't really think a cute outfit associated with a good sense of humor or an outfit synonymous with a rugged sense of danger are really comparable to something so out there.
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The only aid I need is Ragatha's tears.
Ragatha would be my Sarah and Pomni would be my Hagar.
Man, I hate this trailer park AU.
That has been a thing since the first teasers. Women and perverts love a good abusive relationship.
Source NOW
Anon, let's get something straight cause it seems like your new. Nearly everyone on 4chan would be this way. It's a matter of time really
>"I... I didn't even get to tell them that I-"
>...Shat in Gangles mask today!
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Exposure to 4chan doesn't make you into a gurofag. It might make you into a fatfag or lolifag from what I have seen but gurofags aren't all that common.
>Pomni giving a fuck about Kinger
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>The Glitch Inn designs in toy form
>Blind boxes
I mostly just want Ragatha, Gangle and Kinger. I am not enthusiastic about the idea of putting down $15 a pop and getting three Caines and a Sun/Moon.
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I want Ragatha to give birth.
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AND Raglets!
Who made this? Who legit came up with the time to make something like this?
It’s a whole AU. There’s more, so much more
Welcome to 4chan, We have a whole bunch of fags just waiting to pop around the corners for no reason at all
Man, I guess I’m in the minority here but I’ve never been a fan of the short chibi style. I want a lengthy Jax figure with his long legs and ears
from the looks of it its sound boring, I get the dark humor but the way things seem; its like this was made from a young teenager on twitter who has no idea on common literacy and stuff and is making terrible dark humor that doesn't really hit. I also have the feeling that the artist is going to make this somewhat yuri, using deadbeat jax as the catalyst

Its funny for a while. I'll give it that
Aw damn, it’s a blind box? Fuck. I literally just want Jax and that’s it.
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What is it anons?
Toys. Cute ones that will be a bitch to get. It was already posted here: >>144673434.
Cute ad though.
It's figurines.
Kaufmo merch
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>abstracted Kaufmo is the rare figure
Technically true.
It sounds like Kinger has not been/will not be recast
Did people really thought he would be replaced ? No one cared for that drama anyways
Some people thought Kinger would be removed from the show altogether, which makes even less sense than recasting.
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everyone likes kinger
>glue trap
>it’s melted cheese
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Damn, chibi Gangle gives off weird vibes.
Didn't I saw this exact thread at the start of this month...? Am I tripping
All Zeruel ever wanted was a hug
>$120 for the full set including the chaser
Wake me up when Zooble gets a proper figure instead of blind bag shit
>people bitching about jax
I can’t wait to go through a hundred more of these threads for the next three years
Lapis TWO, baby
Imagine how much more significant the seethe would be if he was a woman
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Lapis is a different case since that series seemed to think she was in the right most of the time when she acted like a gigantic cunt. Jax being a dickhead is a feature not a bug.
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time is an illusion, only made to remember things that could happen in the future
>Jax being a dickhead is a feature not a bug.
This is true but now people are hyping him up as a psychopath (real). Everyone’s gonna turn on Gooseworx the second something vaguely sympathetic is shown in Jax’s backstory.
>“Goose is bending to the Jax shippers.” >“Goose’s Jax faggotry has RUINED TADC.”
>“Gooseworx is a chickenshit hack fraud that couldn’t commit to writing a real psychopath because woke. I can’t believe this tranny tricked me into thinking it could write something good.”
Girl Jax would make this 200% worse, of course.
Also, female cunts get away easier than male bastards.
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Screenshotting this post for future reference
That is probably coming. Personally I am hoping for a full on anti-redemption. Something like what they did with Ouja from Kamen Rider Ryuki I know I know but I can't think of any non-obscure examples of this sort of thing where it seems like he is showing his softer side only for him to reveal that it was all a trick just to fuck with whoever helped him and make them feel guilty about the consequences of doing so.
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I’m a sucker for suits
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The fucking fnaf jumpscare got me I can't believe it
People turning into feral constantly suffering monsters isn't funny.
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To be fair they try to avoid that happening and quickly sweep the problem under the rug when it does.
Which is why I feel like if Caine goes off his script it will be over him being fed up with his inability to prevent that from happening.
Thats mostly not gonna happen, The Series would only have nine episode in total and each one is dedicated for them with jax being the last. Its revealed that the jax episode would focus on him and the gang's past when they first entered the circus.

I am not making this up, Its all been stated from gooseworkx themselves on that glitch work interview.
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I just want more pregnant Ragatha angst.
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>jax deadbeat dad AU
This one sucks, go back to the fighting one where ragatha is wearing a sports bra and has big tiddies.
I didn't care for the rabbit. The generic "le ebin funny trickster XDDDD" Rest of the cast was pretty good, 'cept for the abstract shape character.
Fuck you Zooble’s my wife and she’s also the best character.
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The infidels will be proven wrong when episode 3 shows how great zooble is.
This Au sucks ass, It doesn't help that a young twitter user made this; The construction is all over the place and the punchline doesn't land. People on twitter/tumblr haven't watched anything that isn't linear in story telling media for their joke to work.
If you want Pregnant ragatha angst (You degenerate) Then Its a you problem.
Deadass wonder what was going within the minds of those twitter user's. First they support only yuri shit and now pulling bs like this.
One of my problem is that this au was made by a young teenager
I have seen a lot of fanart of jax dying in horrific ways ever since episode two came out which is surprising to me because the rate that this going, its surpassing cartman and other jerk characters within violation.
>This Au sucks ass, It doesn't help that a young twitter user made this; The construction is all over the place and the punchline doesn't land. People on twitter/tumblr haven't watched anything that isn't linear in story telling media for their joke to work.
If you want Pregnant ragatha angst (You degenerate) Then Its a you problem.

To add to this; you can write a better comic of what ever fetish you dreamed with ragatha then whats being presented in this AU.
Its a you problem that your getting this from a terrible comic let alone a terrible au
>Young twitter user
How do you know he's young?
Say what you will but I'm actually pretty interested to see where he takes this concept.
From what I got, this is an actual "She", I took a quick look at her Twitter and seen her replies and stuff.
I have been at this for three years. Its how I build a profile on the way they go on things
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Zooble will replace pomni as the popular porn character. There will be millions of images of her zooble holes and she will be an internet sex icon.
ZooBros will be eating good in August I'll tell you what
Ah okay, still fair game to sexualize the AU characters then.
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It's canon.
In Glitch’s latest video, Jax wanted to show Pomni his ‘prank’. Dunno it’s revenant but that’s kinda cute.
god i fucking love deviantart autism
Zooble will break the YouTube content mill curse. I can feel it.
Jax is based and he should get worse over time
Bratty rabbit! Needs correction!!!
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I love that one of his fetish OCs is inexplicably fucking dead.
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Zooble reminds me of KidPix. Any other oldfags remember this?
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I am pretty sure that Goose confirmed that this program was a huge inspiration for the overall aesthetic of the series.
Please post more of this or tell me how to find more of this au
I'd rather gachapon than blind boxes desu
It's by Ozzaban on twitter
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I want to get her pregnant so bad she'd be such a good mom
Jaster's soles?
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Little Ragatha loves you!
She's so damn cute
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Unironically Zooble will probably become my favorite character after episode three. Zooble brings a unique dynamic to the team, because no one else has a fucking spine. Pomni's hapless, Ragatha needs others' approval, Gangle is a doormat, Kinger's insane, but Zooble actually fights against Jax.

It's just that so far Zooble has spent 75% of the series either off screen setting up a funeral, or in fifty pieces. Once it's all put together, that damn rabbit will have his head on a PIKE

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