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>this made millennials shit their pants
Imagine being irrelevant for fifty years, relegated to merchandise and being made fun of on adult comedy cartoons cause your the face of le evil company, only to be a glory hole for shitty Public Domain horror films and crappy creepy pastas for five year olds.
Couldn't be me
i was like 11 in 2010 when this was blowing up and even then this particular version of it I found too cheap looking to take seriously. I always preferred the creepypastas that looked convincing. I mean sure, yeah, looking at BEN Drowned footage now it's easy to tell Jadusable just loaded it up in project 64 and used cheats, but 10 year old me couldn't pick up on the subtle yet obvious differences between emulator footage and console footage
What the fuck is this even
I'm a millennial and I have no idea what this is
yandex-> https://hitek.fr/actualite/legendes-urbaines-walt-disney-company_19530 -> Suicide Mouse - Unseen Freaky Footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_h1dY66Rm4
>This creepypasta is perhaps the most famous popular story involving Mickey. In November 2009, a user of the YouTube platform called Nec1 published a video entitled Suicide Mouse - Unseen Freaky Footage . We see Mickey visibly upset and perpetually moving forward. The sequence is in fact a loop, that is to say it goes in a loop . At 1mn49, the image cuts off and a completely black background appears. You will have to wait 2m40 before the image returns.
>This creepypasta is perhaps the most famous popular story involving Mickey.

Jesus that's grim.
I love that every shitty creepypasta was like
Video game creepypasta:
>a ghost got inside the code
Lost episode creepypasta
>The creators of Bob The Builder made a very fucked up episode full of gore and death and they fully regret it as the biggest mistake of their lifes
>IDK, they felt like it i guess and no one during the production raised a hand against it, it's secret and they don't want you warching it under any circumstance
>Do they know that they can just erase it?
don't forget the hyper realistic eyes
Why Happy Appy has a IMDB page?
>>IDK, they felt like it i guess and no one during the production raised a hand against it, it's secret and they don't want you warching it under any circumstance
I mean, that happened with that Rugrats storyboard, but it was just some drawings of people fucking around because they were bored.
OnlyFans videos have IMDB pages these days.
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You know what time it is?

Time for the official 4chan approved Creepypasta list!

I dared my best Friend to ruin my life
I'm a search and Rescue officer and I have some stories to tell
How to survive hell
My Family was stalked for 4 years
Lost Episodes Can Be Found Again
How to successfully ransom a child
The Portraits
Worlds best school psychologist
My grandmother lived under the floorboards
Pale Luna
Tales from a gas station
The strangest security tape I have ever seen
One in the Oven
Rat King
Every year on my birthday, I receive a letter
The Princess Society/If you see her turn off the game.
The first murder on Mars
The girl the universe forgot
The Pancake family
The Harbinger Experiment
Ted the caver
Candle Cove
Feed the Pig
The Third Parent
Room zero
Normal Porn for Normal People
Snuff film
We danced
The Devils Game
Dog's don't talk
Happy Mommy
Would you spend the night in the Yellow Room
Lolita Slave Toy Creepy Pasta
Anansi's Goatman
The woman with the orange
The Portraits
NES Godzilla
I found a strange chat log on my dead friends computer
If you’re armed and at the Glenmont metro, please shoot me
The Antiguan Giant
We Know You Are Out There
The showers
Bizarre Encounters On a Tour In North Korea
Advice from the end of eternity
Long Fingers
Digital Heaven
The Horror from the Vault
11 miles
All Eighteen lives of Omen, The Cat
Billy Smiley’s Cul-De-Sac
The man who ate ghosts
The Museum of Humanity’s Final War
My wife has been peeking at me from around corners and behind furniture
Ben Drowned
The Hidden Webpage
The Six-Legged Rape Centaur
Rabbits in the creek
The Tale of Robert Elm
is candle cove /co/?
What even is that?
Based on some replies, I assume kind of animated creepy pasta shit? Never read that crap, it was always pure cringe. "What if we take thing, and make him evil? Are you scared yet?"
what was that spike in 2022?
This one is kino.
FNF mod going viral, i presume?
I really wish one of these lost episode creepypastas were real. Somebody working on an actual show should take the assets, make something creepy, and post it on Vimeo or something, just to add some excitement to the world.
crybaby lane is probably the closest we got to a lost episode pasta being real
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If you find the idea of Angelica having sex with Stu scary what >>144608222 mentioned is the closest thing and only the first page was ever found
Wednesday's Infidelity
It's actually impressive how influential FNF has become, not many games do actually revive interest in such hot garbage concept than this game's mods does
>this made ZOOMERS shit their pants
Suicide Mouse is not even the biggest Mickey related creepypasta that gained a boost by FNF, Abandoned by God became a entire expanded universe and it was already slowly nourishing a very big following because of a basic ass Five Nights at Freddy's asset flip game
>the Fat Albert creepypasta where Bill Cosby kills himself in the end of the episode but Fat Albert survived it
I believe that analog horror would had faded out sooner had FNF never existed
Which says alot about both of them
Five Freddys at Night
fnaf becomes 10 years old next month and fnf 4 years old in november
How do y'all not know suicidemouse.avi you must be gen alpha in disguise
post your birth date
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>FNAF came out while I was in Highschool
>Almost thirty now and the dumb Chucky cheese is still kicking

I miss when people on /v/ didn't sperg out about those games and discussion wasn't locked strictly to robot fuckers.
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>read the nostalgic critic creepypasta
>he shits on his audience for making him watch shitty movies
>he kills himself
>It's basically what he already does every episode
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reminder that fnf directly caused a resurgence of sonic.exe shit
Ben Drowned is still the best "game/show/cartoon goes wrong" story. Jad's posts basically trying to be logical and theorize reasonable stuff about what might be happening right until Ben started stalking him IRL made it engaging to follow and different, and even when he accepted he was dealing with weird paranormal shit, he tried to take logical steps to somehow get out of the situation in a way that made sense.
It's "puppets" so yes?
see >>144610231
>Posting the inferior version
holy fucking newfag
I wonder if this resurgence in old creepypasta is being spearheaded by people my age because the FNF fanbase seems to skew younger than me. I don't even know how they're rediscovering this shit.
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I liked the black friday incident
sure it's overly edgy but it gives insight on what goes on in a stressful work environment
I think at some point someone should've posted an actual episode but describe it like as if they were writing a creepypasta, to see if anyone would notice
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nice its also based on flapjack im pretty sure
Still can't believe this actually got referenced on the show
V2 sucks and i'll die on that hill
Why the fuck did I read this in the tone of We didn't start the fire
>Time for the official 4chan approved Creepypasta list!
Hey kids, I know I'm old and everything I say is lame but back in my day we had this thing called books, and some of these books were things called "Short Story Anthologies".
If you go into any used bookstore you can probably find a dusty old paperback copy of something like "Years Best Horror Stories" from whenever. I GUARANTEE that any one of the stories you read in one of those books will be better written than any of these retarded creepypastas that are typed out by illiterate zoomers inbetween bong hits.
fucking same
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>no White with Red
Always thought of creepypastas as a millennial thing. They coincided with what some (degenerates who read fanfiction) would call the golden age of internet fanfiction too.

When I think zoomers I think analog horror. Most analog horror nowadays is made by them, and it shows in the funniest ways. Older analog horror series that were probably made by millennials (e.g. Local 58, Gemini) had the appearance of either something recorded on a VCR late at night, or material distributed on tapes by some company. Zoomers however do not seem to have the concept of TV or recording TV programs and their analog horror videos just have no in-universe explanation of this footage existing. It's interesting to think about because these videos are contextless much like the social media/tiktok content that people consume nowadays.
>Zoomers however do not seem to have the concept of TV or recording TV programs and their analog horror videos just have no in-universe explanation of this footage existing. It's interesting to think about because these videos are contextless much like the social media/tiktok content that people consume nowadays.
Hit the nail on the fucking head. Main reason why most are shit
analog horror is so overplayed imo but ill take it over the true crime cringe thats been slowly overtaking internet horror
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Really like the concept of that one.
I've always wanted to know what movie they used during the distortion part 5 minutes in.
It's green-tinted, so I think they may have used The Ring from 2002 but I'm not sure.
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I think with analog horror it's the oversaturation of low effort content. The genre really just continues to evolve in the wrong direction.
If I may continue sucking off the OG series, they didn't seem like high effort/quality - mostly some fake TV bumpers thrown together with stock footage and maybe some of the author's own handheld camera footage of them pretending to stalk someone etc. But as it later turned out, these were extremely high production value for the genre. Most analog horror "innovations" have been ways to further cut costs, or rather effort. Most series nowadays are clones of Mandela Catalog, since it absolutely revolutionized zero effort videomaking and deepestlorebaiting.
Also, try playing a drinking game I've devised one evening while watching analog horror. I call it "toilet sign person appears on-screen", and the title is fairly self-explanatory. Pic related.
I prefer The Power Star Archives. It's fairly recent, but it tells an interesting narrative, and has great effect work.
my favorite analog horror piece (if it even counts) is the cameraheads video for being so eerie
the biggest problem i have with modern analog horror and horror channels that emulate their style is that they try too hard
Nobody cares about books anymore
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Post like Candle Cove is real
candle cove wouldve been as big as adventure time by now if wb didnt write it off
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The best analog horror videos were simple and to the point and it was effective. I don't need any gay lore to get creeped out by the Local58 videos they are effective because they feel real
Most analog horror now just feels like they only care about lore and a dumb story when the horror and how it's portrayed is what matters.
>because these videos are contextless
I think the actual context is that most analog horror videos are supposed to be tapes made by companies send to either employees or regular civilians, not TV recordings.
Which still makes no sense because most of the tapes are spliced with with either paranormal footage or camcorder video of people interacting with whatever monster the series is all about.

It is so fucking retarded when the super-secret company-issued employee training tape is cut off by retarded white text like "I WARNED YOU" or "HUMANITY IS DOOMED HUMANITY NEEDS ME", even when there's no supernatural elements in the story. Like, are we supposed to assume some disgruntled employee tampered with the tapes or something?
does foundonthetape count as analog horror? because not all of it feels particularly real but its still very creepy even its arg which afaik still hasnt been solved
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I honestly hate how most analog horror just feels the same in terms of style and it feels like most of the people making these series have no real style of there own or even any real artistic talent and it's only gotten worse with the amount of soulless a.i being used in analog horror now.
Zoomers seem to hate that Urbanspook guy but at least the asshole could draw.
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>Point out that Analog Horror isn't scary
>Zoomers always retort with "It's not supposed to be scary!"
>You piss off one diaper fur and they all come out of the wood works to destroy your internet career
Did Urbanspook even do anything for people to hate him other than making edgy analog horror?
What the hell was up with that screaming episode, still don't know how my parents let me watch this shit every morning
No he insulted one furry and continued to make his mediocre edgy story
The art was nice, the story is practically non existent
Post links for every single one of those.
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that's where you are wrong.
>but at least the asshole could draw
Not surprising, I'm pretty sure his entire shtick was just trying to leverage the analog horror trend to promote his mediocre art.
Dude's just a newgrounds edgy boy that's a decade late to the party, living in a time where multi-paragraph descriptions of cutting off someone's limbs and inserting them up their butthole are considered cringe and lame
That's all it took? lmao.
That explains all the yt vids whining about him. It was strange seeing people bitch about how his shit was "horror without purpose" when almost all analog horror series have neither story or purpose.
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>the success of Analog Horror depends on whether or not it offends diaper furries
Really says a lot about the genre.
We truly live in a (diaper) society.
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>"horror without purpose"
Never understood what this meant. he made the series to promote his art and because he thought it was scary. what other purpose does it need? not everything needs to be some dumb message or political statement
People just looking for a reason to shit on him without actually watching his stuff, which is hilarious given how obviously shit his art and storytelling is.
Critics could have gone after his artistic skills, but instead decided to self-aggrandize by calling his shit pointless.
Which is still hilarious given how pointless most analog-horror series are.
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Urbanspooks art is objectively really good
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Nah, I think it looks like shit.
BUT, it actually has potential. Dude looks like he actually gives a shit about drawing, unlike twitter artists who are permanently stuck in SU limbo.
This is very oldschool. I think it fits into some kind of a proto-analog horror category kind of like those EAS scenario videos, like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CvjdbQ29qU
I feel like it's just a ripoff of The Wyoming Incident and Marble Hornets by a HL2 modder
I'm a millennial and what makes me shit my pants is the future. No children, subject to laws from people I didn't even vote for, possible war with an aggressive neighbour, even worse ghettofication and a legal system that is already giving people who cuss criminals higher punishment than it does for gang rapists.
Creepypastas are for bored, safe people.
Am I the only autist who tried to make up an explanation for this pasta?
Like I always figured the backstory was that Wlalt made a deal with the devil for success and this was part of the price he had to pay.
Today I will remind them.
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Abandoned By Disney/Room Zero/Some Suggestions/Corruptus victim
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>Creepypastas are for bored, safe people.
90% of horror is for safe bored people to be real here.
Horror is enjoyed by people who don't really have a lot to be scared of IRL so they want to experience these emotions through safe meteors so of course horror is the go to for that. It's one of the reasons why you don't really see third worlders making anything horror related. there life's already is nothing but horror.
Room Zero>Abandoned by Disney>Some Suggestions

Don't think I ever read Corruptus Victim if that is related.
when you said eas scenario vids i thought you were gonna link the wyoming incident. still love the music from that
its more cryptic than either of the 2 imo
I wish the Camreaheads got expanded on it was legit a really creepy idea and I jell with these designs too bad when people finally found the real creepypasta it turned out to be shorter than a Gnomes cock and nothing really special.
It's only "Corruptus", the victim part was talking about how Suicide Mouse is absolute shit close to the ABD series as a whole.

"Corruptus" is pretty good, wraps up the series nicely with a pretty unnerving explanation of how all those entities came to be
I guess you're right. Although third worlders have their own boogeymen in their folk tales.
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I always really liked Lost Episodes by the same author
It was a really clever idea for explaining away all those crappy lost episode creepypastas flooding the internet back than.
i honestly liked that it was so short with only that video attached it added to the mystery
also i killed a camerahead is my favorite pasta line ever
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Did this guy's stuff ever get leaked?
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On the topic of creepypasta I've come to really enjoy SFM creepypastas it's pretty cool seeing some of these stories animated.

I love this artstyle
The style and subject are fascinating but the story is what really intrigues me. I want to know more about the characters in the videos.
suck my freddy fazballs
>people making a story care about telling a story
>this is bad because um uhhhh
contingency is the only good local58 video
All he drew were glorified wojacks and kept repeating the same dumb video over and over.
>police find a painting entitled Finger Fuck Freddy
>The victim's name was Fred Smith, his body was found with severed fingers stuck up his ass
>The killer still remains at large
shit is fucking boring
>living in a time where multi-paragraph descriptions of cutting off someone's limbs and inserting them up their butthole are considered cringe and lame
It's a shame because that shit sounds rad, even if it was probably cringe back then as well.
I'm still convinced the original author of Camera heads made the fake missing creepy pasta, maybe it's what they actually wanted to write
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>Really like the concept of that one.
Damnit, your comment got me curious and I actually looked up that "story"

In spite of the fact that it is supposedly a classic of the creepypasta genre, it is just like every other creepypasta in that it is a long, pointless, poorly-written story that goes nowhere, makes no sense, and just ends randomly with no real conclusion, presumably because the author got bored of writing it at that point.

Life is too short to read this drivel. If you want to read horror stories go to a library or a bookstore and find an anthology collection of horror stories. Creepypastas are a fucking waste of time.
How would you write a good cartoon creepypasta?
>I think with analog horror it's the oversaturation of low effort content.
so like creepypastas
Depends on the cartoon, I think it's impossible now no ones willing to suspend their disbelief
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>How would you write a good cartoon creepypasta?
You wouldn't, creepypastas suck. If you wanted to write a good Horror Comic you should study the old masters, pic related.
Call me stupid but I never understood what Room Zero was about. A bunch of people mysteriously died inside a disney bomb shelter, and that's it?
iirc its implied one of the corruptus caused the alarm and then sabotaged the oxygen inside the shelter so they all suffocated
I was too old for creepypastas when they started gaining popularity so I never liked them.
That being said, the absolute lamest and gayest popular one is Sonic.exe and I say this as someone who did grow up as an autistic Sonic fan.
the creepiest part about this wasn’t even the cartoon or the audio or the story, it was that random shot of the silhouetted figure standing in the doorway at the end. what the FUCK was that about?
NES Godzilla is really good at some points and really tacky and dumb at others, but still a great experience overall because of how much effort was put into it. Normal Porn for Normal People is good because it's just weird and unsettling and that's the actual part of horror people don't know how to do right. I remember Slimebeast wrote a lot of good shit back in the day but I can't remember the names of very many specifics.
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>fnaf becomes 10 years old next month
holy fucking shit you're right
>kids are scared of things that seem silly to adults

Yeah and guess what, you were scared of stupid shit too.
Feed the Pig and ESPECIALLY The Third Parent are overrated shit.
The ed,edd n eddy lost ep creepypasta was kinda ok.
No hyperrealistic blood just bizarre shit
What was the earliest proto-analog horror video on youtube? Earliest I remember is the obey the walrus video, scared the shit out of me when I was little.
Prolly that one or some of the more creative screamers back in 2006 youtube
Do these count?
Not really sure, doesn't have the whole glitchiness aspect of it. Fuck you for reminding me of Sudden Onset though.
>no MARIO smw central romhack creepypasta
Thanks I've been looking for shit this everywhere. Anyone have any idea why all of the comments are disabled?
that one was great since it was actually playable
Puppets are /co/?
There were better versions out there at the time pretty sure.
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i love that stupid mod
For me it was Sonic.exe
>between October 7th, 2003 and October 21, 2003 episode 34 was accidentally released one week before it was scheduled to.
>It was also known to some around the office the primary writer had been sick with the flu, and instead of going on to make episode 34, the show was supposed to replay episode 1. At 5:00am eastern
What the fuck did the kid who wrote this mean by this? He must be very young if he believes that any cartoon production works like this, there is just so much wrong already in the begging of the pasta, this is hilarious
>the part where it cuts to Rolf fisting a cow inside a dark shed
This shit is just funny, i can even picture it happening in the show
>Edd enters the Shed
>Excuse us, Rolf! We would like to ask you about... GOOD LORD MAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING???
>Hello Ed-Boy! Rolfe is giving his livestock the montly ceremonial prostate exam!
>...But that is a cow!
>Rolf can't tell the difference in this dark shed!
>Then why do it in the dark?
>Rolf is not a pervert! Rolf does not need to see what he is doing!
>Well... I can't argue with this logic...
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January 4, 1990
i wonder if there are any cartoon creepypastas that acknowledge this
"now i know a lot of this stuff might seem silly, but keep in mind i was 11 when i saw this."
boothworld industries is cool tho more for the number and bloodworth sometimes calling back
Looks like a lot of these are novel-length slop.
Which reminded me, encyclopedia dramatica of all places has a creepypasta collection that's actually really good and comprised mostly of very short form stories with punchy twists.
source for that?
nvm it was inspired by an onion article i misremembered it
>It's one of the reasons why you don't really see third worlders making anything horror related, there life's already is nothing but horror.
Wasn't Who Killed Captain Alex reminiscent to how shit goes down in Uganda?
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>Looks like a lot of these are novel-length slop.
I wish for the days people actually read and payed attention for more than 20 seconds without overstimulation in their faces 24/7 to come back
I like video game pastas that are just about a creepy or weird game someone made. Nothing supernatural involved, just focused on the game's behavior or content. At most having it linked to a pedophile/murderer or something like Pale Luna.

There's plenty of creepy romhacks and obscure games in reality, so those stories are more believable and fun than ghosts in the code.
Look at this and tell me it doesn't look like a creepypasta game
inland empire is kinda like that too but instead of being a video game its like if a creepypasta movie was real
Creepypasta as a format is something you're supposed to be able to copypaste into a few posts. Brevity is part of the genre, if you've written something that belongs on a fanfic site rather than 3 greentexts you should have written an actual novella.
I'll check it out someday, I need to watch more Lynch stuff. Besides Twin Peaks, I've only seen Elephant Man and Dune, which are the least Lynch-like of his movies apparently.
the straight story is probably less like any of his other works but if you liked the return you would probably like inland empire
i miss creepypasta culture
you can just listen to narrated versions for most
People still make Creepypasta, they just don't get the worldwide popularity that they used to.
I saw someone make a fuggin' Sonic Superstars pasta
the ending revealed it was all a shitpost
2003, Creepypasta stuff is much more a Gen Z thing than a millennial thing.
i know.. the backrooms was a pretty popular pasta i just miss the hype around creepypastas yk
bill clinton in a blanket after smoking 10 pounds of doobies
i'm a millennial, i don't recognize that
Suggestion: Frank is cheating at solitaire when he thinks I’m not watching. Please do something about this immediately.
>Suicide Mouse is not even the biggest Mickey related creepypasta that gained a boost by FNF, Abandoned by God became a entire expanded universe
We need an FNF mod based on Goofy's Secret key
Actually, does anybody remember DaveTheUseLess's narration of that creepypasta? It was a pretty shitty story overall, but that video still remains nostalgic to me for some odd reason. He did do a narration of Suicide Mouse come to think of it.
His most well known narration would probably have to be that one about The Magical School Bus where the kids get lost in space or some shit and start cannibalizing each other to the delight of Mrs. Frizzle
I'm a millennial and do, but I'm terminally online
>Shaggy gets timed-out and kills himself: the creepypasta
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Necrosleep and the North Korea one are way too goofy.
so the "it was just marketing for the forums" was real? i always thought it wasn't something paranormal or anything, it was just a japanese schizo trying to share his romhacks.
>We need an FNF mod based on Goofy's Secret key
Are you even hearing yourself out before posting this? Do you really want to send those things to the same people who would steal another's story to claim it as their own and make it project tranny propaganda, like what happend with Strangled Red?
and they were BLOOD RED.
Fact: my father died the next day after I watched that video. I'm not larping. At 3am my uncle called me letting me know dad passed away. That video is 100% cursed.
>I dared my best Friend to ruin my life
aaand list dismissed
Everyone who keeps tabs on anything relating to FNF is a child. Maybe only mentally. But, a child nonetheless.
Seeing old creepypastas getting graverobbed by little kids and used as a Fortnite skin for FNF gives the same impression as your idiot little brother taking something from you and breaking it.
>That Seinfeld 9/11 lost episode
>That Tosh.0 lost episode where he kills the audience
I had a friend way back in the day swear to me that Dead Bart was real
sorry about your loss anon
You are a kid.
>Abandoned By Disney
Why do people think this piece of shit is actually good?
It's literally some random faggot wandering onto an abandoned part of Disneyland, finding a Mickey with a negative color palette and then running off scared.
What the fuck is so scary about that.
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That's it? That's the Creepypasta? THAT WAS JUST A BUNCH OF CHEAP WALK CYCLES!
I think the tipping point for me was when I saw that fucking Batman series get popular even though it's abysmal dogshit that shows zero signs of actually getting better in any way.
The way I see it the good series get some recognition while the shit that's based on pre-established IPs get all the attention.
guy just got tired of it and revealed he was a brony or something
Suggestion: Stop Frank, he’s a menace. It has now spread to Sudoku. I am not making this up.
unless you wrote those stories yourself you have no claim to any of this
>The Six-Legged Rape Centaur
Is it really a centaur then?
What does 4chan think of the Pastra rewrite of Jeff The Killer?
The chad frank vs the virgin inverted mickey
1999 is one of the best creepypasta imo, up there with the goat Ted the Caver
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the worst development to hit AH has been stretched faces that MM made popular
I've been rating all the AH series I've watched and it's crazy how many bad ones there are
>born in 2003
>says untrue shit like a retarded zoomer would

Lol, guess the psuedo-intellectual zoomer stereotype is true after all
Go home and die
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>3 godzilla analog horrors
The godzilla analog horros vs RED who wins
No Abandoned by Disney?
Red clears unless one of them has a dead analog horror gf.
Why is the baby twitching?
>I'm a search and Rescue officer and I have some stories to tell
That was my favorite.
What about "Princess"? I think it was a pretty good animal horror story.
>Some Reddit stories
Y'all are a bunch of hypocrites
eh Lullaby was better.
>German shepherd is a Ted Bundy in dog form
>Owners constantly make excuses for it until it's antics actually affect them.
Take away the demon/ghost part and it can considered a real story.
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they just cant compete with nes godzilla
I love the creepypasta mods pre-Aethos. Sure they’re pretty overdone but they always have banger tracks in them.
Never got into this one but ABD is awesome and made me shit my pants back in the day

Theres actually a show coming out for the creepypasta family called blessed be the wicked. No more emo jeff. This is a gritty ass and realistic take with redesigns. Im hyped and glad the fandoms still alive
Probably just means the genres fans are turbo tists
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>and you call it analog horror despite the fact that it is obviously digital
so what comes after digital horror?
social media horror?
That's just regular social media.
I'm a millenial and I can assure you my pants were very much... Unshat the first time I saw this completely.
>social media horror
>people just post old real tweets and posts since the 2010s
bloody gir was real and that was pretty cool
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>Pontiac on the same level as TMITS
See, Invader Zim is hilarious because it was a living creepypasta, and in order to make a pasta about it you'd have to bullshit there being some episode where everyone acts worryingly normal, set to some theme of there being an unexplained threat or danger that has Dib and Zim working together with zero hesitation or hostility.
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>implying that's a bad thing

Do NOT diss Sonic.exe
>set to some theme of there being an unexplained threat or danger that has Dib and Zim working together with zero hesitation or hostility.
Like in the baloney episode
Everyone who hates Reddit uses it.
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>typed out by illiterate zoomers inbetween bong hits
Retard. At least half of these were made before zoomers could even walk, let alone type.
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what if we had something called "awesomepastas" where we take a creepypasta and then give it a cool ending where the protagonist survives somehow and either defeats or befriends the dangerous force they stumbled upon
like what if the fire in "a campfire story of sorts" was a cool fire demon and dude came back to life as a badass fire zombie ready to take names and kick ass that would be so fucking dope
there used to be a parody variation called sovietpastas where the whole joke was that the creepypasta monsters got shot for being pro-western revisionists or some shit
I just read the story, and honestly the supernatural elements are so subtle and downplayed that it's still believable to me. Nothing in it has to be supernatural to be believable, the most we get is characters in the story wondering if maybe she's possessed.
>you hit metal 17 times
remember crappypastas? i wonder how many creepypastas were actually crappypastas and vice versa
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Since we're talking about creepypasta's
What're your thoughts on this thing?
Eh. It was alright.
it was kinda interesting, I prefer "Have You Seen This Man?" personally
>Outsmarted by a dog
I think that's sorta the point, it's a freakishly intelligent evil dog.
smile dog is really cute
I really love this one. The facial animations, pacing and atmosphere are excellent
I used to listen to KingSpook's videos a lot, he was my favorite narrator. Pity that his mental health is such a mess and he's nuked everything several times. I hope he's doing better but I wish he hadn't done that.
any more info on that?
>Is that... an empty room? I'm a zoomer and this is giving me the spooks frfr
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Flipnote Hatena horror
Its done by a bunch of adult tismie perfectionist horror obsessives and actors, its gonna be based, theyre on youtube and tumblr
could be cool
>No more emo jeff
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I don't know why but it feels like AH in particular is more prone to regurgitating ideas and falling for the cliches of it's own genre. There was this boom recently in retro digital horror, I guess you would call it I can't believe mid-2000s are retro to some people, God, and it feels there's way more potential for creativity there, even if the results tend to be mixed in quality.
Watch Smile Guide btw
does anyone know what breed this dog is
You forgot "wake up"
>Mario creepypastas have went from a variety pack of not good stories with the good ones being shitposts to just being Sonic.exe: Mario Edition
fuck take me back also Coronation Day is an outlier since it's good and wasn't created as a shitpost
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Jeff The Killer: the dog
cute! ^_^ thx
I seen kittens do the "hide behind" trick.
What's that?
I'm a millennial and I have no idea what the fuck that is. I'm so confused, I'm shitting my pants in the nursing home.
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People just love the lizard as much as they love that hedgehog
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Why did the author stop uploading?
According to a "dude trust me" tier anon on /v/ who said they were the author, they got disillusioned after seeing how other pasta authors started ripping their story off
what's that cartmen one?
>they got disillusioned after seeing how other pasta authors started ripping their story off
U for real? That's so stupid
damn I miss flipnote
I'm so fucking thankful I don't recognize the majority of these.
She sold the rights to a company who of course fucked it up. So no more stories.
>Both are 10 years apart
Why does he have vagina bones though?
I counted four in that pic, though one of them has these eyes in darkness edited in which make him less recognizable. I watched that one, so that's probably why I recognized it
its his pelvis
It's funny because Flipnote Horror actually exists.

what about barbie.avi
walking sim creepypasta
Aw man
it's just some dude beating the shit out of a robot
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>At least half of these were made before zoomers could even walk, let alone type.
Who fucking cares? They're still shit stories written by retards and read by even bigger retards. You might find one in a hundred that was actually worth reading.
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Having a series where the guy had to build multiple robots to torture does not compare to scribbling white lines over a Godzilla silhouette.
The list is more do with internet horror, which has its own sort of internal mythos and idiosyncrasies. Most creepypastas are badly written, but they do belong to a different sort of cultural ethos and we should pay mind to remember that.
I think the reason why Analog Horror, or whatever it is, feels more derivative is because most of the creators are probably young and inexperienced. They probably haven't really read that many stories. Art is as much a product of inspiration as it is personal creation.
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I don't know if it's actually a creepypasta, but I remember reading a story on /x/ a couple of times about a farmer stuck on his land by a creature hiding in the woods. The only specific line I recall was the farmer likening himself to a bird in a cage.
How come every mod of this fucking game has some retarded drama about it?
>kills Mario
>kills the author
Because it’s shit
>tier anon on /v/
It's bad if their story overtakes the entire perceived point of "analog horror" and instead of being akin to found footage, it instead becomes a shitty creepypasta narration.
some dogshit eas channel
I'm thinking of getting rid of the eas entries, they bloat the f tier and you quickly realize most of them are made by literal children
I liked MITS at first but it's spinning it's wheels I wasn't impressed with the ghidorah ep
>Theres actually a show coming out for the creepypasta family called blessed be the wicked. No more emo jeff.
I actually had workshopped a really lengthy fanfic just playing off of various "the killer" types among other creepypastas in a small town back in like 2012. Even got pretty far along in it, but just never posted it.
There was SO MANY Jeff the Killer ripoffs, it was insane at the time, just the constant butt of the joke for the whole community. Looking at some of my old outlines, I had a lot of dumb ideas for this (honestly kind of makes me want to go back and finish it, seems fun);
>opening of the story is a beat for beat remake of the original Jeff the Killer, but instead of cops arresting Liu instantly all the boys just get detention and become friends
>Jane the Killer was an edgelord weeaboo
>Nina the Killer was a transvestite because in the original story her pronouns kept changing from she to he
>Liu is deeply in love with his brother, but so is Jeff's bully (Jeff himself can only get hard when he sees blood)
>very obscure creepypasta characters like Thomas or Natalia show up as background cast
>Ben, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, etc. are all various entities that just possess random kids and cause general havoc
>in the last few chapters I wrote out, it just descends into complete chaos as more and more dumb creepypastas keep piling on ("The Chuck E. Cheese Conspiracy", haunted TVs that have cartoon characters telling kids to "go to the woods" where Slenderman will be)
>the only point I have under "ending" is: "Jeff collapses in pain and slowly dies on the ground due to missing most of his face and eyelids"
Isn't that Godzilla NES
>Nothing in it has to be supernatural to be believable
The dog was shot in the head & survived, also managed to strangle a grown man "without a mark"
I feel kinda stupid but how is hanging up dead rabbits on a bush taunting? I mean, don't dogs bring food to the pack?
>>the only point I have under "ending" is: "Jeff collapses in pain and slowly dies on the ground due to missing most of his face and eyelids"
made me snort
Oh yeah, with the hay bales and stuff, right? That was pretty good. The idea of being somewhere remote with no internet or phone, kept by something capable of killing anyone who gets too close, is just real enough to feel scary.
I always hated that one.
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Oh how cruel the years are.
Gemini will always be my favorite. Greylock is cool too.
Apperently Gemini's maker is gonna add a little more to it when he gets his PC fixed.
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Yeah. There's a cool demon in the game that helps.
It starts off strong, but the dead girlfriend stuff is pretty stupid. Was better when it was just a weird game.
The dead girlfriend plotline was the best part of Godzilla NES
Analog horror just doesn't have the same feel to it honestly, it's much more tryhard.
a Mario 64 creepypasta where Mario and the author are killed by an entity called Black Mask
This was the shit back in the day and make sure children to be traumatized as possible . Now everything is now downgraded for consumers now.
>blood whistle
>when Mario confronts the possessed Peach Luigi comes out of nowhere like that one Mario OVA, knocks back the possessed peach, and gives Mario a mushroom to restore his health
>Luigi then turns to the main character and says "we need one more hero to help save the day" and pulls the main character into the game
>all 3 proceed to use the power of hope to kill the demon within Peach and restore the Mushroom Kingdom back to normal
>ending screen of the game is just the Allstars ending scream with Mario, Luigi, and Peach happy with the text "special thanks to you"
>the ending screen makes the main character happy and not want to kill himself anymore
Abandoned by disney

Thank you for not posting and ruining my friends more
>really see third worlders making anything horror related. there life's already is nothing but horror.
Massive fucking lie
T. Spic
>sovietpastas here the whole joke was that the creepypasta monsters got shot for being pro-western revisionists or some shit
One time I saw this picture in the middle of the night and then I heard a dog howling outside my window. Still unnerves me to that day
creepiest memory ever
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Make it stop.....
Ah bloo bloo
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What's a creepypasta with a decent ending?
I guess maybe that Family Guy one with "Steve"
Mr widemouth
The Box is a pretty great read
Which is?
The thing that stalks the fields is the name of the creepypasta in case your still hear and wondering anon.
black friday incident
Maybe she was going with the "This is going to be you" type of message? I dunno I never owned a dog.
First time I've heard that. To be fair, it didn't totally ruin the story for me or anything, it was just corny. I still enjoyed the whole thing.
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>this makes zoomers shit their pants
jesus fuck that face
oh my god at least spoiler that
2011 remake was really good, sonic.exe works way better as a goofy psycho killer instead of an edgelord
blasphemous to not put day of all the blood on here
Seconding this lmao
No End House
>This makes zoomies shit their pants and cry
Windows XP was absolutely gemmy, how did we fall so far from such a golden standard
He called some furry "autistic" iirc
I liked Urbanspook and It's sad how he faded out because american zoomers are such pussies. Ultraviolent, insensitive horror is basically its own genre in some european countries yet twitteroids act like he's worse than Satan because of fucktoy Cory lmao.
Abandoned by Disney could have been great if it ended with the discovery of the skeletons and the implication that there's something running around. The negative colour Mickey tearing off his head completely ruins any sense of credibility
Granted, Urbanspook's stuff can lack a certain finesse and it can be rather repetitive. Not to mention how unprofessional the supposed law enforcement tapes are, which doesn't help with immersion.
Yeah, the build up and the immersion was great. If the "monster" was more vague or at least, not as ridiculous, it would have been good all through out. Hell, the story could end on something fishy but getting spooked by a weird noise. The ending of the character seeing the words "Abandoned by Disney" is still pretty kino and would have worked better with that ambiguity.
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Nta but I'm pretty sure the tapes are made by the killers
A lot of people theorised the reason the tapes always show the same phone number is because the phone number is linked to the killers and anyone who uses the number is the next victim.
I think it would be just fine as it was but I don't get why the Mickey Mouse was negative colour
Why was that the case? I think it would've been scarier if it was a normal suit that's all dusty and torn up.
as a zoomer I miss XP, that was the good shit
>I liked Urbanspook and It's sad how he faded out because american zoomers are such pussies
That's not why. Wendigoon did a good video on it, but it basically boils down to being very repetitive shock content that loses the shock because it's predictable.

Here I'll make one right now.
>Title: the fridge
>20 days ago police were called to the home of Charles Tapper after a neighbor heard disturbing noises
>They found nothing there but signs of a struggle and red cake in the oven
>2 days ago a painting was found on the premises called "cheese cake charlie"
>this is the painting
>[picture of a red basedjak with his eyes sideways and skin stretched over a baking pan]
>police also found the body a 1 day old kitten with a gaping vagina and all it's limbs cut off and skin peeled off with bottles of vinegar and bloody sandpaper, police believe it was alive when it happened, are you disturbed yet
>finally, 5 days ago police found this painting left outside the window of a teenage girl who recently went missing
>title: I am coming [spooky looking man with long hair and eyes done in a different artstyle]

>"uhm wow to everyone who doesn't like my art fuck you you fucking loser pussy hacks fucking faggots my stuff is actually disturbing you're a pussy fucking scared piece of shit never talk about me again"
>popular youtuber also criticizes him:
>"wow haha I can't believe you talked about me! fair points! thank you for the video!"
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There are like no good readings of this pasta holy crap. How is a tts better then 4 actual people?
Anyways, this one is actually pretty good. Think it might be one of my favorites of all time next to Normal Porn for Normal People
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>How is a tts better then 4 actual people?
this one is better imo
you should archive it because the og channel was taken down

I will not say who I am. I will not say what position I held that allowed for me to be aware of the information I'm about to share; suffice to say, I don't hold it anymore. I have read some of the letters directed at Seth and Fox complaining about season eight of Family Guy, and while I can't officially make these statements to any press, I don't want to stay quiet anymore.

Many people feel that season eight was just off in an odd sort of way. For anyone who took note of season eight of Family Guy for the specific reason of elevated graphic violence, I wanted to say this:

Seth MacFarlane was going through a lot during the times these episodes were written and produced. He was heavily involved in writing the episodes alongside series writers, several of which made comments later regarding his apparent state of mind during writing sessions. However, more recently, when looking for corroborators, my ex-coworkers denied Seth being involved as he was, as well as 'Steve,' whom I'll explain in a bit.

A number of scenes did generate a certain amount of negative viewer response — Peter's head getting crushed between two logs, for instance — but I'd like to point out that these images were no more graphic than the things you might see on other 'adult' cartoons. In addition, there has been blood and gore in the series before; typically, it's just more spread out over the season. However, if you did feel that such imagery was out of place for the series, you were right.

Editors cut nearly two hours of animated gore, violence, and sexual abuse from season eight, as well as rejected three proposed episodes featuring:

-The character Quagmire stalking, capturing, raping, and finally killing a woman (whom he keeps for several days while alive) in his basement.

-Stewie developing a mind control ray which he tests on Brian, though he eventually uses it to have relations with him.

-Lois becoming pregnant after cheating on Peter in a threesome with friends from college, confesses to him and after they argue about what to do about the pregnancy, he performs home abortion on her using a coat hanger.
The last episode was eventually rethought and made as "Partial Terms of Endearment", but was cut from the air for the US, despite being shown in the UK and being available on the DVD for the season.

While these were not the only three scripts outright rejected, I feel they were the most notable.

Throughout the season there are several instances of characters voiced by Seth shouting at or abusing one another, which he claimed was cathartic and helped to relieve some of the pressures he was facing at the time. Also, you see Stewie and Brian - both characters Seth voices and allows radical aspects of his personality to flavor - interact more than ever, in a closer way than in previous seasons. This shines a concerning light on the second rejected script. Other characters voiced by Seth also make telling comments, particularly in monologue or speaking with other Seth-voiced characters.

I would like to point out the episode "Dog Gone", in which Brian loses faith in his ability to write and accidentally hits and kills a dog with his car while drunk, by crushing it in half. When he reveals this, everyone but Stewie laughs at him and mocks him, saying that no one cares. Stewie does mock him for a while, but when he realizes how serious Brian is about the issue, he stages Brian's death so that Brian can see the family mourn, and feels validated. I suggest you watch this episode while keeping in mind that Seth often represents himself through Brian and Stewie. In this particular episode, I also believe the various dogs and their reactions to their environment reflect Seth's emotions.

Early on, when I asked Seth about why he seemed to be emphasizing his use of Brian and Stewie, he just told me he was frustrated with the series so far — that he'd begun to feel like the earlier seasons were idiotic, that the fanbase were morons, and that he was stuck; his name would always be associated with Family Guy. He also told me that he was bringing in someone to help 'mature' the material. He mentioned having worked briefly with the man before.

The stressed, slightly manic, tone of season eight culminates in "Brian and Stewie", one of the most serious episodes of the entire series; there are no cutaways and the titular characters behave in a way that seems to show them in their most distilled forms. Again, this episode was heavily censored and altered: the original script called for the scene in which Brian eats Stewie's stool to be shown, not just implied. Brian considers suicide because he feels his life has no purpose, and Stewie saves him with their friendship.
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>We were this close to official Creepypasta kino
Following this episode, the tone evens out and things return to more or less normal for the series.

There was nothing particularly occult or metaphysical regarding the circumstances around the making of season eight. None of the writers or animators went insane, there were no mysterious deaths or possessions... none of that. For those of you looking for a twist or reason, I will say this:

There was a consultant working closely with Seth during the writing and production of episodes 1-16. He sat in during writing sessions, but was let go before the series was finished - if I remember correctly, it was some time before the script for episode 17 (Brian & Stewie) was finalized. I met him twice in person, and once over phone conference. He was quiet, courteous, and listened more than he made suggestions or spoke. When he did speak, it was mostly directly to Seth or in whispers. Others who saw him confirmed that this was typical behavior.

While Seth usually seemed tired outside of working, he did his best to keep up appearances at major events and gatherings. However, it was said that he often looked sicker or more listless in the presence of his consultant (I assume this was the man Seth had mentioned to me earlier on), and was reluctant to say no to suggestions said consultant — whom I will call Steve — made. From what I've gathered he didn't really start making suggestions during sessions until around episode three, but was talking to Seth in private about the series. He was silent for some time, almost absent aside from just sitting in, and then began to converse more actively with Seth and the co-writers by the middle of the season.
While those who had to deal with Steve did usually seem irritated or perturbed by his presence, he did have some connections: Dwayne Johnson's brief appearance in episode 10, "Big Man on Hippocampus", was attributed to Steve, and I was told Mr. Johnson (when jokingly asked by one of the crew on set about how he got asked to do the scene) commented that he was only there because he owed a favor to 'Steve.' He acted uncomfortable at the time, and even during filming the short. It was done in one take and he was not asked to do it a second time. From what I've heard, Steve was present and seemed pleased by the fact that Mr. Johnson was visibly uneasy.

During one session (the second time I saw him in person), I did question Steve directly about a suggested plot, and when he turned to look at me, I was genuinely scared. I had no idea why; he had never once threatened, swore, or made a personally violent move. I suppose it was the series of ideas regarding violence and gore he pitched to Seth. I should mention that when others did protest suggested violence, Steve would typically switch to sexual themes, racism, mental illness, or just withdraw altogether until he could work in one of his themes again.

The pitch I was concerned about was for a running gag. The question I asked was something along the lines of:

"I think that what we're doing may be too much for one episode ("April in Quahog"). Blood is okay once, maybe twice in the episode, but showing the same man dying over and over might be a bit much."

The gag being pitched was that Peter, at various points in the episode, runs over the same man, who despite being whole and alive every encounter, is increasingly mauled every instance, with a different reoccurring character running over and screaming that the man was dead.

Steve responded - looking only at me during this time - that it was very important that the series, being in its 8th season, needed to not only be comedic but to become an example of death and tragedy in the world, before it went much further and risked fading in popularity and being cancelled permanently. In doing so, the series would move beyond the genre by not just being funny, but embodying all that is wrong in the world so that the comedy would be more potent by comparison. He then told me that if I had a problem with this, that I should leave: that the series would be going much deeper than it already was. I recall Seth seeming very disturbed at this time, but he commented that he would consider the idea.

Those who follow the series know that no such gag appears in that episode, and as I stated before, the consultant was let go before the next episode was finalized.

Seth was unaccompanied to the writing sessions for episode seventeen, and he was much more energetic than I'd seen him in months. He was almost celebratory, and it showed: he picked some of his favorite musical numbers from the series, cut or not, for the end of the episode, the plot of which seemed to have been a symbol for his own self-redemption.

I have been unable to track Steve down since to find out more about him; no records exist within the company to show that he was ever officially signed on or paid, and I believe he may have been privately hired by Seth. For what reason, I have no idea; I'm just glad to know he's gone.
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>dude shoots another dude in the woods to save an ugly girl
That's no horror, that's just everyday life on Appalachia you pretentious faggot
>The gag being pitched was that Peter, at various points in the episode, runs over the same man, who despite being whole and alive every encounter, is increasingly mauled every instance, with a different reoccurring character running over and screaming that the man was dead.
Honestly this sounds funny
Doesn't feel that out of place for a Family Guy episode as well.
I wish the old - and I mean OLD - 4chan archive was still around. All those saved /x/ threads, now lost...
>videogame horror
it's strictly a zoomer thing.

millenial horror was roleplay ARGs and pre-game creepypasta
fucking RIP.
most of it sucked but there was genuinely love in there
/x/ has its own creepypasta general now btw
Ben drowned and NES Godzilla are millenial core
nigga i'm '94, my experience with creepypasta started in the mid 2000s following the slenderman ARG.

slenderman has more in common with the blair witch project and "classic" SCP foundation among other early creepypastas than it has with ben drowned.

Like the other anon said creepypasta was has own cultural ethos that's part of a specific generational approach to horror. There's a clear cut evolution of, let's call it "immersive indie horror", that goes from the late 90s to the tail end of the 2000s. And they all have beats in common ie the horror hides in plain sight and you have to actively look for it, if you do you'll get cursed / followed home, etc

Matter of fact, the SCP-182 game, ben drowned and other works in the early 2010s signaled the generational shift towards zoomer. Soon after you get all modern liminal spaces, analog, video game horror and "cute thing gone wrong" stories.

Did millenials make the originas? yeah but they weren't their own thing, they were one of many, but that one's the one gen z picked as their founding stone for indie horror.
So does /vg/.
hi urbanspook
i wonder how much of the "anime voice" comes from the animation itself.
voice acting can only do so much when the characters are frozen in place with only their lips flapping.
decent but holy shit anon's uncle left a fatal crash victim to die in the middle of nowhere
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the russian sleep experiment
always knew it as a meme pic from /x/'s early days, did it get a story or something?
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we posting the classics?
and /trash/
If you still have a DS, you can actually use flipnote hatena if you go to the wifi settings and use a specific DNS.
Just look it up because I'm tired right now, but just know it's back for those who want it.
>sees some emo kid whining on the floor in pain
>whoa kid you okay?
>turns arounds and shows me a bloody face
> Woah man you're missing your eyelids and crap
> No sir, just most of my eyelids
i hate the video on this because it makes out like this slightly unnerving song did 9/11 or some shit and i can't talk about it anymore without being called a shitty shit pants
Hey, nice to see you don't just browse /v/ but also /co/ anon. Anyway, while I think some pastas in the list are dogshit, there is a lot of cool ones there. But mainly I'm glad someone is bringing ACTUAL creepypasta discussion into the thread instead of shit >>144608180 that every fucking casual spews these days. Like you people do know that there are THOUSANDS of different creepypastas that aren't haunted games or lost episodes?
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the liminal space and analog shit is super recent, lumping it with video game horror and fucked up Hamburger Helper makes no sense
analog is mid 2010s, less than a half decade gap from the start of zoomer horror.

It makes a lot of sense when you consider how important lost / deteriorated media is too these genres. Hell one would stretch say analog starts from attempts at recreating those early vidya and cartoon horror clips. which isn't really a thing as they are practically contemporary
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Surprisingly good
Also you can *literally* see the gap happening here
>millenials complaining that zoomers think creepypasta is vidya horror that started in the 2010s
I think people need to stop beating this dead horse just to make themselves feel good.
The Jeff The Killer creepypasta was written in 2011 by some stupid 13-year old teen (probably a girl). They weren't trying to get famous, they weren't trying to make some sort of "definitive Jeff canon", it was basically just power fantasy wish fulfillment fanfiction they published on the internet as a dumb kid. And then it went out of hand and got popular, and people started scrutinizing it because it was an easy low-hanging fruit to shit on.

For the last 10+ years every fucking retard on Youtube whose channel has anything to do with creepypastas HAS to make a "review" of Jeff The Killer. Totally unique, like dozens of people haven't already done this before them.
>hey how about you discuss actual creepypastas that 10000 people haven't discussed to death before you?
>no I'm a huge faggot and I will keep beating this one skeleton of a horse because I care about my ego more than about discussing the genre

Anyway, while I gotta give him that going out of your way to "rewrite" something is inherently more creative than just making a shitty MST3000 knockoff review, I have little interest in what he came up with, because I have litle interest in the fucking Jeff The Killer story in the first place. If you're such an aspiring writer, why don't you write your own original creepypasta? Why do you gotta latch onto stuff from 13 years ago? Oh that's right, because doing your own thing won't give you as many Youtube shekels. And while I haven't watched it, the whole concept of a "Youtube rewrite" is intrinsically off to me because I suspect the video is just a recap of "here's h

tl;dr uncreative Youtube hacks need to stop obsessing over a 13-year old story
I suspect the video is just a recap of "here's how I would change the plot" with some flashy editing thrown in, instead of an actual written story. But I might be wrong on that one*
zoomer horror started on august 8th, 2014
>there are newfags browsing this board RIGHT NOW
FNAF was just a copy of the SCP-182 game released in 2012. Then came the Slenderman game, then FNAF.
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The thing with analog horror is that even if you make the shittiest, goofiest, most retarded piece of crap imaginable, once it gets enough views it's pretty much guaranteed some impressionable 15-year old will make a video praising it as THE MOST TERRIFYING VIDEO I'VE EVER SEEN. Even Urbanspook, which is like the only analog horror series you're allowed to criticize, used to get these kinds of accolades, and the reason it stopped getting these kinds of accolades was not because of its quality, but because the creator was mean on twitter.
Coronation Day sucks, it's literally nothing but lorebaiting.
>hmm... what could this incredibly generic and vague ominous phrase mean?? so deep and thought-provoking! I can almost pretend there is a story here somewhere!
And I don't even mind ominous messages but there has to be some actual substance behind them.
I don't entirely agree with this. Yes, I think the classic shorter creepypastas that don't overstay their welcome are usually better-written and more effective. But not every story has to be like this. Sometimes it's possible to make an engaging longform story. Feed The Pig for instance is a great pasta but it's closer to a short story you'd find in an anthology book than a classic creepypasta. Or Ted The Caver, the very first creepypasta that was anything but short, but the diary format was what made it engaging.

Also, many of these stories do eventually get collected and published as books by their authors.
i have no clue what the fuck you're talking about
I know where you're coming from, but if you're making horror, it's supposed to make an effort to actually creep the viewer out.
2014 was FANF's release date
The Wyoming Indicent ARG is literally unsolvable. Even Night Mind the ARG furry autist gave up on trying to solve it. It's just too cryptic with too little hints.
foundonthetapes arg never got solved either. foundonthetape just has more aura
>Wyoming Indicent ARG is unsolvable because a furry couldn't do it
That motherfucker misses the most obvious shit, in his how-to video he missed a website link that was in the videos transcription and admitted he uses community docs for his videos, he has no authority on ARGs.
Come to think of it, Smile Guide was sort of one of the early examples of analog horror, wasn't it? Weird how the zoomer analog horror fans talk about it so little.
Names for all these?
>Abandoned By Disney isn't even in inverted colors
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>Reads creepypasta in the most boring way possible while grooming minors in your path.
he really got away with that shit
Ben Drowned was technically impressive, but never seemed scary to me. You have to watch these dozens of videos where very little scary shit happens and read this long-ass story that ends on an anticlimax. I can't call it bad but it literally never scared me, aside from the edits of the statue and the Happy Mask salesman themselves.
You anons do realize you can recognize how sheltered and hypocritical American zoomers are, AND the fact that Urbanspook is repetitive garbage?
Urbanspook is what happens when an artist tries to write. Some people aren't artists. Some people aren't writers. That's just how it is.
most creepypasta isn't scary unless you set yourself up properly

Ideally, you'd be:

* aged 14 to 20
* alone in your room with only your PC to keep your company
* between 10PM to 4AM
* lights off
* browsing already shady places

Remove creepypasta from this context and the horror element dwindles. With why ben drowned as originally accepted because it doesn't hold under scrutiny at all
This stems from the high-brow belief that ideally, horror is supposed to tell a story that reflects something from reality, maybe something about the human condition. A good sign of that is usually when the supernatural force in the story exists to facilitate already existing character flaws. For instance, the original Shining novel is a horror story of a man's middle-age crisis catching up to him and driving him insane with the aid of the supernatural forces. The first Hellraiser movie is a story of an unhealthy marriage gradually getting destroyed with the aid of the supernatural forces (even if it does devolve into retarded monster chases by the end of it). The Alien is a story about isolation, vulnerability and the female primordial fear of getting raped.

Basically conceptual shit like this where the monster is a symbol for some real-life struggle. I don't know if ALL horror can be like that, especially short-form horror like creepypastas and analog horror videos, but even those usually reflect at least some sort of real-life fear. You could say Candle Cove reflects the childhood fear of stumbling onto something bizzare and traumatizing on TV, or Local 58 reflects the distrust in government and fear of unknown threats from space. I guess you could say Urbanspook reflects the fear of serial killers and being your dignity and humanity violently stripped away from you in death, but it's really one-note and repeptitive and doesn't really do anything with that idea aside from finding increasingly less believable ways for the guy to kill his victims
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It would be interesting if we got super eight horror
I mean, even /x/ doesn't want to bother with the Wyoming Incident ARG. Admittedly in part because it's really fucking old and has been sort of passively going on for more than a decade, with the occasional videos released that seem to mean nothing.
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The point of Urbanspook is to show off the art and the art is really good I think it succeeded in what it wanted to do.
the optimal ben drowned experience is to just watch the four videos
Some Suggestions is the best of the bunch, but that's because I'm a sucker for the format.
The original AbD pasta is decent, builds tension well and has a memorable climax. I basically don't remember anything about Room Zero.

Corruptus was retarded. "It was le Disney negativity from the people corrupting everything" like nigger are you for real??? Way to jump the shark.
That one is in a similar boat. Starts off as an interesting grounded deconstruction of the lost episodes genre, eventually devolves into "THE GUY SOMEHOW BUILT A MAGICAL MACHINE THAT MAKES HIM A CARTOON!!! ALL IN HIS BASEMENT!!! AND HE ALSO KILLED HIS PARENTS FOR NO REASON"

I think Slimebeast is a decent writer but he's probably unironically on the spectrum to come up with goofy resolutions like these and treat them 100% seriously.
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i like horror stories that are just really weird and unexplainable. i crave that "what even happened here" feeling.
Whimsywood is really creepy for how unexplained everything is.
Have you considered that the 21st century audience found stories about eerie TV broadcasts and weird internet videos more compelling than stories about Victorian ghosts haunting manors or some shit? Because it was about things that actually surrounded them in everyday life?
1. Don't base it on an existing fucking property
2. Don't base it on an existing fucking property
3. Don't base it on an existing fucking property

A lost episode creepypasta about some obscure creepy cartoon only the author remembers at least has a chance of being eerie and effective. A lost episode creepypasta about an existing show is extremely unlikely to be taken seriously.
The creator of the video having a laff. If you pay close attention during the video you can see there are more shots of people in the masks hidden in the semi-transparent background. Those were very likely the creators inserting themselves into the video for shits and giggles. I'm surprised this isn't brought up more.
I'm not a big fan of it but I kinda like the bizzare aspect. The "fisting a cow" part kinda gives it away as probably being a troll pasta.
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So far looks like it's just on t*ktok
I actually wrote a troll pasta mocking all the shitty creepypasta fanfiction when I was a teen in mid 2010s. It was taken down for "trolling" from the fanfic website I published it on which I guess was fair. It was about a generic teenage girl protagonist getting invited to live in "the creepypasta house" by Jeff, Slenderman and Smiledog, except it wasn't Jeff but just some guys trying to get laid by LARPing as popular creepypasta characters and spray paintng their dog. The generic teenage girl protagonist was driven insane by this revelation and became a killer with a really edgy, really long, really over-the-top name that I can't remember.
Also Jeff kept a rotting corpse of his trans sister Lucy that he fucked regularly
Not exactly The Watchmen of creepypasta but I thought it was hilarious at the time. It did manage to get quite a few butthurt comments before getting deleted.
This old forum thread has a few https://www.easternfront.org/forums/index.php?topic=9834.0
The Smile.jpg creepypasta and the Smile.jpg picture you can find with the dog (any of them) were actually completely unrelated originally. In fact, the creepypasta never mentions it being a picture of a dog, it doesn't even describe what the picture is, just the harmful effects it causes in people. It only became associated with the husky imagery due to the internet game of telephone.
Funnymouth > Mr Widemouth
Actually Funnymouth is probably the best thing Slimebeast wrote period. The only one where the goofy ending works because it's writen from a POV and you can see the narrator going insane.
It would've sucked.
Most of the audience was 5yr olds, same ones shitting themselves over fnaf
The art isn't even consistent. Like if it's a mad artist making these in-universe, why are some of these photorealistic? Why are some of these portraits? Why are some of these just face shots like the teeth one? There's no consistent style at all.
I should clarify Ben Drowned didn't scare me all that much even when I was a teen reading it. Again, aside from the statue and the salesman edit.
That's a troll pasta, I bet you took squidward's suicide seriously too
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>the video that broke horrorfags
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Nah, you absolutely could make it work. The problem however is that the people who write them keep using the same formula of "Oh I totally work for *COMPANY* and watched an unaired episode! This classic cartoon show's creator is a crazed lunatic who keeps his victim's heads in a box!!!1!". It barely even worked in Squidward's Suicide, it's obviously not gonna work again.
Lost Episode-like stories work much better if the protag finds them on like a shitty torrenting site or bargain bin at goodwill
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>>144662278 (You)
It blows my mind that shitposts like this, squidward, sonic.exe, jeff the killer, and for zoomers momokun are what gets remembered and turned into media franchises. I notice it's also always the ones latched on to by females too. There used to be some legitimately well written creepypastas but they've been memory holed.
I think the worst sin than that crepypasta made was being...Boring as all hell, nothing out of the ordinariy ocurres, appart from just a weirdo with a guro fetish, and hollywood blackmailing (Which is more or less a weekly appereance), I mean, cmon, even RL hollywood far far worse stuff happen every day
For me it was Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.
No one writes lost episode or haunted game stories anymore. You have been screaming at broken abandoned windmills for years.
This is my biggest issue with liminal discussion
so many motherfuckers construe the lonely feeling of gmod/source/abandoned clan maps and maps in general and other games as super spookey instead trying to validate themselves, so stupid
that one about how scary sm64 is burned me
I feel like AH is entirely defined by social media.
Like, literally the only shit I ever hear about with analogue horror is how this creator is a groomer, this one is a bigot, or how this AH has themes of suicide which is a big no-no.
funny enough, I remember following FNF for a bit because it felt like every day there was a new controversy about some modder.
List is:
>Marble Hornets
felt kinda weird to include this as it predates AH as a term but it and its contemporaries really are AH more or less
>Remy Abode's Slenderman Series
>Omega Mart
not really horror but well done enough
can't remember channel name but you should be familiar with the video, very well done for a one off
>Monument Mythos
>Vita Carnis
>Happy Meat Farms
one of the JP AH guys I have on here, actually pretty good but I might have to make a seperate tier list for JP stuff like I have with FNAF, Minecraft, Source, and general game AH
>Pontiac Robotics Archive
>White Stag Education
also rip, but some madlad reupped the archive and has gone into business for himself and is making new vids for it which is pretty crazy
>Jermaine Grant
another JP series, this one an okay one off
>The Suitmation Trials
>Mandela Catalogue
>Dark Mind Basswood County
>JPS Jurassic Park Security
Bottom tier are all pretty irredeemable dogshit you shouldn't worry about
Then why are they brought up in every creepypasta thread? I still see hyper-realistic jokes being made everywhere despite the fact that a genuine story including that hasn't been made in over a decade
Yea kids got ahold of it and now liminal spaces/back rooms is just another generic creepy pasta and sucked all the nuance out of it
Don't forget the most spooky one
I think I'm dating a goose
>Lolita Slave Toy Creepy Pasta
That one's based on a real crime
i'm very familiar with snuff & gore and gore and the human doll status hasn't been achieved. At least not one that's gonna die from shock in less than a minute.
I mean .exe is a shit example because nobody other than some of the usual, actual literal autistic faggots that make up the core Sonic fanbase ever took it seriously, you might be too new but literally the entire internet dunked on the faggot who made it so fucking hard he tried to declare war on the internet with a big gay speech about furry solidarity. It was from DAY ONE treated as a joke and we actually thought it was a parody shitting on creepypastas up until the guy who came up with it flipped the fuck out.
nta but that's honestly what gives this one the slightest veneer of faux-believability, most of this IS shit they would and have done before just usually not as heavily concentrated.

If they left out the shit about him being a total fucking ghost I honestly could almost buy it as real.
But that kind of thinking is what got us the dumber creepypastas in the first place
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Oh no I know Sonic.exe sucks donkey dick, I just picked that image cause I find the character funny.
Are you a retard unable to not think in extremes? You need to find a mid point, something that isn't absurd, but neither boring
Found the diaper fur go back to grooming kids
Anyone know what the hell HOOH was suppose to be? I think Night mind shilled it once.
Nah he was saying he stopped cause people were reacting to it like retards believing it was real.
Just stick to jerking to your mangas you retarded zoomer faggot.
One version trumps over them all
don't count since the /vg/ one is just a FNF drama general and /trash/ is just a porn dump

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