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At least she's not fat and ugly.
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>tfw thought you were full of shit
>it's real

Why are they still trying to force this black April shit? I legit don't understand.
Eh, she's kind of cute? Wish they'd have gone farther with it and given her big hair though.
I have a theory that they made Mutant Mayhem April so ugly so that the bar would be lowered dramatically for people to be okay with later iterations of black April
I'm not interested in Nog April no matter how hot they make her.
finally a hot black April i'm in.
The real question will be which will be more worthless in this crossover, April or Sakura
Already a thread
So…cloud ninja?
ESG score

That's all IDW has. It's not like they're as smart as Motu where they made the genius idea of having TWO Zodacs. We get Zodak and Zodac and everyone is happy.
>Kept her black
>Made her not ugly, if not, one of the hottest designs to date
Yeah, so, it's clear they made her intentionally ugly and used blackness as a cope. Racist bastards.
Huh, feels like an interesting mix of multiple iterations of the character aesthetically. Curious how they'll portray her personality in this fused to Naruto crossover.
They made Teelah black and Ram MA'AM.
>interesting mix of multiple iterations

It's just the black one but not completely repulsive. Where exactly do you see 80s April or 03 April or Mirage April or ANY other one but the most recent abortion?
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Yeah and the reboot actually wasn't bad. Furthermore, that "Teela" wasn't the daughter of the Sourceress. She was a reincarnation of the Elderess (which was so stupid that they even point out how stupid it is).

FYI, Ram Ma'am gets her ass destroyed near the end. No joke, Skeletor beats the holy hell out of her. One of the best moments in the whole show.
teenage reporter
With curves like that? In current year?
The last black one was short, fat and a loser.
What about OP makes you think of that and only that one instead of the 2003 slim profession look, 80s airheadness, and 2012's hair color?

You sound autistic
Polly want a cracker?
Ironic they always say "why do you guys care it's just a interpretation and one time thing trying a new thing bs bs". Then they always make more and more versions of the character the new variation. Like the whole black jimmy olsen and black Commissioner gordon which has led to black Barbara gordon.

Sad they always prove our fears right, I don't even hate the design but just make it someone else.
Jimmy Olsen is white in the upcoming Superman movie
April was white in Fortnite
Why not make the Black April a different character? Same question I asked when "April" showed up in Tales of the TMNT. Why not her niece?

And like my previous post >>144611118 points out, you can have both.
>Why not make the Black April a different character?
Because black April was the original. White April came from advertising toys in the 1900s. White was the censorship, black is the original. The real ting to do is always make her hot, regardless of skin colors. Only troons would cry about this otherwise.
way to ruin a surprising crossover right out of the gate
i dont give a shit about naruto but i was going to at least look into it to see what the hell they do with the tmnt running around
I would
You're thinking of Baxter Stockman, not April who just had an 80s jerry curls.
>As if pro white isn't an agenda
But Cloud Ninjas were the asshole ninja?
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Still prefer her original cartoon design because it’s the best, but this one looks pretty good. It’s like what they tried with Mutant Mayhem but not shit.
I hate white characters becoming nignogs
this is Irish erasure
>Because black April was the original.
No, she was never black, read the actual comic where she made her first appearance, not a single panel disingenuous pricks use to fool people like you. Her perm hair is what many white women styled themselves with at the time comic was made, including his own girlfriend.
>"When teenage reporter April O’Neil has a clandestine meeting with Tsunade..."
i dont want these bastards touching a blonde woman with big breasts if this is what they do to april
and now i dont want hinata to make an appearance at all. shouldn't be too hard to ignore her.
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Tsunade is going to have her tits chopped off, prepare yourself for that now.
>Post fanart
At best they'll probably do that thing where there's a uniboob curve. There's still technically a bust but it's covered and undefined. I could see them covering her tits up completely and just having this half-assed outer arch.
>Pro white is not an agenda within white countries and given how white countries are under attack it's time for white people to turn racist
Cool, you can do that since you always were, you never sopped. What you actually mean is kill all non whites, but you're not going to get away with that anymore since everyone has had enough being feared to overpower them. The Russian war proves it. Bullying by death isn't convincing anyone anymore. We either all die or you're going to cope and live with us.
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IDW did release colorized versions of the OG comic. Here's April when she got her new hairdo.
True men love all tits, big or small. True men love what makes a woman happy.
At least she is not a teen anymore, always thought that was a stupid change
People would care a little lessif it wasn't about removing them from women who already happened to have a noticeable pair, and new characters not being allowed to have any representation of big tits either.
Not nearly as popular as raceswapping every ginger into a black character tho
not a bad character design

but she should be white so fuck it.
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>Raceswaps never wor-
MAWS is utter dogshit, so you're not helping your case here. Especially when the previous incarnation was 10x hotter than her.
True think what did it for me was when normies defended companies taking bac BOUGHT shows and movie on the PSN or Xbox store. Like they were such losers "um asckually you never bought it, in the terms and services it says we can take it back whenever we want". Like what type of loser sucks corpo cock that hard, and if that's the case why does it say Buy not rent? But yeah idk how or why but average normie has gone full corpo simp like they'll defend the crazy most annoying shit, remember when console bros defended the consoles trying to make you pay to play your games after buying them or increasing prices.
That's nice, but seems he goes back and forth probably because he's so iconic. But still weird it happened twice.
Well that's good but just saying that in her more noticed stuff i.e the movies and shows she's been black. The last 3 animated series and new one she'll be black so seems a bit of a new thing.
You do realise that's just a disguise and Tsunade actually looks like a decrepit old woman.
Of course not. Coomers don't actually read the source material.
Wow thanks I hate but don't care about Naruto so whatever
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>character appears as a super hot women with big tits 99.9% of the time
>partially shown what she looks like when not using her chakra to keep herself pretty once

It is real, it's her real flesh and blood. You're retarded.
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Doesn't help that some issues had her a little darker then her regular look

You can also blame one of the guest written comics for black April since they colored her darker and people will use it as proof
guess who´s black
black again
guess who´s black
tell a friend
>He complains about other people not reading the source material when he hasn't either and is blatantly talking out of his ass
Never change /co/
This is what i think, raceswapping works with characters that aren't that popular and have designs that are kinda boring or just really plain, so there is nothing that memorable about them, because whenever you make a new iteration of a character, the designs are always goning to get compared, in April's case making her look way different than her most popular look, just doesn't work brcause of how memorable and popular that design was, so big changes like raceswapping are just too distracting
An unexplainable yet vicious hatred of red heads in the state of California. Seriously, creatives there must have all seen their whore mothers getting fucked by some red headed crack addict to develop such blind hatred.
You, coomer, nobody here is interested in hearing your faggotry justification. Go back to trying to catch you loads in your mouth and leave the rest of us alone.
>off model fanart
She uses her chakara to keep herself youthful and in shape you dumb dumb, it isn't a "disguise" it's still her real form.
>Glad this shitty cartoon is failing hard.
Cope, it’s getting another season and is one of Adult Swim’s highest viewed shows at the moment.
>be White
>get braids
>be a black
>dye your hair ginger

hmm okay chuds, alt left nazis gonna nazi I guess
Pretty much
They've been actively trying to blackwash April for over a decade including actively paying for articles saying it's now cannon despite y'know, her being White clearly

Case in point, paid shilling
It's become received wisdom amomg SJWs that "April was originally supposed to be black". This is false but has caught on so now they think making her white again would qualify as whitewashing. Eventually kids will have only grown up with the black version. So it will be permanent. They only put white April in retro things for oldfags like the beat em up game.
mogged by karui desu
So the traits of April are not
>female, wears yellow, not fat
It's just common nazi tactics, anon
By trying to rewrite history, you attempt to brainwash the new generation

It was common in Germany under Nazi rule to paint the rest of the world as the enemy
King David was a redhead and the Asheknasi are not the Hebrew/Isrealites of the Bible.
If they were really concerned about the original intent, they'd see the character notes where she was devised as Asian before the creators' minds changed.
Dont bother entertaining the idea of their facade just start calling them out as racist and hostile.
She's actually fat in Mutant Mayhem, so we're down to her traits just being female and wears yellow
i already have to worry about this bitch doing the american live action naruto movie and changing the women characters, why do we have to have comics that already hate original april oneil to worry about too
just stop forcing anime to fit america's modern sensibilities
Damn that is unfortunate.
They are just making up new versions of the Turtles for the crossover? What's the point.
This is a gag scene from a movie that gives her tits exaggerated bouncy noises
I can't tell if she's tanned or very light skinned
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This comic cover predates the animated show, April's always been a white skinned woman.
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I just wish they made a black April with big boobs.
so over time history is rewritten as April being "canonically black" for this era of time and thus justifying all future black Aprils going forward.
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The art in the OG comic was rough to say the least. Here's April with Baxter Stockman.
>og comic
You mean the liberal pushed nazi one?
The original was black and white, anon
So shes from Hidden Cloud
See >>144611961
We're aware of the alt left nazis trying to state she was a black and not a White woman.
Why is April black from now on?
Bullshit, wasn’t she based on one of their girlfriends who was Puerto Rican? Why not latin April?
At least she’s attractive this time, the last two were pretty bad.
>Why not latin April?
Be the change you wanna see. Velma was made hispanic before made indian then back to white.
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I've always wanted to show a kid some old school Turtles and see if they react like, "Uh, why are they all Raphael?"
April has been black in the Mirage comics whenever Eastman dated a black woman so take it up with Eastman I guess
Why are you a retard?
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How many fucking times are people gonna say this shit when it's demonstrably, provably wrong? In this very fucking thread there are images that prove it's painfully obvious that's not true. Why are you like this?
it's Nick Fury and Commissioner Gordon all over again. Theyre trying to make the blackwashed version the default one by pumping them into every new media.
Should've read the thread before responding, anon

Now you look like a soulless bot
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because this isn't white april or mirage april, who is black.
Repeating a lie won't make it true, it just makes you look stupid.
Retards misunderstood B&W comic book art then one show did it and it's like turning a character gay, once it's been done it can't be undone. We are stuck with black April forever.
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I wonder if the thing will have manga writing which is code for cheap drama based on regular jap prejudice towards anything non trad.
If they have to assure you that you have nothing to worry about then you know they're full of shit.
It will have comic writing and paneling aka 2characters staring at each other in stiff positin while they are throwing one liners and quips.
I'm not a /pol/tard who thinks changing a character's race is a crime, and I really like MAWS, but I think the redesigns they give to these characters are just bad because they never even try to associate them with the comics. 'American Alien' made Lois an Asian in a way that she still sounds like Lois, with the retro touch needed to build Superman universe. I just don't complain that much because I'm honestly not a big fan of most of the adaptations visually (Fleischer > DCAU).
You know what? They should turn things around. April should be the Asian tomboy reporter, not Lois.
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Well, at least she isn't a fatass with the thickest glasses on the planet this time...
I find it really bizarre that people will use the original comic as a reason for why she should be black (when she clearly wasn't black in the comic) and also insist on this "spunky reporter" schtick remaining (which also has nothing to do with the original comic). Pic related is about as accurate to the original comic as having April be a black reporter.

At best she might have been meant to be mixed to one creator
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Alright, so the changes Nickelodeon kept with each new animated version of the character under their stewardship were these:
>1. Make her a teenager with a questionable fashion sense.
>2. Make her black and give her large glasses.
>3. Mer her a fat fuck who is short for her age.
Jesus Christ, what possessed them to make all these changes?
The same morons who always push this shit, out of touch executives who want to tap into new demographics that’ll never watch the shows but will talk about the changes forever on social media.
Once 'they' have claimed a character it is theirs forever. If a character turns gay or black then in the next iterations that will be the standard.
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A Black woman with Red hair just looks fucking terrible.
Make her white again please
The best case of it working is the much sited case with the Kingpin in Daredevil.
It's literally a common tactic amongst all states to bend history towards the current ideology in charge. The reason why so many western governments are trying to blackwash their history is because they want its citizens to believe that blacks and other racial minorities have always been a part of their nation to avoid a native/white backlash against mass immigration that they have encouraged to get cheap workforces.

>'Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.'
Because tiny lister was a huge dude that towers over people like fisk does. He is essentially what a black Wilson fisk would look like. This April race swap is a mess on comparison
Fury worked. Gordon doesn't
I kinda like the look, desu.
I argue if the color was darker like a Scarlet, it may work but she looks like Carrot top to me, Considering she's now gonna be a female in Naruto, she's already the perfect prop
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2 mins in MSpaint
The hair is still weird
I bet this thread is just as civil as the other one...
Last decent april, but yeah where she hasn't been hot adult woman or hot 20 something.
Rise's spirit lives on every time they do a black April.
Quick question, who are you voting for in November?
But rise sucked.
A reminder TMNT is a brand for kids and has shows and movies produced by Nickelodeon, the SpongeBob company.
Are you really surprised big titty girls are not their priority?
weird they cast April as Megan Fox so they can have it both ways until they want to play the race card and dipshits like you will defend them and the poor innocent children who are only exposed to women in burqas we must think of the children. Interesting.
>it's clear they made her intentionally ugly and used blackness as a cope
I mean... was there any doubt?
Are you retarded?
Naruto is also a brand for kids and still has big titty girls in it.
Not as a selling point, nor would I say any kid today fucking cares about Naruto. 2000s kids yes, but they are 30 year olds now.
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>Not as a selling point
>nor would I say any kid today fucking cares about Naruto.
You're fucking retarded, Naruto is still a top seller in multiple countries.
Only white kids get triggered by seeing hot chicks with big titties, little black, brown, and Asian boys fucking love that shit, and it ABSOLUTELY is a selling point for them, hence why shonen manga often stick the hot big titty women on their covers.
1. No but that doesn't explain why they think she should be an obese, myopic midget who dresses in whatever random clothing fell off a truck.
2. Having attractive characters in kids' cartoons used to be a thing until 2012 or so, which means it just looks like there's been an obsession with making them as ugly as possible for the past decade.
>You're fucking retarded, Naruto is still a top seller in multiple countries.
From nostalgia. It's not a KID centric appeal, I refuse to think this in a age with so much options out there. What did you have to compete with when Naruto was new? Pokemon? Everyone dropped it after Gen 2. Digimon? LMAO. Yugioh? Only the card game still has relavent, the anime died with GX onward.

Now look what kids have to day if they wanted anime. You got Demon Slayers, you got , you STILL have One Piece since it's still running, but even then, kids like new things. They don't stick to older media before their time. Maybe they will be curious to know why this Naruto guy is in Fortnite or whatever, but it's not the same thing as your time. It's all second hand shit.

And I'm sorry, kids aren't coomers, too many of them now hate porn and is becoming more and more anti sexual. They are tired of seeing it flooding social media, so they aren't seeking this out for themselves. If Naruto had more than titties to look forward to? That's what's going to attract them to this media. Not titties. Not pussies. Not porn. Naruto was about the action if anything, not the shit your shitposting about.
>Coom for nigs = good now
Lol. Your kind are subhumans for a reason. Monkey brained retard.
>And I'm sorry, kids aren't coomers
Stopped reading there.
>>Coom for nigs = good now
I'm sorry that you prefer gay shit, but that's not the case for everyone.
so is april just always black now?
Because Rise made her black (because they were trying to make the turtles somehow "black" in general), and once you make a character black IT'S RACIST to revert them to their original form.

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It's All So Tiresome.
>its another blackwashed April
Does Nick hate sexy white women or something?
I mean, she's sexy in this, so that's a vast improvement over 2018 and 2023.
But it's certainly a troubling trend. I don't like "it's okay when a character is raceswaped in a good way!"
I don't like "it's okay when I do it" rules in general.
What happened to casey on 2018 and 2023?
That's worse than raceswapping
>"it's okay when I do it"
Then why the fuck are you on 4chan, tourist? Unironically go back.
Michael Clarke Duncan but it doesn't matter because that was ground zero for this shit. One of the first examples of race swapping where people were browbeat about how they were racist if they didn't accept it.
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I honestly don't get why Splinter was turned into an incompetent idiot... Twice in a row... Like... Was the idea of a badass warrior monk something that seemed less appealing than "moron with back pains who fumbles around"? It's also really bizarre that the most recent version of Casey was literally split into two different characters (the MM version was scrapped and repurposed as a nameless background character in a flashback, so we can disregard that).
idk rise was a nice change of pace and pretty fun when you don't have a bitch in your ear telling you it isn't
>it just looks like there's been an obsession with making them as ugly as possible for the past decade.
If you think about it, that's pretty on brand for a property owned by the Rugrats channel.
>Go back
I've been here since 2007, God Help Me.
4chan is not a hivemind.
And yet, here you are, complaining people aren't doing what you wanted people to do back in the 2000s. Get over yourself.
2018 is built on some weird premise that for nearly the entirety of the first two seasons (i.e. the entire show) they're not REALLY the TMNT yet, not fully trained, not sure of themselves... of course every other version was ALSO "they're going into the outside world for the first time" but 2018 was really in love with the idea of them being unprepared and improperly trained. So Splinter had to be a couch potato that didn't take training the boys seriously.

2023 was like that because Seth Rogan thinks dragging things into the mud is peak comedy.

>They decided not to make that 2023 Casey
I'll believe it when I see it. The character is called Casey Jones in all notes. "Demoted to extra in the movie, but still the character" seems more likely. Hell, it seems all but guaranteed, since it'd be racist and sexist to undo the change, or something.
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>What you wanted people to do in the 2000s
You're projecting. I've never been a fan of raceswaps. If I've become more vocally against them it's because they've become more blatant and retarded. "Black Canary needs to be black in the movie, because the word 'black' is in her name." Meanwhile they fucked up her characterization to the point where she practically needed her arm twisted to go do something heroic. Fucking idiocy.
Whats good my ninja?
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Because it's still a black woman's hair.
I expected nothing and I am still disappointed.
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Will there be a gag where Naruto keeps telling the turtles they aren't real ninjas be? Does Pizza exist in Naruto land?
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>You losers call yourselves Ninjas? Where is your Chakra?
>Our what?
>Master Splinter what is he talking about
>Chakara is a strange form of spirit magic
>What? Ninjas are people with weapons who do things silently. By all accounts the only real Ninjas in this village are Gai, Rock Lee and Kakashi.
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Nice try, that's what-her-name from the Lupin movie.
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From the Lupin TMNT crossover
If only such a thing existed.
Gee, Lupin! Why does your mom let you have TWO Fujikos??
>crew want to add Casey
>show is about to die
>decide to make the henchwoman chick Casey so they could add Casey
>they get a movie
>actually add Casey making the last thing worthless
White male genocide in media is real.
the sandals look a bit silly, as if she were a character from Naruto, but otherwise looks good
IF it weren't suppose to be April. She could have been a character in any other show and I would completely approve of it, but not this blackwashing shit again.
>At least she's not fat and ugly.
never compromise
Why can't she be an asian girl?
It’s funny how people thought she was black because of the hair, like they didn’t know what the fuck a perm was.
Why do they keep making this stuff focused on kids? Do kids even buy comics or watch TMNT cartoons (when it's not riding on the Spider-verse's slipstream that is)? Where's my dark TMNT show? Ronin was a commercial success wasn't it? So where is it?!
Also why do people say "BlackWash"? That makes 0 sense, you can't wash something to make it blacker.
Ah, I guess you can't say it's ginger erasure now. Smart.
She doesn't. Lupin is just that great of a thief.
>The Last Ronin
>Dark TMNT show
Yes, the super gorey climax of Last Ronin: the main bad guy suffocates to death in a little puddle.
We back to OG April! Black April!
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It's fucking over
Gingers are white, it's still very much ginger erasure.
>any kid today fucking cares about Naruto.
I mean, the China games and Shinori Striker do well. So people/kids still care. It's not as relevant ever since Boruto hijackted the IP.
dreadlocks have never looked good on anyone
you misspelled "mullets".
Your hair looks like shit.
She was also inexplicably a reporter in this story, which makes zero sense in Mirage continuity. But normies that point to panels from this story likely don't know a thing about the "guest era" of Mirage vol. 1.
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I'm about as offended by April being black as Baxter stockman being white. Who the fuck cares? It's a comic about giant turtle ninjas going to another universe where they meet ninja wizards and this bothers you. The hell is wrong with you people?
Looks like she's related to Tidus from FF X
when was the last time you saw a white person living in NYC
Does it matter? If you want an attractive April there's still plenty of art of her online.
So uhh, what’s the plot of this Naruto crossover? Hopefully no Boruto shit.
April is not black.
It's part 1.
>turns April black (again)
>gives her no ass (again)

The REAL abhorrency
My post wasn't defending the quality of TLR, I was mostly pointing out that there's a big market for more adult TMNT content.
This is how you spot the moron who never read eastman's notes
>Originally designed April as Asian Hapa
>Goes back because it would feel off for readers and the comic needed more western looks
>Decides to make her white, and based on Kelly LeBlock of all people because she was incredibly hot back in the 80's as supermodel and Woman in Red(1984) + Weird Science(1985) made it bigger, also kelly has brown hair and had a permanent at that time as all girls in the 80's
>Comic is a Success, year later Cartoon pitch is picked it, Eastman and Laird decides to update April to the TV Show by painting her hair red, but still based on Kelly after Weird Science and a redhead Model at the time that was complete bombshell, dunno if it was a porn actress or a playmate girl of the year.
>This fusion created the Iconic April we all know of, and the Cartoon becomes a Huge Hit.
And the rest is history
All of "reeeeeeee April is black because Eastman was dating muh black kween" is fake.
PSA: Tsunade isn't a old decrepit woman, Harashima genes are pretty much virtual Immortality as long as she has near unlimited chakra, which she has and cheats death with it, even when she was torn in half she still had chakra to put her legs back and heal everyone who died back to life.
She is literally Wolverine with medical ninja skills.
And yet it worked because Fisk is intimidating when looking at him, a giant of a man who's only muscle.

Normalfags eats any narrative "Journalists and Shilltubers" feeds them.
if they told them "jumping of a bridge and why is it good in comics" they would do on sight.

this is a generation full of retards with zero grasp over research, Digital inclusion in 2008 was a fucking mistake
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And as anon said, she looks like Kelly LeBlock
2018 is when Seth {{{Rogen}}} got his fat azkhenazi hands in the Franchise rights, people forgets that he also has his hand on IDW and Nick due to nepotism roots.
They only want to milk TLR series instead of making more new adult TMNT series.
God bless them horny Japs.
Naruto was only good before the time skip
This reminds me of how dc "fans" on twitter claim Starfire was always meant to be black with zero proof
All of these reboots in general suddenly spawn a lot of "fans" that claim to have always been fans, but never actually like the original content. Of course, a lot of them might be paid shills. It's was really obvious back when Star Trek Discovery came out and they flooded Star Trek subreddits. Dozens of 2 month old accounts with names like "Spockfan420" who came in to claim Discovery was the best Trek ever.
Those people are paid Militance aka MAV's, which is common to hire those off a Marketing company.
Disney used this shit a lot to shill the nuWars shitshow while bashing the old EU and Games in general.
This design can't compete with her most popular one, and also, the reason for the raceswapping isn't just an aesthetic thing, it is a weird agenda that has become a trend, so why is it weird for me to call them out on how weird the whole decision is? I also think that the whole representation stuff is harmfull, as a lot of the time they talk about it like people can't feel represented by people beyond their race and gender, which is really superficial
DEI Marxism = higher ESG rating makes Blackrock happy
That is so obvious a tanned Nippon.
Obviously not a black chicken. The We Wuzzers will seethe.
She looks like a Jew in this. Then again, alot of white girls in the 80s had that drizzle haircut.
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>Does it matter?
>Yes goy, stop caring about the things you like, the original persists so it's ok for us to pervert it in any way we see fit, stop complaining!
>Marxism is when raceswaping
By the way, Marx himself was a Jew and hated Jews who controlled capital.
>No white cute & sexy cartoon girls allowed.
John K was right about these woke cunts in the animation industry.
“I’ll be young again after I rest
Anti-white anti-male Marxist dykes run the American animation industry. That's why we will never get another 80s April O'Neil. Despite all their efforts, I have always been repulsed by sheboons
Sheboon O'Neil finally lost weight. She'll tell us her pronouns while identifying as trans while telling the turtles the Shredder is white.
After TMNT 2012, they started raceswapping her. The toxicity of Tumblr crept it's way into the franchise & it's been shit ever since.
It’s so weird we’ve come to the point where even that little is asking too much.
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Where do TMNT characters fit?
Leo in blue
Raff in red
Mikey in orange
Don in purple
The Naruto world's already multi racial according to Kishimoto. The Uchihas and Hyugas are the actual Asians. Everyone else is whatever the fuck.
She was mulatto black since the original mirage comics anon.
Wasn't April gonna be Asian at one point?
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How many times are retards like you going to assert this when in this very thread there are several different images that prove you wrong. Eastman's notes explicitly state she was never black or black-ish.
>I'm about as offended by April being black as Baxter stockman being white
I don't like white Baxter, either.
Asian Lois still works with her general design. It's MAWS that decided to make her a brown Korean for whatever reason. Guess they thought her being on the pale side wasn't diverse enough, even if she's Asian.
Nah, it looks fine.
>Only white kids get triggered by seeing hot chicks with big kitties
Nah, they love that shit too. It's the bitchboy nerds who get triggered.
MCD Kingpin was cool though. Wish we got more of him. Showed up in that MTV Spidey cartoon.
False, kindly fuck off.
Says you.
Women make everything gay.
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>"...It depends on which co-creator of the TMNT you ask. If you ask me, I always saw April O'Neil as white. If you ask Kevin, I suspect he would say -- as he has in a number of interviews -- that she was of mixed race, much like his former girlfriend (then wife, then ex-wife) April."


Fatasses on this board talk the most shiti swear
>Peter says she's white
>Kevin says she was half-asian like his girlfriend
>ultimately was made white in the comics

Where exactly does that ever assert she was mulatto or half-black?
>Your quote literally says at least one of the creators in no uncertain terms considers her to have always been white

Also, from literally the first paragraph in your link:
>If you don't feel like reading the whole article, I'll save you some time and give you the answer now: April was white in her first appearance.
Mixed ASIAN.
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Because the average geek (white or black, male ir female, gay or straight) are childish narcissists

These the same 40 yo divorced white boomers making 500 videos about why star wars sucks (when the smart person stopped watching in 2019)

Or the bitchy Twitter bitch bitching about boobs in smash bros when it's a fucking platform fighter to laugh at

Inshallah when the anvil clouds come and the nukes go off I will behead most of you limp wrist limp dick faggots and wear your skulls on my war belt
(That includes 90% of the people in this thread, both sides)
>be retarded
>post an article that points out explicitly that you're being retarded
>checkmate atheists
>Only white kids get triggered by seeing hot chicks with big titties,
You mean the helicopter moms get triggered
>t. fatass talking shit
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Huh, TMNT x Naruto Crossover? And here I thought such a mashup was only possible via AI-generated /co/ drawthread spam-requests.

maybe that shared consciousness thread I read about on /x/ has some validity to it after all.
She's not white though if she's half Asian, you just said it yourself.
And yes the FIRST LITERAL APPEARANCE was white, but they kept changing her color and her hair shape

You can't just ignore one creators word for the other, it's a co creation. Something has to be reconciled.

By your logic hulk should never be green and only chnage at nighg becuade in his LITERAL FIRST APPEARANCE he was a grey guy changing at night

If you actually read the article too it's still moot to argue about this since she's literally a fuvking drawing brought to life, not a normal human like us.

Even then the justin timberlake faggot here>>144610886 is still blowing it out of proportion. Marvel and DC do blatant racewashing shit, even of April was explicitly white in #2, it's NOT like her being drawn darker is a recent phenomenon.

He's just a political faggot.

Let's be honest here, talking turtles are teaming up woth a japanese blonde haired kid possessed by a fox and the first thing you're worrying about is this???

Am I the only one tired of this culture war bullshit?
Just shut up and watch the cartoon or down watch at all

If youde gonna bktch just bitch about the quality or if (I'm the case of disney) the diversity shit is dome for brownie points.
Post body with timestamp.

If you do ill post mine.
It's not one and done dumb fuck.

Laird literally admitted the situation was more nuanced than that.

Read the whole article fromt and back.
>She's not white though if she's half Asian
But she is white, and even if she was half-asian (which she isn't) that still wouldn't be mulatto like you claimed originally, retard.
We're not saying she was white. We're saying she wasn't black.
>She was always half black
>No she wasn't retard, this has been disproven repeatedly
>Yuh huh, look at this article that explicitly says she was always white, except maybe she was kinda part-asian, that proves she was always half black
You are retarded.
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Look at all this blackness! Now it makes sense why April is now black
>We're not saying she was white

Speak for yourself, I'm saying it because she was white. There's no argument that can be made against this. In her official mirage comic book appearances that would later be used to solidify her appearance in the 80s cartoon, she was unquestionably white. The article retard anon linked here >>144626611 is pretty explicit about it. It literally doesn't matter than she MIGHT have be half-asian MAYBE at some point in the concept stage, the finished final product which is what actually matters has her as a white woman. That's it, the end.
OK that's fair. That is true.
Anon the article said she was white in #2 then afterwards the artists and Kevin were jot consistent with that portrayal.
If she's half Asian in the original portrayal then that means she's not white.
Anon the cartoon was way different from the original to the point that the creators were actually not too thrilled about it.

If you're going to use the comics as the word of God then go for it, but to throw in the 80s cartoon makes no sense.

You're a retard like him, sorry.
>If she's half Asian in the original portrayal then that means she's not white.
She don't look white lol

He has based taste in women.
>If she's half Asian in the original portrayal
but she wasn't
More white than black
She looks Italian
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Haha you subconsciously just admitted she ain't white!

How does my fat cock feel up your ass Lil man?
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I mentioned the cartoon simply as a means to demonstrate how her appearance in the Mirage comics was used as the template. Removing the cartoon from the equation entirely changes nothing. She's white, April O' Neil is a white woman and in the final finished product of Mirage #2 this is shown. This was released in 86, before the cartoon was made.
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Proof that Eastman oversaw the colors of that issue.
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Color cover of issue #2 where she's white illustrated by Richard Corben.
Where did the idea that she was originally black even come from?
The curly hair?
But by white purity standards she won't count
>see the one drop rule
/pol/ agrees, which is why they hate race mixing
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Proof that Eastman and Laird signed off on that cover and colors.
>Where did the idea that she was originally black even come from?

That's quite literally all there is to it. Retards made it up.
I don't get what you are trying to discuss
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And just in case someone is extra fucking retarded, the IDW recolor for TMNT classics paperback fixes the known coloring issue here >>144612075
>/pol/ agrees
Who cares what those faggots has to say about anything?
>Rise made her black because turning readheads into the anagram of ginger is the current trend
>People pointed out that April has been a white woman literally since forever
>Faggots on twitter invented a reality in their head where she was always supposed to be black and actually every piece of media since her creation was racist whitewashing
So PLEASE shut the fuck up about April ever being anything but a white woman. She was unquestionably never black or half-black or anything even remotely close. She was a hapa MAYBE in the concept stage PERHAPS but the final finished product released to the public, Mirage comics #2 featuring April O'Neil, had her as a white woman. A perm doesn't make a white woman not white you stupid retarded faggots.
This is a /pol/ thread dumbfuck

Op and the justin timberlake fag knew what they were doing.
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>a questionable fashion sense
If you lack taste, yes.
>If people talk about /co/ stuff, but in a way I don't like, it's actually a /pol/ thread
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>"I don't like it when the things I enjoy are needlessly changed"
>"Wow ok Hitler."
Wasn't she a robotics specialist in her very first appearance? She worked for Baxter.
>it just looks like there's been an obsession with making them as ugly as possible for the past decade.
Yeah, to prevent more coomers and save humanity.
Better than the last version.
At least she's hot.
>still black
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She got a perm, A few panels where she looks slightly darker and a guest comic that was later colored >>144612075

Said comic was later fixed>>144627088
why do they keep making her black?
if they want to non-white her, at least make her asian. it makes more sense.
black people are generally dumb.
April was never good.

Except maybe in Archie.
It's all just a slippery slope
>if I can't win the argument by being aggressively and provably wrong, I can always just accuse the other side of being nazis!
you don't care about TMNT and you don't give a fuck about comics. Fuck off.
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They should recolor this to make her suit yellow
Mikey gets more retarded the further it goes
Rise Casey (f) wasn't revealed to be Casey until the last episode, she was a Foot minion, then Casey (m) is her future son
Really says something about the writers that they hear party dude and think retard.
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Cope, Twitter clearly disagrees
>a bunch of retards who proudly proclaim their mental illnesses as a badge of honor in their bios disagree with you
That only applies to 2012 onward, to be fair to 2003
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>Tsunade is going to have her tits chopped off, prepare yourself for that now.
ABT works for IDW
2003 had his moments
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She's cute
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hmm i wonder if the nigga who made this has seen naruto
But he's not the artist for this comic.
Nobody's really explored April as a character except for Archie and maybe vol. 4 of the Mirage comic. Everyone else treats her as an accessory to the Turtles, or one of the parts of the Turtles lore that automatically has to be there even if the writer doesn't have a clue as to what to do with her beyond the basics.
>top left

This is a goated design. Why can't modern April look like this
April's functional role is being able to go places and do things the turtles can't. Her character role is to be the one normal person in a cast full of freaks and psychos to remind the audience this is supposed to be taking place in our world.
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got you covered?
April being able to go to places where the Turtles couldn't or being the point of normalcy for the audience never really mattered or was rarely explored Bits and pieces in Archie or the '88 cartoon or even as an aside in the Mirage volumes.

But more often than not, an April incarnation got dragged in to the weirdness and never looked back. Or the Turtles were able to sneak in places that April would walk in normally because...they're ninja. Or they had to deal with humans who already knew about aliens and mutants so April couldn't just walk in and the Turtles still had to sneak in but for a different reason.

Rise and Mutant Mayhem didn't even bother.
Fucking revisionist history
>April being able to go to places where the Turtles couldn't or being the point of normalcy for the audience never really mattered or was rarely explored

This is like her entire deal in the 1990 movie
That's more of a problem with the kind of show they were making or how hastily a series wants to get into the typical heroics. When it's a villain of the week action cartoon, they can't really have the characters stopping to fuss about if they're going to be seen by normal humans (nevermind that 90% of the thugs they beat up are normal humans) and at the same time, they have to show the action on screen and showcase the turtles being cool and witty, so they have to be seen beating up the bad guys and wisecracking and winking at the camera the whole time.

In concept, the idea of the turtles having to be way more careful and stealthy sounds fun to me. Having them gradually work together with April and figure out how they can mutually help each other between these two different worlds they live in... But that's also a long-form, heavily serialized story that isn't always about action or fighting some ridiculous cartoon villain every episode. I don't think that's something Nickelodeon or Paramount would ever bother making. I don't think Eastman and Laird themselves would think about making that story.
Man, anime is just outright raping the west at their own game and it's sad to see.
Any Western collab with a Japanese IP is the West kowtowing to the East.
And Naruto has been over for 10 years, who the fuck is this for?
What, once a nigger=forever a nigger?
Maybe in the beginning, or at least when she's trying to help them find Splinter. But at the halfway point, when the Foot beat the shit out of Raph, dropped him into April's apartment and tried to kill everyone, her connection to the human world stopped mattering.

But that's the way it's been for the majority of Turtle stories. April eventually gets dragged into the weirdness and the Turtles/Shredder Blood feud and her life as a human doesn't really matter as much except in small bits and pieces.
Viacom and Nickelodeon probably wouldn't, But I'm pretty sure IDW doesn't have an exclusive TMNT license, so if a writer had a good enough pitch and a publisher had enough money, it could be done.
That's one of the fun little lies they like telling, because it makes it sound like they've won a decisive victory instead of just grabbing whatever tablescraps they can and holding them up as proof that April is supposed to be black forever, even when she's not.
>Viacom and Nickelodeon probably wouldn't, But I'm pretty sure IDW doesn't have an exclusive TMNT license, so if a writer had a good enough pitch and a publisher had enough money, it could be done.
Paramount barely knows what the fuck to do with the turtles, which is how we ended up with TLR getting greenlit for everything and Mutant Mayhem getting made at all. There's no point in pitching them a highly focused, well-written story that's all about the relationship between humans and mutants.

You and every other fan begging them to stop making terrible TMNT media are better off just filing the serial numbers off and writing your own story about mutant animals and a plucky ginger journalist.
If Odyssey and The Forever War are any indication, you don't even need to file off the serial numbers to make your own TMNT story. You just need enough fan interest and a Kickstarter.

Probably didn't hurt hiring TMNT artists and writers to help complete those projects. I wouldn't be surprised if Eastman had a hand in convincing the right people to let that shit slide.
I knew IDW was gonna blow it even before this crossover released. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some dude working for IDW made this thread just to watch the reaction.
If there was one company I would suspect makes marketing threads on /co/ it would be IDW. With their company going down the toilet I'm sure they'd take any exposure they could.
When this gets an animated adaptation, you better pray its by a Japanese studio
yes, now even the turtles are thought as being eternally black because the latest human versions of them are black now
despite them being ninjas with surfer and Brooklyn accents and have already been portrayed as white and asian before
If the turtles are any kind of human, they're Italian. Anyone who believes otherwise needs to visit an authentic New York pizzeria and stick their head in the oven. Capisce?
April will still be black.
I blame Michael Bay
This series is no older than the first world war.
To be fair, this is one of the most insignificant and least important characters in the entire series.
April O' N
Nobody is resisting so they don't need to force anything.
does it really matter? Mirage April is actually a homunculus, a Galatea, created via a magic pen similar to the one used by Kirby in the Donatello stand alone one-shot according to Renet in TMNT Vol 4 #22
They're the fourth biggest publisher, actually.
How does Casey get worse with each incarnation?
I am aware of that, it's still weird that they chose to do it.
And yet, she was still created to be white.
Why not?
When do we cancel her parents for drawing a white baby?
Mirage TMNT's over.
They're losing money far faster than they're making it. It's well known they're in dire straits, they lost 5 million dollars over their past fiscal year.
>Implying logic has anything to do with being cancelled

Blah blah doomposting, blah blah they'll be dead in a year. Get new material.
none of this matters
Didnt these crossovers usually involve the classic version of the characters? Why is April that that is a recent change from one cartoon?
A white April wouldn't fit into Naruto's setting.
Tell that to all the blonde haired, blue eyed characters in the series.
Yeah, just look at the protagonist... Wait, black people looked up to Naruto even when he looked nothing like them, you know, because they are normal people, these new trends are really trying to go backwards
Those are Japanese.
Japan doesn't exist in Naruto's world. The closest thing ever shown is the nation where the Samurai come from and no one in the ninja villages was born there.

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