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Seriously, what defines tragic characters?
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Tragedy in its original sense is a genre of drama surrounding human suffering. Tragedy usually revolves around human suffering in life and ends with the character suffering a bad ending because such is the nature of the character, like Hamlet or Macbeth or Bosola dying by their own hands at the mercy of their own flaws.
while Comedy is the characters triumphing over their adversities and receiving a good ending. For example the Divine Comedy, where Dante begins in hell then climbs his way to heaven.

So a tragic character is someone besotten by human suffering, who finds no escape and ends tragically because they’re a tragic character at their soul.
Only Cape example i know is the film Logan, where Logan fails to escape his past or buy a boat for he and Xavier to live peacefully on, and instead hopes X23 will have the happy life he couldn’t get.
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Rorschach is an example of a tragic character.
This is a tragic thread.
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tragedy is often brought upon by the characters own actions or flaws.
That's because OP is a tragic faggot.
Better question, what are some shit tragic characters?

Like where the tragedy is overplayed, unmarkable or pure to move the plot w/o serious character development or continuity.

Who are the crybabies and stoic-bait.
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>tragedy is overplayed
The downfall of a character from great heights, in a way that elicits empathy from the audience to the character in question.
Good question.
>what defines tragic characters?
Having any bad thing happen to your mary sue at all doesn’t make him tragic
Your pic’s a shitty example too because they couldn’t even be assed to kill someone actually important in his life or make it actually peter’s fault, captain stacy is Gwen’s father not his and died because of doc ock attacking him. Even when they pretend like they were close they can only pretend as far as “durrr he was my 2nd best friend in a way…”
Peter Parker was lame """""tragic""""""" character with """"""Parker luck""""""
Now, Yu Komori,that was true tragic Spiderman character
>parents are missing
>uncle dies and it's his fault
>girlfriend's dad dies and it's his fault
>girlfriend dies and it's his fault
>best friend turns evil and it's his fault
Early Spider-Man was a cavalcade of despair.
Obscure example nobody cares about, but Inque in Batman Beyond tie in comics. The show ever presented her as completely cynical greedy and deadly femme fatale, but then Adam Beechen had brilliant idea to make her secretly be a Middle Eastern refugee tragic gf who only ever did bad things to survive, boo-hoo.
It feels like DC specifically picks retards of highest caliber to write Batman Beyond comics, I have no other explanation.
I see where you’re coming from, but I disagree.
Inque’s backstory is a nice spin on Magneto’s, making her a miserable orphaned refugee from an Arabic war-torn country doesn’t invalidate her greed and bitchiness, and it sticks perfectly to the grim, cyberpunk vibe of Beyond is going for (down to the melodramatic elements).
It also emphasizes how she learnt to adapt to her environment and why she’s desperately clinging to her daughter. Because Deanna’s the only thing Inque can be remotely proud of, despite being doomed to have the same freakish powers than her mother and thus repeating the cycle all over again (see ending of the issue).
I know it kills the mystery of her character and motivations but it’s not “bad” per say. Plus it’s a one-off issue (even thought it became my headcanon). Could have been much, much worse imo
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what issue is this from
i like it when old comics use old word spellings. like that one DC young love cover that said "Kiss me goodby"
I'd say tragedy defines tragic characters.
interesting how loss is still a thing depsite zoomers not even knowing what CAD means.
This arc also had Superman make a fumble as well seeing as how he was lured by the prospect of cosmic peace to beg Lex to use his new godlike powers to mind hug the universe into being okie-dokie without the consent of its denizens.
>have the option to make a utopia
>don't because "muh free will"
Fuck off.
>I'm so happy I get to ride this stationary bike 20 hours a day to provide free electricity to topsiders
>I literally cannot conceive of anything better than a 20 hour workday staring at a wall doing nothing but pedaling along.
>What do you mean I'm a slave?
Jason Todd. Literally got himself killed and just whines about it over and over again despite getting a mulligan at life.
>Literally got himself killed
Yeah, he totally begged his mother to betray him and the Joker to torture and kill him
Talking about Jason Todd, I would say he is (if not the most) a tragic character.
Lex Luthor not laughing his ass off how petty and small this god he feared and seemingly looked up to in these stories like this was.

He should hate his guts and want to defeat superman.
He should know he's clark kent from almost the first few minutes and not even give a shit
To him he's just a monster who's masquerading as a human
Yes, that is how our world currently functions. I'm talking about a utopia made by a supergod.
>Seething Jasonfag (singular) of course ends up refusing reality to make a hyperbolic claim to the contrary
There is nothing tragic about his story.
It's not his fault. It's the shitty writers and editors.
How Tragic
tragedy for ants
The best.

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