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Did DC forget he's on Prime Earth now as of Beast World?
Who, Static?
Nobody cares about Val Zod.
DC doesn't own Static.
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The G.O.A.T. Val-Zod.
black Kryptonian who banged a Powergirl.
With his mentor, Red Tornado cyborg Lois Lane.
I'm pretty sure John Stewart's more famous than him.
Is OP Tom Taylor
No one at DC knows what's going on anymore
But I am an auditor for Warner Bros, assigned to make sure all our properties are living up to their fullest potential for lucrative purposes.
Do creators still get creator credits and royalties for derivative characters?
Don’t they have like five Miles?
If he is a Zod why does he wear the crest of El? Homosexual perhaps?

Pretty sure almost nobody even remembers the various black supermen, let alone gives a single shit about any of them.
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He was adopted by the El's after the death of his parents.
As noted here by six year old Powergirl.
holy racist macarroni!
>north américa basketball people should only hang with north américa basketball people

that cover is pretty racist, in my humble opinion.
I miss Icon. You could use him to take a critical look at black American society thanks to his status as both a black mand and an outsider. “Yes white people suck, but for all our talk of brotherhood it isn’t white cops filling up the morgues with our children. They’d have to hire a dozen more cops and work extra shifts just to shoot them all.”
I'm at least glad the last series finally gave Icon a girlfriend.
A Brazilian no less.
You mean Tyrone Zod
Val, you dumbass.
It rhymes with Kal intentionally.
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Lois as a mentor.
Chinkoid thread

wtf is wrong with them?
>species who gets power form absorbing the sun
>evolves a skin tone to do the opposite of that

Black people on krypton makes no sense at all.
they do Its mr. terrific unless DC Killed or did something insane and brought the original back hell he did miles schtick of being a black replacement to a dead white character first.
we wuz poorly conceived token derivatives

...and shiet
>>Calvin Ellis
>>Tangent Universe Harvey Dent
>>Val Zod
And that's still not all of the black Superman.

yeah you forgot sunshine superman
who invited Black Manta to the crew? does he just show up so people would bee Aquaman as racist for beating up a black man?
Remember when WB argued that nobody deserves credit for creating the CW version of Killer Frost so they didn't have to pay people?
Why is Black Manta there? Is that Deadshot beside him?

Is this a team of supervillains?
Idk, yes, no
What are you talking about, anon? That cover's got a LOT of diversity!
Oh sweet can you make comics good again? Please stop focusing on changing the race/gender of characters and just bring in competent writers/artists who don't have a political message that they want to force into the story. THANKS
sorry, but the American Empire is failing, buckle up because Ngubu is moving to a home near you
This. I care far more about Steel than Val. And I mean I actually like Steel. Mister Terrific too.
>Why doesn't DC remember they have their own "Miles Morales?
I think you got the wrong guy
You mean Tanaheesi Coates?
He was slated to write/direct that Black Superman movie. Also a known Black Supremacist who used Captain American as a mouthpiece
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Because Superman is nowhere near as popular as Spider-man.
Superman is like Halo in the 2000s, something that simply can't be replicated in the modern Era, Superman lacks the universality of characters like Batman, Spider-Man and Godzilla
What I want is a blaxploitation movie with Steel, Terrific, and Black Lightning. Like Birds of Prey with cool black Superheroes. Steel and Terrific would be the geniuses and Black Lightning would be the everyman for the audience. They would uncover some plot like turning meta kids into weapons (could lead into Cyborg or Static) or some evil scientist creating Amazo. Throw in Vixen or Nubia so it isnt a sausage fest.
Man. That would be cool. But no. Just race swap bruce wayne or kid flash because no one cares about the characters I mentioned
And Spider-man is Minecraft. Still popular.
>who used Captain American as a mouthpiece
You say that as if it was the first time he has been used like that. Or are you mad the that he made Red Skull Marvel's version of Jordan Peterson.
Yeah they have their
>Popular character, but black.
For "i'm not racist, give me ESG and DEI money now"
>to do the opposite of that
Go back to school and actually read the fucking books this time
Why do we hate val-zod, outside of anti-miles racists of course
It’s Static and>>144618395 and any other replacement characters such as Wally West, Jamie Reyes, and Kyle Rayner
>It’s Static
No it isn't. Static is not anyone's legacy character. He is part of the Milestone Universe.
>Red Skull Marvel's version of Jordan Peterson.
lol imagine defending this
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no one hates Val, it's Calvin Ellis they HATE
I personally think Calvin is cool I don’t know why you’d say this
Wait, is Black Manta a black guy?
But he can swim.
This. he was even retconned into the canon like Miles.
earth 23 superman >>> val zod
No. Who the fuck watches the CW?
What? I like Calvin Ellis. He's a great alt-earth Superman. Morrison put a lot of thought and care into him and his universe. Val Zod is some half-baked turd Taylor shat out.
Icon isn't black. He's a literally white alien in blackface.
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You have that backwards.
Also, you've now called to attention a logical argument that being a black Kryptonian would have an objective advantage, good job.
>that Deadshot beside him?
I think it's Bloodsport
The funny thing is even if that anon was right they're arguing for a less OP Superman which would circumvent a lot of the problems the character has in the zeitgeist.
That’s Dead-Eye, Amanda Waller’s nephew.
Basically a black version of Deadshot used in comics because of Will Smith adaptation.

Black Manta and Dead-Eye had to team up with the good guys to fight off evil demon version of Raven called Dr Hate.
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They could have been DC’s “Miles and Spider-Gwen”
if rumors are to be believed (and i want them to be true even if they are just a larp, because i think they're genuinely a good creative use of characters), but anyway if rumors are to be believed...

"Icon and Rocket" is a pitch for Chapter 2 of Gunn's movie-verse, as is Static being part of the Titans line-up. As is continued high-profile usage of Mr. Terrific. Gunn seems to like "clean slate" characters that can work as their own stand-alone movie/TV show pitches, and seems to have a soft spot for the late 80s/90s comics and 90s toons.
Awful example. Terry died 18 years before Michael Holt was created. DC's Miles Morales is Jaime Reyes. Always has been.
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Since he’s on Prime Earth now, what will the various super powered women think of him?
Do they address this? Like if he's been in the presence of a yellow sun as long as regular Superman, he should essentially have absorbed that much more radiation from the sun?
He hasn’t though.
Terry Sloan kept him hidden in an underground bunker for decades.
Similar to Silk at Marvel.
I love Black Manta. Why can't super villains just be black dudes and not make a big deal out of it anymore?
They are.
People forget that Killer Croc is black.
Bloodsport, Amanda Waller, Tobias Whale, and Black Spider.

And that’s just DC characters.
Earth 23 superman has existed since before you were born pol fag
Panties will become wetter.
Nipples would get harder.
Their mouths will drool.
Tell Warner to ban traitor, Trigon and 'another Titan dies' storylines for the Titans franchise.
Icon is an awful character that people on /co/ pretend is right. The whole point of the original series was that he was wrong about almost everything and needed to change his philosophy.
I can’t do the Trigon one. Sorry.
Icon is ironically closer to DC's martian manhunter in terms of power and origin. Their kal-l and kents get killed by Icon's enemies.

Good chunk of the population is black or has black ancestors through slave fucking.

No fucking way can a good I&R be done in a post 2016 world. Audiences would bitch about teen prego, conservative hero, and the girl's power essentially being she wears a seat belt. And god knows hollywood would destroy the character essences.

Rather see The Terriffics succeed if only to show marvel how a FF movie is done.
The film through Rocket’s pov.
So Icon can be conservative and centrist all he wants as long as Rocket gives him push back on his views.

Funny that Rocket kept the baby, if she’s so liberal, then why not abortion?
Maybe Icon’s views runs off on her only in that aspect.

Ironically you’re right. Icon is more like the black Martian Manhunter. His form just copied the first terrans he made contact with, which were black slaves.encountered
I just don't have that belief in any Hollywood film, let alone cape shit to deliver nuanced views that good Icon and Rocket banter requires. Its just too tempting to make Icon look like an out of touch alien and let Rocket get easy wins by pointing out he's only experienced black hardships with a superman body.

Liberal ideology isn't baby = abort. The inability to recognize this is what I'm talking about.

Its just having the option to be able to. Her case being a mistake not rape is what makes it interesting in the book. You change her to going through with it, giving it up, or the baby lost some other way, and you lose that drama. Though guess upside is they probably wouldn't touch this in the movies until a 2nd/3rd film which will never happen.
Another thing is.
Which actors would be convincing?
>The film through Rocket’s pov.
Kinda hard to do that because the only people that (pretend to) give a shit about Icon are people that don't remember Rocket exists.
>Their kal-l and kents get killed by Icon's enemies.
That's only true of the reboot version. I thought we were supposed to hate the Milestone Returns stuff because of how Static wasn't a wannabe gangster?
Icon being an out of touch alien/ Black man and getting called out about it by Rocket was the whole point of the comic. It was only by letting go of those views that Icon was able to make small steps towards being the hero he should have been.
Give it to Rick Famuyiwa. He has experience with superheroes and sci-fi with The Mandolorian and the time he spent attached to The Flash project. He's proven he can do believable young characters with Dope and The Chi.
Who the fuck still wants to be a gangsta in the 2020’s?
They were right to change it in the updated reboot.
Stories need to be modernize.

Otherwise you still get joke characters like Hypno Hustler, Angar the Screamer and Funky Flashman.
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>Its just too tempting to make Icon look like an out of touch alien and let Rocket get easy wins by pointing out he's only experienced black hardships with a superman body.
It's too tempting to adapt it accurately and damn near verbatim? That's not a good sign.
>Who the fuck still wants to be a gangsta in the 2020’s?
Anons on /co/ that are mad that the criminality got removed from Static's origin in order to be something more relevant in the reboot.
To be fair they're mostly secondaries that only half remember the cartoon and even then only really claim to like Static so as to dodge accusations of racism when they complain about Miles Morales 3 times a day.
It's for similar reasons why threads like this with Val Zod or Calvin Ellis in the OP are the ONLY time anyone ever brings up Icon. And almost never Rocket, because knowing Rocket would require actually reading the source material and knowing that she's the protagonist and Icon is at best her naive sidekick that's constantly shown to be in the wrong and isn't much of a hero on his own.
>Ironically you’re right. Icon is more like the black Martian Manhunter. His form just copied the first terrans he made contact with, which were black slaves.encountered

I remember reading somewhere that John Byrne had a similar idea he wanted to use in his 1986 Man of Steel series to explain why Kryptonians just happened to look exactly like humans.
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Icon's true form being white as paper was intentional.
>and isn't much of a hero on his own.

I like how Icon doesn't really give a shit about humans or being a hero on Earth and just wants a find a way to go back home ASAP.
Don’t forget that Marvel has Adam Brashear, the Blue Marvel.
>Doesn't give two shits about humanity, white or black
>Purely concerned with his own self interest
>Has to be guilt tripped into giving back to his community and even then it doesn't take for very long
It should amaze me how conservatives could look at that and think "this is our guy!" but we've really been doing the Homelander shit for nearly my entire life.
He's from Tom Taylor's Earth-2, which was a fucking awful comic.
The only reason he's still around is Taylor bringing him back in another awful comic.
It's not surprising, "nothing matters but my own self-interest everyone else can get fucked" is the core of conservatism.
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I like him lick costume design

Icon wasn't always wrong about his statements. Its why both of them make a good pair and are able to nudge any other's views.

Typical Hollywood/modern writing is dumbing shit down and focusing on one specific instance of the char being wrong or making it a black/white solution.

You wouldn't get that Icon while being out of touch, is defending himself by being on the thought train of Booker T. Washington. Hell you may even get Rocket now a rape victim instead of teen who fucked up.

Capeshit movies these days just struggles to do multiple angles on chars. Its why they keep going with Jesus Superman.
the fuck is manta doing there.
>It should amaze me how conservatives could look at that and think "this is our guy!
Clarence Thomas loved the 90s Icon comic and identified with him. True story.
How does Taylor keep getting work? Everything he’s written has been complete dogshit.
He can suck a golfball through a garden hose.
See >>144621141
Kino design though
Cloak and Dagger getting pushed to the side for Peter's Sloppy Seconds and a Half Latino/Half Black soiboy is a crying shame.
When you see the harm trying to help does you’ll also see the value of just mind by your own business.
/pol tards freak because the Nu52 issue made him look like that "Hussein" fellow
They’re still around. And even got their own show.
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Can I self insert as him?
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There’s only one Miles Morales!
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All Powergirls end up fucking black Supermen.
If Latino's can self-insert as Goku, then yes.
Cool, I guess
That makes no sense. Coates and JJ's project was black Clark Kent, not Val Zod. Val Zod was the Michael B Jordan project
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Imagine this as your girlfriend
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Pretty much every superhero has a “Miles” hipper black version now.
Were you making a joke? I saw that show and its as much Cloak and Dagger as Smallville Oliver Queen was Green Arrow
Much like Miles Morales, Val Zod is regulated to multiverse events. He doesn't matter unless you need a diversity quota met for a multiverse event.
He and Red Tornado Lois are on Prime DC Earth now, ever since Beast World
I wonder if he has a black Mr. Mxyzptlk. And he better look like the most racist Jim Crow ass drawing. I mean that Black Imp better look like how a son goku era chinaman would describe an African to his six year old son to scare him. And you best believe the only way that black imp is going back to the ghetto 5th Dimension is by getting him to take responsibilty for his own crimes.
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Miles could never….
Represents everything that went wrong with Earth-2
But Zod was introduced after we got gay Alan Scott whose origin is muh boyfriend.
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Peak design
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We don’t need another black Superman.
We need a black Supergirl!
Steel's daughter?
They do with Blue Beetle. Arguably more so because most people don't even know about the other two while Peter is still the best known.
Static is creator owned, that's not going to change for at least another generation or two.

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