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Now known as Perry
...how does that fit into the magical theme?
Yeah, Poof was more on the nose than Cosmo or Wanda, but still. Why even change it?
doubt it.
Why is he hot
Oh no he's hot
i haven't seeb this show, do poochie and the little girl also make appearances?
Do you think they changed his name because “Poof” is a gay slur
>"Poof" is a gay slur
since fucking when?
This is just Cupid in a suit
From what I've heard Chloe and Sparky aren't mentioned at all. I was kind of shocked to even see Poof let alone him actually growing up
australians say poofter, think of it as a sort of synonym for faggot the same way negro is for nigger
>is dev dimmadomes fairy
Poof was around a good deal longer than the latter two which only lasted single seasons each, and while there was some backlash in the beginning, over time a lot of people began to agree he was a less offensive addition and that the show was still semi enjoyable when he arrived. It also might have to do with the fact that he had a much more lore heavy role being Cosmo and Wanda's son while the latter two were straight up literal who's
I like how his rattle also grew.
>Sounds like Season 1 Cosmo
Kinda cool.
Puff not poof
>but Australia says po-
nobody cares
from "Periwinkle"?
wandas last name is “fairywinkle”
I get the idea of cocky 20something Poof being embarrassed that he's named Poof but if you're entirely changing his name just make a different character
Poof was a guy?
do they at least make some joke about the fact that he was originally named Poof or is this a 'we're treating it as if he was always named Perry' thing
>hey kid I’m Poof, or at least I was I changed my name to Peri as in periwinkle
That's his rod wand likes a baby rattle. BTW!
Oh damn, they gave him a Pilot Cosmo voice and personality!
I can't wait to see adult Foop!
They literally say he’s a boy in the very first episode he’s introduced anon
>we know he's a boy because he likes water guns
show was well into its shitty era but that line was funny
Explain where's the full episode on Google drive or mega.nz to watch?
What an odd way for him to introduce himself.
It’s a clever idea
Still, it's right there for those of you who missed it.
yeah it’s clearly just a wink at the original show why would he introduce himself with his old name? and I’m sure the rattle and his hair would give away his identity immediately.
One of the board artists was posting on /co last night. I should have asked him about all the changes.
so he's gay?
Let me guess
He changed his name because he is mad with his parents because of some random shit
Thank you
Can you find their posts?
Last episode I see there is Cookie's Court
Always it’s a UK thing.
I can't find their thread from last night but it was about their adult cartoon pilot.
That was neat, I dig it
imagine constantly being called a poof
he’s gonna need a name change if the antifairies ever do reappear.
I hope he can pay Trixie's alimony.
He' Wanda without the eyelashes and the lipstick. What's he's personality and voice like??
Jesus, this show looks good in HD
The clip in question.
>Literally just Cosmo/Cupid recolored
Is it really confirmed him? I mean the hairstyle is a giveaway but still.
He’s basically what Cosmo was during the pilot season of FOP, that suave car salesman type
Perry the Fairy

Seems legit
He did inherit Suave Cosmo's voice, pls don't change it to autistic shrieks.
Isn't Ashleigh (voice of Hazle) friends with Kyle (who got caught as a Child Porn groomer)?
Is the reboot cancelled? Because the writers are certainly not working since 2023 in their LinkedIns?
They changed it because "Poof" is a homophobic slur.
He’s a tumblr sexyman lmao
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The in-universe explanation is that all faries say 'poof, poof' until they grew out of it.

You don't call your baby 'Goo goo gaga', do you?
I hope they show Foop because he was already tumblr sexyman coded as a baby.
Yup, he said he changed his name.
Kyle worked on the show so everyone was friends with him. Looking at several crew members IMDB many have worked with him since Animaniacs.
Oh. They could have at least made her a trans girl.
Im glad this is exactly a combination of cosmo and wanda and just a clone of any of them
why are they still giving godparents to kids who clearly dont need it?
That's why he changed his name, cosmo and wando disowned him
The kid is basically just a Remy clone.
He’s the better Remy
Would be funnier if only Cosmo and Wanda acknowledge him as Poof and he never even mentions that being his real name
>lost his only friend
>his dad doesn’t care about him
>is blamed for something he didn’t do
He’s been a lonely loser all season, he deserves a fairy. Just because he’s rich it doesn’t mean he’s happy.
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I like how they’re having him act and sound like OG Cosmo. Hopefully they don’t change him to a terrible shrieking voice.
I mean he's their kid it makes sense
>acts like pilot cosmo
Looks like Wanda let Big Daddy raise Poof.
since the moment chester existed, every reason to give a kid a godparent only because is ''muh sad'' is bullshit
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Using Ren is funny due to recent leaks
Chester had a loving father and lived in blissful ignorance. He was poor, but not miserable.
All I can say this bullshit reboot won't last, so far Ashleigh still wasn't aware of Kyle's shocking Arrest. So her show goes through to dispossal.
Perry rhymes with Fairy
what leaks?
I actually did not hate Poof at all desu. I'll admit he wasn't really necessary but I don't think he had some alright episodes
Judging by the way the new show is, they might "redeem" poof for some people. Especially since he seems to be alot like pilot/season 1 Cosmo that people seemed to like.
The rem and stomps reboot got leaked in full, look over other threads
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>those mannerisms
He's gay
Can't see the new episode there?
Anticosmo had bitches thirsting for him since the Deviantart days. Of course his son would be a tumblr sexyman.
I think anon sent the wrong link
>they found a way to bring back pilot cosmo while keeping sperg cosmo
well damn
>Adult Poof and Foop interact
>it becomes the show's biggest ship and breaks out of fandom containment
>discourse on whether shipping a fairy with their antifairy is too selfcest and thus wrong

I need this more than air.
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He is actually voiced by Foop's VA
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>Poof/Peri aged to an adult this quickly
I thought The Fairly OddParents universe was like the Kirby anime cartoon, as in these mystical beings (that are seemingly immortal age wise) take at least 1000 years to reach some form of adulthood.
How long has it been since the original timeline ended of the og show? I'd say at least a decade, 10 years to 40 years max.
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Thank god they didn't take notes from Butch's "10 years later" Poof.
Assuming that this dude is actually Timmy >>144617116 I'd say 30 years.
If I remember correctly Wanda herself stated that Fairies lived forever so them having Poof at all would be pointless.

I'm guessing Poof is either excluded from that or they just decided to literally hit him with an "Aged up" clock because they thought it was time for him to get his own God kid
It's ~20-30 years. Poof's godchild is Dale Dimmadome's son/Doug Dimmadome's grandson.
>everything after his 10 years streak of gold is pure unadulterated coal
Butch Hartman has to be one of the biggest author falloffs of all time.
>Poof/Peri aged to an adult this quickly
For the fairies it's been 10,000 years.
Time travel shenanigans.
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Cosmo and Wanda were the last fairies born making them the youngest their first grandchild was a cave child in something BC while they were in their “adult” stage and we now they were teens at some point so it’s not adding up.
Considering how they do thing, he'll probably just be renamed to Anti-Peri
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>Peri's personality
kino. welcome back pilot cosmo.
Do we know for a fact his friends on the crew weren't aware? Why would they help someone keep a job in the industry when so many other artists said they got vibes from Kyle. This doesn't add up.
Every sad kid without fairies we see can easily be explained by them already having and losing them
Why was someone who works on a CHILDS CARTOON be making “adult” cartoons? Sounds shady.
He’s not
Foop will appear and will go by Irep now
What was the pilot’s name?
He will be named Irep
Dimmadamn, I never thought I'd see Doug Dimmadome: owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome become a grandfather.
hopefully he'll be ripped from the reps
You need to go back.
tbf, this is like...a 10 year old poof. The current is an adult
Why was pilot Cosmo's head so massive
that's a single earbud
got 'em
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I don't remember but I saved his art.
Perry has a better voice, though.

Check >>144617445

They're not suffering under the weight of Butch anymore.

Don't make this thread about him.

Did you watch the clip? He was having his Cinderella moment.

Getting Alastor vibes.

I'd still rather believe time passes differently for fairies on Earth than in Fairy World.
and thats why i love the character
pretty much thats why the reboot is pretty good (he has nothing to do with it) its not ground breaking but comparing to seasons 8-10 of the og series its a great step up
>I'll take you from Dev to divine

He's gay.
>I'd still rather believe time passes differently for fairies on Earth than in Fairy World.

That was confirmed with everything Cosmo and Wanda said they did during retirement.
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Well if the shoe fits...
Alright. He's pretty cool...

Now make milf Chloe canon. Let us see what giving birth to three of [/spoiler] Francis' [/spoiler] kids did to her.
>hair is wanda's but pointed downward like cosmo's

That's....actually really perfect. damn.
Yes i will. Cause nu-fop Sucks.
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So is anyone not going to point out how the original show made it clear the fairies live for thousands of years, where we clearly were show Cosmo aging from kid to adult in a timespan of 1000s of Earth years?
Why is poof an adult? He should still be basically unchanged from the OG show in Earth time.
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Great, we got the Scrappy Doo of the zoomer generation. Why are people like this?
Are you aware that none of those members haven't called out him or haven't said anything about it? Sorry, Ashleigh and the rest of FOPANW are complicits for hiding his true motives. Even Kyle got to voice 3 characters on this, i don't care if this reboot is created to piss off Butch, Child Porn won't be tolerated.
There's probably going to be some time travel shenanigans to handwave it, Poof will have gone to a different dimension where time is faster or something more comedic like puberty hitting him like a truck and skipping the awkward teen phase.
>Scrappy Doo of the zoomer generation

False. Nobody liked Poof when he debuted.
Would you want to be the only child of your species? He probably wished himself older
No it’s 1000% Poof, not ‘puff’. here in uk too, Poof means gay
Link to the new episode
>poof is now a sexy /co/mblrman
Gonna take a lot to beat a skeleton but it's getting there
Considering Poof/Peri will now help Dev, probably the relationship dynamic is like the other rich kid and Juandissimo.

More interesting to see how Cosmo, Wanda and Hazel will react.
Kinda based that they made all fairy babies homophobic.
Perry the Platypus?!

A lot of them are self loathing gay too :(
>Homophobic slur
They take his colour hair tho
I havent known anything of this show but I need to get spoonfed
Why is there a black character?
Where is Timmy and cosmo and wanda?
Is this in the future? Alternative universe?
Also how many episodes have aired so far? Is it good?
According official subtitle It's peri, not perry
Peri is from Malay & Indonesian word, Peri (fairy)
he also literally says it’s from periwinkle
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You’re American, right? It’s like the most common way of saying “gay guy” across the channel
One of our UKIP mps Kerry Smith got fired for calling lgbts “old poofters”
More like pilot cosmo.
>new main character named hazel.
>timmy as of now hasn’t appeared (his middle age man model was reused for a character though) cosmo and wanda are hazels fairies.
>slightly in the future though the creators did talk about there being alternate universes (channel chasers for example).
>it’s alright imo.
Proof isnt hated enough like scrappy
But that fairy dog... fuck him!
>Why is there a black character?
You mean like AJ or Sanjay?

>Where is Timmy and cosmo and wanda?
Within the context of the show, still don't know. Cosmo and Wanda sort of dropped in on Hazel and became her godparent wholly out of choice.

>Is this in the future? Alternative universe?
Yes. It's set in Dimmadelphia, which for all we know is somewhere other than Dimmsdale.

>Also how many episodes have aired so far? Is it good?
It's off to a good start. It's a slightly different kettle of fish that the original FOP wasn't in that continuity is more tight across each episode and it's less of a gag-a-minute cartoon.
They’ve helped his career along for years. You can't convince me that the crew wasn't part of a ring. Why else would he have it on his Google Drive.
so far it’s just unfunny and boring. None of the energy of actual FOP where Timmy would make really crazy and world-ending wishes to get even with Crocker/Vicky/Trixie/his other villains, this plays it really safe and doesn’t even have any crushes or enemies or villains like Timmy did
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Wake me up when /ourgirl/ is back.
who the fuck orders a pizza with no toppings?
Look at you, denying the whole accountability that Ashleigh is 100% complicit with pedos, and yet she hasn't addressed the incident in order to fix the current mess her bullimic reboot it's about to get. She's guilty by association
Read my response back slowly I'm agreeing with you. I think the crew is complicit. Even Kyle’s wife was outed in helping him groom minors and she was forced to admit it. Why are several of his past co-workers all working on this show and all working in a group? We need to be asking them to put out statements. Abuse cannot be tolerated.
periwinkle is known as "sorcerer's violet" also it's associated to death and child funerals
I like the detail that they took his rattle wand and turned it into a cane with a similar shape
Because he's a combination of Cosmo and Wanda.
Who needs toppings when pizzas are essentially glorified sandwiches with baked in tomato sauce?

He's also lactose intolerant.
Alright, that one got a good chortle out of me.
Speaking about the episode why didn't Hazel just wish for a pizza?
>black MC
>set in Dimmadelphia
So does Doug Dimmadome own two cities, or is it just a coincidence?
Watch the episode.

His son and grandson are characters in the show.
He has tons of fanart already
I'm confused like what's stopping her
poof is potentially 10,000 years old if he went on the time-space vacation outside of the timeline stream with cosmo and wanda after the events of the original show.
if the "fairies don't age and live forever" quote is also held true from an episode iirc, then some magic was used to change peri's physical appearance as he matured.

clip for reference:

Though to my knowledge it's not confirmed if peri went on the ten thousand year trip with them. If it is, FoP:ANW really thought of everything so far. It really seems to be a good sequel show revival.
He had to do Fairy Training and we don't know how much that takes. Cosmo had to do it by doing missions in historical events so makes sense Poof or Peri would be an adult if he spent many years training.
This show is so ugly and stale.
Eh... I've seen worse.
anon, this is not pokemon, you are not adult being 10
Still waiting for a new episode to be uploaded by now.
>showrunners know people want pilot Cosmo back
>too late to walk back the character
>instead they give that personality to his and Wanda's child
Well played
Is this show funny as Early FOP
It won't be but is decent.
Perry the fairy
i cannot believe i am going to watch this show now because this plot feels amazing
Even funnier.
Actually a pretty cool design.
Poof has just always been weird to me because I never hated him yet the writing quality of the show happened to tank by the time he was introduced so any episode with him in it was lackluster by deafult, even if its not his fault.
That's kinda an issue with Poof himself, I don't think he ever really had a presence at all.
But enough about Primxs
*Cosmo and Juandissimo
Why he looks like a chad now?
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>Has a good voice (a la proto-Cosmo during the pilot episodes of FOP)
>Has a nice mix of colors
>Looks flamboyant enough to feel both like he likes cocks but he will dominate you during sex

Dunno anon, maybe it's actually cuz we only know about him from that little segmtent, we still need more screentime with him.
all fairies look the same
Looks like this...

But maybe is a coincidence.
It is a coincidence since Adult Poof has both Cosmo and Wanda's hairstyles combined.
Also has the same things Wanda has in her fairy outfit, while wearing Cosmo's shirt and with a different wand (which some people imply it's a nod to how fairies from different eras have unique wands, like Jorgen during the whole Crooker day episode, or Cosmo during that one time fairies were controlled by the Pixies).
Sanjay is indian, not black.
It's not a coincidence.

Juandissimo and Cosmo fucked with Wanda in the cuck chair
>Is it good?
It's surprisingly decent
Not as good as FOP's golden age but it's worth watching if you have some time

They also go back to having Cosmo and Wanda being two halves of a whole idiot which is nice.
>Wanda's flippant "eh we don't know" when asked where their son is

Damn so she and Cosmo gonna be deadbeats??
It's the FOP universe, all parents become deadbeats at some point
Becky’s hot
Cosmo and Wanda say they don’t know where he is because they went on that trip. The kid may have abandonment issues, which would be a neat parallel to Dev.
>Even Kyle’s wife was outed in helping him groom minors and she was forced to admit it.
It’s one of those “won’t greenlit second season until we see how well it performs”
>grown-up Poof with his own godchild
>Jorgen is intimidating and foreboding again
>apparently future episodes will have Foop, Vicky, and a time-traveling Crocker according to leaked episode lists
This reboot is getting a bit interesting.
What leaked episode list? Is this a case where they ordered 40 episodes from the get go?
Uh oh, how sexy is HE gonna be??
here's two
>‘Fairly OddParents: A New Wish’ creator Ashleigh Crystal Hairston reveals Poof had to be renamed to Peri since the name is a slur in many countries.
>‘Fairly Oddparents: A New Wish’ co-creator Ashleigh Crystal Hairston reveals Poof's name had to be changed to “Peri” instead since the name is a slur in many countries.
not even mad just glad we know why
No man would call themselves Poof past the age of 15
Poof tried being a godparent in Bongland and got laughed out the country
Getting pretty late into the original shows run there.
What are the odds they'll bring up Chloe or Sparky in some form?
Then why Momma Cosma?
>Many countries
I've never heard it used in America, so what countries besides the UK?
Also the actual word is poofter.
It’s been confirmed, they can’t use “Poof” in the current year
>the episode still hasn’t been shared
That Drive folder didn’t have it, where’s the episode?
Isn’t dimmsdale located in commiefornia?
I one of the episodes or special tv movies had a birdseye zoom in on california and then to timmies house.
>even fucking FOP of all things gave up on the idea that actual kids are watching instead of weird adults who grew up with the original
It's quite honestly kinda sad what cartoons became
Can't believe Cosmo gave birth to him
holy shit i love poof now
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People are loving him
OP is an Adult Poof.
Juandissimo is supposed to be a fabio-like ladies man, he has tried to steal Wanda from Cosmo a couple times.

and cupid is, the cupid. dunno where you get the idea he was gay.
we shilling good bros
Shut up Butch
Poof is going to be made a faggot and they can't have a faggot named faggot
Poof is his deadname
>and cupid is, the cupid. dunno where you get the idea he was gay.
Hes gay as fuck
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I have to say that the 3D characters are better than I thought they would be, they are much better than how the characters looked in the old crossover with Jimmy Newtron.
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>Timmy hasn't appeared
oh please make this happen, i would absolutely love the show if it did.
Well, that crossover wasn't trying to translate Hartman's style into 3D, it was translating Timmy Turner into Jimmy Neutron's art style and vice versa.
Not fucking Presto?!
is that tumblrbait
>timmy should troon out
Presto is too generic
I imagine more as an accident. Like Cosmo and Wanda had to leave before Timmy could wish to be transformed back.

it could have 2 meanings, that or C&W did abandoned him, or that they know he became a fullfledged godparent, but dont know if he's on standby or with a godkid of his own.

i do refuse to believe tho, that C&W would indeed be as negligent to Poof/Peri as any of the other parents in this series.
Timmy is clearly the unnamed middle aged dude. Bad future is canon. Sad times.
I thought the backlash towards later seasons ensured Poof wouldn't come back. Good design too.

now that is a weird one. we have seen him in his 'bad future' look doing all sorts of jobs, from janitor, to delivery guy, to extra for a movie. but apparently there have been sightings of his regular kid look in an 'wheres waldo'-esque fashion.
Doesn't the effects of all their magic automatically get reverted when they leave
he's a poof
>"fairy" is also a homophobic slur
deepest lore
And i hope that abuse part should be out soon or out, if they don't speak out they will be declared as liars and cowards.
Kyle has been bailed by his parents, now Kyle has a court date.
That'd be weird given its supposed to be twenty years later. Probably his kid.
based honestly
Am I the only that only like eps with Dev, idk maybe I just like my asshole rich boys. I swore he almost called her a slur a few times lol
Or his kid’s kids since Cosmo and Wanda took care of them before their retirement
Crocker is a maybe, based off of a title
Foop I think is also confirmed, one of the upcoming episodes talks about an "Irep" aka Peri backwards
I've not seen anything on Vicky, there is a fat redheaded teacher voiced by Grey Delisle who serves literally the same purpose on this show at Hazel's school but she has a different name.

Honestly though I think people hoping for Timmy's kids, or some sort of resolution to who he married, are going to be disappointed. I'm fairly certain someone on this already confirmed that isn't happening.
Serial experiment Timmy
this cartoon is singlehandedly saving fairly odd parents and reviving interest in it
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welp seems to be that this revival is a success
wow people are really enjoying this guy.
Made for Brandy Lynn
Damn already didn't the ep come out yesterday or sunday??? He was in less than 10 secs and he not some super effeminate twink in it, he comes off more like a car salesman
It is online, but Nickelodeon cancels anything that’s not Spongebob levels. And being famous on twitter doesn’t mean you’re famous on ratings. It’s future depends on streaming numbers when it’s on Paramount Plus.
at least people will give it a chance now including me
always liked the idea of Remy/Another dude with a fairy but OG wasted him
Seems this is doing something with that idea
fujos deserve dead
>when poof cames out for the first time

>when this series cames out

>''perri'' apears

twitterfags are the cancer killing animation industry
>Tumblr sexyman
>taking bad ideas and turn them good is...le bad!
don't forget people got burned with the live action shit too i don't blame them
when poof appeared he was literally a bumbling baby and not even a character Peri is actually a character with a likable personality.
Twitterfags never hated this new version
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the next episode sounds kino
>he thinks the millenials who complained about poof a decade ago and the gen z’s thirsting over him now are the same people
I hope they make up
Isn't he like anywhere between 15-20 years old. The fandom is gonna be annoying with him until we get a canon timeline
Twitter shills this new unfunny boring DEI version because they randomly hate Butch Hartman for some reason and this is made by a woman.
>still no episode upload
please i want to watch this episode
>Cosmo and Wanda go on spacetime vacation once Timmy's gone
>Leave little boy Poof to live with Brandy while they're gone
and that's why Poof isn't married to that triangle girlfriend he used to have
Butch Hartman is useless now anyway, nothing he does works and he's part of a cult too. He's not John Krisfaluci in many ways.
Would you rather shill Butch? He made a big scam promoting his “christian” streaming service. He’s scum.
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See? Butch can't draw anymore.
That's why I was telling the guys on another thread about reviving Dexter but they wouldn't believe me
twitter is tumblr sucessor after the 2018 exodus

>good idea
haha faggot
cry more i guess
Im actually laughing for your hypocrisy faggot, LMAO
>twitter is tumblr
Don't lie man.

>bad idea
He appear like for 5 minutes at the end of the episode, at least give it time.
I mean, this series is canonically set after timmy grows up.
make it 5000-10000 years old.

remember that fairies dont really have concept of time. Poof/Peri having an adult form like that makes perfect sense given the lore of the show. Hell! they could have make him an adult during Timmy's time, look like that, and it would still fly.
So he's basically one of those 4000 year old dragon lolis?
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Eric Bauza is just running away with the industry
based fujos
>full of shit with woke shit artists
cmon anon
In wishology Cupid and Juandissimo were on a date
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What happened to Butch's artistic skills?
i don't know if you've been under a rock for the past 6 years but since the tumblr purge back in 2018-2019 most of the tumblrina crowd took refugee in twitter and since then twitter's become a worse cesspit than 2014-2018 tumblr
What exactly is Hartman supposed to gain out of milking this franchise so hard? Especially with Nick's current reputation?
>remember him? from the original series?
>muh DEI
Do you ever stop whining
It's kinda funny that Timmy wishing him into existence wound up doing Doug dimmadomes grandson a favor in tge long run

I love grand cause abd effect shit like that, kino.
Agreed. Adult Poof is cool, but I wanna know what happened to my man Dev
he's not involved this time
and if anything it's better that way
Oh god they turned him into a sexy tumblr man.
That sounds retarded.
Does anyone have the MEGA for this episode? I really wanna watch it.
>"Hey kid, I'm Poof. Or at least I was. I changed my name to Peri, like Periwinkle."
Does he introduce himself like that to all his kids?
>who the fuck orders a pizza with no toppings?
>he doesn't know about pizza quattro formaggi
Yeah it just sounds stilted.I don’t hate the new name but it would’ve sounded more natural if he had said “but I prefer-“ or “I usally go by”,”nowadays I’m called-“.You don’t really introduce yourself by stating that you’ve changed your name.
that's the joke
So is the show good or what?
Define Good in what sense for that show?
Most of the art we associate with FOP was never his. His art has always sucked, it just shows more when he doesn't have others to fix his mistakes.
Is the dog coming back too?
>still no episode link
Where did y'all watch it
No. Just a poof.
Anyone have a google drive or MEGA with the most recent episodes?
AJ and Crocker were in today's ep too, they seem to really be leaning into the sequel aspect now. I wonder if they will inevitably show Timmy now, beyond the many homages so far.
He's not involved in this series

And that's why it's good
it's boring unfunny woke trash
i assume the black MC but tbdesu that's a fairly dang low bar for considering something woke. haven't even seen the creators jerking themselves off, which is oddly out of place in modern stuff
one of the kids is non binary or trans or something and is the cool kid in school for this
Hazel and her family generally have no flaws painting them as dysfunctional, which is boring in a series where every parent is typically bad, probably because they don't wanna say the black family aren't perfect
that's about it for now
>we got the Scrappy Doo of the zoomer generation.
>calling poof this when they literally introduced an annoying dog
The art style form the FOP/Danny isn't his, that's a other artist he took credit for.
>Poohie is suppose to only be meant for animal characters
Retard. The original was a furry, a dogman that was RADICAL to fit in with the 90s kids.
Cosmo and Wanda are T4T coded (Cosmo was the one who got pregnant) but Peri is just gay
How far in the future is this show supposed to be from the original? I’m surprised they made Poof a tumblr sexyman
Is this reboot cancelled? I've seen Lot of writers no longer working on it according to their LinkedIns.
lol the chubby baby poof is sending me
(he reminds me of my lil brother)
Maybe not, this Poof thing seemed to give it a lot of attention
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People are in fucking in love with Adult Poof/Peri. The reboot wasn't getting much on the Fanart side from what I've seen but Poof made it fucking skyrocket
fujos were a mistake
good for them
Now I'm imagining a combination of Crocker and Doofenshmirtz yelling and body contortion.
do you think they are gonna have the balls to show a crocker and vicky child?
new tumblr sexyman just dropped
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>that's a other artist he took credit for
his name is Stephen Silver, you uncultured swine
The original serie certainly forgot him.
Silver had nothing to do with FOP design. That was Butch, Gilbert, and Goodchild.
You're BOTH midwits spouting off about shit you're misinformed about.
Crocker’s an incredibly old conspiracy hobo
and?' he is still fucking the vicky
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They're very intentionally vague about Timmy
doubtful. If Vicky appears she’ll have her own antagonistic role, not being your pet crack addict’s armcandy.
Timmy's fuckin everywhere, I think he may have been turned omnipresent/fairy
They already confirmed that's not actually him though.
of course it's not. timmy lives in Dimmsdale, not Dimmadelphia
If this is the kind of energy Peri gets then I need to invest in Anti-Peri stocks right now.
Since the 80s
Anti-Peri sounds like the coolest villain. But to make him real contrarian let Foop keep his name.
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Wow, they actually salvaged the character
It was always my dream that the OG Oh Yeah! ver. Cosmo come back somehow but I always figured it'd be in the form of a quick gag/middle finger to the audience. To see a milder spiritual successor come back in the form of the baby is pretty neat. Also weird how the rich kids in FOP are the ones getting the best fairy godparents.
I hate women's shitty tastes.
Peri changing his name and Foop missing the memo would be a very funny joke.
He does look like a Tumblr sexyman, he can even get impregnated in canon, and since they love doing that to men over there, that is another plus for him.

There've been callbacks since the first episode.
Zamn ... Tootie got to make wishes on THAT?
holy shit I can fuck him
Somehow I only just now remembered this detail. Awful!
They're Russian shillbots working for Rapeape. They want you to hate it.

It was conceived as a Netflix reboot around the same time as the Rocko and Zim movies came and went.
I don't think they're gonna callback to a memoryholed show.
well, according to the second live action movie, Timmy's dead and became a fairy.

assuming Kid!Timmy and Old!Timmy? are different people, maybe the Kid!Timmy sightings is his fairy self from that timeline just fucking around while Old!Timmy is the Timmy of this series timeline.
Foop was more adult acting to contrast against Poof's childish innocence so wtf is he gonna be like now that Poof is a sexy charismatic car salesman??

A rizzless loser?
....he has a vagina?
>he doesn't know
in FOP male fairies are the ones who get pregnant. Cosmo is the one who had Poof.
Is the new cartoon any good? It can't be any worse than the later seasons of the OG, and Fairly odder can it?
That other stuff didn't matter, he really got a fairy cause he's norwooding at 8.
>Hey Kid! Name's Poof, but i prefer to go by 'Peri', ya know... like 'Periwinkle'? rolls off the tongue better, dontcha think?

yeah, it does sound better than what we got.

assuming indeed Peri is a more 'cooler' or chill Cosmo or truly the perfect combination of Wanda's wisdom and Cosmo's sillyness/idiocy, i can imagine Anti-Peri to be the ultimate harbinger of evil, surpassing Anti-Cosmo by a mile, someone so smart that if left to his own devices, could cause the literal end of the world without any sort of help.
It's basically a canon continuation that ignores the spin offs and (hopefully) all the shark jumping bullshit from the latter seasons
>Tumblr sexyman
Is he clone?
a guy who peaked in high school
if indeed the old guy is Timmy, i want to believe, that the reason he is around doing all those jobs, is because he was ordained to support potential godkids with Fairy Godparents.

>after all the shit that he has done with C&W and all the experience he has, the Fairy council decided to help him have a nice adult life

>in exchange, he is not allowed to talk about his personal life and has to be close to godkids, and standby for potential world changing wishes, the likes he regularly did, ensuring the godkid and fairies are able to turn things back to normal. as long as he can do so, he and his family will always be wealthy and happy. should he fail, THEN he will be forced to live a living hell for the rest of his life.
Lindsay Katai exited the show in May 2023.
in the rest of this episode Cosmo and Wanda are implied to have been shit parents making Peri a parallel to Dev's problems so I'd imagine Foop would be a spoiled rich kid to whom Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda are basically slaves
Hours ago an anon said Crocker would show up based on episode descriptions, and he also said Vicky. So we might be entering cameo land from this point forward.
Timmy is Stan Lee
>we are so far along that the character added during the seasonal rot years is already an adult
> negro
that is a real spanish word
I need the continuation of this pic
Dev/Poof fanart will exist eventually and I'm all in for it
FOP continues its series of indignities. I can't believe there is a serious faction of defenders of the new show here
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more twitter idiocy.

>Poof: what you're cooking, mom?
>Wanda: ...we found your OF account...

>Peri's Narration: so i left home, i changed my name and that's why i havent seen my old folks in years.

>Dev: i just asked you the hour...
Go to sleep The ATfag.
NTA but whos The AT?
Some company shill from CN who used to obsessively shit on FOP for some reason.
That bitter huh?

I personally think the show started going downhill after introducting Poof,
i mean, Cosmo and Wanda are a married couple, them having a baby or a son to take care of alongside taking care of Timmy was just the logical step.

do we know if Poof was indeed Butch's idea? cuz i can imagine Chloe and Sparky were not.
So does "tumblr sexyman" just mean "male character that a decent amount of women find attractive" now?
I meant sometime after, a good chunk of the episodes weren't anywhere near as good. But yeah I completely stopped watching around the time of Sparky and Chloe.
Tumblr sexyman has always had a very inconsistent definition
It used to be that it was women having attraction to an unconventionally attractive “odd” male character I.E. how weird it is to be attracted to be Sans, a fat skeleton, or a literal clock from Dont Hug Me Im Scared
Then it got changed to any tall skinny man wearing a suit and having mischievous tendencies and maybe having a few unattractive features like a big nose
Now its just another word for the latest FOTM husbando trending on Twitter
I hope we see adult Foop and he’s also sexy and evil
apparently is just a zoomer way of calling gentleman to a character
You've almost got it right, but the first few sexymen were "skinny twink in a suit" before it evolved to include more unconventional characters like Sans. It's become a very bastardized term over the years, like you said it's basically just used to refer to twitter husbando FOTM or for /co/ anons to complain about male character designs that look like they might appeal to these types of women
>discourse on whether shipping a fairy with their antifairy is too selfcest and thus wrong
I always thought they would annihilate each other in a tremendous release of energy.
We need a new name.
As I recall, though Cosmo did get pregnant, Timmy had to wish the baby out of him.
Timmy also had to wish to get him pregnant
oh, you poor unfortunate soul
>Butch stops being involved with projects related to his IPs
>the quality of them increase drastically
Butchfags on suicide watch
There are not Butch apologists, only John Krisfaluci ones. One, John, is a good artist and did a lot even if he wasn't the sole force he just did something so nasty many people can't forgive it. The other, Butch, is doing so bad that no one even tries to ignore his scummy stuff which is not rape or harassing but rather just scams and religious stuff, I mean saying bad things about autistic people is like sport here so no harm done there but his bad ideas and overall scumminess related to his recent projects like Bunsen is a Beast just amplifies those shortcommings.
I hope they kiss
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>tall skinny man wearing a suit and having mischievous tendencies and maybe having a few unattractive features like a big nose
thats what its always been to me
This show has not had a single funny joke in its entire run so far
You are ignoring years of garbage to make your argument work.
>Cosmo is the one who had Poof.
So did he pass poof out of him like a kidney stone? How does that work?
Probably like seahorses.
i like to think in this world this IS the biggest problem a kid could face
there's no reason to think all the "real" problems even exisit here
Looks like a fun character but man this animation looks bad
They tried their best knowing they'll be using CGI. This still looks better than the later seasons of FOP, is more artistic. Don't know what Butch was thinking or what was he smoking or ingesting or snorting...
Timmy wished Poof in and out
Timmy has been on DimmsdaleArt for too long, he's seen stuff.
Its shortened to poof a lot here. My dad used it a lot growing up though its fallen out of fashion and only really used by old men.
The young hip croud use faggot
>Cosmo's charisma
>Wanda's hair
Weird to see /co/ so understanding of a name change
I miss droopy gameshow host Cosmo
Invitable jojo reference incoming
Man I just can't get past the animation
I feel like anything else even flash would've been better on my eyes
The only people who care to make this distinction at all are Indians or Africans.
>looking for cute Timmy / Tootie stuff
>90% of it is smut or them when they're grown up
>So does "tumblr sexyman" just mean "male character that a decent amount of women find attractive" now?
Always has been
I can’t believe I’ve been alive long enough to remember Poof’s birth and see him become a tumblr sexyman years later
Not really
Its male character that women obsess over not just find attractive
>the quality of them increase drastically
You haven't watched it
>Is the new cartoon any good
If you liked the earlier seasons of FOP....no

If you hated everything after channel chasers....still no

It's basically the same show but stripped of any identity or humor that made it stand out because everyone is way too nice and chill as oppose to being neurotic assholes sure this might be an improvement over what the series became after its second cancelation doesn't mean it's worth watching.
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>bedroom eyes
>instant boner
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Making Peri suave like pilot Cosmo is pretty genius, we'll see how things pan out when he gets more appearances.
Wonder if he’ll be a villain, he seems to be estranged from Cosmo and Wanda
Considering Dev seems to be a more friendly equivalent to Remy Boxaplenty I'm sure Poof/Peri will be his Juandissimo.
>everyone is way too nice and chill as oppose to being neurotic assholes
that's honestly a good thing
at times the asshole-ish behavior in fop felt forced and unnecessary

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