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With the few hintings we have regarding the last four eps, how badly do (you) think they're going to fuck up the status quo by the finale?
The biggest way to mess up the status quo while sill being something possible within the realms of the show would probably be to have one of the main kids move I think. Maybe even two of them.
Shit I think you're onto something there, would be poetic given the movie's whole setup.
That would be my bet. Maybe even not have it be the last episode be them moving but have that be the episode before the last. With the last episode being whoever is left realizing how different the creek is. Not bad exactly, but different. Now finding new groups to join in with and maybe with other kids aging out of the creek or finding new interests leading them to join new groups. A sort of time moves on and change comes but that there's still something to look forward to regardless kind of feel. And as to not leave the kids who moved out leave on a note of them missing out, they can find their own sort of creek as well. Maybe a mountain or something where kids in the towns they they moved to hang out. Could be cool to think about what new groups some of the kids would join or which groups would merge together.
Honestly I like that approach, makes it seem almost like the last episode is an epilogue that leaves itself open-ended for this new creek dynamic. Love that mountain stuff too, kinda builds on the message in Key of the Creek, that you're still a part of the community no matter where you are.
I genuinely don't understand how we haven't reached the point yet where a show regarding a massive creek hasnt entered the predictable final storyline of someone buying the entire creek for developmental purposes

They joked about it in the "aged up" EP where Wildernessa is tied to a tree doing activism work but I'm shocked it hasn't happened sooner

For me, this would be a great conclusion to Eliza's arc where they can introduce her family and Eliza has now gotten to the point where she not only hates Craig but everyone who is not within her income bracket at the creek

To show how serious she is about her hatred towards them she should tell the development company to destroy her tree first which results in George and Jane defacing from the group because it's become clear that Eliza truly doesn't value anything. That tree to her was just a tree just like everything else is in the creek...expendable.
While I don't really think Eliza is the most fitting role for this since even she has her place in the creek she enjoys having, I do agree that in a way the creek itself being in danger did feel like a very obvious story line. But I do also think it's a bit much for the kids to deal with you know? I just don't see them all being able to do anything if there were plans for the creek to be torn down and repaved for something. Craig's grandmother I guess could since she's sort of in town legal stuff but as I remember it she's in a different town so I don't think she'd be connected to it. The problems the kids face can be big for them but in the end they're still kids so it has to be scaled to their means and ability. Unless they just say screw it and go full Captain Planet and the creek kids all come together to manifest a physical form of the creek for some big battle with a monster who just wants to pollute and destroy. Which would be a hell of a finale, but also really damn out there.

What they should do is have it be revealed that Eliza's father is a very powerful politician and it goes into how the kids are way out of their depth to tackle something like this on their own. The parents of the creek realize how much the creek means to everyone and how future generations should have the same luxury that Eliza takes for granted because it's "just some stupid piece of wasted real estate"

Basically it's a team up Ep where they turn the Creek into the symbol of their community. Like a larger portion of the Heart of the Forest. They get a petition to make the Creek into an endangered nature reserve

Nice 1 hr plot. End the series right there
Yeah that's why I like it too. I don't see this as the kind of show that can just end end. It's something that ends with the knowledge that these characters are going to go on and learn and grow beyond where we know them. Admittedly, I still believe that they'll revisit the series one day so this opens it up to a return one day as well but that's besides the point. Above all I want the ending to feel right for this show and I hope they stick the landing.
Pretty much, it's a bit like Seinfeld that way I guess, there's rough continuity but we're just seeing their daily escapades unfold, we know that they're still getting up to stuff. You're a lot more hopeful than me on that front, luckily I'll have StuGo to fill the void only a couple of weeks after the finale kek. Really hope so too though, I know they got the entire crew on board to pitch in so I have a feeling it'll stick.
And here I thought I was the only one interested in that show. Though admittedly, I'm mostly in it because I find Merian sort of ugly cute in a way that weirdly appeals to me. Yeah I do admit the show coming back is a real long shot. Even if Craig got renewed today, we wouldn't hear about or see anything from it probably for another year or two since this stuff takes a while. I just try to stay positive when I can.
Quite a few acquaintances seem interested too thankfully, and kek yeah she seemed to draw a few people in, think her having Heka's VA was a big draw. Yeah pretty much, plus a lot of the heavy hitters for the show have already signed on for other projects. Then again some of those are still WB-adjacent so they could probably move them around if necessary. Fingers crossed for some form of second life though.
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Didn't ask and don't care
>Quite a few acquaintances seem interested too
Really? Well that's a pleasant surprise. It was starting to feel like a show that no one was interested in. Crews being disbanded is a pretty hard to deny sign of things being wrapped up. Though Warner Brothers is a big company so if they stay in studio I guess anything is possible. Actually damn I forgot, Craig already got a spin off didn't it? Jessica's one. It shows that there was interest in continuing the show in some way. I mean, it presumably got hit as part of the deconstruction of the Cartoonito block so I guess it wasn't entirely it's fault. Though that does sort of make me a weird mix of uneasy and hopeful.
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Remember /co/ you're not welcome to the Slumber Party because you're not on the Guest List

You will never be a real tea timer
And you'll never grow back your real hair ya pompous skank.

I cant believe back to back it was revealed that it actually was a wig and its never brought up as a plot point in the Ep when they played Truth or Dare
By the look of it we'll probably never see exactly what her hair style is like under that wig. We got a glimpse and can probably guess it's pretty short at least. Wouldn't be surprised if she's actually wearing colored contacts too.
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Yeah it's a niche community but still it's something, plus some others that are on the fence ar at least open to it, actually got a few people into this show recently kek. Pretty much, plus there's a lot of cross-pollination, could definitely see some of the F&C crew coming over to CotC if it got renewed out of the blue. And yeah this past year and a half have been super turbulent, directions shifting in big and unpredictable ways. And it really is odd since they still announced a toddler AT show, think it's tied to "legacy" stuff while Craig's just too contemporary to get that same treatment. Suppose it makes that one episode of Barry trying to relate to them with older CN titles that much more ironic.

Eliza with non pink hair is just wrong. Pink is her brand.
Didn’t they do a fast forward episode? It’s been a while since I watched the show, if they didn’t show her then it should probably be Kitt since she is basically a central/pivotal figure in the Creek.

That Ep was only 11 minutes and given how massive the cast is you could realistically move away almost any character from this show
I wish Eliza's episode didn't break the parent reveal trend the previous ones set, it really should have been an 1 hour special with Eliza flexing her skills against the other guests in sleepover games with her being de-wigged towards the end.
Half hour I mean

I feel like what happened was if every EP was hard capped at 11 minutes they needed to write an excuse as to how Craig and company escaped the basement and the solution was to begin a brand new story arc that was likely gonna be continued slowly as the series (or at least the season) continued where there would be a falling out among the tea timers

Eliza's line towards George about how she "prefers Jane" felt too randomly specific and given how George did not follow up on Eliza's order to "watch them" leads me to believe they were gonna eventually redeem George

George looks like he was becoming bored of the Tea Timers because Craig is now so popular and so well known among the creek that him not being a Tea Timer just makes the Tea Timers look lame. Like George learning how to "enjoy things the Craig way" at Eliza's horror and disgust just feels like a long term plan that had in mind.
Well yes, but it's a brand she carefully cultivated. An image she built and takes care to maintain even if it's fake. Just like when she first showed up and appeared nice and inviting only for it to turn out the Tea Timers actually spend their time planning out ways to manipulate kids into fighting for their amusement. Being fake or having an unexpected surprise to her is her thing.

The fact that Eliza has not only paintings of herself but busts as well was my favorite stupid detail revealed about her. She's amazingly vain. She reminds me of Odalia.
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It is a fun visual of how obsessed with herself and her image she is.
That's ok. I kind of wanted to be a ninja kid more anyway.
She kinda reminds me of Donald Trump.
Would you hook Yustace up with more capeshit behind the others' backs?
Very big Morbucks vibes, they'd get along swimmingly
I kinda like it honestly, makes it apparent that absent parents can lead to some extremely toxic traits coming out in the kids, like Jason but much less sympathetic.
Makes sense.
I'd probably prefer to get her onto something else, but if she really wants her monthly Justice Bro then I don't think I'd have the heart to tell her no.
Based, sign of a true /co/ bro right there. I'm sure she'd be open to graphic novels too, can potentially be the best of both worlds.

There might be truth to that but Eliza is also the kind of person who would act like this even with her family present. It reminds me of Gem Stone from Sabrina the Teenage Witch where her personality is so awful they love her because they're morally obligated to not because it makes her a better person
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Eh I would rather see the parents and being denied another hot mom pissed me off. What would be ideal is the parents are coached by Eliza to be fancy, elegant and snobby while they're just another run of the mill mom and dad which would be revealed when they wake up next day makeup-up off in the kitchen, with Eliza wig off also. This could have been a great redemption-ish episode for her but we got her doing nothing but facetime on crappy sleepover games.

The only 2 people who're on the table for redemption are George and Jane. Jane because she actually does value George as a friend despite Eliza being openly honest with her shameless favortism and George because now he realizes all the free labor he gives Eliza means nothing when Jane does nothing all day and Eliza still prefers her company over George's.

Eliza is just a terrible person. Its not something regarding Eliza not being hugged enough as a child. She's just a Silver Spoon control freak. Overtime her attitude problems would have only gotten worse because Eliza doesnt seem aware her "friends" are beginning to tire of her. Like this is no longer a friendship this is work.
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Punished Tabs, a goth girl denied her punk gf.
Had the series gone on he would have parted ways like the thing with the Elders, poor Mark.
Do you have the full?
I thought Jane liked Eliza and was sort of whatever on George? Or at least that's how it seemed early on. Maybe it changed later. She was seemingly genuinely concerned for Eliza when that stink bomb went off and seemed to think of George as an afterthought.
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I really hope they don't change anything too much. I don't want another shitty ending like almost every cartoon.
I'd like if there was no finale, just a last regular episode. I fucking hate goodbyes
What's with us and cucking lesbians in this show
I don't know. I get the witches sometimes, but not really the Kesley and stacks stuff. It may be just a vocal minority
Jessica isn't that bad.
I want to do this to Jessica because she diverted time, energy, workforce and resources from cotc to make her show even if it was a different studio who animated everything
At least he's enjoying the company of a cute and funny magical girl now. Unless they decide to mend things last minute and there goes my headcanon.
You know anon, I get you. While I learned to sort of tolerate her, knowing what she did in a meta sense to the franchise as a whole does make one sour on her a bit.
Sweet mud gremlin.
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Is she the cutest creeksona?
Good point, the type are absent even when they're actually around and probably think throwing money at the issue will make it work out. And kek sounds very dated yet topical at the same time.
this sounds like a conversation with that one wonderbread tree cutting dude
It's most likely him, he's popped in a few times recently.
gosh this doodles of jessica are so cute!!
Yes that's him. Well, probably him at least. Two of those posts. One of them is me. I just happen to like Eliza, though clearly not the same way he does, and was curious as to how he came to the conclusion Eliza would ever do what he wants her to do.
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For sure! Do wish they'd visually distinguished their shows more like in some of these.
art like this always looks better than the final product.
If I remember correctly the Kelsey stuff was created as a response to the witches, and the natural consequences of cucking someone.
Getting revenge on cheaters, child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel warm, that kind of stuff
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She is I despise her, she's that annoying lil sis with no real redeeming qualities to me.
Also yeah this, she really just wasted time. If not for her maybe cotc could have had another movie or better conclusion but not like cotc was some goat anyway.
It all started with kelsey hate on her coming out I believe.
Actually witch thing was after the kelsey cuck stuff then the QB kelsey thing is super new.
Hey, they didn’t know they’d be struck down.
Then they flew too close to the sun
No, it was like being shot down by a missile without warning.
True. Not her or the crews fault really. They were given the chance to do a spinoff and if it happened to require they did a Cartoonito show then I can't blame them for going for it. That it turned out the way it didn't no one could have expected.
Unfortunately this, there's so much soul in these, could've honestly been its own standalone property at this point.
I like Jessica because I saw a trailer for cotc that had her sitting on a rock and saying "this rock hurts my butt". That was the first exposure I had to this show
Unusual introduction to the series but hey, whatever works.
Yes, I think so. And by a good margin as well.
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Damn, ok you make a very strong argument there. The mess of sticky notes and the papers she is standing on is great.
That’s just the nature of adapting to animation.
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Not even, they clearly have the talent to toggle styles rather frequently in the show. It's likely they did it for brand recognition, which just sucks.
I wouldn't mind that I think. A "and the adventure continues" kind of ending would be nice. Too often shows default to the big goodbye ending since it's an easy way to tug at the heart strings, even if it doesn't always make sense in practice or in canon.
Yeah it's always fun when they include little quirks the crew picked up on.
Yeah this shit hit the entire animation department hard. Wild to think this was the last CN show to be workshopped in the original building.
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I want her to bully me
I started watching this show the other day and this shit is really way better than I expected. I’m only on season 1 and I’ve heard it gets better than even this
It will be revealed that Kenneth was a transmale and will reconcile with Mark and they will start dating. The other elders will slowly come around.
>Mark gets with a black queen after all
My only complaint is it ain't with Sparkle.
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Precious little shit
What are they gonna do to him???

Also prefer the cute headcanon she's his lil sister, also how much cotc loli/creeksona x david porn do you think will drop from alt accounts once the series is really over?
Hey that do look like his little sister. Their parents probably told David to look after her while they're at the creek
Are you saying >>144628824 is the cutest, or are you saying >>144628783
this one is?
The mud gremlin is the cutest was what I was saying.
Yeah the show really impressed when I finally got around to sitting down and giving it a proper go. Glad you are enjoying the show so far anon.
I want to "unleash my beast" at her.
>loli/creeksona x david porn
KEK honestly I could see it, would be funny if all her fujoposting was just a smokescreen for ulterior motives like that. She would have my unwavering respect if we see an uptick in suspiciously good pics.
Lol same, really I meant all of them though. Imagine that story about the lil people taking down the giant but instead it's all the loli and shota-ifed crew taking down and raping poor david. They won't leave a single spot unviolated
I mean what they don't know won't hurt them, also I see david being a great older brother. Albeit i see him letting his younger sibling get away with a lot of bs
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Given it was a dream sequence, any take we give would pale in comparison to what they had in mind. Poor twinkish neet
It'd be cool if they pulled off an adventure time ending properly. Minus the flash forward to the future.
Contained, but for how long?
September I think
Raped until their is nothing left
She reminds me of Sally from peanuts. Or the idea of Sally anyway
Not in? Either way you may think you're in command but then her hat flips around and she shows how much of a terror she can be
>the main character is black
>there is an episode where a white boy becomes mouthless
They don't have to fuck it up per se. They can keep doing what they've been doing and they will fuck it up without even trying
Well yes in, of course but I desperately want to flash her just to see how she'd react.
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>feral and nocturnal to the point even Roger skitters back to his bridge before she gets really active
The mud kids get scary at night while they're out hunting.
I get what you're saying but I can't reconcile the extremes on this. Is this supposed to be an event? A double episode at least or a season arc? Obviously the latter option has sailed but the former probably still isn't enough for anything other than a bunch of panicking that's ultimately solved by the greatest of all evils: an HOA.

Even beyond just reacting to it I can't really see a way to seriously have the kids involved in the plot. Is Daddy really just buying up the creek because Eliza told him to and changing her mind is going to get it all to stop? A big team of construction workers isn't going to kill a bunch of kids by bulldozing bushes they're in or trees they're tied to. But it's not like construction workers are famous for working weekends or outside of school hours.

I admit the idea has potential but I can't see a kayfabe compatible plan that would include actual activism for the creek kids to have that doesn't ramp up to rugrats levels of nonsense.
You sound like eliza anon. If it is you, did you give your thoughts on the eliza sleepover episode? A few threads ago we were joking about how bad it was, how it killed discussion and how it made even eliza anon leave.

The food chain

They are a menace when their one of them but a fierce force when in a pack.

The loathsome mud-eater
I could survive that
The mud kids must have some very fucking smooth skin if they rub that all over themselves
pics remind me of a creepy kid in the maze, but I don't remember if it was mud or something else
This would be a fucking awesome episode man. Maybe she'd be voiced by Ashley Tahilan too
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Would be cool. A what wild things go on at night in the creek kind of thing with some found footage and security camera sights.
He'll never be the same after what they do to him.
She saw penice
I mean yeah he's related to everyone kek
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Paloma has some moves.
She's such a little goober, even when she was trying to act like a supervillain. Not to mention that laugh
Her little cheek markings add so much extra character, wish she'd shown up more somehow
Truly majestic, so glad we were able to see them when they were just fillies.
She shows up a bit here and there, well at least once or twice, but she definitely should have been a recurring or at least once a season character. That's way too cute a design to not use more often.
Wow, sounds like every character in the show besides the main three
Shes so fucking cute >:(
Craig of the Sneed
True. Though I feel this show is better than most at using its background and one off characters, it's not perfect. A fault of having so many entertaining and likeable ones I guess. Probably something that stems from the show being Craig Of The Creek instead of like a general Kids Of The Creek or some equivalent.
The smoothest and slipperiest around.
Their cheeks sound super pinchable too
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I wanna ask her to marry me to see what she does
That's pretty cool. Crew art that gets to show off and have backgrounders join in on stuff.
Idk of any other members of the crew did anything the way ash does unfortunately
Her dancing fucking sucks
Damn anon. What did she do to you? She's doing the best she can.
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It's cute how the artist always keeps some form of color coordination between them.
I think that's concept art
Oh I know kek, should've specified I meant crew artist.
It’s kind of like the opposite problem with ‘The Loud House’.

If you rewatch a lot of the earlier seasons, its abundantly clear that Eliza feels absolute disgust whenever she enters the creeks. When she was a member of the council, she'd never sully her dress sitting down in the dirt which also leads me to believe she doesnt wash the pillows she uses meaning she likely throws them away or burns them like she threatened to burn her couch all because someone farted on it.

She has a tree but she has to cover it in a bunch of frilly lights. Eliza is the furthest thing of an avid reader of Ted Kaczynski's The Industrial Revolution and its consequences

Now, Wildernessa on the other hand is an avid reader of the book and likely has an autographed copy.

It was too short. I get what they were going with but it felt like this Ep existed to lead into events that would eventually come later. Like this was the start of the other tea timers siding with Craig because Craig is actually fun and interesting despite not being rich like them. I feel like Eliza secretly wants Craig to join but not because she actually wants him to be an official member of the group. In Eliza's mind, this is a compromise, Craig doesnt need the Tea Timers but the Tea Timers want him. George and Jane feel like they can offer a lot to Craig but Craig isnt interested and to Eliza it makes the Tea Timers look bad because the only reason the creek even still tolerates them is occasionally it does benefit the creek and this sleepover proves it

See what needs to happen is that Craig, entirely unintentionally needs to start a divide among the Tea Timer where simply by being himself and just living life to the fullest, Eliza cant stand it anymore because she's so sheltered she refuses to even humor the existence of Craig's outside the box principals to life

If the series continued this could be expanded upon.
I still can't believe she canonically goes commando
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The power of animation errors
I like it a lot, but there should be more
I like the facial expression and I like the shoes design and how it goes with the rest of the outfit.
top left looks like he's serving
Damn, her balls just out for God to see.
I am very passionate about dancing and take great offense when I see someone who is unable to
If only the other girls were this based, SC comes close kek.
She's living on the edge. Wearing nothing but a sweater and her shoes. Boldly taking any draft or breeze.
She's got to have big balls to let balls hang out like that. Only a select few like her and Sparkle Cadet have balls that big.
or those two are just exhibitionistic perverts
Or that. Though that was kind of assumed as well.
>pic of them both flashing the viewer together
The vile beast stalking her next wretched meal
Then the NDA shackles come off and we see her sin firsthand...
Do they still get to have big balls?
Still love the pfp Tabitha chose for her, the caller ID's just rubbing salt in the wound kek.
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Funny you mention that, one concept strip has her crushing on another kid.
How many of the ideas of from the concept comic strips actually managed to make it into the show?
I honestly don't know, don't think anyone here's watched through the whole thing. Even I could barely get through two episodes without my eyes starting to hurt.
There was that one anon from a while back that kept asking about a mega for the show, but I guess he took off once the show ended. Seems like no one really watched it then.
Well that and the wix fan site for the show updated in its entirety if memory serves
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>don't come to my house or I'll suck your di-BLOOD, I said blood
It did? Huh, well that convenient then. Even if I'm still not sure I'm going to watch any of it. Still, I just figured since Jessica anon was so set on finding the show that he would have posted a bit about it when he finally did.
Yeah kek, and if I had to guess he's just busy is all. Hopefully we hear some of his thoughts on it soon enough.
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You think she's a numbah 3 reference?
Big sleeves aren't unique to a specific style dumbass
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I wonder what courtney put for her
>just "Tabitha"
>probably with a goofy unflattering photo that you'd expect a bestie to use
>she's really just "the other girl" to Courtney despite that slampig being the one that got her into girls
Mud kids love it

I dont remember that.

Exfoliate to the max

I could see it as a Halloween episode.

Those are her woods.
Errors or bold animators. Either way they're a good find.
Going for all the classics without resorting to the patty footage, I commend you drawfren.
I do adore there Mud Gremlin on the hunt. Makes me think we're seeing like found footage of cryptids but at the creek.
Not to into this Courtney, but I do quite like this Tabitha.
It's honestly grown on me, shaved bit's probably already sprouting a bunch of peachfuzz. Rubbing it feels amazing for you and her.
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Good point, the Koreans can be oddly based sometimes.
Might not care for her as much as the others, but I love Mackenzie's smug aura here. Could be a grown-ass adult and she'd still think she's your superior.
So.. Marie is a jew right?
Wouldn't it hurt better if courtney matched the energy that tabitha has, but it was corrupted?
She knows she's the best and makes sure everyone around her knows it too.
Maney's short hair is so cute
Nah just Eliza.
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Honestly I can see it, like a confident little shetland being able to boss around a clydesdale. It's all a matter of control, not like any of the others would really call her out either.

It really is, makes it seem like a new chapter of her life's begun, one that's continued right up until the present.
vore? with >>144661784 ? sign me the fuck up
Anon why did you have to put that thought in my head? Why do I wanna see her overalls struggling to cover her bulging, prey-filled gut.
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The seal on Pandora's box has already been broken, anon.
Then repair it shit
Well anon, what other ideas do you have for the mud gremlin?
No :^)

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