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post your favorite black girls or women
brown girls need not be posted
Black girls rule!
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She is so damn fine
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Wolf is top cute. Lunella is probably my favorite.
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stop worshipping women
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LOL, i guess she's black too
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Karen <3
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they knew what they were doing here
theyd be friends
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Posting that one girl from that one episode of The Boys Diabolical, even though I'm not a pedo, by the way.

I'm not a goddamn pedo, Benjamin!
Never watched that but she's kind of cute. Got another shot of her?
I like her mom.
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Courtney in total drama is one if she counts
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Wolf a cute.
What is she from
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts.
I want to fuck her
I'd hope so. Wolf is pretty cool and calm headed while Lunella is a bit of an impulsive goober. Heck, she may even remind Wolf of Kipo in a way there. Kipo and her are both sort sort of science girls too. Pretty surprised to see Lunella and Wolf fan art. Wouldn't have guessed that be a thing.
She's like 9 years old, you sick fuck.
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Everybody loves Susie
Her mom certainly is cute as well.
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Reminder that her mom is a millennial.
Makes me feel old.
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Is a bit of /v/ allowed?
She and Jonesy should just fuck.
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And im jonesy
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I love her smile
Sparkle Cadet is cool. She's a rare kind.
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Wolf a cute
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Her sister is also cute
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Cosmic Brownie
Saw a few episodes of Molly's show. It seemed alright but I kind of fell off. Is it still going on?
Her show is finished, there's a book sequel.
The audiobook of first six chapters
Holy shit molly's sister fucks, now i need the rule 34
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>now i need the rule 34
Nice, guess i'll get back into EE
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I listened to the audiobook with a friend, I liked it.
I hope it sold well so they can animate it one day
A book sequel? Not what I'd have expected but that's cool.
Is that the name of the show? Epithet Erased?
>Is that the name of the show? Epithet Erased?
Yes, that's the name of the show
Well, now I know. Thanks.
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Goo is a cute girl
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Sometimes it feels like this is their relationship.
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Nerris from Camp Camp, I like nerdy black girls.
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nice i miss this show
One I've only seen once or twice in the wild, the black pastel weeb.
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Nerdy black girls are the best.
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>nice i miss this show
Gone but not forgotten
They really are perfect
Trixie from American Dragon: Jake Long.
I like her season 2 design (right) more
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Yeah I like fat bitches, wanna fight about it?
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I've been obsessed with her for weeks, I'm surprised she'd be mentioned here but good on you for having taste.
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How come she gets to be the only race-coded elf?
Because little black elf girls are cute as hell?
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>No love for Max
Fuck you all.
She's pretty cute. Don't really hear much about the show though. Would it be worth going through for her?
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Feet are nice.
I enjoy the show, so yes
I like that she's drawn with tan soles
Yeah lighter palms and soles are so rare to see on black characters so it's always nice to see it pop up from time to time.
I know this sounds weird to say, but I find black girls feet really hot due to the unique contrast between their light-tan soles and the rest of their dark skin. I shouldn't be fetishizing an entire racial group of women, I'm sorry.
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Anon, where do you think we are? If you want to say you like accurate coloration when it comes to art of ebony chicks you're welcome to do so.
Janie is cute. Shame she doesn't get much notice but I guess that comes with having to compete alongside Harriet for attention.
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And Marion. And Beth Ellen. And Rachel.
Yep, and Beth Elle's sister also seems to have some fans and so does Carrie as well. Was trying to be a little optimistic about Janie's odds, but the competition is really steep for her.
I like Numbuh 5's Fusion Fall design
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She's pretty cool here. This was a great adaptation of her.
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>posting about kipo and the end of wypipo in 2024
More like this?
Need to see more of this girl immediately.
cartoon where a black girl is lesbian with a ginger girl when?
the perfect match
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Probably never. Shame though. It could be cute.
Make one and call it aprilcest
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I like black April
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All the chocolate in this show is delectable
That's a good image, thanks
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And Esther here has the same problem cause Reggie is like a black hole that sucks up all the attention her cartoon gets.
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animated adaptation of this game
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Skara owes me sex.
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she owes me sex first
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That one is just unfair. Reggie is like an irresistible girl that draws attention towards herself from every artist who draws anything for her show. It's honestly kind of impressive. Though also a little sad for Esther since she gets none of that attention. Not even a fraction of a percent. I want to say part of it is her hair style is awkward to draw but the other is just that Reggie is impossible to compete with.
It’s weird to me that Rachel is somehow more popular then Janie. I can understand the other two. But outside of her design Rachel didn’t have much going for her.
oral fixation
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Based Vixen enthusiasts
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So good, she has two bfs
Rachel has a cool hat and attitude. Extra points since she's part of Marion's crew too.
Is Rachel black? She doesn't have the lips and her hair isn't wavy
Anon, people here fetishize kitchen tiles, Ohio, children, Dinotrux, and gay rocks. Nobody gives a shit about you being down with the brown
No I highly doubt she's black. Looking at Jaine who we can reliably use as a reference for how a black girl in that show would look like seems to show Rachel is something else. Probably just vaguely brown or even just tan.
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I love this moor
Only if both of them have big curly hair.
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That show's April was fun. Cute too.
Despite her movie being mediocre as fuck she was cute.
I didn't like her at first, but she's cute
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I don't care if she does have PTSD from it. 10/10 would move to the middle of the desert in order to worship her as a Weather Goddess.
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>Had 12/10 GF who looked just like this
>Her dad was racist as fuck and didn't want her dating a pasty, skinny white boy.
>She told him to get fucked
Was able to feel the leg-lock supreme while making sweet, passionate love to her
>Her dad finds out and throws a fucking shitfit.
>He moves her 2000 miles away to Florida to get away from me.
>This was in time before Social Media so i lost track of her.
>This is still considered perfectly reasonable in todays society.
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I really like Mariner.
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I like her with poofy hair
Eventually she'll have her day.
That is fucking sad, I'm so sorry for you. Do you still miss her or have moved on from it?
what is Hazel's taste in music anyway?
She really reminds me of a boondocks character.
Did we ever get confirmation if Esther was supposed to be trans or not? The signs were there at some points but contradicted in others, like they were planning to pull a fast one if they got a season 2.
What signs were there?
I like seeing these two kissing.
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Max should have been a love interest toward the end
The fact that she looks like a dude on the island, her interests in gender interactions, dressing overly girly, and i think she had trans flag colored shoes on in one scene.
that wasn't reggie with the tranny shoes?
>flag colored shoes
I'd say this is a bit of a reach considering Reggie has those same colors throughout her suit.
Unless she's one of those normies who blindly picked up that shirt from an H&M, she obviously likes Nirvana.
I genuinely don't remember, maybe.

It is a reach, everything's a reach. But there were several reaches. It's definitely not something that was ever directly hinted at, but if it were revealed later you could go back and point to it and feel smart.
Fair enough. Odds are we'll never know anything about what was planned considering what happened with that show so head canon and theorizing is totally fair game.
Guys, there's no need to fight, we can take turns!
Haven't seen her show but this black elf girl is very cute.
That's a girl?
Oh, wow. Sorry to hear that. Must've been tough.
Isn't she an alien?
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Very cute.
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She is indeed.
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Yes. A cool and very cute one at that.
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nice filename
She's definitely the cutest girl in her show. And her aged up design looks really good (unlike Ogra de las Americas, la Luz Extinguido) so i dont feel bad about lewding her. Not enough fanart sadly
Everybody had great timeskip designs except Luz, Emira and Lilith. Even Raine looked much better.
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New Dragon Prince season tomorrow. Has some nice black elves.
weak penetration
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Not bad. How's that show?
First three seasons are great. 4 and 5 are not as good, but I still enjoy it.
Five seasons? That's already impressive on its own. I'll look around for a mega or something then. Been seeing it around and am getting curious. If a new season is coming tomorrow then if sounds like a decent time to see what's going on.
How can you tell? No, seriously.
It's only Friday in Upside Down Land (and Glorious Nippon).
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She's a girl because she's cute and i say so
Fox girl
Not that impressive when the seasons are 9 episodes. Overall, it'll be two episodes longer than Avatar.
Does the voice not give it away?
My favorite black girl in any media.
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>the seasons are 9 episodes
Ah, ok. That does recontextualize it a bit. Still not a bad running way considering it's a Netflix show. I'm still annoyed that the CG Netflix He-Man only ever got the three seasons it did.
oh hey a serbian thread
grace is full of beauty herself
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Starting to become smitten by her really
How is she so cute
Who’s this?
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dr slone from fortnite
There are characters from that? There a show of something?
File deleted.
Fortnite has a tiny bit of lore in the games and cameos in marvel and dc but i personally dont care much for fortnite lore and just fancy the girls. Slone is a major villain in fortnite so she gets a bit of special attention
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Can't wait for her show!
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Female Miles.
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All that chocolate will make you sick Anon
Holy based chocolate enjoyer. Can you make a tiermaker with these images?
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No such thing as too much chocolate.
This reminds me, I wanna make a /co/ black girl roll chart, are roll charts allowed here?
Would be lame if they weren't allowed. They're a classic.
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Yeah, there's a couple cinematics and also the comics with both DC and Marvel.
Though truthfully Fortnite's story is a little disjointed , its a combination of those plus in-game dialogue/text boxes. Think of it like WoW (or really any other MMO) And the cinematics and text boxes are locked behind seasons so Its hard to get into if you're not at active player. Also don't get confused; Battle Royale's story and Save The World's story (Fortnite's original storymode made back in 2017) is completely unrelated, to Battle Royale's story.
Fuck it, I think I'll make the chart.
Suggest me some characters to throw in

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I love black girls man

Lola Mbola - Robotboy
Bliss - PPG 2016
Sally Bollywood -
out of ten!
That sounds like a bit of a mess. Well, at least there is a cute girl or two in there it seems.
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I'm going to bed now, I'll continue the chart tomorrow.
She cute. Who is she?
No. Voices differentiate in adolescence, and Wolf is pre-adolescent. Such differences as exist in the voices of young boys and girls are due to manners of speaking rather than the voices themselves. It's common for adult women to voice pre-adolescent characters of both sexes in animation, and in doing this they usually affect the speech patterns of the sort of child they intend the audience to perceive the character as. Compare this https://youtu.be/iCwDid1_ZTg (two pre-adolescent boys voiced by the same adult woman) with this https://youtu.be/JQuoP9k7r_M (a young wolf girl, an adolescent girl, and the character who goes by Wolf, all voiced by adult women). Looking at those scenes, does Wolf's speech seem more similar to the boys or to the girls? To my ear, Wolf sounds deeper and gruffer than Huey. Which is an affectation, of course, but it's one more typical of boys than of girls. With the ambiguous character designs, the first time someone referred to Wolf as "she" I wondered if that was meant to be serious. But it apparently was. I'm just curious how people in- and out-of-universe are supposed to recognize that.
First impressions?
I wish they didn't make her counterpart look and sound like a big wuss.
The white guy? Yeah, I agree, wish he had a deeper voice.
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>VA handling another sporty black girl
Based, she's got such a cute voice.
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For me is Goo.
My first cute and funny crush.
I like her design but I need to see more of her overall because just from that clip she seems fine.
>Weeb references
Western animation is dead
>PPG (2016) porn
>PPG porn in general
Robot Chicken's Ratchet the Autobot: "EEEEWWWW!!!"

If you're going to draw Bliss, draw her theoretical PPGZ version.
>PPGZ version
EEEEWWWW weebshit
Iyanu from the upcoming Cartoon Network show
off to SA with you
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I love her already
Huh, that's not something I'd have expected from them. Seems more like something I'd expect from a limited one season Disney Plus exclusive. We have any information or trailers for the show yet? Or is this going to be like Invincible Fight Girl where we know almost nothing until a day before the first episode is supposed to drop?
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Did Kizazi Moto had any other good afro girl? I only watched the first episode and had a good adult sisterfu.
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Ryona chads are winning
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I love her.
Damn dude this art fucks
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nah both are fine to me
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Putting this obscure chocolate girl that is a magical girl with water powers, and I hope someone renembers her.
Her name is Undine Wells (Alchemical Water) from the Sleepless Domain Webcomic in case u don't know.
In addition, there is another obscure girl, but is a loli and a magical girl that comes from a Korean production.
Her name is Indigo Keen (Lunatic Indigo) and she comes from Rainbow Bubblegem. She is a disguised mermaid too.
I hope the anons who know this series besides me are still there and hopefully are aware that this show might come back stronger.
I like her hair curls. Those are cute. She a main character in that webcomic or a side one?
The Main Character
She is. I'm trying to be cautiously optimistic, but I've got high hopes for her and her show.
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She's so beautiful bros
Are you sure she's black?
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Anyone else reading Minor Threats? Love the MCs design and power set.
Cool. Thanks anon. Read a bit of it. Seems cute. Doesn't seem to have had an update in a while but still.
And I think I'm out of characters to add to the chart.
How's the chart looking right now?
Might I suggest Maya? >>144669448
Reading it now, it's an interesting idea done, at least so far, fairly competently. I'm not exactly super plugged into the scene, but it feels a bit like a throw back to when these sorts of "Cape Comics with a Twist" were more in vogue. Your The Boys, Irredeemable, hell Invincible in a way. Not that long ago, relatively speaking, but long enough.
I mean, yes she is. But I'm not sure she exactly fits the theme here.
Damn I want to lick her feet
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Finished it, liked most of it, but the ending is a bit of bummer. Also feels a bit out of step with the characterization in the first issue, but this is largely because the mini series switches perspective characters so we never really get Toy Box's internal monologue again and how its obviously changed in the finale.

Actually, guess there's another mini (still going on?), so presumably that follows up a bit.
>it feels a bit like a throw back to when these sorts of "Cape Comics with a Twist" were more in vogue.
Very yes, hat's the best way to describe this one
>Actually, guess there's another mini (still going on?), so presumably that follows up a bit.
there are several spin off but the proper sequel with Toy Box just finished this week.
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Good taste, anon
She was my first love. I moved on,because it was either that or just fucking keel over and die. But I have laid awake on more than a few occasions wondering what could have been, where she is, maybe wondering if she was knocked up and that's why her dad took her and thinking "Boy, I would do literally ANYTHING for her to walk through the door right now."
>surprise lesbians
Come ON people, you gotta stop doing this! If you keep making two girls with no chemistry who have no history with either each other or being homosexual into homosexuals with each other, you're not gonna beat the allegations.

Sorry anon, I know you just wanted to share some black girl love, and it's a fine series (though the second series is less interesting than the original's fairly streamlined and focused concept). And they even sort of justify it even if it still feels like it doesn't fit into either character's prior arcs (in that it's not just window dressing for PR points but has consequences). It's still hilarious this shtick happened.

Also Barfly was pretty fun and I'll guess there will be more? More my speed, like the first Minor Threats series, feels like the sequel had the problem of keeping the original's tone when it wanted to follow up on the idea of Toy box/Playtime making it big.
How does she fit in Star Trek cast ?
>barefoot black protagonist
I will now watch your show.
After watching the first episode I can safely say that I really dig her so far. She’s off to a good start.
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It was a solid enough first episode. Andy herself is fun and even pretty cute. Now I just hope we don't have to wait too long until we see the next episode.
Tried finding her? That may be worth it, depending on how many years have passed.
It’s weird that they didn’t give a date for it. Unless I missed it. But anyways, yeah. She is indeed fun and cute so I’ve got high hopes for her.
I mean, they didn't even give a date for the first episode premier until the day before effectively. They did about the same with the My Adventure With Superman show. I guess this is just how they do things over there? Unfortunately we probably won't know until it's just about to come out.
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i've been dating a black girl for 3 months and I don't know if her race is a factor but she's by far the sweetest, most sincere girl I've dated. Not that I've dated a lot but still
Can’t say I care for that approach. Be nice to know when the damn thing is going to air. Hopefully it won’t be to long before the second episode comes out.
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Here's everyone I got so far.
I was thinking of having a one character per series rule as Jessica's already there, but since I feel I'm running out of options should I extend it to 2-3 character per series instead?
>muse (take your pick) - hercules
>spiderbyte - spiderverse
>elise (marcelines mom) - AT
>rebecca - Sally Bollywood
>wordgirl (why wasn’t she on the chart already)
>Clawdeen - Monster High
>Mrs Pancakes - Rick and Morty
>Chelsea - Clarence
that’s all I have right now and I say 2 is fair
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Looking good so far. Two or three sounds about right for some series. I mean, I don't really know how many series have multiple black girls to pick from anyway so I imagine it will be fine. Outside of Craig Of The Creek which has quite a few to pick from. And if other girls pop up that were missed then you can phase out some of those repeated show entries. As for suggestions, the CG Netflix He-Man had a cute and cool Teela in it.
>looks action packed

it'll prolly move to AS sooner or later
prolly cause she's a decent human being. internalize that before you turn her off dude
There a trailer or anything? When looking it up the majority of what I find is a comic from about a year ago. Seems to be a tie in or something.
Yeah, one can only hope they are a bit more transparent and give a bit more heads up with their schedule with the rest of the series.
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>brown girls need not be posted
That's racist.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Embrace the PoC rainbow, bigot.
Cute. Who is she?
A JP artist's OC, beyond that I know little else beyond most of the remaining pics of her are a little too NSFW for /co/.
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I wish there were more black girls that had dreads or braids. It's kinda boring to see the same double afro puffs over and over again.
I do adore afros and hair puffs, but yeah it would be nice to see more dreads and braids. I'm still kind of surprised that when Lunella got dreads she only wore them for the one episode.

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