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He's really just Diet Dr. Darkseid. Convince me otherwise
is anybody supposed to know who the fuck that is
He’s diet Thanos, who in turn is costco Darkseid.
Diet Dr darkseid aka mongul
It's Mongle.
mongul started out as exactly what OP said, a knockoff darkseid for superman to fight

he got booted from the comics not long after he was introduced because they realized they could just have superman fight darkseid
and that was the better approach to compete with marvel

nobody would even remember mongul if he wasnt brought back by alan moore for "the man who has everything" which is the only reason he isnt terra-man levels of obscure
Darkseid is supposed to be a paper tiger with a cheat ability and a cellphone that let's him teleport anywhere but at the end of the day he's still a god. Mongul is a self made cosmic warlord but no matter how far he gets he's still just a thug. In a straight fight Mongul wins but Darkseid could make him leave with his tail between his leg with just a few words.
mongul was better before retcons and authors using him as way to show their new super duper original character is better by beating him up. its like kg beast being destroyed to put bane over when he was guy that batman couldnt even stop him originally.
I thought that was the point
People always bitch and moan at the idea of Darkseid being lowered to the level of just Superman villain, so DC made a just as good version that ruled another different planet. And now people bitch and moan about that too and demand Superman just go fight Darkseid.
Mongul got a lot weaker in the 90s and he mostly stayed down until very recently. I think it was the most recent Mongul story in Action a year or two ago that brought him back up to major threat to Kryptonians levels again.

90s Mongul was a dumb lug that was taken down by too many characters. 00s Mongul was mostly a GL villain that was still slapped down all too often. got his arm ripped off by Bzzd, beat up by Hal, beat up again by Sinestro, his sister was randomly killed off panel without much. He just wasn't very impressive.
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*snorts* puh leez. If you wanna go there post the actual diet thanos.
Nobody likes Mongul. The War World is all he's got
Ah ah ah. He also has the Black Mercy and you bet your ass they flex it when he appears
>say the line Mongul
>"Aw gee thanks, Mongul. I've always wanted try that game out."
Didn't he have to prepare a lot to be a threat in that story?
Mongul's OK as third-string villains go, but his design could be better. Give him a hat or scarf or something.
If I was to remake the Justice League movie I would have him be the first or second guy they come together to fight. Yeah. First Mongul. Then Legion of Doom. Then the forces of Apokolips WITH the Legion of Doom
>If I was to remake the Justice League movie I would have him be the first or second guy
>not making it starro or the elemental aliens
Should've been the villain of Black Adam. Lets say Adam wanted to be left alone to rule Kandaq and Starro invaded. It possesses the JSA (The actual JSA not the fucking mess we got.) And Adam has to hold back so as not to kill them.

I'm not one of the /co/mrades who thinks everything needs to be 1:1 with the comics. Its an entire universe to play with.
nta but Starro in Hollywood terms isn't a "first movie" villain, he's a sequel baddie because of the brainwashing schtick. You use him to test the bonds established in the original
I dunno. It worked with Loki in Avengers. Its not exactly brainwashing but he had half of Shield in his hand and the Avengers had to learn to trust each other. Not that Avengers was a good movie
>Not that Avengers was a good movie
it was quite a good movie
especially since it used both the 616 and the ultimate origins at the same time with loki leading an alien invasion, which is literally perfect
Darkseid should be used sparingly. It was a good idea to give Mongul a boost as a Superman only diet darkseid.
Don't bully Martian Manhunters only villain who isn't a White Martian
read a comic
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despero is better as a nerd
Mongul also plays a role in Reign of the Supermen/Return of Superman.
He's got better stories than Darkseid and Thanos tho.
Sometimes cosmic horror just doesn't work for a setting. Making Mongul more understandable, tyrant dictator, gives him more pathos and room to work with in a story.
Oh yeah. He created Eradicator right? or was that Cyborg Superman?
Yeah, Mongul has For the Man who has Everything, but Thanos has a lot of good stories.
Darkseid had a doctorate?
He destroyed Coast City and made Hal sexually impotent.
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>He's got better stories than Darkseid
Someone hasn't read the Fourth World Saga.
Oh that was him? I think I only skimmed that bit. I remember listening to BBC radio drama and he was there
Its better than what it became (not including Civil Wa)
See: >>144617000
>Making Mongul more understandable
If you have trouble understanding Thanos or Darkseid then you are a brainlet.
The problem about using Darkseid is that some people want him to be nigh omnipotent space satan and others want him to be a villain of the week like Super Friends Darkseid
Wait, what? The BBC did a radio drama of Reign of the Supermen?
Not sure who Dr. Darkseid is, but Mongul should just stay as a superman villain while darkseid is one to the JL as a whole
I feel like the Fourth World Saga is better described as "awesome" and "interesting" rather than "good". Unfiltered Kirby is a wild ride but you can see why he needed people like Stan to focus.
>a villain of the week like Super Friends Darkseid
when superfriends introduced darkseid, it was after they had already downgraded most of the villains to be misguided scientists rather than career criminals

darkseid was a (relatively) serious villain with much more threat and menace
while still largely silly and ineffectual, superfriends was still a kids show, he was still portrayed relatively close to how he usually is today, the strongest villain who requires all the heroes of the world to band together to face him
But in the comics wasn't this the era of him showing up in people's living rooms?
I honestly Like Mongul as a villain more then Darkseid, he feels a lot more balanced but also just has a lot more personality and even liked his son as a villain for the Green Lanterns
Sinestro Corps Mongul was kino
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People say this all the time but I've never seen it.
To me all Stan Lee adds to Jack Kirby's stories is cringe worthy dialogue and narration, I much prefer Jack Kirby's own writing. It's just oozing with style, written like an epic poem or something.
Superman: Warworld completely distinguishes him from Darkseid with regards to modern stories.
Mongul as a yellow lantern was cool though
>I much prefer Jack Kirby's own writing.
the dialogue in the fourth world is usually seen as the weakest aspect of it, with lots of clunky explaining and unnatural dialogue
for better or worse, but better by public opinion, stan lees dialogue makes them feel more human and down to earth
>others want him to be a villain of the week like Super Friends Darkseid
>Super friends
I can't believe darkseid was a simp
It would feel weird to do something like that with Darkseid. Writing Mongul you have more freedom.
Superman doesn't have any good villains. News at 11.
>Someone hasn't read the Fourth World Saga.
The book that was literally cancelled because the sales were so shit.
>popular = good

If only you like something then it's shit.
Its on Youtube
Mongul should be a space mafia don, Darkseid should be president of Space
Mongol destroyed coast city zoomie
>for the man who has everything published in 1985
>coast city destroyed in 1993
that literally does not contradict the above statement that mongul would have been a forgotten darkseid ripoff if alan moore hadnt decided to make him relevant
Thats just blue light special thanos.
>Human Flame
>Doctor Trap
>Arnold Hugo
>Getaway King
>Bette Noir
>D'kay D'razz
>Mister V.
>Rio Ferdinand
>Bel Juz
>Crime Conjuror
>The Falcon
>Tybalt Bak'sar
None of these guys are White Martians.
If there’s ever been a dude who is just the epitome of we have Darkseid at home, it’s Tantalus. He’s even wearing and skirt and showing some leg like classic Darkseid.
Is Despero a Martian Manhunter villain? I always thought he was a JL villain.
In the 80’s and 90’s he was pretty much J’onn’s go to villain. What with the psychic powers and being a big powerhouse, but it primarily spun off from Despero being a JLA baddie.
You forgot Cay’an
dietseid lol
Martian pussy must be wild.
Henshaw did most of the heavy lifting. Also Mongul being mostly a slave to Hank made him look weak through that whole story.
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Also Synnar, but that was more Starlin trying to make a DC version of Infinity Watch down to their own Thanos knockoff.
That would be Terrax, not Mongul.
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And Titannus is storage unit Mongul, it just keeps going on.
>He's really just Diet Dr. Darkseid
Has no Omega force.
Diet soda has no sugar
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Ngl when Mongul first showed up in the JL cartoon I thought it was like Darkseid's brother or something.
its okay. I thought Ultra Humanite was Gorilla Grodd's friend
hes a flash villain. First appearence. He was even in the show
He predates all of them, though he was pretty much a different characters back then.
Why are there so many of these boring fuckers?
fun fact: They have NEVER in any universe, interacted.

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Mongul has the potential to great
Hell, he takes part in a couple of great storylines
He traps Superman in the Black Mercy in For the Man Who Has Everything
And he helped blow up Coast City which sent Hal into his downward spiral towards Parallax
Everybody keeps wanting to make their own universal conqueror, which is probably why Apocalypse is nowhere to be seen in this thread since he's small time, he's just trying to take one world.
what did Jason do to deserve that?
Once you take away War World he's nothing special. Just some strong guy but without any other gimmick. At least Kalibak has the whole heir to Apokolips and rival to Orion thing going on. Even Doomsday has more reason to be a Supreman rival than Mongul.
He has that little laser box thingy in his chest for some reason. And some writers give him eye lasers on occasion.
If it were 1997 Apocalypse would have been in the first reply. He's just not that popular any longer, but he was a big deal in the 90s.
Only very recently has Mongul interacted with any major space villains. He almost never really appeared much until the late 00s.

He met Sinestro for the first time in 2010. Mostly before he just interacted with Earth villains like Cyborg, or the other guys in Underworld Unleashed.
Normie Opinion
War World is probably more well known aspect of Mongul than Moore's Meme Comic.
Mongul is different enough to work as his own character the problem is that DC basically just shifted New God's stuff into Superman comics which was a mistake.
When did Despro become super buff? \\
Lobo has more going for him as a Superman rival than Mongul.

The problem is that writers keep taking away Warworld. His whole shtick is that he is the leader of a big bad artificial Death Star world that he plays gladiator games on. They always blow that up and then you just have some evil big guy that no one knows what to do with. And superman fags cannot get over the black mercy story for some fucking reason and want him linked to that forever and ever.
In the 80's.
I'll post him, because at one time he was a somebody.
They destroyed his third eye so he gathered the latent energy that gave him his power and used it to get swole
What about Kang the conquerer? or the Anihilator?
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He will return. Along with Sleez.
They should remake him to be a rival of Apokalips. Not an ally of New Genesis. something like Triceratons and the Federation with Earth caught in the middle.
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Alright, how would you fix Mongul?
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I think Mongul peaked in the Bronze Age. Just make him a really, really strong galactic conqueror. Someone who actually makes Superman have to try to stop him.
Thanos, Darkseid, Mongol, arguably Kang -- man, I don't give a shit. A lot of huge beefy guys with enormous grudges makes for fun superhero stuff. Come on now.
Gotta admit, that's a pretty cool dilemma. Like Electric Chess, with every move having negative consequence. Some of these old books FUCK.
Nah, too generic and close to Darkseid. I say double down on the Caesar/Colosseum thing, and focus on Mongul kidnapping champions for gladiatorial sport to be broadcast across the universe. Lose? War World blows up your planet
If you thought you could get mad royalities by creating the next big Character would you not make the attempt?
>Dr. Darkseid
Darkseid doesn't have a doctorate in anything.
Not bad, not bad
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I guess she and her underground meta human cock fights can go fuck themselves :(
>Darkseid is grey Richard Nixxon
>Thanos is purple Darkseid
>Mongul is yellow Thanos
>Apocalypse is blue Mongul
>Terrax is space Apocalypse
Darksied doesn't give nice birthday presents like Mongul does.
I found out about him via the Superman Returns game. Him, Mxy, and Metallo
Mongul's thing is he's way more of a hedonist and a brute than Darkseid.
Darkseid is the boot that tramples over freedom without even thinking about who it tramples. Mongul is the boot that tramples you while also calling you an ethnic slur because he takes joy in it.

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