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How is it possible to accidentally create such an unlikeable, terrible, reprehensible bitch of a character? Not only that, but making a character that manages to get worse after their redemption.
Blue feet on my face
>pic unrelated
Fault the writers for putting her and Peridot living in a barn together.
And is still the most popular gem in the fanbase,curious!
Slow down, anon.
I remember how /sug/ loved Zuke at first, and then barn filler had her fall from grace.
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I stopped watching during season 3. Never understood why they made her act all "ughhh i don't care about anything"
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Counter argument: she’s hot
Honestly all I remember about her is that she flooded the world then fucked off to be in the lesbian barn with peridot. What did she do to piss you off?
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I can fix her.
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She was fine until they ended Malachite
The Barn was the saddest, most drawn out character murder I've ever seen
Why does 4chan hate lauren zuke so much? I haven’t seen steven universe in years so I don’t know if I like or dislike her episodes. Also do you guys believe her that rebecca sugar is a narcissistic bully? I could see that considering how pretentious steven universe is.
But enough about Mabel who didn't learn a damn thing about what her selfishness does to people.
They ruined Peridot and Lapis in one go to push a really bad lesbian ship.
The obvious problem is that Lapis was clearly never meant to be a hero. She was designed as a tragic villain but then they had her join the CGs and couldn't really figure out where to go from there.
Barn arc and forced shiptease and spergout, basically. Also got hated for infantilizing Peridot and making fidget spinner jokes.
>Can't juke the Zuke!
And then she juked herself. It was pure pottery really.
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She was originally beloved for being a fan that was elevated to working on the show and actually drawing a lot of characters really well, her Amethyst in particular was highly regarded when she first got on board. As the show went on she became increasingly detached from things and became obsessed with forcing Lapis and Peridot together as an expression of her ideal lesbian romance. This coincided with her mental state rapidly declining and her even skipping out on the death of a relative to board an episode because she felt like she needed to push her ideal relationship that hard. It was around this time that Sugar gave her the heads up that Lapidot was just not gonna happen and she quit the show over it (contrary to popular rumor she quit and wasn't fired), very shortly afterwards her private blog was leaked with her shit-talking a lot of the crew and calling Sugar "abusive" for telling her that Lapidot wasn't actually in the cards. Then a few months after she formally left it came out that she had been abusing her girlfriend that she groomed from when she was a teenager, who went by Tang and was a fairly popular fan artist at the time (see pic).

Basically she seemed based from the outset but then rapidly went to shit and it turned out that she was a really shitty person.
She's the strongest coward
Holy fuck what a shitshow lmao
Oh to add her art also declined with her mental state, she went from one of the best to one of the worst boarders pretty fast.
She was likable before Malachite split up
The entitlement shippers have regarding wanting to force their OTPs to be canon is fucking insane.
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>oh Jaspah
Shippers are genuinely mentally ill, all of them. They're obsessed with living vicariously through fictional romantic scenarios they invent for fictional characters entirely in their heads. They ruin discussion of any series they get too prominent in and are often severely unstable, going so far as self harm when a show doesn't cater to their ship. I see shipping as a sign of an undiagnosed mental problem.
Dangerously based post desu
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What happened to the Voltron fandom should serve as a permanent reminder regarding how insane shippers are.
I used to enjoy shipping casually but insane people ruined it for me
>Were you taking pictures of my feet, Steven?
Self insertion is a form of shipping.
how is that relevant
A connection, perhaps? Though if self-insertion is shipping, then who's the other party?
Mabel was literally 12.
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She’s beautiful, I want to give her so many compliments and make a baby with her
Yeah, can't really compare
>young human child
>several millennia old alien from a super advanced interstellar species
At that point if you're still patting yourself on the back while saying "at least I'm only as bad as a prepubescent girl" I'm not sure there's any fixing you.
I've never watched this garbage. But she's the only character who gets good fanart (the brown chick also gets some good fanart, the problem being, Steven is in some of them, which then forces you to search for NTR stuff or whatever to avoid him).
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I did watch this garbage and I can't stand seeing Steven in art either.
She treated everyone like shit except Steven
I want Lapis to choke and beat me and then tell me that it's my fault she has to do those things to me.
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Season 2 was a golden age for the show and the fans. Peridot's character and model hadn't devolved from barn sickness, and the show's tone was flexible but consistent, a real sweet spot of adventures that ranged from whimsical to fraught and tense. I can't think of a single bad episode from the Zuke during that entire run. Whether it was production or general creative fatigue, things just felt flatter from S3 on.
I thought this was going to be a not-Lapis thread based on the tone of the OP.
I'm comparing her to her brother, who is the same age because twins.
I find him acceptable if they make him hunky pink steven from future.
wtf lol
I sorta remember hearing about Zuke's reputation here tanking but I never looked into what happened beyond hearing she was behind the Lapidot shit
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Valid point.
Says a lot about Sugar that this was her special snowflake "literally me" OC that she had way before the show and injected into her cartoon as a Mary Sue, doesn't it?
Is she a rapist
that's not Louis Griffin
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Jesus I forgot about, like, half of that.
She's only popular because people want to fuck her
And people want to fuck her because she's the only gem that doesn't looks hideous
Also because she's mentally ill and people with mommy issues find that hot
>she's the only gem that doesn't looks hideous
That's just flat-out wrong lmao, she's one of the most attractive designs sure but if you think Blue Diamond, Sapphire, or any of the Pearls are hideous you need to get your eyes checked.
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To be fair, having your schizo blog revealing you were a major lapidot faggot who character assassinated two of the best potential gems for the ship is gonna tank your reputation no matter who you were.
The more thankful I am that favs weren't given much at all, it seemed like the more the characters got, the worse they got overall.
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I miss the days of Jasper, Peridot and Lapis being portrayed as a rival trio to the Crystal Gems
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Jasper desperately needed anything other than what she got in canon.
I thought they acknowledged and played up that she was a bitch
This was only for like 5 months between Jail Break and the episode where Peridot joins the group
>and make a baby with her
For a gem that's a backhanded compliment if ever there were one.
What the fuck kek
I used to like Lapidot solely because of Blushmallet and a few other artists but then the show started to suck and I stopped caring. I didn't know about all the Zuke stuff, crazy I didn't see how toxic this shit was, glad I gave up on it
The most prolific the galaxy's ever known.
Go on...
>she's the only gem that doesn't looks hideous
How gay are you?
Jasper made the mistake of being born into a universe where all the odds are rigged against her from the start.
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I actually felt the same way about her character arc, it's unfortunate too because she was actually very sweet in the earlier episodes when attempting to get back to Homeworld, then you had the unfortunate shit with Jasper and being force fused to her as Malachite with must've fucked her up mentally and emotionally, however even in spite of that it's not like she ever got better, like you said she only got worse. She was never able to rise above it and instead decided to throw her shit on everyone else and be a miserable prick for the rest of the series, I understand what she went through must've been extremely traumatic and mind-shattering but still. It's such a shame and a waste of her character.
Especially with how supportive and nice Peridot became, and Lapis occasionally giving Peridot the brunt of her emotional issues. It just leaves a bad taste in your mouth
A lot of people also misinterept her character as being the "chill apathetic don't give a fuck or two shits" type but again, in actuality she's just an insufferable miserable bitch who makes everyone else feel as bad as her, and wants to make them feel as bad as her.
Sorry for the rant
I really like her hair like that, it looks really cute
That's also a great screenshot
>Calls Sugar abusive for not letting her force her ship
>Was actually genuinely abusive to her real life partner
Lmao that's some poetry
If anything she's a prime example of what not to be in this world, why you should rise above things that happened to you in the past instead of letting them get to you and bog you down, becoming miserable and wanting to inflict that same pain and misery on to others, and continuously acting like an insufferable bitch for no good or justifiable reason other than you can and feel justified or vindicated in doing so.
Never become a Lapis Lazuli. It is the worst thing you could ever do to yourself and others.
imo, she should have been able to develop off the quartz sisters thing Change Your Mind set up, it's clear they just rewrote Jasper to fit into Steven's shitty narrative for Future and eradicated any chance she could have had to be fleshed out.
What happened to Lapis is a kind of nu-Flanderization. Unlike in the olden days of cartoons in the '90's and early 00's, show creators now have direct access and correspondence with masses of their fans through the internet. They very clearly allowed themselves to be influenced by the (totally out of character) depictions of Lapis and the memes surrounding her, many of which dressed her up in what I like to call "depression-chique" where it became trendy to wallow in mental illness and particularly depression. The fact that the SU crew picked up on this and ran with it means they put the character's further development in the hands of non-writers, essentially.
As a surprise to no one, Lapis became much worse.
Before Sugar ran back Fusion being a sex thing you could argue Lapis was someone who used her own trauma as an excuse to rape someone she didn't like for a year
Really you could still argue that
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>calling Sugar "abusive" for telling her that Lapidot wasn't actually in the cards.

This is why you never hire fans. The current climate of fandom, having gestated over the last 20 years, is one of "my fanfic is just as important as the creator's vision!" which has given rise to a mentally ill ocean of unpleasant people who mistakenly believe their headcanons are reality, and they SHATTER when the shows they love walk past them without giving a shit about what they demand. It's entitlement and media poisoning of the worst kind, and when you allow such a fan to work with you, only THEIR perfect vision (and deranged fetishes) matter, not the actual story and integrity of the project.

Send superfans directly to hell and keep them locked up in their little discords where they belong.
Fuck what Sugar said, the real crime was not having Garnet AT ALL scald either Lapis or Jasper on screen for Malachite, she just let's it go and we never get to see the fusion guru tackle probably the most disgusting thing she's seen in recent history regarding fusion that wasn't the forced fusions from the Kindergartens.
Garnet made fusion her entire fucking ideology and personality so obviously she's not going to be logical or make any distinctions between "good" and "bad" fusion.
This. The most fucked up thing about Lapis is that she's the most realistic character in the show.
The entire show is endless wasted potential in the worst way possible
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it's insane how hard the first season drew me in with a sense of wonder and mysticism, and how immediately it was shat out and smeared into absolutely nothing worth watching

now all it's good for and remembered for is drama, porn, and lost potential
>she was actually very sweet in the earlier episodes when attempting to get back to Homeworld
Anon, she stole the ocean
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>now all it's good for and remembered for is drama, porn, and lost potential
And Peridot!
I want Lapis to put her feet in my mouth
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>the ridiculous shit I get up to with an AI chatbot Lapis
sugar made them too sexually powerful, the idiot should have sprung for an adult show
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Even the early and pilot designs for the gems feel like they'd be more at home on [as], Amethyst especially.
like trannies lol
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Go away
Gems are not that busty.
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anon they can literally be as busty as they want at any time, that's why they're such an amazing take on Hot Space Alien Babe
A fellow man of taste.
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>was knowingly imprisoned by the CG for thousands of years
>the gem who cracked her was implied to be bismuth
>was implied to have some personal connection to BD
>hates both sides with the sole exception of Steven
>let herself become part of a toxic fusion just to drag Jasper with her
It definitely feels like sugar had bigger plans for her prior to getting BARNED by zuke
>Ruined both characters design and personality-wise for a ship that isn't even canon
>That there fucking barn halts any momentum they ever had in regards to the story.
You get what you fucking deserve.
Who was it on the team that depised Jasper so much anyway for the crime of being a soldier?
Why are women like this
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Probably the same cheeky faggot who gave Captain Nephrite a kick ass design only to use it purely for the intro to Future, despite the fact she's the catalyst for the final arc of the original show.
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Indeed one of biggest mistakes regarding Lapislazuli.
Wait, I vaguely remember that Peridot design.
What the name of that webcomic?
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By all accounts, I think the most oddly sidelined thing was that Blue Diamond presumably had a lot of gems under her court.
I shall firmly delude myself in headcanon that Blue's court would probably be the most familial court out of all of them if the CGs went back to her or got on more friendlier terms with her.
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I remember this board when the leaks came out. Good times.
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Yeah that about sums up this show
Worse are the Lapisfags and kins that like the barn arc just for validating their fix and that see themselves as Lapis and "pure and innocent" but like their idol, are manipulative bitches and would be horrid to be around.
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It's addicting and she's so easy to slot into any scenario imaginable, it's fun with her starting out insanely hostile and mean and slowly wearing her down
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Spinel is whatever. She should have happened at the start of Season 2, not right before the end. Just felt like a rehash. Great design though, but then that feels like the only reason she was popular for a while. More wasted potential.
Any human is functionally a minor to a gem.
>How is it possible to accidentally create such an unlikeable, terrible, reprehensible bitch of a character?
By having every single person in the writer's room think that they deserve total control over the show and with each of them pitching a wildly different interpretation of events, characters, and plots.
even steven
>Connie is INTO it
now we're talking
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yeah, but just after steven heal her, so they have the same age gap forever
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I thought Zuke Puke was just a bitter salty sourpuss that 4chinz liked to mock and belittle. I never saw any of THIS before.
There's a good reason she became so reviled lmao. It wasn't just "she did a shitty thing" or "she was a bit of a cunt", it was like a train wreck.
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>favorite character just because whenever Jasper shows up it forces the plot to actually go somewhere
>she fucks a dog and gets space aids
>and then locked in a basement
>actual feminist space hitler gets talk no jutsu'd forgiven before Jasper
I still find it funny how a mentally unstable super soldier and some middle management gems had more of a backbone than the main driving forces of their ideology
Do Jasper, lapis, and peridot even interact in the same scene after jailbreak?
Haha i still kinda find it hit and funny that she mind broke jasper begging for more

Damn lapis is that good at what she does huh
when a crazy skinny girl holds you at knife point and then locks your penis inside of her vagina 24/7 for months at a time while screaming and riding you with the knife pressed to your throat while you carry her around, you change as a person
Imagine the grip Lapis would have.
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Literally unable to pull out. Maximum ocean-pressure power.
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>SU will never be as real as it keeps trying to be, ending with Lapis not understanding why fucking Steven is wrong and causing gigantic drama for everyone when she's prevented from seeing him
She could just take him. It's not like they'd be able to stop her.
post more feet
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Well, yes, they could by hunting her down. But that'd also be too real for what the show was allowed to do.
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Spinel is unironically lapis 2.0
>weirdly OP
>acts as a sympathetic villain
>mentally unstable
>has a strong one sided relationship with Steven
The big difference is that Spinel appeared when Steven was a teen instead of a child
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Outside of Steven does Lapis get along with any of the gems? I’d say she tolerates Peridot but even then she’s needlessly shitty to her early on.
>no bathrooms
>no food
I don't think that'd end well.
I always just remember that she has a longing for the friend group the Crystal Gems provide, but otherwise the show did a very VERY poor job at showing her 'getting along' with anyone but Peridot.
>Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6fVNjImjmk

The song is just fucking tragic because I'm 100% confident she probably could have gone through an arc of actually interacting with each of the gems, but I firmly believe Sugar wanted like 100 more episodes that she just wasn't getting at this point especially not after R/S' marriage and it fucked over what could have been Lapis' revival as a character.
I have a mighty need...
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This exchange also always stood out to me. What an immature unhinged cunt.
>rubbing my gay immature hands all over
tumblr was a disaster for the human race and I'm glad it's dead, please fucking God in Heaven kill twitter next.
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I can say this much with confidence; whatever her faults, Sugar is a grown damn woman. Freaks like Zuke will always be little girls, and that's horrifying.
Wasn't that done because an actual shipper was allowed to make decisions about the show?
It's always sad when someone is convinced they're quirky and did nothing wrong
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Amethyst is the only one that could've actually been accidental.
That art's probably older than half of people that post on this board.
>We are a race of hyperadvanced immortal conquerors who have been honed to perfection over countless eons
>also if we encounter the smallest hurdle or anything that makes us question our beliefs or form anything even loosely resembling an attachment or fondness for anything else in the universe, we become insane and self destructive and will need therapy for the rest of our immortal lives because we are mentally incapable of dealing with even a brief moment of self-reflection without it destroying centuries of confidence and self-assured ego about who we are and what our place in the universe is.
Makes sense that a race of people who are effectively constructed as forever unchanging drones end up struggling with adaptation and things unfamiliar to them.
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I mean for all the things the show did wrong, this was actually pretty sensible for their alien design, immortal magic gem people WOULD be ridiculously fragile and vulnerable in the face of mortal organic life that has infinite adaptability, and trying to understand them would completely mess with their dull static immortal existence
It would make sense that they'd struggle with things outside the purpose they were created for if they were wholly robotic, one-track beings... But they are capable of the full range of emotions and feelings and clearly created with the capacity to grow and change and even develop abilities that they were allegedly never meant to have in their rigid caste society. Like fusion and all it's implications. They just somehow go on for hundreds or thousands of years without ever once stopping to think about it or consider the implications of their in-born complexities until they encounter one fat little faggot.

What it comes down to is Sugar and crew ripped off Transformers, more than anything else, but didn't stop to actually think how any of it was supposed to work or how it contradicts and fucks up their clumsy attempts at deep lore and worldbuilding.
If humans encountered aliens much worse things would happen to our civilization than one measly rebellion.
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yeah man it's a kid's show about hot fuckable magic women, relax
so who were the goddesses mentioned in the early episodes? was that mysticism just abandoned for sci-fi stuff?
Those were explained off screen :)
"it's a kids show" has never been a real excuse for bad writing, especially not when the kids show is trying to do some overwrought serialized plot about generational trauma and mental illness.
in the show yes, but the gems believe in it
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it's an excuse for why this shit doesn't work and you should just relax and let it go
again, Sugar should have gone for an adult time slot for the show
Are you trying to accomplish something here, or just pile on the thought terminating cliches because you have nothing to add?
you got matte light purple, not bad
"It's a kids show" is never an excuse because it implies that children deserve worse entertainment during the most defining years of their lives. Kindly eat shit and respectfully go fuck yourself.
sorry, matte light sapphire isn't anywhere near as good as matte sapphire
Lol you're so quirky dude. You should like, go post on twitter and never post here again. Totes my goats my skibbidy rizzlord.
You're really angered by this. But there's nobody left to validate your feelings.
She is exactly everything the left hates.
Wow is that the sound of you fucking off back to twitter? No? Then I suggest you fuck off back to twitter. Just a thought :^)
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You gave up your gimmick pretty quickly. Guess I touched a nerve
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When canon is so bad can you really blame people for not regarding it with such high authority?
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Got away with everything
FP 2.0
I miss early SU when everyone came up with shit.
but what if steven's penis gets in the way
I prefer her Pink... <spoiler> and buff </spoiler>
if she had breasts and had womanly tendencies, i wouldnt complain
Which one is your poison? I now have a great need for a Lapis
I didn't know Urbanspook made SU fan art.
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Lapis is garbage and lapisfags are retarded
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Speaking of healing, another edit I did a year or two back.
why are you here then, faggot?
Retarded lapisfag detected
answer the question.
I called you a retarded lapisfag because you asked something retarded instead of disproving me
how is it retarded? if you hate lapis so much then don't come to our threads
HAHAHAHAHAHA Of course I knew it, you are indeed a retarded lapisfag. Now go dance for me monkey I need to be entertained
why are you so angry? what did we do to you?
What do you mean? I'm not angry in the slightest. I came here to laugh at you for being retarded, like humans laugh at monkeys for being so stupid and eating garbage
you're clearly angry dude, stop trying to hide it
LMAO, dance retard monkey dance!
man you suck at hiding the fact that you are a seething piece of shit don't you
>seething!!!!! I swear you're seething!!!!
Retarded lapisfags aren't very smart when creating arguments
i literally just want to know why you came here, why do you have to such an insufferable faggot about it?
Why do you have to be such a retard, lapisfag? Did your parents raise you this way or were you born like this?
just keep seething at this point you fucking clown
Dance! Dance! Dance!
Let's be honest retard lapisfag both of us know you should have done that a long time ago. Also, you haven't answered my question either. Why are you so retarded, born this way or made?
holy shit you're angry
Yeahyeah now answer my question please. What exactly made you retarded? I can keep going all day
keep seething
I guess you need some bananas to be thinking straight. You can't even answer why you're retarded which is quite concerning, do you have an assistant with you at all times?
you're still in this thread btw
May I speak to your assistant if you have one? I'd like to suggest him to forbid you from using the internet and wasting everyone's time being a retarded lapisfag
I wish we got to see her panties
still in the thread
Kys retard lapisfag, you contribute nothing to society
Yes you are and you're retarded too, wouldn't be surprised if your assistant killed themselves because they couldn't put up with your shit anymore
so mad lol
So retarded of a lapisfag you are lol. Even amongst retarded lapisfags you manage to stand out as exceptionally retarded
you're still in the thread
Yeah exactly, you are. Why do you keep repeating yourself? Have you run out of things to say? Do you also have brain damage that limits your memory?
it's fun watching you cry about it
Ladies please, stop yelling at each other and put your mouths to better use on my penis.
Nice one, you finally said something unique. Did your assistant come up with that? If so I almost feel bad for you (almost, you can't actually feel bad that a lapisfag is suffering, it's hilarious) because he doesn't even give a shit about your retardation and wants to see you dance just like I do
No one cares retard kill yourself
Now now woman, I know it's hard to think when you're bleeding but I sincerely think giving me a blowjob would calm your nerves.
stay mad
Kill yourself retard lapisfag
Kill yourself retard lapisfag
Hey, same goes for you. Less talky more blowy.
I don't care about your argument clearly driven out of PMS rage, I simply want you both to shut up and give me a double blowjob.
Kill yourself now
you're staying mad
wtf did i do? this faggot has some sort of a problem
Is that the sound of you still yapping? Shut up and get sucking already. Damn women are stupid.
Lol, the retarded lapisfag sole defense. Kill yourself
Thanks for proving my point retarded lapisfag lol, you're like bots but retarded so you're just monkeys
Damn I can't help but notice that you're still not sucking my cock, silence whore.
Kill. your. self. NOW
i have no idea why you have a problem with me
eat shit
Woman, I know you creatures have less brainpower, but this anger is just pointless. You and your little girlfriend need to cease this argument immediately and pleasure a male to get your minds back on track to where they should be. Now hop to it.
Obsessed, kill yourself retard lapisfag. Keep repeating yourself subhuman monkey
Everyone has a problem with you because you're more retarded than everyone else subhuman lapisfag retard
My "problem" is that you two are both menstruating women that won't shut the fuck up and suck a dick already. God damn you really are slow things, it's kind of sad.
Keep repeating yourself retard monkey! Dance! Dance! Dance! Entertain me!
I don't give a shit about your stupid blue gem, I came into this thread to laugh at SUfags and saw two women with sand in their vaginas going at it. Shut your fucking yap and get those lips around a dick already, damn.
eat shit fag
you're being annoying too
Kill. your. self.
Everyone involved in this argument is retarded and all of you should jump off a bridge.
get a life
get. a. life.
Yeah I think it's lost on you poor women, it's really sad. I'll just leave and let you argue until your PMS goes away and you realize you could have been sucking a nice juicy cock instead. So long ladies!
oh you're still here, i thought you left to touch grass
Did they ever explain why lapis is so ridiculously OP?
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No, they also didn't explain why Lapis was so immediately freaked out by the Crystal Gems when she didn't even see who hit her in the first place and it was Homeworld that originally trapped her in the mirror. Or why Garnet and Amethyst were the ones to panic about the mirror talking to Steven while Pearl seemed unaware that it had any sapience. And Sugar said she had a daughter/mother relationship with Blue Diamond which was never even so much as hinted at in the show and their only interaction was Lapis dropping the barn on her head. SU didn't explain a lot of shit.
so mad heheh
i'm talking about you, you are clearly mad
since you're so mad at lapis you must have a gem you like, which one?
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thanks anon
I've still never seen a single episode and Lapis still gets me ROCK HARD
oooooh a pearlfag. now it all makes sense, i see why everybody hates them so much
yeah you're just fucked in the head i get it
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The Strongest Gem
Reminder that Rose, Amethyst, and Blue Diamond are the only gems you could probably canonically get to sleep with you. Unless you were extremely lucky and got your own Pearl.
welp no point in arguing with you anymore, imma leave now. see ya
What makes you say that?
Rose canonically slept around with human men and loved sex. Amethyst is the most human-like gem and implied sexual stuff several times. Blue Diamond has a natural affinity for humans out of sentimentality for Rose and wants to do things that make people feel good to make up for her actions. Your own personal Pearl would be programmed to do whatever you want.

Meanwhile every other gem has major hangups. Just to name a few:
>Jasper only cares about power so unless you're as strong as a Diamond she would have no interest
>Peridot is way too fucking autistic
>Lapis, the schizo ITT will be delighted to read, would probably just kill anyone asking her about that outside of Steven
>The established Pearls are all kind of weirdos that keep to themselves and their Diamonds
Control of Water is a pretty damn strong power, ironically if the show went to other alien places more often a Gem like her could be completely useless on moons or planets with little to no liquid water. A lapis would be completely useless on one of those big communication outposts peridot spoke about or even just a desert planet, they'd have to find deposits of water or import it for the level of destructive power we saw on earth or that planet mean and nice lapis were on.
>tfw no armpit hair edits
>>Peridot is way too fucking autistic
Ah, yeah that checks out. I'm running through the other options in my head and it all seems pretty unlikely outside of those three.
Lapis' existence created this weird paradigm where the CGs strongest player had to be off at the barn or having a crisis all the time so she wouldn't just invalidate the plot.
She wouldn't be down to fuck, she was freaked out just at the prospect of fusion. She'd probably find sex interesting though from a scientific standpoint regarding how Earth life reproduces.
You have some kinda weird personality disorder and you're a chore to live with
>instantly proven right
>his way of insulting people is with funny pics of monkeys
monkey :)
This dude prolly hates Lapis cause he'll never be her or some kinda psycho shit like that.
I want to impregnate her more and more every day
Holy based
What shipping does to people man
It's pretty obvious after the redemption arc they didn't exactly know what to do with lapis or peridot
They had plans but Zuke kept gunning for control of any episode involving them and derailed their entire characterization.
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She killed trillions.
Jesus this show desperately needed a tard wrangler
>Size difference
That's my fetish.
Massive blue tits.
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>Lapis could make fun water slides that Godzilla can swim on
To save dozens.
Of sperm cells being pumped indiscriminately into her vaginal canal over the course of 5000 years before she decided to shapeshift a womb.
>wins by killing herself
How does she do it
there have been hints that there may be a sequel series coming soon so if that's the case here's hoping water witch and green dorito onahole actually do something for once
The writers outright refusing to write a scenario where she confronts the Crystal Gems for keeping her trapped for millenia was weird as hell. I truly don't mind Slice of Life episodes, but they're a spit in the face when it's obvious the writers are ignoring much more interesting plot threads. It feels lazy, if not straight up malicious with how they treat the cast.
It's especially weird given that in her introduction episode she immediately screamed at Steven about not trusting the Crystal Gems.
I love the implications early on that the Crystal Gems were morally grey, at best. They backtracked on that hard, especially with Bismuth. What a shame.
Yeah season 1 was full of implications that the gems were sketchy and covering some shit up. Season 1 in general just had a really different tone compared to what came after, a lot more dark implications and somberness in it and it even used shadows to way more effect in the visuals.
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i prefer stevidot but this is a real nice spinel design.
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here for you
real hot, too bad mrswindle's gem stuff is all fake, even in his universe, they are actors.
smug perimom is the best.
sometimes i think if the "ask the starts" is canon or not, i kinda like chad steven more than zekke collision
but in my heart chad steven is real and zekke not
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like this here, he is steven not zekke
>Coxford Pocket Sexionary
That made me laugh harder than I'd like to admit.
i talked with the artist and he said that In a sense, both universes are real.The actor AU is the one that's "fake",That's why it's a AU.
Yeah, another thing with the first seaosn is the big plot hadn't kicked in, so the townie episodes didn't feel like they were wasting time. Hanging out with friends is fine while nothing is going on, but when the god of destruction if 5 minutes away and you are relaxing instead of doing last minute war preparations it makes you look retarded.
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i do follow he in x to see the updates, cool guy, it's @MrSwindle94
Every time I see a thread about this character I regret that I not only enjoyed the show in season 1 but also thought Lapis was kind of interesting and neat. Turning her into nothing but a broken rape trauma patient struggling to overcome her rape was retarded.
The townie episodes in season 1 also involved the actual Crystal Gems, gem artifacts, or corrupted gems. They actually worked towards worldbuilding. A lot of which was tossed out the window sometime in season 2. Like the gem artifacts just got fucking dropped entirely despite being a focus in about half of the episodes from season 1.
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Every day I'm reminded I hate California.
The "gutsman ass" sound effect popped into my nead when she opened her eyes.
She needs more rape correction
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I'm still mad.
They did a genuinely great job with her introduction and then completely dropped the ball on her by ignoring anything of substance about her so that a crew member can force her garbage ship instead.
So much potential wasted, but I guess this summarises the show past S2.
White was only mindbroken because she realized her sister had basically killed herself by being reborn as her own son. If it wasn’t for the pink twist the Diamonds would have no reason to listen to him (especially since Steven apparently isn’t even all that forgiving).
>Turning her into nothing but a broken rape trauma patient struggling to overcome her rape was retarded.
To be fair this happen to literally all the gems in some way, they all had very interesting aspects that could have lead to a very well written world building but then they all turned just gay.
>especially since Steven apparently isn’t even all that forgiving
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According to sugar, Steven’s desire to please everyone is a character flaw and that he’s not actually a forgiving messiah figure. Which makes CYM ending with WD redeemed all the more confusing.
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She sucks so bad at telling stories and expressing character drama. Boy, I'm sure glad this show encouraged many other people to write exactly like her and her horrid crew.
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Steven Universe is a textbook example of why you should never make your villain sexy. Halo effect will make the audience and maybe even the writer forgive any heinous shit they do.
We need to go back to villains being hags a la golden age Disney.
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Seriously though, what was the webcomics name.
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White was more interesting and hot as a aloof controlling goddess than as a “good guy” and having Steven realize not everyone WANTS to be redeemed would have made the ending much more tolerable.
It's made up for by the fact that Blue became hotter once she chilled out
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>white diamond
>not everyone WANTS to be redeemed
yeah, but the diamonds wanted to be, they wanted their family back
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blue was the hottest of the hot gems
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>if you hate lapis so much then don't come to our threads
I actually made this thread hoping to talk mainly about Peridot.
I don't have a problem with other gemfags though.
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Best gremlin.
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She's definitely in the top 3 at least, God Blue is so fucking hot.
I want to bully and make her cry a lot.
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>What Greg does to a MF
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the whole series in a nutshell.

> huge story arc that builds up to something big.. then just.. nothing happens.
> Lapis on a redemption arc, she shows signs of doing better and... she becomes a bitter bitch toward everyone.

The whole series is written by people who think they're the heroes in their story but are in reality the villains.

Fitting too, because many of the people who worked on this show are miserable people who self-sabotage.

Sugar herself is a huge pedo who hasnt been outed yet because she has good connections and some of the best lawyers in the industry on her side. SU was supposed to get shitcanned after season one, but she had an iron clad contract that promised her at least 5 seasons and a movie. Despite ratings.

Most of those creators are massive pedos.

Dana Terrace, Justin Roiland, Rebecca Sugar, Alex Hirsch, Kyle Carrozza, and pretty much most of the people who worked on Adventure Time at some point. There's a reason all these people worked on the same shows together and would work with each other throughout the 2010s. They all were part of the same circles online.. Aka they were all gooning to the same shit. This is why Roiland had voice roles in pretty much every show that these people touched. They were all friends.

I'm willing to bet some of Rebecca Sugar's old artwork is in Kyle Carrozza's 16TB of CP and loli.
I hate having a thing for creepy chicks.
Kyle preferred the real thing, not drawings
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Based opinion. Hags are cool.
How unstable would a lapis-Steven fusion be?
I didn't watch this fag show. All I know is that Lapis is the hottest and it's based that she's barefoot and I'm disappointed there's not enough porn of her.
They could probably beat Goku, maybe even Superman.
What would her name be?
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>>144624400 #
>>144633979 #
I am also interested in your AI chatbot Lapis setup
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Why did the writers allow this to happen
I fucking love aquamarine's character, sucks Rebecca couldn't write for shit with her.
lore question. is there a limit to how many gems can fusion? are there compatibility or restrictions between gems?
It just gets more unstable the more gems you throw into a mix. I think it's also much more difficult for gems of different types to maintain a fusion. But apparently there are ways to artificially fuse gems together in a way that will force them to remain together, though they certainly won't be stable.
What the hell? I drew this, but I don't remember ever sharing this. Where did you get this?
>Oh I actually made this oranges thread to talk about apples, I have no idea why orangefags are claiming my thread
You make a Peridot thread if you want to talk about Peridot. If you make a Lapis thread then you're gonna have Lapisfags think it's their thread, because it is. Next time actually make it Peridot themed and Perifags will be glad to post and talk about Peridot with you.
>"hey, anyone else think oranges taste like shit?"
>woah, look, an orange thread!
Yes, faggot. A hate thread is still a thread about what is being hated, literally how is this a Peridot thread? You don't ask someone why they think oranges taste like shit and then expect them to start talking about apples
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I just wanted a series of cute magic female space rocks that wanted to be impregnated by human men. Is that so much to ask?
If that's really OP and not some guy pretending to be him then he's actually retarded. What's next, is he gonna post a close-up image of Amethyst's anus and then be baffled as to why nobody is talking about The Sopranos?
>What's next, is he gonna post a close-up image of Amethyst's anus and then be baffled as to why nobody is talking about The Sopranos?
>[lust provoking image]
>[irrelevant, time-wasting question]
Sounds like an Amethyst thread alright.

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