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Love this based Aryan show.
Too bad that feeling wasn't carried over by series creator massa who grew to hate the show's growing non-Dutch fanbase and subsequently canceled Ongezellig out of spite.
He should've sold it to the Dutch government who could've used it to trick people into thinking the Netherlands was relevant.
sharty niggers belong in the oven
cringe soijakkers
sharty aryans belong in hyperborea
They done put 'lig on the 'chain
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2 of these characters are asian tho.
Do you have any other artworks you could post?
Well, here's my Pixiv, just in case I get range banned again.
Don't forget soikids killed this show
>Mymy peddling white supremacist propaganda as the DM because she's totally 100% pure Dutch, guys.
>Coco not really understanding the rhetoric or fully paying attention to the game because she's too busy looking at the pictures of handsome men
>Maya regretting bringing up D&D in the first place for various reasons
Are they playing Myfarog?
I hope your death will be as slow and painful as you made this show's to be.
Look at how far we've fallen
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Maya is 100% racially Dutch
she's a fully fledged mongrel, her mother is 1/4 indian 1/4 indonesian 1/4 surinamese & 1/4 chinese and her father is 1/2 brabant & 1/2 indonesian.
WRONG! maya mom is half surinamese indian half dutch n dad half indonesian half chinese/indonesian
How often does Maya fantasize about having hot and heavy and sweaty lesbian sex with her adopted sister(s)?

This is a genuine question because I couldn't figure out how serious she was
[citation needed]
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A lot, probably. She seemed way to excited to get her Virgin Islands colonized in Deel 1.
>t. Basedpedo
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Me too xister, me too.
you do realize "Aryan" is just an endonym for proto indo-iraninan speakers? They were just a bunch of jeets that hadn't reached india yet...
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Seethe harder.
Post black haired Mymy
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Right, exactly. I'm not entirely sure if it's the oriental films and roleplay getting to her brains in that moment, or if she actually harbors impure thoughts for her sister(s). If it's the latter, then that actually adds another angle as to why she avoids interacting with them
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Ooops, silly me.
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Definitely something to ponder.
Aryans were steppe nomads from ukraine and russia though. Russaryan and Ukraryan friends forever.
They were an excuse for Hitler to expand eastward, claiming that Asians were actually ethnically Germans so they can blood and soul their way into annexation. Russia and Israel still do this.
I wonder how it could've unraveled if it was real. If Maya actually did have a crush on Mymy, Coco figuring out would've created a truckload of drama, or maybe Maya might even have to confess to Coco about it to ask for her advice (in saving herself from the thoughts).
Alternatively, if she was into both, she'd have a real good reason to avoid them, and any attempts to pull her out would just make her act more awkwardly. It really creates another layer of unsociability, even if it's unlikely
I've actually written a few fanfics about Maya and Mymy being in a relationship. I'm currently writing the third installment, which is coincidentally about Coco finding out.
But what would their parents think?
What they don't know won't hurt them.
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Fake news, she's a pure Dutch femcel.
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Not gonna lie, thought that was Prospero in the background for a second
This is ai right?
Upzellig. Gem thread.
>the Chad /co/ lolicon vs the virgin anti-loli neo puritan
4chads win again. Sharty teens & /co/ trannies will seethe. Thread needs more 'zellig erotica. Need more mymy gemeralds.
Mymy dyes her hair red & wears contacts.
Maya on the hand is a real redhead with dark red hair,but her hair appears black because she doesn't always shower.
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>They were just a bunch of jeets that hadn't reached india yet...
Aryans were White people who split off from the ones who went to Europe, conquered the lower native brown Dravidian hordes of streetshitters of India, and started the caste system. That's why higher castes are paler.
Considering that Mymy is Japanese makes her an honorary Aryaness.
Mymy is the only Asian adopted sister. Maya & Coco are both white.
I wish there was a coalburner version of this meme.
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Crazy to think this unassuming girl wants to bang her step-sisters.
Since you guys brought it up, I actually want to know how the show and fanbase would be different if Maya actually had feelings for her sisters. The regular pilot, but with more incesty monologuing and feeling bad about herself due to her feelings for them.
Look up the user FrankHasslesSon on Archive Of Our Own.
I refuse to believe that ongezellig actually has artists
ca va? lust u friet?
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Here's a sketch of Maya's buns.
This and it's based
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gemmy thread
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Hey that's cool, who did that?
What if Mymy's Parental Ancestor was some Dutch Merchant who got horny with a Japanese Woman?
This makes me think Mymy's parents put her up for adoption because they couldn't bear the shame of their daughter being a (reverse) weeaboo.
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The fanbase probably wouldn't change much apart from adding a couple of large identifiable demographics in incestfags and yurifags
The fact that they're sisters would make it harder for the actual fags to co-opt. They might take an interest in it, but the incest background and Mymy would still make most be averse to it instead of championing the show as a "representation of queer NEET struggles" or whatever.

It's hard to know for sure why Maya is the way she is (it's implied that the new family structure caused it but nothing concrete), but with feelings for her sisters it'll give a pretty huge smoking gun as to why she's so unsociable
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A short greentext written by two(?) anons in a setting where all the girls in Ongezellig have huge tits, also tiny people exist and Maya runs into one:

don't know if artfags frequent here often but it's been a while since I've wanted art made from a green this badly
They all got scared away early on by the not so good half of the community outside of here
that sucks, a series like this deserves lots of good art
Girls of specific race and culture living as girls from other race and culture is super hot (in this case, a Japanese girl living as a Dutch girl). Posting her with her natural hair color reminds you who she really is.
>The fact that they're sisters
Adopted* sisters
Still a touchy subject
>the ‘zelligs but with giant tits
I didn’t know I needed this
I concur, actually shocked that fans haven't already done that kind of thing already
>(reverse) weeaboo
They're call westaboos. Mymy actually has contempt for weebs, despite one of her step-sisters being a weeb
Sharty teens seethe over anyone who draws porn of the girls. /qa/ was one of the sponsors for one of the episodes.
why is this so popular with soiteens
Because of /qa/. Jannies nuking /qa/ is what gave birth to the sharty, soiteens, & endless soijaks around other alt chans. There's also an entire booru dedicated to ongezellig

Imagine, ongezellig reanimated with all the girls having giant, heaving boobies.
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lmao, did the zarty do that?
While this thread is still up, share artwork, doesn’t matter if it’s AI
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But why would you post that :(
Uh, did you make this, anon?
No this guy did I believe, or he could’ve taken it from elsewhere: https://www.deviantart.com/sillyfall
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Coco, my wife and beloved
>Only a few shorts on jewtube
I'm glad this never took off. It was unfunny and lacked identity.
I know what you are but what about the show?
Theres no way her grip strength could be that strong I call shenanigans
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Maya seems like the type to be into Tim Robinson and Conner O'Malley.
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What did ongezellig do to deserve this faith? What went so wrong?
I really liked her animation in this but man she didn't give a single shit about the presentation
soiteen slop
Why can't I be smothered by giant NEET tits...?
I know right? Dutchies are the worst when it comes to making cartoons. Leave it to the other European countries.
Is there any worst fate for a series than having a “”fanbase”” consisting of sharty-tards?
A fanbase that are on the same level of degeneracy to that of furries. (*cough* colourful horse show *cough**HACK*COUGH*)
I would argue that they at least like the source material for what it is, instead of flaying its skin and using it merely to prop up whatever the fuck Ongezellig became the face of
I am Dutch and have never seen a reference to this outside this stupid site
not to mention how itll never grow out of it because on twitter for instance the sharty lynches anyone who cosplays any of the characters like threetenmusic & ranciduke just the other week, very toxic - SAD!
more like GEMmyzellig
I didn't know this existed 5 minutes ago and I love it already. The creator made a winning formula.
>no one mentioned the 'blox game
If you yourself think like the most truthful 'zellig fan then you VVILL beat this 'blox game (experience or however mcdonald trump 2024)
you write like a spastic
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Sex with Cleo
You missed out sadly
Fucking hell, these threads are a shell of what they once were. Gem this, xister that. You can tell kindergarten's closed for summer.
Anyway, here to do my part to make the s0ikiddies seethe to their friends but secretly goon to these behind their backs.

Wish granted.

Expecting everything revolving this series to die down for good in September, when school starts again and zarty gets nuked as it should.
Pretty well made. Think it would be possible to make something based off of the green posted here?
None of these images are new.
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You're kinda right, it wasn't THAT funny. I still laughed at some parts
I know they're called westaboos, but that doesn't have the same shameful connotation as being labeled a weeaboo.
Not the sort of drama and character reactions I would've expected, but those are still some pretty good smut. Good works anon
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2 years ago
are they making those faces due to srruggling to get maya outside, or because she's not wearing panties?
Because they don't exist
I wonder why? It's literally just porn. If they were advocating against all porn on /co/ then I'd get it, but they're only pissy about this
Hehehe, ifunny
first zellig thread to last more than a day for a while oorah

captcha S0S0
It won't last
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come on man why'd they have to go and do that
I mean, I'm american and i haven't seen most things on /co/ outside of here
because everyone who frequents the sharty are offputting repulsive sperg dregs who'll to no end arbitrarily ruin shit they like in an attempt to """gatekeep""" it (i.e ongezellig)
Shartyfags are all teenagers that have a vague conception of 4chan from YouTube videos, so when they made a website the culture was limited to “we did it reddit!” Tier self-aggrandizing and meme templates
That picture is so fucking cute >:(
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Thread theme:
Mymy is such a goober.
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Massa has a thing for clowns
i miss when people used to talk about these images every month
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(Stolen from Z)
Did he ever do one for Maya?
Thats the proto indo-europeans, the Aryans are the ones that went southeast end ended up in Persa and northern india. Slavs are just a offshoot of the ones that went west
Jonkler Mymy
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she tries to learn the most simple open chords but pussies out soon as it makes her fingertips bleed and her hands sore
Then she has a guitar that she hasn't picked up in months in her room collecting dust like every other person who tries to learn guitar
Oh hey, I've been shilling them a couple threads back, you wrote some good stuff
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Mymy and Maya unironically work so well with each other, they're meant to be gfs
And Mymy gets a technically Dutch partner :)
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Absolutely, it's great seeing other people ship this.
I like it because their relationship can get really messy. Depending on how hardcore Mymy is in (self)hating orientals and sodomites, she could reject Maya outright if she actually has a latent crush on Mymy, which would make her even more reclusive and hopeless.
On the other hand, Mymy craves power, and getting Maya as a personal servant in exchange for crumbs of acceptance for her crush sounds like what she would do. Pure manipulation on her part, but Maya would rationalize it being better than to lose her entirely.
I'd love to make art for the ship, but I don't feel like being doxxed by 16 year olds because of some drawings
Then just post the art here and have it archived on the booru!
I personally prefer shipping them as genuinely in love, but I don't mind some toxic yuri.
i liked the one thing that was writtenbabout mymy being completely honest about how degenrate this was but having switch sides to defend it while maya stood in her "technically in the case of adoption" denial while still engaging.
Why are they racist?
>who grew to hate the show's growing non-Dutch fanbase
She probably asked her parents to buy it for her, or coco gave it to her thinking it'll help her open up
Bro, have you SEEN the average IQ on display in these threads or other image boards.
Why do you lie?
Blud is really melting down rn
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At this point, Massa's supposed hatred of the foreign fanbase is an inside meme.
Sex with Maya's mom
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i love 'zellig bros
Maya wouldn't have abs silly billy willy nilly, she's skinny fat
Does anyone have versions of this or other pics from the crowdfund website with the dialogue in them translated to English?
It just didn't seem to me like Mymy would reciprocate that easily to Maya not only being a closet lesbian but also willing to commit stepcest. I like the idea of Mymy acting completely disgusted at first, but warming up to the idea later on (after surprising herself by touching herself silly over it, forcing her to reflect on her own facade of being a rejector of degeneracy). What can I say, I like my ships with a little difficulty.

Where is this written
Wait this is actual nazi pedo content?
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Why do brown people think black hair/eyes look white?
I miss it
Now what about Mymy cheating on Maya with Coco
Don't be retarded

This is kinda funny though
'lig on the 'log
I wonder how vindicated the original guy felt when his shitpost came true. Or how guilty
I don't think we're going to get coco to be ms. /co/ this year :(
Maybe Maya then?

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