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What went wrong and what can fix him?
>What went wrong
Damien took his job
Some fujo made him gay

>and what can fix him?
Death. It's too late to fix him now. Even another DC reboot can't save him.
And there you have it. The entirety of every Tim Drake thread in one post. Good job.
Nah, noone posted the 'you're the gay one' edit or stephposted yet, give it a minute.
>can't grow up and take on a new name, because that would be a copy of Nightwing
>can't die tragically, because that would make him a worse Jason
>can't be a kid sidekick to Batman, because Damian fits that role as his literal son way better
Basically, there's no space for him in the Bat-universe. Probably the only available spot for him would be as a new Oracle (assuming Babs is still Batgirl, haven't read DC in years)
The problem is that those are ultimately bullshit excuses tossed out by people who either can only accept the most superficial of character elements or are just looking for excuses to get rid of a character they don't like.
Tim is a supporting character to Batman. If he cannot serve a unique purpose as a part of Batman's supporting cast, then he's useless. I don't like or dislike him, I'm just telling you how it is. If some smart writer or editor can create a unique role for him, then I'm all for it.
Just make him the new Joker like in Batman Beyond.
Would end up too similar to Jason. He would inevitably end up being redeemed.
He should've became Nightwing when Dick was Batman.
Bring him back.
First of all, Jason being redeemed sucks. Secondly, I’m talking about making Tim Dr. Jekyll and the Joker his Mr. Hyde.
This, pull a Wally West scenario bringing back the old Tim Drake and give him for Dixon to write.
The main problem with Tim Drake is that of the four main Robins he was the "smart" one, now he's just the "gay" Robin
>First of all, Jason being redeemed sucks.
Didn't ask.
>Secondly, I’m talking about making Tim Dr. Jekyll and the Joker his Mr. Hyde.
Doesn't matter. He'd eventually be cured of his Jokerness, and feel guilty for the shit he did as the Joker, with nothing for him to do but to put on a Robin costume again, and we're back where we started.
You can blame legacy characters in general and how editors and execs see the Robins as interchangeable. The guys who think Robin is the archetypal orphan living in Wayne Manor with Batman and running around with the the iconic Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans lineup and don't give a shit which character it is. So kill his dad, change his personality, start retconning so it all makes sense, etc., all to get their evergreen Robin.
They want him to be the One True Robin™ and that means running through Dick and Bruce's greatest hits again and again and praying the new audience doesn't notice.

Tim hasn't been good since he was the normal kid living out every Batman fanboy's dream, but that era ended 20 years ago. There's multiple generations who never read the 90s comics and grew up on the Dick 2.0/Batman Jr. version and love that shit. Where I think Red Robin was emblematic of how badly DC had failed Tim Drake, they think it's kino. They blame Damian and Jason and the gay arc for ruining Tim. If you can't agree on the problem, how are you going to agree on the solution?
I don't think you can undo being gay.
This is the best comment I have seen about Tim and especially this part.
>The guys who think Robin is the archetypal orphan living in Wayne Manor with Batman and running around with the the iconic Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans lineup and don't give a shit which character it is
All the Robins are suffering from DC being creatively bankrupted and their relationship with Bruce has become a copy/paste of each other which flatten Batman too.
Tim can still be the smart one, if the writers give him a detective story.

Tim needs his own “The Long Halloween” but preferably one that doesn’t take the whole year.

Unfortunately few writers write detective/crime/mystery stories anymore, even though Tim would be a great protagonist in them.

He could even start a new genre: queer noir.
>>can't grow up and take on a new name, because that would be a copy of Nightwing
I don't see a problem with this. Red Robin series was the path.
>He'd eventually be cured of his Jokerness.
Nope, unlike the movie, there’s no cure.
decided lack of hardcore gay sex, terrible art in his solo that drove away any possible audience.
he sure hasn't spent much time actually being gay for the allegedly gay robin. there's a total of like 1 solo issue about his love life after the initial story, which is low for most characters, and about a page in other books.
>Where I think Red Robin was emblematic of how badly DC had failed Tim Drake, they think it's kino.
>I don't see a problem with this. Red Robin series was the path.
The problem with Tim Drake, in two posts.
How to fix Tim Drake in easy steps that DC could do:

1. Give him a mysterious crime to solve.
2. Keep being the “street Robin.”
3. Reveal he keeps a closet of different costumes whenever he needs them for special occasions: Red Robin, Alvin Draper, Mr Sarcastic, Drake, Savior, etc.
4. If you can’t bring back his dad, reveal his Step mother Dana is still around and Tim decides to live with her to help her out.
5. Tension that Dana may find out his secret identity since she’s more clingy and snoopy now.
6. You can keep him bisexual, but let him break up with Bernard as he’s not the “one.”
7. Let him have booty calls with Steph. They’re friends and don’t want to start another relationship.
8. Let Tim and Steph have a MFM threesome with another dude, maybe Bernard. Tim’s bi anyway, might as well use it and show how Steph is the “freaky” one in the Bat family.
9. Let the villain be revealed as the Obeah Man. The guy who killed Tim’s mom.
Just let him age into Red Robin and have him settle into a Gotham Knights role with Batwoman, Azrael, and the Signal, in Detective Comics. He can get the occasional Young Justice nostalgia baiting reunion mini.

It's not the greatest, but it's the least crappy
I was with you up till the Obeah Man. It wasn't overtly racist or intentionally racist, but it was still kinda racist. Not worth revisiting.

Remember The Veteran from the Willingham run? How he tried to recruit Tim? What if he recruited Ulysses Armstrong?
Ignore the Tynion Rebirth version, go back to post-crisis. The General, after his stint as Anarky, was recruited into The Veteran's spec-ops group and has been training there for years, and is now a Captain. He's turned his life around, but still blames Robin for the death of his brother and sister. The mystery ties into that group.
End with Tim actually joining The Veteran and use it to launch a new Men of War series.
Red Robin (besides Kingdom Come) is shit.
Fair enough about the Obeah Man.

Now I was with You, until the ending where Tim joins the Veteran. No thanks.
>show how Steph is the “freaky” one in the Bat family.
She will never be top freak as long as Bruce or Dick are there
Fair enough. I don't see the Army membership as a permanent change, but sort of like when Dick joined the BPD, or when Dick joined Spyral. A new status quo, a new set of supporting characters, and a chance to build out an often neglected area of the DC Universe. Also, the hyper-masculinity of an Army book should drive off the creatives that want every gay hero to be effeminate and drawn in gayface. But it's a big change, not for everyone.
“Most freaky” of the females then.
Kate and Babs
I can’t see Babs or Kate in threesomes like I would Steph.
Needs to go back to train with Shiva and quit his homosexual ways.
since authors have no problem making straight characters suddenly gay, do you guys think one day the opposite will be possible? like in 10 years we'll have Marvel and DC go
>yeah basically Robin and Iceman are straight now this is canon
They have straight Robins already.
And they’ll make a new Iceboy who is straight, because marvel loves making new mutants.
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Sorry, but Signal trains under Shiva now.
You had your chance Tim.
>The entirety of every Tim Drake thread in one post.
Hey dude we haven't even made fun of his names yet.
>The main problem with Tim Drake is that of the four main Robins he was the "smart" one
The problem with being the "smart" one, is that the whole Bat-Family are supposed to be the "smart" ones, which means everyone has to act stupider just so Tim can have something to do.
Don't let Solemni see that
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I like this look.
Who is Solemni?
He’s suppose to be the best detective of the Bat family outside of Bruce.
Like how Cas is the best fighter.
tell me how I know you started reading after 2003
Started in 1992 after Batman Returns
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I don't believe you.
They made him gay. Make him straight. Problem solved.
Well, it’s true.
Why do you think I know about the Obeah Man or Dana when no one else does?
Do you remember Zoe or Adriana?
Oh, I didn't realize you were the same Anon. So yeah, I think pushing Tim as "the smart one" and "the best detective" was a big part of what made him suck. I think it's disappointing that so many fans bought into that take on Tim Drake.
If the first instinct when describing a character in a shared universe is to compare and contrast them to another more famous character then something went wrong.
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I think that may be the worst Robin costume ever. The mask is hideous and the huge R and glowing lines are hilarious.
Launch him into space and have him be the detective/vigilante in space stations and different planets.
Well it’s kind of hard not to do that when you’re the third Robin. And they continued to make Robin’s after you.
They have too many. Second one should’ve stayed dead.
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Giving Tim a Gotchaman-ish costume could really work as long as it doesn't look like Dr. Mid-night or Griffith.

What if Tim and Steph were the new Hawk and Dove? That would finally give Tim a post-Robin code name after Red Robin failed to stick.
Then you need a refresher. That whole zero hour annual is basically telling you Dick's strengths vs Tim's.
Tim had the best crash course in training, since Dick had his prior circus skills and Jason took a crash course. Tim's training was more worldly and with better quality instructors, but it doesn't necessarily mean he has the same fighting skill level physically. He has his limitations and he overall focused more on defensive and preventive skills than outright fighting. It's also why he chose the bo staff.
If anything, getting cucked and then the girl expecting you to help her with the kid really fucked him over in the long run. No wonder some people wanted him to turn gay and hook up with Superboy.
I remember awhile back some anon said Tim’s thing should be literally having a mid life crisis and trying out a bunch of new ridiculous names and costumes and identities kek
>, getting cucked
he was cucking her first. He didn't hook up with her until after she was already pregnant for a few weeks before she knew.
Not hard at all. Tim had a unique take on Robin up till Graduation Day/Identity Crisis. They intentionally took it away from him. DC made the choice to turn Tim into Dick 2.0. That's not on Jason and Damian.
Babs is the "smart" one.
They're ALL the smart ones, that's the whole fucking point of the Bat-Family.
Being smart in a family full of smart people isn't a viable niche.
>he was the normal kid living out every Batman fanboy's dream
IE a self insert for comic book nerds. Yeah, no thanks.
All the more reason to consolidate them all into one or two characters. Get rid of the excess. After all, less IS more.
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>They're ALL the smart ones
Not all, there's the fight retard.
Let's not go overboard. No one is calling Steph or Cass smart. Or Jason, for that matter. But Bruce, Dick, Babs, and Tim? They're all smart, that's their deal.
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Cass is smart, in her particular specialty.
Too bad it's wasted on Tim. Would work great for a general Robin look.
Dick was just as good as a detective as Bruce was before DC needed to justify Tim's existence. Same with Jason.
Nah, Red Hood's way too cool to get rid of. Dude could hit it big in other media. Only superhero nerds hate his ass.
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Dixon had the foresight not to go overboard with the boy genius thing. He's got tech skills but that's no match for street smarts or getting taken by surprise, which he's more prone to. He still acknowledges Dick as the better detective, because even if Tim had a better head start Dick was part of the dynamic duo in it's prime. He got a boost working alongside Bruce for years.
Most of Dixon's Tim stories were boilerplate mysteries, not 4D chess.
Volunteering to take care of another man's kid is cuckoldry, my guy.
Jason is smart though. Just because he's the bigger dude with the guns, doesn't mean he's a dumbass.
Jason is smarter than Dick.
He was trying to get her to put it up for adoption because he knew she couldn't raise it. Basically flat out told her she should know she can't keep it.
This wasn't specific to Tim either. Dixon's best mystery comic IMO was Nightwing #24, a one-shot where Dick solves a cold case for a retiring police officer. It's a perfect comic.
>No one is calling Steph or Cass smart.
Well, I'm talking about the main ones, Cass not being smart actually makes her stand out more.
And even Steph has recently been portrayed as knowing how to hack shit, at the very least she's street smart.
>Or Jason, for that matter.
Enough of this meme, Jason IS smart.
Jason is hood smart.
But Dick went to college.
>Crack baby raised in an abusive and neglectful home who dropped out of school to boost tires got handed the world but fucked it up, got his brains beat in with a crowbar, and got rezzed by a magic pit that is notorious for brain damage and driving people crazy.
i swear he's a good boy he's so smart too
Jason knew computers before Tim. It was just part of the basic skillset by then
He was trained by Batman asshole, he's not stupid just because he's a big guy.
He was described as smart since he was Robin...
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>he's not stupid just because he's a big guy
>he's a big guy
>big guy
for you.
>After being adopted by Bruce, Jason received an excellent education and tutoring from both private tutors and Bruce thus, has deep knowledge in many subjects, including Science, Math, Medicine, Geography, Criminology, World History and English.
Being a low level genius at the very least is part of the Robin package.
I find it funny how they tried to give the title of the "smartest one" to Duke for a while, they really just pass that shit around like nothing.
Jason is a book-loving criminal mastermind, while Dick is a manwhore with no job. Without someone’s support, he would be as poor as Steph.
Tim was fucked the second Damien came on the scene. They should’ve gone the Dick Grayson route and given him a new identity divorced from the robin name, but they didn’t.
Jason without Bruce end up being a private detective which more than can be said about Tim or most of the batfamily.
Truth is Jason's character development is schizophrenic as fuck because writers couldn't keep him consistent, mostly due to missing context.
Jason was conceived as a nostalgic throwback. First when he was a circus kid, but even as a street kid with a heart of gold. That's what Max Allan Collins was going for, Barr got it, Starlin wanted a modern day street kid who could get..AIDS! And then waffled back and forth on how responsible Jason was. ADITF is a mess.
Winnick partly got it but also wanted to make him a realistic street kid who did Bad Things. And it's been downhill ever since.
Just imagine, Batman decides to stop being Batman so he starts calling himself Batmobile. That's you.
Duke Thomas is called the Signal.

Luke Fox and the African guy are called Batwing.
>make him a realistic street kid who did Bad Things
I don't think what Winink was trying to add to history was "realistic". It was silly and completely unnecessary.
Let's not pretend that superhero names aren't silly and stupid.
It was realistic in the sense of the 2000's sense of it meaning adding prostitution and drugs
>What went wrong
They took away everything that made him unique among Robins that didn't make him a lazy Dick clone like Jason originally was, which was why Jason originally failed.
>and what can fix him?
Take advantage of all the various universal retools that have happened since they took everything away and give it back to him. Say his parents were hiding in witness protection and Tim needed to think they were dead for his own safety. Let him and Steph be together again. If you can't think of any further superhero stories for him to do in that incarnation without making him a lazy Dick clone again then just let him retire like he wanted.
Tim was my Robin growing up and I loved him, but I'd rather let him retire to be something like a private detective or lawyer or anything else than keep him around as a zombie in-name-only version.
This may be slightly off-topic, but:
I'm a zoomer with zero experience of 90s Batman comics. I'm half intrigued by the two Nightwing and Robin Compendiums that DC have just put out. Are they worth reading, and which one of the two would you lot recommend?
But making him and Steph a couple is just copying Dick/Babs too.
At least being bisexual is unique amongst the Robins.
Dick/Babs wasn't a thing until after Tim/Steph was a thing, so if anything they're the ones copying Tim and Steph.
And besides, the dynamic between Tim and Steph is how fucked Steph's personal life is and how Tim helps her deal with that straighten up (pun not intended). You don't get that with Dick/Babs, or even Dick/Kori for that matter. Meanwhile I still don't know what Tim/Bernard is supposed to be, other than "token gay."
Steph has her personal life together now though.
She doesn’t need Tim for that anymore.
>a lazy Dick clone like Jason originally was
I'm tired of people who never read his Pre-Crisis stories calling him that. He wasn't "a dick clone" and the only thing they shared in common was the circus thing.
Some people think anyone who act even slightly nice is suddenly a dick clone because he is apparently the definition of kindness. If only people aware of how much of douchebag he used to be before fanon take over his characterization.
What personal life? No superhero has a personal life anymore, unless is directly influenced by their superhero lives.
>7. Let him have booty calls with Steph. They’re friends and don’t want to start another relationship.
Tim and Steph should invert the Dick/Babs drama and just be FWB who get along and don't want to push forward in a real relationship. They're the stereotypical zoomers who don't want to commit to a relationship and have a bunch of options but have less sex than people would expect, so they just rely on each other to get off now and then.
Dick and Babs are the Millenial couple finally settling down in their 30's but having a dog instead of a kid.
Bruce and Selina are gen Xers who had kids in past relationships and keep putting off settling down because they think they still have time.
I……….don't disagree with any of this.
Just keep Tim and Steph bisexual, like the Zoomers they are.
Pre-Crisis Jason reads like a flanderization of silver age Dick, especially influenced by the Adam West show. Of course he's not actually the same as Dick, because Dick was off becoming Nightwing and doing his own thing, but Jason was what editorial thought "we want another Robin" thought Dick was like. The fact he failed is evidence that they failed at understanding the audience, and rebuilding the concept of Robin from the ground up is how they ended up with Tim.
Pre-Crisis Jason was a bratty kid who was a bit pampered by Bruce. He was kind of annoying and acted as his age. I understand why some didn't like him because he wasn't idealistic or easy to self-insert as. Calling him a failure is extreme tho and a proof of lack of knowledge about what actually happened. Comics in general were losing audience at that time except for few comics. Jason suffered mostly because writers at that wanted an edgy Batman who is closer to what Batman was like in DKR.
I don't want to make it sound like I blame Jason for it or that I dislike him as a character, but editorial and writing dropped the ball and he was a casualty of it.
Damian was far more hated than Jason ever was and even Tim wasn't exactly welcomed with open arms. The difference is that they were given a chance and were pushed hard while Jason wasn't.
I honestly wouldn't pay for them. Put the money into a DC Universe Infinite subscription and binge them digitally. Buy the compendiums if you really really like them.
Dick and Babs got to first base in 1975, Anon.
People almost universally loved Tim by the time he became Robin because of how he was introduced. It was a good year and a half from when he was introduced to when he really became Robin. Teased in Y3, introduced in LPoD, then going through months and months of sitting around the cave and training before getting his suit. And then when he finally gets his suit he's sent off for even more training. And he's glazing the hell out of Dick (pause) the entire time.
I dunno, this sounds like something a DC employee would say.
Plus, reading comics digitally blows.
>People almost universally loved Tim by the time he became Robin because of how he was introduced.
>the 60k people who read comics from murica = the universe
Tim wasn't quickly accepted and it took a lot of hard work from DC to make people like him.
Tim isn't a broken as character, but can't work as a main character anymore. He is like the Titans who work as teens, but completely fail as adults. It's ok for him to be a supporting character who shows up from time to time or have one shot stories.
He was, for a time, a scheming criminal mastermind. Now he’s retarded, yes but intelligence and planning were some of his attributes once upon a time.
To be fair, everyone is stupid nowadays.
True. Partly due to how retarded writing is lately and partly because there has to be designated “smart ones” in a scenario and therefore anyone else must be a dumb goon in comparison.
Just pirate them. Buy them if you like it after.
Tim starts a consulting detective operation with Edward Nigma trying for a chance to go straight again
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They both need to go straight.
Going to college does not indicate intelligence. Plenty of dumbasses get in and get out.
>like the Zoomers they are.
Most zoomers aren't bisexual, dumbass. Twitter isn't real life.
Here's an idea: Tim bashes Damian's skull in and takes his name back. Everyone is glad to be rid of the little shit and agrees to never mention him again. Also Tim's parents are still alive.
Tim's done, dude. Get over it.
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this was where Tim and Steph should've retired, considering the last 6 years for them has been a mess.
Tim is floundering and Steph is third in a two-horse race.
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>Edward Nigma trying for a chance to go straight again
But more Zoomers are bisexual than millennials and Gen X’ers.
Keep Tim and now Steph bi.
They can still hook up every now and then like >>144623720 said.
He's a faggot now so he's stuck in the homo ghetto. BUT BUT HES BI!!
He's fucked in the ass dick thirst faggot tier now. Probably perving on nightwing too.
He's done.

But before that he should have been Agent Drake a world class detective and analysis and tech head. Basically a more combat and detective work focused oracle.

I could see him and barbara having conversations over this new case they are working on and trying to figure out something before gothams supply of xanax is turned to pez.
Bruce chimes in occasionally but it's kind of clear that he's the third wheel and only adds some historical context.

Him being some kind of god tier martial artist should be scaled back. Maybe he's one of the weaker robins and makes up for it by being a more learned fighter.
The funny thing is that the Raptor is somewhere crying and watching the Grayson family
Scandal Savage gets drunk with Bane
Four days of nasty room destroying sex later she limps out and bane strolls out to catch her as she falls over becasue her healing factor is overworked.

Smart doesn't mean magical polymath.
She can have weaknesses in knowledge and they can play off of each other.
>But more Zoomers are bisexual than millennials and Gen X’ers
Most of those are women looking for attention. We live in the social media age, my guy. And women thrive on attention like nobody's business.
I don't get it. Whats the connection between the two pages? The Robin thing? What's the problem with it?
Tim's ripping off Dick.
Which is why Steph should be bi too. Especially after her boyfriend came out before her.
How this is a rip off? Someone other than Dick having connection to Robin doesn't make it a rip off.
>>can't grow up and take on a new name, because that would be a copy of Nightwing
There's nothing wrong with that kind of copying. It's a normal graduation type thing.
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>what can fix him?

Reveal that his "boyfriend" Bernard is actually a mind-controlling homosexual villain who made him gay and have him break out of mind control, then Jason kills Bernard.
If you take a look at social media and the "pop stars" as they call the no talent nep babies and sex slaves of the wealthy, homosexuality is not only normalized it's pushed heavily.
And it was never exclusive to Dick.
I'm gonna guarantee you there's a 90% chance the writer had no fucking clue it was used in an obscure 90's annual and neither did the editors.
Making Robin a petname isn't the most original idea.
The Titans work fine as adults. They've been adults since 1987.
Because it's literally the same shit. The Robin name coming from their moms.
It was also in Batman Forever.
And they have been failing since 1987.
Melinda's mom is driving away crying.
Raptor is there crysturbating.
The Court of Owls are there waiting to claim their GRAY SON OF GOTHAM.

There's way too many randos added into Dick's origin.
>tfw Damian once named himself after Tim's car and nobody has ever mentioned it or brought it back up again, even if it was just a coincidence.
I get that it was the New 52, but still
Fujos, and DC capitulating to them.
I mean if we're worried about him copying Dick that ship has already sailed when he became Robin in the first place. People might say yeah this aspect is copying but if it results in a stronger character overall then maybe he should. It's like people are so scared of a minor criticism that they're ignoring so many bigger ones.
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I don't think anyone is afraid of any criticism. It's just some insecure Dick fans who keep screaming "COPYCAT" of any Robin who dare to do anything like he is so original and didn't spend his entire career copying Batman.
It's seems that people forget that Dick becoming Nightwing wasn't a natural progression. It literally happened because of Jason.
Tim being gay doesn't surprise me. Of all the "straight' males in DC. Tim had the most gay energy.
Dick says hello.
if we're being honest, all of the main robins (an sometimes steph) radiate homolust. that's part of why they all have significant female followings. tim just had a safer path for meme magic to take effect.
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Make him straight again have him go on adventures (completely hetero of course) with his bff. Also have his trivium and Jason's trivium team up together.
Dick has metrosexual energy not homosexual energy.
This was made by a real bisexual poster because of how much he wants to degrade the female character.
Jason is a professional street nigga, Dick literally pumped all his Alfred inheritance money into the most corrupt city east of the Mississippi.
>Just keep Tim and Steph bisexual
Oh fuck off
>At least being bisexual is unique amongst the Robins.
It's effectively made Tim the Mia Dearden of the Batfamily.
i'm not sure what point you think you're making
The hell's that supposed to mean?
Now all he's known is for being gay like how Mia is only known for having AIDS.
so you're just making up bullshit to have a tantrum about
nobody who didn't know about tim knows about him now, and everybody who already knew him still knows him for the same reasons
I think Tim could be a sort of connective tissue between Gotham characters and the wider DC Universe. He doesn't need to be as gritty as Damian, Jason or Batman. He's supposed to be the smartest Robin, so why not give him some stories that lean in to sci-fi?
The people that didn't know about him knows there is a fag robin, and the people that do know him now know he's a fag forever and he's now worthless as a character.

And why is this bitch not dead yet. She's had aids for 20 years now.
the people who didn't know about him still don't know about him because they pay no attention to comics related media.
>anon reveals he's just the same old screeching faggot anyway
wow what a surprise, this has never happened before
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He was definitely laughing his ass off in the inside
I've warmed up to the Bat Logo.

I think Red Hood peaked in his first appearance. Winnick had a handle on him no one has really been able to capture and Mahnke's pencil's elevated his relatively simple aesthetic.
>I've warmed up to the Bat Logo.
I haven't.
Nightwing has his own logo, Robin has his own logo, why does Red Hood run around with a bat on his chest? Don't tell me it's meant to be ironic or some shit, it's stupid, he should either get his own logo or go back to not having any logo at all.
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Oh I'm def team no logo. It's just if it's there, I won't immediately mothball the design. That said if he's going logo, I'd rather him go the Arkham Knight route than add it to the Red Hood ensemble. Especially since it's a homage to Joker's first getup and having a Bat Logo on it seems distasteful.
Man, Arkham Knight was so dumb. What a waste of Jason.
For a 90s character, Tim was incredibly dorky.
It's funny when you people think Jason is some 2000's dudebro.
Winnick Jason would learn about Tim being bisexual and offer to bash the skull of any "peabrains" (since Winnick has a complex about intelligence) who would make fun of him, even if they disagree on other things.Robin era Jason was a sensitive kid who wanted to be in a school play.
Sorry anon, he's an ally.
DC never really went full 90's. Editors and creators were still largely older creators who didn't trend chase Image/Marvel whole heartedly.
Even stuff like that 90's Dr. Fate series was tongue in cheek. Occasionally you had something like Extreme justice, but not for long.
Let's be honest, Robin Jason would be the most discriminate of gay people considering how pedos love street kids with no parents. Makes it easier for them to pray on.
Unironically give him superpowers.
Authors have been dipping their toes in the idea of giving Batman a heavy hitter recently. I thought that was what Gotham and Gotham Girl were going to be, but then King ruined that. Then Damian had powers for a while, and that went away for some reason. Let Tim Drake fall into a pool of whatever the fuck and now he can fly or whatever. That'll separate him enough from the other Robins, without having to resort to hyper focusing on his sexuality to distinguish him.
Jason's ex was bisexual, granted she was a woman.
That's the edgy boy Jason that exists in the minds of people who thought Under the Hood was the coolest shit ever when they were 15. Not who Jason actually is. Jason would fuck up rapists of any kind, but defend regular gay people.
He could learn magic or something and occupy the the supernatural niche of Gotham. Zatanna could be his teacher.
Lol Tim being bi would stop Winick from making Jason beat the shit out of him.
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He wouldn't stop beating the shit out of him because he was bi. But he'd also make sure to beat anyone up who'd make fun of him for being bi, specifically.
Jason would beat him up and call him a pussy for not fully committing to men and not going all the way.
Give Tim a new superhero name.

And it can't be bird related.
Black Bat.
Jason wouldn’t give a shit, especially Winick’s Jason since he hated Tim the most.
Does red robin have nothing interesting going on? The other robins figured out their niche now that damian is the default
Tim needs a bald spot. In think that will make him more relatable
Winick did say if he got to write Jason and Tim it would show how much a hater Jason is. Probably not as ridiculously petty as Johns, but intense in his own way.
no one likes damian
I like Damian :)
No you don't.
Damian should be bald so he and Tim can be told apart as Robins
Thread could have ended here.
What I don’t get is why they keep trying to give him a logo when the helmet WAS the “logo”. It’s meant to be the focal point of a design lacking a costume to differentiate him from the rest because he IS (or should be) different. Why they made the guy who made fun of the costumes and the whole “game” instead going for something more practical, take on different logos and wear a stupid getup (he wears a hood because… get this kek) and get rid of his actual defining design traits is beyond me. From character design to personality and motives he’s had all his edges sanded down to better mesh with the rest of the group he really shouldn’t even be in.
>wear a stupid getup
What's stupid about this?
Well at least he seems to be getting the helmet back soon, I really hope it's permanent this time, that's the most iconic and recognizable part of the character, it really serves the same purpose of an actual logo.
Honestly, I'm FINE with him still having a log along with the helmet, but it better not a fucking bat, if they're going with that just ditch the logo completely.
I kind of like that one but the original pill head looked better. I’m talking about the current MK ripoff design where they give him a literal hoodie because he’s now retarded enough to misunderstand the meaning of his own title.
Huh they actually made the hood look pretty cool here. Nice jacket and helmet and miles better than his current getup.
>he’s now retarded enough to misunderstand the meaning of his own title.
Reminds me how Robin was originally meant to be a Robin Hood reference but somewhere along the line they forgot about it and thought it was a reference to robins (the birds).
They would change his name too if they knew what it meant to make him fit into the Bat family.
The problems with Tim Drake started with Dan Didio and Dick Grayson, along with Jason Todd then Damian Wayne.

Didio wanted tom make Tim into his vision of the iconic Robin archetype. Teen Titans, dead parents, etc. This was all done with the expectation that Dick Grayson would be killed off in Infinite Crisis, so Tim could step up as Batman's heir apparent. But then Dick didn't die. Last minute change. The plans for Tim still played out the same. Bruce adopts Tim. Tim moves into Dick's old bedroom. Tim leads the Teen Titans. Tim is still destined to become Batman. Tim even starts calling himself Tim Wayne. With Dick off in New York this status quo could have worked... but then Grant Morrison came along.

The real problem was Morrison picking Dick Grayson to be the next Batman. DC spent over half a decade prepping Tim for that role and Morrison blueballed the entire character arc. To make it worse, Tim couldn't even wait it out as Robin, because Morrison wanted to use Damian. But because DC spent so much time destroying Tim's old life to make him more "iconic", Tim didn't have anything to fall back on.

The New 52 made it clear that DC really had no idea what to do with the character. Damian as Robin was a hit. Nightwing was as popular as ever. Jason Todd was alive and an anti-hero. Barbara was back as Batgirl. Tim Drake no longer had a role to fill in the Batman Family. And here we are a decade later and nobody still has any idea what to do with him.

Jason coming back makes Tim's story of becoming Robin pointless, he was supposed to be the successor to the failure of Jason's Robin. But with Jason coming back? Whoops, all that guilt that Bruce had, and Tim's pressure to live up, and surpass Jason is all gone. It displaced Tim's role in the Batfamily, but he still has a role in competing with Jason to prove that he's better than Jason as a Robin. But then Damian happened, and we all know that story.

Tim's role to be the successor of Jason was dashed, but it was still to be the light to Jason's dark. With Jason alive, has to prove himself better. But Damian fucking Wayne came in. He stole Tim's role as Robin, thereby not even giving Tim a formal leave, or grand storyline, of exiting his Robin mantle that he made popular during his generation. Damian stole all of it, but I can forgive that Pre-New 52, as Tim was still a big player. But then New 52 came in, and retconned all of this shit, with Jason being goody with the Batfamily, and Damian being pushed hard. Damian being added to the cast displaced Tim's role even more, with Jason being there, and a new Robin in the role. Tim's role and place was basically fuck all.

Fuck Dick, Jason and Damian, they're the reason why Tim Drake is in a hot mess right now. Dick should have left Tim alone, and Jason/Damian should have at least kept one of them dead.

retarded copypasta is retarded
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With how things are going this is closer to Tim's future.
Nta but it's a downgrade for a starter. I don't like how Jason suddenly look like a super villain as opposed to a down to earth villain who don't try to play hero. The shit-tier writting tied to this appearence also doesn't help.
You’re telling me it takes at least one if not more of those three being dead to make Tim a good character and saying that it’s the other three that are the problem and not Tim? Tim had his time in the sun you just got to accept its over for now.
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Alfred had it right. Get him out of superheroics.
>Some fujo made him bisexual
Bisexual = gay. No matter how hard you people try to deny it.
He’s still in the sun. Especially during Pride specials.
Tim’s joining the Court of Owls in the current Absolute Power storyline.
I like him in small doses
Not gonna lie, this is pretty funny.
Nah, I do like Damian.
That story has Tim become Robin because he thinks there needs to be a Robin. His role should be recruitment and training of new Robins.
Degrade Steph?
No anon.

These are easy steps for DC to follow for Tim to be relevant again.
Only fags hate Damian.
Pretty ironic comment.
So he’s gonna stake out places with potential orphan child soldiers?
Nah, it’s Steph degradation.

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