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Isn't it retarded to take X-23, give her a less cool name, and stick her in a less cool costume, all so she can be a literal female version of a male character?
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Of course it's retarded, but the point isn't to entertain anyone or make characters cool. The point is to ruin every male hero in the name of psychotic insane feminism.

Making Laura "Wolverine" ruins both Laura and Wolverine. But it's simply a price the feminists are willing to pay to get to destroy something male.
This is why we should have kept Talon around

One Laura can be Lady Wolverine, the other one can be X-23

They can take turns on which one is getting her back blown out by Synch
>Hey, you can't be psychotic and hate the opposite sex! I'm already doing that!
>They can take turns on which one is getting her back blown out by Synch
i hate that ugly fucking asswhipe
>they finally change it so that Laura is Wolvie's actual child instead of a clone altered to be female
>then they kill the original Laura off extremely brutally and even ensure you know that her soul was obliterated
T-thanks Marvel.
The Talon arc of Krakoa.
>They retconned it so that Laura was Logan's genetic daughter instead of his clone. Her mother was her mother Sarah Kinney
>during the Vault arc of Krakoa, Synch, Darwin and Laura were trapped in there. Synch thought Laura died and Darwin was captured so only Synch made it out
>Krakoa made a duplicate of Laura through Resurrection, who had no memories of the time in the Vault
>but they found the original Laura a few months later and brought her out, she took the name Talon to differentiate them
>Talon died during the Fall of X, Synch tried to capture and keep her mind inside his head like a living Cerebro unit but had to let her go or he would die too
>no one ever explained why they couldn't just resurrect her with another backup

Based on the continuity of consciousness Talon was the real Laura, and the current Wolverine is a copy
So Laura is a clone again
OP, you're starting from the faulty premise that "X-23" is a cool name.
jesus fucking christ why would they make that

why would they even think about making that sort of story that's horrifying
welcome to gerry duggan ruining x-men
remember not to buy anything with his name on the cover
I said it before. I'll say it again. X-men are unsalvageable.
but like that's fucking horrifying. the whole krakoan resurrection thing was already on shaky metaphysical ground but ewing and some of the others at least TRIED to make it less of a nightmare. but this is just holy shit

pure fucking ontological nightmare fuel
Don't forget that they made a mistake in cloning her and gave nu-Laura a full metal skeleton when OG Laura just had metal on her claws so she really is the Wolverine. I also hate that Honey Badger is now named Scout
it was designed to be something horrible and fail by hickman. he didn't make krakoa to succeed. the point of it was to make the mutants dumb and to justify that a full-fledged nation were never a good idea

but he got replaced by a bunch of dumbasses and duggan mainly ruined it all by transforming it into x-stein island and such
Millennials don't have any authentic experiences to draw on, so yes, they're retarded and can only recycle the ideas they grew up with slight changes. In the future, people are gonna look back on millennial's contribution to culture as nothing more than fanfiction.
Yes the point is to resell you the same characters and story with a literal different coat of paint. Saves money on creativity and rakes in cash from dumb ass progressives who claim to hate Capitalism

>What if we took the first African American superhero, made him abandon his persona, take up the persona belonging to a white character, and pretend this is a win
The funniest part is seeing Krakoafags on Reddit and Twitter going "I'm sad Talon died but at least Laura is still here". They either don't get it or have such horrible Stockholm syndrome they convinced themselves it was a good idea.
X-23 was her slave name to the government.
Like Weapon X was for Logan.

Now she’s free from her slavery and adopted into Logan’s family. Also, she’s no longer a prostitute for survival.

So everything about her name and costume now makes sense for her character development.

You’re just mad and want everything to stay the same.
I think X-23 fits a character who was created to be a clone of an existing character. Its like Android 18 from Dragon Ball.
>Character development

See>>144621071. Disney makes good money off of retards like you.
what is a fun or sexy outfit she could wear?
Worth noting that rage bait is free advertisement
>I also hate that Honey Badger is now named Scout
Honey Badger was a mistake anyway, so it's a lateral move.
They could have if there was a telepath around or the Five around at the time. But there wasn’t.

But I see what you’re saying. If Forge’s worldwide backup cerebros were still working they could resurrect her.

But didn’t Orchis take them offline or am I misremembering?
They could have done it with the 15-year timeskip resurrection in X-Men 700 but they probably decided having one Laura was enough and stayed off. Alternately, somebody thought the whole Talon thing was a mistake to begin with and wanted to bury it. I honestly don't think it will ever be brought up again or the true nature of the current Laura, even though she should be given her own name and identity as they tend to do with duplicates (Joseph, Maddie, Honey Badger, etc). But again I don't think anybody wants to touch this.
They could have just resurrected her from the back up from before the night of the Hellfire Gala

That's the point of when they brought back the Dead X-Men

She wouldn't remember the Fall of X, but that's not a huge gap all things considered
If anything, they should have kept the female Savage Sabretooth around to be a reoccurring villain for her.
they killed her off in her worst run
Emma was projecting her mind across the world to mobilize mutants including Synch & Kamala.
The entire Talon thing was so much a dumb move. They had the opportunity to make use of the implications of what happens when there’s a dupe due to the original not dying and they did nothing with it. Hell Talon basically never even was a character and just existed as an extension of Synch. I can’t believe they actually gave us a worse relationship with Laura than the Angel one but here we are
They never even had Talon interacting with any of Laura's family or friends, they could have had an interesting storyline about how Gabby received her and contrasted it with how Old Man Logan was like a grandpa who tried to kill her.
But they just stayed away from all of it

It was clear they always considered girl Wolverine the real one
It’s an old trend of taking a popular name and giving it to someone else. This has been a thing for decades but it’s weird in that there are multiple people with the name.
Not really.
If you can’t differentiate normal Thor from the one with tits, then something is wrong with you.
Something, something, empowerment. It’s the same dumb shit with calling Miles Spider-Man when Pete is a block away doing spider-man shit.
The X-Men were fucked when they allowed Hickman do use the clone thing. That would have been great for a dark AU thing. And now they're working hard to ignore it because to delve into it would be to derail the entire X-Men franchise.

Honestly an editor should have stopped it the second it was pitched.
This is what happens when you treat comics as IP farms rather than stories with a beginning and end.
Cool art.
I think there’s something wrong with you. The problem is that multiple people have the same name at the same time, like Laura in the OP. That robs one or both characters of their individual identity and a shameless tactic to whore out the popular name.
But Laura’s ended a while ago.
But since American comics are Neverending, Laura’s fate was always going to go this way.
This is beyond awful. You guys are too nice about this shit. I don't even like Batgirl.
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>no one ever explained why they couldn't just resurrect her with another backup
Did you forget the part where Orchis wiped out all thier systems for resurrection? Not like they had time to make new ones from scratch
Ah ha!
I knew Orchis did something to it
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The Five had no problem resurrecting everyone with their cradle in the White Hot Room

It was pretty important to the finale that every X-Man who got caught in the WHR and everyone who died after the Fall got resurrected

Except for Talon for some reason
And I guess Daken since he's Hellverine now
I think the wolverine costume looks good on a female figure
She’s a prostitute
Didn't her backup get deleted before she sacrificed herself?
Here's the real question: if you were cloned and had a copy of you running around, and you knew you were the original, why would YOU change YOUR name to 'differentiate'? Thats not the result of any rational human thought process. Any real person in that situation would double, triple, and quadruple down on their name being THEIR name because thats literally their fucking identity.
Its really fucking hack writing, a character clearly being forced to behave like a robot for executive brand IP management reasons.
When would that have even happened?
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>Its really fucking hack writing, a character clearly being forced to behave like a robot for executive brand IP management reasons
So......first day on /co/?
You mean the paid shills?
The comics were not ready to take that discussion then and they never will be. It will just become one of those things deep core nerds will know about.
And then some mexican took his old persona so he can't even go back to that. Does Sam even still have Redwing or did they take that from him too?
I think Redwing splits his time between Sam and Joaquin because he has a psychic rapport with both

It'd be funny if he was key to Blood Hunt because he's a vampire now
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Her being wolverine during a time when logan is dead makes more sense than most. The issue is that first taylor skipped over all the character work that would be needed for her to take the name and took away everything intresgin from her. The personality just becoming logan lite also doesn't help.
Nah laura should have stuck with the talon name but krakoa was the worst of both worlds. Neither laura was written like laura. One was written as "grrr best there is at what I do" and the other was written as a set dressing for synch (literally).
Desu no one treats krakoa talon as the real laura nywyas.
Every laura fan I know just ignores this. Even laura fans that like laura as wolverine just treat the clone as the real one.
She wasn't created by the government tho. And she did have her own name talon. It just got forggetn.

The idea of her taking the wolverine name is sound...but it just all happened off screen. Is it development if we don't see it? And if everything that makes the character distinct leaves?

Also she was only a prostitute in one story where she stopped being one in that same one, and it only came up twice afterwards, both by the same writer.
It very much was a mistake that just existed cause duggan wanted to write his shitty ship.
yes. OP is correct, and what's more is that the wolverine oversaturation trope is perpetuated with Laura so long as Logan wolverine is ALSO still being put on covers of comics

Laura should have stayed as x-23, and her origin story as a prostitute should have remained so it would make sense for her to team up with punisher and take down pedo rings and trafficking rings, as well as defend sex workers unions

but comic companies don't have the balls for doing anything original or controversial
you're right, it does not. it ugly in general. also the pointy flare for his pointy hair just copied off of beast's hair after beast's first transformation
It wasnt her origin story. It was just an appearance. Her origin was the whole created to be a weapon thing and lacking socialization.

And she did hunt trafficking rings in liu's run.
She shouldnt wear yellow and blue. Use the grey and black with red eyes costume and maybe
Why yes, I did kill people in Afghanistan.
Kyle and yost's laura was so fucking good.
Talon was a name she had never actually used before, it was a potential name for her that never caught on

The only time it was used in universe was when Nimrod scanned her and identified her as such, but he was malfunctioning and is from the future so his data is skewed
Her second mini ended with it and she was intended to be called that until x-force. It was used in some captions too
The 'X-23 is a prostitute' thing is something that only exists in the minds of coomers. Its not worth discussing.
fuck off, puritan
> knock on the door to a woman's bedroom
> no wait for response before opening it anyway

Scott, what the fuck?
If it was a significant part of her character, or even real, it would be worth discussing. But coomer fanfiction shouldn't be indulged in or people start to think that its actually a part of the character because its been repeated so many times. Nothing puritanical about asking you to stop making shit up.
ah yes, because the vault with *checks notes* a clone and a not-real romance is so genuine!
Its scott
She got zero introspection as it all happened off screen come on.
Dont forget the clone plot only existed so they could make it so "wolverine" doesn't remember the past.
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Maybe Gabby should be X-23 based on Dafne Keene

And Laura can be Wolverine

No one wins
at least you know it's shit
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I miss the old Laura
For all my issue's with liu's run, even she didn't fail as basically as the current stuff does.
Didn't what's-his-name give her brown eyes instead of green?
No you don't. Laura was just a shit waifu bait character for people to want to jack to cute goth girl but never buy comics. She's the Harley Quinn of X-men.
why you angry
Nah sorry innocnese lost and target x (as well as her stuff in new x-men and x-force) are great. Her solo was mixed but she was a compelling character there, I would just argue the direction was the last thing she needed at the time.
the retard who gave her gabby as a tumor to plague her character
No. Laura as Wolverine lasted 35 issues. Highest any X-23 book lasted was 21
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If you folks loved existential ship of theseus nightmare mind fucks then you'll love this game!
She was x-23 for 15 years come on.
Sometimes. She had green eyes under the artists there.
duck ass lips
>ship of theseus nightmare mind fucks then you'll love this game!
but anon
the coinflip is a lie
She was more unique as a melancholic heroine, now she's a quippy whedonite character no different than Kitty Pride, Kate Bishop, and the rest of the Marvel heroines in the "young adult" age range.
Yeah. I miss when she would never use contractions.
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Yes, it only exists in NYX, then only got referenced twice afterwards. Its literally something that got super memoryholed by her own minis.
shit game
It is, because MvC chads (not including Infinite) carry Marvel
Capcom's X-23 isn't Laura.
wait i didn't use katakana for laura
Kusu need to be in their katakana form to and you used wa instead of ha. You bringu shame upon your famury.
That is correct.

Whatever happened to Eli Bradley anyway? If you're going to push a black Captain America at least make it Steve/Bucky's protogee.
There are many black Captain America's:
Sam Wilson
Isaiah Bradley
Eli Bradley
Rayshaun Lucas
Nichelle Wright
Black people helped create America.
So no surprise.

Nobody likes Falcon as "Captain America" though.
Absolutely wrong.
He’s the people’s Captain America.

The only thing I hate is that they broke him and Jet Zola up for stupid reasons so he could hook up with Misty Knight.

Dating the daughter of your arch enemy has tons of opportunities.
Do they make any money off of it?

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