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superman and his friends enjoying some delicious jelly donuts
Hands down the best iteration of superman
Why is everyone on this show constantly blushing
cutest? yeah
best? lol
Kara and Jimmy should have kissed
Just because it turns Superman into a tool for your culture war doesn't make it the best
I feel like them not kissing was intentional just for more padding potential in S3. Them not being "official" yet would give the writing team more to work with
Clark is such a likable character in this and he actually feels like true side of superman I actually give a fuck about what Clark Kent does and cares about
You should have gone back to your Discord
>the bumbling retard is now the aspirational figure
Nature can't follow its course soon enough.
Your inability to tolerate white male characters unless they're castrated soft boys surrounded by minorites is a mental illness
Sure you're not projecting your feelings of poc males Asian Latinx Or Black since you're white?
Can de con the term weebnime? Jap shows are anime, some American look like anime, but then there are shows like this where your can feelit was made by weebs for weebs.
Sure you're not projecting your feelings of being threatened by powerful white men
>Sure you're not projecting your feelings of poc males Asian Latinx Or Black since you're white?
Not him, but I can see his point. Clark is an UwU soft boy that unintentially does incredibly romantic things for Lois. Which is cute, and was very cute for Season 1... But everything else in that show is either a gay relationship in the blush of passion, a dead heterosexual relationship or something interracial. Hell, even Lois and Clark are interracial - you could argue it was always interracial because wink wink Clark is an alien - but he's very clearly a white guy, just like Kara is a white blonde lady.

There's like, five gay couples in this show while I only remember two heterosexual ones - Lois/Clark, and Jimmy/Kara, and those only exist because turning any of them gay would be a huge thing. In fact, that means there are no straight relationships between same-race couples.

And you know what? Sure. That doesn't mean the show still isn't good. Clark is very charming, and Lois actually has affection towards him which is way more than I could say about the vast majority of Western depictions of male/female relationships nowadays. But the guy you're responding to is still right.
This is Superman show hojacked by female characters. Season 1 was about Lois and Season 2 was about Supergirl. And this was made during the most woke period of WB Open your eyes, this is intentional psychological programming. To have Superman “not wanna fight” is a cover up for him getting beat up or needing too much help. These people don’t care about the IP, it’s goal since the beginning was to send a message.
They're horny
Women are in charge of it
>I can see his point
He doesn't have a point his point is he projects his insecurities and fears like all racist whites they literally made a term for blacks who get out of their station in life uppity
And those fears and insecurities are just as valid as any other demographic's hangups, anon. Don't be ignorant.
MY adventures WITH Superman.
It was never about Clark. I can’t wait till show gets cancelled.
No his fears are based in the golden rule that what his people did to others will be done unto him it's why he fears becoming a minority and anything that makes him confident that gets met with eh most schizophrenic rant about bankers and secret conspiracies
This is probably his worse iteration unless you're a fat fujo
Now you're just rambling.
I mean leftists are always gloating how white people will be a minority in America by 2050 or something and making it a reality in all their media, even going as far to rewrite European history to be full of non-whites, I wouldn't say those are fears as much as they're observations of objective reality.
This was made when WB wanted an all female tro. (WW, Supergirl, and Batgirl).
Genuinely the most enjoyable superman has been an ages
Superman hasn't really had his own show since the 90's so that's not really fair it's mainly been JL stuff but even though those iterations of the character are better than this soft boy crap,the writers probably forgot that Superman is who he really is and "Clark" is who he's pretending to be because that's how he sees humans.
So you're fan of the Adventures of Lois and Clark interpretation then.
having muscles that big is toxic mascuilinity
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The thrill of the chase Anon. These things take time.
Would you call Superman a gary stu in this version?
Go back to /gif/ Joshua
This is a show about how other races need to come together and accept their white saviors
Please strangle SaltyXodium to death he can't draw anything that isn't Gardevoir
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Did they really not? I thought this was supposed to be the ultimate Superman romcom
With chocolate eclairs and lemonade?
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Dunno of best. But definitely one of the good ones. I'm enjoying it a lot.
>Brainiac followed the TayTweets arc.
I need NTR so bad, who would be the perfect one? doomsday?
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why is he so hot
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If they follow a certain idea, Lois Lane will have quite a crush on Bruce Wayne and despise Batman's vigilante moves, though for that kind of thing she is also usually with a strong crush towards Supes but finds Clark boring...

So maybe this time they will have a mix on i as well?
You're terrified of masculinity and it shows I don't even care that jimmy is black either but everyone thought he was gay too till kara showed up.
What cosplay of Supergirl are we likely to see first?
Good version or Evil version with the big shoulderpads?
but is it still straight if you're getting pegged by your gf? look at this display of sweet niggatry >>144625828
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I think Jimmy and Kara are cute together.
Fujo confirmed
As someone who enjoys this show, this is a fucking insane opinion
oh shut the fuck up
They still need to build up an actual relationship. This is an anime secondary couple, anon, they need episodes and episodes of will they won't they before any kissing can happen
who do you think will become more of a baby factory, pushing out more babies, Lois or Kara?
If you've been on the internet and don't know what that is, you're better off not knowing.
the retard is using "fujo" wrong... Fujo comes from the word "Fujoshi" it is a japanese pun that means "rotten woman" and it's an umbrella term for women who consume yaoi.

Yaoi is anime and manga depicting romance or sexual intercourse between two males.
That sounds disgusting, but I assume youre a brown virgin
*Kara and Clark
He's using "fujo" wrong in the same way most people use "weeaboo" wrong.
>Is it straight to have sex with your gf while she stimulates your prostate
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>complaining that famously mild-mannered Clark Kent is mild-mannered
Nice woman tier argument but we're all anonymous here
That would have been a lot cuter, or they could have just not race swapped Jimmy
Well, we do know that Lois is insanely thirsty but Kara has that 'Christian home schooled girl that just discovered sex' energy.
And unlike Lois, she's got that Kryptonian stamina meaning she won't get tired, at all.

So my choice would be Kara beats Lois in that regard.
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fun, lighthearted, heroic, grand and intimate at the same time
Different anon. While you're right about Clark, the way he acts as Superman isn't terribly different from how he acts as Clark. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and say that he's still just starting out as Superman, I think at this point he should start acting a little less goofy as Superman. Still too much as Clark is shining through when he's Superman.
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Kara's botched confession gave everyone hope too soon
What did people think of Waller in this show?

I mean; breaking dozens of laws, unethical experimentation on US citizens (even if they were criminals), human experimentation, putting the citizens of Metropolis and at times even the entire city itself in danger and giving power and means to people who really should not be given either, instituting martial law, breaking the constitution and robbing people of their liberties...
all so she could get an army to defend the planet from danger that ended up being instantly taken over and then blown up moments later.

Between all the damages, torture, suffering and deaths that she caused to get her toys I'd say it's likely that she caused more suffering to Metropolis than any other villain combined did.
She really came across as having no limit to how many Americans she was willing to kill in order to save America.

So, did you like her character? Did she go too far? Not far enough? Were her motives sincere or was she deluded? And how was she compared to her comic book version?
This was the first time in her entire life that she tried to express her feelings to someone she likes.
I'd say she did pretty well.
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I can't imagine lois being too happy about that
I like when Waller is portrayed as being genuinely well-intentioned and devoted to what she considers a noble cause beneath all the sociopathic glowie shit. She's been increasingly portrayed as almost out-and-out evil in modern stories, so it was refreshing to see her portrayed as having a heart buried beneath all the [REDACTED] and [TOP SECRET]
Hey Timmy, we don't approve of incest here. I know that has to be a culture shock to you.
See now that is a criticism I can get behind. Part of it is that Superman hasn't had that many direct interactions with the public. The auction is the most prominent instance. Though I do agree that as he starts being around people more while in costume, he should start acting different. Maybe there could be an episode where he takes some acting classes, that'd be fun.

>What did people think of Waller in this show?
I am fucking sick of Amanda being written as a loathesome piece of shit. She's not supposed to be straight up evil, for fucks sake.
>Maybe there could be an episode where he takes some acting classes, that'd be fun.
That's be fun to see. You could show that he succeeds in coming off as more serious when being Superman, with the one exception being when he's around Lois where he can't help but show a little Clark through.

I think the show did do a good job in showing how Waller's plans spiralled out of control. Like the start of 'study these alien remnants so no future alien invasion can happen' was well-intentioned enough.
I'd say her biggest mistake was that she couldn't deal with not having direct control of a situation. When her options were to rely on others or to escalate she always chose to escalate.
When General Lane suggested it she took control away from him. When Superman didn't bend to her will she escalated again. And again after that.
Doesn't matter how well-intentioned you are at the start; when you're driving tanks through the streets and arresting journalists, you really should know you've gone too far.
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>see the first few episodes of this show on an adult swim livestream
>wow this is actually not half bad
>see this in my feed
They almost tricked me. Better luck next time, DC.
Mild-mannered =/= insecure little bitch
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>Clark Kent
>little bitch
Thank you for telling me that you didn't actually watch the show. Now I don't have to pretend to take you seriously. Moron.
Typical whitoid incel mindset:
"A black man and a white woman in a normal relationship? That's fucking disgusting! They're genociding me! Wait, is that incest? FUCK YES! I want to fuck my sister!"
>white brunette turned into an Asian who looks Latina
>white ginger turned into a black guy who looks Indian

They're really covering all their bases for these characters huh
Brainiac was preying on his insecurities when he probed his mind,he's scared of humans not accepting him and that Lois and Jimmy don't like him which both are completely unfounded because his parents love him and not to mention jimmy knew all along he had powers and couldn't care less. I can't name a single time he wasn't a soft boy uwu little bitch either from getting hurt by slade of all people cutting his skin(which is very hard btw) this version of supes has to be the weakest incarnation bar none not just physically either.
How do we communicate to the showrunners that we don't want Jimmy paired with Supergirl and that we want him with Silver Banshee?
Incest is less disguting that beastiality
>normal relationship
Indians have the highest rates of incest in the world, silly jeet
Why is this show shilled so hard? None of the praise feels authentic considering how so few people actually watch it.
korean american bullshit
Man I love this show and I love a happy cute supes. But this is just wrong. He's the cutest he's ever been for sure. But the best will always be TAS Supes. The original TAS of DC shows were the best era. After the HB era where they were jokes, but still not so familiar in society that they were their purest adaptations. MAWS was cute and I enjoyed it, probably the best superman show in decades, but not the best.
Why would this be a bad thing anon? Is there something bad or difficult about being a minority?
Trolls trolling etc
This argument made more sense for the first season but in season 2 Lois is absolutely a side character.
Because it means we won't get all the perks and jobs. Nobody wants to feel lesser or equal to another, they want to be BETTER than them. Because if you're not the best, why shouldn't we just exterminate you all for inherent inferiority?
things i want to see next season of MAWS

>general zod

>bizarro superman, if there was ever a show that could handle him properly is this

>maybe is time we can start introducng other heroes from the dc universe...? we've teased gotham enough and i know batman is a beaten horse but i wouldnt complain to getting a single episode of this show's interpretation of batman

>failing that wonder woman or flash or martian manhunter will do. or maybe the green lanterns? we've confirmed they exist in this world

>or maybe they can go the really obscure route and put the phantom stranger or the red tornado or something like that

>they should probably save doomsday and darkseid for seasons 4 and 5 respectively

>we HAVE to see the phantom zone

>maybe an adaptation of "for the man who has everything"? i know the dcau already did that but there is no reason they cant do it again

>maybe we start to fuck around with the legion of superheroes, the team that comes from the 30th century and has brainiac 5 with them, a good version of brainiac. that also seems right up this show's alley

>more mxyzptlk

>also hey, powergirl, im just saying, she doesnt need to be a recurrent character but just one episode of that boob window character would be neat

>oh shit, what if we start to fuck around with the other colored kryptonites, the kryptonites that had really wacky ridiculous effects on superman, that'd be neat

>luthor goes bald
So how many people ACTUALLY watch it?
You're the majority in your home countries and you're still losers there, why would whites want you to be the majority in their countries?
>General zod
He would kill this version of Superman no problem
>Bizzaro superman
>This show handling anything well
There's very little this show has gotten right they need new writers
I wanted him too but at this point I'm scared they'll make him like Robert Patterson's Batman
>Wonder woman
She'd just be toned down kara and there's no way they'd show Clark have any interest in her or vice versa, j'onn would be nice to see Clark needs to see that not all aliens are bad i can see flash being written super annoying with zoomer lingo though.
>Obscure characters
The writers would need to actually read the comics for that
>Darkseid and Doomsday vs this super man
Lol lamo even
>Phantom zone
>The man who has everything adaptation
Not with these writers
>More mxyzptlk
>Boob windows
>In this show
Lol no
>Other kryptonites
Sure it's inevitable
Nobody watches cartoons here. This is /co/, the board for posting ecchi. You wanna talk about cartoons, go to /tv/.
>pad-thai eating
pick one
Clark was playing himself as an insecure little bitch in fucking Action Comics #1.
enough to greenlight another season
>which both are completely unfounded
Anon, this may come as a shock to you, but the vast majority of insecurities are unfounded. That doesn't stop people from having them. Also there have been comics before that explored Superman's insecurity as to how he's perceived, such as For All Seasons. MAWS isn't doing anything groundbreaking or new as far as Clark depictions go.
Ever since Miles this nigga's gone the way of the shitted. Just like all the brown artists
150k people LMAO
I don't know, I'm not the one threatening my perceived opponents with turning them into a minority.
Supergirl x Blue Beetle would be a better ship
>white blonde chick who looks American is actually an alien
>brown guy who looks like an alien is actually an American
Why would white people being the majority in their own countries be a bad thing for you to want to end it?
>we want him with Silver Banshee?
Siobhan is the darling of MAWS threads. Pairing her with Jimmy in this show would have incited a far larger shitstorm than the Kara pairing did.
People have been shipping them in these threads since S1 and no one cared, at least they're an actual pairing in the comics and not crack shit they pulled out of nowhere just to push the kosher special at the forefront of the show.
>not crack shit they pulled out of nowhere
Anon, I'm gonna be honest, the vast majority of Kara pairings are crack shit. If anything her and Jimmy are one of the better ones.
Yeah, maybe she doesn't need to be paired off and can just be a female superhero not chained to a man
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They did NOT have to go that hard with the ending theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00ANk8cxOPw
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My Adventure with Hitman!
What's the CN show doing with her?
He knows, but unless op Is implying women watch this show for the hot Gorilla/Brain action It makes no sense to use that word.
Lex Luthor is going to steal those jelly donuts.
>pa kent grilling some quality american meal only for his son to betray him and eat noodles out of a cup
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>I unfortunately can't give hints on S3 because WB scaled back MAWS staff even more.
Fucking Zaslav
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I used to work in a rural area and every time I'd bring sushi for lunch my coworkers would poke fun
>anon brought his fish bait for lunch again
>hand it over son, we'll catch you some real food with that
Do you think I could pay Kara to sit on me?
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I stole some art
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I felt that kabedon that Clark did to Lois. That was a good one.
Oh finally hopefully this can get cancelled after S3. Bad depiction of Superman.
I had no idea somethingawful was still around
Jeez Louise, you chuds will have a total metal down on November 6th than how pissed many of you will be after this Friday's USA team flag bearers lead the team during the parade of nations.
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Will this Superman Promote alcoholism and keeps a man addicted in order to save the Universe?
As much as I would fucking hate it, at the very least it would mean we actually SEE Siobhan, who as of now has been quite elusive.
>>maybe an adaptation of "for the man who has everything"?
They did their version of this already.
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>you will never be jimmy
feels terrible man
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Not really upset. While I did enjoy Clark in this, its pretty obvious that they were afraid of Superman being overly heroic. I don't believe he got a single solo win the entirety of Season 2.

Not to mention some of the designs and characters are super fucking shit. I'm looking at you, shades of brown children group and shades of brown LGBT gender swapped criminal group.
They've apparently also watched YMS's Walking Dead video.

So who the fuck is Das Boo? What's their real name?
>they were afraid of Superman being overly heroic.
Psychological programming and old regimine woke bullshit. You better hope this shit gets cancelled as soon as possible.
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he still has plenty of time to fuck it up in S3
/co/ wouldn't have that much of a problem. Latinos get a pass because /co/ is full of them
I gave the show its fare share of opportunities, but dropped it at the multiversity episode.

At least they didn't lie to the spectator "MY Adventures with Superman" gives it clear that Clark isn't the main protagonist in this but cute latina/korean Lois, I just wish Clark wasn't so passive, he is like a dog
All things considered, I'm glad the writers of this show want to fuck Superman instead of hating him because he is a man like many pozzed modern writers.
It's hilarious to see all the thoughtful frames where Clark TOWERS Lois, they really are thirsty
>oversexualizes him while degrading his role
Sounds sexist.
>I don't believe he got a single solo win the entirety of Season 2.
Atomic Skull. Livewire noping out of the plot the minute she found out he was involved kinda counts.
Otherwise, his only loss in Season 2 not tied to Brainiac in some way was with Metallo and it seemed more like his issue was breaking through them quickly enough.
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>I unfortunately can't give hints on S3 because WB scaled back MAWS staff even more.

I remember them talking about wanting 5 or 6 seasons

they might have to step their game up a bit
Blood is flowing through them at all times. Are you even human, anon?
God I fucking hate Zaslav.
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I wish journalism was as comfy as entertainment media made it out to be
You can't disagree with money.
you have to figure out a way to get yourself into the show first
jimmy should've went all in on Solana
Kryptonian Preservation Project.
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I fear for how ridiculously pozzed the show gets if it were to make it to season 5 when they have nobody looking over their shoulder anymore
I wish SaltyXodium was banned from the internet.
We had a lesbo kiss, I hope they leave it at that.
So why was there an outfit change at the end? I feel like he went from struggling from villain of the weak to being overly competent.
*too fast
I feel like WB has a hired gun looking over their shoulders making sure they don't go too far
*at all times
Yes, Solana.
Josie said they are treating this like an elseworld Superman.
So people only support a pairing if they can self-insert.
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>it's not your powers that makes you super, it's your heart
reddit/twitter loves this ship too much for them to not follow through on it and the show runners don't really strike me as the mean spirited type. There'll be a few moments of turbulence at worst
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Ramen is soup ricefag
Don't be upset Lois its a tradition up Kryptonians have. Yes we use tongue it doesn't mean the same thing as on Earth. Well of course we're gonna be naked it helps to show closeness and trust. Lois you need to stop acting so xenophobic.
I'd like to jelly Lois's donut
It's okay. Like yeah it's a nice little 22 minute distraction every week while you're eating breakfast or just want something on in the background while you're doing a chore.
But it's the kind if thing most people get excited for and look forward to. It's honestly really predictable at the end of the day.
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I don't think they're going to make lex bald in this series
they wouldn't have twinkified him otherwise
Fuck no, I liked Smallville Clark better.
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Are there any good cartoons anymore?
It's gonna be weird with no Kara this week.
Where are they and what are they called
What type of genre do you like?
I recommend Girls Band Cry and Duke of Death and His Maid.
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these two are connected
How horny would she be, considering she never really got to date or probably have sex?
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>Lex runs off like a coward
Ah ha, he's obviously going to come back with some sort of robot and save the day at a critical moment and lord it over Waller and the Kryptonians that his superior intellect was the thing that saved humanity.

>Episode ends
Oh, I guess Lex was actually just a huge pussy.

I generally don't mind the changes this show has made to the characters, but that's a pretty bad one.
>>more mxyzptlk
Mxy's design unironically killed my interest in the show
Best version of Waller in a while. Extremely misguided, but thinks what she's doing is right.
I'm very curious to see what she's going to be like in season 3, now that she's accepted that General Lane was right, and Lane is fully on Team Aliens Are Good now.
Why? I want to fuck a pokemon because of their art.
We call that wanime, dude.
With how happy-go-lucky the show is, I feel like they would absolutely butcher Batman. Like either he's basically an adult version of Robin, or he's a joke character like Spider-verse Ben Reilly.
>>general zod
Redundant. Brainiac basically was General Zod just without Zod's motives.
Exactly. Any version of Lex that doesn't have enough pride to act like he's the hero (even when he clearly isnt) isn't a real Lex.

Hopefully he'll grow into it next season.
Does anyone have that fanart of Kara saying that Earth fucking sucks but Jimmy can get it?
He's just a soft squishy human with no combat training and his only contingency plan, which he has been devoting all of his efforts towards, has been hijacked by the enemy. The fuck else is he supposed to do?
See >>144649314
I'm just sitting here thinking - why did ol' Brainiac think that shooting his enemies directly into a yellow sun would work when Krypton itself had a yellow sun right up until Apokolips came knocking? Brainiac might have just been a war machine here, but he should have known what that does to the average Kryptonian.
He probably figured that their bodies wouldn't be able to cope with the sheer heat. I mean, really, do you expect a human to drink his weight in water and survive? There is such thing as too much of a good thing.
I enjoyed it but I hate that final costume so fucking much.
>castrated soft boys
Christ this world is never going to stop being a shithole. Someone sees a dude be a good, decent man, and this is what their opinion of him is.
Hopefully they see the backlash and have Mama Kent whip up something for the Supers. Because yeah, the nuKryptonian armor looks lame (Kara can keep the scarf though, that's a nice touch that looks good with this version of the character).

That new design is a huge step down from what the show already had.
She's going to break Jimmy's lower body clean off
How do you not understand that's a problem
Are you saying Clark was never good before?
are you insecure, anon?
Not the best, but a marked improvement on how he's been for years
I do not understand Zaslav's endgame
Is that your takeaway?
He'll come back campaigning to become mayor, obviously. Isn't it always about Superman unable to fight the bureaucracy?
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The line has to go up. Things are no longer about delivering a better product than your competition anymore, it's about getting the job done as cheaply as the masses will accept. Growth is the only thing that matters, and since there's no real new markets to explore you have to start cutting costs.
maybe superman should spend his time fighting the shortcomings of capitalism
How am I supposed to trust that's not naroushit
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0% horny

she's going to get the confession right next time and react like pic related when jimmy says yes
I'm confused, were you expecting powerless Lex Luthor to stand around and wait to be shot at?
Nah son, that's just stupid. Lex is many things but he's not stupid. Run away and fight another day is very onbrand for him.
They wouldn't have that opinion if modern media didn't love to equate male decency with being a neurotic lapdog.
You can look it up, you're on the internet. One's anime original the other is a three cour full adaption.
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kara soles on my face
all 40 of them
I was disagreeing with you
Lex is and always will be a selfish coward he doesn't care about anything but himself and if things look like they are going to go bad he will abandon everything to save himself
Maybe the need more than 2 braincells for media literacy. The show features Clark and Lois so stupidly in love with each other and bending over backwards for each other in all the ways a healthy relationship should be. They actually make a huge deal out of them fucking up with each other. You would have to be an idiot to consider one a lapdog of the other.
He can (and used to) do that without being a soi faggot
The difference is that this Clark lacks a backbone. My guy, he barely has any solo wins in own show.
TAS/JLU Superman will always be the best... but MAWS Superman is a pretty decent runner up.
>Lex is a big pussy faggot who talks shit and then runs off when shit gets real.
So like every other iteration of the character?
Waller's biggest flaw is that she's a control freak.
She was willing to use criminals to achieve her goals, because she believed she could control them (she could not), yet at the same time refuses to work together with Superman because she cannot control him.

And while she's got all the other traits that make her good at her job; ruthless, calculating, opportunistic, at the end it's General Lane who is the more adaptable.
And being able to adapt to changes is what the situation called for, not raw escalation.

I think her character can go one of two ways. First, she digs down even harder and crosses fully into villain, where everyone is an enemy to Earth and any means is allowed.
Or secondly she moves back into the grey zone. Waller will now work together with Superman and other aliens that offer to help protect Earth, while at the same time still developing her own counters to those same allies in secret, just a bit more subtle and more patient.
I wonder if their kryptonite poisoning cancelled out the overdose of solar energy they received.
Equal amounts of weakening and strengthening.
>Shit animation
I mean, Clark has two loving parents, a job he loves and is good at, a hot tomboy half-korean GF and a best friend that he can trust his secrets to.
The man has won. He doesn't need any more backbone than what he already has.
What more could Clark Kent wish for?
Kara got a fat ass, mogs Lois by miles.
think they'll have anything to show us at SDCC or are we drydoggin it into 2025
>What more could Clark Kent wish for?
The backbone he's had for the prior century of media
And what more would that get him?
His win record is fine.
At most, the issue is that due to the short seasons current cartoons get, we don't get many 'filler villain plot' episodes where he can just roll over a villain.
It's going to be at the adult swim panel so they might have something
whites are doing it to themselves so…
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we're getting green lex luthor
Yes. Yes, they did.
Ah, sitting around the traditional American kotatsu.
>green lex luthor
the kids here are too young to remember
What the hell does Kara see in Jimmy?
But there are hotter black guys? That she could easily spot with her superhuman senses?
You can take a stem cell from Clark or Kara and turn it into an ovum or sperm do this millions of times to recreate the Kryptonians
One that doesn't act like a complete dumbass when he fights.
Real Life Answer: writers wanted it that way.

In-Series answer: he approached and helped her, introduced her to fun/enjoyable stuff without being overbearing and helped her through one of the most difficult times of her life. He even stood up to Kara when she didn't believed in herself.
sometimes they're just happy with a good person
she ate too many ice cream
>White girl has asian smiley asian monolid squinting eyes despite being white
Could you give me the last names of these whites
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lois should've looked like this
What flavour?
which villain is going to follow the dril arc?
Is this the straightest American cartoon currently airing? Hell, i can't think of any other cartoon airing. Everything is so dead nowadays
Interracial is gay though
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He's so feminized and weak. His voice is easily the worst part. His visual design is alright
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Lois looks like a shota. It's easily the gayest Superman.
So Lex was supposed to beg Superman for super powers? Because that's what's going on in that page. You can even see Superman holding the test tube containing the super juice formula that Lex stole. He's not "acting like a hero", he's a druggie justifying to a cop why he needs his fix.
Her bust is clearly visible in your pic you fucking retard.
Lex has always been a coward.
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Her bust is about as big as Tim Drake's
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Still amazed at how bad this art is.
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why is superman the least interesting character in his own show
i need clark to fuck me
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Just look at how happy he is.
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People here complaining about Jimmy being black or lesbians kissing.

Meanwhile I'm amazed that in 2024 we got a show that gave us a blonde haired, blue eyed girl with a dumptruck ass who can genuinely blush when thinking about a boy she likes.
The show gave us a rare treasure in Kara.
That should terrify you since it confirms all the /pol/-tier theories about why they disappeared from media in the first place
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How much is too much
clark is probably the best wingman you could ask for, there was no need for her to be embarrassed
>Jelly Donuts
Anon, those are hamburguers
She killed billions
Can you blame him? I'd be her dog too
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jodie's doing a panel on saturday at comicon for the show.
there's big people in this show but surprisingly no fatties

kinda based
No miniskirt or boob window so she's tainted.
I wonder if they're ballsy enough to do a Q&A
Stop screeching wh*tey.
This show illustrates that women(female) can be total barafags.
In other words, normal functioning women. It's natural for women to like big strong men who can protect him, just as it is natural for men to like demure and supportive women who they feel compelled to protect.
*who can protect them
Go back to Africa
No. :)
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We live in a society where masculinity is toxic according to pop culture. Including big men that can protect and support you.
You say that as if the MCU hasn't been pushing Spider-Twink to bring in a more female audience.
Wait, has MAWS tried to appeal to fujos at all?
If they gave her a skirt they would have made her ass smaller.
Search your heart, you know this to be true.
Clark's very existence is pandering to fujos.
Spider-man has always been a twink.
>We live in a society where masculinity is toxic according to pop culture.
A very loud minority that even some of the people working in the industry don't agree with.
Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Trump, and Biden
Speaking of Adult Swim, you think I'd get in trouble for making a thread about an anime its getting?
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shut up
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>Spider-man has always been a twink
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>#schoopy schoops R schoop
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I saw those pictures in your laptop lois
She is oppai shota.
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burgers coopting anime is probably some of the funniest shit in the modern day
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If you can't beat em
comic runs where Lex is a pussy coward?
Most Lex runs, especially the good ones, I've ever read he's as hardcore and to-the-death as the loony-bin in Gotham
Letting Joker torture him in Outsiders rather than give back his Doomsday clone he was gonna kill Superman with, becoming President even after Clark threatened to murder him on his first day, getting both his legs avulsed off by Superman letting the Watchtower crash into Lexcorp then refusing to let Superman help him to the hospital, fistfighting Superman, Doomsday, Ultraman, Brainiac etc mano e mano countless times
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I like seeing Joker and Harley back together.
>they were for the junior boys swim team tryouts article of the daily planet clark! I swear!
overrated beyond belief
kara and jimmy gooning to each other at midnight
I curse these writers for exposing me to the existence of pathetic gooners like you
Nice pic from the 80s where everyone had the same build.
To be fair, the title of the show is "MY Adventures WITH Superman"
It literally tells you in the title that the focus of the show isn't Superman. It's another character having adventures with him.
>Have a chance to make a Superman show with a limited budget because Zaslav
>Wastes it on side characters and fags
Even more evidence that they hijacked the IP.
I like the cartoon but its a crummy version of Superman.
ESLtard please fuck off
If anyone is going to SDCC, please please PLEASE ask them to have more Intergang and make Silver Banshee a love interest for Jimmy.
Anime wouldn't exist without ripping off Americans so its only fair
based and goonpilled
Spelling it out in the title doesn't make it any less atrocious.

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