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Crazy they spoiled the multiverse jokers twist in the trailer
Looks really mediocre. The first was already overrated, didn't need a sequel.
I'm sold.
If its not a dream sequence or whatever there defenitly doing that thing from NIGGA KNIGHT RETURNS where he gases the entire studio audience right?
>Martin Scorsese makes Taxi Driver
>follows it up with New York, New York
God, no. The first gave rise to the incel riots and shootings and this one is gonna make Trump win the election.
to be fair people on /pol/ and some on /co/ were desperatly wishing and manifesting for a shooting to happen during that time. so its not like it completely came out of nowhere
the last movie lead to trump getting shot at
making his popularity skyrocket.
it was like the same in the following polls
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The majority of American presidential candidates who had an assassination attempt on them during a campaign lost said campaign
This, just incel far right propaganda
What the fuck are you talking about, look at those threads in the archive and they literallt are just posting media articles claiming that there’s some super high threat of a shooting. Including one from the US military.

There was never an actual shooting threat. It was the media deciding incels like joker so incels would shoot up a joker movie. Especially since the “joker shooting” happened in the dark knight rises premier. Even though that guy turned out to be a complete schizo and wasn’t evend dressed as the joker. It was misinfo
Teddy Roosevelt’s was standing for the bull moose party. Not one of the main two parties

If he’d gotten the republican ticket he would have won
tbf teddy split the vote like if he didnt run or got nominated by the reps wilson wouldnt have won
First trailer was better I think.
I'll never forget the sweltering Floydmas of 2020, when thousands of white supremacists in white face paint took to the streets to set on fire small retailers as instructed by their big corpo masters.
Low energy trailer. Doesn’t live up to the epic trailers for the first movie. Sad.
Why are americans this dumb. I literally saw this claim so much. It just shows you legit do not understand how polling works

Guess what, when you see a “new poll”. It is for work done a week or two earlier at minimum.

The polls right after the shooting obviously therefore do not represent what the public thought regarding the shooting because it didn’t happen yet.

Notice how in the latest polls taken since the shooting, trump is now +6 in important swing states democrats NEED to win to have a path to victory

Now the new cope is that the Biden replacement will be way more popular and beat trump. If it’s Kamala that isn’t happening. If it’s a random person I haven’t heard of who is youthful and charismatic and doesn’t have a history of extremism then maybe they can win
>Arthur! Listen to me right now!
>It’s Harley! Harley Quinn! She’s the key!
>Am I too soon!? I'm too soon!
He also had the best performing third party in history by far.
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maybe if america wasnt forced with a 2 party system he couldve won
True, but it's a different world now. You can get popular just by talking about spiting on a man's dick.
Didn't Teddy almost win despite being third party? Dude was playing with a super handicap
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>over five years later, direct causation obv
that looks bad
Ross Perot got one in five of every vote in 1992 and is arguably the reason the election went to Clinton
Only hot women
Nah Roosevelt got 27%. Still by far the best third party result though, and he did get second place. out performing Taft and the republicans.
it took long for him to get fully posessed
Hah, thats funny.
Remember what I said about a third film
A third one would be Raging Bull with Batman as Jake LaMotta
Yeah, TR is such a unique situation in American history you can't compare it to anything else. It's not a useful reference point for what's happening now.
Gamers 2
the same thing happened to jared leto on the set of suicide squad
Genuinely looks like shit.
yeah there was no threat but there were plenty of anons wishing it and trying to manifest it. Of course the media didn't bother to differiate between the two so they took an anon on /pol/ wishing it would happen to mean that he was going to make it happen
>Batman 89 very limited by the studio
>Batman Returns let the director do whatever the hell he wanted
this is the same situation.
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Batman Returns was woke?
joker was limited by the studio?
Hollywood is on the ropes
Only financially in that wb didn’t wanna finance it on their own so they split the cost with multiple producers (and thus lost a ton of potential revenue) because they didn’t have faith in it

so not sure what that dude was talking about. Not like they made Todd Phillips keep out the scene where joker becomes trans
It will flop just like the first joker movie
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>First billion dollar R rated movie
adjusted for inflation*
looks like the kind of meme movie that's taylor-made for reddit.
>history of extremism
I hope Harley is in his head and not an actual person
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>enter Joker thread
>it's full of /pol/ schizos
Just these positions/actions would make her unelectable

>In June 2020, following a campaign by a coalition of community groups, including Black Lives Matter, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced Los Angeles Police Department budget cuts of $150 million.[30] Kamala Harris supported Garcetti's decision to cut the LAPD's budget by $150 million


>Harris explained her support for a mandatory buyback on assault weapons. "I do believe that we need to do buybacks, and I'll tell you why... First of all, let's be clear about what assault weapons are. They have been designed to kill a lot of human beings quickly. They are weapons of war with no place on the streets of a civil society."[62] CNN reported in May 2019 that "Harris' new proposal "would ban AR-15-style assault weapon imports."[63]


>Harris unveiled a plan that would address domestic terrorism while prioritizing increasing the difficulty for suspected individuals to either obtain or keep firearms through the formation of domestic terrorism prevention orders meant to empower law enforcement officers and family members with the ability to petition federal court for a temporary restriction on a person's access to firearms in the event that they "exhibit clear evidence of dangerousness." Harris stated that in the US "loaded guns should not be a few clicks away for any domestic terrorist with a laptop or smartphone" and cited the "need to take action to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people and stop violent, hate-fueled attacks before they happen


Not even got into the more niche issues. These are just ones plenty of swing voters who are not necessarily republicans or democrat's will not like. And that a minority of democrats will actively dislike
so funny how Right Wingers were taking victory laps after the "assassination" and now there scrambling and crying after Sleepy Joe dropped out.
Half this trailer feels like a hallucination.
That's the point
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>incel far right propaganda
rent free
if that's so why do my lefty progressive twittard friends love it
wheres jared leto
Todd Phillips ad-verbatim said on interview that he and Joaquin only agreed to do movie 1 because the studio didn’t care and would let them do whatever the hell they want

If anything this film is gonna be ruined by Whorely Quinn’s sjw simps (who all hate Joker as a character) ruining the writing. Harley ruins any Joker story she ever comes into contact with because of this
i started unironically liking jared joker
Todd hates SJWs and political correctness.
i like the idea of his joker but we barely saw the execution
>jewish harley quen
yaiks disgusting
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Lady Gaga isn't even Jewish, also who's gonna tell him?
i did not even know thats lady gaga
since i do not consume american masses pop slop
but she 100% look jewish
Arleen Sorkin was Jewish.
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Enough with the /pol/posting lets get down to brass tacks
Is he going to Say It this time?
The only people wishing for a shooting to take place were mainstream media types obsessed with the incel stereotype. Enough with the revisionist history, there was more violence at the Frozen 2 premier.
He's gonna make the Laugh Factory look like fucking comedy hour.
Bumping to watch.
femcel cinema
That shit is so fucking corny.
Did the original even had a female audience to begin with? Or is Warner just shoving Harley on everything they can?
Kek based.
these two villains look really good together
I guess you could say it's a Bad Romance :^)
>Did the original even had a female audience to begin with?
anything with a bad boy psychopath that's popular will have a female audience
She sucks
lucky guy
Kino has returned to cinema. Once again. Tch...
Found the underaged newfag
>drinking ocean water
the absolute mad lad
Jews. Italians. We all rook arike.
>The first gave rise to the incel riots
I thought BLM were “peaceful protestors” :)
Frozen 2 premiere had a machete duel
A brawl of around a hundred people
>harvey dent's in the movie
place bets anons, what's gonna happen? is he actually gonna get scarred in some "you're just as wacky as the rest of us lolololol!" thing, or is the movie going to steer away from that?
Aren't like 99% of jewish character jewish because one writer just said they were in some throwaway line? In that case I would just claim the opposite
him getting scarred will probably be a hallucination
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Pretty sure Joker will “expose” him in some way, probably during his trial and interview with Steve Coogan, and he will just become known as a two faced politician in the media and by the public. Just speculating but maybe he had secret campaign funds from Thomas Wayne or some shit to link it back

If they really wanna hammer it home then some joker supporter does the acid thing afterwards
Do American courts really let you paint your face and wear whatever you want before each court appearance?
More like Harvey Twink
idk but what would they do about it? smear it off?
First off all, since he’s in a high security mental ward or prison. Just don’t let him have access to a bunch of makeup?

Second, don’t give him the opportunity to be alone to apply it before going to court.

Third, this was the seventies. You had judges physically ordering that plaintiffs be literally gagged still for being disruptive, washing makeup off isn’t exactly crazy
That's just a copycat
Just telling you the obvious talking points. If you feel more comfortable ignoring it that’s on you
maybe he just never washed his face between getting arrested and tried
Yea that and females who loved barbie, so they can have another Halloween costume
Stop responding to rock bottom quality bait
More like the SMOKER

Get it?
PLEASE tell me this isn't a musical
Yeah, and it's a Jukebox Musical.
What’s that
A musical with no original songs, all the songs exist already and are songs like say.. "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" depending on the musical, anyway, not saying this movie will have that song, but I'm just giving an example of a song.
>Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
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>this thread
Will never understand the love this movie got. And now people are calling this the best trailer ever. I simply don't get it, and it's annoying because I feel like I'm missing out
bump deux
if you dont want to feel like youre missing out watch dune or the batman
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hilarious how DC chads keep receiving kino and mogging Marvel(Disney)
It’s just an incel thing
Yes i would also like to forget last year.
i don't get the joke
The joke is that Harley is going to bring the worse of him
i could fix her
>this one is gonna make Trump win the election
Trump's not winning shit
any rape yet?
Isn't that bad

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