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What could possibly go wrong, /co/?
Storytime it
the OP is succinctly explanatory, but the new gravity falls journal is cursed.
>Red one is cooler
>Less pages
Damn. Pls storytime
OP's a faggot but that's part of the book's marketing blurb. Basically it's a book made in-universe by Bill Cipher, it's also got more mature content than Journal 3.
There’s a ARG
so there's a password in the book?
fuck it i'll wait until someone drops the password
Someone on leddit posted this from the book
> Need a password? Fine, I'll talk. It's the name of the eyeball doc
Whatever that means. Unless bills eye has its own unique name
Obviously, i was about to post the reason why. The nearest Barnes and Noble is a whole day plus two hours drive.

Also bub, this ain't a edgy discussion thread. You're right about the mature storytelling, though.
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Thought you were trying to samefag by calling yourself "succinctly explanatory".
As for the book, I'm a five minute walk away from B&N so I'll be picking my copy up later today. No scanner though so I can't really storytime it
Just take pics of the pages
If the reward isn't new animated GF material I'm not interested
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Nerds have already solved ARG
The password is T.J. Eckleburg, the eye doctor from great gatsby.
Timers counting down to next week and ayy language says lost files
nigga his name is Eckleburg
the reddit user misspelled his name
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I put that dumbass, learn to read
That was fast.
I still wonder how we were stuck for weeks trying to solve the Cipher Hunt puzzles, in retrospective it should've been pretty easy.
guess we get more shit next week
so uh
now what
ah so that's what the countdown thing was in the code
Heard the cryptograms work as well.
Another graphic novel probably. Or some Bill figure.
The absolute irony of a GF continuation being greenlit the day before the animation guild contract ends and the whole industry goes on strike.
>hey everyone! Gravity falls is back!
>actually it’s now on indefinite delay because animators are on strike and no work is being done
>Nobody gives a care about the fate of labor as long as they can get their instant gratification
can you stop proving Squidward right /co/
We don't really know what's at the end of the countdown though. On Twitter Alex had said getting a large amount of pre-orders would be an indicator to Disney, but this website had to have been planned and made before any kind of decision was due to the nature of writing a book. Could be a GKND situation where it's a pitch but I doubt a full on revival is in the cards quite yet
>Nobody gives a care about the fate of labor as long as they can get their instant gratification
That’s precisely what I’m calling out
>people want to get a thing they like instead of not getting a thing they like
Is this really a revelation to you? No one who isn't in a union should really be happy to see a strike.
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Can’t believe leddit is the only place sharing images from the book
That's because most of the GF fans here are probably in the main thread still doing shipping wars. Can't promise I'll snap pics of every single page, but I'll be picking my copy up after work if you have anything you want to see in particular
Gravity Fall fans here only care about self-incerting and cooming
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Stolen hot of the presses from leddit. I had to flip this page, it’s all backwards
If there’s anything with Pacifica, the axolotl and Bill’s origins then that’d be neat to see.
I think there's at least something with that third thing. I get off work in like 3 hours so hopefully this thread survives that long
As long as it gets the Shout Factory Blu Ray back in print, I'm fine with a delay.
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>When you notice it in the baby picture
I thought we already had his journal
Bill's book has some pages from Journal 3 that were missing
The Novel of Billiam Cypress is the most anticipated release of 2024 for me personally. I can't stand to wait for more Gravy Fails media to be released when I want it right now.
Damn you manlet Alan Hershey, damn you.
I assumed it would. Glad it does.
I don’t know what else of note could be taken from it
Password is “T.J. Eckleburg”
Its changed from days to hours

So, i've read on Twitter that Bill get's some kind of redemption and is revived by Stanford or something like that? Does anyone have confirmation?
That would be really funny, but what twitter counts as “redemption” is characters having any depth whatsoever
>unredeemable villain shows one sign of humanity to make the story more interesting
>”is this a redemption arc?!”
Let’s wait and see. It’s insane to me nobody has shared it in full yet, fake fans.
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There’s a section on characters dreams that’s interesting
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Yeah, people from Twitter are illiterates most of the time, but if this isn't about the first time they met each other, then it's surely a peculiar direction Alex took making Bill getting along with Ford
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Cucked again
The “Bill and Ford were gay” is something I can see as plausible just because of how the manlet acts on twitter. The resurrection and redemption is another thing entirely.
I kinda like the idea that Bill has a special place in his mind for Ford, but i don't think that a cosmic entity would really "love" Ford in a cutesy manner.
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Dipper’s search history
Was going to post this right now, haha. The Green M&M thing really got me
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Dipper you sly dog
>attracted to green M&N unhealthy?
so Dipper is Linkara
I'm sorry, but pageant means something perverted?
Not necessarily, but it’s a place for girls to look pretty.
What's that part on the side?
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They’re putting Bill Cipher on Disney+ versions of disney films
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What a great day to be a Gravity Falls fan
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To the guy who asked earlier about Bill's Origin, I'll try to find it but there's zero page indication here.
Thanks. There’s a page on dreams I’d like to see if you can share it.
Don't worry Dipper, the moon is not alive.
The thing on the moon however, look there's a reason we brought a thermal nuclear up there and it wasn't because of the Russians. It's dead, or at least as dead as something like that can be. Just avoid looking at it directly OK.
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No problem, I've got some errands to take care of but then I'll be poking around the book. Seems I gotta get through it in order to really find anything. On an unrelated note I fucking hate the file size limit
Alright I’ll give it up this attention to detail is next level kino so far
>bloody mary is just a literal ripoff of candyman
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>Billford is canon
Last thing I expected desu
I anticipate a ton of fandom drama
>This book infects other books
I'd like to see it try. My copy of Kitab al-Azif is a sturdy old girl, I've tried getting rid of it but it refuses to ever leave me. I'd kick this books ass.
I mean assuming the social media is canon, Bill did do SOMETHING to Gus Burnside for burning his book so I doubt he's suddenly a good guy
Did Alex Hirsch's netflix series finally implode?
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Bill’s family
According to leddit, the book ends with the reader teaming up with the Pines, and Bill resentfully saying he only needs one fan to come back.
They’re in the “Therapism”
From the very vague posting from the book I’ve seen, the story is basically this
>the book is Bill’s way to communicate after death, and can come back because the mind eraser gun didn’t finish off Stanley’s memories permanently, so he didn’t die completely either
>Ford and the Pines are writing in the book to prevent the reader of making a deal with Bill
>Throughout the book Bill tries to deny any exploration of his character, but he’s presented as a broken man in denial. He lost a lot when his home died.
>is tsundere for Ford. Platonically or romantic, it’s up to you
>used to hang out with the oracle Ford met in Journal 3, but now resents her (maybe ex, he gives bad love advice)
>some comments between Pines and Bill are friendly but they stay enemies
>he alongside many other powerful beings are in the “Therapism” trying to be resurrected by some being. Bill posted a lame apology video and went to a bar after his “death”
>By the end the viewer teams up with the Pines and Bill says he just needs one friend, and the time is coming
>last page is Bill’s statue hand glowing, meaning one person made a deal with him (maybe the park manager from the ARG)
So Bill is still a bad guy, but there are seeds that paint him as a tragic figure. Maybe redemption, maybe not.
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Well I'll get there eventually. Not sure if this is B&N exclusive but the slip cover is also a poster I can't show much of because of the fucking file size limit
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Starting the book proper now, looks like Bill needs the reader's deal to reform because he looks a tad busted up here
Who is that referring to? Wendy or Paz?
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No origins yet, I'll skip any pages already spoiled here unless they were requested and as I said before, not everything. Good thing Gatsby is free domain
okay this is pretty based
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Bill-Ford-Jheselbraum love triangle would be funny imo
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I'm gonna start reviewing my pictures BEFORE posting them. It'd be less of an issue if I could do spreads but I can't.
Is there an eye doctor in Gravity Falls?
It's from The Great Gatsby, Bill gets pissed and turns a section of the book into Gatsby
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Gonna start spoiling these now, realized I should've been.
So was it a friendship, or something more?
Wendy, but Dipper does search Paz on google in a part of the book
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So I think if I take images of the spreads then crop them my phone should stop making my images bad. Currently I'm just gonna keep taking pics of pages I feel like other than Bill's Origins and the Dreams stuff so if you have anything you wanna see let me know
that and manny pagents have swimsuit competitions in them
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Wow! Such a helpful tip!
It's fake.
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Well this should be a fun section
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So there IS a page 77! This is literally the single only numbered page in the book
>multiverse tease
Please no
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Mostly just Bill being kinda petty and hoping. I really wish I could post full spreads
Is that Inland Empire?
Thanks for the pages
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No problem, it's not the best quality but I figure not everyone can just pick this up day of
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Damn so that's why the GF threads are all about whether Dipper should date Pacifica or his sister.
I can assure you demons would have better things to do than shipping wars
>Favorite random fluid to wake up covered in:

Well as long as I can choose...
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We're here, anon. The dreams one anyhow
All the lorefags fans from here killed themselves after the show failed to meet expectations. But I can confirm that they did use to exist and their theories were so charmingly schizophrenic.
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Section's only two pages long so this is the first one
What were some of the theories? Any that would've made for better stories than what Alex gave us?
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And here's the second
Thats sweet of Paz.
I forgot who was the pentagram but I guess it's Gideon? Don't remember a sailor suit.
>By the end the viewer teams up with the Pines
Eugh. If escaping Bill meant teaming up with those assholes, I think I'd rather try my chances with the triangle.
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The cartridge in the SNES looks to be Donkey Kong Country in case it's hard to make out
That's actually pretty sad.

That's an interesting character revelation, the loss of her mother must have hit her like a truck.

Of course he wouldn't but he could trick Ford into thinking he did.

More proof that Dipficia is Canon.

That it is.

File size limits are a pain in the ass.
Off the top of my head one of the theories was that Dipper's real name was something alluding to Cain (because Cain and (M)Abel) and this indicated that Dipper would betray Mabel somehow and a civil war would ensue between the two.
Poor boy
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Bill does seem to get antsy at the idea
>Giantess Pacifica
>Mabel looking at her brother's crotch enough to give him a nickname about it.

Alex, your story is getting weird.
>dipfordfags won
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It's funny to imagine from this image exactly how much Bill hates Dipper
I kind of feel sorry for Bill here.
I did not expect Pacifica watching Dipper's unzipped pants and him clogging her toilet in my Dipcifica lore
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Forgot the image, don't mind me
I always thought that hyping him up as the "ultimate bad guy" was lame and that he'd be better as a villain with depth. He's really not that funny or that threatening to be a big deal, deep down he's just a whiny manbaby loser.
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I mean considering he keeps a mixtape of Dipper's suffering handy
>Mabel saw all this
Her messages about Pacifica make more sense now
He really is an Outer God.

So Bill is an unreliable narrator.

I wonder if in the GF universe, Bill made a deal with F Scott Fitzgerald?

That's something I did not expect.

Yep oh Dipper is so into her.

Love this image.

The fact that Dipper clogged the toilet while seeing his girlfriend is hilarious.
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Hey anon, page one of two for Bill's origin
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Page two for the Bill's Origin section
Me neither, now I want to see fanart that shows the former and fanart that mentions the latter.

I feel a little bad for him here as well.

They sure do.
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President Circle was right.
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This page seems like it has a 2nd part
pacifica’s not his girlfriend
my son's copy just arrived in the mail today, he got the red one too but i think hes already folded up the sleeve. but, he was awfully excited about it arriving. i think we own every other book too. apparently this one is scary or for adults? i dont get it this is a kid's cartoon. seems a bit "in your face" with the use of the all seeing eye and the guy with the Shriner hat. like its playing off the idea of other cartoons quickly sneaking the eye of providence into a few frames of a single episode. instead they made them a central character and the antagonist.

my wife treated it like it may need to be dealt with in a Christian spiritual battle sort of way. she was going to rip a page out i think. i told her to leave it alone lol what an idiot. im a collector of books and the idea of her ripping a page out was surreal.
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Most of these do, but that's a lot of pictures so I'm just taking shots here and there while reading the book only snapping full sections by request. I did post the second one to this though here. >>144628992
Poor Paz
Nah it’s lame and gay lol, just a kids book with bit more “edge” so they actually wanna read it
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This is a good one
So basically Bill goes through time and space to make a deal, but nobody wants to?
What is he a Bleach villain?
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Shaman makes a deal, breaks it when he realizes what Bill wants to do. Egyptians and Aztecs want nothing to do with him and just want him to leave, and a wizard tricks him and traps him in an orb.
Well, have you?
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God it seems like when my image isn't rotated wrong I apparently don't even add it
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incredibly based
Wonder how long until fans make use of this
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Third time I messed that up. Am I suffering from Bill induced brainrot or do I just need a water or something? You decide!
Any more pages involving Dipper?
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Maybe later, this portion is mainly about Bill's various attempts to gain attention and how they would backfire spectacularly
No mention of an axylotyl yet but I see it there.
Funny how fans say he's a smart manipulator, but this book proves he's a fraud
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At this rate the book may actually be cursed because I keep botching this
This kind of makes Ford look like an idiot.
>trinary code
as a /g/entooman I should say that this is a Soviet technology
is Bill a commie?
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And you would be correct!
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It's fucking hilarious that you mention that
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And this is probably why Stanford took this page out
Cill used to be the name of a Gravity Falls fancharacter i had in 2016. I feel like the twelve year old me was canonized.
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Looks like the fun and games are over
That last line goes hard
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Well that's one way to communicate
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Looks like they had a party
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Bill Cipher's drunken bender
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Obviously a trick, but going into interdimensional adventures does sound fun
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They did leave a real Bill Cypher statue somewhere in Oregon if I remember right.
How/WHy did Disney approve a drawing of the pre-teen heroes lying dead in a pool of blood?
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Here you go, a Dipper note.
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Flying to Oregon? In this economy?
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>Ford eating spiders
Some random tumblr artist predicted the future.
>Dipper is 13
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you...you didn't know this?
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And finally, the Axolotyl
>Bill Cipher was born into a dull and boring 2D world. As a baby (he wore velcro shoes) everyone fell in love with him. So much so that the mayor dubbed baby bill as "the best baby of all time." He even made bills birthday a holiday. Now heres where things get spicy. Bill was a mutation, he had a gift. He could see the Third Dimension. No one knew what the third dimension was. When Bill said "up", no one paid him any mind. They all bumped into each other like ants in a terrarium.
>Bill wanted more though. He wanted to be part of this Third Dimension. And he wanted everyone to be free of this 2D world. Bill came up with a plan. Sadly, we don't know what this plan was. Using the info we were given, it can be assumed that Bill killed "liberated" every citizen of this 2D world. All we know is that Only Bill was left. Covered in blood, Alone in the universe.
>Eventually, Bill would start to overthrow the Space between Space. But as he said, every pirate needs a crew. Oddballs from all over the universe would come to Bill for the initiation. Sever all ties to past life, get the brand, and fight to the death in a burger place ball bit. Thats how he obtained his crew members 8-Ball, Pyronica, Teeth, Keyhole, Amorphous Shape, and Dan Crabbleman (bills lawyer) and also Xanthar, Hectorgon, Kryptos, Screw Ball, Pacifire, and Tony Three Legs.
>Most of Bills crew were alone, outcasts, orphans, rejects, they were all looking for a real home. And Bill supplied it to them. Bills rampage across the galaxy led him to being the most feared. His acts include-crashing two planets to make them kiss -watching a barber pole go up for two billion years -releasing his christmas album (it was bad) And countless other acts of terror-ism.
There he is, the main man.
>They did leave a real Bill Cypher statue somewhere in Oregon if I remember right.
You could say that…
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And so a fate worse than death infinite group therapy
Someone give a TLDR, refuse to give Hack Hirsch money
too old
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He's very upset.
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Bill is coping, seething and malding because he needs someone to fly to Oregon for him.
It's the Beetlejuice ending
Ok, and with that, the Billposting is over. There's a good amount I glossed over but I think I covered a good chunk. No clue where those "16 exclusive pages" are though.
>bill needs someone to free him
>whole book about it
I’ll bet $20 the series gets continued/rebooted within 5 years
So basically, despite all his fans, Bill is really just your regular /co/ anon
is Asian chick an actual fan or a paid model
There's credits for the images in the book but with just one issue. There's only a single page number in this book, and it's only there so Bill can tell you that you suck if you go straight there.
This book implies Ford and Bill had sex
>Soviet technology
>"computer that monitors YOU!"
okay, that's a pretty good smartypants joke
Assuming you're the same guy. Thanks for sharing the book. It's interesting but I'm glad I didn't buy.

This page is really bittersweet knowing what would happen around their college years.
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Just one more. There's an irony to the fact that Bill says earlier in the book that (You) have no free will, and then claims (You) betrayed him simply because you ultimately read to the end of a predetermined destination. I doubt that was intentional, but I had thought about that just now.
Yep, that's me. Any image in this thread that's a single page and kinda awkward to look at was me. I basically read and snapped pics at select pages, and the sections I was asked about. I don't regret it, it was honestly fun to read through.
Bill needs people more than people need Bill.
Does the book have more that you didn't show? Not asking you to post more pics, but curious of how worth it is knowing the extent you showed...is there something else a buyer could look for?
kek I'm pretty sure it is unintentional
I don't think Hirsch is a guy who's extremely nerdy with tech to know about fucking trytes
So for the record, the book contains a little over 200 pages and according to the amount of photos I deleted after finishing this I posted about 48 of those pages. Some of them were superfluous fluff stuff like three spreads of nothing but "HA"s with Bill slowly burst out of them but I also skipped over a major chunk of the Chapter 3 pages. The only parts I really took full pics of were the Dreams section and the Bill's origin section because I was asked for those specifically. So there's still stuff in here I didn't show.
Odds on the show continuing after this?
That's great, anon. Thank you so much for your insights on the book, i'm really glad you could relieve my curiosity on lots of it. I received so many messed up twitter spoilers that i thought my head was going to explode lmao, but things got clearer seeing your posts. Man, the thing i thought this book would be because of twitter was unreal.

There was an autistic user who was crying over how much they "reedemed" Bill and all...it got me confused

In an alternate universe:
> Bill and Ford forgive each other
> Bill is summoned by Ford again
> He gets along with the Pines
No problem, I don't get how this book would "redeem" Bill either for what it's worth. I think people online with hollow heads just assume because a character gets revealed to have some level of tragic backstory that means they're redeemed.
Exactly as I called out kek.
I guess technically they do lay it out that he has way more depth than what was seen in the show, and theoretically, you could make a big arc where he grows as a person. But that's not confirmed or guaranteed by this book.

Disney allowing Alex to make fun of them
Your wife needs to see a psychiatrist.

Kid needs therapy badly. I wonder what the Lumberjack Ghost talks to her about?

Rubberhouse Bill looks kinda cute.

He is very determined though.

Oh no doubt about that.

Glad you feel that way.

Bill is an Agent of Chaos.

I don't know but I'm glad they did. Go as dark as you possibly can.

I truly did not see that coming. Crazy prediction.

The Beetlejuice Ending. I like it.

You'll probably win that bet.

Thank you Anon!
I don't see Bill growing as a person for the better. If he does grow he'd only become more dangerous.
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>Darcy's Helment


>Titan's skull

Anything from Big City Greens on the book? or a small easter egg to Sabrina Cotugno's aborted Disney show "Kingdom of Light"?
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July 23, 2029. I expect to be $20 richer by then.
Gravity Falls, The Owl House and Amphibia really do look like there all in a shared universe.
Sadly couldn't tell you. I haven't really sat down and watched a TV show in a while, closest I got was having a show in the background while I work.
>Kronos eating his child
This is an actual page from an official Gravity Falls book? That's metal.
I will assume the cube is a reference to Wander Over Yonder, even if it isn't
The Book of Bill dabbles in stuff Disney would normally never clear, nothing crazy but enough to get a "Not for Kids" label on the cover which conveniently doubles as promotion for those that were in the ideal age demo for the show at the time
Everyday, I become more and more tempted to write some big crossover fic for an endgame-style finale. But someone's probably beat me to it.
>alex still seething about lynch blowing him off
Dark day for Jheselbraum fans
so what I’m getting is he shouldn’t have beaten discord

Disney Publishing gives more creative freedom, the Moana and Encanto novels had the characters saying "hell", "pissed me off" and "damn" on multiple ocassions
Definitely not
Alex asked Lynch to be the VA for Bill but he declined. So Alex voiced Bill instead doing his best Lynch impression. I guess I can see why Lynch isn't interested in GF: for as much as Twin Peaks is an inspiration on Gravity Falls, it's much closer to the Simpsons (which was another big inspiration on Gravity Falls) in terms of overall...energy. If that makes any sense.
Makes me want to pick it up even sooner than I already do.

Maybe they have, but that shouldn't stop you from writing it.
It would be cool to have Lynch on Gravity Falls, but i don't like the idea of his voice on Bill
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Bill's dating advice to Dipper.
I just find it funny Lynch turned GF down but then basically played himself as Gus the Bartender on The Cleveland Show of all things.
Bill own the battle and yet Discord continues to win the war.
Alex shouldn't be so butt hurt; the voice he used for Bill was incredibly entertaining.
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Was she in the book?
She has a group chat with Mabel and the mayor making fun of Dipper
I'll be honest, if he had gotten him, I would significantly like Bill more as a character.
Is that a regular character? Because asking Lynch to be Bill doesn't just mean he has to do a voice once, he has to come back over and over to be directed by a manlet to perform it right. All for a Disney kids show. From his perspective, it's a bad deal.
The bartender was a fairly regular character, yeah.
I don't care about GF since it's disappointing ending. Any more amphibia cameos?
I'm enjoying my copy. I got the Barnes and Noble one with more pages.
Well that doesn't sound very nice of him.
He's literally just playing himself
So the book ends exactly the same as The Catcher in the Rye (Holden in therapy)?!

/co/, are we all phonies?
I guess all the therapy might eventually “redeem” him instead of him being dead eventually, but that’s honestly up to each person. The show’s been over and even this book is just optional. Who gives a shit.
Old joke but I laughed at Multilevel Marketing anyway.
Probably easier to play himself than pretend to be a triangle
Obviously, because he's such a square.
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He’s doing ok
Fuk the Ducky is mix of Mickey, Goofy and Donald. Amazing.
I'm so upset. I won't be able to get my hand on my book for a while but I don't want to read these pics out of order. Can anyone who has read the book organize them? Pretty please?
>have to use damn proxy shipping to get B&N edition
Thanks, I hate it.
>Lost Legends B&N exclusive is sold out long ago and $80+ on ebay
Thanks, I hate it even more.
amazing disney allowed that
gratification is the purpose of labor, ya nonce
do your job, prosecute crimes, and tolerate everything legal. if crimes go unpunished, punish the inactive law enforcement / government, by violence if necessary. striking is asinine. you do not deserve more money just because you want or need it. market forces determine its value, and another similar business would be happy to take you and pay you more. or it should. and if not, again, fix -that- part.
in the 2020s it is. expect them to be banned before the decade's out.
then 10-15 years down the line, everyone involved in them will have their lives destroyed and possibly imprisoned.
i'm sure he's seen the art
I mean, they already kinda did the Multiverse with Mabel in that previous book.
he was great on that. one of the top highlights for sure.
4chan died with 2016 election. It's just filled qith "muh hecking cultural war" bullshit instead of actual media discussion and sharing.
>code is screaming just fit in over and over
>being a hundred feet tall
oh hi there core
>Anything from Big City Greens on the book?
What could they even reference from BCG? That Bill liked to torture Gloria on the weekends?
you realize it was an urban myth /ghost story that candyman was based on, roght?
that word find is amazing
Those arw some good points. Glad I javr done them.
Wait? Are you not seeing the list printed there? Did you click the wrong image? Did you not expand the image?
And Spiderwick Chronicles
No wonder he latched on to authority figures so much, and wanted to stay with Ford. He was afraid that when he came back home, his parents would be divorced.
This makes Mabel look even more like a selfish cunt
Poor Dipper. Suddenly it makes more sense why Mabel is like this
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>He may be a God but I am a SCIENTIST
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the Book Of Bill
abbreviated? B.O.B.
Mabel is presumably unaware
Mabel is supposed to be smarter than Dipper, she'd be aware. She just doesn't really care about anyone than herself
Good one
So this made me think about Bill's section on him going insane trying to get Mabel's weakness and how her dream hunks referred to what she did in Weirdmageddon as "Out of Character". I wonder if it's meant to imply she's not as selfish as she looks or if she's simply a sociopath considering Bill had the most interest in using her
Nah my money is still on Bill.
Personally I’m fine with Bill being the “traumatized character” over Dipper and Mabel. Tired of that shit on kid protagonists.
>Bill had the most interest in using her
To this day I’m still floored Bill never told Dipper, Ford, and/or Stan it’s Mabel’s fault the rift broke in an attempt to divide the Pines family one last time.
Assuming Mabe is aware of things, I think Mabel is dealing with their parents fighting/possible divorce in her own way.

Where dipper looked for replacement parents in other adults/authority figures in an attempt to find some kind of stability Mabel on the other hand clung to whatever stability/ reliable family she already had , Dipper.

Mable wasn't looking for replacement parents because Dipper essentially filled that role for her, a dependable, reliable family member who would always be there to get her out of trouble. But Mabel couldn't be that person for Dipper in return so Dipper looked elsewhere for that stability and found it in Ford.

When the possibility of Dipper not going home came up Mabel panicked because she would be losing that stability and would return to fighting parents without anyone to protect her, which is what Dipper did.

That's not to say that Mabel starting weirdmageddon wasn't a dick move but at least it makes a little more sense with new context
So how long until someone uploads the whole book online?
Probably because he thought he already won and didn't need to just be mildly petty, but could be super petty once he and his gang settled in. If this book showed anything about Bill, it's that he's very quick to assume victory just for it to backfire near the finish line.
Bills traumatic punishment is therapy, fitting for a chaos demon to hate being forced to get his shit in order
oh shit waddles is dying
>implying a single fag here has seen twin peaks
My guess is that Mabel is so attached to Dipper that the possibility of them not being together forever had literally never entered her mind. I don't think it was just the fact that Dipper would be staying that upset her but more that for the first time in her life she had to consider the possibility of a life without her brother and best friend constantly at her side and she couldn't handle that. She'd been living in a fantasy world where the mystery twins would always be together so when reality broke that fantasy of course she would jump at the chance to make that fantasy real and permanent

Just my headcanon
He truly was a triangle man.
I thought it died in 2014.
Will Hirsch finally go back to Disney to ask for a reboot

That's sounds hot
It died when kids who grew up on Halo and Newgrounds started posting.
Maybe, but he seems like he’s an unstable showrunner
>FOX show didn’t get picked up
>Netflix show was scrapped after several reworks
>has only had producer roles and voice roles since GF ended
>he’s an unstable showrunner
NTA but he is. That's why Gravity Falls had a rushed ending and second half of season 2, the original plan was 3 seasons but Alex Hirsch got lazy, or as he puts it, "burnt out".
How do you have burn out with how long it all took to release lol
Because he's lazy. It shouldn't have taken four years for two seasons of Gravity Falls.
Alex also got kicked off Inside Job for not keeping the show's budget under control and always being AWOL
now doesn't that sound familiar
Hi millenial, thanks for reminding everyone how annoying your generation is. Only '90s kids will remember, amirite?
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deliberate callback to the fake-leak. Cute.
Honestly at least this wouldn't have been as predictable as Stan having a twin brother, which people guessed back early in season 1
Weirdmageddon Part 2 would've been a lot better if the reason why Mabel didn't want to leave was guilt over causing Weirdmageddon, and she would've confessed during that episode.
Big City Greens unlike Gravity Falls, Amphibia and the Owl House would really jarring if it occurred in the same universe as those 3 series.

That it does.

I completely agree with your theory id straight up call it canon.
Both Twins are dealing with what looks like a traumatic event and are looking for some kind of stability.
This adds a whole other layer to their argument in Dipper and Mabel VS The Future.
Dipper staying in GF would give him the stability he's looking for while it would cost Mabel her stability leaving her to return to Piedmont without anyone to protect her.
Mabel handing over the riff makes so such sense now. Endless Summer for her equal Endless Stability.

That and losing any stability perfectly explain why she's so attached to Dipper.

This would have been shocking but also would have come out of nowhere.

I think that was part of the reason but her directly saying that would've have definitely made the episode better.
Kind of surprised Star VS isn't there.
This should’ve happened. The episode was terrible and that could’ve salvaged it.
Same but with how the series fell off a cliff after Battle for Mewni, would you even want it to be?

The Episode was far from terrible but it was by far the weakest part of Weridmagdeon.
Anon, setting up the conclusion to a mystery long before you reveal it is what you're supposed to do. Pulling something out of your ass that was never even hinted at is a bad thing.
Watching Gravity Falls as a kid primed me for Twin Peaks as an adult (which is of course much better).
Yes. Even by their own retard logic Bill shouldn't have won. They played up magic Bill didn't even have while ignoring Discord technically having that same magic but way better from the card game and him having access to D&D spells which are broken as fuck.

Then they ultimately settled on "well he'd come back...but it'd take too long so he loses"...when they brought up he can time travel.

Then there was them coping about personalities

>Uh Discord has been tricked before so Bill would outsmart him!
>Now lets completely ignore all the times Bill got tricked and the fact the other guy has canonical knowledge about his opponent and how to beat him because muh Reddit larp

Glad they got canned. They went full retard a long time ago even when they got the winner right
>setting up the conclusion to a mystery long before you reveal it is what you're supposed to do.
Nta but it’ll forever piss me off the wheel was a red herring after all that time
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>This would have been shocking but also would have come out of nowhere.
mcgucket being the author was actually one of the more popular theories at the time. His hand was in a cast drawing attention to his fingers, he was mechanically inclined connecting him to the portal, he has lost his mind which fit in with the words of the shapeshifter
>You'll likely never find him. That six-fingered nerd hasn't been himself in thirty years!
and he was the only established character whose name started with an F. I think there was even more to the theory, but that was the gist of it.
Shit that's right, I can't believe I forgot about that theory considering I was pretty into the fandom when that theory was at it's peak popularity.
I think I even brought into it to some extent, don't remember how much I did though.

Mcgucket being the author would have been legitimately shocking but the set up was there as well.
>The Episode was far from terrible but it was by far the weakest part of Weridmagdeon.
Aside from the first episode, Weirdmageddon was actually a pretty weak finale, final episode was very rush and it felt cheap to have Stan get his memories back so quickly.
I think it actually sways things more against Dipper than anything. Assuming the worst, Dipper would've been leaving Mabel for her to deal with the fallout of their parents' divorce on her own. Mabel's reaction over the walkie-talkie conversation makes a lot more sense if she knew things were wrong back home, and Dipper not telling her in the context of being in the middle of a parental breakdown seems a lot more dodgy.
Going to B&N in a bit to pick up my copy, I hope they still have the Gold edition.
They should have plenty as the only thing out of stock is the signed editions of both, if you have their Premium membership they give you an art print too.
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I thought so too. Genuinely not sure if that was intentional.
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How did didney let this happen?
They had signed editions? :(
All of them look like they could be DE skills desu, guy next to him looks like if Volition and Esprit de Corps had an evil baby
True, they all look pretty similar to the style of DE skills, but only that one looks so much like a particular skill.
It wouldn't be farfetched for them to reference Disco Elysium, after all Gravity Falls and Disco Elysium were both heavily influenced by David Lynch.
This is, at least ostensibly, not a kids book, it's aimed at adults who watched Gravity Falls as a kid. So they can put "adult" content in it.
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You’re good. They made tons of them.
Let's agree to disagree.

That's a good point.

To prove this is for Adults who watched Gravity falls as kids/teens.

Thank goodness
what's the difference between the regular red edition and gold edition?
About 16 pages.
Where’s the link niggas
who knows
I wish this spawned another Cipher Hunt :(
i don't, having to watch those people be awkward and annoying for days on end and having crying livestreams begging to take home merch and having drama got old
It might have, https://thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com/
This book is Alex’s plea to Disney to allow him to do a PG-13 Gravity Falls reboot on Disney+
>my copy won't arrive until Monday
So is this whole book just Bill's cope?
Why is the age range for this "Adult" again
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So apparently the informercial phone number is a puzzle. Do we know the name of the oracle from Journal 3? It's in Bill's book but all crossed out because he's still mad about her.
Bill outscales Discord badly so nothing has changed.
Hirsch wanted to make edgy jokes, and to be fair the majority of the audience who watched Gravity Falls growing up are likely adults now
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Holy faggots just let me buy it already.
How? Bill is pretty shit when it comes to cosmic beings even before this book
God I hate Death Battle autists so much.
Bill should at least scale to universal as a baseline since he destroyed his own dimension.
ngl this is pretty damn cool promotion

I literally saw this on TikTok less than 2 minutes ago and came to post it here. I wonder if you can buy those copies surrounding the Book of Bill
discord hax stomps him into the either the “omnidirectional space sight” bull is obviously not true (I don’t know why they counted it when it’s a author that’s disproved in the show) nor is his soul regeneration.
We don't know how and he was shitting his pants when it happened so it sounded more like he fucked up and some consequence rekt his world. For all his bluster he seems more planetary or galaxy at best
Bill being the big bad was a mistake, I wonder if Gravity Falls had 3 seasons like planned if he still would’ve been the ultimate villain or it would’ve been another character
Maybe when the promotional period for the book ends if your B&N has them you can ask about it. I doubt they have much use for the things after that.
So is there any link with the all the pages of the book?
If there were 3 seasons he most likely would have still made Bill the final villain. I don't even think they had a final villain planned until positive fan reaction to Bill's first appearance. Having god-like beings in your plot can generally be a major crutch so you don't have to actually put effort into writing. Bill, Discord, Alien X, Domino and The Collector all have major writing issues with their characters, and how they affect the plot.
At least that one only appeared by the end and wasn't hanging around the whole show
The Youngest of the Audience who watched Gravity Falls growing up are minimum about to graduate High School.

I don't think Bill being the big bad was a mistake in the slightest. He probably still would've been the main villain had Gravity Falls ran for 3 Seasons.
Before the postive fan reaction to Bill, there indeed wasn't a final villain planned although Alex Hirsch was leaning towards it being a Cryptid of some kind.
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They mentioned Phineas And Ferb, BCG can also be on it
>I literally saw this on TikTok less than 2 minutes ago and came to post it here
faggots ruined this board, what the fuck man
True it could, but it shouldn't.
No, how is it that the Custodial Union I was a part of during University treated me better, gave me fantastic health insurance, and let me bank over 20 days of Sick days!?
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The future is now, old man.
Fine! I'll drive up later and fulfill the task. Not like I wanted to do anything else today, sheesh.
Good luck, anon!
Jesus Christ, HERE! These are Discord's OFFICIAL stats from the TTRPG that came out recently.
Everyone's talking about Hooty and the Titan's skull on this page but nobody but >>144638307 has mentioned Star Vs
Just look at Bill's cheeks
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>Discord has a rule that lets him decide the rules
I'd rather bend the rules myself if it comes to it, thanks.
>Spell It Out For You
>Every Spell fuck you
Even these spells?
Every. Spell.
funnier than anything in the book tbqh
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Technically even F.A.T.A.L. is free game based on the wording. They probably just didn't exactly expect anyone to dare try.
Even the spelly spell that makes you not know what the spelly spell is?
The Beast is the Smile Dip Dog
What is it with The Great Gastby references? Alex is so retarded
Wait, wasn't it implied in one of the QnAs that bill came from 2 dimensional flatland? What happened to that???
So Mabel had come into contact with an eldritch monster as early as episode 5. Kind of adds a new layer to the Smile Dip Mabel >>144628645
Freemason illuminati deepstate book
His backstory is quite literally taken directly from Flatland in the Book of Bill (with a slight change to make it darker, but it’s the same as that book’s main character basically if you have read it).
Eh, a bit tryhard if you ask me.
So at this point he had entered the physical world somehow but then at another point afterward been sent back to the mindscape?
So for bill, is being "Beyond the grave" a separate thing from being in the weirdmageddon dimension? What is his afterlife like?
Scott Cawthon
I like BCG, but it's not on the same level as PaF.
Would Harry take a deal from Bill or no?
Alex must like that novel I guess.

A darker and more creepy layer

I should read Flatland then

Great shows but different tones and looks
worth mentioning that Walt Disney's middle name was Elias
Please kill yourself
It's because of the eyes thing, plus one could argue some similarities in the settings and tone and such and there's probably alot more connections but whatever. It's a safe book to reference because everyone's read it or absorbed it through cultural osmosis, it's like Shakespeare or the bible. A text we've all engaged with at some point and thus it's easy to reference it and not have it fly over the reader's head.
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He would take a deal with Bill if he thought he had to do it to solve a case, or to save Revachol.
Shivers and Half-Light wouldn't let him, but Bill would try to break him as Dolores Dei
Does anyone have the pdf of the book?
>Electrochemistry - This Bill guy seems serious about partying, you can tell he's hit the streets before. It's not an act. You should try asking him for one of those 4th-dimensional drugs you've been hearing about.
>Rhetoric - No, something's not right here. Something about this deal will end up entrapping you down the line. You should ask for the deal in writing before you agree to anything you might regret.
>Conceptualization - Entrapment? Entrapment where? In a place? No, you've seen this before. In a movie, one rented from Video Revachol during the good-times. It appears clearly before you, each frame firing past your eyes as your synapses collapse into a single conclusion: He *will* try and possess you.
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Lord English solos both
>possessed Harry gets possessed skills
>Binland Empire
>Esprit de Bills
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I am now considering the possibility that Bill had been watching Ford his entire life.
Bill is hot af
Is there more show coming or?
>Mabel is supposed to be smarter than Dipper
Anyone with the Special Edition? What are the exclusive pages?
Not that we know of but there’s speculating because of the book there may be
Didn't Hirsch say that Dipper and Mabel were of equal intelligence?
I wouldn’t be surprised, Mabel was clearly the writers (including Alex’s) pet
probably meant socially/emotionally
Why is Babby Stan screaming his head off?
Yeah and I agree that they are, They're just intelligent about very different things.
What he and Fluttershy get up to is none of our business
Emotionally is debatable considering she started the apocalypse (albeit she was tricked) because she was pissed at Dipper
Spoken like a true Death Battle autist
So, with all the references to other shows, the countdown, and the fact that this is a narrative that's been floating around lately, are we about to see Disney take a crack at adult animation as an act of desperation, starting off with continuing this series?
Side note: Does this thread infect other threads?
I think one thing Gravity Falls did well at was illustrating that the kids while having their strengths were still ultimately kids. She was able to support Dipper when he was at his lowest points, the issue is that ultimately she can't look in the mirror, i.e. do as I say, not as I do type behaviors. Seeing as Bill was basically forced to LARP as a dudebro to get anything out of her mindscape she certainly has imagination to spare and in terms of emotional intelligence she seems to have decent understandings that she either ignores or refuses to believe. Like one of the biggest reasons I think people give her shit despite her being a child is because she very clearly knows when she's doing something wrong but choosing to do so anyway. It's how Bill manipulates her, by relying on her constant escapism and nudging it more and more. Hell I think Mabel defenders seem to ignore that too, that she's smarter than she lets on and actively chooses to do the wrong things because she doesn't want to accept the realities of any given situation. It's usually only when shit hits the fan that she'll relent on something
>"Does this thread infect other threads?"
Sadly no, I was hoping it'd infect the GF thread but they mainly used the pages I posted to conflate their shipping wars. One of them someone even misconstrued Soos's dream as Dipper's despite each dream literally having the character's symbol next to it
No picture of the group chat itself, just an anecdote Bill brings up when talking about how much Dipper sucks
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>they mainly used the pages I posted to conflate their shipping wars
The fate of so many shows and animated cartoons is to eventually be full of nothing but shippers in online discussions. Those guys honestly couldn't even be forced to talk about anything other than who ends up with who in their headcanon. And its always a single character they tend to obsess over in those barely coherent shipping threads. Even Dipper barely matters to them as anything more than a stand-in for themselves. A thread like this is a breath of fresh air for actual discussion about the series.
Well that spoiler is why I figured to take requests and post some pics of the book as I was reading it. I figured it might help shift the conversation to the new stuff in the book and the little secrets like the phone number and what's at the end of the countdown. At least this thread's made it to 400 posts, so it's a pretty good space carved out to avoid the shippers
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>I figured to take requests and post some pics of the book as I was reading it
Well then that was a great idea, it is a worthwhile and much appreciated effort that you have made. It has been a desert for any decent GF discussion on /co/ lately. A lot of the stuff posted here was really interesting and I didn't even know there was a 'Book of Bill' til I saw this thread.
I think it was mainly revealed via Twitter late last year, I kept tabs on it out of intrigue and the fact that it seemed to be getting written with the age group GF fans would be in mind. I found this thread by chance because the GF general sure didn't seem to care about this new GF book. I'm glad you enjoyed what I had took pics of, I skipped over a good chunk though like Stanford getting into an altercation with Krampus so don't let my posts come off like there's nothing left if you were on the fence about getting a copy
>like Stanford getting into an altercation with Krampus
>GF general sure didn't seem to care about this new GF book
No clue why they wouldn't be interested in one of the few drops of real content GF has had in a while. But that bit about Stanford and Krampus may be worth checking out for myself, as well as anything else in the book, so I'll definitely be looking into that.
>"It's Nog Time"
wtf Bill das racist
If they do take a crack at adult animation starting with a Gravity Falls revival, then I'm OK with that.

Gravity Falls excelled at that.

A bit of a missed opportunity there.

I'm certainly interested. As I've posted many times on this thread.
I can see that for Mabel.
Not for Dipper.
The dude felt too mature and well-headed, it felt like he was an adult trapped in a kid's body.
He acts exactly how a kid his age who's obsessed with appearing mature would act. There are lots of moments where it shows that he's not as mature and level-headed as he pretends to be.
Bill only manipulated Dipper by twisting his arm and making him feel cornered
Nah, she's just afraid of him dying.
Dipper was very good at pretending he was more mature than Mabel. But his mask had the constitution of a rice cracker. He's done a lot of stupid things and in terms of true fortitude mentally, Bill was basically able to record DVR footage of his most embarrassing mistakes and implant false memories. He acts mature because he feels like he needs to counterbalance Mabel and can't rely on his parents to be there for them based on his dream. Ironically despite trying harder, his heart's way more on his sleeve than Mabel's is
I think it’s mostly shitpost pages of Bill promoting himself
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So I have the Exclusive Edition, and from what I've been told the difference is that the "More Secrets" section is exclusive, it does add up as if you count the front it IS 16 pages. It's a bit of a variety pack of stuff, two pages from it I posted in the thread when the book released
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Bro can someone PLEASE upload this damn book already
Absolutely. If I were to name Dipper's biggest fault, it would be insecurity.
Bill chiper
Also, a page on hypnosis
Why the fuck does Bill have to be milked this much
Couldn't they just let him stay dead or at least imprisoned? Is triangle man the only thing Gravity Falls going to be from now on?
I mean, that and all the incest porn.
Even with all of the stuff told about him by Hirsch outside the show Bill is just a stupid little cunt that has the mindset of a kid who gets bored easily.
Unless this book completely rewrites him which would be shit it just doesn't track to make him all OH I CAN FIX HIM.
The main thing with the book is that he is kind of a shitter on his own and is ultimately a delinquent kid with cosmic powers running away from his problems. His relationships keep failing (both romantic and friendships) and the loss of his home world fucks with him extremely hard. Then to cap it all off Axolotl booted his ass to therapy and (You) ditch him. He is still a retard of course
No he's still that, the book just says that he could see 3D in his 2D dimension, was isolated for it (which he denies), and then he did something resulting in the bloody deaths of everyone in his dimension accidentally (or maybe not).
Bill is in denial about this so he terrorizes the universe so he doesn't have to think about his problems doing tons of horrendous shit under the mindset of "no what I'm doing is right, it's ok because I did it"
It ends with him getting put in mandatory therapy by the Axotoxl which he absolutely won't do and he goes fucking mental over it due to him still being in denial
>tfw a bigger scarier cosmic was responsible for destroying Bill's world and gave him the keys to fuck off to the wider universe
Stan is bill's reincarnation
It's as the triangle man says. >>144629543 He's one merchandisable scamp.
Dare I dream for a crossover instigated by the ravings of a broken equilateral? Perhaps I will. We'll meet again.
He spells it out pretty well here. >>144628902
Yes, he's insecure and traumatized himself. But he also knows everyone else is. He *wants* you to give him sympathy. He's just gonna lord it over you the moment he gets out. He doesn't really want friends. This is his book, what he chose to show us, to gain sympathy points, so someone will make the deal that gets him out. The last-ditch effort of a manipulative triangular idiot.
While his plan is pretty much never going to change because he's effectively incapable of coping, there's a bit of truth. If Stanford was nothing but a useful idiot to him, he wouldn't have gone on a drunken bender when Ford figured out how to shut him out. Based on his sections on Love and Cronies it seems something may have gone down with the Oracle as well. He's a fundamentally broken entity of chaos about as incompetent for some as he is charming to others. He sure as hell isn't fixable no matter how long in therapy he stays or how much vestiges of the internet are 100% going to believe otherwise but I do at the very least believe the contents of the book, even if Bill's plan was a double gamble even with a willing participant. He seems more likely to not find a portal and just decide to fuck around in someone's body, stranding them rather than outright betray them I'll put it that way. But I'm also the special kind of idiot who tries to look between the lines of stuff.
The book does a good job of giving him just a touch of sympathy while still making it clear he's a jackass and doesn't want to change.
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Bill was never the villain. He was trying to tell you "Dark Side of the Rainbow" as hard as he could. And Dipper's name is Martin not Mason.
Discord is absolute reality warping so long as it's chaotic. He's just weak to all anti-magic.
Oh absolutely. He told the truth there. But he also let the reader see.
It is a tactic employed by a few other tricksters I've come across. I was quite the fan of the one who did something similar while using white text. Ha ha. Hee hee. Hoo hoo.
It's too bad he's really bad at it.
>Why the fuck does Bill have to be milked this much

They also referenced that Chibiverse clip show series

>get my copy of the signed exclusive
>no signature anywhere
Wtf, am I blind? Did he sign a certain page?
Apparently Belos gets mentioned among the secret codes.
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Nevermind, I found it. It honestly looks printed on at a glance.
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>Four TOH references.
I guess Alex has bias for TOH.
One page talking about it, and the other is just a big spiral
When the blacklight version comes out, will you get it?
Here's a post of some B&N special edition pages: https://www.reddit.com/r/gravityfalls/comments/1ear6vs/bob_spoilers_i_have_both_versions_so_heres_what_i/
Yes. Absolutely.
The candles are on a page about witchcraft specifically. Again, I have to ask.
What do you think it is that we are counting down to?
>How to hypnotize someone:

>Use the big spiral page
>Spin the book and say "hypnotize" for about 13 minutes
It's just silly fun TOH references just like Core one.
Nothing deeper behind it.
bruh his wife MADE TOH
Is there a scan of this baby yet? Please and thank yous
>bruh his wife MADE TOH
And Hooty.
Oh, they got married? Good for

welp, nevermind
I don't foresee a new season, but I wouldn't be surprised if Disney approved a new game or even a made for stream film.
I think something will eventually come, Alex clearly doesn’t mind milking the cash show. I could see a sequel series or movie especially since this book confirmed Bill isn’t dead.
If they are still going to use Bill, I'm not looking forward to it.
For now there's really nothing in the table for GF except for shorts.
>If they are still going to use Bill, I'm not looking forward to it.
They will, he is easily one of the most popular characters and they’ll want the movie to be as profitable as possible.
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the only human who can defeat bill
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The lead paint would be worse than the memory gun, but why would Charlie make a deal with bill?
to make the others do the charlie work.
Freddy fazbear
I want to see the gang interact with Bill now.
I bought the signed edition but I can't find the signature desu
Can't believe Adolf Hitler signed your copy
But Alex is Jewish
Apparently the pages can get stuck together, if you don't see an "Inspected By" page then that's why
Is the barnes and noble edition worth it? It's 6 dollars more and I'm kinda poor right now.
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You're right, I just missed it
To get the waitress to like him or something ridiculous like the ability to be able to taste smells.
lol he shorthanded mine. Guess he probably got a few signatures in before realizing signing his full name would make his hand more tired.
Anything from Schmebuloc?
I think that it was due to the whole "This sold so well we're doing a second batch!" thing.
He died in a car accident during Weirdmaggedon
There's a reference to a wizard cursing him to only say his name

Eh no I think that Bill actually does want friends here and genuinely misses and is sad about Ford in his characterization in this book, and he just doesn’t want to admit it. He’s “lying” that YOU, random book reader, are gonna actually get jack shit out of it or be his friend, but he’s genuinely broken, lonely, depressed, and misses Ford specifically in this book. And insecure about how vulnerable and pathetically sad he is.

As for fixing sure, maybe after a trillion years in a “Therapy Dimension” he’ll be fixed, we’re not talking about anything realistic or a real being. The show is over, so who cares?
What are the rest of the problems in that section? I kinda want to solve them on my own
>The show is over, so who cares?
probably the board that regularly has My Life as a Teenage Robot threads
Both are dead shows
I think the book makes it clear him killing everyone was an accident he’s still in denial about a traumatized by and he can’t face or deal with this. This doesn’t make him NOT an insecure dick but it wasn’t actually a Joker le chaotic evil play here, he was trying to show everyone the third dimension he saw (like A. Square in Flatland), something went horribly wrong, and he can’t deal with it emotionally so he’s been lying to himself and running away from his past and the reality ever since. It’s tragic but doesn’t excuse mass murder or trying to take all of existence down with him because he can’t cope with the pain and guilt for fuck’s sake, obviously.
Huh. And the wizard did nothing else afterwards?
Hi Alex
Well yeah. That's what I'm talking about. I've seen this type before. They do genuinely want friends, but when someone shows them the attention they crave, it's like that person gets their soul sucked out. These people want help, but they don't quite see just yet that you have to want to help yourself, too. Otherwise you'll burn everyone around you and end up in the same place. The longer he stays in denial, the longer he'll have to wait for what he actually wants.
Indeed. He was just a two-dimensional creature. Lost in our three-dimensional world. Longing for a purpose.
>"cocomelon was good today"
All powerful beings beyond the fabric of space and time are not immune to brainrot.
Wasn’t he eaten
That's definitely Donkey Kong Country. Fantastic.
Bump, been checking for a mega or catbox link
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A group of being who cause hatred and chaos where ever, defined by madness meeting Bill and the bench maniacs.
There's a guy flipping through the book on youtube if you want
When I made this thread, I thought this thread had reached bump limit...
11 Dimensions
>It's all white (as In good)
good. we need to stamp out groomers wherever they are.

so i can draw my own guide to getting into heaven? how thoughtful :)
I thought it was a dig against Cucker

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