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How do you view the smartest man in the universe?
with my eyes, mostly
I used to not care at all for the fantastic four, but I've been trying to get into
with my e-
As a great man who works tirelessly to protect the multiverse from the evil of Richards.
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Laughing at the likes of Luthor
I like him. Too easy to be written poorly though.
The most impressive and amazing men in history are those who pushed boundries to explore and experiment when mankind thought we had reached the peak. In real life theyre all corrupt, but Mr Fantastic is good and manages to make time for his wife and best friends, which is a Herculean task. He is the best superhero and you dont get it when youre immature and just interested in power levels and lore.
With my eyes.
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>smartest """man"""
Das right cracker
My brown eye gets to look too.
It's not worth it.
That's not Lex Luthor
Hickman made him one of the biggest man in his universe. I really love the fact that him having a father made him chose his family over science and that makes him the best Reed Richards to ever Reed.
Someone who wouldn't explain how the powers of his teammates work to his enemies, especially if that enemy was the Scarlet Witch.
It's worth it.
I like Reed, he and his family are goated in my book :)
He sucks, I am smarter and more handsomer and betterer and his doctor title is as earned as buying one from a store.
Hi Victor
i like white and blue more
What do you think about the maker?
Like him
he has a better costume
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If he's so smart, why hasn't he invented something to stop his wife's cheating whore ways?
In the mirror
what does he make
'bout tree fiddy
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What eyes?
If he's so smart, why hit his wife?
That's not Hank
> mfw i find out Ultimate Reed is a motherfucking multiverse villain

I can't imagine how could I feel if I actually went to collect FF comic books as a teen, instead of religiously checking magazine stands every month for new Ultimate Spider-Man issue. If you're invested into certain universe and characters, you devote yourself to it, and then fucking boom - MC is fucking ruined and everything good he did has no meaning now, must be pretty shitty. I mean, that thing happened to Spidey too at the end, but at least he didn't went into multiverse-scale tard rage because MJ declined wedding or something like that.
Yeah, but the Maker is actually a pretty cool villain
Autism. Deadly autism.
I am madly in love with his wife to the point I get legitimate mad when I see her with any other person. Sue in my heart and mind is mines and I will fight Reed or whoever for her
kinda low for all the shit he did
has she shown any feats that shows her as smartest yet?
Why does it have to be Mr.Fantastic anyway. Why can't it be They Fantastic. Comics just don't make sense in the modern day. If Ayo isn't play They Fantastic it's just a nazi comic.
he and miles are like the only 1610 characters still showing up in stuff so its not really that bad
he's more focused on saving the world
He has a fantastic daughter
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Lol. Just lol. Keep dreaming fish breath. Even if another dude did get at Sue her vag is so stretched out you'd think they swapped powers.
he is interesting in the new ultimate universe
Stop posting pictures of my woman with this fucking nerd it infuriates me
Why couldn't they just stick to this?
you would love the original ultimate comics if you hate seeing her with him
Wasn't it confirmed that Namor was using pheromones or subconsious level telepathy to make women want him?
Wasn't F4 off-planet busy creating new universes at that time?
He’s an asshole
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In the mirror, mostly
in hindsight, eye didn’t expect that
that’s called 4chan
As someone who can't turn into a bike
why do they keep doing this?
Damn dirty traitor just like iron man
>t. Normie
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Bikes are lame

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