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The comic shop model is absolutely indefensible. The overreliance on these dying shops is killing the entire industry.
The faggot face of that comic shop owner is infuriating me. I can see why no one bothers with their damn stores.
American comic publishers rely on these stores because regular retail stores won't touch them.
Having specialty stores isn't inherently a bad thing. No one complains about game or music stores.
Most indie comics wouldn't survive the bookstore or retail market. And there's Amazon, anyway. If people really wanted comics it's been easy to order them online for 20 years.
The real problem is that the style of art and writing of American comics isn't as popular as manga.
But American comics can sell, just not capeshit.
Damn, less than one of my paychecks is enough to make and break a comic shop? Crazy.
An American on /int/ told me that there was this feminist comic book store where they only sold progressive comic books about women protagonists but they had to close after tannies kept harassing the female patrons
Is it true?
It's fine for shops to exist, but it's way cheaper to preorder them online and have them mailed right to your house. It's such a superior way to buy comics, but this constant placating of comic shops has to end. I read some article on Bleeding Cool I think where a comic shop owner was bitching about DCBS and how he's losing customers to them because they offer way lower prices than he can. Basically whining and saying that they shouldn't be allowed to offer such a good service to people. I've seen so many shop owners who actively want to hold the industry back and make it more expensive to buy comics across the board, just so their stores do better.
If they could, they'd get better word of mouth online and sell better on Amazon. There's manga that had no push in the US except for scanlations that managed to become big here and get official releases.
European action movies will, generally, never be as popular as ones made in America, because general audiences prefer American action movies, even outside of America. Doesn't matter how many American comics you try to push in other genres like romance, comedy, or fantasy, there will be multiple, more popular manga in those genres.
Doesn't mean their shouldn't be more works in different genres, just that the reality is it won't connect to general audiences
I'm really happy to read this. I'm just happy to see a comic company trying something.
Yeah, if only non-capeshit books existed.
I'd come pick up my pull list if you stopped fucking up and leaving shit i ordered out and "accidentally" losing the variants i ordered.
>not making them pay in advance or some type of fee for holding
that's the problem right there dummy.
I meant Scholastic comics like Dog Man or Raina Telgemeier books. Those sell like crazy.
/co/ must learn to accept that capeshit is a tiny weird niche within the overall American comic market.
My shop was awful about leaving stuff out. Sometimes I'd go in with a post-it note where I've written down issues I want that just got solicited, and then I didn't get them. I've switched to online ordering.
Simpsons called out the fact that comic book stores tend to be run by assholes like 40 years ago and then rather than admit this might be a part of the problem /co/ instead went all in on blaming lesbians.
my poor business skills are your responsibility
If you make them pay in advance they might as well buy direct. If you don't let them hold, they are probably going to miss issues. The whole situation is fucked cause LCS are trying to hang on to a niche that is only enabled by habit and nostalgia.
>No one complains about game or music stores.
>No one complains about game stores
Are you just too young to remember when "FUCKING GAMESTOP" was a meme?
>If you make them pay in advance they might as well buy direct
They wouldn't have to pay full price up front. It's like pre-ordering games at GameStop used to work, you put down a small deposit.
I remember being able to buy X-Men at Walgreens when I was a kid. When did LCS become the only way to keep up with monthly releases? Why is the comic turnstile at my local everything store just Archie?
>Thread already got hijacked by shills.
It's true. I will say that woke stuff in mainstream comics is a problem, but it's not even in the top five things wrong with the industry now.
if < $500 a month is going to tank your business your margins are way too thin to survive either way
and if that service is costing more than you're making from it then you should stop offering the service
Won't work, different model. Games are one-off purchases while comics are ongoing. You're going to put down a deposit for every future issue of a comic forever? What would the deposit be based on?
Yeah aren't indie/webtoon comics saleing like gangbusters right now
But what he's saying is that if you're going to put money down in advance, you might as well order from one of these online sites and get all your books for 35-40% off.
Stores stopped wanting to sell them. Low profit margins, people would just read them in the store, get damaged easily.
Magazines in general died a slow death at retail.
>your margins are way too thin to survive either way

Well, yeah. These stores are barely hanging on at best. It's why so many pivot to being general nerd-stuff stores, it's near-impossible to survive on American comics alone.
Publishers had to buy back unsold issues. This isn't the case with LCS because they just hold onto them and stick them in the discount bins.
This guy is an idiot>>144624016
the problem is no one except a select few wants to spend $5 on 22 page issues, even if those issues are densely packed with text.
Manga changed the way we look at comics. even if it's 5 words a page and pages of just action scenes(a good thing), it comes off as a better value at $8. And unless you get a publisher willing to take a loss, you're never going to see a value like that from American comics
Hope he's just thinking the number would be large enough to get sympathy from people who don't manage their own finances, and he's actually doing okay, otherwise he's already fucked if this ammount is his "biggest threat".
>The real problem is that the style of art and writing of American comics isn't as popular as manga.
The real real problem IMO is more that manga has been a better deal unless you really like color printing. Why buy a floppy when a few dollars more gets you a full volume of a manga?

Make the deposits carry forward as long as you pick them up.
No, the lack of sales is also an issue. They never stopped offering monthly comic sales to retailers, there's been times where 7-11/Toys R us/bookstores/supermarkets in the 2000's. they all stopped overtime because they didn't sell.
Having to buy back unsold issues is another part of it too, but it wouldn't be an issue if they were selling decently.
Shops are not a venue intended to promote the sell of comics nor are they intended to make comics accessible.

Shops came about from a now past demand. Comics were sold in many different places, mostly whoever sold magazines which included supermarkets and pharmacies. The demand was such that it allowed for a specialized store catering to a specific market.

Not selling them in other places came about from a lack of demand, isolating access to these specialty stores. It's not a 'model', it's all they can manage.
The price is a massive problem. But they charge those prices because they have fewer and fewer readers. And the high prices drive off readers, so they jack them up more. It's a viscous and destructive cycle.
yeah, I just want to pay $25 a month or whatever and have a modest bundle of comics arrive at my doorstep.
That is such a superior model and it's insane it's not pushed more heavily. I think a lot of people don't even realize it's an option.
This is the second time this week I've seen someone call a cycle sticky. Vicious is the one meaning aggressive.
>This guy is an idiot

He's not, he's right that the low profit-margin to floor/shelf-space ratio is part of the reason why regular retailers stopped selling floppies and most magazines altogether. There were several factors that led to the development of the direct market model.
>even if those issues are densely packed with text.

The "more words = more value" mentality of American comic readers is literally retarded.
Speaking purely as a consumer floppies seem like a scam and I wouldn't buy them, so I can't fault stores for not wanting to sell them.
>The real real problem IMO is more that manga has been a better deal unless you really like color printing.

Nah, that's secondary. You're right that capeshit pricing is insane but it wouldn't matter if manga was a better deal if people didn't first want it. Manga is just more appealing so it sells.
>Why buy a floppy when a few dollars more gets you a full volume of a manga?
even if you priced American comics that cheap, it still doesn't mean it's going to sell
Toilet-bound Hanako kun makes non-weebs scratch their heads and wonder how the fuck this is a top selling manga in the US, but it has a look and style of writing I won't ever find in American comics. So many indie comics in the US just look unappealing visually.
He's making excuses for the lazy ass comic book industry.
>Oh we can't try that, that didn't work 20 years ago and there's no reason it would work now. Guess we just have to slowly die
>Speaking purely as a consumer floppies seem like a scam

Floppies have been inching up to $5.99 with no sign of stopping. We're approaching a point where an individual floppy issue is going to be a third or even half of what a whole trade is. I know Marvel just announced that they're going to ease up on pricing but we all know that's bullshit that won't last.
What you’re talking about is secondary release manga paperbacks and comparing it to ongoing comics. They’re not the same product.
Amazon could easily cut into physical sales market, all they would need to do implement a pull list system and a pile of loot/private warehouse that auto charges you and ships your pulls last Wednesday of the month.
>Oh we can't try that, that didn't work 20 years ago and there's no reason it would work now.

But that's true unless something has changed in the last 20 years. Regular retailers didn't stop carrying floppies randomly. What's changed that now makes floppies an attractive option for them? Why would they give up valuable floor or shelf space to floppies when they stopped doing that because it wasn't worth it?

This isn't a children's cartoon where you just gotta believe, you need an actual business case for why retailers would ever consider this again.
Outside Japan, you don't really have an option to buy weekly print issues of manga. But when you did, it was still a way better deal. An issue of Jump or a floppy, which has more content?
I've never heard anything about that before.

/lit/ is probably the most full of shit board on 4chan.
no one cares
100%. There's already sites that do this DCBS offers an amazing service, with prices way less than you'd get at a comic shop. It's so much better and it honestly makes comic shops obsolete in my opinion. You can even get the FCBD issues, and the amount you can get is based on how many books you bought in the previous year, which seems fair to me.
That's true, but also a customer doesn't generally care. You may have people who want to support local or understand the difference in production costs, but most will just see
>180 pages, $8
>22 pages, $5
After some Googling I don't see anything like what that anon describes. Closest I could find is a comic store owned by a black woman in Philly closing a few years ago due to Covid pandemic-related problems.
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It's not necessarily the reader, editorial and writers were always self-conscious about not being books. eC comics, which were looked as pushing boundaries back in the 50's, are really just illustrated stories. They even wrote the text out before the art and the artists had to illustrate around that on a page.
Look at Stan Lee's marvel books, when it's a big issue he sells it as being "novel sized".
Readers(at least not the boomer crowd who love Jim Shooter era marvel) welcomed art being more prominent, but it always gets dialed back eventually.
reminder that no other periodicals require the store owner to pay 75% of the cover price and own the title before selling it on

literally everybody else does sale or return, and when DC tried that a few years ago they continued doing variant covers for high orders and so got hosed on costs as retailers over-ordered knowing they'd get the variants for free

it produced massive "sales" that were illusory as most of those books were subsequently pulped at DC's expense
>It's not necessarily the reader, editorial and writers were always self-conscious about not being books.

It's both. It's why Silver Age comics are notoriously wordy. Apparently at that time the children who were the target audience felt that fewer words per panel/page meant they were being ripped off and editorial responded in kind with mandates for minimum amounts of text. You're right that even with adults the idea that comics should be a marriage of word and art is fairly alien.
But isn't that exactly the reason comics publishers switched to this model because they couldn't bear the increasign cost of sale-and-return? The direct model allowed them to foist all of the risk onto the stores.
Americans don't actually like comics in the same way that the Japanese do, at least, not culturally. All of our cultural choices are downstream of books and journalism.

However, I think now is a good time to create a robust comics industry. What can we take from the original appeal of American comics to synthesize with the good parts of the Japanese model?
And the trade paperbacks for western comics are still more expensive than manga volumes. You arguably get better printing for that price, but is it worth it?

DC and Marvel put out "omnibus" editions, but only as hardcover collector's items. Manga omnibus editions are meant to read a long running series for cheaper.
So what you're saying is:
Comic shops brought it upon themselves?
Like I said, they've tried, and a walgreens is the last place I'd try to get sales going again when they can't even make decent sales for far less niche magazines that have been around for 100 years.
I'm younger than you, but the pipeline for how my generation(and others) got into manga is closer to what they should follow. We saw scans online, we had the official websites linking us to chapters, manga was cheap in video and bookstores and available in large quantities(and most importantly we had anime and games to get us into them, but American studios are too stubborn to ever do that)
>I'm younger than you
My logic is, even if I ignore the travel costs? If a trade which contains a minimum of 5-6 issues is $15, then the individual issues CAN'T be more than 3 dollars otherwise it just makes way more sense to wait for the trade. And the odds of floppies going under $3 a pop are virtually nil.
It barely made sense 20 years ago when they could all be mailed directly to readers, and it makes even less sense now when digital comics can be instantly accessible the moment they are done.

Although, the real issue is that brick and mortar stores have been made obsolete by all the taxes, speculative investment, and asset hording bookkeeping scams that have been incentivized by the government. if a store is on the verge of bankruptcy after one or two bad months and their profit margin is measured in hundreds of dollars, they were fucked before they ever started playing the game. Nothing could save them from the reality that the cost of operation is too high to be offset by loyal customers constantly pumping money into something that cannot be sustained by anything short of cult-like consumerism constantly overpaying for luxury entertainment products.
>But that's true unless something has changed in the last 20 years.
NTA but I got a smartphone in that time, so now I can read stuff (mostly manga) on my phone way more easily.
I think the value per dollar has to increase. Either make the books cheaper or bigger. And cut out the middleman of comic shops and mail the books to people's houses. That's how they get every other product in the current year.
>to synthesize with the good parts of the Japanese model?
The big two at least won't use the good parts.
Digital comics suck. They don't work on a laptop or phone, so you need to have a tablet, and you have to turn it sideways for every two page spread. I hate that.
>What can we take from the original appeal of American comics

I think this is the source of the problem that you're identifying, though. The original appeal of American comics was as disposable entertainment for children. It started that way in Japan and Europe too, but for various reasons a more mature comic culture was allowed to develop in those places. The US is still firmly stuck in the "comics = kids" mindset. Most US adults won't even considering listening to anything to do with comics regardless of the actual content.
Used to order all kinds of statues, figmas, mangas, and relugar/variant cover comics from my LCS. Guy who worked there always made sure my stuff was ordered and kept orderly. We became good friends. After a while he left cause they owners were starting to get greedy with Pokemon TCG, Warhammer, Magic TCG pandering. Suddenly my shit is ordered incorrectly, they want to unbox my stuff and then re-box it when I pick up, and sometimes I get comics I'll never have an interest in show up in my box. Owners also want to charge me shipping for when I order anything that's not a comic. Tell em to fuck right off and leave. LCS is now down to 1 struggling store.

Get fucked you greedy jews. I used to spend anywhere from a $100 to 1k at the LCS depending on what I would get in that week.
People often wonder why so many women flock to manga, but you look at American comics and there's just very little cute stuff, and often times what is there is really really gay, and not in a titillating way, but in an embarrassing cringe way.
Well, duh. The most immediate solution is retroactively applied copyright reform and structural relief of the Big 2, but that would still leave the problems of distribution, content, and marketing, which are broader structural problems facing almost all media everywhere today.
Marvel only decides if a comic is successful and should continue based on physical floppy sales. No digital, no trades.

That's a problem.

And no this isn't random speculation we have outright statements from creators working for Marvel that this is the case and why a lot of popular smaller books get axed. The readers are mostly on digital or trade wait and so the book gets canceled by issue 10.
culture changes, industries die, the comic industry for whatever reason thinks it deserves to be "saved" and expects people to adjust their behavior to do so
like the arcade industry died and now it's a much smaller market that always has a restaurant attached to it, people go there to have a dink and a burger and maybe play a couple games while they're there, they don't go there to just play games anymore

I'm sure its jarring and sad to see your business decease but that means people just don't want what you're offering anymore
I think a problem I see when people turn their hobby into a business is they expect customers to care about the hobby as much as they do. But it's a business, it's market driven. You can have pet projects if you want to but don't be mad if you can't make a living off of it
>brick and mortar stores have been made obsolete by all the taxes, speculative investment, and asset hording bookkeeping scams that have been incentivized by the government

What libertarian lunacy is this? Online sales made brick and mortar stores obsolete grandpa.
>Either make the books cheaper or bigger.
I'd say both. Jump has the right model. But that requires cheaper labor putting up with treatment Americans don't accept.
I meant changed for the retail stores so that they'd want to stock floppies for sale again. It made no sense for them 20 years ago and it continues to make no sense. They're out to make money, they're not going to stock something that they don't think will be worth it.
>they want to unbox my stuff and then re-box it when I pick up

They wanted to open stuff you bought? Why?
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You could save so much and make more comic pages for less money if you just made comic pages simpler too.
You don't need a background or a full cast in every panel
You can do scratchier line art
You can do a page of just head shots
Just make more pages and space out the text. Just browsing through a recent JJK chapter from a random website, a page like this is something you'd never see from the big two, but works organically in manga. Comic artists do headshots at cons in just a few minutes, this could be done in a short time and make another page or two a day.
NTA but he's got a point. The comic book store closest to me got bulldozed to make way for "luxury apartments" and that seems to be really common in cities these days.
It doesn't necessarily mean cheaper labor; it can just mean more people for less work (and American comics are already super inefficient) and more firms in the market. We need a lot more investment, and I don't think that companies are seeing that it's worth putting stuff into.
The thing is, we went through a whole decade where Marvel movies were the biggest thing on earth. Normies knew who minor characters like Vision were. They were interested in learning about the history and lore of comic books. The fact that Marvel couldn't turn that into increased comic sales is something that I can only attribute to incompetence.
The sad thing America did once have an enormous romance comics sector that just died and has never come back. I don't even see regular romance stuff from indie publishers, it all has some kind of twist. How do American publishers not get that there is a crazy huge market for it?
The profit margin on most small businesses is usually measured in the very low single digits. Operational costs, taxes, licenses, etc make it so anything short of high volume, overpriced exploitation can't survive long enough to ever recoup the cost of starting a business in the first place.

Online retailers stealing business is a big contributor, but that's because it's so insanely expensive to run any kind of store these days that even if they weren't losing sales to amazon, they'd still barely be scraping by and racking up debt
American publishers run private clubs for their friends and the people who can speak their language, not actual businesses. Of course, you can't make a new slop mill because the establishment stuff gets all the shelf and marketing space, or at least what little of it remains.
The difference is that manga can be sold on its story if its art is lacking. Like how Attack on Titan's art is actually kinda bad but the story sucked people in.

Capeshit as a genre actively mocks the idea of getting invested in anything. Why bother? Characters that die will be back eventually. The next writer will undo the story elements you liked.

Yes, operating a physical store is always going to entail more expenses and risks than a virtual one. That's the point.
>Online retailers stealing business is a big contributor
It sounds cruel to say, but frankly, if an online service can offer a better and cheaper service than an LCS can, I don't see what's the point of their existence.
That's why I had a cheeky comment about Jim Shooter loving boomers. Shooter was basically a 60's DC guy. Look at that "why don't comics do one-shots anymore?" thread for that
Generally complaining about a lack of words still comes down to value, but I think modern audiences would be more accepting if they were cheap.
>But that requires cheaper labor putting up with treatment Americans don't accept.

No it doesn't, and the American companies already pay their creatives. And if we're talking unacceptable practices American companies own their creators' IP something mangaka would never accept.
Imagine your business going under over 500 bucks worth of unsold merchancy every month
Your average grocery store throws that away every week
I do get the sense that DC is trying. I've had that sense for a few years. Maybe it's only out of desperation, but I do think they're at least attempting to get new readers and grow their business. I'm happy about that, and I hope they'll be successful, but it will take a lot more than just some new jumping on points. The industry is so unhealthy.
>Your average grocery store throws that away every week
Your average grocery store is making very thin margins.
well that's true, and also there's no shortage of manga sales happening so people can't even argue the format is undesirable
so it isn't comics that are unpopular, it's western comics that are unpopular. And that's largely to do with the culture surrounding them, and lets be honest the cost is outrageous
In theory the LCS provides an important benefit in the form of a third space where people can gather and form a community and those are important for societal health but the people running the stores tend to be jerks that want you out as soon as possible and generally capitalism doesn't really give a shit about that sort of thing to begin with.
>Generally complaining about a lack of words still comes down to value,

Yeah and it just makes zero sense. What matters is an entertaining story which can be done in 10,000 words or 0 depending on the execution. Screeching about word count is moronic.
Is Alfred back yet?
>art is lacking
But it's not bad art, it's fine and engaging even if it lacks polish.
Really I find it to be the opposite. Manga stories can be stock and cliche but the way they're told is engaging. People joke about romance or shonen having stock tropes but read them anyway because they're enjoyable. I have girl friends who talk about reading a bunch of manga like it's lifetime TV movies because they recognize them as disposable entertainment they're interested in.
The big two keep hyping people up about new comics changing things forever. Only the initiated know it's going to be undone or not permanent and know the score.
They had display glass cases where they put some statues in to "show off" what they could order. I always had an assortment of different stuff I ordered and they thought it "look cool" if they showed off what I ordered.
They're not going to make him black.
He is still dead. Jon is still grown and gay.
It's far more expensive than it should be, which is the problem. External factors, unrelated to online sales, are driving up the cost to ridiculous levels that no small business owner can actually keep up with unless they have an extremely devout customerbase who is willing to overpay as much as possible solely so the business can keep it's head just barely above water. It should not take a cult of consumers just to stay operating are minimum profitability, and there was a long period of time where that was not the case.
>And that's largely to do with the culture surrounding them, and lets be honest the cost is outrageous
I agree. Those are the two biggest problems. That needs to change before anything else. It's not even about the content of the books. Yeah this current Spider-Man run isn't very good, but if those other issues were fixed, more people would be reading it.
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I fucking love manga
That's bullshit. It's not their stock to display those are your property. You should have reported them to the USPS for opening your mail.
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>It started that way in Japan and Europe too, but for various reasons a more mature comic culture was allowed to develop in those places. The US is still firmly stuck in the "comics = kids" mindset. Most US adults won't even considering listening to anything to do with comics regardless of the actual content.
The other side of the pendulum doesn't help really. Indie comics are full of artsy, pretentious bullshit aimed at "elevating the medium" but having no appeal to anyone who isn't in the mood to read an art comic.
I don't care how beautiful the graphic design is in a Chris Ware comic, that shit is boring, meanwhile I can talk about something from JJK or Chainsaw man at a bar with 20 somethings and they'll recognize it, even if those comics are for people younger than us.
Tannies as in old ladies?
Cause I can buy "progressive" and sisterhood type older women thinking they can assault and perv on girls.

Hell it's one of the two major reasons why female only gyms have been a flop and no one wants to talk about it.
>So many indie comics in the US just look unappealing visually.
I really wonder what caused the preference among the powers that be for this sort of stuff. I was looking at the Angoulême awards, and since the early 2000's it's been almost nothing but this kind of stuff that wins awards. Before that, normal comics. But in recent years? Almost nothing but chicken scratchy, hard on the eyes, pretentious shit. You see it, and you think "maybe I'm being judgemental, maybe there's something to these comics I'm just not seeing", so you try to read some of them. But no, they're shit. And sure, the random comic some random Anon recommended last week actually also won this award in the 90's, and that wasn't high art or anything. But at least it had nice art. And it was fun.
The problem is middlemen strangling the economy all at once. Both corporations and the government should recognize them and attack them wherever they are, and advocate for these to be owned by the public and accountable if they fuck up.

You wouldn't tolerate unreasonable taxes and tariffs that only go to a useless man's pockets if it were a king, so the same should not be tolerated here.
It's 2024, you never know.
okay but gamestop is a corporate cess pit
What’s your problem?
but that's bullshit because manga sells but publishing companies refuse to print eurocomics
Walmart should start selling comics again but we could also use synergy to make up for the initial loses like having Walmart heavily featured within the comics like maybe joker keeps a Walmart hostage with his joker ray and batman has to work with wallmarts employees to free the shoppers
Or maybe we could debut a new mascot and said mascot must appear in every comic in at least two pages, the comics should also advertise that weeks deals in some shape and 3 out of the 22 pages could be reserved for third party advertising
I read somewhere that what the US really needs and what the Japas and Euros have is what therm "good crap", which is basically what you're describing. Books in the middle that aren't high art but aren't kid-oriented slop, just well-done stories that don't really break new ground but are entertaining whether they be action or romance or whatever. The US currently just has the two extremes.
this is also bullshit because the same applies to cartoons but plenty of adults liked rick and morty. adults watch cartoons, adults read comics. it is known
>I don't care how beautiful the graphic design is in a Chris Ware comic, that shit is boring
I like Rusty Brown, it's got that nice pathetic sadness going on, works great as a peek into the kind of life you could end up with if you let yourself be absorbed by your hobbies instead of being a more well-rounded person who can both enjoy your hobbies while also being a normal responsible adult.
I meant more indie stores than gamestop. Digital Press here in NJ is one of them.
walmart sells comics but they're shitty generic capeshit

this is an issue with dumbfuck u.s. citizens not being readers. i guess the only people who want to read to kids and get them in to reading at this point are trans people but that makes the conservatives shit bricks. apparently they want the right to kill the children by reading bible stories
Sexy Children
>adults read comics

They really don't. The sales speak for themselves. The only adults that read comics are those who already started as kids long ago. Normie adults wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. Again, don't take my word for it, try selling a random adult on reading any comic at all.
>original appeal of american comics
>good parts of japenese model

the fuck is the "japanese model"? action, philosophy, and nerdiness. throw in some real science and sexy women. milfs, even.
When I see a kid in the local comic shop, I do a double take because it's so unusual. It's almost exclusively adults who read comics.
I agree with this statement.
Yes, there's nobody who understands quality on the popular side and nobody who understands how to sell something on the indie side. We used to have a better balance of this stuff; the old John Grisham stuff and King were groundbreaking, to say nothing of Silence of the Lambs or even Alex Cross.
Not really tho
At least here the average grocery store has been operating for at least 20 years and I have only seen one go under and it was during covid and I don't even think they struggled financially, I think the owner got fed up and left
>the sales speak for themselves

the sales speak for dumbasses trying to sell comics for kids when adults are the actual audience. people didn't buy mosaic because they were adults, people didn't buy mosaic because it was clearly a contrived character that had no fanbase in existence
Yes, that's what I said:

>The only adults that read comics are those who already started as kids long ago.

The American market has been reduced to this small core of aging autists.

But I'm talking culturally. The general population mocks those people as manchildren. Regular adults consider comics kid garbage, they won't even consider trying no matter what the actual content is. It's different in France or Japan.
If I talk to a 20-something who has interest in something other than sports they're familiar with manga and probably have read some and would be up for reading a comic if it appealed to them. They don't make the distinction that "ackshually it's MANGA not comics", they recognize it as a comic even if it's Japanese.
And that they didn't capitalize on the movie comic boom by selling more shit to normies and indie stuff and general nerd stuff to get people into the medium and buying their geekery from them is on them.

This. And comic sellers do not give a fuck because they get paid and some fame and potential to sell new characters to the mainstream normies to do mid work.
And the stores are barely managing to survive because the big 2.5 have taken over the idea of the comic book in NA and the stores don't have the balls or IQ to stock, push and help get the word out on indie and non cape comics.

Most have realized long ago that they can just sell back issues and general geek stuff. Just be a place to meet other geeks and nerds and hang out and talk.
exactly, that other anon is completely fucking wrong. the only time i've ever seen kids in any store at all with gaming shit was a sunday i happened to get some mtg cards and a fuck ton of kids were there for pokemon cards

it also makes no sense why anyone would continue to try to make that argument, because parents shove electronic devices in their kids' faces, not reading material. there is no growth for comics because younger generations don't fucking read as much
>They don't make the distinction

I'd wager they do, actually. They'll know what manga is and where it comes from and don't have the "comics = capes" association they have with American comics.
>there is no growth for comics because younger generations don't fucking read as much

They read manga, though. Capeshit excuse.
>they didn't capitalize on the movie comic boom

demonstrably false. comics changed to match the movies and it fucking sucked because a) it was in poor taste and b) normies don't fucking read comics, they watch movies.

people keep waffling between these arguments about "normies don't read comics" and "the comics didn't capitalize"

pick one, it's not both
It's remarkable how some anons cannot understand that "culturally in the US adults view comics as for kids" has no relation to who is actually buying the comics. Of course kids don't buy comics anymore, a shrinking group of aging autists do, but still the idea persists for normie adults that comics are for kids.
anon have you ever worked as a grocery store? you can have one be around for decades and STILL make thin margins because it's just what it is. Cold cuts basically make no money, for example, which is why delis sell prepared food they can sell for a lot more profit.Loss prevention and costs get hammered into you even as a lowly wagie because any sort of loss is an issue.
They stay afloat because people will always need food. Sure, they lose more money than a comic shop would without risking going out of business, but proportionally they're bigger and sell more anyway.
They don't read comics because they only sell them in nerd shops that smell weird. I promise you that if normies had an issue of Batman or Spider-Man on the rack when they're checking out at a grocery store they'd pick it up. If people were aware that they could subscribe and get some issues in the mail, they'd be interested. Most people don't even know that Marvel and DC have official mail subscription services.
Because romance media is all but dead and what romance there is, is quickly co-opted by a well organized and very agressive cabal of queers and people who hate the idea of anything resembling normal and idealized sexuality.
Pretty much everyone knows Walking dead and Scott Pilgrim is a comic, or read other books in scholastic book fairs, or if they went to college might've encountered your basic course material like Maus or Perseopolis these days.
They know comics are more than capes, they just aren't necessarily interested in American comics for other reasons.
People forget that when I say "people in their 20's", it's people who were teenagers a few years ago.
You do not exist in the real world. Please go outside and get a big hole drilled in your head, preferably in that order.
The funny thing is manga has endless oceans of gay/trans/whatever shit too, it's just that there's also a huge amount of regular romance too. They recognize that there's plenty of room (and big markets) for both. If you want the faggiest shit imaginable you can get it and if you want the purest old-school straight romance imaginable you can also get it.
I think Marvel and DC should publish more artsy shit today. The alternative comics that DC was publishing back in the day are still very highly regarded. Sandman, Hellblazer, Starman, those are all major classics that people can talk about seriously. They should make more of those. Have something that people can point to as something artistic and alternative feeling in modern comics. Even just one or two from each of them would be really good I think.
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anon, please stop getting your media from youtube ragebait. Please.
Good, that's his intent because people costing his business money is infuriating him and he wants to pay it forward.
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>normies love capeshit movies but don't read the comics

you're the only one here with a capeshit excuse. you are directly defying the truth that younger generations are reading less and are scoring much worse in academic shit as a whole


kids in JAPAN read manga


kids in the UK read

>if it was at the grocery story they'd pick it up
okay but walmart is the only corporate store ive seen do that and the only shitty attempt they've made is to putt in on a shelf, packaged horribly in bulk because it was an afterthought. corporate stores treat them as magazines but what that means is the smaller cash register aisles have less space and the comics industry would have to fight the shitty fucking magazine industry
If your business cannot deal with a $500 a month charge, your business is not profitable. Further, refusing to change your hold policy and continuing to sit on books that could be sold if they were on the floor shows why LCS are the dumbest fucking people alive.
You really don't know shit about how retailing outside of comic shops works and it shows
Are you fucking retarded?
The fuck diseased fantasyland do you live in?

Explain the walking dead? Explain the death of superman? The MCU and DCEU was the NA comics greatest chance LAST CHANCE to capture the imaginations of the NA market.

And they failed.
Archie saw a massive uptick in sales during that time. Many non major cape books saw a boost when the death of superman happened.

The only thing they got out of this movie boom was that they should shit out a new marketable to the normies character to get a movie/tvshow/cartoon/streaming show made.
>okay but walmart is the only corporate store ive seen do that and the only shitty attempt they've made is to putt in on a shelf, packaged horribly in bulk because it was an afterthought. corporate stores treat them as magazines but what that means is the smaller cash register aisles have less space and the comics industry would have to fight the shitty fucking magazine industry
I get that. But I think they need to figure something out and get these books in front of more people, or the industry will die. They need to try something. Do whatever they need to do to make comics attractive for these stores to stock. They don't even need to get every series. Just a few guaranteed sellers.
so the market deemed something unworthy and put a furniture store up. not the government. got it.

okay so rent is high. a way to fix that is for the GOVERNMENT to institutionalize rent caps so rent can't go up. the market doesn't give a shit about small business, the market is specifically designed to help big business cannibalize small business
>have you ever worked as a grocery store?
Why would I? Why would you expect me to?
>Cold cuts basically make no money
They mostly sell dairy, beverages both alcoholic and non alcoholic and every day non perishables, preserves and oils on top of hygiene products and households objects such as trash bags and detergents
>they need to try something

oh they're trying. but they're shitty idpol liberals. so their ideology about what's appealing is going to fail their ideology in capitalism. there are no guaranteed sellers because of the failure of the education system (at least in the u.s.) and the fact that their business model is an explicit rejection of quality
>Why would I? Why would you expect me to?

Because you were proclaiming that comic stores are bad because they make thin margins, but it turned out that's the same case with grocery stores
i live in the world where reading rainbow used to be based and cool, but then later kids stopped reading, and then when a few trans people wanted to read to kids, conservatives shit bricks. these are the same conservatives that defund schools by the way.

no one gets to bitch and complain about people not reading, especially young people not reading, and in the same breath think it's cool to stop law abiding adults from reading to kids
> Why would you expect me to?
It’s a pretty common job you’d do as a teenager or in college. Even if you didn’t work one , you might know some one who did.
The cold cuts thing was just one example. Everyday items generally need to be priced cheap enough so there’s little profit overall. Paying workers also cuts into budget. It’s why self checkouts have become so popular.
>If people really wanted comics it's been easy to order them online for 20 years.

Problem with ordering online is that you have to be sure you want the thing before you even see it. That cuts off all the people on the fence.
I was not
I was claiming that not surviving 500 bucks of unsold merchancy every month is ridiculous when your average grocery stores throws that into the trash every week
Anon, changing nickfury black and making superman into a nebbish nerd when he was just a regular farm nigga that wore a suit and glasses is what you're talking about.

You're not arguing in good faith, and I think you don't know what the fuck you're talking about overall.

They didn't change a single solitary thing else and it was the same poorly written poorly drawn indescribly obtuse business as usual outside of that.

The comics are made by and for a tiny incestuous group of people who don't live in the real world and don't really care if they sell to normies because they'll get paid and get work either way.

They didn't capitalize on a fucking thing. A 5 dollar 200 page mcu based comic book sold at scholastic and in stores?
Fuck that.
Change a character in the comics into something shit and claim their changing it to match the movies.

No one says comics are for kids cause comics are not even in the minds of normal adults or kids. If you see a kid reading a comic it will be webtoons or youtube video comics. Cause google is all but dead as a search engine and you can't accidentally stumble upon a good webcomic just by typing webcomic. Just some bullshit from whoever paid them and stuff to sell.
I'm upper middle class
Which is ridiculous as a comparison because your average grocery expects to sell much more than a comic anyway

Yeah, and they openly talk about it. Problem is that het romance is either horribly broken in mainstream stuff or queer.

Oh, one film, from last year, that's more of a star vehicle then an actual romance.
Did you know they cut the kiss at the end of twister because of the say so of steven "rapes children to death" spielberg?
>expects to sell much more
*Sells much more
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>buddy you're talking about *one example when there are many*

>buddy comics haven't changed at all, they were always contrived
yeah almost like it's too much to ask for things to be less contrived, huh?

>comics are made for a shitty in group. that's why i'm here on this board, so stop expecting better things

>hurr durr there were no new comics because of movies from capeshit or even star wars, they don't exist. i am intelligent.
>there was no change to a character in the comics to match the movies, that never happened. i am intelligent.

You mean the dragqueen reading hour?
Many of which were found to be convicted diddlers?
Or the one where the drag queens got naked and started dancing in front fo children while holding books or at a library and the teachers pushed them to go and watch.

That is what you're talking about?

Yeah...okay that's what you mean.
I was talking about selling comics to people to capitalize on it not doing one of the billions of cheap art changes and expecting it to bring in a huge swath of movie readers

You can buy music and games in other stores, not so with comics. I know growing up the only store I could buy comics at was three hours away, it was shit.
>law abiding adults?
>you must be talking about degenerates!

no it's cool anon, you don't have to argue in good faith. keep shitting bricks as younger generations read less and get exposed to comic books less. you're definitely part of the solution.
>selling comics to people

so doing what they were already doing? okay cool you weren't saying anything
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Why would they take orders without people putting down money?
because it's easy to get confused keeping up with it yourself while having a busy life. the cover art for the next issue is often put in the back of the last issue, so you might go to a store and not remember what you already had, or forget which issue you already had because you saw it as a preview two months before

do you feel comfortable with comic book stores just automatically charging your credit card?
I want to order that book
Okay pay $5
1 week later
Did you get the book I ordered
Yeah, here it is have a great day
okay cool so you trust the comic store with credit card information being held. thanks for answering my question
Something that I think needs to be addressed is the twitter behavior of a lot of the writers. It's less about woke stuff in the comics themselves. There's a lot of people who refuse to read anything Mark Waid writes, even though he writes exactly the kind of comics they would love otherwise. When DC is trying to promote a new event series that is going to be really important for their new status quo, at a time where they are desperately trying to attract new readers, they really don't need drama about what the writer is saying about the president or conservatives or anything else. That goes for everyone. Even if you think the comicsgate guys are full of shit, seething about them constantly makes them look right. People look at your feed and see ideology and anger. That's not attractive.
surely you have a list
They either want to publish stuff that's bland and gay, or they won't publish anything that's not ugly comix shit that doesn't do happy romance.
>ideology is unattractive
>heroic comic books are about morals and ethics

What transexuals are you talking about then? Because all I know about trannies helping kids read comes from dragqueen reading hour and the trannies who're indoctrinating children in schools.

Care to link me to an article?
You know what the fuck I mean, and don't pretend you don't, asshole.
I'm also in NJ and Digital Press is great as a museum but I'm always in awe that they're still around. I thought the pandemic was gonna shutter them for sure.
nothing about your ideology is heroic
>all i know is absolutely nothing. now link me an article so i'm not the one baring the burden of proof
oh i do know what you mean. do you think that what conservatives are doing is "attractive"? last i checked the political party that defunds schools stops kids from reading, which means kids stop reading comic books.
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my "ideology" doesn't defund schools, which stops kids from reading, which stops kids from reading comic books
Motherfucker all I'm saying is that if I'm someone who doesn't read comics but is potentially interested, if I go onto the social media of the guy writing Batman and I see him bitching about people who don't like his comics, and bemoaning the terrible eyesight of the person who tried to kill Trump, that's not going to make me interested in becoming part of this subculture.
You're the one who brought it up and bitched about it.
Now post examples of this happening, ill even acept a link to a twitter or youtube video, or shut the fuck up.
yourr ideology turned schools into an expensive waste of time that doesnt even teach children how to read
This is the exact attitude displayed by a lot of supposed professionals who try to promote their comics to potential customers.
"guys this thing called slavery happened and it has generational consequences"

"nope! Cut it!"

just face facts. comic books sales will suck as long as conservatives obstruct education

yourr ideology turned schools into an expensive waste of time that doesnt even teach children how to read
except it's not. my attitude doesn't hinge on identity politics without class consciousness, and my attitude doesn't hinge on make star wars shitty and incoherent. the dumb attitude right now is "they're just kids give them schlock" when what it should be is "give kids complicated entertainment that speaks to them but doesn't patronize them", like how mr rogers had complex jazz music or something
i'm sure if you repeat yourself enough, you'll eventually feel better enough to cope. comic books will get worse with fewer people following it specifically because of people like you
im not letting you move the goalpost
you brought up schools, own up to it
There is a ton of really cool high concept noncape comics (look to france).

However, American indies suffer from a deluge of black&white suffer porn where mopey sad sacks whine about how bad their life's are and wallow in the fact that they were molested.

If they didn't give indies a bad name we would have more cool pulpshit and fun adventure and comedy books.
Now it's all making out with your best friend and watching your parents die.

I think they exist, some of what Image puts out fits the bill. But not only is there not much advertising, the format is off-putting. If they're released as floppies they reach a smaller audience and normies won't bother with them, but a graphic novel isn't guaranteed to get in every store. And if you can't tell the while story you want in one book you better hope it sells enough to get a sequel.
you haven't made an assertion, you've just made an attack. you have not backed up anything you've said.
conservatives defund schools, conservatives want one book (the bible) instead of all the other books and comic books in the library. conservatives are also the ones banning comic books
Do you want real accounts of the past and the cost of slavery and class war or do you want divisional trauma porn.
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I'm really excited for The Rocketfellers and Hornsby and Halo and I hope they do well. There aren't enough of these fun, family based comics that can be enjoyed by anyone of any age. I'm glad they're publishing something different from the norm, and it's something I think I'll really like.
>So many indie comics in the US just look unappealing visually.
THIS is a huge deal.
It's all so ugly and the common passer by will never read your skreed if it looks like shit
I read spiderman to get away from the tons of molestation and abuse I had as a kid. Not watch my hero's be beaten down and turned into things I hate.

One or both of these are response bots hoping to drag the conversation entirely entirely synthetic talking points that have nothing to do with actual reality.
Just fagging on about the upcoming farce of an election.

Ignore them and continue on with the subject of the thread.
well for it to be history it has to have been real, genius. the past affects the present.

in any case, this thread only exists because more people aren't reading comics, and for that to happen people, especially children, have to be in to reading. the obstacles to children reading are quite clear
>dragging down the conversation

cope, bitch. the reason comic sales dwindle is because there's no new audience. either ask yourself what's stopping younger people from reading or shut the fuck up
Nice, I'm going to check it out. Never heard of it.
We need more family friendly stuff that is appropriate but doesn't pander to kids.
There is a fine line but if it can handle a serious topic in a respectful way, kids est it up
hold up hold up

i'm not the one that incited violence multiple times then acts surprised if it happens to me. how is pointing out someone else's hypocrisy my attitude problem?
Because the comic distributors make them have to buy whole runs of the damn things without any idea how they'll sell. You can't just buy like ten of a few top titles and put them in the racks anymore.
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Cool. I think it comes out in November, but there was a little preview of it in the Ghost Machine one-shot that came out earlier this year, if you wanted to track that down and give it a look.
Oh, you're actually paid to do this.
>I read spiderman to get away from the tons of molestation and abuse I had as a kid. Not watch my hero's be beaten down and turned into things I hate.

Hard agree.
Trad capes are best when they are aspirational. Modern capes are written by ppl who hate them
oh i do this for FREE

why are kids reading less, you little bitch? answer the question
Or at the very least, a lot of the time it feels like the writer is mocking the idea of a superhero comic while they're writing it.
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When will Skip appear in the Ultimate Universe?
Its not like manga is inherently spares on words, manga can be just as talky as comics. It just tends to let action speak louder than words in fight scenes and the like, showing the fight instead of having a single part of two dudes not hitting each other with the narrator talking up how impressive the punches that are not being thrown are.

And even thats not a hard rule, the other end of that spectrum is jojo where the narrator has to step in and basically go "To understand the move that is happening at this exact moment in time, lets talk about rayleigh scattering, its effects on the electromagnetic spectrum, and how that interacts with the Elasticisty powers of this character's stand. Only then will you comprehend how this move is being done and what the consequences will be if it lands."
>What can we take from the original appeal of American comics to synthesize with the good parts of the Japanese model?

Alternatively, what if we treated them more like books?

Hear me out. Imagine a world where Spiderman only has like 2 'issues' a year with months between them, but every 'issue' is ~200 pages and represents a complete slice of story with its own internal arcs that start, climax, and resolve within a single volume. No floppies, no splitting stories up into a chapter at a time, just one big slice of story that might still have an overarching story going on in the background between volumes but if you had this one volume all on its own as the only thing on your shelf it be mostly perfectly fine. Like a book: it might be one in the middle of the series, but you can still pick up and enjoy it on its own.
You'd probably pay like 30-40 bucks for that, right? Couple times a year? And with the extra time to devote to each issue, the can afford to make sure that the script and the art is polished up to quality levels instead of shat out to meet a deadline.
Lets say I want to read a cute romance comic from American publishers. My options are going to be shoddy, whiny looking trash or some shit for hipster boomers written by an old guy who peaked in the 80's.
I can pull our a random romance manga that will be forgotten when it's done and it'll just plain look better than what I see from American comics. show me a comic with hair drawn this nice.
I ask around for American comic recs and it'll be shit that looks like kid's doodles or really old-timey looking art that looks like copy art or instruction manuals.
>Alternatively, what if we treated them more like books?
That won't work because you just know the industry would be full of GRRM types who take a decade to put out a new book.
here you go.
NTA but
In the general sense, schools that frame reading as a chore backed by organizations like the ALA that put out reading lists full of academia-approved garbage that kills children's interest in reading.
In terms of comics, price and too much continuity. A kid's not going to afford to read comics that are $5 and isn't going to be able to buy enough at any price to keep up with crossover event series.
you made an acusation, i never said conservatives dont defund schools i asked you to justify the budget
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In the middle of this thread I took a walk to a thrift shop by me and found this book for a few dollars.
224 pages, retail is $12, full color. Scholastic knows how to sell comics. Even compared to manga it feels like a good deal. They've made 8 of these books and it's just one of many books they've done.
Now if only we could apply this model to comics for teens and adults.
Retail in general is a dying model. I don't disagree with you that assholes should pay for their collectibles comics (e.g. variants, etc.)/reading material, etc. but retail has only survived and is only surviving by offering consumers something else.

I personally go to LCS to support them when I know they have something I want (no longer books, but a few random other items, or when I am buying gifts), but some owner or employer who is an asshole or is pulling shit is not someone I'm going to spend money on/with.
>thinks ideology, morality, and ethics are the same thing
There you have it. Literally everything wrong with modern politics. The chrysalis of totalitarianism.
>either ask yourself what's stopping younger people from reading or shut the fuck up
They don't know how to read
Should comic book makers take back unsold stock like what happens with magazines?
Fucking hell, this looks identical to all regular American comics to me. Is the American industry really rusted shut so severely that regular, old cape comics with the same, old fugly art are considered groundbreaking just because they're not established characters belonging to megacorporations?
Well it's Peter Tomasi writing it, but it's not really superheroes. It's sci-fi, but it's not your standard Superman story.
Mate, I'm seeing costumes and powers. That's superheroes. I legit don't know why it should qualify as anything else.
The solution to problems caused by the government is less government, not more. Banks and real estate companies squatting on property to try and score some absurd deal from imaginary hyperwealthy investors get dragged into the street and beaten to death as the second step to fix the problem with the anti-business, anti-consumer price gouging happening across the world.
An anon who works at a library once talked about how American comics don't give kids what they want half the time, with more kid and teen aimed graphic novels being bland and safe.
ghost machine is basically the retirement home for people from the Big Two to go to, both creators and readers.
The Rocketfellers premise sounds like it's trying something differently (family from the future goes to the past and has to try to blend in!)- it sounds like a slice of life comedy with a twist, but then it turns out they're escaping An Impending Doom from The Future, so of course it'll end up them becoming effectively superheroes.
It's the same thing when they tried to diversify with New 52 at DC. They said they're doing war comics and horror and so on, but you read a New 52 Sgt. Rock comic and it looks and reads like a superhero book.
I stopped bothering with my pull list the week that they told me they couldn't get the newest issue of Green Lantern Corps (during the War of the Light era) because it was "sold out and they didn't order enough copies".

Like how in the living fuck does that even happen other than they didn't have any copies left, someone asked the clerk behind the counter, and said clerk went into the pull box and grabbed a copy from someones pull list.
Yes, why wouldn't you? If you're that paranoid that the store is going to rob you then you shouldn't be doing business with them in the first place.
>The Rocketfellers premise sounds like it's trying something differently (family from the future goes to the past and has to try to blend in!)- it sounds like a slice of life comedy with a twist

Ironically this sounds exactly like a SOL manga.
>ghost machine is basically the retirement home for people from the Big Two to go to, both creators and readers.
I was wondering about the age of the people involved, given that they treat a VW van as an old banger.
They were on the right track with the anthology books, they just needed better branding with them and maybe a better placement in the stores. That or maybe they should all Archie and try a digest line
You say government like its one single thing, its not. I don't disagree that too many governmental policies are serving the wealthy, but 'less government' is a fallacious answer. They'd just cut the programs that actually help poor people, and keep the ones that bail out the wealthy from their own risky investments. Because the core problem isn't the size of the government, its who that government has been warped to serve as its primary interest.
The answer isn't more government, or less government, but better government. Clip the strings that tie politicians to campaign donors, and suddenly the wealthy no longer pick who gets to run for office.
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That cover is supposed to be a tribute to this I think
what a weird thing to reference
While that might be true, American books end up with a lot more stuff that strikes the happy middle between for kids and for adults. I have my problems with the publishing industry and the infrastructure around book recommendations, but at least they're trying.

Plus >>144625929 is describing what Scott Pilgrim did, and that is still probably the single example of marrying Euro, 90s American, manga, and indie American comics into one awesome package. Other than like Raina of the Bay Area.
>even if those issues are densely packed with text.
>even if
You misspelled "especially when"
That's exactly what I mean. If it was just future family in the past, that's cute, could be fun, but now they gotta team up to fight a bad guy oh no!
lol I was going to say I don't think it's an age thing, if you want to depict a quirky old beater family ride it'd probably be an old VW van, like in Little Miss Sunshine
Then I remembered that movie is 2 years shy of 20 years old. Still I think the visual shorthand is still relevant enough. VW busses just look more pleasant than a modern SUVs.
You're being intentionally obtuse for no fucking reason. We're talking about policies that cripple and kill small businesses, not whether or not we should keep funding foodstamp programs. Kill the policies that make it impossible for any business smaller than Walmart to run a fucking store. Simple as.
The thing is I think that
>what can we take from manga
>what can we learn from books
ultimately skirt around to the same point; those things are designed to end. Capeshit isn't. Capeshit is, by design, about to be about a never ending battle of good versus evil that goes on indefinitely. Catharsis and conclusion are an anathema to it.
I don't understand why we can look at something like the Simpsons and say "after thirty years this franchise has grown too stale and should probably end" but then look at something twice as old in Spider-man and say it's fine to keep beating that dead horse.
I don't disagree that should be the end result, but those policy decisions don't exist in a vacuum. The policies that make it impossible for any business smaller than Walmart to survive were the result of a shitton of lobbying and political 'investment', and the people who were behind that lobbying work someone whose name rhymes with ball-mart.
You can't solve the problems caused by corporations owning politicians without unraveling that relationship first, because otherwise even if you did somehow manage to force through a fix for their current exploitative practice their would either find another one or come up with an excuse to quietly change the law back to the way it was a few years later.
We passed a bunch of shit to keep rich people from fucking over the economy for the rest of us after the great depression, and they spent the next few decades giving all of those protections the death of a thousand cuts. Putting us right back under their thumb so slowly we didn't notice it happening because we were distracted by other things.
Damn, now I wanna see the cute future teen daughters trying to blend in at school but failing to understand customs of the present in sexy and hilarious ways.

>Hi Jonathan we're here for the pool party!
>Huh? But I've already applied aquatic skin-breathing anti-UV gel...
::her sister walks in wearing the tiniest micro bikini::
>LOL sis don't you remember from the museum? People of this time cover their skin in absorbent fabric when using water entertainment.
I don't know how you've convinced yourself that's a conservative phenomenon. The purpose of education is to allow you to disagree with charming fuckwits, nobody in a position of power is going to back that.
I don't disagree at all, in fact one of the beneficial side effects of the 2 issues a year megaissue is that the stories by necessity have to become more standalone. More focus on the integrity of individual stories, less throwing random bullshit at you issue to issue with crossovers and megaevents.

I totally agree that stories should end, because the end of the story is what makes the rest of it meaningful. By all means keep the brand alive, but we should be on our 3rd or 4th Batman by now. Realistically we already are, goof silver age Batman and edgy Frank Miller Batman ARE different characters, and its dumb to try and pretend they are not by calling them both Bruce Wayne. We would legitimately be better off if MillerBat was a legacy character who donned the cowl after Bruce Wayne retired. And then we'd be on at least another new Batman after that by now.
I think that's a lot of what most American kids experience.
I experienced it too in high school, most of the graphic novels they stocked in the library were boring autobiographies and similar shit, while they also stocked stuff like Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Claymore, and Dance in the Vampire Bund an aisle over, like no shit the kids were more interested in one than the other, what fucking kid wants to read about some depressing WW2 illustrated memoirs.
We got enough of that in actual classes, reading stuff like Night and A Child Called It.
The simple answer is that Spider-man remained relevant through reinvention and Simpsons didn't. If you look at the most popular Spider-man media right now, the PS5 game, the MCU movies, the Spiderverse series, very little of it feels like the first 30 years of Spider-man. Stories that don't end aren't the main problem when books also have long running, unending series that have outlasted their creators. It's a distraction from the issue of comics not being properly marketed, distributed, or appealing. If comics were healthy, there would be room for short, creator owned IPs and long running ones.
Do something similar to what >>144625929 described. Sell them in volumes numbered in chronological order and release two or three every year. This also allows for lower costs in production and shipping, lower prices, and new readers to catch up without having to search for hours online and spend hundreds buying from resellers.
waiting years between new chapters is a good way to kill enthusiasm. You guys go
>muh euro comics
but european teenagers and upward barely read them anymore. It's kids and boomers. You need a way to release chapters online where people will see them, get discussion going, then do the volumes because people liked it enough to support it.
You go on /a/ and have people wishing weekly manga came out FASTER, because it's that popular.
>Stories that don't end aren't the main problem when books also have long running, unending series that have outlasted their creators.

"Long-running but unfinished" isn't the same as "stories that don't end". Long book series do have an ending even if the author dies before getting there. A Song of Ice and Fire is building to an ending even if God knows whether GRRM will ever actually write it all out. Capeshit is different in that there isn't and can't be an end. It's designed to be eternally ongoing.
It's not about that, dumbass. Stores either share information with third parties or pay third parties to handle it for them, making it a privacy concern and more likely to get info stolen. If your mom didn't buy all of your shit for your 30 year-old ass, you would know that.
>because there's no new audience
Man, I wonder how that could possibly be? Clearly, DEI and ESG can't possibly be the culprit. I guess we'll never know.
>Stores either share information with third parties or pay third parties to handle it for them, making it a privacy concern and more likely to get info stolen

Are you posting from 2004? Do you not know what a payment processor is and that they're used everywhere constantly now?

> If your mom didn't buy all of your shit for your 30 year-old ass, you would know that.

You genuinely don't seem to know how commerce works if you're shitting yourself over giving a store your card information.
>waiting years between new chapters is a good way to kill enthusiasm
Only if you have an attention span fried by TikTok. If you were right, manga wouldn't have ever been successful.

>You go on /a/ and have people wishing weekly manga came out FASTER, because it's that popular.
You contradicted your own argument and reaffirmed what I said in the post you replied to.
I use Spider-man as an example specifically because an example that came to mind: Rhino.
They do a story where Aleksei gets married, decides to go straight, gets tempted into going back to crime until Peter talks him out of it. It's great character progression. Then a little bit later just kill off his wife and have him relapse and be a supervillain again because fuck you this is capeshit.
Endings give an audience something to look forward to; even if you never reach them tat sense of build up to something generates interest in a way that the capeshit cycle doesn't. I means hit you cite the MCU but this is why post endgame MCU has been hemmoraging its audience; it's too much wheel spinning and no more real sense of build up to something.

Compare this to manga. I fell off a series like Don't Tease Me Nagatoro because it got stale as fuck, but I heard it's ending so I might as least check that last chapter
Why would you expect the shop to wait until the comic is there to charge you? You'd pay $4 right then and there, they give you a receipt and mark down your name, and when it comes in, it gets put in your pull box just like it does right now. You then come in later to grab your comics that are already paid for. Simple as.
>Do you not know what a payment processor is and that they're used everywhere constantly now?
Yes, that's why I'm said what I did.

>You genuinely don't seem to know how commerce works if you're shitting yourself over giving a store your card information.
I'm cautious because I know how it works. You have the technological literacy of a boomer.
The generational consequences are self-inflicted. Many countries subjected to slavery and colonialism pull their act together. No American alive today owned slaves or was a slave. Crawl in a ditch with your white devil dog shit.
I'm talking about book series like James Bond, or Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan, or other series that have outlived their author or have been handed out to ghost writers. Those are closer to what big two superhero comics are, and intentionally unending by design.
>why I'm said
Fucking dammit.
>I'm cautious because I know how it works. You have the technological literacy of a boomer.

Storing CC info is incredibly common in both online and real-world retail. You sound like some granny terrified of the Internet if you're this scared of a store having your CC on file. You really do seem to be posting from like 20 years ago when everyone was scared of shopping online.
>implying a household with both parents active in the lives of their children is a "white" concept
So this is the power of antiracism.
>If you were right, manga wouldn't have ever been successful.
But manga got big precisely because thee was a constant flow of it keeping people's interests. Delays do kill hype, people are willing to wait if the series has enough backlog or is high quality, but that only goes so far.
Something done frequently doesn't equate to something done right, midwit. Especially with everything IT and service related getting outsourced to Indians who do less than savory things with such information, you should only use your credit or debit when you absolutely have to.
Okay grandma, time for bed.
People will say they want more content sooner, but that's ALWAYS a good sign. It means demand is high, and your market wants more of what you make.

6 months before the next issue is a long time in comics, but its not at all uncommon in any other media. Books can take 2-3 years before you get the next installment or longer, even shows tend to take a year to come back on the air between seasons and thats a short turnaround.

Why should audiences be able to survive content schedules like that in other mediums, but its out of the question for comics?
>But manga got big precisely because thee was a constant flow of it keeping people's interests
You do that by engaging with the audience and encouraging them to express their enthusiasm with things like fan art or whatnot. It's similar to how LGS's stay open; they keep their doors open by renting table space, selling tournament and event tickets, and starting raffles. People want to talk about what they like as much as they want to buy it.

>Delays do kill hype, people are willing to wait if the series has enough backlog or is high quality, but that only goes so far.
That's why you pace the releases properly and give them sufficient length.
They have to adapt and bend the knee. Be a co.ic store that also sells TCG shit. TCG is booming with lots of old fucks like me who prefer paper over digital games.
Thank you for the concession saar.
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>It just tends to let action speak louder than words in fight scenes and the like, showing the fight instead of having a single part of two dudes not hitting each other with the narrator talking up how impressive the punches that are not being thrown are.

Are you insane? 90% of battle manga is dudes standing around explaining how their powers work. That's all tournament arcs are. It's boring as shit.
Because we're not talking about other mediums, we're talking about comics. And people are used to manga and regular releases.
As a /tg/ anon, let me tell you that might not be as safe as you think it is. MTG is setting itself up for a big collapse. Its making money hand over fist right now, sure, but by prioritizing short term profits over long term stability. You can keep escalating the power curve ever faster than before to bait people into buying the latest cards to stay competitive forever, and by completely abandoning previous restraints you kill your eternal formats. The most played form of Magic these days is Commander, an Eternal format.

MTG is going to hit a tipping point in the near future whether the bullshit they want to push will be a step too far for their playbase to want to keep up with, and by then the damage will already be done. Its the same sort of design decisions that made WOTC try to make DnD into a live service online-only platform, despite it being a game a computer has no need to ever been involved with. They are trying to structure their tabletop games according to video game cash farm logic, and people hate it. Nobody wants MTG to be Fortnite the card game, but Hasbro does.
/co/mblr strikes again
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What you posted isn't a fight scene. This is a fight scene.
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People shit on Ware all the time but honestly this two page spread has more 'sovl' and 'vibes' than 90% of the shit I see posted here, american or japanese. This is a great encapsulation of the single mother experience. The vague unmistakable feeling of loss and abscence in the single piece of toast, the empty chairs at the breakfast table, the distance between them both at the pool as the girl learns to swim and is starting to no longer need her mother but brought back during the dress tailoring as they get close and once again the empty chair shows the loss they presumably suffered.

Even without knowing what story that is from you can glean all that just from how he structures his panels and what he does and doesn't choose to show. He's very good at capturing that sad isolation of distance using the high angle 'god view camera'. Americans just don't read enough and think all comics are for children. Same as their animation which fits into two boxes, pure children garbage or juvenile 'adult comedy' which is always invariably super ugly and flatly staged. Japan and Europe have a much better market and audience for comics and cartoons. It's not that US comics are shit and there's no audience, the comics have just adapted to fit the audience that exists in the US. That's why they're mindless slop.
>Hear me out. Imagine a world where Spiderman only has like 2 'issues' a year with months between them, but every 'issue' is ~200 pages and represents a complete slice of story with its own internal arcs that start, climax, and resolve within a single volume. No floppies, no splitting stories up into a chapter at a time, just one big slice of story that might still have an overarching story going on in the background between volumes but if you had this one volume all on its own as the only thing on your shelf it be mostly perfectly fine. Like a book: it might be one in the middle of the series, but you can still pick up and enjoy it on its own.
That exists in the US market and it's incredibly popular. It's called the kids book market, and what Scholastic do. All of Raina Telgemeier's stuff is structured like this and she's the highest paid comics maker in the US. It's just the capeshit delivery system that sucks.
But it works
NTA but people want more of manga because they probably feel like the story in the manga is going somewhere. Regular updates are only a benefit if it's in a direction other than a circle. Weekly updates when it's just the same guys fighting the same fights forever ain't it.
That's nice, but I want to see people fighting. I'm dumb. Let me read dumb things.
> and think all comics are for children.
I wish, then maybe we could get American shonen jump instead of superhero comics trying to be adult and pretentious indie comics.
its cuz they keep stocking up to get ratio comics for people who dont even buy them.
>Are you insane?

Nope, that anon is right. One of manga's strengths is dynamic action. American capeshit tends to be pretty bad at that, with fights mostly being panel after panel of after-action poses.
You should probably follow along with the conversation. Anon suggested a series of books with a finite direction and endings. I have no problem with that. My issue is delaying releases for it 6-12 months a year instead of doing something like weekly chapter releases to show that the story IS going somewhere.
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We can play this game all day, for every good manga fight there are five pages of explanation of what just happened. Shouting out power names, explaining why the fire guy can superheat water to create steam to blind his opponent instead of just showing it and leaving it at that. Manga are fast food, they're quick and easy to read, visually simplistic with the appearance of complexity that isn't really there, no actual depth. They're focus tested to death via shit like shonen jump popularity polls and they exist on a constant wheel of dramatic reveals to keep you reading chapter to chapter. But nothing actually happens. They're pretty much exactly like capeshit, but better refined and marketed far better. Diamond and LCS are choking the life out of the american comics industry that's the problem. Remove that and let the comic makers actually tell stories and retire characters and we'd see a dramatic shift overnight. Let Peter Parker retire. Let Ben Reilly take over as Spider-Man in the 90s. Let Ben retire and let Miles take over in the 2020's Just let something fucking happen instead of Spider-Man #1 (volume 24) constantly rebooting and rewiping the character. At least manga pretend their shonen protags are new characters instead of making every one literally Goku again and resetting him in a slightly different setting for 60 years.
>The vague unmistakable feeling of loss and abscence in the single piece of toast, the empty chairs at the breakfast table, the distance between them both at the pool as the girl learns to swim and is starting to no longer need her mother but brought back during the dress tailoring as they get close and once again the empty chair shows the loss they presumably suffered.

Did you post the wrong picture?
I didn't know Steve Carell owned a comic shop
No I get that. I'm saying that frequency isn't as relevant as direction. People are willing to wait years between installments so long as there's direction. We need only look at franchises like Harry Potter for proof of that.
>American shonen jump

Why would you even want this? Shonen Jump exists. Shit like MHA is trying to be X-men, we don't need X-men trying to be Naruto. Let shit be it's own shit. The main reason the industry is collapsing is because all this shit is incestous. People are writing comics who only ever grew up reading other comics. And that shit has diminishing returns. When your story is just pulling things from other popular stories you don't create anything of value you just revive a Frankenstein's corpse of things done better in other places.
>Did you post the wrong picture?
No I'm talking about the picture in the post I'm replying to where Anon says Chris Ware is boring while posting an interesting page that goes directly against his argument that Ware is boring.

Can you not follow a conversation?
>People shit on Ware all the time but honestly this two page spread has more 'sovl' and 'vibes' than 90% of the shit I see posted here, american or japanese.

Nah. There's plenty of manga just like this and better, it's just not being published in Shounen Jump the same way Ware isn't published by Marvel. Most /co/mrades probably only know a handful of mega-popular shounen series and are unaware that there's a whole world of more mature and artistic manga out there. Can't really blame you, most Japs probably think every American comic is Batman too.
>It's not that US comics are shit and there's no audience, the comics have just adapted to fit the audience that exists in the US. That's why they're mindless slop.

It's not the audience. For generations the only comics allowed to be widely available in the US were childish capeshit. Sure there always existed underground and indie stuff but the average person only ever heard about or saw capeshit, so several generations have been trained to think comics = kids. It's the same with cartoons, the only ones that got on TV or in theaters were kid stuff so several generations were raised with the idea that cartoons = kids. In this case the US audience is kind of the victim here, brought up with an incredibly limited view of what entirely mediums are and can be.
Because I want to see cool people who aren't superheroes fighting.
I'm glad that comic about single mothers exists for you but I don't care to read it. In a better market I can read action and you can read comics about plain looking chubby moms but alas the US market isn't that.
>Still I think the visual shorthand is still relevant enough.
I disagree. It's one of those things I think stands out. Even the youngest of these cars are more than 50 years old. You barely see them anymore, and the ones that remain are usually well looked after. The shorthand of these types of cars as cheap and quirky is very old fashioned by this point. And if the entire thing is based on a liking for Little Miss Sunshine... that's retarded
There was a time not too long ago when the idea of putting something like Chipotle into middle America would be too risky, that people there were not ready for flavor.
That's kind of what I mean. People develop set ideas of what something is (food, comics, etc) and it's very hard to break them out of that. The US public's ideas about comics and cartoons were incredibly constrained for a long time so it's a very uphill battle to change their minds.
>You barely see them anymore
You barely saw them 20 years ago when the movie was new. Like you mentioned, the model stopped being made in the 70's. It just looks more visually appealing than actual, modern campers, including the newer VW Vans.
Plus being time travelers, the using an anachronistic vehicle seems like a gag. Like how people will mix up decades of fashion in period pieces the further you go from the current era.
I'm surprised as many comic shops stay around as is, even with TCG subsidization. Hell, even manga shops I know pivoted to wargames as physical manga reading has tumbled over the last decade or so.
People have been saying this about MTG for a long while now, but I don't expect it so soon. There has to be an upper number of players at some point at least, they've burned through a lot of their crossover material. Then again who knows, even with all the dogshit decisions they've made they still pull a lot of weight with hasbro as I recall. It's gonna be interesting seeing what they do when they inevitably start sliding in revenue.
You didn't mention them but it's worth noting that of the big 3, YGO is in a dire spot at game stores, at lot more so than the others actually. Apparently a lot of YGO releases were just dogshit and store owners have gotten repeatedly burned by boxes they can't sell even at lower than msrp. Even without considering that, YGO is notorious amongst the TCG community for having the worse fanbase with the most That Guys and cheaters and thieves, if a card game is banned at a store, it's YGO.
PTCG has been doing alright financially. Lorcana and OPTCG pulled in some too, so the TCG side of things is still doing a lot of work keeping comic book stores afloat
You're not going to. Manga thrives in large part due to a highly centralized and dense population that more or less is required to use public transportation for at least an hour or two a week. Manga has a captive audience. It's why all the major kids and teen magazines used the weekly format and put out the phonebooks, you buy one at the shop in the station Monday morning and toss it out Saturday evening. You want to replicate the manga industry's success and reach in America? Cram 1/3rd of the US population into the greater NYC metro area and force them to take the subway.
that is fucked wow
>it's not the audience, it's just the audience.
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My comic shop has been going strong for over 30 years. Let me tell you something, this image is either misleading or they had a customer buying EVERYTHING available for order. That number is too high to match only 3 months. So either the customer let more than 3 months of inventory sit, or the owner allowed the customer to subscribe to an absurd amount without laying down expectations.

Either way, owner is an idiot. Do you know why most comic shops fail? They're ran by hobbyists, not businessmen
>but alas the US market isn't that.
Largely because people like you want everything to be about fighting. You literally want the US to just make more shit aping japanese fighting shit. The US market is catering to you as best it can be making sure every comic is about fighting because other wise it doesn't sell. You're in the majority. You want action comics and that's why they keep making action the focus of most comics. It just happens that the easiest way to make action happen is to make every comic capeshit.
Try working on that reading comprehension, friend. I said the audience is a victim of controlled media. They don't naturally want slop but they've been trained for it.
>You literally want the US to just make more shit aping japanese fighting shit.
nah, sexy women is also good. With nice art that isn't boring realistic slop or simplistic doodles.
The superhero crap isn't what I want either.
Thing is even as a YGO player, MTG and we are not the real future. It's the younger people playing Pokemon, Lorcana, shounen jump TCGs especially One Piece. One piece TCG is insane how much some of the singles go for. Plus it's the only TCG I see that have events that are first come first serve for regular locals. YGO and MTG can die, and honestly we should probably. But still the TCG community is booming more than ever. I feel it's a direct reaction to everything being digital and not really owning games and shit. Steam can suddenly say you don't own games anymore. however You can't tell me I don't own this ultimate rare TTT I pulled last week from an OTS pack.
Why not take preorder money up front like every other business?
This does work. I started reading short stories again when I had to take the train to work. Short trips, only once or twice a week due to working from home. A monthly issue of Clarkesworld doesn't even cover that little (partly due to approximately half of all stories being unreadable garbage). I imagine this is also instrumental in Webtoons' success.
>Largely because people like you want everything to be about fighting. You literally want the US to just make more shit aping japanese fighting shit.
NTA but I think that's kinda disingenous. Some people want the western model to copy romance manga. Hell, even within shonen it's not all fighting shit; there's sports manga (I can count on one hand the amount of times people tried doing a sports comic) or cooking manga.
Shit being its own shit when shit is stale isn't any better.
That's very illegal. You should have reported them to the authorities.
>PTCG has been doing alright financially.
Pokemon Live has been doing horribly, no surprise. There are rumors that after the issues with power creep they've been having, they'll rework the game entirely, with Pocket being their beta. Two big changes are allegedly energy cards being in a separate deck and prize cards no longer being a win conditions.
>team can suddenly say you don't own games anymore. however You can't tell me I don't own this ultimate rare TTT I pulled last week from an OTS pack.
Until it's deemed unplayable. But at least you have a card with cool art on it.
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>Indie comics are full of artsy, pretentious bullshit aimed at "elevating the medium" but having no appeal to anyone who isn't in the mood to read an art comic.
read more comics
That image kinda looks like artsy, pretentious bullshit though.
He should be bitching out at Diamond for forcing overstock on him instead of blaming the last few customers willing to buy traditional paperbacks in-store and not on amazon.
terrible product don't sell, the consumer is at fault for some reason
It's suppose to be more "real" or "authentic."
>intentionally crudely drawn comic for comic nerds
No I've seen plenty like that.
Comic books are an impulse buy on sight like a newspaper. They die, like newspapers, because being relegated to specialty stores 20 minutes out of the way or subscription orders you have to hunt for doesnt fucking work the same way as a newsstand on every other corner does.
If your business is endangered over <$500/month, what the fuck are you doing?
It's a lot easier to watch a cartoon compared to reading, and everyone grows up watching cartoons. Less and less kids gave grown up reading comics over the years.
>. Less and less kids gave grown up reading comics over the years.
Scholastic says hi
In perspective, that about 3 weeks pay for someone making $12.25. If you can't see how losing the equivalent of 40 labor-hours per month would hurt a business that's a you problem.
your average grocery store probably has more than 100 customers every week tho

$500/month is like 100 unsold books, maybe less if they're events; it likely represents a mix of customers who ordered without looking at the price on a new title, customers who are living paycheck to paycheck and didn't make enough, and customers who fucking died because they weighed 400 pounds for 45 years

that's fair, except LCS don't really get walk-in customers, they get people who go to the store pretty much knowing what they want and what they expect to pay for it all

even if they are in a location that gets enough foot traffic to bring walk-ins regularly, a lot of them will simply look at the cover price of a pre-bagged title and move on, particularly if the art (cover or interior) is stupid or bad

then there's people who'll just assume that it's a collector's game because near everything is bagged, the place looks like a used vinyl place full of boxes of obscure crap you have to know what you want from, etc etc

putting stuff that's on a pull list out on the floor isn't the worst idea but again, real life gets in the way, if tubby had a heart attack and got hospitalized for a week he's gonna miss wednesday, so if you sell to fatty while tubby's on the mend, you don't have anything to sell tubby when he gets in the week after, and you may lose his custom permanently

but that really depends on whether these losses are absolute (nobody else wants the title) or deprecated (someone eventually buys them from the shelf/longbox even though the original guy doesn't) and can't have their value recovered any other way
>Explain the walking dead?

it sold a lot of volume 1, much less vol 2 etc etc

nobody normal is buying vol 17 or the recolors

> Explain the death of superman?

is that still selling? because it was almost 30 years ago and I got bad news about how the market as a whole went right after that
>Try working on that reading comprehension, friend. I said the audience is a victim of controlled media. They don't naturally want slop but they've been trained for it.
So you agree, it IS the audience. Thanks for playing.
I can understand how it would hurt an individual, but for a business that should easily be within the scope of losses/shrink for any small retailer save for flea market booths. And if it's not, that's a problem.

I know you're fat as shit and live with your mom, so you've never had to actually think about something zany like running a business, but a business buckling at the knees over an almost minimum wage salary loss is actually laughable. It's paper-boy level shit.
I agree, mtg did a lot for itself with arena but even now you just don't see many kids playing magic. It was about a decade ago for me when I was high school but I had never heard of MTG until then, it just doesn't have much kiddy appeal.
YGO's complexity (mtg is complex too at the upper ends, I know, but YGO's lack of official formatting means you it's default game format is basically MTG Legacy which would be fucked if you tried introducing a child or new player too) and back to back awful metas is hurting it too. Also worth noting anecdotally that YGO just doesnt have much of a friendly casual scene like most other games have, nearly every YGO player I've met aside from friends have played like regional hopefuls. So called "Pet Decks" just consisting off last meta's top decks or the like. It's very outputting for new players. YGO community is fucking weird, I don't know why it has this problem so bad compared to other card games, alongside the aforementioned thievery and bad behavior. I'd say it's the worst barring particularly bad personal EDH groups.
Ah, I haven't kept up with pokemon much at all. Is that the followup to PTCGO? I remember that being really beloved when there was no Arena or MD.
I don't think I'd mind the prize card thing, the game really never needed a snowball win mechanic. Playing the digimon card game made me realize the reverse with it's security system was much more fun and balanced where you get cards when you're losing.
>for every good manga fight there are five pages of explanation of what just happened.
And the point is that in the competition there's no good fights at all.
So between starving and getting SOME food, people go with the latter.
>paper-boy level shit.
anon selling comics is basically glorified paperboy shit.
MTG still brings in enough new people that it doesn't matter if the old people leave. Everyone who played in the 90s quit in disgust decades ago but it's still going. As long as they can trick new suckers into sinking cost they will be fine
The industry is being killed by DEI SJW garbage in modern comics. I threw my money at Gushing Over Magical Girls and Kobayashi Dragon Maid because they're cute and funny. The last comic I bought? Locke and Key. The one before? Transmetropolitan.
It's very disingenous. That guys a fag.
>worth of comics

and how did they determine the worth? cover price? ebay sales? much they paid when they ordered them? obviously comic shops don't pay cover price for the books they sell, they get them for a fraction of the cover price, and they also receive ratio "incentive" covers which they sell at a marked up price which typically covers the total cost of all the books so that every sale after that is pure profit.

now if i told you months ahead of time to order me a book in specific and i never paid for it and no one else wants it, thats a problem. however if you ordered 5x copies of something anyway and happened to have one pulled? what difference would that make? you think you could've sold it sooner to someone else? made that $2 a little faster? sure.. short term gains maybe. but if i always eventually show up for my books and i rarely change my mind on a pull? if you start poaching my pulls from my box and selling them to other people, its your right to do that, but its also my right to just buy my books from another source that i can trust will get me what i ask for and will understand i dont always have the time or money to pick up my books soon after they're published.

i know it sucks but if you're going to run a shop you should be mindful of the upkeep and overhead. if you're that much at risk of drowning its because you're struggling to swim in the first place. my LCS is a great friend of mine and although i know he doesn't want to wait 1-2 months for people to pick up their books, he understands when its not always convenient for me or others.. he can manage the upkeep and knows how to play his hand. if you dont talk to him and he thinks you're never coming back? yeah he'll sell them reluctantly. but its because new books sales aren't his primary or only source of profit.

they need to order books months before release, and they almost never order the perfect amount. either too many or few. OH WELL
They sure as hell take up less space
>take up less space

Why not just buy a fucking ereader and pirate all this shit?
As someone who has worked in a bookstore and at a LCS, let me just say this: the reason walk-ins don't occur at LCS is because they are generally disgusting, run down pieces of shit, in a shit part of town, and have no organization or method to the madness. Longboxes on longboxes, owners eBaying prices, employees treating you like shit, etc. If you walk into a comic store not knowing shit about comics, you will be most certainly be degraded about it.

Sure, that's not the case everywhere, but it's the case most places. That being said, the LCS I worked at used to hold books for up to a year. A year. They would just let pull lists fucking sit in the back, repeatedly, and the owner would even add stuff to them he knew they'd want. But if someone came in and wanted an issue, couldn't sell it because lol sorry in someones pull list, hope for a 2nd run!

At some point, owners need to start acting like business; clean environments, organized and easy to peruse comics, a modern pos system, etc. Tell people that you'll hold pull list titles for a week or even shorter. It's a business, not a friendship. Besides, perhaps missing some titles would get people to actually show up so it doesn't happen again.

Sometimes it's fun to own a physical thing that you cannot get banned from.
wow, we certainly don't have this thread once a week. I assume /co/ must get an influx of newfaggots every so often who like to constantly repeat the same overdone threads.
>I think Marvel and DC should publish more artsy shit today
They actually do in their minds. All those whiteblack pages in Marvel comics WITH... SINGLE...WORDS...THAT CHANGED...EVERYTHING WE KNEW....FOREVER is their poetic artistic era. For DC is shit like Doomsday Clock.
They actually think these are smart reads with artistic merit.
>You want to replicate the manga industry's success and reach in America? Cram 1/3rd of the US population into the greater NYC metro area and force them to take the subway.
They would just check their social media on their phone or talk with each other. Your idea is dumb.
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Shit like this is why I miss
>pic or it didn't happen

Asking for the person you're conversing with to verify their claims is a common sense internet habit, especially if it's an outlandish claim.
No offense >>144623806 but you need challenge the veracity of anonymous claims in here more often, lest you look equally gullible like pic related.
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Why would the store need my credit card information? I pay up front, he gives me a printed paper with a signature.

Look at OP, it's so that if you don't pick up your books they don't lose money. The same idea as paying up front
>You're right that capeshit pricing is insane but it wouldn't matter if manga was a better deal if people didn't first want it. Manga is just more appealing so it sells.
Now now, I guarantee that if manga costed twice as much as it does now, it would have way fewer buyers
free will is not absolute, the audience got to where they are because of some force, usually advertisers, conditioned them that way.
they could do counter conditioning, but they're focused on conditioning people to believe things not in the realm of possibility, an 8th fold of the paper that is the psych of humanity.
If you're going to be the kind of pedant who corrects people, at least be sure you're actually right, you retard. Please don't tell me English is your first language.
Why don't they just make you pay up front?
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>American comics have Sunstone
>the Japanese have Nana & Kaoru
What is the European BDSM romance comic? Asking for a friend, hahaha
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>Walmart should start selling comics again
They tried, pic related. Both DC and Marvel tried to sell comics in Walmart a few years ago. No one bought them so they stopped. Then they started stocking DC and Marvel graphic novels in their book section. No one bought them so they stopped. They also started stocking Manga which sold very well so they still sell it.

About a decade ago Toys 'R Us also tried to sell DC comics during the New 52 relaunch. No one bought them so they stopped.
Oh, and Walmart also tried to launch Allegiance Comics which were exclusive to their stores and weren't sold anywhere else. No one bought them so they stopped.

Also, the Marvel and DC comics they tried to sell were being sold at a discount.

Walmart probably has the highest foot traffic of any retail store in the United States, if they couldn't sell comics it's pretty much over. DC and Marvel are dead companies.
>at least be sure you're actually right,

Alterna comics does this

Nah trannies as in men dressing up as women and demanding everyone pretended they're female or they'll kill themselves. And female only gyms flopped because females wanna get "raped" by men they find attractive, i.e gym chads
My lcs got brain rot from politics and became unpleasant to interact with because he was always on edge, I closed my pull list two years ago and now only buying collections of old books and floppies pre-70s. I hope his shop closes and couldn’t care less about any other.
My shop guy decided to tell me for no reason that he got into a boomer Facebook argument over vaccines and how he believes in science. I didn't close my list specifically because of that but it made it a lot easier.
Wait can you even do that? Order something and NOT pay in advance?
I bet it's DC and Marvel doing it to boost sales.
Cultural baggage is too strong
These people who have dedicated themselves to selling funny books made for kids to adults for decades are infantilized and made me regret spending so much time and money throughout the years in the shop, just interacting with so many idiots who take entertainment so seriously and pretend it’s real world.
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5 bucks for 100 pages is a fair deal. I don't know what the problem is. Maybe Americans are illiterate. Maybe it was unrelated non-sequential issues haphazardly slapped together so that you don't get any kind of a real story out of it.
I mean... I guess its good that he believes in basic fucking medicine now but boy that has to be the most embarrassing way to change your mind. If a facebook argument is all it takes to change your mind about something that basic, I can only assume you are easily swayed and you'll change your opinion again the next time someone talks to you.
Look at everything around the box, anon. The problem almost certainly wasn't the material, it was where it was sold.
They just slapped a box of comics on their self of misc toys, next to the pokemon cards and a shelf down from random stuffed animal toy. The post after that has its comics being sold next to the plastic sports toys intended for toddlers too young to read.

Walmart absolutely has sections for magazines and books, even children's books. Why the fuck are these not there? Of course they didn't sell well when they are just slapped into a random free space in the middle of your toy section, no one who is looking for an action figure is likely to be looking for comics and the people who ARE looking for comics won't be looking for them next to the squirt guns.

The material inside the pages might have been shit too, I don't know. But thats not where this enterprise failed.
I got into comics as a kid because my mom would buy them on road trips and I would read them. I still have my copy of my first batman comic from 89 when I was five. My guess is most kids get into comics from movies/games/toys/TV. Comics are a tertiary thing to the movies and kids have more distractions in the car
No, it's the people who abused the audience. It's a sad thing.
>Sold in the toy section
>Not even by the licensed comic book toys
This is so retarded it almost seems deliberate.
They should be up front by the trading card packs at the very least.
Certainly it would affect sales, but I was responding to anon's implication that price is the sole factor and it's all interchangeable. I think even if Marvel and DC cut their prices in half it wouldn't result in all that big of a difference because people outside of the existing fans simply don't want what they're selling at any price. Manga is what's in demand now.
>Why buy a floppy when a few dollars more gets you a full volume of a manga?

I own more Western comics (very few Capes though) than manga, but have never bought a single floppy because it seems just so unpleasant to read.
I like picking up a comic/manga on my shelf and reading it, flipping through floppies in a box to find the next "chapter" just feels wrong

Also as >>144624042 said, the price is just not justifiable.
I'll wait for the TPB to come out where I'll have a better $/Issue ratio
Would it boost sales? I guess letting customers have free pull lists encourages them to pull more which in turn would encourage stores to order more issues from the publishers, but that would imply that Marvel/DC are telling the stores to do this. I think it's more likely what others have said: most LCS owners are fans with no idea how to run a business.
>Walmart absolutely has sections for magazines and books, even children's books. Why the fuck are these not there?

Did you not finish reading the original comment?

>Then they started stocking DC and Marvel graphic novels in their book section. No one bought them so they stopped.

Walmart tried putting them in the books section and they still didn't sell. No one wants them. No one is looking for comics.
>Cause I can buy "progressive" and sisterhood type older women thinking they can assault and perv on girls.
>Hell it's one of the two major reasons why female only gyms have been a flop and no one wants to talk about it.
Wait, what?

See >>144636719
I don't live in an area that has a lot of trannies, but one time I was in there and I saw two dudes wearing spaghetti straps and miniskirts. I couldn't wait to get out of there.
Considering how inept the pictures posted above make walmart look selling those comics as shown, I have no reason to believe they didn't fuck it up again somehow when they actually put them in the 'book' section.
I got into comics after playing the Spider-Man game on PlayStation. I had always been interested in the lore and the history of these characters, but really enjoying the game is what pushed me to start reading them.
>I have no reason to believe they didn't fuck it up again somehow when they actually put them in the 'book' section.

You do: no one wants American capeshit comics. You need to let go of this fantasy that if only they tried this One Weird Trick sales would skyrocket. They're not selling because there's no demand.
Superhero comics are lame. The writing is atrocious too. Would anyone normal want to read a bunch of inconsistent fetish junk?
Oh, I absolutely believe that. Comics have tanked their reputation for decades and there is no easy turnaround on that kind of loss of public faith and interest. They had the biggest chance they could have ever asked for with the MCU shining a massive spotlight on the marvel comics for the first time in forever, and they did exactly nothing to capitalize on that opportunity to cement a new generation of readers crossing over from the MCU. If anything they seemed actively resentful that anyone should expect them to try. They won't get another chance like that one.
None of this means that walmart was not also fucking incompetent at selling the comics they had, though. Both things can be true at the same time.
Agreed. We want *consistent* fetish junk. Fetish junk that's going places!
>based Rosengarten connoisseur
Based as fuck.
This "capeshit can't possibly sell, it's all about the manga now" argument always makes me scratch my head because My Hero Academia sells like gangbusters and it's LITERALLY a superhero comic. Not even a parody of one like One Punch Man, but just literally doing straight up normal capeshit with no twists to the formula at all. Clearly people aren't rejecting the whole concept of superhero comics wholesale so something else has to be the problem.
They weren’t in the toy section, they were in the pokemon and trading card section, which is way more popular than what remains of the magazine section.
My local Walmarts have started stocking more manga afterwords, but the comics failed even before that despite being in a popular section at the front of the store.
As for why? It’s the art.
People don’t want a bunch of grimacing 45 year olds with their faces covered in lines screaming and grunting in the covers, with gaudy colors and corny costumes
You can say it’s because they went woke or DEI or whatever, but you’d needto read and be familiar with the comics to know that, and most people won’t touch them because they’re visually unappealing.
When people complain about Capes they're not complaining about capes, they're complaining about the the fact that these stories have no begining-middle-end and need to constantly return to the status quo. How can one get invested in this?
MHA barely resembles actual superhero comics, it’s more a battle shonen with superhero theming. Things like training/ tournament arcs , vying for top rankings,government regulated school settings, etc are basically unheard of or rarely used in superhero comics.
I only know of a feminist comic company that shut down because the owner sexually assaulted some guy at a bar
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There MUST be some french or belgian or italian artist that draws that.
Apart from that, from the top of my mind and leaving the horny bastard that is Manara because idk if what he draws is bdsm or just eroticsubmission or whatever, Im not into sex, I would say picrel, Valentina by Guido Crepax, although is not BDSM per se, the plot of the comics are very surreal fantastic stories about... stuff...

Also I did read this french one-shot about magical subission and genderbend. No, no tranny shit, just plain "magic" stuff.
I think that's more true of Marvel than DC.
Is it? DC is the one with literal universal reboots that reset people back to starting positions. Marvel characters just sort of run in place. Both are bad, but Marvel doesn't advertise itself around how much it returns to status quo as a major event to be taken note of and be given its own unique name to distinguish it from the last time they reset everything or the time before that.
As much as "crisis" has become a meme, very few of them actually reset the timeline.
>The overreliance on these dying shops is killing the entire industry.
Comics is a low-margin, low volume, low consumer value product with a limited shelf life. It exists halfway between magazines and books and suffers the disadvantages of both.
The industry sputters on only because publishers have kicked a large portion of their business risk down to distributors, who kicked it down to retailers, who kicked it down to readers by enforcing a pull box/subscription system. The direct market is largely the symptom, not the problem. This is not a question of reliance, but of a lack of options. Publishers need to pick a lane, and fix the product. If that happens, existing channels will open their doors. There's no need to invent new retail models.
Alfred died and is still dead. He's not immortal like Aunt May. The Green Arrow status quo is pretty different now, Wally West just had a new baby, Superman adopted a pair of twins. I think the DC universe has more lasting changes than Marvel does.
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Never forget, DC wasn't even opposed to retooling Superman. Killing Logan temporarily was the closest we got in Marvel.
>The overreliance on these dying shops is killing the entire industry.
Lol yeah that must be it
>My local comics shop sells more than just comics
>It has grown so large its consumed the entire strip mall that hosted it
Nah its still comics that are the problem
>Killing Logan temporarily was the closest we got in Marvel.
And Captain America, and Thor, and Iron Man, and Hulk, and Cyclops...
So what I'm getting from this thread is that there are absolutely no changes to the industry, in either distribution or product, that will improve sales and comics are just doomed to die?
Manga apparently only sell well at home and abroad because of jap devil magic that won't work for U.S. comics for some reason.
I want to like cape comics, but it seems like the characters are never treated with any consistency. I'm a very casual reader, but even I notice when the writers change, character traits disappear, and plot points are dropped. It's frustrating.
It's because japanese art and writing is appealing and American art(really more European and Latin American art at this point) and writing are not.
I care anon, if people didn't call out blatant grammar/spelling errors then we'd all be talking like jeets and hoodlums in 20 years
That's what I meant by improving product, that's been shot down repeatedly iit.
Tbh the industry deserves to die.
As someone with otherwise no life and is happy to invest time and energy into appreciating video games, anime/manga, movies, books, TCGs, board games, pen & paper, etc., I've never gotten the appeal of comics as a medium and I can only conclude that it's a you-had-to-grow-up-with-it thing; it also seems confusing as fuck to figure out where to begin anyway.

I know no one person can speak for everyone but I figure if someone as open-minded as me doesn't "get it" then it was always going to be an uphill battle for comics to survive
A lot of people, here and sadly within the industry, are totally willing to tread water and not attempt anything to improve business. It's sad.
>No one complains about game stores
The fuck are you on?
People have been complaining about them for so hard and so long that most of them fucking died and Gamestops are dropping off the face of the Earth at about the same pace as WWII veterans and rhinos.
>there are absolutely no changes to the industry, in either distribution or product, that will improve sales and comics are just doomed to die?
There are plenty of changes that could save the industry. But you're seeking a solution from the wrong people. You cannot look to the source of the problem to solve it.
Why would comic shops fix comics? That would just mean comics penetrating the mainstream retail outlets, leading to more competition.
Why would the current crop of publishers fix comics? They're the ones making the crummy products. They wouldn't sack themselves.
Why would current comic fans fix comics? From their perspective, there's nothing wrong because they're getting what they want.
None of this is necessarily right, but it's their belief. They don't see a problem. Or, and this is the worse possibility, is that they do see the problem, but they're happy to ride the slowly sinking ship of the industry because they don't care about the future. They'll take what they can get and move on.
To save the industry, you need fresh people with vision, or a sudden outburst of humility to develop in the industry, so that they copy what does work for others.
Like 18th century Venice.
A city-state republic known for its industriousness and adaptability decided to sit on its thumbs for 100 years because the elites were comfortable and change was risky.
Then comes Napoleon.
And what's wild is that while change is risky, if the comic industry continues to do things the way they've always been done, the industry will just die a slow death. I think someone posted a link about DC trying to get their comics in Walmart and Target. Okay, that's something. I don't know if it'll pay off, but they have to at least try to win over new customers.
I agree
Rage against the dying of the light at least a little bit.
> Or, and this is the worse possibility, is that they do see the problem, but they're happy to ride the slowly sinking ship of the industry because they don't care about the future.

We know this is happening to some degree. I forget who it was at marvel, it was probably Slott, who just straight-up admitted that he will be in comics until the day he dies because he doesn't think he is qualified to do anything else. Sort of says the quiet part out loud: their goal is to ride this ship until it sinks because its the only job they know how to do and if they ever leave the insular comic nepotism bubble they're fucked. It doesn't matter if they are doing a bad job and the industry is dying so long as it doesn't breathe its last gasp before they have enough retirement savings to get them to their grave.
1) They should go all in on TPBs on those stores and not floppies. The modern collector likes nice books with a spine they can display on a shelf. Floppies fucking suck to display unless you have some rare collector's item to justify doing so and nobody likes ugly ass long boxes cluttering their spaces.
2) All the marketing in the world won't save them if shitty writing continues to be industry standard. Two or three standout capeshit stories every month alongside dozens and dozens of volumes of hot garbage doesn't work. The industry needs to clean house and start hiring writers based on talent and not on feelings, nepotism, and to meet quotas. The internal worship of former greats also needs to stop because many of them have gone fucking insane in their later years and apparently the industry will only acknowledge this fact for Alan Moore.
3) Iterations of characters need to end. As in stories and journeys ending. Nobody can ever truly get invested in the life of Bruce Wayne or Peter Parker if we need to keep taking big smelly dumps on their character growth every five years or so and all of their personal character growth and the friendships and romances and accomplishments they've had are all reduced to the mythical status quo in the most inane, sometimes insulting to the reader ways possible.
Everyone likes to compare cape comics to soap operas. A fair description that needs to die.
A lot of things seem to be like this nowadays.
You're retarded, your picture doesn't show even a quarter of what you're describing. And it looks like it was made by AI.
We said FUCKING GAMESTOP because the stores blew and acquired a monopoly. People look back on the stores before it fondly.
It is the culture of boomers to hold onto everything they can with a deathgrip you need a crowbar to break. Their jobs, their money, their house, etc. They were told the rapture would happen in their lifetimes, and many of them believed it, so they genuinely don't think that the state of the world after their die MATTERS, because their deaths will mark the end of the story and the book closes after they go to heaven. The idea that time could go on without them its a completely alien concept, how could it when they are so important to everything that happens?
>It is the culture of boomers to hold onto everything they can with a deathgrip you need a crowbar to break.
The current batch of people in the industry simply inherited it and ran it into the ground. People who think "it's their turn" are part of the same problem, a decade removed.
The cup half full side of this is that if the industry is completely reduced to cinders, the next people who come up must be builders by necessity.
The way comics works has become so ingrained into people's minds. People still cling to floppies.
I think floppies would be okay if they were cheaper and you could reliably get them in more places than specialty stores where you have to already be a hardcore fan if you go to them.
>order food at a restaurant
>wait until food is fully cooked and delivered
>‘actually, I changed my mind’
>leave without paying
He’s 100% in the right. You’re just afraid to admit it because you can’t face up to the fact that you’re a bunch of niggers. You’re killing the comic industry just like you killed Red Lobster.
He is correct, but comic shops are a pointless middleman when you can order comics online in advance, way cheaper than a comic book shop.
>The cup half full side of this is that if the industry is completely reduced to cinders, the next people who come up must be builders by necessity
When did life become a Fromsoft game?
So what you're saying is that what cape comics are missing is more sexy teenagers.
Well, when you're right, you're right.
>This "capeshit can't possibly sell, it's all about the manga now" argument always makes me scratch my head because My Hero Academia

"capeshit" here is short for "American mainstream-style capeshit". That's what doesn't sell.
>Alfred died and is still dead.

Look up The Outsider and think carefully about what you just wrote.
...now I'm imagining a comic series that starts on issue 100, with a fully planned out timeline of shit that happened in those first 99 issues but which were never once actually printed, but everything about the current run pretends it did. Editors notes referring you to issues that never existed, dialog callbacks you don't know the context for even if they seem like they should be important, hero origin stories that all of the characters clearly know but you only get allusions to and have to piece together yourself, etc.
>Killing Logan temporarily was the closest we got in Marvel.

Wolverine had bone claws for almost a decade, a hell of a lot longer than the electric Superman shit stuck around.

That's kind of the point: plenty of Big Two characters have gone through a Completely Different Everything's Change phase that sometimes lasts a while but inevitably they all revert back eventually.
>So what I'm getting from this thread is that there are absolutely no changes to the industry, in either distribution or product, that will improve sales and comics are just doomed to die?

Pretty much, yeah. But that's fine, we have 80+ years of stories to get through when it does.
>80+ years of stories
That's kinda why, I think. We don't need to buy comics. We have comics.
I think all art is heading that direction.
>Alfred died and is still dead. He's not immortal like Aunt May.

You really haven't read many comics before the 00s, huh
The shops are only dying because comic writers actively refuse to write for actual comic consumers
If a restaurant were facing an epidemic of dine-n-dashers then the logical thing to do is charge upfront. As many others have said above, this guy could ask for a deposit or even full payment in advance for the pull list service instead of letting i pile up and hope the customer pays some day.
It just feels like mainstream cape comics is done. They've done everything they can with the genre from every angle. Everything now just feels like retreads of ideas that were fresh and original 20, 30, 40 years ago.
I need to read and get into Wings of Fire. Seems good for a Teen/School book. In fact a lot of these Scholastic type books seem good and to the point to whatever subject they want to write about. It's simple and basic but IDC.
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Is this Satanic?
>Big two have completely sucked the life put of the medium
>Floppies are way too expensive
Those are your real problems
>3) Iterations of characters need to end. As in stories and journeys ending. Nobody can ever truly get invested in the life of Bruce Wayne or Peter Parker if we need to keep taking big smelly dumps on their character growth every five years or so and all of their personal character growth and the friendships and romances and accomplishments they've had are all reduced to the mythical status quo in the most inane, sometimes insulting to the reader ways possible.
>Everyone likes to compare cape comics to soap operas. A fair description that needs to die.
The problem with this is, who gets to say this is the last Batman or Spider-man story? No matter what you do people would feel unsatisfied one way or another. Frank Miller wrote one of the most influential comics as the last Batman story- it wasn't the first or second or third "last Batman story", and even now people would also look to Beyond or TDKR as possible endings, too.
You can say the original creators idea should've been the end..but those original creators invented these characters for the purpose of never ending, for the most part. Do you think Bob Kane(yes I know) ever wanted Batman to end? He'd have that be his meal ticket for life.
I don't even agree that the stories have to have absolute endings. I think there's a lot of comparisons to pro wrestling in comics, and there's not an ending to pro wrestling. There's endings to arcs, but the story always has to go on. Of course the difference is that there's always new wrestlers coming in and old wrestlers leaving, but the principle is the same. Cody Rhodes beat Roman Reigns, it was a great ending to a storyline, but now it continues with Roman's cousin seizing power within his faction in Roman's absence. There's never a point that wraps up every storyline and you can stop watching now.
>Of course the difference is that there's always new wrestlers coming in and old wrestlers leaving, but the principle is the same.

That may actually be the key difference. It's not just the unending stories it's that the characters for the most part are always the same. It's pretty rare to get major new additions as much as they might try.
>First and only time I've ever gone into a comic shop
>Some old senior trying to sell a box of comics to the store owner
"We don't buy comics we sell them"
>Old guys leaves disappointed, overhear shopkeep calling him a dumbass once he's out the door
>Buy 5 dollar Futurama comic and never once return
They had tacky stupid vinyl pop figurines and one box of the most recent pokemon boosters, worth nothing

Definitely going out of business, guy was also a fatass
This is where properly done legacy mantles should play their part. You can continue telling stories about Batman while still letting Bruce's story come to a close. The problem is the total lack of self restraint, or simply lack of oversight from editorial, in comics so you have established and popular legacy characters for years and then for some dumbfuck reason they bring back the original too and now the universe has to pretend that both Barry Allen and Wally West are 'The Flash' at the same time and it just gets needlessly convoluted trying to both pay lipservice to both of them and also have each of them pretend they are the only Flash whenever they are not literally in the same room together.

Miles Morales would not have been anywhere near so maligned if he was allowed to exist in the context of his creation: a world where Peter Parker was dead and Miles picked up the role of Spiderman in his absence. Putting him into a universe where Peter never left just made the character completely vapid and aimless.
The thing is Pro Wrestlers are mortal men and either die or retire eventually.
They aren't bringing Dusty Roads back for a new storyline no matter what.
Fiction doesn't have that restriction.
>It's pretty rare to get major new additions as much as they might try.

How could they bring in new characters when the old characters never leave? How many Robins can Batman go through as sidekicks and successors while never actually stepping down himself? The older, more established characters suck all of the air out of the room so the new characters never get the same chance to thrive that the older ones did. When Superman was just getting started, he didn't have to compete with Superman.
Its especially bad with the crossover megaevents, which tend to kill off new character for shock value since the older characters are untouchables. But also, what can the new characters even hope to DO in such crossover events? Half the justice league, tenured characters in their own right, might as well be window dressing because at the end of the day it doesn't actually matter what the threat of the year actually is, only Superman or Batman will ever be allowed to DO anything about it because they are brand image.
I agree. Mantel swaps can totally work if one character dies (or retires) and someone new takes his place. But it's retarded when in Marvel right now, there's two Spider-Men, two Wolverines, two Daredevils, two Captain Americas. I hate that shit.

DC was kind of heading in a good direction in the 90s with a lot of legacy characters coming up, but then they dumped all of that.
>They aren't bringing Dusty Roads back for a new storyline no matter what.

AI hologram Randy Savage 2025 WWE World Champion
>The older, more established characters suck all of the air out of the room
Any time they try to bury the older characters in favor of new ones it meets with backlash. Look at Hal Jordan. Editors knew the only way to give Kyle a fresh start would be to kill off Hal and not give him the Corps as a safety net.
One other problem is adaptations always going for classic versions. Cass replaced Babs as Batgirl for years, but Bruce Timm and the DC Animated guys all love Babs so they never used Cass. Thus Batgirl in all the adaptations for decades was still Babs even though she hadn't been Batgirl since 1988.
People weren't fine with Miles in the beginning at all, because his existence required Ultimate universe Peter dying. People have an issue with him existing, period.
>TCGs, board games, pen & paper
I've never gotten the appeal of these.
> No, the characters have to be mine forever! The whole of cape comics has to be MINE, FOREVER! Why should new readers get to have new heroes, fuck them I want to keep my toys.

There's that boomer culture >>144638771 was talking about.
But all the people on the board crying about Miles on this board aren't even boomers, or
>30 year old boomers
even. It's a lot of 20somethings who just hate miles fundamentally.
I'd rather put effort into promoting new work and repairing the cultural perception of comics then try to save the big two.
Make people pre-pay for them then retard.
Then sell them twice if they don't pick them up.
outside party: it's an alright page, I think if I was a bit more feminine and had a bit more time, it would resonate more.

I've never seen Chrisware before, but this art looks like a good gift for a non-comic-book friend.
He's the perfect "comics for people who think they're too smart for comics" guy. Be aware that all of his stuff has an air of melancholy so make sure that's the kind of thing your friend likes. Ware's work generally isn't a fun relaxing read.
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>Retard kept doing this until he was $1481.20 in the hole
>It's actually the consumers fault that this happened
Seems like in addition to deposits they could have a policy of "if you don't claim your list after X weeks we're releasing the books back into the general stock for purchase".
I mean, they could like, make good comics, and not twist the knife when they're charging for it. But they won't, for some reason.

I think it was a woman that said this on twitter, she heard from people at management or editors or something saying that.
That kinda reminds me of the 2000s Moon Knight run...
No one really wants legacies as "we still have Batman at home". No one.
People who say "they should just end this guy's story, IT'S ANOTHER ONE'S TURN" don't care for said comics at all.
No way.
No way what?
he shouldn't be buying the titles outright from the publisher to resell in the first place, it's not the fucking 1800s

just send them back unsold and in delivery condition and get the fucking refund like you would with any real publisher
>just send them back unsold and in delivery condition
I don't know what the situation is like post-Diamond, but retailers tend to pay for return shipping to distributors, and that's assuming the comic is even returnable. Most weren't.
>don't care for said comics at all.
It's like the guys who suggested Batman be like Kamen Rider and Ultraman with multiple, yearly Bat replacements
They literally don't like the comics and are just suggesting things they prefer.
if it's a title that's arrived and sat waiting under the counter for a customer, it's in pristine condition

with SOR you just send that back along with any other unsold copies and get your refund, but since LCS and comic publishers (aside from DC who, doomed as they are, are at least willing to give it a second shot now) don't use SOR, that LCS is getting screwed out of the cost of all those issues, whether or not there would be a shipping cost to offset the refund value

really the bottom line there is, if you're in such a small market that retailers can't be given very low shipping rates or affordable return shipping, market's fucked
also just to be really clear about what SOR means: most publishers don't want physically returned copies, they want the returns sent straight to the pulping mill for recycling, which means they get a cut of that to offset disposal costs, because it's still producing paper at the end of the day

so what tends to happen is if anything makes its way back to the publisher from the retailer, it's just the cover - proof that the title wasn't sold - and even those are eventually collected and pulped

but that assumes an admin cost at the publisher so a lot just take it on trust (which you may not be able to do in Idiots: The Market) and refund based on barcode scans of unsold covers, because it's relatively easy and cheap to work out who's not selling more copies than you're actually sending them, and relatively hard for the retailer to screw the system by autistically counting every copy they want to scan even though they sold them all

like 100 copies - 80 sales, 20 returns is a good level of sales over a month at a small retailer, but if you're getting POS data that says they both sold 81 and returned 21 it's probably human error and you write it off; if you're getting data that regularly says that, you suspect shitty fraud, and if you're getting "sold 100, returned 100" from the same retailer, you stop supplying them and sue; but even there you have to understand sometimes it's just a software glitch that everybody has to spend time tracking down

glossy magazines can do it that way so there's no impediment to recycling floppies or trades that way either; there may be problems with POS data in stores that aren't set up for that (though in 2024 that's unlikely to be more than a handful) but it's still doable

they just don't
The passing of The Flash mantle from Barry to Wally was a natural and well-deserved change, until DC retconned it. They've had plenty of opportunities to naturally allow Dick Grayson to take up the mantle of Batman from Bruce in a way that would please everyone, and they continue to bungle that as well.
It is. It's a quality fantasy adventure with some surprisingly dark material. And each book has a different PoV character, so it stays fresh longer than average.
>People who say "they should just end this guy's story, IT'S ANOTHER ONE'S TURN" don't care for said comics at all.
Are you implying that comics fans literally can't handle multiple continuities? Hypnotized TV kiddies 25 years ago could enjoy Batman the Animated Series and Batman Beyond at the same time, but grown-ass adults with fandom wikis can't handle 'here, bruce is young and batman' and also 'there, bruce is old and not batman anymore' at the same time?
have people pay up front then. problem solved. you're welcome.
It's cool when it's Batman and a successor. Maybe one or two. Buy when you make Batman beyonder or Batman beyond beyond it gets to be stupid. Especially if it steps on a character like Terry's feet by not letting him get new material.
Could someone post that one SpongeBob panel from Free Comic Book day where he talks about how the industry has cannibalized itself?
This thread again?
No, I was responding mainly to the first paragraph.
You're kinda right about the ultimate line being for going wildly off status quo but as the sales drop proved, even then no one wanted "Spider-Man, but not really lmao" with Miles.
I care as well.
You're right. I don't are for said comics anymore, because they're stale and boring and predictable. Did anyone here actually think Bruce and Selina were really going to get married? Did anyone here really think Aunt May would finally kick the bucket? Because you have to be a special kind of retarded to take the bait capeshit leaves out at this point.

In another thread people are complaining because Marvel wants to add QR codes to hide spoilers. Why complain? I'll tell you the spoilers right now: Nothing Happened. Nothing EVER happens.
>Miles Morales would not have been anywhere near so maligned if he was allowed to exist in the context of his creation: a world where Peter Parker was dead and Miles picked up the role of Spiderman in his absence. Putting him into a universe where Peter never left just made the character completely vapid and aimless.
That's demonstrably untrue though. He was maligned from the start. His transition to 616 barely increased the tenor or frequency of the complaints.
>The problem almost certainly wasn't the material, it was where it was sold

You are 100% incorrect. Walmart tried multiple spots in their stores over the course of a few years:
>beside the toys in the toy section
>beside the Pokémon/Yugio and sports cards collectors section
>beside the books/magazine in the gift card/newsstand section

The DC and Marvel comics failed to sell in any section they tried an this was from about 2015 to 2022 during the peak of the Marvel and DC movies popularity.

Absolutely no one wanted to buy them, there's no other explanation.
no one droplet thinks it is to blame for the flood
Comic shop still attract steady amount of White men with Retirement funds. The entire American comic book industry is relying on 1950s to 1980s nerds.

ahahahahah literal dying business
cry moar
>just send them back unsold and in delivery condition and get the fucking refund like you would with any real publisher

The foundational principle of the Direct Market model is that retailers can't do this. They can't do returns like with regular publishers. It's one reason why the industry shifted to this model, it pushes all of the risk onto the retailers.
I suspect even if Walmart put Marvel/DC in a giant display right at the entrance it wouldn't increase sales all that much. Some /co/mrades just can't comprehend that most people don't want American capeshit at all. It's not price, it's not availability, it's not visibility, it's an utter lack of demand.
>it pushes all of the risk onto the retailers
In return, retailers pay 40~50% of cover price. In other adjacent retail industries, wholesale price is around 60%. This is a mutual compromise reached decades ago, and publishers aren't screwing over DM retailers, aside releasing unreadable unsellable books.
The real problem ultimately goes back to the floppy. It is a periodical/magazine designed for limited shelf life, but transacted as if it were a premium item. Publishers don't want returnability because these things fall apart, yet comics don't have enough sales volume to be subsidized entertainment that magazines should be. (Ironically, streaming television is going through the same problem - every premium streamer not named Netflix is losing to subsidized streaming like Tubi and Youtube.)
Maybe you should change your business model.
Yes, and it's killed the industry. It was never sustainable. Stores are closing and there will be no outlets at all for comic books within a decade at this rate. SOR would be nice but there aren't enough stores left or the kind of stores needed to rebuild the market. Publishers are putting out too many titles to enter general retail with SOR as the standard.

The fault doesn't just lie with the publishers, it also lies with the specialist retailers who refuse to stop acting like stores are extensions of their personal collections. Lot of hoarders in LCS ownership. For all the complaints about how broken the model is and how terrible a lot of the titles are, the only people doing anything about it are the minority who just give up and do something else every year.

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