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>Begins with Deadpool digging up Wolverine's Adamantium skeleton and using it to fight off the TVA.
>Flashback to Deadpool using Cable's time travel device to go to MCU and ask to join the Avengers. Happy Hogan turns him down.
>Wade has broken up with Vanessa. He feels like a failure and has quit being Deadpool to work as a car salesman.
>Wade gets captured by the TVA during his birthday party and introduced to Paradox, who explains that his universe is dying because it's anchor entity Wolverine has died.
>Paradox has developed a time ripper device to insta-kill universes, and wants Wade to help him test it in exchange for sending Wade to the MCU like he wanted.
>Wade refuses to leave his friends to die, steals a TVA universe-hopping device and sets out to find a replacement Wolverine.
>After going through several options (Patch, Old Man Logan, hairy manlet Logan, Henry Cavill Logan, crucified Logan, brown-and-orange suit Logan about to fight the Hulk) he lands on Punished Logan and takes him back.
>Paradox reveals this Logan is a fuck-up who failed to save his X-Men because he was off getting drunk, and tosses Wade and Logan into the Void.
>Logan and Wade fight, then get approached by Chris Evans as Johnny Storm (Wade initially thinks it's Captain America) before being captured by the Marauders. Logan slices Sabretooth's head off, Pyro prevents Johnny from flaming on.
>They are taken to Cassandra Nova, who rules the Void. Wade tells her some nasty stuff Johnny said about her. Nova kills Johnny and summons time-eating monster Alioth to eat Wade and Logan, but they manage to escape.
>Wade and Logan run into Samurai Deadpool (no scars) and Dogpool, and instructs them to seek out the Resistance in the borderleands.
>Wade and Logan steal a car and reach the borderlands, where they get into another fight before meeting the Resistance led by Laura/X-23 and formed by Wesley Snipes as Blade, Jennifer Garner as Elektra and Channing Tatum as Gambit.
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>Turns out Paradox put Nova in charge of the Void on the condition she prevents anyone from escaping. He wants to take over the TVA and feels like insta-killing irrelevant universes will consolidated his power.
>The heroes formulate a plan to use Juggernaut's helmet to block Nova's telepathy. During the raid on Nova's fortress, Gambit, Blade and Elektra all die.
>Wade and Logan manage to disable Nova, and find out the TVA tossed her into the Void as a baby because she was too dangerous. Logan assures Nova that Charles would have loved her and lets her touch his mind to see it's true.
>Nova does a face turn and opens a portal with her Infinity Sling to let Wade and Logan return to Wade's universe. Pyro, who was a TVA mole, says she broke her deal with Paradox and shoots her, but Nova survives and summons Alioth to eat everybody.
>Wade and Logan make it back, but Nova follows them. She decides to use the time ripper to send all universes into the Void, and summons an army of Deadpool variants to help her. Wade and Logan fight them all off (this is when Logan wears his mask).
>Wade and Logan save the universe, while Nova is disintegrated by the time ripper. Hunter B-15 from the Loki series arrives to arrest Paradox on Loki's orders, and allows Logan to stay on Wade's Earth, as well as bringing Laura there as well.
>Movie ends with Logan and Laura partying with Wade and his friends, and Logan encouraging Wade to reunite with Vanessa.
>Mid-credits is a series of BTS videos of the making of the Fox Marvel movies, including the X-Men and Fantastic Four movies (even Fant4stic). It's a homage/sendoff to the Fox-Verse.
>Post-credits is Wade at the TVA pulling up the footage of Johnny shit-talking Nova (early on it's implied Wade lied about him having said it).
Sounds awful
If this leads to Matthew MacFadyen being the new lead villain of the MCU I'm all for it.
Why would Laura abandon all her mutie friends who need her?
She is alone in the Void. Plus they're all older now and presumably safe in Canada.
He’s a skinny fuck
Some of them might even be in Beta Flight or Alpha Flight.
Wait I don't get it
Wade didn't go to Earth-MCU in the end?
Nope. Earthpool still exists. I presume it is the same universe where Photon got stranded in during The Marvels.
Presumably they could also all be dead and that universe is worse off than before
Isn’t Deadpool from the same continuity as the first x-men movies? Does this mean there’s 2 Hugh Jackmans in the same Earth?
I like that Wolverine wearing his Mask is the culmination of his arc. No shoulder pads though I'm guessing?

Is there a third act flashback showing punished Logans teammates?

Are any of these 4 played by their original actors?
Toad, Lady Deathstrike, Callisto , Azazel

Was that black guy sticky fingaz blade?

Are Glamorous by Fregie , Iris by Goo Goo Dolls, I'm with you by Avril Lavigne played during the film?

Does Pyro have an IPod?

Does Evanscene bring me back to Life play at any point?
Wesley Snipes has a history of being an abusive asshole, so he probably needs this to look good in front of others.
Guess he replaces TJ Miller as the asshole actor of the film.
>Isn’t Deadpool from the same continuity as the first x-men movies?

>Does this mean there’s 2 Hugh Jackmans in the same Earth?
One is already dead.

No pads.

Nope, they only talk about what happened.

Toad yes, the others no.

No Sticky Fingaz. They even have a gag where Snipes Blade boasts he's the only Blade, then Wade looks at the audience and says "nobody tell him about Mahershala Ali."


I don't recall.

Shame there are no pads. Secret Wars better bring the pads.

Wonder if punished Logans teammates were originally intended to be shown.

I'm guessing the reason why only Toad is played by his original actor is due to him having a slightly prominent role while the others are essentially in the Background. A little odd Kelly Hu isn't playing Lady Deathstrike regardless of presence considering how much she enjoyed portraying the character.
Wasn't this supposed to have big implications for the MCU?
>Paradox has developed a time ripper device to insta-kill universes
And eventually the TVA creates a mutant cyborg to do that.
Yeah it doesn't really seem like much has changed. Is the implication that the Fox character can travel to the MCU and be in Secret Wars? When are they actually going to finally recast the X-Men? I thought that's what everyone was looking forward to when Disney bought Fox.
Might've changed things in reshoots.
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Wow who would've guessed the director who made Free Guy would've made a nothing soulless film that's entire selling point is fake nostalgia
>posting fake spoilers
get out of here Marvel
>Nova kills Johnny and summons time-eating monster Alioth to eat Wade and Logan, but they manage to escape.
How the hell do they manage to escape? Neither one of them have magic to control Alioth like how Loki defeated/escaped.
At least half of that is real because IGN mentioned it during their spoiler review for the first 35 mins they watched last week in the tests.
The post credit scene is already on YouTube.
Sounds pretty based to me. I'm buying the popcorn bucket for penor.
That would be a wild connection but that show ended before the TVA were introduced via Loki
Do we know if the worlds are restored or the dead heroes are brought back to life or if they are variants or the precise versions from the movies? Because it would suck if they are dead and their worlds are.
And it makes no sense to say that Deadpool takes place in the Logan universe or the other X-Men and Wolverine movies take place in the Logan universe. I mean minor canon issues aside, there is another Deadpool in Wolverine Origins and he didn't have that past in the first solo movie. And then we had the rebooted X-Men in his second movie. Juggernaut's totally different. Would be the cleanest option to say they are all different dimensions.
Capekino is back on the menu.
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Thank you. You just saved me not only time but money as well. Here's a reward.
I wish we got a Legion connection
Post it then faglord.
>his universe is dying because it's anchor entity Wolverine has died.
Miguel was right about canon events.
wtf is dogpool
You know what's fucking HILARIOUS and beautiful? The irony here considering what Snipes put Reynolds through on the set of Blade Trinity.
World's ugliest dog got a part in the movie where it plays a variant of Deadpool
>Wade has broken up with Vanessa. He feels like a failure and has quit being Deadpool to work as a car salesman.
Found Zeb's contribution
NTA but if you search on youtube by upload date you can find some stuff, anything actually spoilery or worth posting gets deleted from youtube ASAP, especially stuff that has audio. Best you will find is a thumbnail showing a blurry picture.
>No FOXmen
Wasn't Cyclops on set? You're getting Pyro, Sabretooth, and Toad
>Wasn't Cyclops on set?
It was fake.
>Pyro, Sabretooth, and Toad
They're X-Men villains. I wanted Scott, Storm or Rogue at least. Not Jean since she's bogged for some time and tranny pryde is a no-no
Anna Paquin has some disease and she's real frail looking so there's no way she was going to be in it. A shame about no Cyclops or Storm
I think the issue is that this film is a sendoff to the entire FOXverse, not just X-Men. That and Logan running into variants of his former teammates would have lessened the impact of his loss, no?
isnt there two lauras now .An older one and a young one
That's certainly Plausible.

Maybe that'll be confirmed in another project

Yes it is. And I can't wait to watch it.

True but why not show how they died in a flashback?
Does Dafne dress like a whore and show her lickable tummy? Please bros, I'm so horny.
>Wade has broken up with Vanessa
>Gambit, Blade and Elektra all die
I'm not watching.

>then get approached by Chris Evans as Johnny Storm
>Wesley Snipes as Blade, Jennifer Garner as Elektra and Channing Tatum as Gambit
>(this is when Logan wears his mask)
I'm watching.

I'll just wait till those specific yt clips pop up to watch em.
The reviews are pretty middling, I wonder if audience reception will be the same.
Anchor entity sounds like the most retarded concept
What happens when they die of natural causes?
so no mention of Quicksilver then? Leakers were bullshitting this entire time??
Audiences will love it, fanboy critics are loving it, serious critics are split or hating it. Par for the course for this type of movie.
gay and shitty. Shove your multiverse up your ass.
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No Tobey? Come the fuck on. And why do they love killing all the cameos ALL the time?
>Audiences will love it, fanboy critics are loving it
Will all the inside baseball jokes that fanboy critics love hit with the general audiences? The general audience doesn't even know about the studio buyout stuff.
Will marvels best clock sleeve appear?
>Will all the inside baseball jokes that fanboy critics love hit with the general audiences?

Yeah, they're not as alienated as you think.
Yeah I agree, I domt like this Vanessa break up plot, fucking dumb, especially since her and wade were some of the BEST parts about 1 and 2 (to me at least)
anyone got a pic of gambit?
They are really going to make us wait for secret wars :(
It reads like it's missing something.
So Earth Deadpool is the definitive X-Men earth?
What a waste of Chris Evans then
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Gambit looks slick
My fartfu
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I don't like that either but I'm glad there really good friends with little to no bad blood between them.

Yes they are.

Are these real images from the movie?
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Is the Mask practical or CGI?
I've seen none of the X-Men movies besides Deadpool and Deadpool 2. Which ones do I need to see for the sequel? Just the ones with Hugh Jackman?
Looks like Hemingway.
No, he thought that specific events were necessary, when all that matters is that a specific person is present.
Fucking hell this shit is like Dr. Strange all over again. What a fucking shitshow

really we were just looking forward to not having any more x-men movies
fuck me that made me smile
cavill would be a really good wolverine in the mcu
i don’t think this is real. disney doesn’t allow smoking in their movies.
Really he is just a joke about Cavillrine?
They arent moving over till secret wars
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holy kino
From what I heard they were ordered to plug MCU stuff like Captain Marvel and She Hulk filmed that stuff and Reynolds eventually rebelled and cut it
This shit so ass and Cavill can't act for shit lmao
based ryan.
what the fuck?! the rumors are real?! or is this some advanced Photoshopping over AI?
they could at least paint his eyes black
some mothafuckas always tryin to ice skate uphill
Jackman looks incomplete without the blue shoulders dammit
Looks awful too. But it's gonna make a ton of money because MCU fans are slaves to their consumerism.
Okay, right out the gate it sounds like they picked a really annoying version of Logan to use.
>awkward moment
>pop song

Reddit the movie
yeah and you’re gonna remain a fat incel who jacks off to cartoon ponies.
Gambit looks like SHIT
I’m so mad I can’t believe it
I saw an image of original costume Thor leaning over Deadpool. Wonder what that's about?
Reports are coming in that some of these cameo screenshots may be completely fake, specifically planted by the studio to fuck with people. Damage control, or is that why the Tatum Gambit photos look ass?
I'm a volcel actually, but the difference between me and you is that I don't have to pay to indulge my bad habit.
2028 anon
Who plays Lady Deadpool in the film?
Maybe it's Damage control?
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Sounds awful. I already wasn't on board because I am extremely tired of Jackman Wolverine and I thought Logan was a good send-off for him but this sounds like all of the annoying parts of cape films turned up to 11.
I am so goddamned tired of multiverses.
>Wade has broken up with Vanessa
>MCU TV connections
Yeah, fuck this.
I doubt they'd go that far. But it does looks like unfinished vfx.
TJ Miller is a degenerate rapist
Nice consensus crack, Mossad. Only good for about the next 12 hours, sadly.
It's your own fault if you're too lazy to put in the homework. The interconnected nature of the MCU has filtered almost as many normies as the comics at this point. I hope these keep bombing (even though I like most of them) so we can go back to $10,000,000 kinos and forego the lowest common denominator standard even further.
I was actually kind of hyped, but not so much now. Not even a proper cameo for the X-Men? Fuck's sake. And that third act sounds like a total wet fart.

Oh, NOW they give him the proper hair? Fuck's sake.

Almost thought that was Mark Ruffalo for a second.
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Is that an actual shot from the movie? I have heard Wolverine's mask is CGI in this but that looks like bad photoshop, though Thor's mask in one scene of Love & Thunder looked about that bad.
why does Channing tatum gambit look so fucking moon faced and fat?
who the fuck asked for fat gambit?
>Sticky Fingaz replaced Wesley Snipes in the main Blade universe timeline after the events of Blade 3
he got cast as gambit for the failed solo movie 11 years ago when he was still in his magic mike physique. it was now or never.
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what lame casting, even during his prime his body type is completely different from Gambit's. he's way too square wide and stocky to play a character who is tall, slim and long faced.
it's like casting a 6 foot+ actor for wolverine- oh wait
It's always amazing to me how hard that Gambit solo failed to materialize. They were really banking on it too
i disagree. he looked perfect back then. he literally has the exact same facial features as the art you picked.
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>Samurai Deadpool
his official name according to all the mobile games (Strike Force and Future Fight, maybe more) is Handsomepool and he's a "nice Deadpool." whatever that means.
That looks terrible.
Damn, this Huge dude is Jacked Man.
>dcfags already seething at the next billion dollar mcu movie
how about you worry about watching superfag and leave good cinema to the grown ups.
Watched it, have correction and addition

-Resistance is not killed, they’re last shown all alive and it looks like Alioth ate them but X-23 was there too and she’s fine in the end. Deadpool asked black lady to send them home so that’s probably what happened to them.

-it’s mentioned that cassandra already killed punisher (“which one there’s five” says deadpool), magneto (melted his helmet which is why they have to get juggernaut’s), daredevil and strange (she took his ring)

Blade said he’s the one and only blade

Deadpool says they’ll make jackman do wolverine till he’s 90
>imagine hating fun
sounds like a reddit opinion
while everyone is laughing their ass off opening night and talking about it all day the next day you'll be crying on reddit watching the live box office numbers rise and rise.
Shut up sir I'm waiting REBEL MOON - ZACK SNYDER'S CUT that will be 10000000000x better than this.
Also I’m not 100% sure but I think the making footage montage excluded the last dark phoenix movie for some reason (I think the list in credits went up to apocalypse)

And I also noticed something about red skull in the credits but don’t recall seeing him in the film
I'm skeptical about the new Superman movie being good but at least he won't be wearing a CGI mask.
>Deadpool says they’ll make jackman do wolverine till he’s 90
he was already way too old for wolverine in this
like with bruce willis it's just sad seeing him in the same role again and again
it's a DC movie, can they even afford a CGI mask on their CW ahh budget?
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At least the actor learned to fly.
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E-ticket from my cinema’s app as proof I watched it

And yeah the rest of OP’s spoilers are accurate
Knowing Gunn I bet Foo Fighters - Learn to Fly is on the soundtrack.
what is the post credit scene? what future movie or character does it tease?
Did you liked it?
why is all the promo shit for this movie gay lgbt shit? I know deadpool is a faggot but why do they keep shoving it down out throats? why is being gay deadpools main shtick now?
There's a mid credit scene of behind the scenes stuff from the Fox movies. Post credit scene is just a joke to do with Human Torch getting killed, doesn't tease anything.
yes sar robbari bitch bastard i’ll be rebel gooning for 18 hours straight with the google play card
oh so it's a skip then? thanks, you save me $20
it was very mid, not worth the hype. but it's obvious now why they're going overboard with the marketing, they can't afford it flopping.
Even if the credits scenes teased something cool they'd be on youtube in a day anyway, why spend money just for that?
If it's mid like the first and the second, I'll like it.
>i don’t want to see a movie unless it’s an advertisement for the next movie
Just like cape comics started to ran out of ideas and resorted to make "comics about comics" now the movies do the same and resort to make "movies about movies" Amazing, epic even.
People already posted it but to elaborate,

When they first meet Cassandra they have Human Torch with them and Deadpool goes on for like 3 minutes nonstop about how Torch was badmouthing her the whole time and he kills her, and Wolverine keeps saying that Deadpool killed him (at this point it's implied that Deadpool was lying). Deadpool says that Chris Evans costs too much anyway.

The post credits is Deadpool in the TVA HQ showing a flashback to Human Torch actually saying all that stuff and he didn't make it up.

That's it. No teasing anything.

I would not call it a good movie but I'd say it's better than all the other post-Endgame MCU movies.

Very crude and immature and the majority of jokes feel like they're written by someone who thinks they're a lot funnier than they actually are.

The callousness with which they treat characters like Human Torch was very reminiscent of Multiverse of Madness and it felt like they've learned nothing from it.
It's amazing to watch the Raimi Spider-Man movies which are about a poor dweeb trying to hold down a job, get the girl, and save the city at the same time. These movies have gone so far up their own ass that they don't even register as metaphors for anything human anymore.
The only things I can say that I liked about the movie are Wolverine's costume (just his costume, as a character he's mediocre) and Gambit (who has maybe five minutes of screentime tops).
>Wolverine's costume (just his costume, as a character he's mediocre)
Even the mask? It look terrible in the leaks.
The white eyes look weird but I like it more than most half-assed attempts to make superhero costumes look "realistic" or "gritty" by turning the saturation down, which includes all of his previous costumes.
I saw someone on twitter say that Daniel Radcliffe is in it and does a good wolverine voice. Is it true or was the nigga just lying?
One Henry Cavill and the rest is all Jackman so no.
I was kind of hoping they'd stick to the Chadpool nickname. Shame.
Ah okay thank you for clearing it up
... so MCU fans?
"Nicepool" is a Deadpool variant who's an obnoxious vegan "nice guy" (think bike cuck)

He "lends" (gives) Deadpool and Wolverine his car and later on shows up along the rest of the Deadpool variants and technically teams up with them but he can't fight and Deadpool just uses him as a meat shield and gets him killed (he has no powers at all including regen) just so that he can steal his gold guns and pet dog (Dogpool).

The guy's a pretty unlikable character but the unproportional callousness with which he's treated also feels very Multiverse of Madness.

It's very mean-spirited.
Seems fine to me. Nothing that made me go "WTF was wrong with them"
pretty weird seeing alt-right demoralization grifter bullshit ideologies seep into mainstream movies but whatever.
Who's mustachepool
this sounds terrible so ofc it's on par with foxpool. good thing I didn't fall for the meme hype.
just gotta wait a few months for the real MCU with Captain Falcon.
i don’t understand why jews and women think a man being a good person towards people means they can be treated like complete shit and walked over. a man who doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself is seen as sexy and cool but someone who tries to do right be others is seen as a piece of shit. we unironically live in a society.
Women are inherently attracted to a man's killer instinct. If a man is too soft, he can't get the job done when it needs to be done. Dangerous men are men that can get the job done.
I'm starting to think Marvel Studios pumps out these rumors on purpose just to put asses in seats.
How was Tatum's Gambit voice, if he even did one
Gambit speaks in a thick accent and the joke is nobody understands him

At the start Paradox tries to recruit Deadpool to 616 saying that he has a huge role to play in the MCU and shows him clips of Avengers movies but goes too far and shows him a clip of the future which is Thor crying over him dying (it’s shopped archival footage from Thor 2) and Deadpool keeps asking about it but they refuse to tell him and he keeps bringing it up for the rest of the film. That’s it, nothing actually revealed.

Deadpool also insults Fox and DC in this sequence and makes fun of Batman at the end when Wolverine puts on his mask.
Eugh... Please don't say that shit again.
So when does the Fox and MCU merge?
Feige already confirmed it's happening for every single film until Secret Wars after Deadpool 3
He's from the same timeline as Logan, since his universe has started decaying because of Wolvies death.

But they do sort of explain it as there being a bunch of adjecent universes, so it's a bit unclear if they are all the same timeline.
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Just watched it. It's just fine. I think DP1 is better but I think normies will love this
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Not the anon from the last post, but here's some screengrabs from youtube I haven't seen anyone post yet on /co/ or /tv/
I like you. Much more level-headed take than the middle-shelf nihilistic summerfags seething over this movie on /tv/
Including the Venom verse that may or may not be the Andrew Garfield one?

>Raimiverse doubtful since that's too much timeline adjusting to something unrecognizable
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I posted it. I took a photo of Wesley, Electra and Chris Evans as Johnny. funny no one has posted the Evans photos.
I don't know about that, because they're having problems with Sony like crazy. Venom 3 looks like it's finding a way to explain everything on its own side, but I'd imagine Spider-Man 4 will deal with the symbiote in its own way (if at all, because there are still rumors they're waiting until Secret Wars). Feige's only commented on the integration of mutants so far, and that all the next films from D&W to SW will be connected.
They have on /tv/. They even posted part of his Pyro jobber fight. Either way, I think it's funny too. It's pretty obvious which posters actually were alive when these earlier films released, and which ones just watch whatever's popular from the past.
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Oh ok. I didn't see it. Don't browse /tv/
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Funny. I was kind of hoping she'd be wearing white leather this time, but oh well.

Well, there's your problem.
Lucky bastard. Once you taste the poison, you're trapped. Just like this whole site. I'll probably be posting from the afterlife.
>Well there's your problem
Kek I know
Honestly, 4 outta the 5 castings for the F4 movies back then were pretty on point with the only bad one being Alba as IW
Here's hoping Zeb Wells gets to write the script for Fantastic Four, as well. IYKYK
This sounds really dumb and convoluted. How are general audiences supposed to follow any of this horseshit?
Yeah but how does it narratively happen? Because from these leaks Deadpool just goes back to his universe with Wolverine, but it's still separate from the MCU
I'm impressed by how this seems to be shot in the most boring way possible
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Better costume
This sounds extremely fucking retarded, all over the place and nostalgia-baity.
>the big fight everyone wanted to see in live action is a throwaway gag
I see. But it cuts off just as Johnny falls from the sky and hits his balls on some billboard like Homer Simpson falling off a cliff.

a stunt actor, never reveals the face but Blake Lively voices the character

Quicksilver is also mentioned as one of the characters that Nova killed.

Psylocke is also in the movie but played by some random.
Honestly, did you expect anything more? It's been clear since they announced Jackman was coming back that this film was just going to be an even more desperate version of No Way Home
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With this and MoM, Why does Marvel Studios shit on the F4 so much? Don't they have a movie of their own out soon? Great first impressions for a new generation these are. I don't see them making crude jokes outta their Young Avengers cast.
Anyone know what Torch says about Casandra?
>I don't see them making crude jokes outta their Young Avengers cast.
That's because the Young Avengers are jokes already!
The head sock doesn't work for him, they should've just done one of Gambit's other costumes without it.
You're not familiar with how Deadpool movies work, do you? Teasing you with fan service and then taking it away and making fun of the audience for wanting that is their MO.

Then no one would know who he was.
>cgi mask wolverine
>blade looks like a raisin
>gambit is fat and bloated
>nobody knows who elektra is
>jackman had a choice to wear a headpiece so he has a thick full head of hair like wolverine and instead decided to to go with his sad thinning hair
this movie is just disappointment after disappointment the more i see
Honestly this sounds like one of wolverines many bad team up comics in movie form
Hooray for comics accuracy?
Deadpool 1 was a snoozefest. 2 is so much better.
post the harry potter cameo

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