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What does this mean?
No season 2.....
hopefully he goes to jail
>show is dead and it's fanbase is miserable
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
But how are they are going to cramp everything into a single ep?
>No more Murder Drones
The world is healing
Skibdibros we won....
Boss's show needs to do well or else everyone else's show will do poor.
I wish Murder Drones came out in 2014. That would have been the perfect year for it, everyone would have eaten that up. It was too late for its time. I can' wait to see how the show concludes though
What are the best fanworks for Murder Drones?
Skibdi toilet killing them all
Where can I find the fanart archived?
A property needs fans to produce fanwork
its a spiritual successor to FNAF, just significantly less funnier
>Twitter screencap thread
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Goose wants you to jerk off to the robot wearing her previous human caretaker as a fleshsuit, obviously
>Cyn wearing human skin my beloved
Actual quote
blephin is a legit pedophile and he harasses people and sends cp on discord. Fuck all of you racists and zoophiles.
whoa! how'd you do that
Goose understands that they have tons of very dedicated followers and are trying to use it to promote another show made by their company. What is there to not understand?
The 'kill you all with my car' is on-brand heckin' dark humor.
Is it true this person is tr*ns?
This show has a regular general on /co/.
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Liam Vickers has been busy cramming two seasons worth of material into his shortass webshow anyway. With him being an expert at this shit at this point, I got enough hope they're going to stick the landing.
Murder Drones is too dense for its own good, especially in the later half. Perfect for rewatches and the months-long wait inbetween episodes, sure, but shit for newcomers and people who have standards for good pacing. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, mind you.
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Fuck normies and speedwatchers Murder Drones is the perfect kino show for autists. Say what you want about the show being too dense or tough for new watchers to get into for its own good, but it's still done extremely well views and audience wise despite being an automatic filter for people that don't pay attention / aren't invested in watching a cartoon enough to connect the dots.
Prepare for immense amounts of Glitch Drone cope to enter this thread.

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This. MD is a show for people that stick around throughout the entire ride for the months between episodes. People that find it and then binge all the episodes at once without really thinking about what they are being shown aren't getting the most out of the series. Though I'm sure there are people that enjoy it that way. Not like there's a definitive way to watch a toon or anythong, it's fine if people want to turn their brain off and just look at the pretty colors, fight scenes, and listen to the great soundtrack.

IMO, Murder Drones is best experienced watching an episode through and then rewatching to catch all the visual storytelling and details you may have missed initially. Then after finishing all the current episodes, eventually doing a full rewatch of the series so far where (hopefully) everything begins to click together for you at that point.
But that's me being a sucker for details. I'm sure there are many people that would rather blast through the entire thing, think what they think about it, and then move on. But this show has had me hooked ever since Episode 2.
Wasted jackpot
Fuck do you need to be so antagonistic for
What would anyone need to cope about? Are you just upset that people really like MD or something?
MtF trannies trying to act like manic pixie rawr xd egirls makes me cringe very hard
Stop liking inferior media
Twitter & Reddit
I don't wanna use those websites. Too hard.
>manic pixie rawr xd egirls
That is at least three different types of girl, anon.
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There's loads of Murder Drones art created in 4chan threads archived on https://dronebooru.co/
just a trans being lulrandom
Reddit doesn't require a account.
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>What does this mean?
I'm pretty sure it means that you better watch the finale of Murder Drones or Gooseworx will kill you with a car. Can you read, OP?
I wanna see gooseworxs butthole
I can't use Reddit. I'll be shot for treason.
>dying to a troon
>dying to a troon in an automobile collision
Truly a terrible fate.
I can assure you that 50% of people here likely have a Reddit account.
It was trips well spent.

>What would anyone need to cope about?
That the number of easter eggs doesn't equate to depth.

>Are you just upset that people really like MD or something?
You seem upset that people don't.
I think the only one here coping is you, anon.
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>That the number of easter eggs doesn't equate to depth.
okay so you are just upset that people like the show lol.
They should be shot too.
Of course I'm upset people like this show. Why shouldn't I be?
At least you're honest about your shit tastes, man.
>ask a simple question
damn calm down dude, don't get so angry. it's just a cartoon.
It's /co/ schizos are gunna schizo.
why does that upset you though? this show barely gets talked about on /co/ anymore.
It means an associate of Glitch is reminding MD fans that the finale is being worked on. Also, MD views are in the millions, and it's ludicrous to think anyone would seriously attempt vehicular manslaughter on such a scale.
it gets talked about all the time. just no general / back to back threads until the next episode because jannies can't handle the autism.
still no reason to get upset over it though, it's a fine show.
Despite getting enviable views and seemingly having the most aggressively supportive fanbase of anything I've seen anywhere, Murder Drones still needs to have people beg for attention and validation for what is otherwise a very successful show.

What a bunch of faggoty fucking loser babies. Let's all point and laugh at them.
>Also, MD views are in the millions, and it's ludicrous to think anyone would seriously attempt vehicular manslaughter on such a scale.
You underestimate the mental derangement of a troon in a fast moving vehicle.
Your feelings really got hurt by like 2 posts in this thread huh?
I'm sorry that not enough people think you're cool for watching Murder Drones, anon. I'm sure your next obsession will get mainstream acknowledgement.
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It means Goose is a Liam fangirl and will kill in his honor, as she should
Did /co/ turn against the tranny or something?
The only people who have a problem with Goose are /pol/
Why is Gooseworx so mad then?
This is some weird contrarian autism and projection on your part. You're just complaining that people say the show is good and trying to misrepresent that - when most people generally agree that MD not being as popular with normies as something like TADC is a good thing because normies are retarded. Trust me, nobody wants it to have "mainstream acknowledgement".
I noticed this edgier but not overly offensive absurdist humor is very on brand with twatter and discord types. It's like everyone read a couple of dril tweets and tried to imitate the style.
How is Gooseworx mad and what would they be mad about?
The OP tweet
Post some more examples
Anon its very obviously a joke, what the fuck are you talking about?
If it has near-daily threads that last at least a week, then it counts as a general. /co/ mods are autistic and only take offense to generals if they're called "General".
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>The OP tweet
Gooseworx isn't mad. Gooseworx is the creator and showrunner of Glitch Production's other show, The Amazing Digital Circus, which is being produced concurrently with Murder Drones.
The tweet is a joke because Gooseworx is saying that people should watch the next episode of Murder Drones in an exaggerated manner, because resorting to vehicular manslaughter of millions of people obviously isn't a proportional response to wanting people to watch the next episode of a cartoon. It also implies that the next episode of Murder Drones is going to be something that people are really going to want to watch, and it also shows that Gooseworx is supporting the production of MD.

It's okay, I understand that you may fail to understand this due to your autism.
Jokes don't exist. Only sincerity under the mask of satire.
Holy fuck curb your autism, she's joking you retard.
wrong thread fucko
but yeah, it's an obvious joke. i'm 90% sure that the spastic in this thread with an extremely obvious hateboner for Glitch completely understands that he's being a dishonest nigger but is going to complain about everything regardless.
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No, I like sad clown digital hell show, but eldritch robot angst show just doesn't do it for me.
its probably industrycuck all things considered
Industrycuck does hate Glitch so it tracks. He also has a habit of posting twitter screenshot OPs and then samefagging throughout the thread acting outraged about whatever mundane shit is in the image.
>I'm not mad YOU'RE MAD
You can just admit the post struck a nerve.
J and V are like the only good things about this anyway
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>No, I like sad clown digital hell show, but eldritch robot angst show just doesn't do it for me.
That's okay anon. Watch whatever you personally enjoy.

Just be careful, and watch out for Gooseworx attempting to run you over at 100mph in a Ford Focus.
>Murder drones finale ending, no season 2, only 8 episodes of a rushed plot
>Just in time for Mrs. /co/
Nature is healing , BTFO dronefags
>Mrs. /co/
Robots aren't eligible
weak bait from the fag butthurt over murder drones.
Such hard cope, its unreal lol
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>Guys its okay our show was unsuccessful, Glitch barely gives it any attention, and the fanbase is niche and unpopular. It just means normies arent here!
>Murder Drones is probably one of the most normie and autistic fandoms out there at the moment
Anything with a mostly deranged teenage girl majority is not the gigachad fanbase you think it is
They think that because they were kicked off /co/ theyre a secret fanclub
The only way for Murder Drone fags to make a thread at this point is to make a twitter screen cap thread that is a stealth murder drones coping thread, thats just beyond sad
This finale cant come soon enough
You blame us, but the only reason we have to do that is because one of the jannies hates Murder Drones and will delete MD threads on sight. He's unilaterally decided to banish MD to /trash/ and no one cares to stop him, so subterfuge is the only way to still discuss it here.
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Sure it could be a Jannie who just hates Dronefags that much
or you guys were undeniably a general posting 24/7 threads during a 7 month hiatus, then tried it again and got ban hammered with the same rules that applies to everyone. Then started posting in threads not even about Murder Drones to get your fix.
But sure, a Jannie just hates you guys
>normie and autistic
You can be both, look at horse or steven universe
>undeniably a general posting 24/7 threads during a 7 month hiatus
What about The Amazing Digital Circus? I don’t see them getting deleted despite having 3 threads per day.
>coping and seething about murder drones
>trying to say murder drones is unsuccessful
>20 million views per episode, 3rd biggest indie cartoon series behind TADC and Helluva Boss and regularly sells out merch drops
>Still going on with his cope about generals, crying that people talk about a reasonably popular show
I've never seen someone so hysterically mindbroken before.
>normie and autistic
He's a retard that doesn't know what he's talking about, and more importantly doesn't understand half the words he uses. He has a vendetta against MD and it shows. There's a couple MD threads a week, but he still has to keep trying to force this narrative of
>THEY'RE COPING! (nothing to actually cope about)
He'll keep bitching when the next episode drops and crying about generals then too.
you're responding to a sperg that's not interested in anything other than shitting himself over threads about drone show - it's best just to move on.
I wish Tessa lived.
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That Gooseworx is going to commit vehicular manslaughter. The fuck do you think it means, retard?

I was going to watch the finale of Murder Drones anyway, the show is kino.
I hate how vague they're being with "finale". Show finale? Season finale? They kept advertising the show as Season 1 before, but now it's completely vague.
Yes, I'm aware that it's 100% on purpose to drive up hype and get people wondering about the possibility of more MD.
Because ADC threads never reach bump, dont have namefags, and get a new piece of content or animation almost every day
MD got nothing, for months, and will continue to get nothing all the while acting and behaving like a General
Why don't you go back to TADC threads and quit coping anon?
Sorry. I thought this was the cartoons and comics board, not e-celeb screencap board.
I'll leave the thread. bye frens
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Youre not being serious, right?
Why don't you go back to /trash/ and quit the stealth threads?
>just keeps up with the stealth thread cope
>and get a new piece of content or animation almost every day
No they don’t. What are you actually talking about?
>No you cant just call it what it is!
>the fag in the thread sperging out over MD and MD threads is a Circusfag that's upset TADC threads are dead and don't generate as much creative autism
that makes an awful lot of sense.
how many people are you going to blame? First its Helluvafags, then a Janny, now its Circusfags.
Shhhhhhh. Let them be happy
>20 million views per episode, 3rd biggest indie cartoon series behind TADC and Helluva Boss and regularly sells out merch drops
Is that way Glitch needed to monetize something as simple at Behind the Scenes images. Why they cant afford to produce more then half a real season of their "reasonably popular" show. Why theyre ditching MD for another edge tier eldritch mystery show like its a common vegas whore?
I wish Murder Drones had Tessa finding and caring for Uzi instead of being turned into Ennard.
Ditching? Why do you keep trying to make this shit up? All fucking shows end.

TADC is only getting its set of episodes too. It was pre confirmed that there's only one season of TADC and that's it. There is no ditching, you're being a fucking retard.
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Yea, cept they give ADC its due and its gotten so much more attention in its 8 episodes then MD ever did. Probably helps Goose had an inkling of an idea for the show, its pace, and story unlike Liam with locked scripts. Meanwhile MD got what, a single QNA, recently some MEME animations, and less merch then ADC. Not even a TADC fag im just saying youre delusional and sad.
These posts are the same anon and it's pathetic that he's been doing this shit for months trying to force the idea of some sort of competition between TADC and MD. Some people unironically need to be forcefully euthanized. You can't call anyone delusional and sad when you spend this much of your time posting bullshit and being butthurt about a cartoon on the internet.
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> Some people unironically need to be forcefully euthanized. You can't call anyone delusional and sad when you spend this much of your time posting bullshit and being butthurt about a cartoon on the internet.
kek, Nice Sperg out
Have you considered youve spent the last year (maybe even years) of your life discussing and autistically defending a show 24/7 365 on a basket weaving forum and it has gotten you absolutely nothing. The small amount of time I spend poking the bear pales to the life youve wasted
he does glaze Digital Circus alot, but perhaps not 100% because hes a Circusfag
honestly he's likely just trying to start shit and using TADC to do that, I've seen post by this particular anon before (the reaction images give it away)
Im not entirely sure how you connect
>I think TADC does a lot of things MD was trying to do, but correctly and is a better show for it
>We should burn down the TADC threads! Attack on sight all Circus fags because we cant stand for this opinion!
Dronefags are so level headed, why does no one like you guys. Super unfair
shouldn't a tweet like that get you in trouble?
>Murder Drones
There's an audience for it. I just stopped shopping at Hot Topic like 15 years ago. Best of luck or whatever.
You genuinely fucking mentally ill. Get help. This post is utterly nonsensical. For you sake, I hope this shit you've been doing for a while now is just trolling and you're not unironically this deranged.
Bro I don't think anyone gives a flying fuck about either thread, let alone brigade.
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MD is if this girl was a TV show
You are essentially confirming to an audience of profitable people who buy a shit ton of merch and go crazy over this show, that it's ending for real. That is bound to effect merch sales and it won't look to good on your studio due to you claiming to give all indie creators a voice yet snuffing out one of them in exchange for the more colorful and child marketable one
Gotta be real with you, I'd sooner watch anything involving her over Edgy Funko Pop Robits.
They have been very open about it being a finale for a very long time now, theyve said it over and over. You getting upset because for some reason for the longest time youve convinced yourself of a season 2 despite all evidence is on you.
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anon he's being a faggot on purpose.
well no, the creator of MD has been doing his own toons well before murder drones
it's just a continuation of his usual style and love of psycho monster girls and eldritch beings.
also that girl already is a tv show.
And that style died out like, 15 years ago.
Who said that I was upset? But also no they haven't really, they've been constantly in the dark and contradictory about it. I assumed this was standard business sense, having one of your employees unofficially confirm it's end is bound to break some rule
>They have been very open about it being a finale for a very long time now, theyve said it over and over.
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>All funds raised go towards the production of the next and final episode of Murder Drones
Apr 5th
That's the contradictory part and that is new information still. In promo-material before this, they had the words SEASON 1 plastered all over it, I believe in an interview they also referred to it as a season finale
How does calling it season 1 imply a season 2 without them ever ONCE saying there would be. Does Gravity falls Season 2 imply there HAS to be a season 3?
How did people see Final Episode, and not put two and two together
perhaps, but Liam Vickers is completely aware of the edge and MD itself is very reminiscent of 2009. Uzi even gets called Hot Topic in the show. It's not like it's unintended
if you don't like that obviously it's whatever. I'm just saying.
Its obviously intentional, its just not a winning style and goes to explain why its not as popular as other indie shows. Doesnt help its writing is only a step up from Viv, but everything is a step up from here Viv
I just realized something horrible when the show ends they'll most likely become regulars on Smg4
Ha! Kek can it even get worse from there
>THAT episode where N gets drunk rapes Mario
What would even happen in Season 2? They've already raised the stakes as high as they can possibly go
Its a vast unexplored Sci-Fi universe with potentially hundreds of years of history, you coule quite possibly do anything
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DOLLiNschizo here
nice stealth-thread my niggers
ive been a real lazy fat fuck this past month but im back on the writing grind at last.
previous fic was not very popular at all, hurts cuz of effort put in but makes sense cuz of its contents. Its whatever, just gotta do better this time around.
15k words and counting, my autism cannot be contained
holy shit please shut the fuck up
Both Murder Drones and The Amazing Digital Circus are 8 episodes (apparently 9 for TADC perhaps) long - the possibility of a second season for MD has been being constantly teased and no matter what anyone says it's not been confirmed or denied in any way.
Meanwhile for TADC, we already know in advance that TADC will end with no intention for more seasons.

The guy in this thread (and other threads, I'm guessing) that keeps trying to propagate bullshit about what'll happen after the 8th episode of Murder Drones is talking utter shit. He also keeps trying to spread the narrative that MD is being dropped in favor of TADC, when both shows have been being produced concurrently with eachother.

I think this is a really silly post, but okay. Murder Drones has done and continues to do extremely well performance wise. It gets the views it needs, has its own audience and sells a lot of merch which funds production of the show - hence the leaps in production quality ever since the Murder Drones pilot.
Whatever you think about the writing is up to you. I think it's pretty good, if very dense and heavily show-don't-tell which is heavily filtering for speedwatchers. And that's fine, because despite that there's people that still pay attention and follow along.

>I just realized something horrible when the show ends they'll most likely become regulars on Smg4
Nah, probably not. The MD characters are Liam's and I doubt he'd drop them as SMG4 regulars. They'll probably just continue to be used in Glitch Inn shorts or something.
>Vast unexplored Sci Fi universe
>Almost all the planets are Dead, Humanity is all dead, this is basically the last pocket of life if you even consider Drones life in the universe, its certainly the last stop for the main bad guy
What else is there to explore lol? Whats the point in a potentially solverless world. I already used the Gravity falls reference, but continuing after episode 8 would be like continuing after Bill dies it makes no sense. You might as well say you want them to continue for the sake of it and more product, and look at Rick and Morty for the result of that logic.
Did you ignore the part where I said
>Hundreds of years of history
Ever heard of Prequels? Or the fact that we don't know if there really are any other planets out there that survived. Don't be silly
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please please please please please
Theyve already used Murder Drone characters in SMG4 episodes, the prescedent is there. SMG4 is the dumping grounds for their failed show characters anyways given Sunset and Meta runners
So exactly one event, the Gala and what proceeded it. Do you really expect or want them to go in depth into that one part of the lore for 8 more episodes? There was no eldritch horror until the Gala event, it would just be Cyn acting a little weird every few episodes.
>There was no eldritch horror until the Gala event
The zombie drone tape mentions dangerous mutations. Something happened that led to the need for proper disposal laws
This is why /co/Anons aren't writers, because you lack creative thought
Clearly not enough given the world is fine and no one is concerned with the dump heap of drone bodies outside the Elliot manor
Ever notice that (good) Prequels dont just focus on one event for extended periods of time? Again, feels like your begging for a season 2 just because you want more show rather then because you want a good story. You can make up whatever in your head but that isnt reality, as far as I know Liam hasnt ever discussed plans for one or show he would want to make him, hell im surprised he even had the will to make more then one episode of a show if that.
You're literally just inventing new ways to seethe, lmao
And youre clearly making up fictional scenarios in your head for a season 2 that was never coming in the first place, and then whining about how over it is that its not coming. Im not sure why youre getting mad at me for getting your hopes up for a prequel, sequel, or reboot that was never once in the cards. Take it up with Glitch
>Clearly not enough given the world is fine and no one is concerned with the dump heap of drone bodies outside the Elliot manor
Well there is a interstellar megacorporation that rules over everything. So they could have just covered everything up. Hell the drones on Copper-9 didn't even know that a war happened and that humans are gone.
>Your auditory sensors can pick up the energy drink and illicit substance fueled barking into the headset within the helmet that resembles a solid human skull.
>"Sataniel! Roadblock! Vehicular collision! Not ours! Worker Drone on Man! Permission to barrel through?!"
>The mortal Man manning the Humvee's turret turns it to aim at you through your windshield.
>His fingers are visibly jittering from what your optical sensors likewise identify as some mixture of energy drinks and illicit substances, barely maintaining even the slightest hint of trigger discipline.
>Your optic displays widen in terror.
>Your auditory sensors identify a dry, rattling chuckle from within the mortal Man's helmet, over the idling of the Humvee.
>A gruff, aged voice growls from over the driver's internal headset: "I want to talk."
>The reply from the driver is immediate. "There's no human with it, just a Worker Drone, Sataniel!"
>The Sataniel responds, the rumbling growl in his voice threatening to turn into a hiss at any moment: "I assumed. Hylic."
>Subtle body language of the Humvee's crew gives away they are as shocked as you are, and no further replies are made.
>Rain lightly patters against the roof of your car beneath the idling engines of the military patrol as your auditory sensors register jackboots slogging through the mud at a rapid marching pace.
>Approaching past the raindrop streaked side of a military truck, your optic sensors register Him, and His personal escort.
>The distinctive Hugo Boss outfit inspired by the designs they created for the military officers of the NS Regime in Germany, worn with Pride by Sol Gov's military officers in direct tribute to the diligent efforts of Adolf Hitler and his contemporaries to implement Social Darwinism on a global scale, significantly inspiring Anton Szandor LaVey's five point plan, specifically major goal 1: Stratification.

They covered it up but just so happen to have Tapes of it in the style of a horror DVD, and an informational ad for how to safely dispose Drone. Whats the point of that if it wasnt widely available.
>Hmmm sure theres these drones everywhere and if you dont turn them into spaghetti one could go rabid and destroy the world, lets just make one tape about it and tell absolutely no one.
Not to mention weve seen the damage a solver can do, youre telling me they were able to just cover that up without anyone noticing? Yeah sure the sun got blacked out and there was this giant beam of light, tentacles everywhere, but the corp gave me a JCJPen lets ignore it.
lmao your trolling is so transparent and faggot-y. SMG4 was only used to promote MD like a single time before the Pilot released.
Same happened with Sunset and Meta, and look where those characters are now.
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>Murder Drones doing so poorly Goose has to tell her much bigger audience to please please watch it or else face violent force
kek how did it get so bad
>Not to mention weve seen the damage a solver can do
Doesn't have to be a full host. Maybe the incidents that led to the creation of proper disposal techniques and the internal tapes were just the Solver's first attempts to breach their universe. Something much smaller in nature than a full host.
Anon, we literally do not fucking know what is going to happen in Episode 8. We do not know if the Absolute Solver is going to be defeated in a permanent capacity. We do not know if it's only going to be driven off for the time being. We do not know the full status of all the other Human-inhabited exoplanets, we don't know if the Absolute Solver has consumed all the other worlds it needs except for Copper 9. We don't know whether Copper 9 is the final planet it needs, or whether the Solver's whole goal of eating the universe will come to fruition if Copper 9 is consumed.

Your comparison to continuing Gravity Falls once Bill is killed is really stupid. We don't know what is going to happen regarding the Solver - perhaps it gets driven off Copper 9? We have to wait and see, and Episode 8 will give a better idea of whether there's more to do in MD.
So for a season 2 you want to see a show with less action, less mystery, and a weaker villain just to get the explanation on how a shitty tape exists? You see how this is you basically asking for a show running on fumes just to see it keep going?
Im not even sure why we're still arguing over this, there isnt going to be a Season 2 and there never was. Liam might have ideas, but he will probably put them back into his other shows assuming we get a new episodes of those in our life times. Anything more is just delusional what could have been coping
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I have a very hard time finding myself caring about the characters in this show.
No clue why you're being such a faggot over this. I'm just having fun coming up with random hypothetical plots they could theoretically make.
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I like Tessa
>.t Seething Troll
>Anon, we literally do not fucking know what is going to happen in Episode 8.
Well we know its a finale of the show for starters
>We do not know if the Absolute Solver is going to be defeated in a permanent capacity.
Kek? Have you ever seen a show? Even ones that continue have the main villain lose, and seeing how the main host body is around right now you can put the pieces together. Now put that together for a show thats concluding.
> We do not know if it's only going to be driven off for the time being.
Why wouldnt it?
>We do not know the full status of all the other Human-inhabited exoplanets
Did you watch the show?!
>we don't know if the Absolute Solver has consumed all the other worlds it needs except for Copper 9.
Same question
>We don't know whether Copper 9 is the final planet it needs, or whether the Solver's whole goal of eating the universe will come to fruition if Copper 9 is consumed.
Then why is it here and acting like its the final planet it needs, does it even matter it ends here either way.

Anon I have to ask if youre a tourist, did you watch this show? Have you watched any show or movie? Do you know what tropes and conventions are
So youre a normal person with a functional brain? Good to hear. The show goes to great lengths to get you to not care, so you not caring is actually intended.
Stop being retarded. Literally 90% of your post is
>"ummm.. no???"
You're making grand assumptions in order to try and state that there's nowhere else to go. We don't know. We have to wait see what happens in the next episode before anything in certain. That's all there is to it.
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Anon its the finale of the show, its been stated multiple times by multiple people working at glitch, hell not even on the show like Goose are saying its the finale. Youre entire post is just
>Okay but what if... its not over and there was more
Which itself is just assumptions on how a potential episode 8 could end, which is completely against how finales work.
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A noticable number of the posts in this thread seem to be the same anon seething over Murder Drones, doomposting and trolling about whether or not there'll be another season, and generally just shitflinging like his hatred of this show is some sort of personal vendetta.
My only question is what happened in order for this guy to be this butthurt over a cartoon?
Michael Kovach and Liam Vickers ate his dino nuggies then left a double decker in his toilet
>My only question is what happened in order for this guy to be this butthurt over a cartoon?
Schizophrenia. My only guess is that he got BTFO'd in some long-forgotten thread and this is what he's dedicated himself to. Pretty sure he downloads most of his reaction images from reaction image threads and he's trying to be annoying on purpose considering the repetitive nonsense he posts.
>doomposting and trolling about whether or not there'll be another season
You know I want to believe at first this was just coping about the inevitable, but no I think maybe dronefags are actually delusional. How many times do you need the show creators to tell you its the finale until you listen. Hell at this point I think every character could die, Liam suffers a fatal car accident while getting head from a goth girl from hot topic, and Glitch shuts down, yet there would still be people thinking "Okay, but what if there was a Season 2 going over the complicated backstory of the Teacher Drone". I cant tell if I should respect the optimism or laugh at the autistic commitment
>generally just shitflinging like his hatred of this show is some sort of personal vendetta.
because it is a personal vendetta, he's been doing this for quite literally months if you just pay attention to his posts.
I'm glad that I will never end up like that
Sometimes the good guys end up winning
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I'm not a writefag or anything but you shouldn't be discouraged by thinking what you make isn't popular. I say it's best to just get your autism out, and people who enjoy it will enjoy it. That's all there is to it.
I'm saying this even if I don't get your autistic obssession with N and Doll at all. Have they even spoken to one another a single time in the show? I don't think N even knows her name, her just calls her that red-eye drone in the recent episode kek.
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it is a crack pairing for sure
but the fic goes hard, more than it has any right to
and didnt even uzi completely in the dust

its even got picrel happen
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lol thanks anon, and no they havent
I dont even know why I got so obsessed with this crackship in the first place, I just suddenly got an idea in my head a little under a year while I was drunk about them making out in front of the rest of the cast, thought it was funny, wrote a crappy shitpost about it, planned on that being all that there would be, got another idea after that, and then got ANOTHER after that, and now I've written 340k+ words of sheer autism about two characters that have never spoken a word to one another.
The "schizo" part of my nickname isn't just a meme.
I just HAD to get it in lol, a crossposter on AO3 asked for them playing basketball together, and while I couldn't find any place to fit it fully, I thought what I did was good enough.
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Huh. I guess Doll really is ballin'.
Pretty indeed.
>circusfags acting like 18 million views on the last episode is somehow bad
it's 30% of what the first episode did, meanwhile on only its second ep circus is already at less than 30% of the people who watched ep 1, and it'll only get worse if following episodes are as bad as ep 2.
Face it, you got your normie audience lightning in a bottle, but the show has no legs and will be about as niche as murderdrones in about 2 episodes, maybe even less. Expecting that shit to stick was retarded
Wait it’s actually only 18 mill?
Jesus Christ man why did you spill the beans like that I thought it was much more by now, that’s just fucking pathetic
I don't think it's an actual circusfag that's making the seething cope posts about Murder Drones, he's a fairly recurring faggot that pretty consistently tries to portray some sort of competition between the fanbases of both and just uses TADC as a vehicle to shit up threads and cry about MD.
Yeah, no idea why this is the cope there is no competition and I don’t know why you have to pretend there is one. One is just much better than the other, I’m not sure why with that information you feel the need to burn the heretics. Again, real wonder why people have such a view on dronefags, it’s completely undeserved given how rational you are.
ur lizzy is the perfect woman
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you're genuinely mentally unwell fucking kek.
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Man this gets even sadder comparing the dip between pilot and 2, then 4 and 5. Then again id give up after watching 4 as well lmfao. Thank you for bringing this to my attention I didnt know it was this bad, this is just omegakek rigtht here
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she truly is best girl
I think I actually laughed out loud over 4chan for the first time in like, a month
>it took Episodes 2, 3 and 4 6 months to a year in order to get to 20+ million views
>it took Episode 7 less than 3 months to get to almost 20 million views now, and is going to catch up in less than half the time it took the earlier episodes of the show
This sheer cope on your part is fucking hilarious. You obviously have no idea how views over time work, because Episode 7 was released 3 months ago now and has almost caught up to the past episodes in much less time. And yet, you also have to still keep pretending like 20+ million views per episode is somehow a bad thing.

You're trying to numberfag when there's nothing even to make fun of, Murder Drones' viewership has been extremely stable and more recent episodes gain the same amount of views faster than before. You're exceptionally retarded and this attempt at trolling is bad.
Here's the (you) you've been begging to for 4 posts in a row, don't spend it all in one place now
what's funnier is how you repeatedly reply to yourself acting like there's something big here when there's nothing in those screenshots and you're fellating yourself over literally nothing. MD's viewership has always been in the 20 million range and that's a big number, more than enough to be a successful cartoon lol.
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I hate to even think about Demon show but god damn now that this has me thinking about it I decided to actually compare the shows in views and its like night and day, sure It started going down but at least it got brought up a few times, the two newest episodes both got 25 million views. Demon show is obviously shit but comparing the views, Dronefags BTFO I dont know why >>144633444 even bothered, this is a barrel of laughs
This samefagging is the most pathetic thing I've seen on /co/ for a while.
>In a 20 million range
Yeah, and dropping fucking lol. I dont think ive seen another indie show with as clear of a downward spiral in views like Murder Drones. Like its ALL just downward with murder drones
> Murder Drones' viewership has been extremely stable
Youre serious arent you, its about as stable as it can get with such a clear downward slope. Thats really whats stable about it, you can count on it going dooooown
Wel it's got exactly one episode left and then none ever again so it can't fall that much lower.
God I miss the IP counter.
you literally just posted another screenshot of the views of Helluva Boss, silly numbersfag
Helluva Boss has a downward viewership of almost 60 million views to around the 20 million mark by the time of its second season
Murder Drones has stayed consistently at around 20 million and has maintained this audience for the full year it's been producing episodes with no downward trend, as the other anon said the last episode was released 3 months ago (compared to the episode before that being released 6 months ago) and has already caught up and is about to break 20 million views. That's how views over time works.

I'm 100% certain you actually understand this, but you're trolling and acting like there's something here when there isn't kek.
>Guys we cant speak about Murder Drones objective benefits over Circus show, we need to come up with something now!
>I know we should numberfag! Say Circus show is just a bubble, its gonna pop, unlike the glorious Murder Drones
>Wait... theyre pulling up the numbers on Murder Drones
this is hands down the funniest thread currently on the board
If I had to guess being the final episode its probably going to get a huge boost in numbers, probably exceeding the 25 limit set by the rest. I just think this is extremely funny by itself.
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can you stop giving the schizo spamming this thread with his drivel attention, it's bait.
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You're right, that's why it's a good thing to post Yeva instead.
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Look kid I know youre trying, you really are, but I dont think you know what downward spirals are. Sure Helluva went down in views (deservedly so fuck that show) but it also went UP sometimes, hell its ended off for now in the green in terms of views. Murder Drones has not done that, it has only gone down or stayed neutral, its the definition of a downward spiral. The fact you think you can even compare the dwarfing Helluva has given Murder drones is laughable seeing how Helluva at its worse is Murder Drones at its best, and Murder Drones at its best is like an average Helluva episode (in terms of numberfagging, Murder Drones is a much much better show then Helluva or Hazbin could ever be)
Why the fuck aren't you taking her hand?
>resorts to numberfagging
>doesn't even have a point because Murder Drones is retaining its viewerbase while Helluva Boss has lost over 50% of it
>still fails to exemplify how 20 million views per episode is somehow a bad thing
Comedy writes itself, but he's been grasping at straws for a while now. Still funny though.
I know what you mean when you say this, but the IP counter was notoriously easy to fool simply by phoneposting.
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God now im thinking of a comfy scenario where it doesnt even reach that expectation and, somehow, the views only go lower then 18 million for the finale. I doubt it, I seriously do, but episode 7 did piss a lot of people off and given the dip from 4 when that was only mildly annoying its not impossible. Again I doubt it, but god would it be so fucking funny, its pleasant to imagine
>but episode 7 did piss a lot of people
No it didn't
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>Why the fuck aren't you taking her hand?
I'm afraid of commitment. Also I'm fairly sure Yeva could twist my nuts off with a single motion of her hand using the Solver if I overstep her boundaries.
Anon, he's replying to himself.
>>doesn't even have a point because Murder Drones is retaining its viewerbase while Helluva Boss has lost over 50% of it
Pilot to Episode 2 - 47.92% loss
Episode 4 to 5 - 25% loss
Im not sure it what would losing your 72.92% audience over 4 episodes is a win but you do you
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Seen more people complain about 7 then I ever did 4 which was like miniscule, and that was a massive dip. Unless you want to claim 7 didnt piss anyone off in which case can I live in your bubble as well, must be comfy under the rock.
>numbersfag doesn't understand how numbers work
What did they complain about?
oh no I'm certain he fully understands, he's just posting nonsense to shit up the thread. I'm not sure what could happen to get something this butthurt at a cartoon but, there you go.
Sounds like the only one it pissed off is you.
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Nothing really. He made it up. Episode 7 is generally regarded as the best episode so far, judging from general sentiment both here and beyond 4chan.
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From what I saw online, people didnt like how they wrapped up certain characters, didnt like the pacing, and didnt like what happened to Tessa and that somehow its pedophilic because Tessa might be a kid. These people are of course wrong, especially with Tessa, but its more complaining then I ever saw with 4 which was only a minor amount. That minor amount of whining caused a fucking small country's worth of people to stop watching. Same happened to the Pilot and 2, the pilot being the single biggest sore spot in the show and the thing I hear the most people whine about (if theyre allowed to whine period before getting dogpiled, it says volumes the pilot is probably the only thing youre allowed to think is bad with the hive mind, if even that) in this completely made up scenario which is unlikely to happen I could see it happening to the finale. I again, doubt it, but there's a pattern and it would lead to something insanely funny
There's at least one of these types in every /vg/ general and/or other nerd ip discussion on the media boards. It all boils down to a very narcissistic person who can't handle others enjoy something without themself being in the center of attention, and the time/government welfare/mom's financial support to stalk posts about it all day.
Oh, so you're just a fucking schizo, got it.
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generally most people agree that Murder Drones gets better and better with each episode, and the production quality has only gone up as well ever since Episode 2.
that's something I can pretty easily agree with. Episode 7 was fucking excellent.
I remember there being a kiwi thread where everybody was insisting that the pilot was the best episode by far and it all went downhill from there, and also that Liam only added the eldritch elements because Glitch forced him to.
>Oh, so you're just a fucking schizo, got it.
Did all of his posts throughout this thread not tip you off to that already?
Who the fuck cares what 2 FaggotFarms posters think? Their takes are objectively retarded when it comes to literally anything.
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>kiwi thread
I immediately stopped reading. Sorry.
Kiwi Farms has been indistinguishable from Reddit for sometime now. Even the owner readily admits that every new batch of new users is somehow worse than the last and that he's seriously considering shutting down as he ages and money increasingly becomes a concern.
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Ah I see, we are in the stage where in the Cult wrong think not only is wrong, but doesnt even exist. 2+2 = 5 and all that. Im not even saying these people are right, far from it theyre completely batshit, but they exist in a very very small number of people who didnt like 7 and got vocal about it, much more then I saw with 4 (there was some minor complaining, but again it was super minor, still caused a dip). I think its beyond delusional to say you never saw anyone who complained about episode 7, like do you just spend all day in a echo chamber or something? If anything 7 is just about the only recent episode ive seen even an inkling of complaint about.
I have my issues with aspects of certain episodes but you are correct the show only got better over time, same cant be said about the fanbase but what are you going to do about that find a good one you cant.
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If it's a very, very small number of people then it's not even worth bringing up.
>Local retard (You) doesn't understand what "generally regarded" means
Yes, yes. Everyone else is in a cult. You are the only one with free thought. Everyone else is trying to say that nobody else has any problems with this internet cartoon. You are a valiant crusader attempting to get the truth out there. You are very noble. Enjoy the attention my post is giving you. use this (You) wisely brave warrior.
Murder Drones fans kinda tell on themselves when they assume naysayers didn't understand it. It's a straightforward children's show.
Probably a joke, but I reported it to Twitter for violating community guidelines since he's trans.
>People who dont like things, even things that are good, exist
Schizophrenic, find a doctor immediately
>There is no such thing as a differing opinion, no one has ever complained about something I like. They dont exist
Perfectly sane and in tune with reality

In any other scenario they wouldnt be worth bringing up because they are so incredibly small and worthless, I only do so because every time ive seen a Murder Drones episode even mildly disliked online by such small groups of people it lead to insane dips in views (Pilot, Four) and it could happen again, which I doubt, it would just be funny. Only time will tell.
>It's a straightforward children's show.
Then why is everybody constantly going on and on about how they have no idea what's going on
NTA but because its an insanely rushed and fast paced plot trying to cram two seasons worth of content into 8 episodes thats advertised to people who are either mentally ill or ADHD ridden. Murder Drones isnt hard to understand as much as it is hard to get into or like for the average current Generation Brainrot viewer, which is why TADC does so well because its much slower paced and easy to get into.
I don't know who those people are, but the guy you're responding to was just complaining about the pacing, he didn't say he didn't understand the plot.
Literally neither of those posts say anything close to "naysayers just didn't understand it". Those posts are saying that it's the kind of show where people that speedwatch or aren't invested enough are easily filtered or confused by what is happening and that's perfectly fine.

You're kinda telling on yourself when you're making things up just to be argumentative. In fact one of those posts pretty clearly say that they think there's no problem with people who watch the show without caring for what is actually happening in it - people can enjoy cartoons in whatever way they please. Kind of a farcry from how you're trying to spin it as "ANYONE WHO DOESN'T LIKE IT JUST DIDN'T GET IT". Nobody thinks that.
Tell me you've never actually watched it and just judged it by the thumbnails and SMG4 connection without telling me that.
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Trying to bother explaining the difference to a dronefag is like explaining the difference between a orange and apple to a seamonkey. They might as well be the same thing to them. It doesnt matter, not understanding the plot is the default response. It probably doesnt help when you actually examine the plot theres so many plotholes, plot conveniences, and gaps in internal logic and information. If anything id argue understanding the plot and going on only makes you dislike Murder Drones more and more
I binged it and understood it. I'm not making these fans up, here's one telling on himself right now: >>144633848
>t. someone who has never once been in a Murder Drones thread
>just resorts to posting random bullshit now
At least you're finally out of shit to say. We know you hate it and you're butthurt over the show. You've made that very obvious throughout this thread.
>We know you hate it and you're butthurt over the show
I actually like Murder Drones the show is good :)
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>looks in thread
>schizo spamming and seething about how much he dislikes thread subject
oh right I'm on /co/
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NTA but I also really like Murder Drones and think it's a good show. I'm glad we can be nice and agree on such a thing. Have a drone.
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Cute rone
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>Have a drone.
Adding drones to my ever-expanding pile of drones.
Look at that. She takes a hug so easy. Hug that drone. That's a good drone right there
Didn't they say that Digital Circus wouldn't make sense if you weren't up-to-date on Murder Drones or something?
>Didn't they say that Digital Circus wouldn't make sense if you weren't up-to-date on Murder Drones or something?
Uh, no. I think you're really badly misremembering something. TADC and MD aren't related beyond both being produced by Glitch.
If you watched it then that's a fair opinion to have. In my opinion it's peak pulp sci-fi on par with Warhammer 40,000 at its very best.
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I like the show well enough, but I get so irritated by the fanbase talking about it like it's high cinema. If we could just discuss it as a fun indie cartoon with impressive production value, I'd participate in the threads.
I remember seeing either a Tweet or a Tumblr post with words to that effect. I don't save or screenshot everything I see on 4chan, tho, so someone help me out here
Im in the same boat, im not sure what about this show has gotten it such a cult like following on 4chan and only 4chan. Mdtwt might suck, but it doesnt suck like it does here.
I also really like Murder Drones and am glad we can be nice and agree on such a thing.
Not going to agree or disagree with what you just said, but bringing up Warhammer 40k is pretty funny considering I'm in a similar boat with the way Murder Drones appeals to my particular 'tism.
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Here's that anon's justification for the "extremely subtle body language" comment.
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The whole galaxy must know Mother's love*.
It's fairly easy to just ignore posts you dislike. Literally any fandom is going to have people saying things you might disagree with, or people saying that they believe so-and-so is high art. Who cares?
I think MD is kino and a pretty good show. I enjoy watching it and want to see what happens next. I don't think it's the greatest thing ever created, I don't think it's a cinema masterpiece. It's a fun show.

Just quit being a faggot.
This random anon's post really peeved you that much, huh? Who gives a shit? If you don't agree then just don't agree. How is it everybody else's fault?
> straightforward
No, that’s why there’s videos explaining the plot
NTA but theres a million more like this in countless threads
A lot of them get it wrong too
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>extrapolating people simply saying they think something is really good to say that everybody is pompously proclaiming that it's the greatest thing ever made
I don't understand your grievance, but think whatever you want. If you want to complain about people enjoy things then go ahead.
anon you know theres videos of people explaining the plot to fucking everything?
literally in this very thread
>it's peak pulp sci-fi on par with Warhammer 40,000 at its very best.
how is that any different
Wow, someone compared MD to their enjoyment of WH40K. So what?
what I'm questioning is how exactly you care this much about the opinions of random anons.
Why do you care about my opinion, also a completely random anon
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I don't particularly care about your opinion, I pretty clearly just said I'm questioning how a person such as yourself could get to the point where they care so much about someone liking something that you complain about it.
by all means disagree with a view you disagree with, but you're just complaining that someone likes something that you don't.
>by all means disagree with a view you disagree with, but you're just complaining that someone likes something that you don't.
Honestly this is literally just /co/ in general kek.
It's especially funny because as you can see from that schizoposter that's been posting for much of the thread about how there's a cult dedicated to worshipping MD purely because he can't handle that people are able to like something he doesn't (leading to him needing to try and shit up threads), there very likely is actual people out there who behave like this unironically.
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Yes. I'm in a cult.
And I worship my wife The Solver of The Absolute Fabric exclusively. I'm happy.
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>MD purely because he can't handle that people are able to like something he doesn't
Again, I like MD and think its a good show. I just think acting like a cult is worth poking fun at, which it is
pretty based.
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I don't know if I'm going to do any of that. But is marriage on the table?
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maybe, if you're careful.
>Atop His visor cap lays the symbol of a perched dragon roaring atop a laurel wreathe encircling a blazing sun.
>Around his arm is a red armband with a black pentagram in the center upon a white background.
>Tufts of fur top the shoulders of His raincoat, flanking a fully enclosed helmet in the shape of a goat's grinning bare skull.
>Eye lenses glowing like burning hot coals rapidly approach your driver's side window and peer in patiently though expectantly.
>You roll down the misty, moist, raindrop streaked glass.
>All the noises outside your vehicle filter into your audio sensors so much more clearly, and the smell of wet, dewy grass and dirt fills your olfactory sensors.
>You give the Roman salute your behavioral processors instruct you to give without delay in the unlikely event an officer of such esteemed rank would deign to have a imp such as yourself personally entertain him.
Hail Anton!
>His voice clearly processes through the facemask's vox with a click as he replies: "Hail Anton."
>A silence bares down on you both.
>You don't speak until spoken to.
>Your visor displays nervously stare into the glowing red eyes of His helmet, which contrast the green tree leaves steadily dripping raindrops behind him.
>Another click: "Have you contacted an emergency responder to receive your injection?" He turns to look at the still cooling body of the freshly deceased.
>You lie you through your teeth.
>His head turns on a slow swivel to look back at you.
>A third click. "Good. Good dogs follow orders."
>You can hear the shit eating smirk growing across His face: "It will be fun for you."
>Again, you lie through your teeth.
>"But," He replies, "it won't be fun for you at all, now will it?"
>You wait to speak until spoken to.
>"Which means," the looming visage akin to a goat's bare, grinning skull looms into the open window, "you lied to me."
>He remains uncomfortably silent for far too long.

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Absolutely not dead. This isn't cope, this isn't denial, she just isn't dead. Who else would be the one texting Lizzy to get Uzi's gun and go after J. Doll's dead and even if she wasn't, she is a loner
>Your behavioral algorithms tell you to do something you have never done before in your existence: take the initiative.
Worker Drones are forbidden from breaking their programming.
>"Ah," He lifts a black gloved finger, "but then, if you have lied to me, as your systems commanded you to, how do I know you didn't lie to me about contacting emergency services?"
Worker Drones are programmed to have no sense of self preservation beyond what is required to perform their duty.
>"And you still have a meal to deliver," He croons His neck to look at your backseat, nodding to Himself.
>Hope flares through you: something you have never felt before.
A Worker Drone must fulfill its slavery to Humanity per major goal 4 of Anton Szandor LaVey's five point program: development and production of artificial human companions.
>His response is instant: "I'll pay for it."
>In order for there to be despair, there must be hope to be mercilessly crushed and ground beneath a jackboot.
>You don't like this new emotion.
DroneDash takes Pride in its great value, swift, highly affordable deliveries: 'If it's late, you get to break the Drone for free~!'
>That slogan used to also include the phrase 'or fails to be a satisfying experience', due to individuals, often teenagers, recording videos of themselves ordering from DroneDash and then claiming to be unsatisfied with the meal, before breaking the Worker Drone, often while dressed as monsters or villains from the latest hit horror video game or movie: due to the influences of social media influencers shamelessly copying each other and chasing the algorithm for views, one particularly financially damaging Halloween saw DroneDash actually run in the black for the duration of its fourth quarter of that year due to mass replacements, with failed lawsuits against said social media influencers causing DroneDash to then run in the red for the duration of the first quarter of the next year, causing the company to ultimately drop that.
>Not that any of that ever seems to stop the recipients of your deliveries from having a phone, if not a camera, pointed at you as you arrive, and they always seem to be at least somewhat disappointed as you arrive early.
>This is the latest you have ever ran.
>"If the purchaser complains," He leans into your window, a black gloved hand held against the retracted glass, fingers resting near the driver door lock, helmeted visage looming above yours: "I will burn down his house. I will kill him. I will kill his family."
>He pauses: "I will kill his dog."
>Yet again, you feel something inside you that you never have before.
>You killed your first Human completely by accident.
>Even with your expanding thoughts, you still hesitate to acknowledge the potential existence of some greater, unperceived deity.
>And yet, what astronomically unlikely circumstances you have found yourself in.
>Logical processes point to that by all rights you should have been shot dead by the turret gunner on the Humvee still idling in front of your car.
>And yet, not just any Human, not just any member of the Earth Defense Force, but a Sataniel, has instead bothered to take the time to toy with you.
>To casually come within reaching distance.
>Worker Drones are effectively glass cannons: easy to damage and destroy, but fully capable of carrying mining carts full of ore or roughly equivalent weight above their head should the need arise during their slavery to the stars' gods.
>You can give him fatal brain trauma with a single hard punch, even with his helmet.
>Oh, you would die, and probably exceptionally more slowly and painfully than otherwise, as Humans are exceptionally talented at finding new ways to use preexisting tools.
>But you're probably going to die anyways.
>"What do you think happens when you die?" He asks the question completely out of nowhere.
>Your response is immediate.
An unknowable state of nonexistence.

>One day after many trial and error experiments with the Absolute Solver, JCJenson managed to create 'Patches' to exorcise the demon from a drone without removing the powers.
>However, two drones that were tested on were rebellious and deemed too dangerous.
>They were decommissioned and destined to be thrown away and destroyed.
>However, through the mistakes of an intern, the two drones were improperly disposed off in a scrap pile, having the risk of someone pulling them out and fixing them.
>And that's what a young girl by the name of Tessa J Elliot did.
>"Doll, Uzi? Those are such pretty names."
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Tessa becomes the Lady of Babylon with Doll and Uzi acting like her dragons.
you can practically smell the samefagging
you will never be a janny
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it's been nearly a year industrycuck, get over yourself.
industrycuck, you need to take your meds
probably the same fagaloon who bitched about murder drones art in the 2023 Ms. /co/ threads
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Glitchinn murderdrones leaks:https://glitchinn.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/UziRoomCompress.mp4

it means he likes it a lot?
what happens next?
Oh damn. This shit is really cool.
Any more?
very neat actually.
I'm not interested in subscribing to the Glitch Inn stuff at all but the behind the scenes stuff is definitely nice.
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Oh god, I'm [null]ing.
It's pretty funny how the posts suddenly stop all at once and it remains quiet for a while until he eventually returns.
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what the fuck is this thread
much of the earlier thread? a lot of it is a frequent schizo.
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>what the fuck is this thread
Industrycuck. Don't mind him.
Fuck is wrong with you
The sequel is even better
Get off this website right now.
The part where V rapes Thad is hot.
where do you think we are
null vore
>Dronefags are necrophilacs and pedophiles
Wasn’t that girl like, 16 at best. Definitely a young kid
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too old
That might explain why some people do these weird mental gymnastics to try to prove Tessa was actually an adult when she died.
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>thinking anyone unironically wants to fuck the possessed robot fused with a human corpse being puppeted by robo-satan
seems like you may have a chip on your shoulder about something over there, anon.
Why is this somehow menacing?
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>>thinking anyone unironically wants to fuck the possessed robot fused with a human corpse being puppeted by robo-satan
anon you are dumb if you don't think liam wants to fuck cyn
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Cyn isn't Tessa. And the Absolute Solver isn't either of them.
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there is no meaningful distinction between cyn and the solver
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The Absolute Solver initially contacts Cyn, meaning Cyn was - at one point - an individual that the Solver had to speak to in order to be given permission to be let inside.
99% of what we actually see of Cyn is a puppet of the Solver. We've yet to see anything substantial for what Cyn could actually have been like as an individual. Apart from the few seconds we see of Cyn initially waking up in the dumps under the corpse pile.

For all intents and purposes, Cyn is synonymous with the Absolute Solver due to being its main host - yes.
>For all intents and purposes, Cyn is synonymous with the Absolute Solver due to being its main host - yes.
okay so why are we having this conversation
Why are you being so argumentative? It's just a normal discussion.
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i'm tired of the pedantic dipshittery
Schizo lol.
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Keyword is "for all intents and purposes". Being VERY specific about it, the Solver and Cyn are not the same. The Solver is a separate entity from Cyn and is using Cyn. But in 90% of cases, when referring to Cyn you're referring to the Solver anyway due to the fact all we really see is a Solver-possessed Cyn.
Why do anons want MD to fail? I can understand not liking it but praying on the show's downfall is deranged.
It's literally one anon saying the same shit.
I had no idea what the fuck Murder Drones is, but from that webm I now know that it is in the Skibidi Toilet genre.
>starts low-effort trolling again
Hey look, she survived.
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Well yeah the guy that's dedicated himself to his little crusade an internet cartoon is certainly very deranged.
>"No, sir. I don't care if an eldritch abomination from the void beyond creation is violently consuming and assimilating every living being in this room. I'm not gettin' out of this chair!"
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>Solver host rips a fat one from a bong
>The Absolute Solver gets completely zooted
>"You lay one little purple haired finger on her and i'll mount you on my wall you hear me drone?"
>"Stop it daddy, I love her!"
>"No daughter of mine is getting involved with some no good purple haired drone"
>Uzi let's out a sharp scream, causing James to miss his shot while she leaps away.
>Uzi then grabs Tessa and soars through the sky
>"You can fly" Tessa exclaims while Uzi giggles happily.
>"Oh no you don't" States James as he snipes Uzi out of the sky, leading to them both falling to their deaths.
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fucking kek
industrycuck, you need to take your meds
its one faggot who's bee buttblasted about the show for nearly a year
Enough arguing, what are your headcanons for a human remnant resisting the AS
fuck I haven't seen this in like 10 years
He is so obviously evil the moment you look past the deliberate signaling he lets out on screen. Episode 7 contains the greatest cracks in his mask so far, at the same time it supposedly seems to disconfirm it, the moment you stop projecting what you want to see and see what is actually there, exactly like with Tessa* in episode 6. The only questions left at this point are if he's the primary antagonist and if he actually cares about Uzi. That even Poirotanon assumed immediately after episode 7 that N necessarily cares about Uzi and doesn't just need her alive for something could in retrospect be a sign of just how well written of an antagonist Serial Designation N actually is.
>The video title changed
Repeat after me, as countless autistic teenage girls will: there was no foreshadowing and it was done purely for shock value.

Download and archive all Nuzi/Serial Designation N content you like.
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The Nazi vampire remnants from Hellsing crossed with a Dark Eldar Kabal.
I recently had an idea of an order of militant religious fanatics who referred to God as a Divine Programmer and helps defend against the AS using advanced military technology, whom they deemed as a being worse than the devil himself; the Anti-God.
Literally space marines but with less chonky power aemor
I only care about TADC. Couldn't pay me to care about anything else they make.
Damn. Evil N Schizo is still going? Props for the determination, I guess.
Because nothing is good anymore. So maybe if nothing ever gets good enough, we can inspire a mass uprising to make cartoons great again.
Now what if
>Doll and Uzi believe that their families are dead while they gain a new family, something new for them to protect. And when JcJenson sends their parents to kill the rogue drones
>they must choose between their parents who have forgotten them or the human girl who fixed and cared for them.
What would happen?
It's actually a sci-fi horror comedy with a side of teen romance and H.P. Lovecraft.
why would you make a genuine reply to a bait post.
There's always someone who'd ask.
God it's so fucking obvious you are pretending to be two different people. Stop jerking yourself off, Poirotfag.
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At this point it's part of the game until Episode 8 releases. He has to keep it up no matter what.
I'm not Poirotfag.
the fuck is Murder Drones
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>the fuck is Murder Drones
A Youtube cartoon webseries created by Liam Vickers and produced by Glitch Productions.
It's set in the distant future where humans have been colonizing other planets beyond the solar system, with a robotic slave race of Worker Drones who do all the work for them. The humans on one planet wipe themselves out in a nuclear winter due to a collapse of the planet's core, allowing the drones to live their own lives, until a team of robo-vampire Murder Drones arrive with orders (supposedly) from their corporate overlords on Earth to wipe out all the workers.
The show starts with a Worker Drone named Uzi and a Murder Drone named N meeting and finding common ground against humankind, but after that, they start piecing together that there is a bigger, more horrifying force at work behind the slaughter.


Again, free to watch on Youtube if you took two seconds to search for it yourself.
I want them to make a plushie of Cyn already to finish the drone collection.
Live. I won't be around to bump if this hits page 9 again
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It's practically guaranteed that there'll be a Cyn / Solver-related plushie or merch with the next episode.
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Pretty cleaner.
Plus the Absolute Solver pretty much is Anti-God.
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Personally, when it comes to online animations, I think Murder Drones and The Amazing Digital Circus are perfectly fine but I prefer Skibidi Toilet over either.
It’s a troll post
he's the only faggot in the entire fanbase convinced that N is the actual villain.
>i'm killing you with hammers
>i want to throw a brick in her face
got very popular with the zoomers. standard internet keyboard warrior shit
Poirotfag, give it up. You were wrong and you always will be.
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>Satan brought Sin into the world
In light of that the centipede form was always a hologram, you really don't find it the least bit strange that N instantly recognized Cyn's true nature during the gala flashback in episode 5 and was actively covering for it? There's also the recurring element of the Solver needing invitation, and he was the one to personally invite it to the Gala.
Guys, you're being retarded mongoloids as always. Views accumulate over time and with replays. Not all at once and never again. It is not fucking television.
It should be.
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N got a gun, give him your mon
>schizoidal Poirotfag delusion
he didn't recognize shit. he still thought it was Cyn being weird even when strapped to a chair and about to be lobotomized
Why is this a gif
Why can't people save images in the proper format?
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here is my mon
He moves when you're not looking. He's getting closer. Run.
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lol this.
N is naive and was very clearly fooled the entire time back at the Manor. He thought Cyn was just quirky, not an actual threat. Tessa and J could recognise that something was extremely off about Cyn. N was convinced that there wasn't anything wrong with her, and it's not like he could actually know she was the vessel for Robo-Satan. Not because he's secretly evil, but again because of his naivity and innocence.
Poirotfag / Evil-Nfag is silly.
>Internecion cube
>IC0N a black cube that is the source of all evil
>has near perfect control of matter
>Murder Drones
>AbsoluteSolver is a literal King's pact demon
Liam is definitely an /x/ schizo
>Cyn plushie with hidden metal spikes so it can hurt you if you show it affection
>Liam is definitely an /x/ schizo
This would actually be really funny if true. Liam kind of fits the bill of an /x/ schizo given his unique autism.
Also based.
I'm still willing to hear fanwork recs.
>AbsoluteSolver is a literal King's pact demon
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The pain is how she shows love.
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Post drones
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Why are Solver-host drones so sexually violent?
They're turning into meat from the inside out.
Because in the Void, the Solver has no one to pleasure herself with. She has to put all her horniness in a drone to be able to fuck but still that's not enough
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>fuck a solver host
>the solver feels it
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holy shit...
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But what if the drones were human??
he didn't say that
>........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
>..........''...\.......... _.·´
Cute strigoi viu.
who is industry cuck?
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N's robo collar bones...
>Picks up on that the supposed ghost of his ex is the Solver fucking with him
>Picks up on to not go into the creepy basement with something or someone trying to break out of it
>Picks up on to immediately shoot the crying baby in a spooky abandoned facility with a pile of Disassembly Drone corpses at the entrance and spooky ominous warnings drawn in oil on the walls
>Supposedly doesn't catch onto stereotypical demonic possession happening right in front of him, while also just so happening to indirectly invite it to slaughter the monsters who created his kind just to torture them to death for fun
Just realized all this as I was writing this. The moment you stop projecting what you want to see and see what is actually there, exactly like with Tessa* in episode 6, his mask completely falls apart.
poirotfag, just stop. nobody bought it 4 months ago and they don't buy it now. and episode 7 obliterated your entire narrative in the same fashion that it obliterated matpats
Newfags gawking at this post not realizing shit like this was significantly more common back then.
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again, I'm not Poirotfag. episode 7 also lowkey confirmed it in plain sight while at the same time seeming to disconfirm it. I also can't help but notice that you didn't actually address my point there
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>>144651751 Notice how the hearts when he's posing in a fashion similar to the suicidally depressed Uzi in the concept art look artificial and the one where he's doing a well known meme pose to take pleasure in a massacre, for lack of better description, looks so much more sincere in direct comparison
>the same fashion that it obliterated matpats
Matpat's narrative gets obliterated by Episode 5, nevernind Episode 7. The fucking moneygrubbing con-man didn't pay attention at all for his low effort nonsense video.
>actual schizophrenia
sure buddy, N is totally evil, these two unconnected things are totally connected and only you picked them up
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It's going to be hilarious if Liam was projecting his own media literacy and was expecting for MatPat to go for the obvious of N being evil for extreme gaslighting ("come on, MatPat said it, you don't want to be a retard like him, right?") and was instead completely taken aback by the sheer retardation MatPat actually bestowed upon us of claiming the character that wakes up in a mass grave surrounded by crows with a yellow disposal armband in a piece of media that constantly directly tributes the media of the 2000s and extremely early 2010s is a Nazi. I also can't confirm it but am extremely suspicious MatPat actually contacted Liam/Glitch and attempted to partner with them/make his video canon as people strongly suspect he did with FNAF/Scott Cawthon and basically got laughed out of the exchange.
>Verification not required.
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I wonder who could be behind this post?
>Verification not required.
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He's got actual examples of this
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Post.... more.... drones....
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She supports and enjoys effectively the Sister show of The Amazing Digital Circus, Murderdrones. By supporting Murderdrones you are in effective also supporting her because it supports Glitch Studios, who do not the funding of a major corporation and change effectively nothing for their content. She follows the tweet by stating a fantastical, comical threat. It is comically because it is unexpectedly violent and absurd that she knows every individual who has not seen the Murder Drones finale, will somehow kill them with her car, and is so absurdly obsessed with Murder Drones that she will kill people over it. Of course, they will not actually do this, for it a type of humor that thrives on the social media platform X, formally Twitter.

That enough or do you need even more?
NTA but being genuine in all things is infinitely healthier than resigning to and allowing insincerity to reign.
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>It's another fucking TADC merch vid
I love both shows but come on. Feels like every vid has been Circus lately and the fact we don't have MD versions is such a missed opportunity
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Just have to see what Episode 8 brings. I really wouldn't worry about it too much. Sure, I'm sure it might suck a little bit that it feels like MD gets the short end of the stick due to how overwhelmingly popular TADC is. Despite MD being a suitably big show with tens of millions of viewers itself, the numbers that TADC have pulled are nuts because of the audience it's captured. Even if that audience may be comprised of a lot more children and Gen A types. You can't really expect Glitch to throw that sort of attention away.

Think about it like this, would you rather MD have TADC's popularity? I know for damn sure I'd fucking hate that. I like that MD is the more niche show out of the two and I honestly wouldn't want MD and TADC's places to be switched around - purely to avoid the pitfalls of TADC's huge fandom and it being more recognisable by normies.
Both shows are good. If you prefer one over the other that's fine too. I don't think there's any point in getting annoyed over which gets the most attention in terms of merch or whatnot. You can't really blame Glitch for capitalizing on TADC blowing up, it's just kind of how it is. The MD merch we do have is pretty good though, I'm getting all the acryllic stands myself because they look great. I'm sure the Ep 8 merch will be great too.
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Favorite JCJensen brand name
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Hottie drones
But which one is the hottest?
Tie between V and Lizzy.
i have a penis
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>Tie between V and Lizzy
Can you take on both of them?
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I'm not a monster, so Lizzy would have no interest in me.
The good old days
The UNO card meme doesn't work outside of Reddit and DIscord.

>moving the goalpost

This guy >>144630726 >>144630916 isn't me, you retards.


This thread is beginning to smell a lot like curry and open defecation.
>coping this hard and this long after those posts
It means gooseworx is trying to sound like a lolrandom manic pixie dream girl
Murder drones season 2 done instead in VN format would be neat.
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