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Remember having a Webcomics bookmark to check every day? Remember Anders Loves Maria? Remember THAT depressing shit?
No, I was reading one piece cause im not a flamming homo
>Remember having a Webcomics bookmark to check every day?
I still do, with RSS. It's not like webcomics stopped being a thing. And all the good ones are still hosted on their own sites.
>remember Catharsis about a girl and her pet dragon
>look it up
>search only brings up a webtoon with the same name
It's over
>Remember THAT depressing shit?
why was it so sad?
I think I remember reading Misfile before realizing it was tranny shit.
Is she fat or pregnant?
>not a flaming homo
>reads One Piece
a while ago I stopped being surprised at webcartoonists coming out as trans, and am now just waiting for the rest to stop lying to themselves
sir you are a rapidly deflagrating homo, other homos in your vicinity flame sympathetically, homos the next town over douse themselves with water and expect the worst
I wouldn't be here but for webcomics

curse you, webcomics, curse you
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Damn...what a sad story
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tfw Wendy is basically lost media now because the author hates it.
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Alright /co/, enough bemoaning the state of webcomics. There are still plenty out there, with more being made ever day. What are you reading now, anons?
picrel is Heliumadchen
I remember It's Walky. I remember Road Waffles. I remember Avalon. I remember way too much shit that either became awful or just vanished into time, forgotten. Knowing that era is gone is even worse. The internet is too vast now. Too angry and full of people who hate.
I heckin love Apocalypse Knight and Terriful!
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>Remember Anders Loves Maria?

Damn! I thought I was the only one! This is almost lost media. I managed to salvage about 78% of the comic pages, but no more...

But the most important thing is this: I have every single picture of that cute little redhead, in near order of appearance. Her name was Rena. (Pronounced Ren'a, according to the creator, though her actual never official mentioned or spoken in the comic.)
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Oh boy
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This thread just reminded me about a small little comic called Whatever which I thought ended back in like 2009 but I guess the author picked it up again in 2021. I can't imagine anyone reads it.
I read attlas shrugged because I'm a homo :(
i remember pretty consistently reading ava's demon and that one sol webcomic about the weeb living off his military stipend or some shit
Very often the webcomics threads I see on here are all about nostalgia. Why is that? I like webcomics, so I'd like to find new ones to read. Recommends for shit I already know about, or even shit people recommended literal decades ago, ain't gonna help.
The guy is less than faithful to his pregnant wife/girlfriend and she dies in childbirth. He's left alone to raise their baby
I still have bookmarks, although it's more like checking once a week to once a month to see if anything new has been posted.

Sleepless Domain, Twokinds, Order of the Stick, Faux Pas, and Megatokyo

The internet is fairly different today than it was back in 2000. It used to be that, if you wanted to find something, the best way was to get linked from one website to another. Now, it's about appearing on a social media platform that everybody visits or showing up at the top of a Google search. Making your own website is basically a recipe for obscurity, and most people who put out comics now do so on a dedicated website for hosting webcomics. Webtoon and Kemono Cafe are the two that I know about.

There's also the fact that it is incredibly easy to find websites hosting full runs of all sort of manga online now. Why spent time visiting a website to many see one new page when you can sit down and read basically every chapter of every english published manga over the last 20 years?

Also, the casual audience who used to read webcomics probably moved on to Youtube videos and are now on TikTok, just because of how much easier it was to provide them.

Geez, now that's a blast from the past.

Does anything from Smackjeeves survive or have we lost the entire archive?
One Piece is one of the most gayest anime of all time, its so gay that the gayness of the story never ends
Fat-fingered the keyboard
>Remember THAT depressing shit?
It would've been a lot more depressing if the comic gave me even the slightest bit of respect or empathy for the main dude.
>What are you reading now, anons?
I basically just read K6BD and Unsounded through the /co/ threads. I've been burned way too often by webcomics going to shit or getting abandoned to allow myself to get invested in them anymore.
Is this from the same artist as Pet Elf?
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I've tried reading Cassiopeia Quinn multiple times, but I can never manage more than a few pages at a time before giving up. I don't mean to come across as an edgelord, but the series is just so insufferably schmaltzy and twee, I feel my teeth rotting every time I refresh the page.
>That belly
Hot. Who's she digesting?
the freaky part is how many older webcomics and even archives of older webcomics are just… gone

like we took for granted that everything on the internet would just be there forever but really all it takes is some artist not keeping up with their payments or a hosting service getting shut down and if nobody had the foresight to back everything up then it’s just gone. and we’re not talking about shit getting lost to time over centuries, just in the span of a decade or two there’s stuff that’s just gone forever.
Bait used to be believable. Webp
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So, Muertitos: A Comedy of Dead Kids
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>new ones
3rd Voice by Evan Dahm (Rice Boy, Vattu) is the newest one I know of . As it happens, he publishes in sets of about 8 pages once a week, and also mirrors on webtoons.
Otherwise, Oliver Knorzer (Sandra and Woo, Gaia) started Scarlet https://www.sandraandwoo.com/scarlet/comic/the-machine-of-eternal-summer-001/ - not my cup of tea but some may like it.
And Widdershins is a long running comic still updating: set in pre-Victorian England, but has light magic and spirit entities
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This is a fun one from 2004
Also, only somewhat related but for whatever reason seeing shit like ".php" or ".html" on these old pages makes me enjoy them more.
What was that one that had black and white art and was about the zombie apocalypse? Lightly cartoony, had red highlights, very action focused if I recall. Can't be fucked to remember the name, but I liked it a lot until it got hit by a hiatus. Wondered if it ever finished.
i readed elf only inn and dr. mcninja
Elf only Inn dude is making a new comic now

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Anders Loves Maria fan/guest/satire comic
Another too risque even for /aco/: guest comic by Patrick Alexander 2008 https://files.catbox.moe/duq41f.jpg
>used to read paranatural
>became lame and isn't even a comic anymore
>used to read cucumber quest
>abruptly ended in the middle of its story
>used to read blaster nation
>got killed by the creators so they could focus on their super lame rock & roll sex comic where nothing actually cool ever happens
>used to read beyond the canopy
>creator is too busy to continue the comic and/or just doesn't want to do it anymore so it's been in limbo for years
Feels really empty when you used to wake up excited to see new pages, and now you just have nothing.
it's aggravating that webcomics are often a mix of the two worst parts of both the web and comics.
they're on the web, so anyone can upload anything, and they're comics, so they're usually not "popular" enough to continue for monetary reasons. all that means is most of the time, creators make whatever comes to their mind, upload it for fun, and then when it stops being fun and makes no money, whoops, no closure for you!
She's pregnant, anons.
Judging by the pancake'd head, I'm guessing she swallowed her own skull by accident
Funny thing is that it's always the low quality shit like QC or whatever the fuck David Willis is making nowadays that gets to survive with no issue. Is it a difference in marketing skills, or is that sort of thing just what people (read: general audiences who buy things) actually want to see?
it's definitely the consistency of the uploads imo. if it's coming out you can always check in like "eh, may as well it's a two second read", but if you can't even manage a weekly schedule for just a page then people just forget and rarely look back. and the lower quality it is, the easier it is to keep up with that schedule to the point where you can be big solely for being "the guy that never misses an update".
also it's way easier for people like him who got started early on to keep their momentum than it is for a new person to get it. even people that fell completely out of relevancy are in a better position than a nobody like me, like how maddox still has a comedy blog that gets readers despite literally nobody in the world starting new comedy blogs since... the mid 2000s?
Unironically, most of the comics I read as a kid were Vidya sprite comics, and basically all of them are lost media because they were hosted on a Nintendo themed fan site that kiketendo nuked in the late 2000s for no fucking reason.
At least Bob and George is still up.
I'm convinced there needs to some kind of tv show about the golden age of webcomics. It's a bygone era when the internet was wild, full of unhinged personalities and drama.

There's already websites and wikis that collected all the information. You could easily do a documentary or period piece that ends with the small sites dying and modern internet replacing them.
>But the golden age of webcomics is right now, just look at how much money, like, 3 companies are making! Don't you love infinite canvas phone comics where one panel takes up the entire page?
This is what the history of webcomics are gonna be, sorry. Same as people making "the history of web animation" and it's just ASDFmovies and storytime animators.
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So how long before we get a wave of AI art webcomics?
I think AI is too bad at making scenes with any level of consistency to make comics (at least, for the time being), but places like Webtoons are already testing the waters with AI assisted comics where you can draw a pose and then it generates a 3D model for you.
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I'm probably the only one who still remembers this one. wish they'd completed any one of the Buttlord sequels/prequels. I know the last one was dropped because Andy got a kid, but I don't know what happened to Nathan, or anyone else for that matter (except Eisu who started doing vtuber stuff of all things, and had a movie made out of one of his webcomics).
Ai is also really bad with text and giving the proper number of things.
Something with how the tech fundamentally works makes that basically impossible.
>also it's way easier for people like him who got started early on to keep their momentum than it is for a new person to get it. even people that fell completely out of relevancy are in a better position than a nobody
Really makes it all the more frustrating how Dobson crashed and burned so hard despite having a half-decent internet presence back then.
I remember discovering so many good comics just from being listed in the sidebar of other webcomics, it was a comfy time
kek! Accurate. I remember even the Questionable Content guy did a guest comic and referred to it as Anders Fucks Everything
yeah it's honestly not even an insult to say someone's popular because they were there before everyone else given how hard it is to maintain a consistent online identity for 20+ years without going insane in one way or another, especially for the kind of people who would even care about the internet in the 2000s (shut-ins, loners, creeps, etc)
honestly, when i hear people talk about wishing they got in the online art scene earlier i wonder if they realize it'd be more likely for them to end up as a cautionary tale and not an e-hero lol.
I can understand people wishing they got in earlier where at least there was higher chance your material could gain a following organically. Now? I don't fucking know how anyone gets their stuff out anymore both in webcomics and indie. The other anon is right where everytime you have a webcomic thread here it's just same recommendations from 10 years ago. It just points a sadder reality that not many people are reading webcomics, I don't mean the gag-a-day but stuff with actual plots/developments.

All the sites you need to use (twitter, Instagram, etc) are increasingly working against you. Your only hope looks to be if you randomly make one good joke that catches on or some bigger name throws you a bone. That's not even for big numbers but just to hit fuckin DECENT reach nowadays. Attention span are dropping, people are less willing to follow links offsites and feels if you didn't invest in doing animation then you'll be fucked for the future.

What the fuck are creators in 2024 supposed to do at this point?
yes. I have most of Jackie's old poon fanart
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As someone making their own webcomic, I'm just thinking about the comic tbqgdh. Put it on my own site, add links on TWC, Piperka, Comic Rocket, and rehost it on Comicfury for extra eyes, and then just see where it goes.
It's not something you should do if you want it to be the biggest thing ever or especially if you want it to be your job, but I want neither and am more than happy to forego hordes of twitter, Instagram, or Webtoons users who only want something to binge and not something to actually engage with, and it feels a lot more freeing knowing I won't have to worry about all that attention and can enjoy making it for myself if nothing else.
Social media actively working against you for just trying to post on it is why I abandoned that shit entirely and started posting exclusively to Newgrounds. It's far from a "large platform" but fuck me, at least I actually enjoy posting there. How many other places are there that aren't entirely fucked up the ass by bot swarms, opt-out AI scraping, data theft, an overall unlikable community, algorithms that punish you for existing, etc? Big social media platforms can't even do something as simple as showing me the posts from people I follow in chronological order, they always have to insert their own "recommended for you" bullshit in there to tank the experience.
That, and people actually care about my shit there. I don't have e-celeb status or anything, but I have slightly over 1k followers and that's about 800 more than I could ever get on any other platform.
It may not start my career or get massive numbers of eyes on my work, but fuck it, I'll be a niche then. It's second anon said: I'd much rather have a couple of people who actually really like and engage with my work than hordes of people who are mindlessly scrolling through as much shit as they can. You want the crowd that likes art/watches videos/reads comics/etc, not the crowd that "consumes content". God I hate that term so much.

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